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Exeter Times, 1876-7-6, Page 3
10'110'O,l k "498t eCtiiag-- +iappened nqa, near xbe East- ea coluleo+; d with. Oo pany, natn, Paterson, Hugh Forbes, Sean. ,lr1ulburt, and WrencGee, engage a,boat for the purposo Of $Oilag fish, When about half -way 'between' city and, the Island the occupants led iu' ep�?illio1, 'two wielijig to go dale and the Other two to iN to`the Gap. During the argument that fol. lowed) turned the still aroundwith an ar;, it imanediiitly filled and:, turned be beat over. ' , The :men struggled. 0 save their lives) elinging to the: boat, and as they did so the ilsiaed ,Bern again and again Malty exhausted, Forbes and erk. lIurlburt wlio was a corp, a , was carried away ; Pater- son clu n to the boat until it was right- ed, when he got in, and seeing the. Southern Belle approaching, , made signals of distress. The steamer hn- ni,ediatly lowered a boat and ''rescued him, also picking' up Hulburw;, who. was floating near, 'Au ircuest Wile held in the evening, at the British Lied Hotel, by Dr. Riddle, when the ollawing .verdict was returned '' That he said Sit;muel kin' ."uiirt shale to his, eath by drownipg '',through. the at?ci- 'eapsi iiig of a sail -boat, said 1g caused?'through those' sowing bow to manage r 'Peterson's se tion of the 'hof old, met with a terri )- ,‘'uesday afternoon of last e, ,.'was in eharge'of a horse istin �� g stone. The dorrrck. e, arms attached ice it, to which horses h oideiare fastened. T esdiy only ne horse was operating the machine, and Slattery was stopped down with his head in line with the arms in ques- tion, 'jhich revolve round above the fr me # a work of the drum, which coils the As the vacant arm came e -failed . to notice it and, his s 68 caught t between this and the °work, breaking his skull, so that ed almost instantly. No inquest wa held, as the cause of death was so apparent it Ras not Considered neces- nary. Six months ago a• young woman, about eighteen years of age, was found guilty of bigamy at Dundee, Scotlaud, and sentenced. to six months' imprison- ment. Her sentence having: expired, )ler'' mother, with her brothers and ti rs,`and to few relatives of her first tusband, all' of whom had come. from Glasgow, were et the gate of Dundee prison in a cab, waiting to eouvey the girl to her first' hilsbaud, who resides in Glasgow. The, secsnd husband, a burly mason, belonging to.Uundee, was also whiting sith a few friends for the woman who had soft, red so severely for marrying Lim. Ou the young eaolnan malting her appearance, site • uediateiy seized by each of. the 110 made strong efforts to get n of her. Sll'e seemed in - favor her second lord and hese party, too, proved the and they hurried Ler away, e oiily har_;bonrlet in possession er friends fr'in Glasgow. The Lei4rtre flour contrasts the ffip- p ant swearing of witnesses in: some 'arts of j(lstice with the grave 1,ro- ge, of the Scotch tribtlt,als. u the ti itne8s appears, the judge lf rises from his seat, and Luling lFeeve tenet ;tii`1, 79,17v„r -7,racs:t rrt'r fferer of the evidence, who, as in- cted, also .e.