HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-03-26, Page 27r 50th WEDDING
The fancily of Neil & Gladys
Gingerich wish to invite
relatives,Jr riends and
neighbors to an
in honor of their parents ase.\
Zurich Mennonite Church ; ' ,
Sun., April 6, 2:30 p, m• - S para.
n Best wishes only , rL
Emily McLeod and the tat
RLeonard McLeod of Exeter fire
. pleased to announce the
marriage of their daughter,
Bonnie to Rob, son of Tom and
Diane Hart of Petrolia. The
wedding ct'ill take place Sat.,
April 5 at 6:30 p.m. at the
Parkhill Community Centre,
Parkhill. Open reception to
follow at the Parkhill
Page 26
r?. -17411
BORSAIlI • Phil. Lynn. Annehese and
Kateruta .ue thrilled to announce the birth of
Jackson Andrew Peter on \Iamb 8. 1997 at
Stiatlord General hospital weighing 6 lbs.
14 oz.. Proud grandparents are Bev and Ann
Sou{ sun, St. Marys and Horst and Gem
Bornath. Evcter Great-grandnutthers are
Dorothy Park. \Inchell and Hein Kaune.
Lu.an Thanks to the OB staff at SL Mans
Menumal Hospital. Special thanks 10 Di.
I).ots. Dr. Jew son. 1)r. Whitmore and Karen
. Kochi 11*
Ile'N'I' - Stephen and Michele are pleased to
announce the sate arrival of their son. Nich-
olas Mark. Men March 12. 1997. weighing 7
11•s t oz. Spoiling pmdcges go to.grandpar-
euts. Bob and•Ehzaheth hunt and Grant and
Ada Trichncr and to -great-grandmother.
l .mice ('easer. 13'
IS;\ \(' - David and Barbara rejoice in The
set.• an n al of Amy Joy. torn March 5. 1997
at co Joseph's. Health Centre. weighing 10
11s 1 t or Delighted are her sisters Tasha..
Rchck.ih and Sarah..As well. a tenth grand-
chtl l for Ken and Jean Isaac. Parkhill and .
3 -nth tau tides Preszcator. Forest. . 13c
LYNN - Philp and Luanne inee Wardell)
welcome with love their first child. Jordan
italph. 9 tbs.. horn on March 13. 1997 a1 St.
Jose rh's Health Centre. A second grandson
civ Italph and Gwen Lynn of Lucio and first
gt.uiLchld for Arnold and Audrey \\'arde11
of .\dsa Craig. :\ little.nephew for Susan. Ed
rid 1) ,sue. Joe and Debbie • • 13c.
• W.\RR • IVINGSTONE) - Jeff, Kelly
and bug st ter Kennedy ate blessed with a
new addition to *heir family. Cassidy Kim-
berly. horn Match 13:.1997 Proud grandpar-
s air (Chan seed Donna-Livingstongrandpar-
ent.r and Red mut Marion Warren, London.
tissue you to f: ly and friends for jour
los and supp(at. 13c
11JNBO11' - Kim.
I .iii are happy -to
Itcui,iuiiu. Reid "B
1 i 1097• wei$huti-•
cs 111 kngni A •i'e,
Public Hospital. 1)r
nig stun. as well :n
•Past Nurser at Vic
Craig and big brother
announce the hinh of
en" was born on March
10 Ib 2 az and 21 inch-
ed th:utks to the Clinton
Bacgckr and the nurs-1
the nursing staff at the.6
tong Hospital.' An extra
spec id thanks to \like and Chris 11'inbow
and la, and Eugene \Voodley fol all their
hvlp and support while Ben was in the hospi-
tal 1 hank sou to all our friends for their_
kind woods and well «i,hes We hope by the
time you read this. Item will tie home safe
andsouud 13c
In Memoriam
BECKE K - In loving memory of a dear
mother and grandmother, Verna. who passed
away 6 years ago. March 27. 1991.
Sadly mussed along life's way.
Quietly remembered every day.
No longer in our lives to share.
But in our beans. she's always there.
Sadly missed. always loved. and never for-
gotten. Always. John. Mary and family. 1 3c
BOON - In loving memory of John. who
died April 2. 1996.
We came to Canada to share our lives.
In tanning you excelled:
h was your hie!
