HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-04-09, Page 25CLEARING ESTATE AUCTION OF 100 ACRE FARM, MACHINERY, TRUCK, ETC. for the estate of the late Murton McLean, on #4 Hwy., just S. of ElginfieId, 6 Mi. N. of London Ont. Saturday, AprII 26, 12 noon PROPERTY: (Selling at 1:00 p.m.) Being Lot 16, concession 16, London Twp., on #4 Hwy. just S. of Elginfield. Consisting of approximately 108 acres, a solid well built old yellow brick 2 storey house, no conveniences. 3 bedrooms upstairs plus large room over kitchen. On main floor there is a parlor, dining room, 1 bedroom, kitchen and pantry and vestibule. Full basement. Dug well, New drltie shed, new cattle feeding barn and old bank barn. Only a few acres of bush and pond, balance workable. Farm has been well tiled especially the low land which produces good crops. Union Gas passes frontage of property. Excellent location to build your dream home or remodel the older home. Just minutes North of London and other local commuting communities. Immediate rental land income available. VIEWING; Sundays 2-4 p.m. April 13 and 20. TERMS: $40,000.00 down payment sale day, balance 30 days. Offered subject to a moderate reserve as executors wish to settle the estate. MACHINERY; Ford 5000 diesel tractor with cab, low hours, (real good), Ford 3 fur. 3 pt.h. plow, 3 pt. h. Bush -Hog, 28 plate wheel disc, 3 pt. h. cult., harrows, F.B. double disc, wagon and rack. MISC; L.T. 75 Ford lawnmower, walking plow, log sleigh, lumber, woven fence, snow fence, garden roto tiller, push lawnmower, fuel tank, platform scale, separator, fencer, blower, chain saw, anvil, vice, wheelbarrow, cross cut saw, box Tots, misc. etc. TRUCK; 1983 Chev Scotsdale 1/2 ton pickup. As is (runs good). TERMS ON CHATTELS: Cash or approved cheque sale day. FOR FURTHER INTO CALL (519) 439-6204, or the auctioneers. AUCTIONEERS Filson & Robson Phone/Fax: 666-0833 ESTATE FARM AUCTION SALE Of tractors, combine, machinery, vehicles, misc. etc. For the estate of the Late Lloyd Cowdrey, Lot 12, Con. 8, Blanchard Twp. (5506 Line 4). 2 1/2 mi. S.E. of Hwy 23, 5 Mi. S.W. of Kirkton, Ont. From Hwy. #7 go through Granton, until you come to Line 4. Saturday, AprII 12, 10 a.m. TRACTORS: Int. 886, diesel with cab, Int. 684, diesel with 2250 loader, Int. 434, diesel, W.6 Int. gas, Int. W.4 gas, duals 18.4 x 38. COMBINE; Case 660 gas, with 2 grain heads. MACHINERY; Kongskilde 4 row scuffler, Int. 4 row corn planter, Innis 520 bean windrower, 4 row bean puller, N.H. Super 67 baler, bale stooker, bale elevator, side rake, 4 fur. semi mount plow with spring reset, 15' Kongskilde cult. with rolling harrows, Smalley double disc, Massey #3 baler, S tyne cult., J & J gravity box and wagon, Innis windrow pickup, Letz grinder, manure spreadtr, McKee 8' snow blower, Owatonna 8' swather bush hog, mower, G.W. sprayer, flat rack and wagon, Versatile 400 152 swather, 15 k.w. 3 pt. h. generator, fert. auger. MISC; Rockwell band saw, small lathe, air compressor, power hack saw, 500 yellow brick, doors, windows, MTD roto tiller, old manure spreaders, piles of lumber and firewood, Moto Ski snowmobile, horse cutter manufactured in Kirkton, truck frame with hoist, 5 hp ele. motor, 1 1/2 ton vertical Ebersol mixer, assorted tools and hardware, farrowing crates, trailer, etc. etc. VEHICLES; 1988 Ford Mercury Grand Marquis car, will be certified, 1983 Ford 150 pickup, as is. 1964 Ford pickup as is. Many small items such as chain saws, table saws, upright compressor, tools and misc. of all kinds found at a clearing farm auction. Quantity of scrap iron. TERMS; Cash or approved cheque sale day. For further information (519) 229-8182 or 229-6417. AUCTIONEERS Filson & Robson Phone/Fax: 666-0833 FARM RENTED Clearing