HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-04-09, Page 20Page 20 Times -Advocate, April 9, 1997 cnMMl1NITY_ Science Fair St. Boniface students Mitchell Bedard, !eft, and Justin Soudant were eagerly waiting for their science fair project to bejudged on Thursday. The grade 6 students designed a "3 Waterway" test designed to measure how much energy it takes to propel a floating object -powered by an elastic band and paddle -through three different canals filled with water, Crisco oil and tomato juice. The wooden*bdat travelled 62.0 cm through the water, 23.5 cm through the -oil and. 11.5 cm through. the tomato juice. The winners advance to the Huron County Science Fair in Goderich. • Zion women host .Breakaway The day featured a variety of speakers and entertainment. By Mary Peterson ' Centralia correspondent CENTRALIA - Zion West Unit- ed Church was the location for a surprise birthday party for Ellen Graham and Cliff Jaques on April 1 ".following choir practice. Everyone tiptoed down tate squeaky stairs to • the church basement and surprised ' the birthday folks. - Zion West Choir and Robert Gra- ham entertained everyone with sev- eral skits of scenes from'Graharit's and Jaques' earlier days. Robert Graha',i sang a solo "I'll Walk Be- • side. You", accompanied by talent- ed Marjorie_ Johns on the piano. There was. of course. a wonderful birthday cake shared by all. _ • *Ladies Breakaway On April 5. Zion hosted.an enter=. raining Ladies' Breakaway at Kirk - ton Community Centre. Margaret Hern welcomed ' everyone and •opened the program. The day in- cluded a variety 'of interesting speakers. . In- the niornmg. Owen Dykeman gave ideas for an enjoyable picnic -in the great.. outdoors. Faye Beaton spoke about her experiences in so-. cial work. The local . group.. Paul Brothers and Shirley. kept every- one laughing during their •variety show.• Guest speaker OPP Consta- ble George Finch gave a thoughtful presentation on crime prevention. Following lunch. the women lis- tened to tips on building an outdoor pond presented by Merv's Patio and-Shewan's Ornaments of Dub- lin. Anna Row chile gave two read-, ins., and Sandra Rowe provided ideas for interior decorating. Caro- `•+rlyn Johns . got everyone up. for stretch. To conclude the. day. Schaefer's Ladies Wear from St. Mary's provided a "spring fashion show with local women modelling. . Other activities during the week included shuffleboard on Monday evening at Centralia Faith Taberna- cle. All adults arc Welcome to the next- evening for shuffleboard on , April 21 at .7:30 p.m. There was, ais.o a good turnout for the Family Games Night: At Heywood's Restaurant last Monday. Anne Northey and Allen Berry were High Hand (' inners. The Special was _ won by Irene Theander; - Lone . Hand winners were Doris Pfaff and Charlie Rol- lings. ' . At Centralia • United Church. on April 5. • Student Minister Heather Scott's sermon • was entitled "1 Know You!" • Her message fo- cussed on the.suffering and scars of the cross which may be visible or invisible on each person. The lilies , on Easter Sunday were provided hy Jean Palmer in memory of her par- ents. broth( r and.husband. Lindsay ,Powe lit the Christ Candle. Worship activities On April 13. Zion Sunday School will host a spaghetti .lunch at 12:30 p.m. Worship on this day only will be 10 -a.m.. at Centralia United Church and_ 11:15 a.m.. at Zion West.. • Centralia U.C.W. will 'share their leadership talents during ,the wor- ship service on April 20 at Central- ia United Church. The service -will be held at the regular time of 11:30 a.m. Rev. Bob Balt from North Street United Churc.h in Goderich will lead the worship at Centralia and Zion West United Churches on April 27. Student. Minister Heather Scott will bc the guest speaker in, Goderich. Upcoming events Tuesday mornings. all women are invited to a Ladies Bible Coffee Break at Centralia Faith Tabernacle from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. A program 'is also available for the children. Centralia U.C.W. will hold their meeting on April 10 with • guest speaker Sandi Skinner. The meet- ing for Zion U.C.W. will he April 17 at ,8 p.m. On April 19. volun- teers are needed to help with the Good Sam' program in the