HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-02-19, Page 18Page 18 • Titres -Advocate, February 19, 1997 COMMIINITY Truck fire The Exeter Volunteer Fire Department responded to a truck fire on Thursday afternoon. According to Fire Chief John Morgan, a 1986 G.M. C pick-up truck belonging to Doug Geoffrey caught fire on concession 4, lot 6. The vehicle was a write-off: • Communities support fall fairs. KIRK1ON , Kirkton Fair Board hell its :uul(ial meeting, rcccntly. It I.1kes a lot of: volunteers and a lot of 11.1111. work lig keep siiiall rural fairs ,ih%e :ind. deriving: 1I)esliite .rainy %%e,1i t i laa fall that caused the eancc11atlun, of most or Saturday's outsi.k activities and Sunday's Demolition Derby the •Kirkion Fair under the direction of its very hard working president Carol Danidn is very duels alive and kicking: At it.: annual meeting last week plans were put in place to run, a full lair wain on September 12. 13. I.3 - with the usual Friday- evening show.. Saturday. parade. 4. 11 show. horse shoe pitching. baby show. 'Picks and Sticks'. pct parade and 1,►riner o1v motes. Sunday will again feature the Demolition Derby. the -Fiddlers Jamboree and Feature Fair sulipe r. In order te► make up for lost rev'c- nuc at last years lair the Kirkton Fair Board have hcen running a few• money- making events. -The recent successful Euchre :i'uurnament in which prizes were won by such lo- cal celebrities .as. Gordon Johns. Stewart Laing. Jack Switzer-. Albert Wecrnink..Iva.• Blair. and Pearl Brine have prompted another such .tournament on Sat. Feb. 22 starting at 10 a:m: at-thc Kirkton Woodham Community Centre. Where else can you have do much fun and good Iiiid for only, $5.? It is indced.a credit to the cooper- ation and• willingness of the resi- dents of _such rural communities that these' fairs still survive. Their existence (rural fairs) should send a strong message to oururhan friends and to our politicians that the rural our Vigws Letters to the editor Bank cards Only when we demand will we re- ceive dayandevening counter. service.... • 1►c.n 1tlilur: f„ is iterate :1' eumnuln phrase in a different per- +pecii'r.I have enclosed an editorial that hopefully -will '•Iiic,lk the Silence". on an issue we all have duioI over if "wc but exercise our rights and re- sr,msihilities towards our youths,and he the judges Hill Mc .% iotrols. . Harry A. Schroeder • Ile a Robin Hood 'iake from the rich. give to the poor Is v our son looking lin a' job? • I. y our daughter looking for a job"' Are y oil looking for ;i job'' Lo,,k into the moon fl: you wish to see one Iva -- son wIn they ean'I lold u11C. Have you a banking or ulhel II,isliC money- card? Y,ttl s,iv •11's .1 e•()11VC11- lChli. 'm For Who? You or the Bank ' Thousands of Canadian youths arc attempting sui- cide. Iiec:Rise of a Zack of employment opportunities. Why ' 'Because millions of Canadians- are "brain washed". into using banking cards instead of de- manding personalized counter service at their local Inl,nlcial institutes. • - - ()lily when w•e demand will we receive day and evening counter servicc.which we are paying fors Less call use means more oohs. Icwcr suicides. • This Is 111' 1111miaied response to an indignant rc- ,Juesl 111.II iii wily use lire kinking card 1u cash a s 111 I 1Ic doll ll cheque .1,!,nnsl another account. Be a Robin Hood Harry A. Schroeder community providiest •art quality of life that is unsurpasscd'�and is not measured by..dollars - and cents alone. Scc you at the fair in Sep- tember! Correction A photo of Lioncss donations in last week's T -A incorrectly iden- •tilued.Liz Stephens as Liz Sangster. .The T -A apologizes for the error. - Have a news tip? Call the Times -Advocate . 