Then cruel fate gave you quite a blow
'i'ou got M.S. •
And slowly you had to let go.
What you went through,
No one can understand! •
Faith in Cod gave you strength.
To carry on. until the end.
Sadly missed by his wife. Truus, and fatni-
ly, . 13•
In loving
memory of
Joel Evans
who left us
so suddenly
on March
28, 1994
Love all his
FINTELMAN - At the Mitchell Nursing
Hone. Mitchell on March 17. 1997. Peter
'Fintelman of Kirkton in his 88th year. Loved
. husband of Alie (Van der Brink) Fintelman
and the late Escrtje (Hol) Fintelman (1964).
Dear father of Rudy.and Tina. Dick and Ver-
na. An and Marion Finleltnan.-Marie and
Jack Korevaar, Ryder and Eleanor. Rick and
Henny Fintelman, Eef and Neil Sedore and,
Jane and -Ross Sedore. Also survived by 3.
grandchildren and 43 great-grandchildren.
Ikar brother of 2 sisters in the Netherlands.
Predeceased by a son Arnold . and a great-
grandson Damson Marchese. Rriends called
at the Hopper Hockey Funeral Hoene. Exec-
' era and during the two hours prior to the Fu-
neral Service which was held at the Mark-
ham Missionary) • Church. 5438. Major
MacKenzie Drive East. Markharh: (between
-Highway #48 and McCowan Road) on.
March 19 with Rev- G Ilantstra officiating.
Spring interment Dickson Hill Coinetery. In
lieu of Ilowers, donations to•the Victorian
Order of /Nurses or. Huron County.Home
Care would he appreciated by the family.
RILEY - Suddenly at South Huron Hospi-
tal. Exeter. on Thursday. March 20. 1997.
Leslie James Riley of RR 2 Kippen in his
55th year. Beloved husband of Susan (Stin-
son) Riley. Dear father of Patrick' of Hensall.
Predeceased by parents Ben (1959) and Nel-
lie (1991). Sadly missed by brothers Lloyd
Riley and his wife Winnifred of RR 2 Staffa
and Ross Riley and his wife Pearl of Exeter
and sister-in-law Loretta Riley of London.
Visitation in the Hensall Chapel. The funeral
service was conducted in Hensall United
Church on March 24; 1997. Mrs. Sharon
Wurm officiated. Interment Staffs Ceme-
tery. Pallbearers were Gina Regier-Petersen,
Donna Kerslake. Tracey Regier. Heather
Riddell. Sandra Faber. Cheyenne Mosurin-
john. Dennis Petersen. Flowerbearers were
Allan and Wade Riley. Roger Riley- and
Brett Thompson. Memorial contributions to
the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario
would be appreciated by the family. J.M.
McBeath Funeral Home. Zurich. entrusted
witharrangements (I-519-236-4365). 13c
RYAN • At Seafonh
Community Hospiial on
Sunday. March 23. 199/,
Alma M. (Dietrich) Ryan
of . Seafonh, recently of
Seafonh Manor. formerly
of . RR 2 Crediton (Mt.
Carmel) in her 95th year.
Beloved wife of the late
John A. Ryan (1974). Loved mother and
mother-in-law of Clara and the late James
Ducharme of Seafonh, Roy (Bud) and Helen
Ryan of RR 2. Crediton, Mary and Russell
Brintnell of RR 3. Granton. Shirley and Ron
Rose of RR 3. Mitchell. Loving grandma of
11 grandchildren and 20 great-
grandchildren. Dear sister-in-law of Mary.
Kay and Ada Dietrich. Loved by her many
nieces. nephews and their families. Prede-
ceased.by her sisters Tillie Ziler. Greta Re-
stcma,er, brothers Lawrence. Milford. Ted
and Roy Dietrich. parents John and Emma
(Kraft) - Dietrich: Rested at the T. Harry
Hoffman .& Sons Funeral Hone. Dashwood.
C.W.L. prayers at the funeral home. Funeral
mass was held at Our Lady of Mi. Carmel
Church, "Mi. Carmel, on March .25. 1997.
Rev. Father J. Hardy Celebrao and Father
Jan Burczyk'C.S.MA., Interment Mt. Carmel
Cemetery. If desire: memorial bonations to
a,charity of choice would be appreciated.
