HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-03-26, Page 217 RNARD <._ COMPUTER training centre Internet: httpi/www.wcl.on. ca/-advanced/bernard 235-4890 Beside Exeter Public School CLASSIFIEDS 235-1331 Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM 156 DEADLINES: MONDAYS 4 P,M. PHONE FOR DETAIL Oat R•suts With Our Ell Super Ad • Or We'll Repeat Your Ad Up To Another Seven Trees At No Charge • FOR SALE ITEMS ONLY • ONE ITEM PER AD rzfrotAgeseinatstratigunty •_d8 &NW Ad must w moolild . OFFICE HOURS. MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. I'Itl -P' II) IM I WORD ADS -20 Wad maaiawm 1 insertion $7.49 2 insertions $13.91 3 insertions $20.33 *daimon 1St charge for each wad over maximum NOTICES. 30 rad maximum (Births. Deaths. Announcements. Coming Evens. MemonarO,. Cud. of Thant.) 1 insertion $9.63 2 insertions $21.40 . 3 insertion No Charge Adddralal I Se charge for each rad over maximum • BASED ON 52 00 DISCOUNT FOR PREPAYMENT I Uordeted & Monthly Ads I I Rates available on request PAYMENT Cash. Cheque (r,th ,tknfiuuonl. Money Order. Visa and Mastercard are accepted • • PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT APPEARS TO ENSURE THAT IT IS CORRECT r3Situations Wanted s>fa . CHILD CART 11.E in my home. For details c 35-1727.(11tfn) CARING MOM OF TWO will sit full or part time. School bus access to all area. Call after 10 a.m. for info. Hwy. 23. 225-2683. (12-15c) NURSES AIDE - Looking after eldedy patients, taking out to get groceries, being there for oomppaannita ss tip, doing house cleaning, etc. $8.00/hr. Call 236-7837. (13:15•) MOTHER OF ONE IN HENSALL - Looking to babysit full or pan -time in my home. References available. Call anytime 262-2518.(13.14c) 4 Help Wanted r, Mature family requires domestic helper. Room and board supplied. Apply in writing to the attention of Mr. Leo Duchar me at P. 0. Box 400, Grand Bend, Ontario NOM 1TO or fax (519) 238-2377 j The Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution when sslAding money for business opportunity or employment ad- vertisements. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information. Re- member... if any advertise' ment sounds too good to be true. it is. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets o1 numerals as for sepal numbers, street numbers, phone numbers •or prices Count as one word per set. Words joined by hy- phens count as separate words. FiRST INSERTION - 20 words 59.00. 15c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes. 20 words 56.00. 15c per word there after. BIRTHS - 30 words $11.00. 15c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements. Death Notices - 20 words $11.00 each additional word 15c. IN MEMORIAMS - 511.00 plus 25c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $11.00, each additional word 15c. Three insertions for the price of two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words 511.00. additional words 10c each. S2.00 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED ABOVE F )R -,•REPAYMENT WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENTS With picture - 525.50. GRADUATES with picture - 510.50 PHOTO REPRINTS 5 x 7 58.00 8x10 59.00 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $10.00 per . column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS 58.00 per column inch. (minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half, inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. SUPER ADS $11 00 Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. OUR ADVERTISING POUCY Advertising in Ihe Totes•Advocate ,3 accepted on condition mat. n the event of a lypograptncat error. that porton M the advMlsn9 space of u - pod by the ennn•OUI *em. tol9WtM