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Times Advocate, 1997-04-23, Page 6
Page 6 Times -Advocate, April 2,3, 1997 FAMTT.Y Burgins talk about trip to Ethiopia and Kenya • They made the trip to Ethiopia and Kenya 'in connection with a Foodgrains project. By Muriel Lewis Granton correspondent GRANTON - Charlie and Flor= •ence McRoberts celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at a fam- ily dinner last weekend. A number of Granton residents enjoyed the annual beef supper, sponsored by Lucan United Church at the Community Centre, on April 17. Nora Wissel, Elsie Dann and Mu- riel Lewis frpm amnion Women's Institute attended the spring dessert tea and euchre, hosted by Clande- boye.W.I. at St. James Church Hall. April 15. Becky Kindree and Cathie West - man hosted the April luncheon and euchre at the Lion's Hall in the park on April 18. Elsie Dann had the high score and Jim Bakker the most lone hands, and everyone re- ceived consolation prizes. Several from Granton went with the Lucan Heritage Committee on April 19 to London to see "Wing- field Unbound" at the Grand Thea- tre. They had supper at the Great West Steak House. `FoodgrainsSunday' At Granton United Church on Ca- nadian Foodgrains Sunday, Pastor Normalie Voakes entitled her ser- mon "Love in Action". In a service of Holy Baptism, Ja- cob, son of Steve and Debbie Toll; was welcomed into the fellowship of the church. Jacob's sister Mor- gan helped prepare the font and the - choir sang the baptismal hymn. The service was ,preceded by a breakfast served by the Board of Stewards. Norman Bilyea and Lloyd Mardlin announced the. Granton U.C. kick-off for the Foodgrains project at $15 a row. Wesley United, Etobicoke _United and St. Patrick's R.C: Church, Lu - can have already had their kick- offs for the combined project. UCW Unit 4 met at Nora Wis- sel's home April 16. Leader Mari- lyn Humphrey opened with a medi- tation "Glory Be" and prayer. Betty Dann hontinued the pro- gram by reading an article from the Observer "Giving up my ordina- tion" by Peter Scott. Marilyn read that resurrection can lead town un- derstanding that one's actions can change the world. Betty closed with a reading, and the hostess served refreshments. At St. Paul's Anglican church, Kirkton, April 20, the Good Shep- herd Sunday,, Rev. Glenda Meakin led the communion service. The message was based on Psalm 23 and the relationship which God offers all who believe in him. The lessons were read by Robert Par- kinson and the minister. The annual spaghetti supper at St. Paul's on Sunday was well at- tended, as was the ham supper at St. James in St. Marys Saturday evening. Deanery meeting St. Paul's UCW hosted the spring Perth Deanery meeting at the church in Kirkton April 17. Rev. Glenda Meakin led the ser- vice of evening prayer when the lessons were read by Muriel Lewis, Helen Hardeman and the minister. The choir was in attendance and Mary Blackler sang "My Task". The message was about the how God provides. ACW president Rosemary Schaefer welcomed everyone and Norma Paul introduced Harold and Aileen Burgin, who showed slides and told about their trip to Ethiopia and Kenya in connection with the Foodgrains project. The Foodgrains bank was started in Winnipeg in the early 1980s. Ethiopia is one of the poorest coun- tries in the world and the people just live from day-to-day on what little they have. The Burgins were thanked by Kathy Blackler, and a donation was made to the project. Deanery representative Mary Blackler gave an update on the ACW in general. Joanne Blackler was in charge of registration, and the offering was received by Shir- ley Paul and Verna Blackler. A time of fellowship followed in the church hall, with desserts, tea and coffee served by the ACW members of St. Pauls. THEME CROSS WORD `DIVISION PROBLEM' For answers please turn to the Announcements ACROSS 1 Like Savalas 5 Outpouring 10 Fleet -footed , 14 Pioneer fur trader 19 Jar 20 Smog conditions 21 Actor Sharif 22 Rifle attachment , 23 Five-star review 24 Milky stones 25 Steak order 26 Egged on 27 Asiatic division: 4 wds. 31 Positive - particles 32 TV's Diamond 33 "— no evil" . 