' 13c
HOI.TZMANN - I would like to take this
opportunity to thank the neighbors and
friends for •all the wonderful food. flowers.
treats and cards that I received following my
surgery at St. Joseph's Hospital. Special
thanks id Dr. Fellows. Dr.. MacMillan and
nurses on fourth floor. Thank you to Rev.
Parsons for his visit. Special thanks to my
randy for all the TLC.
13* Dorene
Corner of Gidley and Main
The Rev. Fay M. Patterson
Wednesday, March 26. 1997
7 p.m. Holy.Eticharist B.A.S.
. Maundy Thursday - March 27, 1997
2 p.m. St. John's, Grand Bend
Holy Eucharist • Foot Washing and
Altar Stripping
Good Friday - March 28. 1997 at Trivitt
The Celebration of the Lord's Passion
11 a.m. Meditation on the Cross
Easter Day
March 30, 1997 .
11 a.m. Holy Eucharist B.A.S:
Everyone Welcome -
68 Main Street South
Rev. Daniel Roushome
Courtesy Car: 235-1967
Youth Worker: Tracey Whitson Bahro •
Sunday, March 30, 1997
Easter Sunday
11:00 a.m. Moming Worship
March 26 7:30 p.m. Session Meeting
March 27 7 p.m. Maundy Thursday
8 p.m. Choir practice
March 28 11 a.m. Good Friday Ser -
March 31 7:30 p.m. Kerygma Bible
The To chman May 4
at the Rex' Centre
Cards of Thanks
HERN - A sincere "thank yei' to i y
friends. neighbors and relatives for their
many acts of kindness given to me since my
eye, surgery at the Ivy Institute. All the beau-
tiful flowers. cards. letters. visits and phone
calls helped to pass the time for those
weeks. Thanks for all the food and baking
brought into our home. Special thanks to
Pastor -Heather Scott. sty family and Harty
for his TLC and his extra duties. We berth
appreciated all that was done.for us.
13x • • , Clarice
MERNER - 1 wish to thank fatiily and
friends for their kindness in sending flowers
and cards while 1 was in hospital and visit-
ing since 1 have been home. This will al-
ways be remembered.
13 Donna
STIRE - I would like to take this oppununi-
ty to thank my wonderful family. and rela-
tives for the treats, cards and phone calls.
. Also to all the nurses and Dr Jadd. while a
patient in South Huron Hospital. Your kind-
ness'will always be remembered. -
13* , . _ Ruth
THIEL - A big "Thank You" to everyone
who remembered me with cards. flowers,
treats. visits and phone calls while in hospi-
tal and now at hone. You are all very spe-
cial friends. .
13• - Glen
for Krista Bird
& Terry Mellin
Sat., April 5
at Wayne Mellin's. For
information call 294-0720
Glow or 294-6687 ati
Buck Doe
for Wanda McCann
r Kevin Morden
Sat., Aprils
9:00 - p.m. -1 a.m.
Centralia College, Huron Park
$5. per person, D.J. Dr.
Darryl. Age of Majority. For
info call 228-9950 ,
or 228-7181
Larry's Town & Country
Crediton 234-6310
Fish (Perch) & Chips $4.25
with coffee or tea $4.50
Easter Sunday,
$1.00 off buffet 4 - 8 p.m.
Home of the Elvis burger
Exeter Legion
Ladies Auxiliary
162 Main St. North
Pastor Peter Tuininga
235.17 3
March 28, 997
Good Friday Service 10 a.m..
March 30, 1997
Easter Sunday
(First Sunday in new building)
332 Huron St. W.
10:00 a.m. Morning Service
Sunday School for 3 - grade 4
during morning service
Nursery Available .
7:00 p.m. Evening Service
Everyone Welcome -
Sunday Radio
CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m.•
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
• Daily T.V.
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m.
tl _
Comer of James and Andrew St.
Sundajr, March 30, 1997
10:30 a.m.
