HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-03-26, Page 6Page.. 6
Time's -Advocate, March 26, 1997 FAMILY
For answers
please turn
to the
1 Freudian
7 Mother 44 Florence's river
13 Condoling .
words: 2 wds. 45 Wooden shoes
19 Erodes- 2 wds 47. Active sort .
20 Bring out again. ' 48 — hall
as a police case 52 Elk's ilk
21 Skyway 2 wds 53-Top•ot-the•line
22 Start of a quip: 54 P rt3 of quip
2 wds '
24 of the Fall" 57 Devil
25 — du Diable 59 What you used
26 Used to be to be •
27 More sensible ' 60 Viewpoint
29 Fury 61 Forcibly remove
30 Lucie's lather' 64 2 d44 of quip:
31 Desert region •
34 English county - 69 Miss Piggy. a g.
36 Pan 2 of quip -
5 wds
41 — St. Helens
42 Ms. Curie
43 Actress Massey
70 Kind of stew
72 Paris airport
73 Like galleys
75 Part 5 of quip
2 wds
79 Party pooper.,•.
80 Actress Semms
84 'Diana* singer
85"— Ben Adhem'
86 Oliver Twist
87 Medieval drink
88 Furious person
90 First show of a
92 — firma
93 End of the quip -
6 wds .
98 Popular
99 Canadian
100 Moran or Gray
101 Us: Ger
102 — eclipse
104 Taven stock
105 Money
. • machine. for
short •
108 Sentries of a
111 Speaker of the
quip: 2 wds.
116 Buttercup
117 "You don't
118 He's at home ,
119 Hardest to find
120 Good qualities
121 Hoist by one's
own —
28 Gambia or
• Zambia
1 Pastrami parlor 30 Charitable
2 Actor Julia • -contributors •
3 Major ending 31 Otto's owner
4 Silvery gray . 32 Is a copycat
5 "Sextette- • 33 Term of .
actres. 2 wds' endearment
6 Urgency 34 Article in • •
7 Based on actual Aachen
events - 15 Flower part
8 Chariot ending - -36 .enter
9 Reiner or Lowe 37 Old character 67 Hounds' quarry
10 Carol Browner's 38 Singer Warwick, 68 God of war
agcy ._ - 39 Designer • 71 Begins - brand
1 1 Perceive v;a Cassini 74 Loweran dignity • 106 Alaslta, once:
sight. e -g. 40 Sported 76 Kind of palm _ abbe
12 Turkish capital 41.-- Max'
13 Wedding -cake 45 Inspector -
layer : Clouseau's
helper - •
15 Cornda cry . • 46 Moistened clay
16 Exile 47 Magician -
17 A Martin • Henning
18 Change - -' 49 — Benedict .
-fireman: to . . , 50 Vaughn.role .
-firefighter" '51 Ragout. for one
21 Pintful. perhaps 54 Con -game
23 Runny cheese conspirator
55 — Express
58 Despise
58 1968 U S. Open
-winner •
59'By way of. for
short .
61 Ms. Hayworth
' 62 Tehran's locale
63 Floppy item -
65 Health food
66 Began liking:
2 wds.
92 Kind of -galley
93 Tropical fruit
94 Heavy
95 Arenas
96 Retainers
97 Got older:
98 -Sweetener
102 Time to give
103 French article
.104 Garden spots
105. Tennis -shoe
7.7 Director Ferrara
78 The — — the -
street (rumors)
79 Flora and fauna
81 TV's=Griffin
82 — Tyler Moore
83 Boise's county
86 Unhurried
99 "That's it!"
90 Supporters
91 Longshore-
• men's grp
r',Fair ,a -ita ty
Microwave Caramel Popcorn
' Ne•mi:', still have some blustery winter days! So ;t.is always
good to be prepared.for movie night at -home! -Here is a
no mess popcorn recipe- my kind of clean-up, •
This makes. a great birthday bag treat, -or a yummy garage
sale addition.. what -about a Sunday School treat! Have fur
making and enjoy eating. ' -
• 3-5 qts (3 batches) popped popcorn
• Place the.popcorn in well sprayed (with Pam or similar
rrcduc t) brown paper. grocery bag.