34 Conger 35 Streetcar- 37 treetcar37 And so forth: Latin abbr.. 39,Asiatic sea 41 Archive item . 45 Sharper 49 — Valley • 52 AM or FM • 53 Dumbarton tree 54 Garden soil 56 Landed estate 57 Convincing 58 RN 60 Pentagon ,nits. 62 Hanks or Hulce 63 Sports venues 64 Skirt around 65 DI's command: 2 wds. .68. "Don't touch that —"- 69 "69 Actor Russo 70 Cold War division: 2.wds. 73 Chilled down ' 77 Campus concerns: abbr. 79 The Three — 80 Bedroom • serenade 81 Dogfish 84. He said 'open Sesame!" 86 Sweet potato 87 -Ross of Texas 88 Found under 53 Across 89 Louganis, for one 92 Social event 94 Compass pt. 95 Narrow groove 96 Chord 98 Wash 100 Birthplace 102 Unable to hear 104 In favor 105 — Wendy Hiller 106 British decoration 108 Milk: pharm. 110 Mother — 114 Raggedy Ann 117 Ranchland . • divisions: - 3 wds. 12.1 Be in store for 123 Saturday TV fare 124 Remain • 125 Fathers 126 Sierra — 127 Tool for duel 128 Skipjack and Yellowfin 129 Out of the wind 130 Detroit dud - 131 Quiet time 132 Game -board square .1.33 Knitter's need DOWN 1 Icy floaters 2Hep 3 Carpenter's tool 4 Wishful thinker 5 Exhibit 6 See 125Across 7 Showy shrub - 8 — of tales . 9 Tanker insignia 10 Effort - 11 and the - Night Visitors" 12 Dress in Delhi 13.East Coast capital 14 Tucson campus 15 Gridiron division: 2 wds. 16 W. African republic• 17 Links event 18 Barber and • Buttons 28 Gossiped 29 "Most Happy 30 Compass tine 36 Goddess of dawn 38 Top exec. 40 Purpose 41Campus quarters 42 Biblical garden 43 Reporter Totenberg • 44 Tiny ones 45 Submarine gear 46 Grayish 'violet 47 Soap Box. • Derby site . 48 Air defense units 50 Confine in wartime 51 Dovecote sound 55 Marquand's Mr. 57 Adam's first son 59 WWII division: 2 wds. 61 Kind of mother .66 On the go . 67 Seek a judgment 68 VA -NC Swamp 70 McKellan, et al. 71 Top. for • instance 72 Riyadh resident 74 Prepared apples • 75 Notched, as a • leaf 76 Prevent • 78 Treat container 80 Spend recklessly • 81 Big party' 82 Eight: prefix 83 Early bird's breakfast • 84 Arabian port 85 Miss Ullmann 90 Finished 91 AAA suggestion 93 Track circuit 96 Cardigan 97 North Atlantic catch 99 Twelve o'clock 10.1 Fiscal agcy. 103 Breakfast • serving 106 Woodwinds 107 Stephen ` Vincent — 109 Chest lining 111 Florida city 112 Passover meal. 113 Krupp locale • 114 Roy's riding partner 115 Was in debt - 116 Vientiane, —.- 118 1948 Hitchcock film 119 Temples in Thailand 120 Special gathenng 122 — Aviv - E IV 0 cc m Pride of Huron plans 50th birthday • EXETER - Because Doris Den- . - ham had eye surgery. Bev. Camp- bell took the Noble Grand's chair and Jean- Hodgert PDDP took the vice -grand's chair at a recent meet- ing of the Pride of Huron Rebe- kahs. • A plant was sent to Emma Camp- bell for her 90ttt birthday. Dona- tions were -made to ,South Huron Hospital Auxiliary in memory of Leone -Brock and to the Arthritis Society in memory of Ella Willard. Sympathy cards were sent to Mar- garet McBride and Audrey Mac- , Gregor. Gloria McFalls feported nine sis- ters attended the District meeting in Brussels on April 9. Reports were given from Exeter, Clinton and Brussels Lodges on their year's work. Bernice Ford was appointed . .District Deputy President of Dis trict 23 for the year 1997 -98. -Each Lodge offered entertainment. The . afternoon ended with, a.supper pre- pared by Morning Star Rebekah Lodge, Brussels. - Committees have been preparing for the 50th birthday celebration on May 24. Everyone is welcome, members and friends. -Tickets may be purchased for $10 . from Lois McFalls,-Helen Coates, Doris Den- - ham or Jean Hodgert, before April 30. An invitation was received from Coronation Rebekah Lodge. Tees: Water. for their 60th birthday May 24 Tickets were $9. If you would like to go. contact Doris Denham.' A donation was made to the fall fair for the children's divis;on and the second best quilt division. Youth Group volunteers' The Exeter United Church Youth Group will be raking lawns on Saturday to raise money for Youth Group fellowship events, study sessions and speakers. Melissa Prout and Jason Miles are among the 14 volunteers who will be help- ing local residents with their spring clean-up for free-will do- nations. Interested residents can contact Judy Dougall at 