HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1876-7-6, Page 4Ijuiverot,o U11 .1a, art , tQ t doetor r nodicine. Dootross Erisnottin has practised medicine with groat —iht alone, and later the 3 gitd, ill01," of a medical roan. ivo tix ladies hayo b�r le all of than standing tho test, -vero extuninatiou vli credit, t no with bri1liant3v. lilach of ladicAtts received from the .1N1edi • acuity of the ;thaversity the de 1\,,,i'l'''(!ti.'eti,08,iti`g°11:',:YiAtta4tlel'al l‘4l wier'e two were English women 11,10ego1) ia 1870, and Atkin. ')) one was.it scotch woman, one rian, one a SWISS, the remain, were G-crina DS. T110 io0vi oung lady from 1.31t0n, passed peat applause, and her public tio,h;befor6 receiving her degree• 22n1:1 of ;roue, 1871 created much Lion. After a very 'short but ) ()wising practice she lcat lier shipwreck in the, Allautid. *In hen Zurich had braved the e storm of ridicule and 1,a 10 an I on tor hopin ihLV VO' h 1U.tittl:0 wIo1,11ab' u•k, oi` 11)C t‘1.1,0a. iJu }11)`"11"..):tko5(111eri)m, i1,011 lieve nothinq, itr ,4-\,1 tie uelt!4 a"' A'1' a, ['re- IILt�'I.rolling t iniftYt of a „ t - O0a 11 0" '9- I N 1 11 C oir• erY 8 I atterno( n ce 0!: the 110)-Tz''''. gteat, !loos. ill° wint $1)t1 attld befoto 1 1 10 -\\ ill drift steadily oje vol,31 Will boo i 73.1.0np{:„(ihi,10tth trow, 11V0Sp toped at Gap, 1), , '1T"t nin'Y \ .trees, en I 1,1lit,nde cl`.-;:ht; or ev 1,6 -,bells told Cado- r south as ()Apo otu tido rto I"ItPvho 1 I 11 11 in tile e • oon-11.)11).' a" Alm" 111) tilulUt.10) a still oratiitli a po...irial10b1 10..i.t1 i.il.",. feet it Itt'\trel a I -once ! \vitae , 4' . . nit 0 l'...iglit littidred liglitang roa8 iltvvv (aisk, been ortioNa fol. tho ' - -11: 50ct ie iu 18 I 10 0 0 t \\*lie took tllo0,r,41..,'1‘,st,13';';:-:' I \N ill, "tililli11.) do V.A.Lit,Ittl ti.) q:1\70 :OA 1,:, la, It} . A. nittn being 11,...ke11, in., he lay swi- lling himself oil, thc g,sm,s, what was the 11111( 111 et' his it0l31tion, replied, ' ' v vith a bad 1 adinira n(arry a tic 1 , cootdi." irraseible gent to waitor)— Theyvery say there's notning -111:0, leather, (1011't, they ?" ".Yeo "Then it's a lie, tor this stoal is l' (1 ' Vtor aievaporates) can, .w it P tlic of " is the moon made gretm elleesc, younftster ?'' " o, ir, certainly not.' ltow do you prve that ?" " Q11, ot!q---t-110 moo' w4S mali before t 110 Cows," Poes this razor take hold wel',' asked the aniiliug.barbar. . Yes,' re - til) 'unhappy victim, 4 11 takes hold.3.34a11.bili-ara,o4loi. go worth a, cent .' A (1,inglit or of a ‘rpirillry Ni,T4te1toW farmer hadistinniished herlelf 4bY and lc -en) ii-,tai.,.00.oc 2,•..c2:41-qlot- ,:yoriti.',g,,seav,,on, •0.i'it:-.b.ati,,ILie,t.t,J1,1,1.1rrn a btu to p it through the hitherto 11 n('-).1- 1)lared '\\'itterS' of Lit:colu 1,-;3ea up ,to th• e shad° wy ft tl ti far air .iii.dsictotit,•8 Littict, or even, it may be, tn the eighty- 11 ft h parallel. The P tz r wit:1)01lb the --I'M Tittituab 31,1Stli,Atnd at this point saw -north %.1' . of her -a navigable sea with a watt ry sky. Slle was a nlore wooden i,„;13.12.120at of 887 tons, and. bad beenin tio vay ,strengthenecl` or si,)ecially fitted out for vvez,k,; while the 2.liert. \vas origi- ':64,'3. powerfut vessel of 1,04t, tons, been overhauled and lortified miter with ice, and filynisli- -with ,P 0')111C) alai boilers. We know tintt experience lioNv a steamer, if are ptoperly ironed