HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-04-09, Page 13!, N1.i.NesexLam! ti Second Section - April 9, 1997 E-MAIL Get your own address only $7.50 per month All -Inclusive Computers 235-2132 Rummage sale, a worth -while shopping experience The rummage.sale -and auction, sponsored by the South Huron Hospital Auxiliary, has taken a life of its own after shoppers have:emerged from:the s -ale telling stories about the deal they got and who they had to -climb over to get it hunters •are usually lined -up out to the parking lot before the doors open. • - "We always say 'open the • doors, and run!"' she said, de- scribing the mad rush that en- sues after the sale starts: "A - lot of people know what they - want and they_ know exactly where it is because the layout is the same .. from year to year.,, . . • • - On the opening night of -the sale, most people swarm into the recreation centre . and head straight for the "oval room", which is known to hold more :expensive :cloth- -ing, before they . rummage through endlessracks of clothes in a mad frenzy. "If you find something you - want, : hold- .on to it and get out of the way," said Cooper, at a Toss to explain the zoo - like atmosphere of the sale. "I don't know if it's 'the cheap prices or if people just - get caughtup in the excite- ment." -. - Cooper said shoppers don't need to rush and suggests Thursday is the best- time to shop. • "There's more time to look around _ and people aren't pushing and shoving," she said, dismissing the popular , notion_ that items are picked . • over after -the first- night. "A lot of the goad stuff is kept b0ek = and re -stocked on Thursday," she added. The sale is -a vital fund-- raiser und-raiser for South Huron' Hos- pital.and the money it gener- ates will become more important in the future as health care budgets decrease: Cooper said it s ,existence will always depend upon the generous donations f(om the community . and ,fie many volunteers who,hel 'organize the sale. A. ' ' "We- can .al woe use more help and it's not all work," she said. "It really is a lot of fun." The calm before the storm. File photo, from left, .volun- teers Karen , Etherington, Vera' Armstrong, Marion Skinner and Brenda Hovius pose among the various items on sale at last year's rummage' 'sale and auction before the flood gates open. The fundraiset'spohsoted by the South Huron Hospital - Auxiliary generates approxi- mately $16,000 for "the betterment of patient care" from two sales held in Octo- ber al'd April. The rummage sale has gained a repta- tion over the years as being the ultimate bargain -hunting experience.. The spring sale this year is on April 16 from 7 to 9 p.m. and on Thursday 'from 1Q a.m. to 2 pm. with the auction starting at noon \Thursday. Townwide pickup of donated items , takes place Wednesday morning. Right, Dorothy Bullock, pho- tographed last year at the sale, sold four boxes of hats in one night. Bullock is a hospital auxiliary member and has helped with all as- pects of the fundraiser for more than 20 years. By Chris Skalkos itemized; priced and put out T -A Reporter on display in -.time for the 7 p.m. opening. Items left over EXETER - The South Hu- from the sale are picked up rorr Hospital Auxiliary rum-- by the Goodwill store in Lon - mage and auction sale on don. • April 16 and 17 is a:win-win According to Shirley Coop- situation. The event raises er, a committee consisting of money for a' good cause, hospital auxiliary members is shoppers walk "away with organized to . coordinate the bags full of bargains and eve- event, but they depend heavi ryone has. fun in'the process. ly on outside volunteers to Twice a .year,, the hospital help pull off the mega -sale. auxiliary holds the sale at the "It's entirely run by vol - South - Huron - unteers and men Recreation Cen- - "Everybody are welcome too," tre to raise mon- - tries to do their said Cooper, add- ey"for the better-= -part. It's - ing about 100• vol- ment `of patient unteers, county - care. The two- amazing, the wide, show up to day event, is the number of help that day. biggest fund people who Some of them raiser for , the come out to • have been involved auxiliary, net -•volunteer and with the sale for _ ting • ap- some of them more than 30 $1` a�years, year. • have been 16,000"Everybody tries The- rummage- doing the same to do their part. It's sale, which job for years." amazing, the num takes place eve- ber 'of people who ry April and Oc- 'come out to vol- tober, has been attracting peo- . unteer and some of them ple since it first began in have been doing the same job 1954. . _ for years," said auxiliary - • Originally held at the "Old