235-1491. For appointment call: Kell' Rathwell at 263-2888 "GRAND OPENING SPECIAL" Purchase 10 Tanning Sessions For $35.00 Now Until May 3 or Give The Gift Of Gold With A SunSation Gift Certificate! Exclusively Australian Gold" products and clothing '5.00 per Individual session 5 mile north of Zurich Across trona Goshen Church. The group is'holding a hake sale. May IO..Donations will be grateful- ly accepted. Brothers Night will he•held April 28 in Ilderton. Barbara Tiedeman will be Pride of Huron's -representa- tive and Mavis Atthill will he the Scholar to the sessions in London. The annual church service will he • held at the Anglican Church at 11:00. Jean Noels told about a re- cent visit to Victoria Lodge in Lon- don and Elaine Skihner told about a visit to Royalty Lodge in Forest. Two memorial services were held at l -Topper -hockey Funeral Home recently - the first was April 6 for. Leone Brock and the second was ' April 14 for Ella Willard. After a game of Bingo. lunch was served: - 1 i■iiiii11 sues II ..•Sea.•ea•a......::1NI N 1:11182:1111:11111 . INT StiRii... N WitUltrilal N MU .s.N....u..u..N....••.... 11111111111111 t OS • LI • • a _!Z I1 • _ • •APPLIANCECENTRE II • 0 _" • 1 ® I411 ' '.:4.11 Now• 1 ,.., Limited Time ' ONLY..,in 1N\ R. S. . 1 *FOR oNE -FULL TE ' • **on 4-6) Ranges,) Dishwashers, St Washers, CE9-} Dryers, {) Refrig g erators throu hout the Store! M ow In ma ... .. i w lW . a N s r :: N Mu EN fii1i■1i■ =.i- ...� slY !,c ■ ------- d eeeee eN ■■ . I ee■• ill ■■■ II lit e■■■ II If III NI ■eeeee•■e •■ ■■e - a■iii■ e■■■ e■e es ecce 0 rr� A':400 o 41 eee■■■e '11 riii .. •. 1111 as 1 e•■5°e■■ se 11 5° Mil. . Easy Terms Available O.A.C. N n e■■e■ 2_ a•= 10 390 Main St. Exeter • Phone 235-0705 "Your Choice for ValueSales & Service :s •• •• •es e■■ .. El II eeeee a■■■■■ 11 11 fi■e eee i111■ • ■■■ ie■■ • ■ e•eee■ Id 11 iii■ . ■e■eEfii■■ ilii i�ee■ Ideee■■ wall" ■■■e IEfiiiii■■■ Ed ■ 86 ■■ a■e■■ e■■■■■ iii 90 iii euie■ 94 ■ e■■■■ • a■e■•■ ' ■e e■■©■■■ II ,a, ■■ II■■ 103 10 ■■ '141111 ■■ 1" 119 ��■ ■■■ 1,l 108 ■■■wee■■■ NI 110 ■ "I 112 016 ■ 122 123 ■■■ 129 ■■■e 129 ■e■ 126 • ■■■ 127 ■■e 129 ■■■■ 129 ■■■ 130 ■■®■ 131 - ■ 132 ■eee 133 e■■ Capsule Comments with Ernie Miatello An herbal moment: Echinacea is a popular herb • that research is showing to have some good. pharmacologic activity. There are many species of plant in the Echinacea family but the activity resides in the E. angustifolia and E. purpurea species- although some preparations may be adulterated. with Parthenium integrifolium which has no -activity. Used in the 1800s by settlers in the American West, who learned of it from the native Indians, it:was used -for the treatment of dizziness, rat- tlesnake bites, headaches, sore throats and as an antiseptic. Echina- cea was very popular up until the mid -1930s when sulfa drugs were discovered but it is making a come -back. However today. research is showing it to be an "immune -system boost- er". European studies are showing that the herb does stimulate macro- phages which are infection -fighting white blood cells. It's usually not taken routinely Many people take echinacea at the first sign of a cold and feel that it shortens the duration .and severity of the infection. It's available in drop and "capsule formulations. itHURON APOTHECARY Ltd. Phone 235-1982 440: Main St., Exeter "Your Health Care Pharmacy" sues II ..•Sea.•ea•a......::1NI N 1:11182:1111:11111 . INT StiRii... N WitUltrilal N MU .s.N....u..u..N....••.... .....a..•...es.s. • •Nue M! .N.Mi�N�.. t OS • LI • • a _!Z I1 • _ • •APPLIANCECENTRE II • 0 _" • 1 ® I411 ' '.:4.11 Now• 1 ,.., Limited Time ' ONLY..,in 1N\ R. S. . 1 *FOR oNE -FULL TE ' • **on 4-6) Ranges,) Dishwashers, St Washers, CE9-} Dryers, {) Refrig g erators throu hout the Store! M ow In ma ... .. i w lW . a N s r :: N =.i- ...� slY !,c ------- III . I 1:11 emi If - es ' ----to--�-- 0 rr� A':400 o '11 riii .. •. 1111 as 1 VISA se 11 Mil. . Easy Terms Available O.A.C. N n 2_ a•= 10 390 Main St. Exeter • Phone 235-0705 "Your Choice for ValueSales & Service :s •• •• •es •. • •• • ■• . •. • •• • .. . •. • •• • •• . •. . U. • •• • U. • •• • •■ • ... •• • •• • .. •. • .• . .. • •■ • ..