ler the work. Call ehange and crush lie: way through i 3e which would' hopelessly ston the pro= gross of another yes -lel, and. -tirereis some reason foi• that the sledging party, which must now be well •on., its. way„ lias possibly not got More than four, or at the c.utside five deg,rees to cover 1)efore reaches that e,-Ftreme apex of the etit'sth •wilich is, to Use 31arkliani's words, 4' 0 spot where the son's. altitude is equal to lier 'declination, and where bearings liave'to be -taken by Tefereue6 to tirne and not to the magnet,'„'• but which yetis Zilt•qpia, `11tale of all A.rtic (ids- ) . CoVery.; and the expre'ss gi'nal of the present expedition, Rotnen)bering the aclieivenien 'of Parry ill 182,7, when he left bus iossel' on tlie-Spitzbergen'et at ancl,n3afteliis way over the great polar 'back ' 4s4 far as eighty-two degrees forty miuutes north, • we , can soe no nause to despair Of 'the succes of the sledi,ring parties. waich. at this Moment f..;tiould be pressing northward. Parry, it inay.be recolleated, found itliat 1- e vat 0.01-1 of ico over which he was trav- ellin„o• drifted. to the south faster •than the sledges were able to inove towards the north. 1Te travelled, as far as tu- utl weni, 1'72 mile3 from his vessel, ,but near the end of his ;journey 'Perbeived 11101 he was losing more by, the sthitlierl,y movement *than he was gairilng b., the day's -Windz. To this difficulty the present sledge company is not likely to be expo,..ed. In all 131.01) - ability the ice between Lincoln Sea, ai7d the Pole is no portion of the .potainp„Xcl,c-,:, and its southward drift, °Yeti if per- ceptible, will not prove a ' serious Liu. drance., . , FEEDING ecws INDiAN mnAn. A. dairyman in Western New York has been, feeding his cos the. Nvin- ter season on in ditto meal_ rtione-z.no hay or other feed wh e blailus 1111,1 his CO‘VS gives ' tUore lc thaa, W11011 1.4 01 hay, L,4,; and are otheo.:wise benelitted by tile nien,1 feed ing. Tile evidence ofhis claims NV.CI.3 so str sng that a committee, wn,s op ( life by 1872, ‘vorst Oi 11. ger, the oh. 101ind coin the Virst Nattier' inaticso twc law, au froni11 tic pios on' a briC2ttle... raising little Stick,-eess to lior 11101 -003' efforts Iliet•e may be f.,)old,'lnat thrive, 011001100 01101111120 at111yI 'tg.1‘ t1.111, HenrY V. bolts are tlie lates femi- nine freaks in that 1in. 4oy are probably so called; because it is costs 116nry a V every time his wifi;tpurchtts- ea one: There are only tht gallons of \Ibis- li'ey per Year manufactured for each inhabitant of the United States, and it 18 a clear case that sunieb,,tly's got to go without. " That's what I call a finishedser- mon," remarked a man as he was com- ing out of cburch.....Yog, finished at " though 1 begao.ik'ii would never be." During the sessnm of the County Co rt in t he tailor, 0 wiless ,was lie Wits not a husbandinam, when lie cooly1 replied, aline -1st • the laughter of the court, "No, sir _Use not inaTriud." A. scientist affirms that eventually, as par globe contracts, Ltiere \411.be, only thirteen days in the year. It will be jolly to have First of July, Christ - .1130S, and all, the rest of the holidays in one week and be able to remind creditors who come nosing around that legal holidays lutist Le respected. If there is ahybody under the canis- ter of heaven that I have in -utter ex crescence," 'Jays Mis. Partington, " it is the