HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-04-09, Page 6Page 6 Times -Advocate,. April 9, 1997 FAMILY ¶HEME CROSS WORD 'DIGESTING JESTING' Fot answer please turn to the bouncemenfs ACROSS 1 Actress Pinkett 5 Rabbit tail 9 Ballerina's lump 13 Erie or Panama 18 "Spin City" star 19'Cry of alarm: 2 wds. 20 1961 homer 21 Author Zola • 22 Speaker of the quote: 2 wds. 24 In the know 25 Pulled a scam. on 26 Biblical mountain 271 "Krazy -" 28 Pink table wine 29 soda 30 Start of a quip. 5 wds 37Nova - 40 Olive -- 41 Reinstate 42 Chemical compound 43 Primary 45 Author Uris • 47 Barbecue part 48 Part•2 of quip: 5 wds. 52 Very popular 63 Troy, NY sch. 54 Cable network 55 Memo phrase: 2 wds. 56 Norman Vincent . 58 Receipt figure: . 2 wds. . - 62 "Roots" role . 64 Give and take 65 Futile 66 Stirs a muscle • 67 Singer Amos '68 Cheapskates. 71 All worn out 72 Additional comment 76 Tante's husband 77 Counselor 78 Miss Piggy ward. 79 Chesspiece 80 Ultimate degree 81 Part 3 of quip: 5 wds. 88 Hired thug 90 Endure 91 Active dance ' 92 Ggurr er• 93 Mounting: 3 -wds. 95 Inlet 122 Polygon part. 96 Aorta, for one . 123 Male progeny 97 Part 4 of quip: • 5 wds. 102 Owns 103 Give a ring 104 - Lunas, NM 105 Makes simpler 11Q Movie stars' cars 113 French composer 114 End of the quip- 2 wds. 116 Make - - for oneself • 117 Military freshmen 118Very thy. on wine labels 119 - bargain 120 Stork or shoebill 121 Rooters DOWN something 32 Fencer's choice 1 Traffic snarls 33 Worn away 2.Jai•- • 34 Astaire movie: 3 "Phooey!" 2 wds. 4 "Diana" singer . 35 Pipken, for one 5 She's in the pen 36 Manacle • -6-Yoga point 37 Buddha mount 7 Eastern church 38 - B. DeMille member • 39 Mythical B Silverheels'-role creature - 9 'Vcu betcha.'-to . 42 Ukraine -and Klaus - • - - Kazakh. once: - abbr 10 Delete 11 Crows weary 12 Suffix . 13 Fragrant. trees . . 14 Talismans - •15 Little bite' -16 Pintful, perhaps 17 Went first - • 20 "Shaken. not • stirred drink 23 Move through the tulips 29 Odor . • 31 Suffers from 43 Flirtatious girf 44 Pismire • 45 Periods .of • - sacrifice _ 46 Ireland 49 Laurel or Musial'. 50 Punished. in a way . - - 5 1 Vasarely's genre: 2_wds. 57 Moran or Gray 59 Mr. Knievel. 60 Indian - princess's garment 61 Agave plants 62 North or South 63. Gota Secret" 64 Casper's cry• 66 Power 67 Work hard 68 Ulan Bator resident 69 Chant 70 Reds owner 71 Some marbles 72 Referee's call 73 Sydney - 74 Former Chief Justice Roger - 75 Termini 17 Workers 78 Cuny's partner 82 Medicinal plants. 83 Plays with . 84 Abominable. • - Snowman. -85 Jesus acronym • • Sparks visit Blue Water Rest Home ZURICH - Tuesday -.evening members of the Auxiliary visited Blue Water -Rest Home to entertain the residents, Marlene Gingerich -was chairperson- -and.- introduced Grace Martin who played the auto- harp. accompanied by her husband Irvin on •the harmonica. Monica Gingerich _ was pianist • xvhile her husband. Richard played the saxo- phone. Lottie Grenier read an East- er reading' and ina Neeb read an Easter poem. Donuts -were served by Mary Ellen Gingerich. Mary Lou Erb and Marie Gelinas. Wednesday afternoon- tea. was sersed hr Nancy Campbell: Adju- vant and Ann -McBride. Hobby Room -Convener... In the evening the Grand Bend Sparks visited the home under the leadership of Victoria Murray and Glenna Britton. The Sparks . ,5-6 years oldt:made pictures for the res- idents and- framed the pictures with painted tongue' depressors. The Spark. rc:ightcd rhymes'and sang songs to entertain the residents. Resident Ruby Hogganh also re - sighted one of her childhood frog poems from memory. Alexis Mur- ia!, Brittany Britton, Brittany