wren reason- able allowance for scrotum. will 09 lPrtn n a subsequent mum as a make good at no charge. while the balance of 310 edvegwemenl wit be paid for at an me0lrcable rote In the event d a typographical error adver en9 goOds or serVICas at a wrong price. goods or services may not be sato. Advertises rs en cher to she and maybe withdrawn at any tan* Arty arrOfs must be OC - knowledge(' *Hun seven days of pUD6caton The T,Ns•AOVOCate reserves no MM4ga of rt. yowl 00 resIC1ng advenrsernerns that 4 consd- ern ~tenable and to change the CDssncaton d any adv*rtesenler' koro In31 °named to WI - loon to the policy of this newspaper. Contents art prdicr•Q by copy'gM RIpro0uct'On of any m1anal w4hout the permTI O of the puO*M»r es forb,Oden AdvM,sers purchase space and C%ClAakon only M rights to any advrtwam*Ns produced by the Tines -Advocate. smog anaork. typopradhy Or photographs arranged kir by the newspaper SO O be the prbp•ny of to Tm•a-Advocate. No such ad 04 any pen thereof maybe reWod cod Of as- signed w*hOtn written camera of the Ties • Advocate. STATEMENT OF POLICY. The Tea -Advocate b mol rea0On1DN fOr 0r1016 in advert4e1K4s not Submittd In NOON WM. nor for mon* len e IMOD noonwy In1ani0n of Bet *dyaniaanhan( Phone 235-1331 Use your VISA or MASTER - CARD and Save $2.00 • Please print one word per space. The rate* is shown on the left. REMEMBER! THE MORE YOU TELL, THE MORE YOU SELL! NAME ADDRESS PHONE: DATES TO RUN: METHOD OF PAYMENT: CREDIT CARD NO. SIGNATURE 4 Help Wanted VIsa - MasterCard - Cheque Expiry a py• vv.,,gd s , 6iaa oPr•reuwili.a 9 F t ta4i_ t��.Pm�lenL V.h. 14 AA uUeal� .tr,r„a„a 35 hit ?iteNNon 16 ted, Sale i 19 warh,,,,d t' a•)' 20 Top, • ,' For Sale nt y �1 FR•tyfo,Rent 22 For tale or Rent Rail 23 wanfad ro 2s aper', w m 26 27 and Hohn' M Wan 29 A,..„„„ Sarp r and C•r•d•Sales MATURE, RELIABLE. PERSONABLE Club House Staff including weekend work. Must be 18 years old. Please send resume to: Ironwood Golf Course, 72 'Wellington St., Exeter. ON NOM ISL (11-13c) EXPERIENCED HAIR STYLIST for full. or pan time wadi. Clientele an asset Apply in person to Eclipse Hair Styling, vale mut Plaza oral 236'7504. (12,13c) 4 Help Wanted CAMP COOKS - Camp Menese0ung is looking to hire a seasonal carnp cooking team with experience and references for a minimum 6 week nunrner period. This camp is located 5 minutes north of Godcnds. Wages negotiable. Reply in confidence to Box 345, Clinton. ON NOM ILO. Deadline April 9, 1997. (13,14•) VARIETY STORE CLERK - Part time available for days. 19 or older. Centralia Variety228-6300. (13c) WOODCOCK BROTHERS Express Freight DRIVERS NEEDED (.onlp/a/1y an(/ Owner Operators Woodcock Brothers is an expanding international freight company that has undergone many recent changes to ensure our growth and future in the trucking industry. We are seeking experienced AZ licensed truck drivers & Owner/Operators for U.S. freight service. We offer a comprehensive wage and benefit package. and the finest late - model equipment. If you are interested in joining our team of professionals. and are ready for a challenge. we would like to hear from you. Ivry., req,,. WOODCOCK BROTHERS 7 Please. applyla p4 n, to Keith &heatltar 225 Huron ltd. Sehrfagvfle, Osis.' to OA 519-393.4194 o1` 1=8 565-5537 ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE if you thrive on working in a fast -paced environment in the print media advertising industry, dust off your resume and send it ASAP. • We're looking for a self starter who is capable of • producing results for clients in a variety of areas, including: agricultural special editions; lifestyle publications; .real estate magazines; tourist brochures, etc., The successful candidate will be somebody who