slander, ,(..3-,oing about like a boy constructer, circulating his calomel upon hove .t folks." A little h0.:6 a few, days since; coming 0.dwit stairs, was cautioned by his mother not to lose hie balance. His question which followed wr,,S puzzler ; " Mother, if I should lose my balance, where would it go to ?" -5Zeu come well recomtrienclecl 1 sup pose ?" said 0 gentleman to a boy who wanted au easy place. "0, yes sir ; the plan 1 wits with lat,recorriniendej. we ; 'he recommended me to leave, and got work more congenial with ni3- lis- A INIEw IDEA IN BoOrs.—The Eng-. position." 1ih Patent Journal describes a combin kwhiteltqltor with a vermillion nose atiou of a foot -warming apparatus with was tornrrmting a lady, about her age. a boot. The heel of the boot is of ,, ;lost look at me 1" he exclaimed--- metal, and hollow', and contams u sup - "don't I look as if I was just out of my ply of artificial fuel. The heat from teens ?" Yes,'; she replied,witli a look this is made to 'pass through channsils of " if 9011 mean canteens." in the inner sole, a part of which is Ills nose was.qtliclily put out of jOlnt. placed upon a spring. SO ti,lat the AC - An exchange tcauts. ladies to time off tion of t'ie foot in walltin,g acts like, a, their hats in church, but as Jong as bellows, elrawit,g in the cold air by an half the ladies go to church fOr the piir- aperture in the heel and driving tln, 10)80 14 clisp/aying their hats, it is lieatod air into the boot. A. modifica. baldly 'possible that the sng-.0stion tiou of the apparatus can We are told. will be adoptod--unless a glass 0080 iS he applied to horse -shoes. placed alengsitle.of the pulpit for their acconnnodation, and the mune of tile Ajester 111 the court, ofFranCiS 1, Bern - owner is prominently affixed to each plained that, a great lord threatened to hat. in order him if he did not cease A west siile man who SaW a load of joking about.him. 0 Jf ho does so," point() I by the \vostor, Now York 00111111 a...house arranged to go over and said the king, " I hang bl.to Dairyman's Assoeiatio0 to iovostigate botrowipa.rt of 111 otheir mail) tha e case nd report on it. I rirtke the wits in occi, go. aroun(, ,nigt f1.114...cr,„7,,k,,,,6. LT e ,ollowitig extract freni. the rep.ort fonlld til4t it ,hada11- beer'l et.,1 itt Pearanee eael,,i The istes.t Earisir sw,ndie clever. tive ne the fel,' A. well dres,,ed womt n called on a, pi om- nrivere apnarant : The cows did , oient, itontai , ruminate. They were 'veT,Y qui'3t ; his aid in noting her,son, who was physician and implored 'did not,eviiice any inordinate dere oring under the delusion that some one for food when hay NVOS shown them • owoa him 80,(00 franeo for, diamonsis .7.074toia, , PANS° N'S NEW 1314001( (To the storb with. Mr Fans() 'IY4-xeter atteution -wople of Exeter altd, Surren Mt,' 0000V('13respectfully to the NEW JEWELRY ESTABLISIIM'T Call and 000 the ler 'University of Gottingen I Nowand, . elegant -stook of alT ;e 10 Stand OA bet side, Rua "finds of Watches, Cloeks, 1121(10 [%tbd0n1i0fl1 01U(ieI)t 10 Cutlery, Silver-plated uti$ pas8ed a sa.c.,00.ssfin tixoion, n physics and niathamaties. Ware, and latest, 0 liossitin froni jaros- Praulein.Franziska Tiburtics, IV L e Island ',if Rtwen M the Bal - 'of kinds juSt- maintained their thesa'a en admitted, to the dignity and right,3 of the doctor's degree. The ,thirteen ladies who have received medi- cal