Fa- rhat. Laura Sharrow, SarS Steeper. Carrington Regan. Cindy Regier, Jennifer Winship, •Alanna McTav- ish and Julia Roberts gave their pic- tures to Hilda Rader. Ruby Hog - girth. Dorothy Bapty, Florence Denomme, Hertlen Schlundt, Doro- thy Dietnch, Elda Wagner. Freida .Moore. Sarah Stewart, Mabel Kyle and Susan Leslie were presented • with' framed pictures 'made by- the .Sparks. Sarah Stenhouse was. ab- sent but sent her picture along for one of the residents. . Rev. • Jack Patterson. Bayfield • United Church conducted Thursday afternoon •Chapel Service. Father Matthias Wronski, St. Boniface Church celebrated Mass. Bible Study was' led on- Wednesday morning by Della Gasho. Zurich Mennonite Church. - Sunday. afternoon the Goderich Harboraires visited the Home under the leadership of Paul Howe. Bob Davidson'sang Rose of Tralee and Bendermeer Stream. The choir sang many -favorite tunes - "Let Me Entertain You. Let There Be Mu- sic, River in Judea." just to name a few. Monday morning Rev. Brian and Mrs. Williamson led- the residents in:song. as they had done the previ- ous "week. on Match 31. while the Adjuvant was -on vacation. • `Easter Sunday. Service was en-• joyed at Zurich Mennonite Church by residents Bob Carson, Mabel Kyle. Roy Gingerich, Susan Leslie, Philippa Steckle and BWRH apart- ment tenants Beatrice Rader. Sele= dp Steckle and Marie Gtngench. Condolences to the family. and fnends of the late Gertrude Del- phine Durand who passed away in her 90th year at Blue Water Rest Home on April 4. 1997. • The home requested decks of playing cards and they are slowly rolling in. Soon the residents. will be able to enjoy.a new game. - The residents look forward to Gen Fashions on April 8. bowling April 9 and their first bus outing of the season on April 1 I 6emaetelitiAAAAAN.A f` �l C1 BBllll).1I. 'I'E\'Ft FOR 111.\ 1'! Tanning a garden party, outdoor wedding. family reunion or special event? Excellent Rates and Service ' """5'""225-2345 Prospect Hill 86 Little Siamese 87 Nice time/ 89 Out: 2 wds , 94 'Star Trek" weapon 95 Makes up on the spot: wds. • 96 Offered for breeding: 2 wds. - -98 Florida city 99 LikeCheenos 100 Round lumps 101 Woman in Muslim .paradise • 106 Venomous - snakes 107 Missile stoner . - .108 First place • - - 109 Red and Black 110 Regulations 11l - quandary - • 112 Insane - 113 Suntan lotion 1- abbr. 115 Suffix for social Arena donation The Zurich Bean Festival made a donation of more than $1D,000 to the Zurich Arena for the purchase of anew ice surfacer. Pictured from left are Festival President Jody Durand, Treasurer Michelle De Paepe, Village Reeve Dwayne La Porte and Arena Manager Jim Ram- er, - The festival hopes to continue to support the Community Centre during these times of financial cutbacks. Dashwood W.I. elect officers DASHWOOD -.The Dashwood W.I. meeting held April I opened with anexercise to detect errors in a poem "Lament of the Spell -Checker:. Eve- ryone became alert as •the 'individual jokes were read. A poem "Golden. Chain of Friendship" was read. The roll call-was•the payment of dues and • to repeat the motto of their W.I. program. Annual - reports were given by secretary Restemayer: Treasurer Frieter, auditor Hoffman -and co-ordinator Becker. Members -were reminded of the District Annual in Seaforth May 15 and District Picnic in Exeter July R. A donation was given to the Exeter Fair Board and items.for the W,I. fair ex- hibit were read. •- - The election of officers was introduced by the words "Want to give up'' - Try something new." TheTslate of officers was read by Florence Martene. Thank you. secret -pal and program plannign 