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Times Advocate, 1997-03-19, Page 21
O .!.7Op D5*!NO —,Q:"tat5-'"4417`. 7.046 O v a r a G a unc Births Deaths lak MERNER - Many and Lisa are thnlled to announce the safe arrival of their son "Zit. rich's newest HAB's .fan". Cody Robert Keith. 5 lbs. 10 ors ori February 25. 1997. Proud grandparents are Bob and Elizabeth Meurer, great -grandma, Marg Johnston. aunt Kathy and uncles Richard and Mark. Extra special thanks to Dr. Cathy MacKinnon and all the third floor nurses at St. Joseph's Hos- pital 12c MacDONAI-D - At his late residence on March 10. 1997, Michael (Val) MacDonald of Exeter in his 41st year Beloved son of Evelyn MacDonald and the late Roy Mac- Donald (1980) • Ikar brother •of Charlotte and Alan Bailey of Zurich. Russell of Brampton, Melanie and her fiancee Bill Webster, Jenny and her fiancee Graham, 'Judy and Rob Miller all of Exeter. and Jason and Tammy of Lucan. Also survived by 11 nieces and nephe•vs. Friends called at the Hopper Hockey Funeral Home. - Exeter. where the complete funeral service was held on March 11 with Rev. Daniel Roushome officiating. Cremation. Interment Exeter Ce- metery. Donations to Epilepsy Ontario would be appreciated by the family. 12c .,2 Come - oroiip luttb MO EXETER tI I AI BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 9:30 a.m. Communion Service Sunday School for all ages 11 00 a.m. Family Bible Hour Tuesday evenings 30 p.m. Bible Study 94 Orchard Street. Exeter Tone Welcome CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 68 Main Street South 235-2784 Minister Rev. Daniel Roushome Courtesy Car: 235-1967 Youth Worker: Tracey Whitson Bahro Sunday. March 23, 1997 Palm Sunday • 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship March 19 7:30 p.m. Board Meeting March 20 8 p.m. Choir Practice March 21 7 p.m. Youth Group March 26 7:30 p.m. Session Meeting The Torchman May 4 ' at the Rec Centre Visitors are most welcome EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 187 Huron St. W. Exeter Pastor Kevin Rutledge Assistant Pastor John Boyachek 235-2661 Sunday, March 23 Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Synday School 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Family Night Everyone Welcome March 23 9:30 a.m.-11:00 p.m. Worship Broadcast on " ""' Community Channel --- EXETER UNITED CHURCH Corner of James and Andrew St. Sunday. March 23, 1997 10:30 a.m. Palm Sunday Rev. Cordell Parsons Sunday School 10:30 a.m. March 20, 8 p.m. Alternative Worship March 27.8 p.m: Maundy Thursday Service March 28, 10:30 a.m. Good Friday Service MaCG113Q 7 a.m. Service at Morrison Dam 8 a.m. Breakfast at Church 10:30 a.m. Easter Cantata Service Courtesy car: Charlie Atthill 235-1536 All welcome EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 162 Main St. North Pastor Peter Tuininga 235-1723 March 23, 1996 10:00 a.m.Moming Service ' Sunday School for ages 3 - grade 4 during morning service Nursery Available 2:30 p.m. Worship Service Everyone Welcome Sunday Radio CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m. CKNX 920 10:30 a.m. Deity T.V. Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m. WILLIAMSON - Bonnie. suddenly at her residence. on Sunday. March 16. 