degrees ha've bxhibitod an. uououht- ed voca1,ion for the profession. The evtraorclinary pressure of female stud- ents with tvhich Zurich wts threaten- ed at 0i -a beginning oft he Movement has subsided and isnot likely to recur. The ways of the London small boy are pecifittr. A countryman came to London the other day to see the recep- tion of the Prince, of Wales. A friend as they parted at '411e station, cautioned BIM against losing his money in the crowd, ,Nobody'll pet wy money,' was the reply. haven't but a pound and that's in my„ mouth.' • A small boy heard this and killowed the rustic, and, whan the opportunity offered, sod , , , . tielnY got in trout or pal, and begun to piCk' on' seine petinies Witich he him- solf dropped; saying 118 ,110 (114 'Yon gimuie that so vi '0•Owti collected, of course, „tad Wan Cedtu, knew 1.1 -1 - ac was the i•ow. 4 -Why,' said 'PHE Subscriber wishes to return, lds sin - the young hopeful, '1 Was goia' 'along 1 core Wanks for past patronage, and would earl partiou far attention to the pring Stock of liient's Furnish:rugs just arrived. 1 have a fa!: assortment of the newest and most fashionahlo materials for Gen t's wear, English and Frenoli Panay (JoatingS, Scotck and Canadian TWEEDS Brotalcloths, Doeskins and Fancy N'estings. Ji choice stock of Hats and Caps of the latest twhion. Gents desiring a fash- ionable and perfect fitang snit should leave their orders at, tbe 'Exeter (Untiring Store.. - Perfect satisfaction gnarentPed in eN cry in dance. M.R. 13. still las go o the Cutting Department. All cloth betight o me cut free of charge. .7: P. Ziloatty're Exeter, Ararch 10 NEWEST DESIGNS, LATEST NOVE ET/tOPE,41/7 84: AMEAICjA,1\T: PRODIICTS. Etna many other of usefulluess and beauty ()may low prices. jewelry of 1111 51000 manufactured, to order, and Watclies, (nooks, no., repaired ab short notice. All Work warranted. S, ;JONES. THOMPSON& WI.LIAMS Aarti(Jiti, Llt8Itt PLEMENTb Boiler ana En.gi.ne Works MITCHELL, ONT. powet wood Sawing machine This machine has boon thoroughly tested and given 1-1W11.11/11- SAIBISPis.011011 10 is supplied void, a criEs 13 -&N -I) WI-TEEL •4,0 • for driving a Stra.-w' utte r rain 'rusher, . Or other machinery, without extra expense ex copt for the belt. TRIAL OFFERED, • All binds of ,rarrningimplements Evoter, A T 0.14. N ; Night 0 ing—First Iltido cry -month, oye loy & Jermyn' Drew's new bloc st. Visiting 13 cordially invited tend. 0. 04 itept constantly on nand. _ f meet BOILER SHOP Yjil 11 - , r qu. , in full olleration. _ b, Maiu , rethrev to at ENGIERITS Che.TEN of all sizes te order. W.11, JOHN WHITE, 74-1.v. r,13 COTHIN G. lEetOr Clothing tore „ 'promptly attended ,tb. Address-- THOMPSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell,Ont. Kepi -at 13iss °tit' s l'iu Exeter. one pun sixpunce M My band, e attrryin',, of it' to inotlibri this ere fullei-knock"ed-it hauct and put the suvrio in my mouth.' The countryman tried to explain, but the first word he spoke Showed that some - tiling was in his Mouth, and the hon- est British public forced Lim to dis- gorge, aud the boy went cm his way rejoicing, The late Dr. Harriet R. Bunt was once asked how she mans,ged to see). plump and fair in March and April. when everybody was green and yellow. " 0,1 should look.. like other people if I didn't take care of myself," she said. '4 And what do you ‘1,, ?" 