HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-02-19, Page 15Petite "C" wins first_ playoff game The Exeter Petite "C" ringette team beats Mitchell for the first time .this -season HENSALL • Exeter stunned Mitchell 9-5 in the first game of the Exeter Optimist Petite.'C' Ringettc teams -best two of three series. In.the previous meetings. Exeter had lost all games. In this game, -Exeter leaped -into ,a lour goal lead; Kristin Regier scored two within 14 seconds of each other with Theresa Gallagher; -Rebecca DeVrics and Amanda Overholt assisting. Jenna Revington•- and Miranda Grenier each scored the single markers and Amanda Overholt assisted both. Mitchell got into the action;coming back with'four equalizers as the firsi'period drew to a close. Regier took a -lead pass from Sherri Skinner to regain the lead for the locals before the start of the second: period. • Jenna Revington got a quick go.l 30 seconds into the final half,_ and Grenicr (Mowed suit one minute later. _ • Defence players Jocelyn Stirc, Jenn Alderdice, Enid Drummond, Overholt, Gallagher and Skinner, along with goaltender Holly -Horn only allowed Mitchell one goal in the second half. - Brittany Revington and J. Revington rounded out'the•scoring for Exeter midwayahrough the second. Jcnn.Timmcrman and Christina • Cook added the assists; • - C-oaeh Michele Hodgert said the win was very important because they have never. beat Mitchell before and taking the first game in a.. hest two out of three series was a -tremendous advantage. • "We knew-wc had the potential tq win if we set out with the'right stuff," said Hodgert. "This was our biggest win of the season." Gametwo gocs Sunday, -February 23 -in Monkton at 12:30. Zurich bowlers heading to Hamilton div Ron Dann " ZURICH - Trudy Roosehoom .and'Caroline Kerr from the Zurich - Fite Pin Bowlers'. Association will compete .in clic three game, most pins over average. -.Hiram -Walker. Special •Old Provincial High -Low Doubles team championships Sat- urday at Hamilton's 48 -lane Sher wood ('entre. The toil team will win all expense . trips_to 1'lurida and advance to the Hiraiit \\'alkcr National Champion- slops April 26 at Ottawa. 131ucwater Association' -Special (.ltd'Ic.os twin (Tinton: Listowel:. Luckiu)w and Mtolc.worth will also • bc-'after. the Provincial title under the direction tib. thc Ontario Fite Tilt Bottlers' Association- MEP-. BA). • - \fins Alasler Bantam Ilio \1 'leseo nth learn of \1a,ter lis .1 •1 1 c,he (;root alui►g with • YBC bantams (age 10 and under) Mark Dainnieier avid Kristen Stew - von fhc Blucw•:uer Associate art oh •• area Master -Bantam regional title SP_ _ T Times -Advocate, February 19, 1997 • Page 15 Hawks will meet Mitchell for . first round- playoffaction EXETER - Injuries continue to plague the Ezeter hawks •as they Iost.•their last regular league game on 'Saturday to Nonh Middlesex 5- ,2 Nathan Burns and Chris McDo- nald -scored with.. Bill. Hodge 'and Jeff Glavin picking. up thc assists for the:Hawk~ in what head coach Dave Revington called. a • J)uict game.' "Wc went in with a bunch -of in- juries and we rested. sonic players." said Revington. • Technically, the game "'didn't mean much lir the Hawks: North Middlesex did - not make the - playoffs -and were playirig.their last game of the year, and the Hawks went into the garne knowing they had already secured lirst- place. in their division Exeter compliacd regular league play ,with a 27-8-2 win/loss/tic - record placing- third in the overall league standings. _ Mount. Brydgcs playing' in .the Thomas Division finished frrst'with a 34-4-0 record and Wellesley placed sec - pod in the Bauer Division with a 28-10--1 record. Exeter will meet Mitchell in the first round of the playoffs..but- aeV- ington said he didn.'t have a prefer- encs -over which team they're' matched -with. "The way we're • play Ing right- now it doesn't matter- who . o, e meet." he said adding -the Hawks have been struggling since Januar}. Despite' squeaking out a sauce=. one -goal win over Lucan on Friday night. Exeter has -hada riwgh go in - their last six games and will still not he at 100 _per cent playoffs:• - -"You-can't rush injured' players :rhat's the wa!:'It gt,es.'