1997, in . • her 45th year. Mrs. Bonnie Grace William- son. former propnetor of Willie's Cafe. Lon- don. beloved wife of Fred (Willie) William- son, loving mother of Bonnie Mackenzie Williamson, dear sister of John Deelstra and his wife Lynda. Hilda and her husband Milo . Westlake all of Exeter. Irene and her hus- hand•Gary Donaldson- and Dianne and her husband An Laws -all of London, and sur- s'tscd by many nieces and nephews. Friends called on Tuesday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m, at the Janie'. A. Hams Funeral Hone, Rich- mond St.. at Si. Janes. The funeral service will be conducted on Wednesday. March 19 at 2 p.m. in Cothomc Sr United Church, 711 Colborne St. at Piccadilly. by Rev. David R. Carrothers and Rev . Victor Brown. Inter- ment Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. Memorial con- tributions to the Christian Children's Fund or to Amnesty International would be grate- fully acknowledged. I2c In Memoriam BRINTNELL - In loving memory of a Dor- othy. a dear wife, mother and grandmother. who passed away March 19. 1993. • We mention your nand- and speak of you of- ten. God bless you dear. You are not forgotten Always. remembered by Frank and sons Ron and Jim and families. • 12 CARROLL - In memory of Earl, who passed away March 21, 1994 When thoughts go hack as they often do. We treasure the memories we have of you. With love, your family. 12. HOGARTH - In loving memory of Ruby Elizabeth (Hewitt) who passed away March 21. 1995. • Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us day by day. Unseen, unheard, hut always near. Still loved, still missed, and still so dear. Loved with a Love beyond telling. Missed with a gnef beyond all tears. Your loving family- Elaine and Larry Baynham. Carole and Peter Jackson. Bonnie and,Conrad Sitter, Brian and Margaret Ho- garth, your grandchildren and your great- granddaughter Jessie. 12• WATSON - In loving memory of our dear son and brother Stephen Paul, who left us March 24, 1986 at the age Of -18, The special years will not return. When we were all together, ' - • But with the love within our hearts. : You will walk with us fores'er, ' Forever in our'thodghts, Mom, Dad, Rob - en: Shannon. Sfary, Al. Joanne. Steve. Chris - and Tracy' • I2c WATSON - in memory of our dear Uncle Steve. Always loved. Ryan. Rachel. Watson. Ka- tie. Brittany, Matthew . Nigh. Luke, Adam and Cara Morrissey. 12c Cards ofThanks a BLAIR • Jack and Katherine would like to thank Father John, our friends and families, for visits, plants, i1'owers:and cards while in the hospital and since coming home. Thanks to Dr. Chess and staff of fourth floor of Si. Joseph's. Dr. Jadd and staff at South Huron Hospital 1 2c Katherine BRINTNELI. - I would like In take this op- ponunily to thank all the kids and parents in- volved in the Exeter Junior Curling Wrap - Up Bonspiel for the lovely gift. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated and fondly remembered. 1 hope to see all of you out on the ice next season! 12• Sue CASE • Thank you. Thank'you very much. To my family. brothers, sisters, relatives and (vends for the many phone calls. visits, flowers, cards and treats since my surgery. To Nurse Deb for her many services, espe- cially the foot rubs amt( meals; to Wendy Kim. Patty and Jenn for their many special- ties and taxi services; also to Lynda of Homemakers and Joanne for therapy. Thanks to all for being available when need- ed It is much appreciated. 