HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-03-26, Page 22CLASSIFIEDS Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6 DEADLINES: MONDAYS 4 P.M. PHONE FOR DETAILS Get Results With Our $1.1 Super Ad• Or We'll Repeat Your Ad Up To Another Seven Times At No Charge • FOR SALE ITEMS ONLY ONE /TEM PERAD • Private r•or•commerclal Ada Doty • Ae Sud., Ada acnesal Oe node . OFFICE HOURS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. I'lll I'\II) I:\II-' WORD ADS -20 word rnaann urn 1 insertion • 57.49 2 insertions $13.91 3 insertions $20.33 Additional Ise charge for each word over nuarmum NOTICE$ - 30 word maximum (Births. Deaths. Announcements, Coming Events. Memoriams. Cards of Thanks) 1 insertion 2insenions 3 insertion $9.63 $21.40 No Charge Additional I Se charge for each word over I11.1111l1111 • BASED ON 12 00 DISCOUNT FOR PREPAYMENT Bordered & Monthly Ads Rates available on request PAYMENT Cash. Cheque (with idenunatrony Money Order, Visa and Mastercard Clel are accepted • PI. EASE CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT APPEARS TO ENSURE THAT IT IS CORRECT 3 Situations Wanted CHILD CARE AVAILABLE in my home - For details call Jennifer 235-1727. (l l tfn) CARING MOM OF TWO will sit full or part time. School bus access to all areas. Call after 10 a.m. for info. Hwy. 23. 225-2683. (12-15c) NURSES AIDE - Looking after elderly patients, taking out to get groceries, being there for companionship, doing house cleaning, etc. 58.00Tr. Call 236-7837. (13:15') MOTHER OF ONE IN HENSALL - Looking to babysit full or part-time in my home. References available. Call anytime 262-2518. (13,14c) 4 Help Wanted Mature family requires domestic helper. Room and board supplied. Apply in writing to the attention of Mr. Leo Ducharme at P.O, Box 400, Grand Bend, Ontario NOM 1TO or fax (519) 238.2377 Ni The Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution when setlding money for business opportunity or employment ad- verkisements. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information. Re- member... if any advertise- ment sounds too good to be true, it is. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hy- phens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $9.00. 15c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - tJ copy changes, 20 words $6.00, 15c per word there after. - BIRTHS - 30 words S11.00. 15c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $11.00 each additional word 15c. IN MEMORIAMS - $11.00 plus 25c per line of verse. COMING • EVENTS - 30 words $1-11 00,' each additional word 150. Three insertions for the price of two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words S11.00, additional words 10c each. $2.00 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATE£ LISTED ABOVE F )R i•REPAYMENT WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENTS With picture - 525.50. GRADUATES with picture - $10.50 PHOTO REPRINTS 5x7 58.00 8 x 10 59.00 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $10.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS 58.00 per column inch (minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. SUPER ADS $11 00 Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. OUR ADVERTISING POLICY Advertrsirg In the Tmes-Advocate is accepted on cowman that. n the event of a typo7aphrcal error. that porton o1 the adven.seg space occu- pied by the err ' 90us dem. logerher win reason- able allowance for s9rnature. wen oe rerun n a subsequent issue ase make good at no charge. w11,1e the balance of the edvenrssment will be pad to at an epphcabie rate In !rte event 01 a typographical error adverting goods or wrvlces at a wrong price. goods or services may not be sold Advertsse9 acs en offer to sell and may be w4hdrawn et any Inde Any errors must be sc- know4edged wrthn seven days 01 pubhcatdn The Tmes-Advocate reserves the p0m100 0! re- YlVng Or retectog advertisements than a consid- ers 019 Ctanable and to change ee cuss•r.eato, or any advertise ens from Inst Ordered 10 COn- 10nn to the pdty o1 this newspaper Contents are protected by copyright Reproduction of any meter's' *4lnout the permotdn 01 the pubksher q lorbdden Advertisers purchase space and cnculalon only Alt rgMs to any advanrsements produced by the Tmes-Advocate. using artwork typography or photographs arranged for by the newspaper shall be the property of the Tenet -Advocate No such ad Or any part thereof may be reproduced or as - Prod without written consent of the Tans, - Advocate. STATEMENT OF POLICY The Teres -Advocate is not respOnsble Id errors in advMl,femKlt not submeked in Npble torr0, nor for mon than e single nconud 1nsMion of that advelteement Phone 235-1331 Use your VISA or MASTER - CARD and Save S2.00 235-1331 c 1 X,-.