„ .hi"ill his right et, :old looks the )urtot "- to face. `°-1tld.ge then, amid g";neoril sl., ;lie witness to say aloud after hon, .. swear by Almighty God to speak' e truth, the whose truth', and nothing it the truth 1" No paltry symbol is sed to the simple solemnity of this eclartt,tiou,, which appears likely to be it inure biaeling on the 0OU, ;fence of iim who real es it before the .ledge and n the silence of the crowded court. The minutes. of a township iouncil 'u the Niagara District, reeenily pub• ished in a local paper, contain the fol - ,lowing suggestive item On motion of William) C. Jenkins, Seconded by Cl:t,ui Doan, the following 'snn13 were allowed and paid for sheep. killed and injure) by doge, viz : • B. Bell, 2 sheep killed by dogs.. $5.34 teas Misener, 4 lambs-- J. Pfiefer; 1 kilted and 2 injured '6.66 _J. Feele;'''1 sheep and 3 lambs6.00 D. Leiteb, '1"' rr:' `. 2 es 8'67. f3. pears&n' 7 " 10. 0 Total ' , . $48,17 l Twentysheep and lambs killed out- right and two injured, a nice little $r•ck for some young and enterprising farmer, of, more value and utility than all the dogs in the township, an4 this 7.t a siugte meeting of the council. Yet some `benevolent people think it very hard-hearted for any one to: be #'down" on dogs The leading grain circular of Liver- pool, issued on June 30th,- says;—The continued improvement in the crop prospects has had a depressing 'effect on the grain trade, and the tritrt8181tion in wheat have been restricted to the retail business, at or rather under last ,:,week's prices. 'The unsettled aspect pf political matter in the East has however, rendered inipor'ters .less anxi- 0us toP tees sales, and in tlie' past few 4ays there hasbeen an appearance ,axons, of time wore steadiness. At the samet wheat have. much de- iveries t,f English liminiehed, and the area for eon su4p- ' nof .foreign, more especially in this 4rict, is gradually_ increasing. To- a fair business has been transacted wheat, both red and white realizing le latest quotations.- Flour is s y. orn offered-at,a shade lower than otation's, but the demand subsequent- became aetive, ,find the market closed rn, witli•an upward. tendency, eve TIMES Office, Exeter, July 6, 1876. EXETER. wait Wuea>y ,,, $098 to $1 02 4 tel ng Wheat. 0 06 to 1 00 Barley 45 GO Oats Potatoes . 28 ie 30 Peas ••• 60 to 05 10 to 10 Butter•„ 13 to 14 Flourper bbl ,•...., ,.; 500 to 8 00 Bran. ,,, 12 to 12 ��(iSS 17 00 to 7' g0 4 Beef^ Hides 860 to 4 50 Sheepskins:::,. ,,,, 1,00 to 2 bJ 10 00 to 12 00 Dried Apples Anions • 76 to 1 00 Lard., .14 to ' 14 Wool 27 29 Turkeys 60 to 1 CO Goose 80 to 60 ,Ducks.: pr 30 to 50 Deihl wheat, per bushel ,... 1 00 17.;"i''464 Spring wheat ... 0 95 to •0 93 Barley , 45 to 50 Peas .,. ..•.. 66 to 07 Ortte 30 to 30 Potatoes por:bag .,, 30 to .31 Apples .. .. A lu ? .. 50 to 90 Beef per lb .„•.• .,, 5 to 64 I,IutEon ... ... ... ... G to 7 Pork per cwt .. ... 7 00 to 7 50 Eggs, Pm' dozen ,., •,• .,. 10 toj 10 Butter ... „• •• ... 13 to 14 Hay 000 to 13 00 Wool 25 to 30 LONDON White Wheat, per esial...•'•. •' 1 65 tot 82 Treadwell ..•••-•-.-- 150 to 182 Winter liesl � ter Whoas, . __-it o 102 Spring Wh u ,... .., .... 135 to 102 Oats. - - ....... ......... 0 80to86 • SEAFORTH Fall Wheat ......' '..."'..."' 1 00 to 1 09 spring wheat..." ... "... " 08 to 1 00 Oats 0 30, to 30 Barloy 45 to 52 Peas 0 55 to 60 Butter 0 18 to 20 Epgs • 13 to 14 ,£CAN. White Wheat • 95 to 1 04 Treadwell' ' • • 06 to 1 01 Spring 95 to 1 02 Oats 0 29 to ' 30 P09...... r..,.:, 0 60 to 0.65' Barley 50 to 55 Butter 17 to 1 Eggs, per: doses ,.:..,,t ' P1 00 .1 Potatoes..... to 0 25 Lard 12 to 13 Tallow.....,.. 6 to 7 , Ray.... 800to1000 Timothy seed , , 3 25 to 3 50 Clover seed 6 00 to B 75 Wool 35 to 35 Sheepskins. 