12s Phyllis DESJARDINE • The family of the late ' Beulah Desjardine would like to (hank her many friends and,relatives who expressed their condolences �t her passing. Thanks also for food sent to our homes, donations to chanty and the lovely flower arrangements. We especially wish to thank those w•ho through their visits with her at the Blue Wa- ter Rest Home filled her heart with joy. We greatly appreciate the caring staff at the rest home who went out of their way to make her life pleasant. Thanks to Hoffman Funeral Home and to Pastors Art and Evelyn Kruger who led us in a celebration of the life of our mother. Your thoughtfulness and kindness will always be remembered. I2c MacDONALD • The family of Micheal (Val) MacDonald would like to thank every- one for the flowers, cards and the donations that were made to the Epilepsy Foundation. Thank you to Hopper Hockey Funeral Home, and Rev. Daniel Roushorne for con- ducting the service. Thanks .to.the ladies of the Pentecostal Church for the luncheon they provided, •A special thanks to iia Bowerman for all her kindness in our time of need. Our family sends our deepest gratitude to John Sinnamon and all .o -workers at United Plas- tics. Thank you to all. 12c ROHDE - We would like to thank our fami- lies. friends, and neighbours for helping us celebrate our anniversary. We especially would like to thank our children Karen. Ka- thy and Ben for arranging and decorating the hail for the dance. Also to everybody else who helped in one way or another. 12• Doug and Judy Tines -Advocate, March 19, 1997 Page 21 Happy 60th Birthday Winona March 23 Love from your family Happy 45th Anniversary March 15 Bill & Norma Coleman DEAR PAT RILEY... Old volleyball players never die, . their setters just • "shoot" them! HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY! Buck (.1 Doe for Mark Stuart & Melanie Beatson Sat., Mar. 22 South Huron Rec Centre Tickets $5.00. Lunch provided Stag , for Sheri Wells & Darren Micallef Sat., March 29 9 p.m. -1 a.m. at Ailsa Craig Community Centre Admission $5,00 Irktfig roast - DJ - Pina Colada Bar Happy 19th Birthday DEAN "Finally grown up???" March 22 Love Mont, Dad and Patrick Saturday New Rock PRIVATE ACCESS Next Thursday March 27 Warner Recording Artists The KILL JOYS on 'their Gimme 5 Tour JUNO WINNERS FOR BEST NEW GROUP Tickets $7.00 Advance $10.00 Door lwy 8 West. Clinton 482.1234 Instruction in Wildfowl Carving and Painting Learn to carve and paint a half-size Common Loon Course starting in April For more infornfation cal! 235-2122 after 5 p.m. • • e Fort Rose Maple Company (Formerly McLachlan Bros Pure Maple Products) presents Sth mug Paarake i rah Every Saturday & Sunday for the Month of March at the McLachlan Family Sugar House from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Parkhill 11 Hwy. 7 y. 81 rt Rose role Ce Ilwts 7 Ailsa w Cuig Nl`Cry. Rd 19 Rd C : Rd. 17 mpany (old St eam <. BRUNCH INCLUDES: Pancakes, Maple Baked Beans, Sausages, Muffins, Fruit Salad, Refreshments, Pure Maple Syrup. Adults S6, 12 & under $3, Pre School Free Naim Fort Rose Maple Company (Formerly McLachlan Bros Pure Maple Products) Maple Syrup, Maple Butter. Maple Sugar leafs. GA Bores Our Hours are March - April, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. To obo 7 days/week. May • February, Please call nihil r0 nwf s first 519-232-4460 Akita All. .486. AL. AL. Alla Illa ALAS. Al. Al, Aka Coming events MEAT AND 50/50 DRAWS every Saturday afternoon. 4-6 p.m. a( The Royal Canadi- an Legion Br, 1167, Exeter in the Club rooms. License 8M4059103696 in support of the Huron -Middlesex Royal Army Cadet Corp. 36►fnc NOMINATION MEETING. Anyone interested in becoming a delegate for the up- coming Huron -Bruce Progressive Conservative nomination meeting, please call Gwen at 235-2679. 12.13,(14)c ROAST BEEF DINNER, Ailsa Craig United Church, Thursday. March 20. First sit- ting 5-p m., second sitting 6:15 p.m. Adults S9.50, children 6-12 years $4.50. Tickets available from United Church Women or call Margaret. 