• in a separate pan melt
/2 cup margarine -
' cup brown 'sugar •
id yup corn syrup •
• 3ciI, men remove and acc•. /2 tsp soda. As it foams.
pour over -popcorn. Shake weir or stir. Close up bag. Place
microv'ave Microwave on HIGH 1-) /2 min. Shake.-
MicH:'ave on NIGH' 1-1 /2 min. Shake, then twice more
Mk: !IGH fr`r 30 seconds. Shake in between. Yummy!
Debby Wagler
107 TV's talking
horse -.2 wds:
109 Uncle: Scottish
110 Calendar
pages: abbr.
112 "— bodkins!'
-113 Scottish river
114- Lease out
115 Fitting
By Trip Payne
Spring arrives
at the Villa
EXETER - The spnng reunion at
the Exeter Villa was a great after-
noon for residents, and their fami-
lies and friends. Barb Keyes of the
Villa staff coordinated the event.
with plenty. of entertainment and
good food.
The Villa celebrated St. Patrick',
Day by wearing green. Other green
festivities included a Saturday af-
ternoon Irish coffee and a travel log
to Ireland. -
Many of the Villa evenings have
been filled with music and. enter- .
tainment °by groups such as the .
Christian Refrirmed Choir. Jack
Wilds and friends. Doug Steven'.
Band. Marjorie Johns and friend.
Girl Guides, Lioness and the Le-
gion Ladies. The Legion ladies
have an evening of Bingo -games .
for the residents` once a month. al-
ways a highlight for the residents.
Many people came out to cele-
brate Bea Tate's 90th birthday.
hosted by Bea's family and friends.
Villa residents'. • will , celebrate
Easter with a Tea and Draw on -
March 25. The prizes are a choco-
late Easter bunny donated by Sugar
and Spice of -Strathroy and an East
-er basket by Kelly Glady of Basket -
works. '
Sunrise service at Elimville
Rhoda Rohde
Thames Road correspondent
THAMES ROAD-- Rev Jack To_Imay was in charge the Palrp Sunday
service at -Thames. Road United Church. ihere were two Easter -lilies on
the plgttorm and an Easter Kanner tiung'up...- ' . .•
Rev. Tglmay told the children astory about Pains Sunday. He gave each
chikh:t palm branch and they broke off a leaf and gave it to each person in
- the church. . -
- The choir sang "Hosanna to the King".aecompanied by •organist ,‘fines
Bray. Ray Cann and Kay Cunnington were the greeters and received the
offering. .
The title of .Rcv;.Tulmay s sermon was "Enterine.the Gate."
Lenten Bible Study'. will he held Wednesday' evening at the manse at
p.m. .
On March.26 Elimville C.C.W. "will ineet at !I p.m. The theme will he
Easter with a roll call to 'tell an Easter custom from another country'.
Jean Johns and Ola Batten will conduct the program and a lunch will he
provided by Sandra Rowe and Janet Coward. •
Cortlmunion. will he served at a Good Friday joint service on March is
at Thamet Road at 7:30 p.m.
A sunrise scrvicc.is planned at Elimville Clt:urch at 8 a.m. on March ail
with breakfast to follow. -At 10 :tan, a joint church service will fie field .it
Elimville. There is -a sheet of paper at each church to sign up for the break
fast. •
If you would like to place an Easter lily in the church for Easter Sunday
in -memory of a loved rine. contact Sharon Passmore at -235-270K. Brine
them to church just prior to the service on Easter Sunday morning. •
Sunbeams will meet April 3 at Thames Road Church. at 9;30 a.m•. The
.:hildren will he painting T-shirts kir. spring. Everyone is to bring a plant
T -shin 10 tit your child and apiece of cardboard to put in the middle to act
:1s a hlotter.- - -
On April 7. "Thames Road f:.C.W: will meet. Beatrice Dawson. Marion
Cann. Kay Cunnington and Janis Richardson will conduct the program.