is not afraid of working on a commission basis. Your skills as a self starter will be backed by a modern production centre capable of transforming your advertisements into successful sales tools for your clients. If you're the type of individual who thrives on hard work and is not afraid of getting lost in a large territory WE WANT YOU ON OUR TEAM. Please apply in confidence to: Box 68, c/o Times Advocate P.O. Box 850 Exeter, Ont. NOM 156 We thank all those who apply in advance, however interviews will only be available to a limited number of • 4 Help Wanted PHOENIX STAGE TWO HOUSING is looking for a Building Superintendent for our • Exeter Site. - The work involves providing an on site presence. ensuring a quick response to emergencies and routine maintenance and cleaning of the common areas. In exchange for this work a 2 bedroom -apartment is provided. Phoenix of Huron. provides secure housing for women and children who are victims of family violence. No adult male residents or visitors are permitted. Interested applicants should apply in writing by April 8. 1997 to 611 Phoenix of Huron,. Box 298. Clinton, Ontario. Exeter Public Cemetery Seasonal Help Required Student laborer - must be experienced with tractor and mowers to work from May to August. Please submit application to the. Municipal Office or S.H.R.C. by Tuesday, April 1. 1997 at 4 p.m. Attention Cam Stewardson Facility Manager South Huron Rec Centre 94 Victoria St. E., Exeter NOM 151 ' 6 Services applicants. estatalamanciainstsas7►71a1Asatausai71ansanutkat7•nainanwi7Nrapk7gniamit.7a1L14►'LaTkis7 utga m. ATV UNDER SEEDING ON WHEAT FIELDS CALL Nick Regier 236-4420 "TAX TIME AGAIN" - Jane Jolly and Beverly Wells are proud to let you know that we are back in business, now u Jane & Company. We will be providing personal professional income tax . services at reasonable rates with electronic filing available. Our office is located at the cornu of Main St and Huron, The Exeter Business Centre. Please give us a call at 235-3595. We hopeto see you all again soon. (11,12.13c) MAN WITH CHAINSAW for hire. Chain sharpening. 237-3207.(11-13c) HAIRCUT, SHAVE, SHAMPOO - Wayne Ouerbein's Barber Shop. 394 Main St. Exeter. 235-0559. Open 8 a.m. Closed Wed. Sat. at2:00. (12,13•) SUPERB LAWN CARE & MAINTENANCE • Lawn Rolling • Grass Cutting • Flower bed Planting • Tree & Shrub Trimming • Minor Lawn Repair CALL. HARRY KNIP 235-4393 FARM SALES AGENT WANTED for International Stock Food Co., Ltd., Cambridge, Ontario The open area includes Seaforth, Clinton and Exeter. The I.S.F. products consist of livestock and horse mineral/vitamin horse custom premixes, Herbageum Condiment, yeast, and buffer blends. Our 35 Ontario I.S.F. Agents sell Silo Guard II as a, registered 'Aid to Fermei ' Ation' for all baled hay, haylage, corn silage and H.M. corn. For information on commissions, inventory, advertising assistance, and field selling help - Please call Doug Kincaid Ontario Sales Manager Tel. 519-456-0656 Cell 519-571-6992 Fax 519-455-1179 Tinges -Advocate, Marc!: 26, 1997 6 Services SOUND OCCASIONS D.J. SERVICE • Music from the 30's to present • Professional Sound System DALTON FORD (519) 229-6167 HIE ANTIQUE WATCH and Clock Specialist. Want to buy old clocks? Have for sale many quality clocks. Repairs. Open chance or appointment (519) 243-1130. (281fn) LAWN & GARDEN CARE • POWER SWEEPING • LAWN ROLLING • AERATING • GRASS CUTTING Latieme McCarter 235-1062 FOR PRIME POWER said stand-by . electricity that works and nays working, call Sommer Motor Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936. Phone 519.655-2396. (30tfn) QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING and custom framing and now 5 minute atlargements. Jervis