Easter Cantata 'Christ'
Rev. Cordell Parsons
Sunday School for preschool
and kindergarten only
Holy Week Services
March 27, 8 p.m. Maundy
Thursday Communion
March 28, 10:30 a.m. Good Friday
March 30, 7 a.m. Service at Morrison
Dam •
8 a.m. Breakfast at the Church
10:30 a.m. Easter Cantata (Sunday
School for preschool and kindergarten
only.) Bring a non-perishable food for
the Outreach Committee Food Drive
Courtesy car: Charlie Althill 235-1538
All welcome
ti -
March 30
4 11:00 a.m.-12:10 p.m.
Worship Broadcast on
Community Channel
Thurs., Mar. 27
7:00 p.m.
10 Regular Games
5 Specials
1 Share the Wealth
Jackpot $650
No one under 18 admitted
Lic. #M125539
9:30 a.m. Communion Service
Sunday School for all ages
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
Tuesday evenings
7:30 p.m. Bible Study
94 Orchard Street, Exeter
Everyone Welcome
March 30
9:30 a.m.-11:00 p.m.
Worship Broadcast on
Community Channel
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Kevin Rutledge
Assistant Pastor John Boyachek
Good Friday Service
10:30 a.m.
Sunday, March 30
Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
7 lZ
ter (n I
Regular Lunch Menu
4 p.m. - 7 p.m.
S9 95 ea. $7.95 seniors
Reservations (appreciated
ashwood 237-3553
Happy 1st
to a very
little girl,
Keller on
March 28
r a joy bringer,
V a heart warmer,
1 a memory maker..
; a daughtgr is
Love Mom and Dad
Birthda, Grandpa
I t's.get t ing
easier to
shoot your
• age!
Snell 80)
Lindsey and
f_7.�L llrararainagialanaaq_
r }hippal 4��b A nirt?Sciao
March 30,1957-1997
John & Shirley
LL° Shetdonle
. 14
. :,II
Love and
Best 1:
Wishes 1r
from 11
your ii
family ii
h Birthday
March 28
Dinner Special Friday - Fish
Book now for Easter Brunch
Located at St. Joseph on Hwy. 21 1_
between Grand Bend and Bayfield
R.R. 2 Zurich. Call for reservations 236-7707
odrttPv Kitchen
Easter Sunday Brunch 11 a,m. - 2 p.m.
ester Smorgasbord 4:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Hours: Mon. - Sat. 6:30 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Rdservations recommended 2311-4812
Take out available
Erb's Gozzrt1ry Kitchen
licenced under L.L.B.O. Air conditioned Nl Visa/Mastercard 16 Main St. Zurich .
Coming events
MEAT AND S0/SO DRAWS every Saturday afternoon, 4-6 p.m. al The Royal Canadi•
an Legion Br. #167, Exeter in the Club rooms. License #M4059103696 in support of
the Huron -Middlesex Royal Army Cadet Corp. 361fnc
NOMINATION- MEETING. Anyone interested in becoming a delegate for the up-
coming Huron -Bruce Progressive Conservative nomination meeting, please call Gwen
at 235.2679.- 12,13.(14)c
EXTRAVAGANZA NIGHT • Time and Talent Auction on Friday. April IL 1997,
7:00 p.m. at Stephen Central Public School (two concessions west of Crediton - turn
north). Goods and Services Auction: Bake Table: Food Booth: Chance Auction. Shuttle
bus service available. For information or to reserve the bus please phone Dianne Fink-
beincr 238.2670. -Deb Lord 234-6396. Kate Steeper 294-6539 or Stephen Central
School 234-6302. Come join in the fun! - • 10-15c
LADIES SPRING RAI.1.1' "Rise Up Little Girl". Speaker: Barb Hodgins Music: Jan-
et Krahn. April 12. 9:30 atm., Emmanuel Baptist Church, 187 Huron Si W., Exeter.
Tickets 52. Phone 235.4445 or 235-1170 by April 5. Please join us. 13,14c
EXETER VILLA VOLUNTEER Appreciation Open House, April 14, I p.m. -3 p.m.
We extend a warm welcome to all volunteers. individuals and groups who have gave of
their lime in this past year. 13.15•
TEDDY BEAR DREAM AUCTION and Second City Comedy Show:Saturday, April
19, Blyth Theatre. Silent auction viewing and Wine and Cheese, 6:30 p.m..Tickets: 825
person. 524-2852 (9 a.m -5 p.m.). Support Huron County Community Child Abuse Co-
ordinating Committee. 12,13,(14),15,16c