232-4707 or Wilma 293.3650. Advance tickets only. 10.11,12c EXETER ODDFELLOWS Annual Friendship Night, Saturday, March 22, 1997. Kirk - ton Woodham Community Centre. Dinner at 6.00, 510. Dinner and dance 515.00 Dance only 56.00. Royalaires Band. All welcome. 10,11:12' HAM AND SCALLOPED POTATO SUPPER at the Exeter Legion on Sunday. March 23. Advanced sales are requested and costs are 58.50 for adults, 54.25 for chil- dren less than 12 and free for preschoolers. Take out or home delivery available. Call 235-2962 (afternoons) or purchase tickets at Stan Frayne's Store, 235-0410. 11, I2c SINGLES DANCE, Sunday, March 23 at the Brussels Legion Hall. Dancing from 7 p.m to 11 p.m. Music by Ken Scott. Dress code. (Formerly held at Wingham.) 11,12• EXTRAVAGANZA NiGHT • Time and Talent Auction on Friday. April I1, 1997, 7:00 p.m. at Stephen Central Fublic School (two concessions west of Crediton - turn north). Goods and Services Auction; Bake Table; Food Booth; Chance Auction. Shuttle bus service available. For information onto reserve the bus please phone Dianne Fink- beiner 238-2670. Deb Lord 234-6396, Kate Steeper 294-6539 or Stephen Central School 234-6302. Come join in the fun! 10-15c TEDDY BEAR DREAM AUCTION and Second City Comedy Show, Saturday, Apnl 19. Blyth Theatre, Silent auction viewing and Wine and Cheese, 6:30 p.m. Tickets: S25 person, 524-2952 (9 a.m.-5 p.m.). Support Huron County Community Child Abuse Co- ordinating Committee. - 12,13.(14), 15.16c CRAFTERS WANTED. Saturday and Sunday. June 28 and 29. Reserve your space now Sponsored by Parkhill Lions Club. Contact Lion Bruce Silvester, -294-0693. 242 Ellen St . Parkhill, Ontario. 8,10,12,15,17,19,21c ri Love and Best Wishes John, Caro!, Elisha, Brandon, Les. Jane and Suzanne 50th WEI)i)iNG-1 ANNIVERSARY for Russell & Isabelle King Friends and relatives are invited to an Open House at the Exeter Lions Youth Centre Sun. Mar. 23 -1-4 p.m. Your presence will be our treasured gift 44'4 Dance Hall 9 p m. I a.m. • - 349-2678 Um Dancers Wekoma Fri. Mar. 21 - Country Versatiles Sat.,Mar. 22 - Country Boys Sibiii#1111WW61111110if Fifth Annual Lucan's Shamrock Antique Show Sat., Mar. 22 10 - 6 p.m. Sun., Mar. 23 10 - 5 p.m. Lucan Community q Centre ad O General Admission $2,00 32 quality dealers Oo,:.O BXt93 'rickets $10.00 ea. VIDEO DANCE PARTY Saturday, March 29, 1997 KIRKTON COMMUNITY CENTRE 9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Sponsored by: KW. Optimist &Granton Lions Lunch Available TGIACT DEI;IART DEALER POODLE RODDYMCDOM/ALL STEED HALT AV©NUE BERGAMO ORGAN ELL© TMLK IN DEIII VET OUTLET APE ALB©GITF I NNEY UI!M LIRA GLAD SAND ANDRINA PLAYBOYS DROP DONOR HOSEA ATIN DESPAIRS GERARDD©PARDiEU 13MBE AGO EAC EQIQSARY iNA ENS ANEW ARES RAT OMENS AFT ETE ROUGE GILj41 O NEAR DOBEGIMAN ATEiEND STOP POLO OBI T L IIN J ESINI C TANDY ANS OMB L ETAL ID©A RQV I SILT SNIVEQIN E AUDR©YIJQPBURN STRATA gEI ISN TEDS AUGEI2 PEARLS T ESSENE IIIOSSED ISSUE I► h IIA��'N1TnN 1,1 comedy (/ream ieam.' Y3/P(' enter/ulnnzen/. -1'. Irl 1 ., Mahn, 5,-ur cont yet mad. gel) eViisY ,Aih y ON VIDEOCASSETTE no YHII milli 1 strt i 1111 Ilei nabs 111111111111 'Ili III UNDO Will Sall pi 1Up 1111911i1tII1 111111I 111111111 MIME Ii(IIiiE'14111111P1111 %!MIA 111i11I1Ni 4:1111111 111111 CUP 11111111 N 1111Ip1I111 .1111, RIIS1I .11III 1i1(11 1101111111 9Ni1IIIN t) commit amp *M:11110 Ili)a110tsrtil ria lonintwoarnonimormionim 235-4877 Fax 235-4878 518 Main St. S. Exeter t