Photography, Main SC Exeter 235.1612. (3tfn) r HURON BOOKKEEPING vl SYSTEMS 254 Huron St. E., Exeter, Ont. NOM 151 SPECIALIZING IN Small Business & Farmers: • Bookkeeping • Payroll . • Financial Statements Income Tax Preparation • Personal • Farm • Small Business Neil Romphf (519) 235-1196 K THE JOB PEOPLE Moving Yesterdays prices, Todays movers Fully insured, experienced men. Free estimates Phone 519-271-9935 or Fax 519;271-0841 6 Services Page 21 HOT DOG CART FRANCHISE - On location at Canadian Tue. 52,500. includes new Cart and all aooesaortea. I -800-915-4683.(13:18c) TELEPHONE INSTALLATIONS Move phones - install jacks 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE PETER McFALLS 235-0368 AIRLINE JOBS - Now Hiring. 02425. per hour. All positions, stalled end tis -skilled. Excdknt ppaayy/benefiu. Call (504)429-9229. Ext. 447Al2 24 hours. (13' S570/WEEKLY MAKING Holiday Decorations year around at hone. No exp. S.A.S.E. to: Holidaycnh Decoration Ltd 420 Main St.E. U -C Ext. 1075. Milton, ON L9T5G3. I�1 SCRAPPER JOHN RECYCLING AND WAREHOUSE DISPOSAL New and Used Building Material & Welding Steel Wanted: Old Brick Houses and Buildings. Antiques, Farm Machinery, Scrap Metals Think before Tossing!! Think 144` Cali offlce 235-4614 Res. 235-1662 New! internet Interlude New! • ('nee in and gel isurn' fret err!. surf The nil.' • instruction fin' nett. users • Millions of.cilr.c to e.Yplrn•r • Booked on an hourly or 112 hour basis • ('nnu' in on your lunch hour or offer tent'/:/st•hnnl • Bonk your sprtl early please Sign up for ('nnlpuler romp /or Kids IS mutt, ore filling quickly! Lawn gr Care Pro cans 1 (rolling, spraying. fertilizing. crabgrass control) Lawn aeration. insect control. cutting. Reasonable rates. Over 10 years serving Exeter and area. Fully license If you love your lawn call: 235-1885 Exeter In (Q Casey's Lawn Care CORBETT & YOUNG Inc. EXCAVATING & TRUCKING ALL TYPES OF BACKHOE WORK SAND & GRAVEL JEFF YOUNG 293-3002 JIM YOUNG 227-4461 CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE 'Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" • BUSINESS OPPS. GOVERNMENT 0UND5 Government assntance,cl:' grams nlorma1an avowable 00' your neer. or insfal9 business Take aar4590 ct the 9o00ry ien4 grants and Gass Ca'• 1-000•9I5-361 • TAKE THE PATH TO THE NEXT M LLENNIUM' R•udua' Income' Leader) edge fuseless offers great earnings Dockage No* n the came (o nyestgate We have the soluterns Canada is rea33 and the market n "menu/ Aud,c messag? Ie:fs al Ca' n:••* 1400689-6713 Eat 1985 PROCESS SERVERS rranrhise OfDonun'y, 9rcvnc fora entry 1: Canadas (as45t 9'or.r9 P,00005 Senn* Net*OM NO neral franctr.se tees, erotism, 110,10,01 oononuOus o0erattnar and nat'o011 amending 50000e complete nanng Contact Lom0 Management Systems Inc at 1-000159.7468 ARE YOU SEEKING more free Irmo pus Inanoar Tae 0*10*1ca' Become 1 sales T64159e, to, a very proM5ble a" wnecal en cusness today Psr'+e row' 1 -amen 0699 WANT TO GET PAM FOR 1M1AT YOU ARE WORTH 1M ton! you 'pa'. 0. your ,40Mynlndalgn 'your erre' encs' Phenomenal produch Erugem fay pan' Phone I -000-2724178 INDEPENDENT CONSULTANTS Please Muni Tr*dng Co Me leader n proving quaky. afladkkle children cbmng NOS OFO0fh0a41 now' Our Sprirg and.Slammr season is lint beginning Jon non! For more raarrnator and a nee catalogue. or for a Consultant nag/ you 04 1 0006659644 CAREER TRAINING ;EAR', ALC",'VNEERING Classes held Apt li-le Aug 36 22.Nov 1521'97 For nformatr00 conic SouMweSlem Oman° School Of Aucborwrn9. P F .5 WOods4rk. OntarQ NIS N9 019)537.211S BE AN INTER'0R DECORATOR ate cur gnat Nile. study course Cat today for your FREE BOOK 1800- 2671829 TM Sheet School. 