‘-,11 11 1) O12131121ORrl Please print one word per space. The rate* is shown on the left. REMEMBER! THE MORE YOU TELL, THE MORE YOU SELL! NAME -- ADDRESS PHONE: DATES TO RUN: METHOD OF PAYMENT: Visa - MasterCard Cheque CREDIT CARD NO. Expiry SIGNATURE 4 Help Wanted MATURE, RELIABLE, PERSONABLE Club House Staff including weekend worts. Must be 18 years old. Please send ressmse to: Ironwood Golf Course, 72 Wellington Sc, Exeter, ON NOM 1S1. (11-13c) EXPERIENCED HAIR STYLIST for full or part time work. Clientele an user Apply in person to Eclipse Hair Styling, valu man Plaza or call 236-7504. (12,13c) 4 Help Wanted /7reY�einefu,tb� w51p Wanted +nbd6!'ca OPl'onnifira7aMcka Atacllln12, 7Fy,Yrn'7"Cteh.l3 ical InaI5' n,ea, Tekrision16le17d to18 �rY120PYFor Sal'21Fot row Rent We or Rent 2e Prone to Rent 25 Not, , Winled /27 Legal NoficH 28 A"rnonS'rated 3+rd and Carrie Sales CAMP COOKS - Camp Menesetung is looking to hire a seasonal camp cocking team with experience and references for a minimum 6 week summer period. This camp is located 5 minutes north of Goderich. Wages negotiable. Reply in confidence to Box 345, Clinton, ON NOM ILA. Deadline April 9, 1997. (13,14•) VARIETY STORE CLERK - Part time available for days. 19 or older. Centralia Variety228-6300. (13c) Secretary -Manager Reporting to the Board of Directors you will be responsible for all aspects of operating a successful Farm Mutual Insurance Company selling farm and residential coverages. You must have -management experience, be computer literate and have investment knowledge. Insurance experience and education (A.I.I.C.) given preference. Please forward resume with salary expectations and three professional references before April 4/97 to Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company 507 Main Street S. Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S1 0 WOODCOCK BROTHERS Express Freight DRIVERS NEEDED Company and Owner Operator's Woodcock Brothers is an expanding international freight company that has undergone many recent changes to ensure our growth and future in the trucking industry. We are seeking experienced AZ licensed trunk drivers & Owner/Operators for U.S. freight service. " We offer a comprehensive wage and benefit package. and the finest late - model equipment. If you are interested in joining our team of professionals,.and are ready fur a challenge, we would'like to hear from you. - - /IIIWR/ WOODCOCK aROTHans `. 825 Huron Rd. Sebrtngvf le, Ont. Please apply In person, to Keith Schaeffer or call 519-393-6194 or 1-800-565-5557 ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE If you thrive on working in a fast -paced environment in the print media advertising industry, dust off"your resume and send it ASAP. We're looking for a self starter who is capable of producing results for clients in a variety of areas, including: agricultural special editions; lifestyle publications; real estate magazines; tourist brochures, etc., The successful candidate will be somebody who is not afraid of working on a commission basis. Your skills as a self starter will be backed by a modern production centre capable of transforming your advertisements into successful sales tools for your clients. If you're the type of individual who thrives on hard work and is not afraid of getting lost in a large territory WE WANT YOU ON OUR TEAM. Please apply in confidence to: Box 68, c/o Times Advocate P.O. Box 850 Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6 We thank all those who apply in advance, however interviews will only be available to a limited number of applicants. tivywatuul t-ms.-tkLvvkatsmatsi.mlixtsvc'Isasiklyt7�t�yvyclag ds _k yil.-t Lnsmagslya ilym_i_itl. 4 Help Wanted PHOENIX STAGE JWO HOUSING is looking for a Building Superintendent for our Exeter Slte. The work involves providing an on site presence, ensuring a quick respc-ise is emergencies and routine maintenance a 1d cleaning of the common areas. In exchange for this work a 2 bedroom apartment Is provided. Phoenix of Huron provides secure housing for women and children who are victims of family violence. No adult male residents orvisitors are permitted. lnterested applicants should apply in writing by April 8. 