4' I eat dan- delion' greens," was the answer. "I buy the first that comes into the mar- ket, and I eat them every day. I haw boiled thdin in water; settled a little. and all the spring, I made my dinnpr of them and a bit of potato, awl soq don' get billions.'" Thelco WS itre • , 1.11:1,70.11”VEIPIMIRM,P11.12.•12.14.11111Alr rIAL,1011 fo' ci.'7,0 and general ap- itut so much. as WaS S1)0 COvVf.f feci ,119 .1111d 411j1 Brillg hiln bore on hr„.y alone; in the usual N07 Vay Of feed, in an hour, and I will sae him ai.me." , ing,,a little lesS than "they will ea,t.--- said the doetor. Tile wonian \vont at TlieY Were mileh more quiet than dows ol,co to ono tli the, best je.welers and fed mostly on meal Wito a 8111511 iboci-. ,thor,„i,,g 80,000 ri.nt.„ „,,i.ti, ot iii,., in(1 of hay, sty four ar 81e pounds per mon], s ,Isked the yro,prieto.t. to eolla his . d7- We could not clisee‘'01. 0117 8igns assistant tritli them to Dr. •J's,„ who of suffering -or unrest in any way what- w.a,,,,, h,.A. 11balld ‘ap6 would pay for ever; Ibat by eompitring tlieir condi- them. The 11011,0 was well liilowii) and ,, tion at tile time of going 011 to meal 1110 0181,1; Was sent, to ,i',1),e_dootol!,,,, 'With witli tlioir condition at, th e ti f110 of 8'0, ijor. In ths'antijr.O.)ni sly° said n'i. , I • 'i ng back again to htl'F, Iv° 00121c1 not will see if nay husl)rincl is ,at home.' , diseover that they Int(' either 10'4 or She thetp.to)d the doctor that be son iii()OjisEt,414. gained in wcuglibef 11e311,; that visiting Ivas withent, and the doctor said ! Sthicl tliern'again aftsl' thirteen daYs oil Ilan him in litire.' So she sent the cleric., . we dould not discover anything about telling him to jea.ve tho diamonds with ANI), - • thelll that would denote bat that t,licy ber, ArviTed,iT2•,.the,doet0ys,fooln`, -1,i1`0 I been Wintered in the usual, way.' eterk y,,as 1,?01401y soa,ted. ai,d -,cotri.te. • .ie eutninittee say that the ealti763. :o.hdy 11s1;ed after his general health STA •-rION troppocl from these cows "(110 of more a.1(1 habits. After replying, to tliese 't.. than orcliirtry size fleshy, -Lc, quebtin'ns for some time, the young. . ,..,, ., , ..., , Strong, tn.() and lloltitliY.' awl .clte other act. nahn hinted that he was ro11ij4 I t „seed l vautaoeous features of the C080. ' If a for tnno, ,i,ild,weaid bo glo(i if tile doe, cloZen corcimittees were to re,oart th t 1 tor 5vOtt1d Iiindly pay iiim, foy tbe dia , tile 11101way to winter cows is to feed l mo"1 , 1 ' . nothing but Induni meal, I would nev- er do 11. Itjs unnatural feed when taoile ; and it. is abstird to siirmose that &rulers lia,vo existed since the world W00 made withant, finding 0111 1110, ht 'way to feed 0004'8 (41.1 1 110 ,year 18',21 ! 1 give the report as .matie for who t 't ' 1. AND CLOT_ETERS, BIEL Bi IXE S T OR t* 41 la doctor. ' Th 0 80060 fi'ancs. We,,11) hY And by.' ATAIN ST.., EX-Eril ER T. irtdow 131inds' Then 0110.110d 11 funny se,ene, which fin- . ) ally ended in both pal ties noing, in Mouldings, tIli,t, si).o liad got .tived of waiting and • search of the ' 'inotiter„" andb finding .......-,--.......--.....-....---.„=„.-7.--,...„...--7---3.....-----t----. Scroll Work, niondei. , • had foroeitinct to leave the ,11-1 . pone, . , 0 ,, ,, , ..:`, ' "l'''"'"' .",,,',. t Ine, - - .1.c.,f,L• , • • , oFii,„,,g,EL,v,pili,,,weaks op „„,.)..) , .!.. < , ,, t 1)„,,..