1 00 to 1 50 Beef 00 to 6 50 Hies Pork d.,i, to i5 00 to 7 50 GRANTON, Deihl wheat, 1,04 Treadwell, 104 to 1,02; spring 09 to 1.00. Barley, 45 to 50. Peas, 60 to 65c. Oats 30 to32 . Beef, 4 to Go. ];utter, 18 to 20c Eggs 11 Pork 7 Hiles, per ib, 44cts Tallow, pox, lb 6 cts sheepskins, 86c to 1 00. H1+.NSALL. HENSALLMA60 ETs.--1'.11\Vheat08 80 1 02;Spring 095 tole° Marley 1,0 to Si; Peas 60 to 62;oats 28 to 30 Pork, 7 to 8.00; wool 27 to 29. • - FARM I'OR SALE:— THE SUB - scriber offers for sale that valuable farm 094 acres whore the school House stands. F igbtg four antes cleared Frame burn and shed, lo house and nood bearingorchard. It is beauti' fully situated two utiles west of Crediton. Cou' veni it. to Mills, Stores, Post office, schools &c.' and Jong side the gravel road.bcingLot 11, con 11, Stephen, Apply to Jatues eeelee,,G}editon P 0. or Lot 7 Con. 11, Stephen. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY Q The uuders'gned-.. of EXETER and StifiRtiiktform the citizens that he has just op ,pMd a. Phot%l,COUNTRY next door tel the Royal Hotel`' -lieu PICTTJRP:S taken and finished 'in the most artistic manner. Copying and E,nlargin ^ Done. AINTiL. Cir HOUSE Ij�iyt crtilrir' :` A tt hitiou .. Paid t Children. ri.ILG.. .pro SSEE SPECIJ)1EJ4"S. • Don't forget the pl"ece,next door to the Royal.' Hotel. . SIGN, FRESCOE Acid 41408o' • rnamOntar ,,1 APE E. 'ork"" 40 cd tee ce ttp a) 5) lin . b r a O Lc' 40 03 m !ri U rri cj cod O 5) CD 0 O O O 40 • on rj 40 0 111 b.0 sa oS 40 0a ce e,;d 5 6N ace 4 as am 5.) MS 4 •5. ce W i 0 p bA PI W4 -fli41 ct 48 et m �- U rd O 0 03 O) c3 Ca net to 00 ere g7 0 P4 CS a, u E� 5) H O cd rs ce cod U v� reel c4 4; ere seem w est Pa 4,2 W JUST ARRIVED --A T• - 44 m m G. VA ND UI EN & 0018 DRUG ,,STORE Patent Indestruc- I tible Rubber Croquet ANS, PANS, FAITS, also, PAPI and 324 Sticky Ely Paper. TOBACCO CLINTON ORGANS. W. t OII RTY & COMPA MANUFACTURERS OF ORGANS. AND GENERAL WlOLESALE AGENTS FOR. J. ESTEY a CO'S OII,GANS ' WHITNEY'S PIANOES, HAINES PIANOES, WEBSTER PIANOES, etc. Clinton, Apr11 12, 1676. As to the excellence of our Organs, road tho following Testamonfals: Meant% W.DONENTY & CO., CLINTON: aTAI'L17TCN, April 10th, 4870. Sxiis,-Yeuask me my opinion' of your first Organ. I have much pleasure in telling, you that consider it a great success. The tone is very full and rich; and certainly it is as good an instru- ment of its kind as there. is made .iu,Cannda to -tin .i.6 I -only hope that you will meet with liberal -•--aA•�and reap the reward that year outerprl¢ Merits. •Yours ebua , - JOHN RANSPORD. 2 tut e great pleasure in giving my testimony as the excellence factored byW. Do oe of the ess of Organ,mann chertgg GG y &'Co. in and s e noes of tone, in quickness of re eo touch r,r nmechanical?t 9 ase 0 the w 1ltieiP in s in torso) ��vv arretpgeatonts, it is decidedly . equal. and a e iso tiY some par- ticulars, p en -plop toP an i netru e Y mntIhs have examined, x d of which I have q p@ had to me tii at it is as near , �k knowledge. It seem, perfection it can well bo.' Allow mo to day that I can cheerfully recom- mend it .to any who may require an instrument,: as cue in every respect well fitted to supply tho wont of the tunes. R. CALLANDEA loader of the Mothodtst'Churoh Choir, Clinton, ld'nssi . W. DounitTv et: Co. Among the numerous Cabinet Organs I hays seen duringthe manyears I have