auction sale of farm machinery, some pig equipment, etc. for Mr. Herman Steffens, Lot 8, Concession 3, Biddulph Twp. South of Exeter to Mt. Carmel Drive, then 1 1/4 Mi. E. turn South. From Lucan go 1 Mi. N.W. then N 6 Mi. on Coursey Line. Saturday, AprII 19, 12 noon TRACTORS: Case/Int. 1896 4 w.d., air, cab, radio, low hrs., Int. 784 diesel. COMBINE; J.D. 6600, hydrostat, 23.1 tires, straw chopper, 215 flex head, 443 corn head. FARM MACHINERY; Kongskilde 18 1/2' cult. with harrows, Kongskilde 4 fur., hydraulic trip plow, J.D. 7000 4 row plateless planter with insecticide boxes, Int. 16 run seed drill, 20' harrowgator, 200 gal. G.W. field sprayer, Krause 10' wheel disc, Case 12' wheel disc, 15' rotary hoe, packers, 10' Kongskilde cult., 3 pt. h. 3 fur. Keverland plow, Heath 4 row bean windrower with conveyor, 1700 gal. manure tank on army truck frame, 900 gal. Badger manure tank, manure pump, Wain Wright irrigation pipe, 35 lengths 4" irrigation pipe, 35 lengths 4" 20' long Della Foundry irrigation pipe, irrigation gun on wheels, 200' of high pressure hose, 280' 2 1/2" high pressure soft hose on self propelled reel, Gehl high throw blower, 36' 5" auger on wheels, bean puller for back of tractor, Bush Hog mower, 16' flat wagon with hoist and sides, 2 gravity boxes on heavy wagons, 2000 gal. water tank, 8x10 tandem wheel livestock trailer, 2 wheeled trailer, Int. 510 double disc, J.D. 2500 5•fur. 16" plow, new Amazon 33 run drill, markers, complete. MISC; Stone bucket, 10' fert. auger, slide in box for 1/2 ton (ruck, T - bar weaner slats, 124' cement hog slats, cast iron hog slats, fiberglass weaner slats, hog feeders, farrowing crate with stainless steel feeders and fiberglass coated plywood sides, slide in camper for pickup truck, pig troughs, generator 25 k.w. 104 amp. on wheels, aerator, plus many parts and misc. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE WE ARE SELLING FOR WALLIS FARMS. GRANTON; J.D. Model 800 self propelled 12' swather, new canvas, good working condition, hay conditioner for J.D. 800 swather, 4 row Mauer bean puller, new knives, Innes 570 bean windrower, new canvas, (excellent), 4 row Symth rotary disc bean puller (Good), roof, beater, top portion rack for Dion 16' forage wagon, 4 row Triple K cult., J.D. Model 1240 6 row plateless corn planter with Dickey John monitor, Worksaver round bale grabber, swather cart, 125' x 9" silo pipes and 2 hoods, 6"x20' and 3" x 15' (with motor) Farmatic augers, Franklin heated water bowl. N.I. 4 wheel hay rake, kicker for J.D. 435 round baler, weight assembly for 3 pt. h. (1500 lbs.). For further info phone (519) 227-4378. TERMS; Cash or approved cheque sale day. AUCTIONEERS • Filson & Robson Phone/Fax: 666-0833 HOME FARM SOLD Clearing auction sale of farm machinery, vehicles, dryer, 50 acre farm, household, etc. For Gerald and Joan McEvoy, Lot 18, Con. 12, McGillivray Twp. (34526 Cassidy Rd., County Rd. 21) 1 mi. w. of Ailsa Craig then 2 1/2 mi. N. Friday, AprII 11, 12:00 noon PROPERTY: Consisting of 50 acres. Being part of S. 1/2 lot 19, Concession 11 McGillivray Twp., (straight east of the home farm), just south of Brinsley on Brinsley Rd. 35 to 40 acres workable, approximately 10 acres of bush. No buildings. Excellent location to build your new home, Lake Huron waterline and hydro etc. pass the property. TERMS: Property will be offered at the home farm auction at 1:00 p.m. with $10,000.00 down balance 30 days. Selling subject to a moderate reserve bid. Immediate rental income for workable land. TRACTORS; Versatile 500, diesel with cab, only 1700 hrs., Zettor 8045 diesel, front wheel assist, neW rubber, Leyland 255 4 cyl. with loader new tires, duals 28" complete. COMBINE: White 76, gas, with straw chopper, 15' Quick -Attach header with automatic height control, 4 row N.H. corn head, fits 7600, Cockshutt 545 gas, self propelled with chopper, 4 row wide corn head, 4 row narrow head, 13' straight cut head with pickup. MACHINERY; In. #10 18 run drill, bean and grain, N.I. cut conditioner #272, J.D. 44 plate wheel disc, Keverland 3 pt. h. 3 fur. plow, A.C. 18' disc with wings, semi mounted 4 fur. Case plow, Triple K 3 pt. h. plow, J.D. 1240 4 row plate planter, Triple K cult., 21' cult., 4 row bean puller, 4 row Innis bean windrower, Gehl harvester, 1 row corn head and hay head, Gehl blower, high throw blower and pipes, 2 flat racks and wagons, gravity bin and heavy wagon, Wilridge 7 fur. plow, 18" on land, 3 pt. h. complete, Int. #37 baler, 51'6" auger, PTO, 32" PTO hay elevator, Smalley mix -mill. DRYER; Portable continuos flow, 400 bu., M&W Model 255X, 3 million BTU's per hour. VEHICLES; 1984 Ford 1 ton truck with flat rack and hoist, 1965 Int. 1700 Load Star truck with hoist (good), 1977 Chev 1 ton truck with duals and hoist, 1976 3/4 Chev pickup, new tires and brakes, (will be certified), tandem 6 ton float electric brakes, beaver tail and ramps, 1963 40' Bluebird bus, V8 motor, 5 speed, converted to motor home complete with fridge, furnace, wash room etc. MISC; Badger 15' silo unloader complete, excellent cattle squeeze and head gate, old implements, several scrap piles, etc. etc. HOUSEHOLD; Propane furnace with pipes, propane hot water tank, microwave and cabinet, automatic dryer, crib, dressers, water beds, lamps, rollaway cot, table and chairs, high chair, chesterfield, coffee table, desk and chairs, sealers, rugs, etc. etc. TERML Cash or approved cheque sale day. For further Info (519) 293-3227. AUCTIONEERS Filson & Robson Phone/Fax: 688-0833 • • • 20 Property for Rent ONE BEDROOM BASEMENT APARTMENT - Complete with stove, fridge, washer, dryer, heat and hydro. $400. pa moth. 235.3625, leave message. EXETER - Main SL bachelor apartment, beated,236.4285.(15tfn) 21 For Rent MOTOR HOME FOR RENT - C Class 2T includes TV, microwave, furnace, air, awning, generator, bath, fridge, deeps 6. Rent duly, weekly or monthly. 236-7169. 22ForSale orRerrt AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - 3 bedroom mobile home in a country park - large addition - mature adults, no pee and preferably non-smokers. References and place of employment. Phone 237-3260 evenings or leave message (03tfn) 23 Wanted to Rent RECENTLY RETIRED BUSINESS COUPLE wishing to retum to Ontario requires a 2 or 3 bedroom home with dining roan, master bedroom en main floor. Desire Exeter or nearby area. Minimum one year lease. Direct replies to Mr. and Mrs. D. Stevens, Apt. 2, 370 Balfour Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 1N8. 204-453-3259 (11-18c) CASH CROP LAND IN Huron, Perth or Middlesex. We pay rent up frau or share crop, or a combination. Soil and crop management plans available upon request. Reply to Box 69P Exeter Times Advocate, Box 850, Exeter ON NOM 1S6. (14:16) L�vu iy.'LL G.K. Realty and Insurance Inc 284 Main St. Exeter Ontario (519) 235-2420 OPEN HOUSE 221 Andrew St. Exeter Sunday, April 13,1-3 p.m. r ,tiro •1 • ti $119,900 - 3 bedroom brick family home on 82' x 165' treed lot, near schools and rec centre. H.E. gas heat. Central air. • NEW LISTING 5000 sq. f1. bldg in 2 Exeter core comm. area. Great location. 4 r Gas heat. Paved parking. 