235-1331 ' This is a royal Stick Up! For sixty years we've lived around here ' Been a customer loyal and true Now our integrity. honesty and faithfulness 1)ucsn'1 mean a damn 1(1)'Ou. Our lain ily followed -our lint steps We lead them to your front dour ; That :till doesn't credit our %:due You worship our banking card more.. -- My wife worked. slaved and sacrificed Raised a responsible family of live . You say "without your Royal hank card . We won't acknowledge she's even alive".. Us senior citizens have paid our due ' Now Ave can't communicate with you•• You forget. we kept your hank on the road . Now you burden iis.w•ith your computer Toad. If I can't sign my own money out �l' ow'n Inu111\ wonI Le l'()Illillg 111 bol e 1' 'u can 1ake y our mtxlern eonhpuler and stick it right up your rear.. When your Nanking card's mord important than one I'm one customer you'll never see May you rest in peace by your'rusting till Rigorniortis set in before your over the hill. • • Then call mc. a No Account Farrier • . Judge me hay Aly Bottom Linc It's funny!. we can't take it with us When we Come 11, the end of the 1111e. • Ijalr' ;\ Schiocder Centralia Some ' common sense' needed "...the dog chewed up an expen- sive oriental carpet and a $300 pair of shoes." Dear Editor: It has been reported that Al Leach, ministcr'of nnuucoil affairs and housing, said that his dog. a I h.isa :Ips() cost ium $10ii Xl recently. Apparently he said he had to buy a new king-size bed because the dog insists on sleeping with him and his wife and the dog chewed up an expensive oriental carpet and a S30() pair of shoes. • If Mr. Leach had any "Common Sense" he would send the dog to obedience school. It would he a lot cheaper. • • Sincerely. Fran Ritchie Council in brief EXETER - The OPP submitted its pop ised.hudget for 1997 - $443.4tt4 - the:ligtire iy still about $50.0(X) less than that projected tour years ago by the.Policc Servic- es Board prior to contracting with the OPP. Council will net longer participate financially in several - organizr lions. Starting this ycar..Exeter will not renew membership in: Fedora= Min of Canatlian Municipalities. Ontario Municipal Management Association. Ontario association of Police Scryice Boards. Ontario As- sociation of Committee of Adjust- ment and the Economic Develop= ment Association ofCanada. ' Last year was a good year for the. Oldc Town Hall. Its budget was underspent by $14.000. Th.ttinon- cy will now he placed into a re- serve for future expenditures on -the building. The Exeter Cemetery Board met. last week and passed the necessary. motions that. in effect; turn that body inti.) an advisory committee:. Work is under -way in preparation for another successful year. Steckle joins fisheries and oceans committee OTTAWA - Paul Stecklc, M.P. for Huron -Bruce has been invited to join the Standing Committee. of Fisheries and Oceans, effective Fchruary 10. • - "I am very pleased that Paul Stecklc has been appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of•Fishcries and Oceans said the Hi►norahle Fred Mifflin. Minister. . of Fisheries and Oceans, "Mr. • • Stecklc, who has already demon stratid his.kecn interest in fisheries_ isstics by working on the ad hoc group for thc Sca Lamprey- Control- Program.will he a strong voice on the committee for Ontario inter- ests." 'Las3ycar funding for the Sca [arhprcy Control Program. . (SLCP), in the Great Lakes was . threatened by thc federal govern: mcnt..Sca Lamprey isa Great ' Lakes predator that manifests itself by preying on 'valuable sport and commercial 1ishcries.'The ad hoc conulittec of Liberal Menihcrs of Parliament. and other siakcholders such as the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. Collectively expressed their support for this pro - ,gr in. By working -together on an issue as important as SLCP. Mem- hers of Parliament and concerned citizens and organizations were successful in their quest to maintain funding. "it is a privilege to sit on the Standing Committee of Fisheries antl Oceans. 1 will have the oppor- tunity to be directly involved with "issues that relate to our Great Lakes and Oceans, especially considering that Huron -Bruce is hound by the beautiful beaches of Lake Huron." "stated Steckle. - Although Mr. Stecklc is.now.an official member of the Standing Committee of Fisheries and Oceans, his duties to serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the Environment and as an asso- ciate member of the Standing Com- mittee of Agriculture and Agri -food will continue. - "l•am looking forward to this next session," 'added Stecklc. "1 may be busier because Iny, involve- ment with standing committees has increased. hut. I feel that it will Kelp me comprehend