112238 MCA'tun Are Ottawa ON x': 6R2 EDUCATIONAL OPPS. COUNSELLOR TRAINING trobAAe Of Carta& oilers cot• eespu*dente towns (01 tthe D'WOma n Counsel.13 Pratte!. Ullman ars 0Or4n 400 a L,Ocnu 0 phone' tree ' 1bbf0' )U EMPLOYMENT OPPS. TRANSPORT DPIVERS NEEDED. Now n the Ione to tram for your skis AZ license For Werra* or 1ppsa5On contact Orx6no Truck Dow Trams; • LOr1O1 . 140°- 2634777 OM .600263.1777134 ptaterrw0 anw*rla Gyulai) •NTEPIIATIONA: AGR! u' TueA; En -range - Ages tf • 30 *aa) aro/aura, eytener'Ce to ve em, Nm Iambi r Australia tie* Zeaiara. Europe. Japan Costsbelaas • ,. 800.263.1827 Calgary Altera FOR SALE .SAWMriL 54395 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS franks beams large Capably Best saomdI ,Nue anywhere tree information 1.800566.6899 Norwood Sa*mdn R P 2. K4w0rmo or4ano POE 167 SALES KELP WANTED •S41'TENTIOI, STUDEN'SS Make a .:r c' monk, sewrg chocolate bars Ne* Droducts ova rade 1•Mhng Y pay' Mallet F11$10•04N 1400 383 3S.-47 PAY TELEPHONE.SERV. NEED ADVICE'' CO today to ata to one of ours roan. Psy 1.03 Let us NO yes. ••ra1 lore Mater Relator Shot. Problems "f3 93'rtn. 24 rye 16. 1.900870-1025 PERSONALS 3ETA8E11E098DDv Lose 2 'c 3 Ness saes in 2 to 3 morins 100', mon Dara guararuee CM 14900465 - ADOPTION -000 65ADOPTION *00976E5 AND BIRTN PARENTS • Farm, Faders and The Canada.woe Nat.onal AeotNM Pegnlry 1.00.871. 8477. h50 'raw a00pta19.013115*.'tem 'Reurwm9 Car4drl f were 60m Coast to Coast' 1:800-071-047' REAL ESTATE RESALES TIVESHARE'Ca'og5.s rd memberships .Amer.cas 11gest resew cksrngrwose Pes6n Saes 041059h35115114004423.5967 ' $TEFL BUILDNiOS STEEL aU2WNGSFOR SALE - 2'.3053.76000 25 e 40 55.624 00 32 r 44 $6.835 OC 31 a 56 $8.36000 4 . 60 59.98600 Ends 0chrleo ',Art styles and mud eK 4,64Dle 050:0803d. POW* '.800666-5422 FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS Durable 0ependa64 ore-engneereo AI•Stee Structures Cltslom.made'c sue you, noels and regmerrlerltr 09 (0(y owKt af(od- • 4514 Onset :a' '•800.558.8633 ea 5361orlee, 27OCtV* DURA 80211.DING SYSTEMS,- Great pips en 94Aty C4wdrsmad• pn.e(gwl•ered sten buildings W see ooze n agnn414a1, commercw ;NMI'wl and recce stow$ WAdalgs. CM la Mmes . e03-663-703 • N's AHordabis • N's Feel • 18's Easy • Ono BEI Doss N All • Northern Oilierio 576 • Eastern Ontario 5138 • Western Ontario 5130 • Central Ombra $134 • AO Ontario 5390 • Natonal Packages Available • Cal this paw for unit' • - • Secretary -Manager Reporting to the Board of Directors you will be responsible for all aspects of operating a successful farm Mutual Insurance Company selling farm and residential coverages. You must have. management experience, be computer literate and have investment knowledge. Insurance experience and education (A.I.i.C.) given preference. Please forward resume with salary expectations and three professional references before April 4/97 to Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire insurance Company 507 Main Street S. Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S1 a •r WOODCOCK BROTHERS Express Freight DRIVERS NEEDED (.onlp/a/1y an(/ Owner Operators Woodcock Brothers is an expanding international freight company that has undergone many recent changes to ensure our growth and future in the trucking industry. We are seeking experienced AZ licensed truck drivers & Owner/Operators for U.S. freight service. We offer a comprehensive wage and benefit package. and the finest late - model equipment. If you are interested in joining our team of professionals. and are ready for a challenge. we would like to hear from you. Ivry., req,,. WOODCOCK BROTHERS 7 Please. applyla p4 n, to Keith &heatltar 225 Huron ltd. Sehrfagvfle, Osis.' to OA 519-393.4194 o1` 1=8 565-5537 ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE if you