Me group is entertaining Kirkton. Zinn West. Caven and Statfa women.
Lunch will.heserved by Groups.0 and W.
- Personals -
• Get well wishes :w extended to Frances Kints. who. returned home on
"Thursday from South Huron Hospital alter having been inured in a car ac-
adertt recently: - • .
Get well wishes are,dso extended to -John Pym who underwent hip Sur-
•)ery at SI. Joseph', Health Centre last week. He returned home on Satur-
A play in the Dutch language
,t.)DSfC>CK the Wootlsteck
• Uui.h Theatre Group has plans tar
its .I997 rniductwn "Een Bceld
Van -'n \I,ut '. a three -act comedy
irt the Dutch language written by 1
Henunink-Kamp. The play docu-
ments the goings on in the Baron ,
:,uden as observed by -a most unu-
sual statue.'This humorous prpduc
tion •huuld prdvide some goiud old -
t ishlono:d Dutch entertaminent. The
• play. will be presented at four Ioea-
On April 12. the Clinton Town
Hall will'be the venue and the. play
will begun at 7:31) p.m. Tickets are
c..unable by .ending a cheque and
•-.unped..elf-addressed envelupeto
-.ie Uuetter. 41)4) Victoria St.. Clio-
-1). NOM .110 i431-9251) or they
,utv he purchased at The Dutch
Store located on •Chnlon'\ Main
Street. OnMarch 7 and 8 the per-
tu itiiince will tie held at Wood -
,tock Market - Centre Theatre ' at 8
p.m. :int: on March 21 •and 22 at the .
1 lnidon Dutch Canadian hail at 8
11.n►. For tickets, send a cheque and
a stamped .elf -addressed envelope
t1 \.ruin Rodenhurg, RR 4 tha-
nrc-told. NUM .MQ or call 283-
t• `5 .:\dsanee tickets are strongly
On April 5. the play will be per-
formed in Peterborough at 8 p.m.
Ilckets to this performance are
.i.ailable from Maggie's Meat Mar-
ket (748-0282) lir by sending a
heque and, a stamped self-
addressed envelope to Frank Mee -
vis, 25 Emils \lanor Drive. Ome-
n1ee. Kf)I_ 2N0 . "99-'691(11.
Map OMNI 1tmWil IUD
Otto's Country Bakery
367 Main St. S. Exeter 235-2525
For your Easter Baked Goods
Easter Eggs, Cupcakes.
Cakes on Order.
Buns for your Easter Dinner
c11) 4? ,could like to wish omveybody a 91appy aster
oral. !ferry:m11�S1011
$4.99 Session Fee.
Paid al lime of pholoprephy.
Not included In advertised offer.
19 Full Colour Professional
Quality Portraits
(-8X/0*, 2-5x7'5*, 16,Wallet Sire (2x1*)
Package offer features our selection (1 pose) on
traditional background
LIMA 0118(,1s 11 often pp seliia'Nst •PerMad sins swasimmN. All am Faka1M, nlleera artier 11 mn moil be ucofHIM117 a pivot.
Satistsc tae pearaii101 ANlneeal winds ara,Ialia 11 raasenaNI pride. .
, /114441•• nr44114.4r
193 Main St. S., Exeter
Promotion Dates: Sat., April 5, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Call for appointment: 235-2552
Service award
Hugh Davis receives a service, award in recognition of 3i
years as" Road Superintendent -for •Biddulph Township.: The
award was presented to Toronto by Ontario Minister of
Transportation Al Palladini on Feb: 25 at the Ontario Good
Roads Convention.,
or1 '0c cO/ / jam( ciorvcr
This gear, yourresolution can actually live to see
Lose 2:7 lbs. per week with no pre --packaged.
foods or powders.