„%‘,,„ ,,, ,. . . , NEW fliitTTORT.03, S:E.OP , : ,,, , , ,Y ,"wirail-1-4"; !,4,111/Y / ttna &hat lyincli is worth repeating. Once when Ti,:i - t : i V`d: ' - ' . ' Plani.ilg (t'.7:1,°o'n,3 ct12 0:orcler 9 I .is an unlit it a00S 0(1021 that 0011 be Con. 00 a vi it to tile oron,',;41i. of e. id ' 'al" 0 °"'("4. 'Ill' 1 11.4k3r l'hn•I'' l'' Olfieeti OtibltPrOrtat100: . ' '7 ' 7 ' , "----- ' - l' -a"`Ic-, , ) 1 - , NEWI r 1 1 - , , biti8,erysAlstrxiftPshtti,..........haltl41.1,0, 0010,,plot, 0,/' !tut). ic.0q,21,110,,,,.10(1 rf,,,,,O, play `,,` 011 t V011thtary '' 011 (.,,,,, (1,0, .„,,,),th yyf Lis 13,1teicin,;101F4).10p an 000p( I ,A,onr.,:fl-itillnal ..27'ipv, t1,11/9111;6rnogvintI4:14.°t '2.1"117..0.11)11Yo (11 01 ill an Logfish town, 11 andol was OILINL-t) di NLIA, 'BUICIIIR '1i 1)1Spatcli,. k , with h , , I ‘1,,,3 ) 36 Y1 d0 w, oiled ...purtc ay, ..1,110 p ari or mat co Scg.8 811011 1110(1110 libl'oli.,,,,N,,11';1'';.'0"t!ilgf'),11...1110'tii(-Att,8r , 000a Ita ila'vc,Pla001111 tito f-atorY';1 vi'L 14411 collit140111't Or WI utter and gait for tile table ; rob that 1)0 one nioved fronz. 111Y seat 02 o ' through the'cullender ; 'add one aild tWice., thridoy ilandel 10oked rei 1 0 ,' s oil n Tito eift)ticl:tgilt4fIrceoern,p; osstotyifr ositttigoitItlyi;:t.)11t111:11,1,10n0.11:1:laisci.10...0,Iniciii;,itl f '0, 1,0,b(,,,1131. ..tit111.101,0; sy ,t'‘Ivtoi tiiett:yt all o(1i on It); ,%4.11.)1r01 1f,:o.o bli Ili veiyo 11148tiilf 10.14);io,,,,lita,r,..t,8116,,;71tipo,thx.vtipnho:18anctelis,,iiia.: iti1,11j.,,tielthli:It'04'wit,1),t,.ta,,,n1.01,1,), viicatiol)P..1s n n 'ilea , kck"rs.imra w,toozr reAr;:ni. giving satisfaction, , „ HIOVIS for 4 little' while '; heat' 1;:lir(;10 1 ';''.il't2,;n1lei 1 16)o°11111.8t'°I)d°I'v1114c '' IrP. I R ES r:" lq ..tij'A. tggq, ot thet 11 ' ' ''" ' ' - 1 , , , 3(12)1 can t play out , . s.tx ; aCitt. a pint toe cm gre:gation ; let me sec what 1 1 1 61' 1.1511k ; stir iri into tile Rgtiash .. lino ean do,'` toOk his wonted „seat, ata, `TM lcfncislert tOlAtantly;en hand' hithis bittaini shop, it ' your wauea with good crust, and halm tri 01 0 fOW (01101100 SO(M1 reili0tOt/ 1/10 olowly tia611,6.1,10y Are Of A riclx, browi ord;mtry frame of mind at bbe end Of 100 Sual iu 411, itSfaratalio8; ., . . . . - , , „ ottanlithing and Wagon inak ,ag culled .,1,0"cdt,ing Serin00 , . II 00,it, r.v . tai.14,iir )0:1ITNION IJN sunt, AND III- : R. W. SOPER Manufacturer:of and. dealer in nines, 6hot tilwari83 e ere, Pistol, Fishing Tackle and }ranters' rplics Gun-stoe.king done in first-etriss stylo. Pinrire Guns al:tared. to Central Fire. Sign of Golden Key, Clarence -street, between tdas ane King, London. C r W.1).11Io LOC LON W he bestin the market AWE 11 before -buying, Yon will have no ()the after see- I3c sure and get 0110, W. D,3feClocdlon watch in g them. All who Wear then) IheOrnfri pd. thein. (-301(1and 811ver,te (tics mad Gentierniin's sizes, 7713(111)311 stroot,London. See the' testimonials, The inAvost, bestaud cheapest steak 01 Ane Gold Jewelry, Clocks, igilver, and Plated 1'1/117al .111"101/ (roods, &c., &c., in the Province. nepairmg every description. W, D. lifoGLIMECT.N.. " • 77Du14da8 s London Ian:L[1g Ri".11.1;8a4Sh DOOR AN.D 3. .0111111.10MANCROMICIISAMPARI4911 ST. MARY'S LIME WORRS. --- drow„ kilns being now in full operation and turning out daily a. large • pnautit3 of LIME Butt for ini14)(3seS and Cannot be surpassed in the Domin- ion. Parties from. a distance can alwa-ys be supplied either at the kiln4 or dmiyertrby teams at low- est remunerative rates. Orders from a <listener. promptly attended to. 1V1IITSON Sr, SOLA.TER: 'EXETER STEAM RAKE ZtiCk'ADLE FACTORY GEO. 