97-98 followed. Florence Martene gave two readings "W.i. into the Future"•and -"Radio Sound Im-. ages". The group celebrated the rest of the evening exchanging gifts; lunch, fellowship and good luck -superstitions. ' The Slate -of Officers for 97-98: • - Past President - Martha Weigand President - Katharine. Becker, Secre- tary -.Dorothy Restemayer. Ass. Secretary - Brenda Sheppard. Treasurer - Kaethe Freiter. District. Director -. Martha Weigand. Alternate - Florence .Martene • - Nominating Committee - Gloria Beierling; Florence Martene. Pianist - Ruth.Stire, Auditor --Maud Hoffmap,,Program Co-orindatbr..- Katharine Becker. Press Reporter - conveners. ' Conveners - Citizenship and Legislation. - Martha Weigand. Family and Consumer Affairs - June Rader. Agriculture - Aldene Wolfe: Canadian 'Industries - Ruth Sure, International Affairs - Brenda Sheppard.. Tweedsmuir - Maud Hoffman. Nominating Committee - Gloria Beierling, Florence Martene. Capsule Comments with Ernie Miatello A•recent study has estimated the cost of non- compliance with medications in Canada . at be- tween S7 billion to $9 billion annually: Much of this. is due to unused medications that are not taken either due to a misunderstanding of the importance of the drug or simply inability to-tot- erate side-effects. - Other reasons for medications not being taken include the doctor changing to a different drug, the patient feeling better sa stopped tak- ing the drug, or simply did not want to take the drug. Non-compliance is a preventable problem because it.is.mainly a human. behavounal problem. Attitudes and knowledge play -an important role here. The more you know about the medications you are taking, the less the. problem of non-compliance becomes. - There are. moves in some provinces to control massive waste of drugs by controlling quantities dispensed. Even without. rules: it's wise not to • get -a huge quantity till.it's proven the drug is the right one for you. Our..goal in our pharmacy is to help you understand the medications you. are taking and to ensure that you and your medication -taking- are not in future non-compliance statistics. Before you take it. talk about it! Lets keep non-compliance to a minimum . ' HURON APOTHECARY Ltd. Phone 235-1982 440 Main Si. Exeter 'Your Health Care Pharmacy" STANLAAE CEMENT 'W1--4%-• CONTRAC`1'0R • Concrete Forming • Foundations and Pours - !Impressed Corcrete • Driveways and 3;dewaiks R.R. 2 Grand Bend, Dan (519) 243-3261. Bruce (519) 238-2522 - TOWN & COUNTRY HOME COMFORT replaces. Sas .5 °mpar High Effic:erci=vrraces. Oil • Gas • P'ooane A1r Condit!cmrg Hot Water Heater Rentals •. Oil • Gas 4 your adund the •:acv itroce 359 Mali 5t. Exeter 15191 2352032 N.C. JONES & SONS LTD. Sand. Gravel. Topsoil • Excavation •Backfilling • Lansways • Parking Lots • Loading and Hauling • Snow Removal Bus: 235-2489 Res.: 2352815 Clinton Community Credit Union Lula office 1>a Men 51. 5519-2354840 Fax 1.5132354281 Curios Office 18 Ongda 5L 1519-482.3487 Fax 1.515-482.3743 Buying, Building or Renovating? Finance witb us! re 1111 GLAV1N EAVESTROUGHING R.P N1, Centralia. Ont IOM ttt4 4 AND 5 NCH • Saaaess Madules iNatr Leal screen Soel - Facevino'Aluminum Shiners Steel Rooting /0• eon No Free Bomar Gerry (519) 2284295 Home Improvement Specialists Advertise Here Stewarts Home Renovations ince 1971, Liman. Ont. =crrn s Design Pccf ;ca a. (519) 227-4033 BAN -WELD SAW & BLADE LTD. Sales and Service Authorized dealer for Tecumseh and Briggs & Stratton. Authonzed M.T.D. Service Dealer Sharpening Service and Small Engine Repair Wood Splitter for Rent BILL WILDS 153 Victoria St. Crediton. Ont. (619) 234-6339 Home Improvement Specialists Advertise Here 1 HE HOME OF THE WEEK... HOME IMPROVEME\T SPECIALISTS )• -0. --- 1444•00 IPA '•.