Weight loss results are guaranteed.
20 lbs. BEFORE JUNE 1/97.
Let the magic work for you!
For your personal free no obligation consultation,
call Lori, Susi or Shauna
A well prepared resume will help you
get the job you are looking for!
resume detailing an applicant's work history and
is extremely helpful to an employer who
is seeking a person for a specific job vacancy.
Your personal resume should accompany
your letter of application.
are some guidelines to follow in prepartngJ your resumes:
Make it clear, concise and easy to read - and :10 longer
than two pages
The resume should be typed on 8 1/2" x 11" white paper
with enough white space to prevent a cluttered look
Start with your name, address and phone number
Next under a sub -heading "Work History" detail the
previous jobs you've held - in reverse date order
- that is, last job first.
Use a separate paragraph for each position and
precede it with the dates you held that position.
State the job title, a brief description of the
responsibilities - and the results you achieved.
The next section of your resume should come under the
sub -heading of "Education". Start with the highest
degree obtained or grade completed, followed by the
name of the institution at which you studied. Follow
this with previous education attainments. At the end,
list any specific' instructional courses you have
attended in conjunction with your work.
• Under the sub -heading "tliations", list membersnips
and/or offices held in prof'-sional or induh try
Under the sub -heading "Personal Interests" list any
activities which you feel will be of interest to the
employer - such as volunteer work, etc.
Your letter of application and your resume will be the
that make the employer decide whether to short
list you for an Interview. So make It as Impressive
as you can - but stick to the facts.
h -
424 Main St. Exeter (519) 235-1331
to 11". .16
- -
IyI i!Th
' t
r',Fair ,a -ita ty
Microwave Caramel Popcorn
' Ne•mi:', still have some blustery winter days! So ;t.is always
good to be prepared.for movie night at -home! -Here is a
no mess popcorn recipe- my kind of clean-up, •
This makes. a great birthday bag treat, -or a yummy garage
sale addition.. what -about a Sunday School treat! Have fur
making and enjoy eating. ' -
• 3-5 qts (3 batches) popped popcorn
• Place the.popcorn in well sprayed (with Pam or similar
rrcduc t) brown paper. grocery bag.
• in a separate pan melt
/2 cup margarine -
' cup brown 'sugar •
id yup corn syrup •
• 3ciI, men remove and acc•. /2 tsp soda. As it foams.
pour over -popcorn. Shake weir or stir. Close up bag. Place
microv'ave Microwave on HIGH 1-) /2 min. Shake.-
MicH:'ave on NIGH' 1-1 /2 min. Shake, then twice more
Mk: !IGH fr`r 30 seconds. Shake in between. Yummy!
Debby Wagler
107 TV's talking
horse -.2 wds:
109 Uncle: Scottish
110 Calendar
pages: abbr.
112 "— bodkins!'
-113 Scottish river
114- Lease out
115 Fitting
By Trip Payne
Spring arrives
at the Villa
EXETER - The spnng reunion at
the Exeter Villa was a great after-
noon for residents, and their fami-
lies and friends. Barb Keyes of the
Villa staff coordinated the event.
with plenty. of entertainment and
good food.
The Villa celebrated St. Patrick',
Day by wearing green. Other green
festivities included a Saturday af-
ternoon Irish coffee and a travel log
to Ireland. -
Many of the Villa evenings have
been filled with music and. enter- .
tainment °by groups such as the .
Christian Refrirmed Choir. Jack
Wilds and friends. Doug Steven'.
Band. Marjorie Johns and friend.
Girl Guides, Lioness and the Le-
gion Ladies. The Legion ladies
have an evening of Bingo -games .
for the residents` once a month. al-
ways a highlight for the residents.