'a • FINE DINING - Former Frenchman's Inn, Main St. Exeter. Excellent condition. Lot 158' x 165'. Owner apartment. Licenced. H.E. gas heat. Central air and vac. L • • CREDiTON - large cement block shop, gas heat, suitable for many purposes. CENTRALIA - Victoria St., Targe 3 bedroom, 2 storey yellow brick with new addition, plus large fenced lot. HENSALL - 1 3/4 storey fixer upper, large lot. Price $52,000 for rent or sale. Handyman's special. FOR SALE ZURICH - 2 storey home on nice lot, car garage, close to down- town. This would make good re- tirement home. CREDITON - 2 large lots, with gas, water, cable. LUCAN - one floor ranch with garage, spotless. Low 120s. JUST LISTED AILSA CRAIG - North 5 miles. 100 acres, with nice house, barn, shed, paved road, pipeline water. LUCAN house, land. CENTRALIA - Large shop, or storage with overhead doors, washroom, heat, fenced yard. CREDITON - large building on lot, suitable for all trades plus office. CREDITON - lot with fenced compound. Equipment and chattels included. t, EXETER 5 bedroom brick, near schools r and shopping. High ell. gas heat. Main r level laundry and family room with fireplace. Pool. Dining room. Commercial possibilities. HWY. 14 - Commercial/industrial • property in Hensall area. 20.000 sq. ft. plant. 1440 sq. ft. air conditioned office. s L Gas heat, environment certificate. . . • EXETER- 1.67 acre industrial property pa w/13,180 sq. ft. gas heated building. Air conditioned offices. Good condition. t r tom`, -e Sales Representative Dwayne Tinney 235-3889 RF/AX LANDMARK REALTY INC. 215 Piccadilly St. Suite 207 London, Ont. N6A 152 - 100 acre farm with orchard, shed, rental Member of Re/Max Platinum Club Ron O'Brien Assoc. Broker 439-1400 Times -Advocate, April 9, 1997 Page 25 COLDWELL BALKER .ALL -POINTS REALTY SERVICES MEMBER o- 24 HOUR AGIN 1 T r 1 EX TER OFF1 F I FXFTFR aFFICFF, I MEMBER oc w• r1ERUNG r •moi,%." Pat O'Rourke (RES) 237-3762 e -mall; porourke@hay.net EXETER OFFICE - 147 MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. M.J. Chanyi (REs) 235-1077 235-1449 B NueRR MEMBER O- 1 ZURICH (1FFICF 1 Jerry Zehr 236-4712 ZURICH OFFICE - 16 VICTORIA ST ZURICH, ONT. DiRECT LINE 24 HOURS 236-4712 CALL 237-3182 TOLL FREE FROM ZURICH AND GRAND BEND OPEN HOUSE COLDWELL BANKER NEW LISTING • -4 174 KING ST. HENSALL ONT. SUNDAY, APRIL 13 • 2-1 P.M. $104,500 • Host Pat O'Rourke 3 bedrooms, dining room, family room, gas heat central air, all appliances GREAT RETIREMENT SPOT r:i��►nl.cy�ys�:�� PAVED DRIVE, large utility shed, sunroom, 5 appliances, huge master bedroom. Move in by summer Asking 566,010 Call M.J Chanyi Sales Rep. IN THiS 3 .PLUS 1 BEDROOM bungalow with a pool in the back yard, finished basement with gas fireplace, full hath and extra bedroom, central air,, private fenced )card. Asking 5149,900, Call S1.J. Chanyi Sales Rep _ GREAT BEGINNER .1 i` AND THAT IS EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL throughout this 3 bedroom 2 storey home Finished lowet level, decorated beautifully, huge attached garage. Asking 5159900. Call 1 at O'Rourke or M J. Chanyi Sales Reps. CHEAPER TH:A\ RENT anew S' 4lompi 3 BEDROOM, 2 storey semi detached, full basement, large, porch, gas heat. Asking 568,000. Call M J. Chanyi Sales Rep. NEAT IMMACULATE DASHWOOD BEGINNER HOME newly decorated interior. Partially finished lower level Newer furnace. Move right in to this beauty 584,900 Pat O'Rourke. WHAT A BEAUTY 1 3 BEDROOM 2 STOREY oak kitchen with built in appliances, finished family nom with gas fireplace, central air Centralia. Asking 5142,000. Call M J Chanyi Sales Rep. NEARLY NEW - RAISED RANCH attached garage, quiet street, three plus one bedroom, oak kitchen, gas heat and central air, familyroom. Henssll. Asking 5147,500. Call M.Chan Sales Re NEW LISTING IMMACULATE, 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW large rooms, finished basement, attached garage, fenced yard, central air, move in condition. Asking 5146,00000. Call M.J. Chanyi Sales Rep. SUNNING IN] LRIOR 7 1 TAKE A LOOK AND COMPARE - this property for the price. Only 599,900. Fantastic renovated interior including new oak kitchen and bathrooms. Large shop and shed at the rear. Call Pat O'Rourke Sales Rep for your viewing. You won't be dila. • inted. • C• PERFECT BEGINNER two morns, main floor family room, utility shed, gas heat, paved double drive, spotless throughout. 