• said Ret.- InO_R,n. •' Gantt one of their six point series.. against Mitchell' Inst} take place in Fxetcr, on. Friday night. h n eser. that could not he conhrui d by tier the , Sunday at Zurich Town and Coun— try Lanes. • : Molesworth was paced by the • bantam bowlers - Danuneier with plus 178 pins over his 82 league av- erage 'arid Stewart with 152 pins_, above her average while Groot add- ed 114 pins over her 236 average with a hof 822 three game total. ' The team now advances to the Pi o- vincial Master -Bantam three g.une. i, rniost pin. over average ('h:unl Champion-- ship at Harttilton. . The. Black Tower. Booster Club iollofl's are tentatively ,set for March 23. the Black Tower Provin- cial Championship. May 1(1 at Pe- terhorough and the OFPBA Ontario Senior Citizens May 2I at Bramp- ton. Lines from Lucan Lanes Ivy :\udrey \\'act 1 1'('t\, • The l- WC. L.lgue qualityIJg moods 101 the. I•uur Slap, to Si.u(hrnr hate •bcen kom- pleted All til the (tinm.•1s linin this e onlperiiion will he . onyoeting in a nolle iiutud un \L11,1 2. Ruhbie `yet, w ill hr limo lint• stir lis in the bantam ht,\s 11111,1oi1 .11 I•Ieel\\:i� .111 I tndon. Ile Iitte,he1l the eight g.une, .o uh .► total Pi11l.ill tit 1 142. • The bantam hay s team will consist 1)1 Jet 1110 'Alt:Naughton. Ryan Pull-. man. 1.111110.• 1 e.. is. \\'illiaiii Ilene -tleili :I1i11 I(t.u1 ('ou,Ineau tt ill he limy 1111; .11 1)ut. heart and • ttdI he coit ht, h\ (1ndt N1t. N.nu•Iton .\nn \1.0 le Beaudoin (111 cu.icl► the 11111101 !•ill, wain .it \lemic 111 I.oIidon. Nlelnhel, of 1111, team 11e Ashley Smith. Kelly XVII sun. Alexandra Itaw son, \1.uy Ileaudui11 and Kerr ie.1)ao The Nal inal Class, Iloll .house ._round w.ts ie.e1111) huw led at Lu - can 1 tines I in, torn n.unent has lite Jlllcnnl..iter.t_•. .I.isses Iirr, ht,lll men and women w 1111 Ilse lop I>.,t% lei 111)111 e.1u h chi„ tootling a -leant .1 lie ladles Wain, %%1111 then three game quality ing score.. cot- sists of Sarah Culbert -618.Annie Vanhouydunk :324, Marie Jaques 582. Dale Fisher -631 and (Ann Sinai) elan. 'Flee mens leant.‘‘ ill he. Kevin Dunlop 547. Doug Hockey 44) I. Fred \\'ells -668. 1)011 ('un- ninf h:un -80(, and Bob Smith -735 These two teams oo 111 he competing 111 a zone round 1111 !starch t) in bowling ccn11rs designated by • the Bowling Prop, n•lot s of Ontario The Itlack Tow el 'Provincial I n e 1'111 Teton Championships 1t• ' c tumid, hay all he.in completed The house 111(111(1 lot the 111/4e teams from the I wan 'Alerts league w ill. he hell 011 \luck 8 t he ieniainml,, Teague wmuleis trill howl on \1a1c1 15 and will consist of the lollow- itg: \\'ediiesday Nlisi t, 1.101.1s IsliXed and Sunday Abseil with Iwo teams each while the 1 League and Nun Smoking wil -each have one Team -represented. This competition will consist of three g:lnle, 111 a Pins 'ort ,average bur - 111.11 with one team .14k:111011g to ;l_ ret lona' ititnld un :•\Pril 13. South Huron Indoor Sccer League February •17 scores Stratford Central Runts 1 vs. Exeter Fury 2 (:oat for Stratford: Man Peck Goals for Exeter: fele McAllutet, :\1 N1. 1 .111, • Stratford'I'usken Raiders 9 vs. Exeter 1 hander 2 - lGoals for Slrulford: Keith Donnelly (3), Rob 1)ao Is 12), Jason Dun- seith (2), Derek Mewhinney • Goals tor Exeter: Cullen Kohe (2) Exeter. Centennials 7 vs. St. Coluinban 3 (;olds for i?xeter: Matt Szabo (3), Nick Szabo, -Jeff DenOtter, Peter Hakvoort, Patrick Barnett ( ;outs for St. l'olunthan: Steve Ryan, Josh Dietz, Mark Muir Lucas Irish finish second in division LUCAN = The Lucan Irish earned ar. layoff berth in the Junior ) league after splitting their last •two. games 0f the season. . - • Lucan hammered St.