after- noon at Centralia t'nitcd.Church. Call Alan Poor at 228-6557 or 'any .of the Stewards for tickets to the ham .supper at•Centralia United Church .on. April 12. There will he tWd sittinis'-' iit.4:30':and 6 p.m. This meal will' c41st S9 for adults and 54:50 for children aged' six , tb 12. • Oraee United Church in Tavis tock will host a workshop "What is Pastoral Carc?,," on April 16 from , 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thc cost to attend is 530. Minister Heather Scott has. • registration forums. At the South Hurpn • Rec Centre •on May. 4. Cavan. Presbyterian Church will present "Thc Torch- men"- in concert at 7 p.rrt. Tickets are 58 . in adsancc or 410 at the door: or 520 per family. For' more information. call 235-1495. London Conference weekend , A program entitled "Young Adults in Transition" will be held •• at the London Conference Annual • Meeting. May 22-25. Young adults ages 19 to 30 are invited to check the bulletin hoard . at_ the United Church for more information. Also at London Conference. chil- dren ages -eight to 14_arcinvited to attend a meeting "Children at Con- • ference." The cost is 550. and churches are invited lolhclp fami- lies offset the • cost. Registration deadline is April 10. Children will be, billeted with local children. For more information. check the bulle- tin board. •The Community of Churches Joint Worship Service will he held May 25. at Thames Road Church. Choir practices will he held at 7:30 p.m. on the Sunday evenings prior. Contact a member of the commit- - tee for more information about lo - catkins.. Last euchre games of season held in Shipka Six tables were in play at the Community Centre. By Annie Morenz Shipka correspondeiu SHIPKA - The last euchre of the season was held at Shipka Commu- nity Centre on March 26 with six tables in play. Winners were: Ladies high - Ha- ul Scott; Ladies low - Doreen Lightfoot; ladies most lone hands - Marg Baker; Men's high - Ross Pickering; Men's low - Jake Lager- werf; Mens most lone hands - Wal- ter Weber. Easter family gatherings Don and Sharon Baker hosted a family gathering for Easter. Annie Zielman and members of her family attended the annual "Janzen" family gathering, held Good Friday at the home of Erich and Kaethe Freiter in Dashwood. Around 40 erne from areas of London, Leamington, Essex, Zu- rich. Exeter, Simcoe and Port Franks. Ferman and Leota Snyder spent Easter Sunday, at their daughter's1 home. Suzanne and Otto Plein, Christopher and Melissa. With Earl and Marian Miller were their sons, Steve and Vicki and Laura, Grand Bend and Fred- die of Ingersoll. Happy birthday wishes go to Lorne Fenner this month. Sympathy goes to Mabel Fraser in the death of her brother-in-law William 'Clyde' Nicholson of Pe - voila, formerly of .Courtright. Fu- neral service was held April 1. Annie Zielman and members of Zurich Mennonite Church enjoyed a bus trip on Easter Monday, to Burlington to the 100 Huntley Street program. Special music on Easter Sunday al Greenway United Church was solos performed by Mary Lou Dix- on. Marg Baker attended a shower on Sunday for Vicki Poole, at the home of John and Marg Johns, Thames Road. Vicki is the fiancee of Baker's grandson. Mark Law- son, of St, Marys. Goderich man seeks federal nomination •GODERICH = Douglas Fines seeks the Huron -Bruce Reform nomination on April 28. He has taken an active interest in provincial and federal politics, serv- ing on the Huron Bruce Reform . Party Board for seven years as sec- retary, fundraising, membership and riding president. He was also campaign manager for Reform Can- didate Len Lohh in a previous elec- tion. in 1980, his welding supplies and industrial gas business in Goderich expanded to include medical home oxygen and equipment. A long-time Lions Club, Chamber of Commerce and church member, Fines claims "nothing of value comes without effort." Grade three student top story -teller Brittany Pilgrim will now go on to'compete in 'tobicoke at the Area Level. • By Lis Sangster Hensall correspondent - HENSALL - lite Hensall an' District Horticultural S,:. kety will meet on . April 14 at the Hensall United Church at 8 p.m. 'The speak- er will he Marjorie Phillips of Sca- tiorth who will discuss "Preparing • Your Hower Show: Rules and •Tips.