teaotl erY been of music, a s I have not soca an stl •' tletioxtd ill o Clinton an Organ. The ise ch, ri both beautiful and sympmthebFtic, the itttonutlfin isa, toter of the tone perfect,ing n gg sane. The tvot•]rshi is both solidand the tench easy, and inferior to Pt and elegant, so that nothing Is lacking. MESSRS. W. DOHERTY' & Co., CLtNToty. I M. WRITE, Clinton. Desiring to obtain an instrument that woul5 combine all the desirable improvements in power, fulness, and sweetness of tone, I am hal ,y to say that x have.realized all in the Clinton 01 gan. Everyone who hears it, goes away pie cos. The valuable qualities which this Organ possesses, are much anpreciajted, It is a general ayorite in our family circle. ' GmO. STANBURY, London Road, Stanley. Having thoroughly tested tl•e merits of the Organs manufactured by W. Doherty & Co., I take pleasure in saying that I consider thein -in all rospletei equal. rued instrument in the market. The eaeo with which its air supply is maintained; the smooth: 0088 and equally of its tone; its ready response to the touch ; the eloquent voicing of its fancy stens, and the perfection of 488 general tneslninisnl,, must make it an especial favorite with organists. C. CRAWI'0RD, Music loaehor and Precentor in C. P. Church, Clinton A Good Live Agent Wautod,.for Exeter and Vicinity. AL1.YE YET ! T. Greenway is just opening out lots of NEW GOODS Whole stook to be cleared out a grea+ sacrifice. .T. GREENWAY, Exeter and Crediton. N. B,-10,000 lbs wool wanted. ,' Butter and eggs taken the am3 as cash. LIVE AND LET LIVE! why not support the TOBACCO $TORE EX EWER? The only store that does exclusively in Tobacco, Cigars and snuff of the very best kind. Pipes and Tobacconist's sundries, Chewing tobacco made a'speci. ality. Prices that will euityon WILLS. O'BRYNE eic CO.'S ew Hardware d G. Kemp. Sure, Pudic O• the'1x1' Huron and Bruce Railway With the b e i y Op slag of the London, H Exeter is destined tobecomea place of importance. Business all towns andcities. ' - The day when a piece of nice silk, a turkeyand a grass scythe hung on the same hook is passing away' nd. will soon be numbered among the th,1nga that were ' The success which has rewarded our efforts in es- tablishing a hardware stere here has proved that we have sup- plied a want that was much required, and as our expenses are light, we will continue to Zoll 03 a Sm U Ac v'antoa ori, Coot. me11'are fast taking up separate lines of business as is done in'. � 0— •--' LA.S �.+► INTS P1�. . T XiIMrlt*� 1 N S , l.3 ., �,w/• «W .L w i, N:W4 CO's Ili WA1i o CE"Ati% 3, gZ1urt' "1b PICKARD'S _THE �. zi. EVERYTHING YOt WANT AT' - LOWEST -rPRI ES. EXETER iB`A.KEBY. NORTHMORE; 8c LIIDSAY, FROM LOPDON, ONT, Would inform the inhabitants of Exeter and clnitythat they havethey iced' confluent In Skinner'( Old Stand, and from their thorough lowledgo of the business,Y of giving satisfaction. Wedding,Cakes made to order Social and Party a Speciality. Farallips waited Daily. Y . n fectionel Fresh Brad constantly on' hand. �C,ct f y Wholesale J' .� • la,ll." and., t rth=oro :cA Lindsay Eitetor, 'May f0, 38780 0 MAKE ROOM rOR T S la 4 o get 1 fi i7'9.of ei *41.0 $ - `ni q . 'se s7 ai a 41 m, O ' A. • wIm W 0 0 tOd * O �yqy 8.Ui.