1,ocated in subdivision near school and recreation Asking 599,999. Call M. . Chan ' Sales Re. CALI. I'AT O'ROURKE S 1I,t S RFi' TODAY ABOUT TIILSI. (,I(I \ I I'ROI'IIRTII.S 74 ANNE ST. EXETER 587,500 newly decorated, nice bright interior, large lot, gas heat 81 HURON ST. EXETER 589,900 - 3 bedrooms, Targe kitchen, main floor laundry, gas heat, huge lot, one level. 196 VICTORIA ST. CENT RAI.IA 589,900 - 3.1 bedrooms, gas heat, newer siding and windows, updated bathroom, double carport 178 MAIN ST. DASIIWOOD 392,500 - 4 bedrooms, completely renovated with new kitchen, bathrooms, siding, widows, walls, roof, gas fumace. 149 CENTRE ST., DASH WOOD 3109,900. 3 bedroom family home, titillated kitchen with oak cabinets, main floor den, large roomy. 173 CENTRE ST. DA SII WOOD 5128,900 - huge 1 44 acre lot on the edge of town Nicely decorated home. Wrap around verandah. Lots of curb appeal. RR3 DASIIWOOD 6.82 ACRES 5129,900 - 4 bedroom country home with a 2 bedroom mobile home set up as a granny flat. Call for details . 14 ROSALIE ST. ZURICII 5139,900 - What a beauly. This prestigious home also features a large workshop. Take a drive by and then call for your viewing. 159 WELLINGTON ST. EXETER 5139,900 • 3.1 bedroom family home. Finished on both levels Gas heat. Central air. Gas fireplace. 281 PRYDE BLVD, EXETER 5144,900 - What a location 4.1 bedrooms. Huge family room Gas heat. Central air. Backs onto open space. 292 MARLBOROUGH ST EXETER 5169,900 - onc year old ranch with partially finished basement. Gas heat. Incomparable value. ATTENTION FARMERS: There is still time to purchase a farm before spring planting. Call JERRY ZEHR "The Farm Seller" Direct Line (519) 236-4712 for information on these or any other farms for sale. OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY, APRiL 11 5-6 P.M. 11 MARY ST. ZURICH Good retirement or family home one block from St. Boniface Come and see for yourself Hosted by: JERRY ZEHR Direct Line (519) 236-4712. BAYFIEI.D FARM - 100 acres on paved road in Bayfield area Three bedroom house, 2 out buildings, silo, pond at rear of property. Call JERRY MIR Direct Linc (519) 236-4712 Xi -i i R 01,111111 it 11 _- tr - i LiSTED Excellent opportunity to fist time home buyer Three bedrooms, 2 washrooms, patio door to rear deck, full cement. Newer gas fumace. Owner may AVMS{ with financing. Call JERRY ZEHR Direct Line (519) 236-4712. REDUCED, REDUCED - No you can own T 2 storey brick house for only 579,000. Two washrooms, 3 bedrooms, main floor Laundry. sun porch. Call JERRY ZEHR Direct Line (519) 216-4712 .s- r iitsf ACRE COUNTRY HOME - Spectacular iew. Five bedroom home on paved road .rth of Dashwood. Steel drive shed, huge arm, lots of trees. 5129,000. Call JERRY EHR Direct Line 519 236-4712. JUST LiSTED - Immediate possession. 65 acres on paved road in Hay Township. Good tiled crop land or building site with spring well. Cail JERRY ZEHR Direct Line (519) 236-4712. IISiING 339,0x0. Once In a lifetime opportunity to own your own building for your own business at an affordable price For more info call JERRY ZEI{R Direct Line (519) 236.4712. NEW LiSTiNG - 5000 sq ft. commercial building In prime, down town highway location, plus 2 upper apartments Close M Lake Huton, Call JERRY ZEHR Direct Line 519 236-4712. EACH OFFICE IS AN INDEPENDENTLY OWNED ANO OPERATED MEMBER BROKER OF COLDWELL BANKER AMUATES Of CANADA COLDWELL BANKER • Ex ect the Best • COLDWELL BANKER • Ex ect the Best •