__- NA:'- =LCCR LAN •'•1440 •4J0. 4W. • .1,4,•11 ' •.a.ae We• N•,••4 TYNAN DESIGN LTD. :. bi9•:Cal" 1"14-.• • AtMER °LCCR ALA;, .I•I9.40 4(.Xt 4A•. ' .1.• w �. Pian vo..,B- 142'96 1427 SQ,FT, EFFICIENT LAYOUT ADR COMPACT Dam At 38'0' wide by 49'6'. this home will fit on a variety of today's smaller lots. The living space has been arranged to provide a comfortable and spacious environment in a relatively low square footage. Enter into a- foyer brightened by an overhead window An open plan for the living and dining room creates a large area for formal entertaining which features a vaulted ceiling and boxed out window seat in the living room. The kitchen offers a practical 'u' shaped work area with plenty of cupboard and counter space, a pantry, and a handy work island. The family room, open to the nook and kitchen, provides a comfortable area for informal gatherings and features a Cory gas fireplace. The den. set apart from the main traffic areas, would make an ideal study room or library. Upstairs the master boasts a three piece ensuite and a walk-in closet. The games room, with (he.addition of a closet, could be used as a fifth bedroom, and features a vaulted ceiling and a boxed out window seat. An unfinished basement awaits your own creative touch. Plans for 47019006 may be obtained for $495.00 for a package of five complete sets of working pnnts and $45.00 for each additional set of the same plan. Allow $15.00 extra to cover the cost of postage and handling (6.C. residents add applkable sales tax to plan total), (Al! Canadian residents add 7% GST to plan total plus postage and handling.) This is one of our new designs. Many innovative plans are now available in our r home plan catalogue for $13.85 including postage and handling and 7% GST. Ptease make ail cheques, money orders, and Visa or MasterCard aurhontattons payable to: Tynan Design nc. c/o Exeter Times Advocate Plan 4f The Week. 13859. 108th Avenue, Surrey B.C. V3T 21(4. •ViY• Your most • e ;..airy/ EQUIPMENT knrHT-4u RENTAL CENTRE 0 We 237.3466 1.800.265.2901 RR3 Dashwood (Mt. Carmel) rrrronrthir GORING • vinvi • Carpet • Ceramics • Hardwood Excellent selection of carnet Ind vinyl remnants • arofesstnnal Installation 467 Main St., Exeter 235-4401 cross from Canadian Tire ••:ltii:i ENSALL STRICT •Q/[Mrvn .,upiete Une .d Building Materials roots' WMBER • CEMENT DOORS WINDOWS' HARDWARE PRESSi1RE TREATED WOOD PROPANE • ELECTRICAL PLUMBING & HEATING SUPPLIES 2364393 235-2081 Zurich Exeter Home •Improvement Specialists Advertise Here Largequantity of "• "inn stock" Wallpaper, also 500 sample books to choose from Penn - Sundries • fiMtwarfa Exeter Decor Centre r is Oldlsy St Exeter 235-1010 rbehirrd Bank of Nova Scotia Home Improvement Specialists Advertise Here I S F 7 8 9. 19 ■ 12 +3 14 15 •'; 1 . 11111 ® 19 ■■■is ■■■■ ■■■■ 2? ■■"- II■■■■ 24 ■■ ■ ii ■III ... ■ IMIll 14 15 16 3; til i9 ■ - 40 ■■ ■S2 ■■■■■ 11144 .iA ' ■■ ill. ■■ •n ■■ Nil 52 ■■ ■ ■■ =•5 ■■■ ■■■■ - ■■ •,o r✓,. • '• ■■ �.: n3 ■■■ 64 ■■■■■ ■■■ -., ■e■ fi ■■■ ® 4,• x: ■ .. ■ ■ as ■■■• •. i ■■■■ 3•1 ;, ■■•c rot. ■■■ •12 ■■ �■ toe ■ osar. fns •09 114 1•6 ■■■ ■ t19■■■ 119 ■ •■ Sparks visit Blue Water Rest Home ZURICH - Tuesday -.evening members of the Auxiliary visited Blue Water -Rest Home to entertain the residents, Marlene Gingerich -was chairperson- -and.