HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-03-26, Page 12Page 12 Times -Advocate, March 26, 1997
New pipe organ
Organist and Choir Director Sharen DeVree tries her hand.* the spew pipe organ at Holy
Trinity Anglican Church in Lucan. The 1983 organ, which was purchased from a church in
Nova Scotia, was restored and brought to Lucan to replace an old organ last June. On April
13, the church celebrates the dedication of the organ at 11:00 a.m. and will also host a
postlude concert that night at 7:30.
Easter drama
,By Mary Peterson
Centralia correspondent
CEN'IRALIA - Local -community
churches ale • planning Easter ser-
vices, A•joini•Good Friday worship
:service for. Zion West and Centralia
United Churches will be held
Match 28 at • 1.1 a.m. at Zion West
United .Church. Those peopleas-
• .sisting with the service arc asked to
attend a rehearsal on March,27 at
7:30 p.a. -
Centralia.: Faith Tabernacle 'will
.present an •Easter drama entitled
'Born to- Die' on March 29 and
March 30 at 7 .p.m.• Everyone is
weIcua _ th attend. The nursery
will. be available• for those with
young children.
On. Easter •Sunday, - March. 30,
everyone is - invited to a Sunrise
Service at Zion West at 7 a.m: and
the potluck breakfast which will
follow. Easter services will he held
;It 9:45 a.m.-at Zion West.and 11:30
a.m. ai Centralia United.
On March 27 at 7:30 p/m. Bruce
and Shirley Perrywill host a meet-
ing at their home in Exeter, 404 Ed-
ward Street. The discussion will fo-
cus on putting the Bible back into
thc local schools beginning next
September. :Two. representatives
from each school art: required.
Crediton • U.C.W. have invited
Centralia U.C.W: to their meeting
on April 3 at 8 p.m.
A* meeting entitled 'The Fine Art
of Joggling' for ministry personnel
and members • of congregations
from multi -point charges is.planned
at Bcachville United• Church on
April f from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Centralia United Church is host-
ing a ham supper on April 12.
There will he two sitting, at 4:30
and 6 p.nl. The meal will cost $9.00
for adults and $4.50 for children
aged. 6* to 12. If you'd like tickets,
talk to the Stewards or call Alan
Volunteers are needed to make
scalloped potatoes, cook pork roast,
and snake cheesecakes. Call Alan
Powe if you arc able to help.
The next day. April 13, Zion Sun-
day School will host a spaghetti
lunch at 12:30 p,m. Worship will
he at 10 a.m. at Centralia United
Church and 11:15 a.m. at Zion
West on April 13.
At Hcywoods Restaurant on
March 18, Kay Lankin and Howard
•Dolan •were High Hand • winners.
Lone hand winners were Anne
Northy and Adrian DcBrauwer, and
Doris Pfaff won thc Special.. •
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Sib :i
Musical evening planned at Grand Bend
GRAND BEND - On the fifth
. Lenten Sunday, March 16, at Grand
Bend' United Church, -a prayer _of
confessions was said in unison.
•Rev. R. Puttnan's sermon topic was
"A God Who Forgetsr with scrip-
tures read by - Bette Tufts. The
choir's anthem was —Jesus Paid- It
All." •
In the children's time, Rev. Put-
man talked about "Forgiveness and
Forgetting." Prayers- of the People.
were read by Bryan Beattie.
Communion was celebrated on
Palm Sunday at Grand Bcnd United
Church on March 23, Rev. Putman'
talked to the children and congrega-
tion about the meaning of Palm
Sunday. Scriptures were read shy
Bob Southcott. The choir's anthem
was "Hosanna to the Living Lord.-
. UCW - • •
Grand Bend United - Church
Women met Thursday afternoon,
March 13 in the Sunday School
• rooms. President Evelyn Johnson
welcomed everyone and read • a
poem "Signs of Spring."
Vera Rempel gave the worship
service with an Easter •theme. She
gave arcading on "An ,Invitation to
'Church", followed by scripture.
Easter hymns were sung with Ina'
Flcwelling at the piano. Flewclling
garne a program reading about the
Grand Bend United Church's do
veluping committee and it's work:• -
Bertie Keyes.' read the minutes
and' a letter from Geri Wright (the
former U.C.W. treasurer) who now .
lives in Queen Charlotte Islands,
B.C. about tier life and recovery
from cancer.. .
The roll call was answered by 16
menthcts telling what .their favorite
Psalm was and reading a verse
frnin it. -
An invitation was read to attend
the 'Easter . Ecumenical at Calvary
United Church, Dashwood • on
March 18 at 7:30 p.1n..
During the - business, several
thank you notes were read from
people who received plants .at
Christmas, and appeal letters. •
Laura Flewelling closed by hav-
ing the group join hands as she
gave the closing prayer.
Lunch hostesses - were Marg
Love. Joan Love and Joan's young
daughter C'harleen.
-Golden Agers
• .The • Qrand Bend Golden . Agers
held their bi-weekly euchre game
*Wednesday evening, March .12 at
the Legion with 'six tables in play.
Winners were: -Ladies high score -
Elena Black: ladies low- score
Jeari Dann: most lone hands was a
three way tic. between Lou Hamil-
ton. Norma Wainer and Annie Mo-
renz; Men's high score - Everett
Richardson; Mens low score - Gor-
don Coulter; Most lone hands - a
tic between Ron Dann. and Hugh
Gritleth. .• -
The next euchre- will be held
March 26 at the • Legion at 7:30
All in the April Evening
An "All in the April Evening"
program of hymns, anthems, nostal-
gic vocal solo's; instrumental solos
and ducts will be held April 20 at
7:39 p.m. in• Grand Bend United
Church. ,
Grand Bend United Choir will
perforin anthems and Don McLean
(baritone) will give a solo "Lost
Chord"..Instrumental solos of Lynn
Tremain (flute) and Norm Abbott
• (cello) arc also featured. A spec-
trum of hymns, some pre -selected,
some .on spontaneous request, will
he conducted by music director
Norm Abbott. A general collection
will be taken and refreshments will
Did you know?
That on -April 2, 1926, it was de-
cided to form a two-point charge
with' Grand Bend to be • named the
-Grand Bend Pastoral Charge. Rcv.
W.J. Maines . was. to occupy the
Manse-- at 'Grand Bend. Services
were held at Grand Bend in the
morning and evening. and at Green-
way in the afternoon..
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