Many people came out to cele-
brate Bea Tate's 90th birthday.
hosted by Bea's family and friends.
Villa residents'. • will , celebrate
Easter with a Tea and Draw on -
March 25. The prizes are a choco-
late Easter bunny donated by Sugar
and Spice of -Strathroy and an East
-er basket by Kelly Glady of Basket -
works. '
Sunrise service at Elimville
Rhoda Rohde
Thames Road correspondent
THAMES ROAD-- Rev Jack To_Imay was in charge the Palrp Sunday
service at -Thames. Road United Church. ihere were two Easter -lilies on
the plgttorm and an Easter Kanner tiung'up...- ' . .•
Rev. Tglmay told the children astory about Pains Sunday. He gave each
chikh:t palm branch and they broke off a leaf and gave it to each person in
- the church. . -
- The choir sang "Hosanna to the King".aecompanied by •organist ,‘fines
Bray. Ray Cann and Kay Cunnington were the greeters and received the
offering. .
The title of .Rcv;.Tulmay s sermon was "Enterine.the Gate."
Lenten Bible Study'. will he held Wednesday' evening at the manse at
p.m. .
On March.26 Elimville C.C.W. "will ineet at !I p.m. The theme will he
Easter with a roll call to 'tell an Easter custom from another country'.
Jean Johns and Ola Batten will conduct the program and a lunch will he
provided by Sandra Rowe and Janet Coward. •
Cortlmunion. will he served at a Good Friday joint service on March is
at Thamet Road at 7:30 p.m.
A sunrise scrvicc.is planned at Elimville Clt:urch at 8 a.m. on March ail
with breakfast to follow. -At 10 :tan, a joint church service will fie field .it
Elimville. There is -a sheet of paper at each church to sign up for the break
fast. •
If you would like to place an Easter lily in the church for Easter Sunday
in -memory of a loved rine. contact Sharon Passmore at -235-270K. Brine
them to church just prior to the service on Easter Sunday morning. •
Sunbeams will meet April 3 at Thames Road Church. at 9;30 a.m•. The
.:hildren will he painting T-shirts kir. spring. Everyone is to bring a plant
T -shin 10 tit your child and apiece of cardboard to put in the middle to act
:1s a hlotter.- - -
On April 7. "Thames Road f:.C.W: will meet. Beatrice Dawson. Marion
Cann. Kay Cunnington and Janis Richardson will conduct the program.
Me group is entertaining Kirkton. Zinn West. Caven and Statfa women.
Lunch will.heserved by Groups.0 and W.
- Personals -
• Get well wishes :w extended to Frances Kints. who. returned home on
"Thursday from South Huron Hospital alter having been inured in a car ac-
adertt recently: - • .
Get well wishes are,dso extended to -John Pym who underwent hip Sur-
•)ery at SI. Joseph', Health Centre last week. He returned home on Satur-
A play in the Dutch language
,t.)DSfC>CK the Wootlsteck
• Uui.h Theatre Group has plans tar
its .I997 rniductwn "Een Bceld
Van -'n \I,ut '. a three -act comedy
irt the Dutch language written by 1
Henunink-Kamp. The play docu-
ments the goings on in the Baron ,
:,uden as observed by -a most unu-
sual statue.'This humorous prpduc
tion •huuld prdvide some goiud old -
t ishlono:d Dutch entertaminent. The
• play. will be presented at four Ioea-
On April 12. the Clinton Town
Hall will'be the venue and the. play
will begun at 7:31) p.m. Tickets are
c..unable by .ending a cheque and
•-.unped..elf-addressed envelupeto
-.ie Uuetter. 41)4) Victoria St.. Clio-
-1). NOM .110 i431-9251) or they
,utv he purchased at The Dutch
Store located on •Chnlon'\ Main
Street. OnMarch 7 and 8 the per-
tu itiiince will tie held at Wood -
,tock Market - Centre Theatre ' at 8
p.m. :int: on March 21 •and 22 at the .