- introduced Grace Martin who played the auto- harp. accompanied by her husband Irvin on •the harmonica. Monica Gingerich _ was pianist • xvhile her husband. Richard played the saxo- phone. Lottie Grenier read an East- er reading' and ina Neeb read an Easter poem. Donuts -were served by Mary Ellen Gingerich. Mary Lou Erb and Marie Gelinas. Wednesday afternoon- tea. was sersed hr Nancy Campbell: Adju- vant and Ann -McBride. Hobby Room -Convener... In the evening the Grand Bend Sparks visited the home under the leadership of Victoria Murray and Glenna Britton. The Sparks . ,5-6 years oldt:made pictures for the res- idents and- framed the pictures with painted tongue' depressors. The Spark. rc:ightcd rhymes'and sang songs to entertain the residents. Resident Ruby Hogganh also re - sighted one of her childhood frog poems from memory. Alexis Mur- ia!, Brittany Britton, Brittany Fa- rhat. Laura Sharrow, SarS Steeper. Carrington Regan. Cindy Regier, Jennifer Winship, •Alanna McTav- ish and Julia Roberts gave their pic- tures to Hilda Rader. Ruby Hog - girth. Dorothy Bapty, Florence Denomme, Hertlen Schlundt, Doro- thy Dietnch, Elda Wagner. Freida .Moore. Sarah Stewart, Mabel Kyle and Susan Leslie were presented • with' framed pictures 'made by- the .Sparks. Sarah Stenhouse was. ab- sent but sent her picture along for one of the residents. . Rev. • Jack Patterson. Bayfield • United Church conducted Thursday afternoon •Chapel Service. Father Matthias Wronski, St. Boniface Church celebrated Mass. Bible Study was' led on- Wednesday morning by Della Gasho. Zurich Mennonite Church. - Sunday. afternoon the Goderich Harboraires visited the Home under the leadership of Paul Howe. Bob Davidson'sang Rose of Tralee and Bendermeer Stream. The choir sang many -favorite tunes - "Let Me Entertain You. Let There Be Mu- sic, River in Judea." just to name a few. Monday morning Rev. Brian and Mrs. Williamson led- the residents in:song. as they had done the previ- ous "week. on Match 31. while the Adjuvant was -on vacation. • `Easter Sunday. Service was en-• joyed at Zurich Mennonite Church by residents Bob Carson, Mabel Kyle. Roy Gingerich, Susan Leslie, Philippa Steckle and BWRH apart- ment tenants Beatrice Rader. Sele= dp Steckle and Marie Gtngench. Condolences to the family. and fnends of the late Gertrude Del- phine Durand who passed away in her 90th year at Blue Water Rest Home on April 4. 1997. • The home requested decks of playing cards and they are slowly rolling in. Soon the residents. will be able to enjoy.a new game. - The residents look forward to Gen Fashions on April 8. bowling April 9 and their first bus outing of the season on April 1 I 6emaetelitiAAAAAN.A f` �l C1 BBllll).1I. 'I'E\'Ft FOR 111.\ 1'! Tanning a garden party, outdoor wedding. family reunion or special event? Excellent Rates and Service ' """5'""225-2345 Prospect Hill 86 Little Siamese 87 Nice time/ 89 Out: 2 wds , 94 'Star Trek" weapon 95 Makes up on the spot: wds. • 96 Offered for breeding: 2 wds. - -98 Florida city 99 LikeCheenos 100 Round lumps 101 Woman in Muslim .paradise • 106 Venomous - snakes 107 Missile stoner . - .108 First place • - - 109 Red and Black 110 Regulations 11l - quandary - • 112 Insane - 113 Suntan lotion 1- abbr. 115 Suffix for social Arena donation The Zurich Bean Festival made a donation of more than $1D,000 to the Zurich Arena for the purchase of anew ice surfacer. Pictured from left are Festival President Jody Durand, Treasurer Michelle De Paepe, Village Reeve Dwayne La Porte and Arena Manager Jim Ram- er, - The festival hopes to continue to support the Community Centre during these times of financial cutbacks. Dashwood W.I. elect officers DASHWOOD -.The Dashwood W.I. meeting held April I opened with anexercise to detect errors in a poem "Lament