committee member Pat Opera House," where Dar- Down._ "It really is a com- ling's Grocery store now munity effort:" stands, the sale raised $450 , Clothing, furniture, jewelry, after canvassing - town mer- plants; books, glassware and chants. for donations. The sale countless other articles donat- eventually' moved To—other •ed to the sale come mainly sites including the old arena from Exeter with some cloth - (before it was condemned), ing 'shipped in from Grand and the Legion. The hospital - Cove Estates in Grand Bend. auxiliary began to hold two According to auxiliary mem- sales a year and by 1966, it ber Shirley Cooper; anything raised more than $3,000 per • and everything is accepted. year. After outgrowing the "We'll take it in boxes, bags Legion hall, the fundraiser _ or whatever else you want to moved to the present South put itin," she said.' Huron Recreation Centre Over the , years, the rum - where in 1991 it raised a mage sale has gained a col - record $18,300. orful reputation of taking a The two-day fundraiser be- life of its .own after •people gins early • Wednesday morn- have emerged from the sale ings when volunteers collect telling stories about the deal the donated items left • on they got and who they had to street curb -sides. Articles are climb over to get it. • transported to the recreation • "It's a mob scene," said centre where they are sorted, Down, adding eager bargain 'TOOL 8 /.,m...,.ArRENTAL at the DIA center STOP SPRING REN AL LAWN SWEEPER 4 Hour Special $39 LAWN AERATOR ' 4 Hour Special $35 HYDRAULIC POST HOLE AUGER 4 Hour Special $48 --�- w PiCK-P Do4t a'� AND AVAILABL EXETER 235-4441 By Chris Skalkos itemized; priced and put out T -A Reporter on display in -.time for the 7 p.m. opening. Items left over EXETER - The South Hu- from the sale are picked up rorr Hospital Auxiliary rum-- by the Goodwill store in Lon - mage and auction sale on don. • April 16 and 17 is a:win-win According to Shirley Coop- situation. The event raises er, a committee consisting of money for a' good cause, hospital auxiliary members is shoppers walk "away with organized to . coordinate the bags full of bargains and eve- event, but they depend heavi ryone has. fun in'the process. ly on outside volunteers to Twice a .year,, the hospital help pull off the mega -sale. auxiliary holds the sale at the "It's entirely run by vol - South - Huron - unteers and men Recreation Cen- - "Everybody are welcome too," tre to raise mon- - tries to do their said Cooper, add- ey"for the better-= -part. It's - ing about 100• vol- ment `of patient unteers, county - care. The two- amazing, the wide, show up to day event, is the number of help that day. biggest fund people who Some of them raiser for , the come out to • have been involved auxiliary, net -•volunteer and with the sale for _ ting • ap- some of them more than 30 $1` a�years, year. • have been 16,000"Everybody tries The- rummage- doing the same to do their part. It's sale, which job for years." amazing, the num takes place eve- ber 'of people who ry April and Oc- 'come out to vol- tober, has been attracting peo- . unteer and some of them ple since it first began in have been doing the same job 1954. . _ for years," said auxiliary - • Originally held at the "Old committee member Pat Opera House," where Dar- Down._ "It really is a com- ling's Grocery store now munity effort:" stands, the sale raised $450 , Clothing, furniture, jewelry, after canvassing - town mer- plants; books, glassware and chants. for donations. The sale countless other articles donat- eventually' moved To—other •ed to the sale come mainly sites including the old arena from Exeter with some cloth - (before it was condemned), ing 'shipped in from Grand and the Legion. The hospital - Cove Estates in Grand Bend. auxiliary began to hold two According to auxiliary mem- sales a year and by 1966, it ber Shirley Cooper; anything raised more than $3,000 per • and everything is accepted. year. After outgrowing the "We'll take it in boxes, bags Legion hall, the fundraiser _ or whatever else you want to moved to the present South put itin," she said.' Huron Recreation Centre Over the , years, the rum - where in 1991 it raised a mage sale has gained a col - record $18,300. orful reputation of taking a The two-day fundraiser be- life of its .own after •people gins early • Wednesday morn- have emerged from the sale ings when volunteers collect telling stories about the deal the donated items left • on they got and who they had to street curb -sides. Articles are climb over to get it. • transported to the recreation • "It's a mob scene," said centre where they are sorted, Down, adding eager bargain