and address concerns that arc important to the constituents of Huron -Bruce." Exeter hospital not hit as hard as others by cuts EXETER - Hospital cuts an- nounced recently mark the sec- ond year in a -three-year plan hy the province to cut $1.3 hil- linn in funding to hpitals. Exeter was not hit as hard as some facilities Wingham and Sealorih had more than seven . per cent chopped from their- • budgets. South Huron Hospital funding was reduced hy $198.000. according to Admin- istrator Don Currell, "They changed the formula mid -stream," explained Currell who added the. hospital doesn't yet have the formula. • He said it's too early to say . how further savings will he achieved. , Rec Centre busy place- . for break EXETER -The South Huron Rec. Centre has announced several activities for youth during the -. March break. - A bingo is scheduled for youth 13 and under on Wed.. Mar. 12 frim - - 1:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. 'Admissions is $1.00 per child. Sponsors arc. the Legion Ladies Auxiliary and' New Orleans Pizza, MacLcans Source for Sports is sponsoring a youth road hockey . tournament during the week of -Mai. • 17-21. There are boys and girls .- categories for ages 7 to 14. Each feain consists of four players and. Costs $20.(X) per team. Teams must pre -register at the Rec. Centre office by Mar. 5. •- • " On Thurs.,-Mar. 20 a concert will feature Peter W. Snell -at the Excter . Public Library. It starts at,2:30. Admission is $2.(0 per person. • For more details on March break activities contact the Rec. Centre.at 235-2833. •- Panther Profile By Bill Kline •Thank you to everyone who came out to .Sinoochic Pantplemoussic on Thursday: It went over really well. Thank you. also to the chape- rones and custodians who helped out.. The music groups arc competing at Music Fcst -in London this week, ' On .Thursday, choirs are playing .it -al Lucas. Concert Choir is at 9:3(1 and Chamber Choir is at 11:30:- On Friday,.Concert Band and Wind - Ensemble play at -4:30 and 6 p.m: at Oakridge. On Saturday. the I3lack- Jazz Band plays -at -10:30 a.m. at•St. Thomas Aquinas.. - On Tuesday: March -4 at 4 p.111. there is a Student Advisory C'ouricil \letting -in the library. Any parents who -wish to come out are weF- c• onte. The Lion King production is coming up: It starts on Wednesday Fchruary 26 and runs until Saturday. March I. It is in•thc small gym at the school. Tickets arc $5 and can he purchased at specific stores in = . Exeter. • The South•.Huron Recreation Centre will he hosting an N.C.C.P. • - (National Coaching Certification Program) Theory Level I- course this • April. ' .- The course •covers important principles in coaching such .is. plan- ning. spurt -safety. skill analysis. growth and development and also helps thc:coach•undcrstand- why athletes participate: This t.vo day course also helps prepare the coach to teach skills and design s,IIc. en- joyable and, challenging practices. Course information • • Saturday. April 5 and Sunday. April 6. 9 a.m..to 5 p.m..(hith day s - • South Huron District. High- Sohl, !. Room 77 - • • - - • $60 fee (includes manual and workbook) •. • minimum of 15 participants required to proceed • - - 1• • all participants must -be 16 years ()loge and-ovcr -' • participants must pre register and pre -pay at the South Huron Rec-.' rcation Centre office, weekdays, 9-12 and I-51 - •• Until next weck...Bill Kline - tii:—_..-1. ‘N° •FAX 235 16 , 1Z 6**ICI:•1424 MASpecific Colours MARKERS 3/990 Sheaffer INK CARTRIDGES Reg. $2.50 NOW $125 Many colours BRISTOL BOARD 250 sheet DRAFTING PENCILS AND CALLIGRAPHY MARKERS Reg. $1.39-$1.99 • 1/2 PRICE DATED MATERIAL 25% °Fr OIL, WATER & ACRYLIC PAINT & BRUSHES 50%°" WATERCOLOUR . • - PAPER 50% °' • Our Environment c 0 e c 0 Our Ewtrironotonted is of Rights In Ontario. erc all -have the right to make sure our environment is healthy — and the responsibility to protect )t. - • (htturios Environmental Bill of Rights helps us do both. (:all or write the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario for an information kit and a handreusable lunch hag: (416) 325-3377 - 1-800-701-6454 11)75 Bay Street, Suite 605 Toronto, Ontario HISS 281 cvoinfo@wch.net ' www'.cco,on.ca