of the Spell -Checker:. Eve- ryone became alert as •the 'individual jokes were read. A poem "Golden. Chain of Friendship" was read. The roll call-was•the payment of dues and • to repeat the motto of their W.I. program. Annual - reports were given by secretary Restemayer: Treasurer Frieter, auditor Hoffman -and co-ordinator Becker. Members -were reminded of the District Annual in Seaforth May 15 and District Picnic in Exeter July R. A donation was given to the Exeter Fair Board and items.for the W,I. fair ex- hibit were read. •- - The election of officers was introduced by the words "Want to give up'' - Try something new." TheTslate of officers was read by Florence Martene. Thank you. secret -pal and program plannign 97-98 followed. Florence Martene gave two readings "W.i. into the Future"•and -"Radio Sound Im-. ages". The group celebrated the rest of the evening exchanging gifts; lunch, fellowship and good luck -superstitions. ' The Slate -of Officers for 97-98: • - Past President - Martha Weigand President - Katharine. Becker, Secre- tary -.Dorothy Restemayer. Ass. Secretary - Brenda Sheppard. Treasurer - Kaethe Freiter. District. Director -. Martha Weigand. Alternate - Florence .Martene • - Nominating Committee - Gloria Beierling; Florence Martene. Pianist - Ruth.Stire, Auditor --Maud Hoffmap,,Program Co-orindatbr..- Katharine Becker. Press Reporter - conveners. ' Conveners - Citizenship and Legislation. - Martha Weigand. Family and Consumer Affairs - June Rader. Agriculture - Aldene Wolfe: Canadian 'Industries - Ruth Sure, International Affairs - Brenda Sheppard.. Tweedsmuir - Maud Hoffman. Nominating Committee - Gloria Beierling, Florence Martene. Capsule Comments with Ernie Miatello A•recent study has estimated the cost of non- compliance with medications in Canada . at be- tween S7 billion to $9 billion annually: Much of this. is due to unused medications that are not taken either due to a misunderstanding of the importance of the drug or simply inability to-tot- erate side-effects. - Other reasons for medications not being taken include the doctor changing to a different drug, the patient feeling better sa stopped tak- ing the drug, or simply did not want to take the drug. Non-compliance is a preventable problem because it.is.mainly a human. behavounal problem. Attitudes and knowledge play -an important role here. The more you know about the medications you are taking, the less the. problem of non-compliance becomes. - There are. moves in some provinces to control massive waste of drugs by controlling quantities dispensed. Even without. rules: it's wise not to • get -a huge quantity till.it's proven the drug is the right one for you. Our..goal in our pharmacy is to help you understand the medications you. are taking and to ensure that you and your medication -taking- are not in future non-compliance statistics. Before you take it. talk about it! Lets keep non-compliance to a minimum . ' HURON APOTHECARY Ltd. Phone 235-1982 440 Main Si. Exeter 'Your Health Care Pharmacy" STANLAAE CEMENT 'W1--4%-• CONTRAC`1'0R • Concrete Forming • Foundations and Pours - !Impressed Corcrete • Driveways and 3;dewaiks R.R. 2 Grand Bend, Dan (519) 243-3261. Bruce (519) 238-2522 - TOWN & COUNTRY HOME COMFORT replaces. Sas .5 °mpar High Effic:erci=vrraces. Oil • Gas • P'ooane A1r Condit!cmrg Hot Water Heater Rentals •. Oil • Gas 4 your adund the •:acv itroce 359 Mali 5t. Exeter 15191 2352032 N.C. JONES & SONS LTD. Sand. Gravel. Topsoil • Excavation •Backfilling • Lansways • Parking Lots • Loading and Hauling • Snow Removal Bus: 235-2489 Res.: 2352815 Clinton Community Credit Union Lula office 1>a Men 51. 