•' 'Ilse theme flower for this meet- ing is the daffodil. Anyone who has . any daffodils or daffodil -related growing hints, :trivia or poems should contact Pam Hall at 236- 7640. New members are alwayts welcome. This year membership carries many privileges. including a free box of pansies and discounts at local nurseries. Thc 1996, yearbook. will also he available at this meet- ing. All members who are paid'up as of April ,10 will be entered in a draw for a free registration to the District 8. Convention on Anil 26 in Winghant' Anyone.who is inter- ested in gardening is encouraged to join. • - • Hensall '• Legion- congratulates Brittany Pilgrim.• a Grade three.stu- - dent of. Hensall Public School, 'on ' tieing successful at placing first in the story -felling 'category ,at' the District Icvcl • of public speaking which was held in Cheslcy on April 6. Brittari'y now advances to Arca Level and will he speaking in Etob- icokc on April •20. • Legion members are reminded of the meeting on April 9 at 8 p.m. Ei- ther of Zone Commander or his Deputy is expected ,to attend. The Seniors Dessert and Cards gather- ing is on April 10 at 1 p.m. and is open to all seniors. The Ladies Auxiliary has donat- ed a new 100 cup coffee perk to the Community Centre. • Nomination forms for the Parks Board • Volunteer appreciation awards are available from the Mu- nicipal Office and the Hensall Arc- na. individuals can be nominated in the following categories:. Service to Sports, Civic Volunteer. and Hu- manitarian Volunteer. Nominations should be submitted by June 2. May :31 is the annual village - wide Hensall Yard Sale. There will he sales on every street, -and many special events. Green - pickup .has started for Hensall village residents every Wednesday morning. Individuals interested in pickup should•call the. municipal office, by Tuesday after- main, to arrange pickup...Green waste includes grass clippings, gar- den waste,. branches, brush, etc. Branches and brush must be bun- dled and in lengths no longer -than four feet. Waste should be in con miners.' wheelbarrows, or card - hoard boxes. Please no plastic hags. . • `Dave Williams was the• guest minister, at Hensall United Church oh Sunday. Mark Garlough was the organist for the ministry 01 song. • Williams chose for his text "Seeing is Believing", and 'Magic Mo- , ment" was the story- for the chil- dren. The ushers were Gerry i]lcnn• and David Brock with Rayc Jacohc looking after the -elevator. The Sen- ior ,Choir will meet Thursday ;int' '7:30 p.m. An important congrega- tional meeting will be held imme- diately after worship service On April 13. The Official Board will meet on April 16 at 7:30 p.m. The annual Beef Supper will he held on • April 23. For tickets, call Margaret Cole al 262-2304 or any board member. Jan McAllister will be showing. slides of his trip to Ethiopia on Sunday evening, April 13 at 7:30 p.m. The Drop-in for Hensall Arca is April .10. Contact Marg Cole for details. Sympathy is extended to Les and Kay Gardiner on the sud- den death of their brother Bill. , The Hensall Legion ladies Auxil- iary had their meeting on April 20 with President Iva Reid presiding. A $50 donation - was made to the South Huron Agricultural Associa- tion, and $25 was donated to the Bowl for Millions Bowlathon for South Huron. The Auxiliary donat- ed a 100 -cup coffee pot to Hensall Arena with a Legion plaque.affixed to the coffee pot. The sports officer announced several bowling tourna- ments coming up in Goderich and Seaforth with one team to go. The annual Penny Sale was discussed: The Penny Sale will open on May 16 and the draw will be held on June 2. Plans were finalized for a wedding that the Auxiliary is cater- ing in April. .'iltere.will be a "Friends of Hen - salt UnitediChurcl1' Friendship and Fun Action" on May 3. The pre- view is from 5 to 7 p.m. The auc- ' Min begins at 7 p.m. This is a time --and talent auction. Donations arc welcome. For more information, phone Chuck at 262-2016, Linda at 263-5315, Janis at 262-3505, Deb at 26,3-5504,,or John at 2631-3034. Volunteers appreciated Queensway nursing home recognized the several church groups, service clubs and musical' groups that have volunteered their