� Off' O ..t', iv gp rLJa 1876, .WOO Il • �d OF THE St. MA' Y'S WOLTIEN. Call attention to the'Unequalled MTLl�S, it l c,t facilities for doing the om Work, viz.:: fallowing' branches ZNG 'TR PRESSING, A1Z [T AC=. -[7..R2, 1876 CARDING, SPI CL Carding usual price 5o. per mill is that you can get your Parties from a distance who coin OUST°' [;larding, Oiliug and Spinning. 1 of the Custom Department, it has; our customers aekuowledge it tee't besides being much cheaper. Man advantageous terms. • The advantage of getting �'it bettor and. quicker it don© at thi o ear! can .cicer done than elsewhere. get their rolls home with them. ARDIN ^y G. een �tie lb. Since in introducing t ie r . etautl;y'on the increase. •b an(.li iN be ve e. m: R2ssu y tell superiorYe ufaoouri;no c P to h+andspinning, ke x exchanging ' ]r 1 for or 8 Wool done 0 -' n TWEEDS. Our stock of Tweeds is verycomplete. In t s line n' p ewe give special value, ,. as these goods have been manufactured by us eKaInsively for our own. retail trade, and''are undoubtedly the most durable good;); to be got. As no manu- facturer ever1 makes this ch ss of heavy pure all goods 'for the wholesale trade. No shoddy used in our mill. SHIRTING FLANNELS. • We keep in stook two distinct classes, one of which is the same as the wholesale The other guarranteed to be as Food as any home made We have in stoek and are making a special extra line, being heavier and better than we have had for years: We make a liberal reduction to parties buying large quantities. DUFTON MYER-S . A ,` Support Home Industry o - ISAAC CARLINtG s cave to than]( his friends in lbxete and surrounding coantry for their iberal patona f. iu the past,and hopes to merit a fair share of their trade in the future, having ON HAND one of the Largest_and Best Assorted Stocks Usually found in a General store, CONSISTING OF Dry-Goods1 Groceries. Etc.), Ready-made Cothing, wines and li- quors, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Leather, etc. Please give I. C. a call as he is dete mined not to be under sold by any estabishment in this section of counrty. OODS' NOW EXPECTED,`; The subscriber offers FOR SALE '`UNTIL 1ST' OF MAY Ei 1 - C, 3E:zeter COSt R 1 , The rcllortitider of his Winter label[ of Weeate t 004l5 --ail ti08reelit taUti83l trot Ootbbei WO' octtOit,iy invited to Obii tt1b , felt 0i' thetl;' k 13drtta *Moot -ihidtlt anti moist niidotivo Bis urrpiadolt,thb, 9li>irvls glo�Yasi iiilttp, Uattiuq, left llit'E�, skii�idi ivitl �, tt Arid- pRo8$I. ���A �,"� As' y GT OU * 4 nava nen rucetvod a `1'iilWs,e1 flowers 1 Lamps, 00,11011, &c., at nissott'Bro., Just 11 their to 1 Y 'tion 1 c now in a position Goods, aid aye P saes Go a Tin and japanned large stock of pelse- where. and the ;public generaily to bettor advantage than can be sono of o c Lamps, Lamp -Glasses, Burners, Wicks, a lot of Milk whose. 'T Ce slave on later I p , r es YHarvest Tools, including Hoes, Rake and Cans of the latest designs A p as -wey of H upthat branch of the Rakes, scythes, Poets, hiag and cheap us aro, promptly ng business, EwveS•'1'ron;hrdg and allout•do�r work,procuptly at t Pam produce taken inexchange forgoods. BIgSLT`3to. Amsted accontieg to Act of Congress, in the year 3578, by the National Advertlsln8 Co., (y9 Klogitou; Streets ;'tq4tQPr y(ju:,) in the office or she Lasrutan of Congress. Washington. D.C./ tit• inb to 1.e obtained iii tWdbati; Utai 'Site-trbllo UNDERTAKING zsr s Cheap as Wholesale tliz'ouglz,onr,ytpr,.il:rctlon with. Cr I3 inztil. I NDERSON &'WRITE, HO. W TO S AVE MONEY' THESE HAI3Ia TIMES. S. 11Y„�,�j 1J, Buy Your Goods' at