thrive on working in a fast -paced environment in the print media advertising industry, dust off your resume and send it ASAP. • We're looking for a self starter who is capable of • producing results for clients in a variety of areas, including: agricultural special editions; lifestyle publications; .real estate magazines; tourist brochures, etc., The successful candidate will be somebody who is not afraid of working on a commission basis. Your skills as a self starter will be backed by a modern production centre capable of transforming your advertisements into successful sales tools for your clients. If you're the type of individual who thrives on hard work and is not afraid of getting lost in a large territory WE WANT YOU ON OUR TEAM. Please apply in confidence to: Box 68, c/o Times Advocate P.O. Box 850 Exeter, Ont. NOM 156 We thank all those who apply in advance, however interviews will only be available to a limited number of • 4 Help Wanted PHOENIX STAGE TWO HOUSING is looking for a Building Superintendent for our • Exeter Site. - The work involves providing an on site presence. ensuring a quick response to emergencies and routine maintenance and cleaning of the common areas. In exchange for this work a 2 bedroom -apartment is provided. Phoenix of Huron. provides secure housing for women and children who are victims of family violence. No adult male residents or visitors are permitted. Interested applicants should apply in writing by April 8. 1997 to 611 Phoenix of Huron,. Box 298. Clinton, Ontario. Exeter Public Cemetery Seasonal Help Required Student laborer - must be experienced with tractor and mowers to work from May to August. Please submit application to the. Municipal Office or S.H.R.C. by Tuesday, April 1. 1997 at 4 p.m. Attention Cam Stewardson Facility Manager South Huron Rec Centre 94 Victoria St. E., Exeter NOM 151 ' 6 Services applicants. estatalamanciainstsas7►71a1Asatausai71ansanutkat7•nainanwi7Nrapk7gniamit.7a1L14►'LaTkis7 utga m. ATV UNDER SEEDING ON WHEAT FIELDS CALL Nick Regier 236-4420 "TAX TIME AGAIN" - Jane Jolly and Beverly Wells are proud to let you know that we are back in business, now u Jane & Company. We will be providing personal professional income tax . services at reasonable rates with electronic filing available. Our office is located at the cornu of Main St and Huron, The Exeter Business Centre. Please give us a call at 235-3595. We hopeto see you all again soon. (11,12.13c) MAN WITH CHAINSAW for hire. Chain sharpening. 237-3207.(11-13c) HAIRCUT, SHAVE, SHAMPOO - Wayne Ouerbein's Barber Shop. 394 Main St. Exeter. 235-0559. Open 8 a.m. Closed Wed. Sat. at2:00. (12,13•) SUPERB LAWN CARE & MAINTENANCE • Lawn Rolling • Grass Cutting • Flower bed Planting • Tree & Shrub Trimming • Minor Lawn Repair CALL. HARRY KNIP 235-4393 FARM SALES AGENT WANTED for International Stock Food Co., Ltd., Cambridge, Ontario The open area includes Seaforth, Clinton and Exeter. The I.S.F. products consist of livestock and horse mineral/vitamin horse custom premixes, Herbageum Condiment, yeast, and buffer blends. Our 35 Ontario I.S.F. Agents sell Silo Guard II as a, registered 'Aid to Fermei ' Ation' for all baled hay, haylage, corn silage and H.M. corn. For information on commissions, inventory, advertising assistance, and field selling help - Please call Doug Kincaid Ontario Sales Manager Tel. 519-456-0656 Cell 519-571-6992 Fax 519-455-1179 Tinges -Advocate, Marc!: 26, 1997 6 Services SOUND OCCASIONS D.J. SERVICE • Music from the 30's to present • Professional Sound System DALTON FORD (519) 229-6167 HIE ANTIQUE WATCH and Clock Specialist. Want to buy old clocks? Have for sale many quality clocks. Repairs. Open chance or appointment (519) 243-1130. (281fn) LAWN & GARDEN CARE • POWER SWEEPING • LAWN ROLLING • AERATING • GRASS CUTTING Latieme McCarter 235-1062 FOR PRIME POWER said stand-by . electricity that works and nays working, call Sommer Motor Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936. Phone 519.655-2396. (30tfn) QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING and custom framing and now 5 minute atlargements. Jervis Photography, Main SC Exeter 235.1612. (3tfn) r HURON BOOKKEEPING vl SYSTEMS 254 Huron St. E., Exeter, Ont. NOM 151 SPECIALIZING IN Small Business & Farmers: • Bookkeeping • Payroll . • Financial Statements Income Tax Preparation • Personal • Farm • Small Business Neil Romphf (519) 235-1196 K THE JOB PEOPLE Moving Yesterdays prices, Todays movers Fully insured, experienced men. Free estimates Phone 519-271-9935 or Fax 519;271-0841 6 Services Page 21 HOT DOG CART FRANCHISE - On location at Canadian Tue. 52,500. includes new Cart and all aooesaortea. I -800-915-4683.(13:18c) TELEPHONE INSTALLATIONS Move phones - install jacks 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE PETER McFALLS 235-0368 AIRLINE JOBS - Now Hiring. 02425. per hour. All positions, stalled end tis -skilled. Excdknt ppaayy/benefiu. Call (504)429-9229. Ext. 447Al2 24 hours. (13' S570/WEEKLY MAKING Holiday Decorations year around at hone. No exp. S.A.S.E. to: Holidaycnh Decoration Ltd 420 Main St.E. U -C Ext. 1075. Milton, ON L9T5G3. I�1 SCRAPPER JOHN RECYCLING AND WAREHOUSE DISPOSAL New and Used Building Material & Welding Steel Wanted: Old Brick Houses and Buildings. Antiques, Farm Machinery, Scrap Metals Think before Tossing!! Think 144` Cali offlce 235-4614 Res. 235-1662 New! internet Interlude New! • ('nee in and gel isurn' fret err!. surf The nil.' • instruction fin' nett. users • Millions of.cilr.c to e.Yplrn•r • Booked on an hourly or 112 hour basis • ('nnu' in on your lunch hour or offer tent'/:/st•hnnl • Bonk your sprtl early please Sign up for ('nnlpuler romp /or Kids IS mutt, ore filling quickly! Lawn gr Care Pro cans 1 (rolling, spraying. fertilizing. crabgrass control) Lawn aeration. insect control. cutting. Reasonable rates. Over 10 years serving Exeter and area. Fully license If you love your lawn call: 235-1885 Exeter In (Q Casey's Lawn Care CORBETT & YOUNG Inc. EXCAVATING & TRUCKING ALL TYPES OF BACKHOE WORK SAND & GRAVEL JEFF YOUNG 293-3002 JIM YOUNG 227-4461 CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE 'Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" • BUSINESS OPPS. GOVERNMENT 0UND5 Government assntance,cl:' grams nlorma1an avowable 00' your neer. or insfal9 business Take aar4590 ct the 9o00ry ien4 grants and Gass Ca'• 1-000•9I5-361 • TAKE THE PATH TO THE NEXT M LLENNIUM' R•udua' Income' Leader) edge fuseless offers great earnings Dockage No* n the came (o nyestgate We have the soluterns Canada is rea33 and the market n "menu/ Aud,c messag? Ie:fs al Ca' n:••* 1400689-6713 Eat 1985 PROCESS SERVERS rranrhise OfDonun'y, 9rcvnc fora entry 1: Canadas (as45t 9'or.r9 P,00005 Senn* Net*OM NO neral franctr.se tees, erotism, 110,10,01 oononuOus o0erattnar and nat'o011 amending 50000e complete nanng Contact Lom0 Management Systems Inc at 1-000159.7468 ARE YOU SEEKING more free Irmo pus Inanoar Tae 0*10*1ca' Become 1 sales T64159e, to, a very proM5ble a" wnecal en cusness today Psr'+e row' 1 -amen 0699 WANT TO GET PAM FOR 1M1AT YOU ARE WORTH 1M ton! you 'pa'. 0. your ,40Mynlndalgn 'your erre' encs' Phenomenal produch Erugem fay pan' Phone I -000-2724178 INDEPENDENT CONSULTANTS Please Muni Tr*dng Co Me leader n proving quaky. afladkkle children cbmng NOS OFO0fh0a41 now' Our Sprirg and.Slammr season is lint beginning Jon non! 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