time throughout the year by hosting a volunteer appreciation party on Wednesday. Reverend DeGraw from Centralia was present and spoke on the topic of "serving our neighbor" including scripture from Sermon on the Mount, Matthew chapter six. Ladies Legion Auxiliary member, Martha Rooseboom, left, was an employee of Queensway for 23 yearsand retums to volunteer regularly. She passes out flowers to residerttSMurray Howe, Muriel Gunning and Mildred Gingerich. Canoeists compete for prizes By Joan Beierling Varna correspondent VARNA - The twelfth annual ca- noe rally sponsored by the Stanley Township Rec Committee held on Sunday proved to be very success- ful with the weather co-operating and 105 canoes going down the riv- er with 231 canoeists. • First prize poker hand went to Dan Johnson, second prize hand was won by [pug and Tracy Hum- phries and third prize hand went to Wayne Dunn. The final early bird draw for $250 was drawn at the canoe rally and the winner was Bit) Consitt. There are a few truck tickets left for the draw to be held May 31 with a dance and lunch. Contact the Stanley Township Office or any rec committee member if you're inter- ested.. • The Stanley Township Baseball .registration will be held April 12 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Stanley Complex. T -Ball costs $15 per child and Tyke to slo pitch will be $25 per child or $50 per family of three or more. There is to be a new slo pitch team for boys and girls ages 15 to 18. Please bring your Health Card numbers. Anyone in- terested in helping with teams call Lauren Love at 263-5349. The spaghetti supper that the Teens Youth Oroup hosted was successful with all proceeds going towards the Teens Urban Plunge in Toronto. All teens planning to go . must speak to Tracy this week to confirm plans. 'Thc Five Alive . Committee is looking for volunteers for a. Youth Choir. Contact Heather Laurie if interested. Five Alive is also look- ing for volunteers to run the sound system and also to any individual or groups wishing to perform at the Light and Lively Variety Fair on June 8 presented by the Five Alive Committee. Contact a Five Alive Committee member if you have any recitations, anecdotes, recollec- tions, jokes, dancing musical num- hers as soon as possible. President Debora Rathwell opened the April U.C.W. meeting with a poem on "Volunteers". Marjorie Stirling and Mary Os- trom were in charge of the devo- tion. Both Varna and Goshen are invit- ed to the following Thankoffering meetings: Habitat for Humanity, April 8 at 8 p.m. in Kippen; and in Bayfield, April 9 at 7:30 -p.m. at the Hayfield United Church. John Far- quhson will be speaking on his family with the missions in Brazil. The April Event will be held in Exeter United Church on April 21 at 6:30 p.m. with special music by the Three Generations and theme speaker will be Rev. Cheryl Ann Stadelhauer Sampa. The planning meeting for the fall rally is to he held in Walton. Carol Simons announced Camp Menesetung is having their camp opening on May 3 and any help would be appreciated. Call Carol if interested. The wish list for Camp Menesctung will be on the bulletin board in the church. This year, Camp Menesetung will be celebrat- ing 50 years. Thc next meeting will be held May 1 with Sharon Chuter and Marg McClymont. 'The Stan Lee Club met on April 2 at 8 p.m. Floyd McAsh enter- tained on the piano before the meeting. Marj Stirling and Anna Keys both gave readings. The Club has been invited to en- tertain at Hurenview on April 16 at 2 p.m. Anyone able to bring cook- ies is to call Anna Keys at 263- 5360 hy April 13. 7.one 8 - 22nd Spring Rally will be held at the Zurich Community Centre on April 17 with registra- tion to begin at 9:15 to 9:45 a.m. All members are invited to attend. Ivan McClymont reminded the club of the Tri -County. Senior Games. They will take place in Lu• can Arena on June 16 and 17. Entertainment was given by Bill Pepper on his violin, Bill Linfield on his banjo, Doug Stephen on his guitar and accordion and Ralph Stephenson on piano. Euchre was played with prizes to Bill Pepper, Ina Neeb, Ralph Ste- phenson and Dorothy Stephen. Lone hand prizes went to Helen Pepper and Floyd McAsh. The next meeting will be held May 7 at 8 p.m.