the Great Salo of DRY GOOD GROCERIES, BOOTS. and RA TS SHOES CAPS, at Ill the store lately occupied by 1l1r. zeFgett We are offering great incidcoments in everyttlin- Call and examine and you will Anda great re- duotio, in all kinds of goods. Special induce- menta oS5ereilin tee Splendid Oxford Shirting for 121e worth 20e. Call anti se SrinTweeds Boys attha E price, Boots and Shoesilowor 'wee han tho lowest. Ail kinds 50 per cent. less than usual. prices. Hats and Caps so cheap that any person havillg sev11en cents in their pocket can get a new GR OCERIE Sold below old prices. Don't forget tb save money. Remember the plaeo,. Drew's, ..1ioclf, South End. 3'. W. Mitchell N.R. Every person that buys a pound of Tea will get a beautiful Chrome Your choice from a 1,000 All kinds of farm proi'uce taken in exchange )Exeter, May 19,1876 Near RARE; CHANCE for B A R G A I NS R. & E. DICER' haue just opened out a - NEW .AND SPLENDID STOCK OF GROCERIES IN J. SOUTHCOTT'S NEW STORE The stock comprises Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, Vinegars, Spices, Tobaccos, Pails, Brooms, Brushes, Cool -Oil &c. Everything in the Grocery Line. Butler Gail eggs taken in exchange for goods. We are bound to sell cheap for C't,sh. - Re & E. SPICER. GASH FOR WOOL AS Parsons & Walker's CENTRALIA & CREDITON A splenald lot of new goods just arriv- ed. D R EWS New American prints very cheap, FLAit>rL.te,_. lot of Ladies. ria... all very cheap for cash. WOOL, BUETER OR EGGS:, The highest price paid for all kinds of produce. Be sure and give us a call and satin yourselves. PARSONS & WALKER Centralia and Crediton, April 27 DRE . ' S a£ the oldie to his *toe t of ' I the attentionP �L]� $1,1 t] W i u p^na.t _Ona. d ,Q V wing .. IJW. N �''�;r�.or, gra� iter Piltalturo onitrind, and iirier will be kola nt droarly pee to �C►�iN r.mrm )toter Febratt• tit,rill,` 100 ds hod wanted an ezt3llange for I'� in4i t'lre. sok lit for Butter adUgS� A largo gook of the above olid bt prop#, LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE. TIME TABLE. (Trains will run until further notice as folio NORTH. �r bine) de 7 30 A. 11 ) P Buffalo (via Loop „ „ 'rants :.. •• • 7 00 Toronto „ suspension Bndgo 7 30 Hamilton " 025 ' Paris.( ,.. ... ••• ..• „ 10 55. „ 8 40 " .. •• Aetrait Chatham,.. .4, 110' St•'inito aua ..• • .. •• 0311 .,. .•. •.• London ••• Merton • 13rocuu ClCentraliandcbaoyo ... Exeter liousa lii.1pcu11 ruooileld Clt44tou •.. .t8 (r5 4 2:onclesbotough e 8 " B1 tit 8 • nagravo "+ i25 " a Wlughan•u . 10 9 .t 1,510 10 9 ,4 -- 11 15 Kincardine 12 05 a,at..l7kZ1 srezit arzzoa 5 00'0,st. 7 80 A.m. ✓ 5.5 ` 820.'. b �o " 8 45 5 55 " 9 l5 6 20 " 0 35 6 115 " 10 110 7 00 -" 7 55`, ", 755 II .t 41 10 L5 11 10 1115" 1 45 xi t 2 Y0 355" 445 00I'•lGIiiot7TH Via Tail, i rd ne 4 20 A. m. I.ucknow 5 00 illc•eb 2hrter2 Winghan4 7 15a,tt 11 00"A St Clinton . Si' _„_.• -01 %1aAta1t'' 9 40 ” 0 08 10 05 "" 4 05 " Conto n. ,,,calf 20 " 4 00 rt Consort s 8 15 0.14, t, tniciiiad 5 10 liafniltou (15 Toronto 1a viaSptiltonsionBridge)0.10 '" tiuffa 1. Mail 7511015 rttnitaily exo0nt 5 111ayd). flies i'ralns tun North ,tenet°Y, *05no111117 and Pr t raiti ,•.• and Sat t Titers a a 1 Y a s �- nodi �' It T l Y i S out eke; Grata ru ill clra 1' 3 tit Clinton With ions ins c Tannest Tiaigeto andirotYi Godorloh. Granit ),Trnilk (1UAt0t1 Olt 'Tial—501DC00 4iIflA7FF1iitt40 •, 1r: 'ft Gat+ta i 5r. a,1s ("101 �iil ISIes7. 8,1i J,r