1 lnidon Dutch Canadian hail at 8
11.n►. For tickets, send a cheque and
a stamped .elf -addressed envelope
t1 \.ruin Rodenhurg, RR 4 tha-
nrc-told. NUM .MQ or call 283-
t• `5 .:\dsanee tickets are strongly
On April 5. the play will be per-
formed in Peterborough at 8 p.m.
Ilckets to this performance are
.i.ailable from Maggie's Meat Mar-
ket (748-0282) lir by sending a
heque and, a stamped self-
addressed envelope to Frank Mee -
vis, 25 Emils \lanor Drive. Ome-
n1ee. Kf)I_ 2N0 . "99-'691(11.
Map OMNI 1tmWil IUD
Otto's Country Bakery
367 Main St. S. Exeter 235-2525
For your Easter Baked Goods
Easter Eggs, Cupcakes.
Cakes on Order.
Buns for your Easter Dinner
c11) 4? ,could like to wish omveybody a 91appy aster
oral. !ferry:m11�S1011
$4.99 Session Fee.
Paid al lime of pholoprephy.
Not included In advertised offer.
19 Full Colour Professional
Quality Portraits
(-8X/0*, 2-5x7'5*, 16,Wallet Sire (2x1*)
Package offer features our selection (1 pose) on
traditional background
LIMA 0118(,1s 11 often pp seliia'Nst •PerMad sins swasimmN. All am Faka1M, nlleera artier 11 mn moil be ucofHIM117 a pivot.
Satistsc tae pearaii101 ANlneeal winds ara,Ialia 11 raasenaNI pride. .
, /114441•• nr44114.4r
193 Main St. S., Exeter
Promotion Dates: Sat., April 5, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Call for appointment: 235-2552
Service award
Hugh Davis receives a service, award in recognition of 3i
years as" Road Superintendent -for •Biddulph Township.: The
award was presented to Toronto by Ontario Minister of
Transportation Al Palladini on Feb: 25 at the Ontario Good
Roads Convention.,
or1 '0c cO/ / jam( ciorvcr
This gear, yourresolution can actually live to see
Lose 2:7 lbs. per week with no pre --packaged.
foods or powders.
Weight loss results are guaranteed.
20 lbs. BEFORE JUNE 1/97.
Let the magic work for you!
For your personal free no obligation consultation,
call Lori, Susi or Shauna
Itttliitt it
A well prepared resume will help you
get the job you are looking for!
resume detailing an applicant's work history and
is extremely helpful to an employer who
is seeking a person for a specific job vacancy.
Your personal resume should accompany
your letter of application.
are some guidelines to follow in prepartngJ your resumes:
Make it clear, concise and easy to read - and :10 longer
than two pages
The resume should be typed on 8 1/2" x 11" white paper
with enough white space to prevent a cluttered look
Start with your name, address and phone number
Next under a sub -heading "Work History" detail the
previous jobs you've held - in reverse date order
- that is, last job first.
Use a separate paragraph for each position and
precede it with the dates you held that position.
State the job title, a brief description of the
responsibilities - and the results you achieved.
The next section of your resume should come under the
sub -heading of "Education". Start with the highest
degree obtained or grade completed, followed by the
name of the institution at which you studied. Follow
this with previous education attainments. At the end,
list any specific' instructional courses you have
attended in conjunction with your work.
• Under the sub -heading "tliations", list membersnips
and/or offices held in prof'-sional or induh try
Under the sub -heading "Personal Interests" list any
activities which you feel will be of interest to the
employer - such as volunteer work, etc.
Your letter of application and your resume will be the
that make the employer decide whether to short
list you for an Interview. So make It as Impressive
as you can - but stick to the facts.
We can help you get an impressive and
professional -looking resume
Call Debbie Lord at
[tet o a: -A 0 *keg_Ip
424 Main St. Exeter (519) 235-1331