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T j 71Lj L'_NEWS . Times -Advocate, March -19, 1997- Page 3
Senior's euchre
Marg Cole, at left, and Pearl McKnight concentrate on their round of urchre at the. Hensall
Community Centre on Thursday afternoon.
Hay Council seeks .new councillor
HAY TOWNSHIP - A new coun-
cillor will be appointed at council's
' April 7 meeting in order to fill a va-
cancy caused by the death Of Coun-
cil 101'
ouncillos13laise Ducharme. '
. MTO requested to pay
Concerning the Dashwood -Hay
Municipal Drain, the payment of
approximately $416,000. due .on•
Jan. 31. is still expected from the
-Ministry of Transportation.
Clerk -treasurer 7anisse Zimmer-
man had contacted an MTO en-
gineer who advised her that pay:
ment had been approved. and MTO
had. sent the invoice to the subsidies
branch in December. - -
This branch was then contacted;
it had possession of the invoice but
admitted it lacked funds to pay the
Freezing rain
• HAY TOWNSHIP - No charges
were laid following an accident that
• occurred at. appro.eimately 8:15
a.m. on March 14 on Highway 21.
neat Hay Township Road 25/26.
A 1985 Ford pick-up driven by
.Robert Pollock, 24. of Bayfield,
collided. with a 1985 Chevrolet
dri>•;en by Terrance Rau. 44, of R.R.
2 Zurich. Police report,it was
freezing rain at the time of the acci-
dent. •
Rau -received minimal injuries
and'both vehicles sustained Tight
Charges laid
Andrew Oke times Charlie Love as she dips her hand in' ice, -cold water as part of a flood safe- accident
ty demonstration at Grand Bend Public School recently. Kristi VanDongen; an education techni-
cian with'the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority, watches over the experiment that dem-
onstrates how hypothermia affects body temperature. .
Studentstake the plunge
By Brenda Burke
,T -A Reporter-
GRAND BEND - Put your hand'
in a bucket of ice-cold water. How
long can you keep it there''
In 'an effort to demonstrate how
the body quickly loseS heat through
hypothermia. Kristi V.InDongen,, an
education technician with the Aus-
able Bayfield Conservation Author-
ity. made this experiment part of
her flood safety presentation to
Grand Bend Public School students
on March 5.
Using slides and a water safety
video made by the Toronto Police
Force. VanDongen got her'message
across. She explained prevention,
monitoring and protection roles the
ABCA plays in flood situations.
"There's all kinds of flooding.
even around Grand Bend." she
said. making note of recent flood-
ing in the Port Franks area. "Floods
are natural, -but nature has a few
ways to control it."
She demonstrated how trees and
grass work like a sponge to soak up
excess water and release it slowly,
in a similar manner, to dams and
reservoirs. Clearing too much.land,
she added. contributes to flooding.
"Why do we get floods in the
spring time?" she asked the group.
"All this water is around and it
can't get ,away. fast enough." she
explained. statiht melting ice and
snow. along with the addition of
rainfall. contributes to the problem.
Students learned about the danger
of fast, cold currents full of debris.
A river picks up speed when snow
melts, explained Officer Angus in
the video.
"What would you do if you fell
into fast-moving water?" the video
Students' suggestions of saving
themselves, keeping their heads
above water and trying to reach
shore, fell by the wayside as Van
Dongen listed the two best options
- remaining calm and calling for
Holding a plastic spoon untie( a
stream of tap water, Officer Angus
showed how a water current traps•
objects. This was demonstrated fur-
ther when he threw a weighted ob-
ject into a river to depict how it is
drawn M the current.
"Another dangerous time is when
ice is getting thin," he continued"
"When children drown accidentally,
in a. river. it's usually one they
He advised children not • to- .u -
tempt to rescue someone trapped in
water but to instead seek help from
an adult.
As dor hypothermia, VanDongen
explained it residts when the body
loses heat, taster than it ian,produre
if. leading to wcaknrs-.. '
"that's why the cold water this.
time of year is so.iIupllrtant -10 Nay
away .:door,." she said. "You would
'probably have about 15 minutes he••'
fore . your body couldn't do any -
• es have been laid following an acci-
dent that occurred on Mardi 15 at
approximateIy9:30 p.m. on Huron
County Road #4 at Huron County
Road #21.
A 1992 Dodge van driven by Da-
'vid Brady. 37, of R.R. 2 Dashwood
was involved in a collision with a
1991 GMC pick-up driven by Ken-
neth Coutts, 39. of Grand Bend.
The local tire department was
called to assist in -extrication.
Coutts was taken to South Huron
Hospital with undetermined inju-
ries. Both vehicles sustained'se-
cre damage.
Zimmerman _has been in touch
with the office of Huron MPP Hel-
eq Johns to request her assistance
in obtaining payment. .
According to recent council min-
utes. funds are needed to pay off
the loan and "the ratepayers of Hay
are having to pay the interest on the
loan, for approximately $1700 per
month, incurred by the non -receipt
of the province's payment."
Variable co -collection .
' The " township has decidedto
change 'to a variable co -collection .
program. Bi -weekly .pickup be-
comes effective on Nov. 1.
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