'C OTTL 11J DZA.VIIPACTIIRE11. • Wooden. Harvest Tools Rakes, Snaithes, Fork Handles, Grain Cradles ETC. He will have ready for the coming harvest, the celebrated. Sulkey Hay P.2' A Ntevelty 1LLNTS • r,ifid it to -7k to Buy their Stock from • me, tIrdi0210 -rneni as 1(eason5- h13 as aryothor 091Ablie/101011t, and to give prompt ' attention to all orders. WHOLESALE RETAIL.' a:.• , 1, , • ffirtlirning ot a11 limas made- a specialty in ,the business. GEORGE 'COTTLE xeter, April 8,1871 82 -Gm PRES13-ARRIVALS 1 AT THE Cricocery Stoee, To Co.nvey C+oods CRUNITIOAIT Allan Line! Carrying the danadian and IJiiito Jetts Mails •szivg Trouble of looking afLer Bag- gakel and purehaSe YOUR TICKET ElltDif THE LOCAL AGENT: and thus avoid the trouble, and confusion at the Boat's 'Wharf, where you will pay tile same Rates sanae as theN. Y. 5, S. One of the first-class, full -powered Clyde -built steamships of the Above line, constructed espe- eiany for the navigatiou of the Atlentio, avorafg- ing irom 3,020 to 4,2000011011011110(220Quebec every Saturday for Liverpool Rea Londonderry, Sailings of Mail Steamers : FROM QUEBEC: PRUSSIAN', 27111 May. SARMATIAN, 8rd June, AORAVIA.N, "10111 June. CIRCASSIAN, 17th Sone. PO.TIYIT'llSIAN, 2411h June. SARDINIAN, lot July, Prepaid passage Certifleatee Issued at lowest ates te person( wishing to bring, out friends. GLASGOW DIRECTi The steamships of tile, Glasgow Line' will be despateluid fron) Quebec., . For tickets 11198 every i,03rmatiou apply:to WHITE), & SONS, AG -E. -N -Ts 'Times- Office, Exeter. Enlareinent of Pro:nista 11HE UNDERSIGNED, GRATIFIED F011 I the liberal patronage bestowed on him since he commenced business, woultl acquaint Ino numerous friends and customers with the fact that he has enlarged his present place of btminess. and added largely to his stock of Leather, including French, Canadian and American, anti he is prepared -to fill all order:, that he may be favoved with on th( shorte4no- tice, and in a -style that 'cannot be surpassed iv the Cot..nty of mon.. ' W. TROTT. Exeter, Jan. 18, 1876. 229 -mo • EX.PRESS cimericat Express Co. HATE Opened an office AN1) AR:E :PREPARED' n klieg received a large stock of Grt CERIES, c oc,rmirix . .• (ii,.,,,;.iiiri,rgo'stOclt- be lzpoTe SI -5:017.e7 suit ble for raii and Winter, enanisting of ' The ti/u signed: world nognark. 1010995tllnl that the,* ' avo conononew..1 busincris tic Et,bovo they 1110prepared' to ' Contract fel, Building throngb‘hrt, Or 'for parties hfrn i their own material, ancl that:they keep chnstar,t4 ly on hand ' ' s, Women's and Clailel- ren's Wear. Whosoin want Of a firs t•einSs article in the ,Bpo , and 0l10ef21r001t0014.not fail.to XAMINE' 111Y STOCitl'A 3,3cfore pttrohttsing Jar; Inv experience Of thirty Years' In that ltno 1/161 trio in purchasing to select that 'only wh141)0. ich ckm. r ecOrmalond, co, 0 N ril E 1;i 0 Ilowavdi Torralf.a, If IS Itte4. A. LAP GE LOT OF irst Class Bac° atisvvE CliUNNICAN a()-14 r411R.Et-Y14:R 411-,1) NT), COI\ if.'