1997 to Phoenix of Huron. Box 298, Clinton, Ontario. Exeter Public Cemetery Seasonal Help Required Student laborer - must be experienced with tractor and mowers to work from May to August. Please submit application to the Municipal Office or S.H.R.C. by Tuesday, April 1, 1997 at 4 p.m. Attention Cam Stewardson Facility Manager South Huron Rec Centre 94 Victoria St. E., Exeter NOM 1S1 6 Services ATV UNDER SEEDING ON WHEAT FiELDS CALL Nick Regier 236-4420 ' "TAX 711v1E AGAIN" - lane Jolly and Beverly Wells are proud to let you know that we are hack in business, now as Jane & Company. We will be providing personal professional income tax services at reasonable rates with electronic filing available. Our office is located at the corner of Main St. and Huron, The Exeter Business Centre. Please give us a call at 235-3595. We hope to see you all again soon. (11,12,13c) MAN WITH CIIAINSAW for hire. Chain sharpening. 237-3207. (11-13c) HAIRCUT, SHAVE, SHAMPOO - Wayne Ouerbein's Barber Shop, 394 Main St. Exeter. 235-0559. Open 8 a.m. Closed Wed. Sat.at2:00. (12,13') SUPERB LAWN CARE & MAINTENANCE • Lawn Rolling • Grass Cutting • Flower bed Planting • Tree & Shrub Trimming • Minor Lawn Repair CALL HARRY KNIP 235-4393 FARM SALES AGENT WANTED for International Stock Food Co., Ltd., Cambridge, Ontario The open area includes Seaforth, Clinton and Exeter. The I.S.F. products consist of livestock and horse mineral/vitamin horse custom premixes, Herbageum Condiment, yeast, and buffer blends. Our 35 Ontario I.S.F. Agents sell Silo Guard II as as registered 'Aid to Fermentation' for all baled hay, haylage, corn silage and H.M. corn. For information on commissions, inventory, advertising assistance, and field selling help - Please call Doug Kincaid Ontario Sales Manager Tel. 519-455-0656 Cell 519-671-5992 Fax 519-455-1179 Times -Advocate, March 26, 1997 6 Services SOUND OCCASIONS D.J. SERVICE • Music from the 30's to present • Professional Sound System DALTON FORD (519) 229-6167 TILE ANTIQUE WATCH and Clock Specialist. Want to buy old clocks? Have for sale many quality clocks. Repairs. Open chance or appointment (519) 243-1130. (281fn) LAWN & GARDEN CARE • POWER SWEEPING • LAWN ROLLING • AERATING • GRASS CUTTING Laverne McCarter 235-1062 FOR PRLME POWER and stand-by electricity that works and stays working, call Sommers Motor Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936. Phone 519-655-2396. (30tfn) QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING and custan framing and now 5 minute enlargements. Jervis Photography, Main St. Exeter235-1612. (3tfn) f HURON BOOKKEEPING SYSTEMS 254 Huron St. E., Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S1 SPECIALIZING IN Small Business & Farmers: • Bookkeeping • Payroll • Financial Statements Income Tax Preparation • Personal • Farm • Small Business • • Nell Romphf (519) 235.1196 THE JOB PEOPLE Moving Yesterdays prices, Todays movers Fully Insured, experienced men. Free estimates Phone 519-271-9935 or Fax 519-271-0841 0 6 Services Page 21 HOT DOG CART FRANCHISE - On location at Canadian Tut. 52,500. includes new cart and all accessories. 1-800-915-4683.(13:18c) TELEPHONE INSTALLATIONS Move phones - install jacks 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE PETER McFALLS 235-0368 AIRLINE JOBS - Now Hiring. S10.-525. per hour. All positions, skilled and tens -)killed. Excellent pay/benefits. Call (504) 429-9229. Ext. 447Al2 24 hours. 5570./WEEKLY MAKING Holiday Decorations year around at home. No exp. S.A.S.E. to: Holidaycraft Decoration Ltd., 420 Main SLE. U -C Ext. 1075, Milton, ON L9T5G3. LAND WAREHOUSE DISPOSAL New and Used Building Material & Welding Steel Wanted: Old Brick Houses and Buildings. Antiques, Farm Machinery, Scrap Metals Think before Tossing!! Think 0 Call office 235-4614 /L_..! Res. 235-1662 SCRAPPER JOHN { RECYCLING 7ERNARD --.