5519-2354840 Fax 1.5132354281 Curios Office 18 Ongda 5L 1519-482.3487 Fax 1.515-482.3743 Buying, Building or Renovating? Finance witb us! re 1111 GLAV1N EAVESTROUGHING R.P N1, Centralia. Ont IOM ttt4 4 AND 5 NCH • Saaaess Madules iNatr Leal screen Soel - Facevino'Aluminum Shiners Steel Rooting /0• eon No Free Bomar Gerry (519) 2284295 Home Improvement Specialists Advertise Here Stewarts Home Renovations ince 1971, Liman. Ont. =crrn s Design Pccf ;ca a. (519) 227-4033 BAN -WELD SAW & BLADE LTD. Sales and Service Authorized dealer for Tecumseh and Briggs & Stratton. Authonzed M.T.D. Service Dealer Sharpening Service and Small Engine Repair Wood Splitter for Rent BILL WILDS 153 Victoria St. Crediton. Ont. (619) 234-6339 Home Improvement Specialists Advertise Here 1 HE HOME OF THE WEEK... HOME IMPROVEME\T SPECIALISTS )• -0. --- 1444•00 IPA '•.__- NA:'- =LCCR LAN •'•1440 •4J0. 4W. • .1,4,•11 ' •.a.ae We• N•,••4 TYNAN DESIGN LTD. :. bi9•:Cal" 1"14-.• • AtMER °LCCR ALA;, .I•I9.40 4(.Xt 4A•. ' .1.• w �. Pian vo..,B- 142'96 1427 SQ,FT, EFFICIENT LAYOUT ADR COMPACT Dam At 38'0' wide by 49'6'. this home will fit on a variety of today's smaller lots. The living space has been arranged to provide a comfortable and spacious environment in a relatively low square footage. Enter into a- foyer brightened by an overhead window An open plan for the living and dining room creates a large area for formal entertaining which features a vaulted ceiling and boxed out window seat in the living room. The kitchen offers a practical 'u' shaped work area with plenty of cupboard and counter space, a pantry, and a handy work island. The family room, open to the nook and kitchen, provides a comfortable area for informal gatherings and features a Cory gas fireplace. The den. set apart from the main traffic areas, would make an ideal study room or library. Upstairs the master boasts a three piece ensuite and a walk-in closet. The games room, with (he.addition of a closet, could be used as a fifth bedroom, and features a vaulted ceiling and a boxed out window seat. An unfinished basement awaits your own creative touch. Plans for 47019006 may be obtained for $495.00 for a package of five complete sets of working pnnts and $45.00 for each additional set of the same plan. Allow $15.00 extra to cover the cost of postage and handling (6.C. residents add applkable sales tax to plan total), (Al! Canadian residents add 7% GST to plan total plus postage and handling.) This is one of our new designs. Many innovative plans are now available in our r home plan catalogue for $13.85 including postage and handling and 7% GST. Ptease make ail cheques, money orders, and Visa or MasterCard aurhontattons payable to: Tynan Design nc. c/o Exeter Times Advocate Plan 4f The Week. 13859. 108th Avenue, Surrey B.C. V3T 21(4. •ViY• Your most • e ;..airy/ EQUIPMENT knrHT-4u RENTAL CENTRE 0 We 237.3466 1.800.265.2901 RR3 Dashwood (Mt. Carmel) rrrronrthir GORING • vinvi • Carpet • Ceramics • Hardwood Excellent selection of carnet Ind vinyl remnants • arofesstnnal Installation 467 Main St., Exeter 235-4401 cross from Canadian Tire ••:ltii:i ENSALL STRICT •Q/[Mrvn .,upiete Une .d Building Materials roots' WMBER • CEMENT DOORS WINDOWS' HARDWARE PRESSi1RE TREATED WOOD PROPANE • ELECTRICAL PLUMBING & HEATING SUPPLIES 2364393 235-2081 Zurich Exeter Home •Improvement Specialists Advertise Here Largequantity of "• "inn stock" Wallpaper, also 500 sample books to choose from Penn - Sundries • fiMtwarfa Exeter Decor Centre r is Oldlsy St Exeter 235-1010 rbehirrd Bank of Nova Scotia Home Improvement Specialists Advertise Here