..4iNV'SLANI)S goR riAt W Or Ifif. rinada' inpair,",, 'offer fey sale 13,010 rot; Of their lands fry 4140GilliVray St0'4 ph 011 b> tli take rbiroli arid particitiara ar to teri*i. pplica b fon te, ' ffii COXItt .11 511, 59 al:, bo 65611(06 'Or rah/at) s to any point - 1,.....T.11.40,e1011.0•10111a .I3OUGJIT i'or furtliorp01tiuJr8 apply ta B. rdware A Sto Aniohg otber goods wo h following/ W114,11, .VVILL2 BE SOLD A.T BOTTOM -PR 13.ibbit Fuse, Bacodze BrBlit,ohliess, of all hiuds7ourigan's Axes, fl Po less read Ohoppitig As, 1)D00um$bP-bdoillIgsf4; Faucets, Bunch Screws, Beriohiriglitix;cibo ra,olil,a es, o 1.3.16ber AclIIe spades and Slinvels, Scales, Slit, 812930, Turponthie, bag `-rwitle, t527 Piono, Specifications and, Estimates nrein-mral Glao, Grindstones florse,shoes, Hanuners, Load. Lairtorns, P a o *0 NEW SPRIAT Gi t „IAutty, •R,evler, Ilevolvergt Bope$' C.. M. WEBB. G1tA.1\TTON., HAS JTJ"T RECEIVED•and is now prepared to :SHOW. THE.. ever shown 121 G011050111 consisting of 1\T eNiT Prints, Gray Cottom, White Cottons new Coittune Clot L, Black L-astres, Hosiery, Gloves, &o., &c. TAILORING DEPARTMENT A Now 'English and Canadian spring tweeds, new worsted coating,', doeskins arid broadcloths, the heicts 1157)11(2 20 collars and ties, dm, &c. A first-class French, tailor ou the premises, u.nd (21)071005 1(5 guart- tItitecidt NOW spyinghats andeaps nun straw goods, • A Vow" 'stock 11 nails, glass, putty, paints, ails, ike„ coming to hand. Builders furnished at 45.1riCalil--, prices. OM, W iD131.4, WIMMINOWNI11008=er‘," NEW Sping ,9001 8 el NEW , prin fdopos FrCKAhD }lave justrecei'ved anti opened °tit, New 13riuts, verylow, New , Grey Cotton very ,cheap . New 131eacIted Cotton, chefrper than ev,,,r, New BlaOk LUstres, best inakkYrs—all prices, Nes Silver Gray,linstres, very low, New Colored' Silk, at Job Prices, value,, ew-Fax.1037 Dress- aopul,'.' an" New Linen Costumes, in great variey. e, ,,, vs + a r TaLl.shin 11 yr An. 'I' !•?,',;.receiveA and opened out a first-class assortment NVO are 11100 )01 ctonii-:W'S_prin g Tweeds, ...1 -e -W, orstea Coatings, New Bla :it Broad -cloths, New Black Doeskins, New Black Cassimeres New Hats and Gays in all new styles, New Ready-made Clothing in great -variety, I Also a complete stock of Boots, Shoes, rookery, etc. A first-chiss Jot of new Wall-Papet, heap, for Spring Tiede; also, A First - Class Tailor on the Premises. All entrusting ns with their orders may rely on getting a perfect fit, and good workmanshir 'he 12 elrUST RECEINTED AT THE EXE TER. Liquor • A large stock of Green, Japan, Young Hyson an Black Teas, Raisins. •burra.nts, Prunes 3Dalmn Apples, CADTND rzt.trrr, Lobsters. • almon Bitter Sauce and Pickles Brandies GinS -Wines and SVIlip, RY'e,, Malt, Sect oh, Irish and Common Whiskies, Toaccoc;, and Cigars, Wholesale and rietai A. MAC Store sardines, O $. OL' .u-nderLtolt,rs and " A,VOITLD SAY TO thoo 11110 (0t' vho buyi to 6:011;i 1411 ,urfiltasing o so froni 11t's 51 poolt. ,.c‘).,:r7f,2,3sSi,T1.1111„iy) tO give the purchasers the benefit; 1v1(101.1 64111101 fall to ru'ict the Views of the Igers, Om. expensed .1,170,,01i5fr,stositilstiobigic,00lscso<aifitecliltty. 'we eau sell cheaper, • '..A,11.1.1..faettir IATE .W.0 DLD r r •ooli specialiittentien to oar undertaking denert nicht, 'which 11 111010 cum-. 'plate than c °er, }I 910hti,V0 iubled riCriel'il1 1.1611 11104151111' of tato, The best cogina, , casIcets,,shrot ds,and every 210140A regaisito at the loWest priceS. 'Our new hoarse IS p‘renenneed by Competent Jinhion ,to be wtond 00; 1.)0','.11 In tho 110 -Once.,