- 4( training centre Internet: http://www.waon. cal-advanced/bernard 235-4890 Beside Exeter Public School New! Internet interludeNew! • Conte in and get your feet lett, surf the net! • Instruction for new users • .11i/lions of sile.c les explore • IDnoked on an hourly or 1/2 hour basis • Come in on your (011(11 hour or alter work/sellool • Haol: your spar early please Sign up for ('ompute, ('aatp /irr Bids as sears are fining quickly.' Lawn Care Programs (rolling, spraying. fertilizing. crabgrass control) Lawn aeration, insect control. cutting. Reasonable rates. Over 10 years serving Exeter and area. Fully licensed iI you love your lawn call: Casey's Lawn Care 235-1885 V Exeter 0 CORBETT & YOUNG Inc. EXCAVATING & TRUCKING ALL TYPES OF BACKHOE WORK SAND & GRAVEL JEFF YOUNG JIM YOUNG 293-3002 227-4461 CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE 'Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" BUSINESS OPPS. • GOVERNMENT FUNDS Government assistance pro gams reformation available For your new or eruhng cul4less Take advantage 011ne goverment grants and bans Can 1800915 3615 TAKE THE PATH TO THE NEXT kttlIENNIUM' ResduaI ncome' leading edge business oners greet earnngs package Now is the 6109 to nvestgate We nave tie solutions .Canada a leach,and we market a ermeose Axle message tells an Cap now t-600689-6713 Err 4995 n PROCESS SERVERS Francnae opportunity. ground Poor (toil tc Canada s lastest vs"; Process Sema IIe00r6 NO n:W hanCMse Nes. erciusrre terrdO"els. contnuOus o9eratcnai and nal4nal adreramg support compete Danns Contact Lowe Management Systems Inc at 1.800-459.7468 ARE YOU SEEKING more kw true pert tnanwl nae. peroernCet Become a solei manager bra very portable an purdeatror business today Pure now' 1800-820- 0699 wANT TO GET PAID 109 WHAT YOU ARE WORTH. me 1me you Put 0, your reconmendaton you me. - enoet Phenomenal products Eralent pay plan Poona 1.800-272.4478 INDEPENDENT CONSULTANTS. Pisan Mum Tracing Co rte leader n providing plakmy, aaNdable diidren's c'oth g has oppoeumbes row' Our Sorry and Summer season a erst begrwq Jon now' For mon nbrmabcn and • kw catalogue. m for a Consultant rear you cal 1. 900665.9644 CAREER TRAINING .EARN AUC- ONEER1NG Classes held Apr 12-'6 Aug 16 22,Nor 15.21'97 For inlormatron contact Soulhwesle n OMan0 School o1 Aucsor4 fe,g, pp ee Woodstodt. Ontario 1445 7V91519)5372115 SE AN MITER( 9 DECORATOR win our Greg 11pny. study course to today for you FREE BOOK 7.8"-0- 267.1829 1r' Snelr'eld Scrod. 1122-38 MCAdhur Are Ottawa ON Kr1 6R2 EDUCATIONAL OPPS. cOtN4SELLOR TPAIMNG Inseam or Canada often cor- respabente courses 10r rte D,ploma Is Counts' mg Prarlte. 149'vnng MS mine. For a br0chur 01v0e ,.per too gsr -�11 EMPLOYMENT OPPS. TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED Now a the Ime 10 nam b your clest AZ license For ntemew or apetrahe0 contact Ontarw Truck Orme Tranog • lona0n - 1400- 2634777 (pb o4nernenf pwlarce avertable) NTEriATIONAL AGRICULTURAL E.lrange - Ages Ie - 3f .sin agric0tua1 experience 10 hrewtxk with lamely n Austraka. New zeaiar41. Europe. Japan Costs'detass -1 800.263.1827 Calgary Athena FOR SALE SAWMILL 54895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS. planks Deems urge capacdy Best sawmsl value anywhere Free nformat.on 1.800366.6899 Norwood Sawmills. K4worthy Ontara POE 1G0 SALES HELP WANTED SATTENTION STUDENTSS Make a lot or money setng chocolat" Pan New pro utts aradaae I1001ng 10 pay n advance Fast d0krtry 1100383-3589 PAY TELEPHONE SERV. NEED ADVICE' Can today to tad 10 one of 0.0 many Psychcsler us hop you with Lore. Money. geiater• Shin. Problems S3 99enn. 24 nrd 18. 1-900-870-1025 PERSONALS GETABETTEPBODY Lose 2 'o 3 :•ess vies e 2 to 3 months 100•, money Dau_ guarantee Cal 1800.965- 7191 ADOPTION ADOPTEES AND 8191H PARENTS - Family finders and The Canada -Woe Natrona! Adopts Pegalry 1400477- 8477. nttp "www adopting cog'0cwnr him! 'Reundn9 Canadian Farr les ham Coast 70 Coast' 1400871-6177 REAL ESTATE RESALES TIMESHARE'Campground memberships Americas 'argest resale ckarngnouse Resort Saes ,nlen0horltl 1800423-5967 STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS FOR SALE 2! r 3053.76000 25 r 40 SS 624 00 32 r 44 $6.835 00 34 r 56 59.36000 4 % e 60 59.986 00 Ends nc'udea 'Harry styles and moa ea waled* Factory deed. Pones• 14300-666-5422 FUTURE STEEL SultDINGs WAN*. Dependable p'eaeng...ewes AWS'eel Structures Cu0om-made $ 1.4 your needs try re5u1MkM1 Cby.Dee:l afbra ane antes Cau 1.900 668 865319err 536 for Ire, brochure DURA BUILDING SYSTEMS • Greg Aces on quarts' Gn4en- node preM gneere4 sleet 1Wdeg1 We sac 17962" et a9rassa91. COrrvn9cral. ,naustreal any (fere- stoyl Warms CM b det4s - 600863.7538. • Ws Affordable • I's Fest • N's Easy • One 8111 Does 11 All • Northern Ontario 376 • Eastern Ontario $138 • Western Ontario $130 • Central Onteno $134 • A8 Ontano $380 • National Package, Avertable • CO this paper for details' f