•George. 10-' on Wednesday Icd hy Chris Fischer- with ischerwith a remarkable' four goals and three assists before losing a •very close game to Exeter on Friday. Down hy two points going into the fifth. Lucan rebounded with two. goals in the second compli- ments of Ryan Baynh:uu and J,unte Lightfoot and then took the lead in the third after .Raynham assisted Jeremy lrallib Turn on .i—' et Play goal. -The end-to-end action was a typ- - TOOT Exeter is Luean giune Ftert lime these (wt, teams have met dur- ing the regular season -the games have always been close and marked by Bard hitting w uh end-to-end ac- tion- and 'spectacular goalie say es The last little these two teams bat- tled the game ended in a 3- 1 tic .Intl it looked as It Flidat ni ht's gam wtwdhea repeat unl theH,Hawks :scored the- , _o' -ahead goal with less -than one minute retraining. Despite the. ticarthrcat;ing loss co=roach'las - -Bukala • )t;lsn't phased. `: • "We. lost --.to a good team that night hut we play ed. well too. said Bukalt adding some kes players were mussing from the line-up. . Hvweter. losing their last game .of the season didn't hurt Lucan's plasoff-hid After struggling mid- way through the season and won- denng - if they-woutd.. make the play offs this year tis .l-ucan arch hate. finished second 111 their ditt- ston only one point abate Seatorth and. Mint -hell who ,ire tied lar thud place w ith 41 points !.scan will meet Scal.'itit In the first round• however, thru pl.itol1 schedule was not known ho l;iea Ililte- Recent shuffleboard scores .Exeter Febrtmtry I_2 4 g:imc w inner, Toni \\'illianl, How.nt John, Ina \\'IIJruns 1.dotd Lovell Sinn Skinner Ann Norihey .1 ganm• Ni inner \\'lima 1)ati, ;15 :314 304 285 357 I-ebrirai' I3 4 );amt winner: \nn Notthet lila Witham, ( it Norther 1,11111 Peppei 111111oa.ts . Doti: \tiller 3 galti.' w inners Ray Ho.gson Hcrisall February 11 Duels Hamilton 'Alice Thiel Dave \\'ooelw aril Isobel Rogerson Ina Williams Jon 1)a\ is Pearl NleKnught Hazel \Icl wen 4611 4-111 439 411 4'2: 405 3I6 450 449 421 • 41 t 400- i96 1s5 W'ARRLN AUTO GLASS SLAW/111i Broken Windshield? We will pay your deductible Up to ;100." *MOBILE SERVICE* Windshields In stock for most domestic Cars engtrucks 345-2432 1-800-300-9144 i press time. . - On - Friday Exeter defeated the Lucas Irish 4`3 -after Ben. McCann scored the winning goal with 59 'econd left to play Chris McDo- nald contributed- two goals in an outstanding performance and Chris' Kennedy scored one goal and 7two assists - Exeter Petites sweep series . . in Jordan JORDAN - The Exeter M & M Meats Pelices "A" travelled to Jordan on Saturday for the Tim Horton's Friendship Tour-- nament and brought back the gold after sweeping the series. - Exeter won all four games beating St. Clements 8-2, host team Jordan 8-1 on Saturday before defeating Niagara Falls 8-2 on Sunday. The Pe-, tites met Port Perry in the championship game and clinched the hardware by winning 9-4. - Exeter dominated the tour- nament outshooting their op- ponents 33 to 9. Coaching - staff credits a strong perfor- mance by Aimee McCann for keeping -the team's goals against so iow.- At tete- awards presentation each player received a tro- phy. Denise Ritchie was cho- sen as M.V.P. from Exeter and ChelseyMommersteeg was named "Most Sportsmanlike." The Exeter Petites are - coached by Ken Farquhar and managed by Kevin Baer. Trainer is Julle Ritchie. See rin- gette scorebox for scores and assists. • Have a sports tip? Call the Times -Advocate 235-1331 Exeter Junior D Hawks vs Mitchell (for game one) Friday Feb. 21 8:30 p.m. I\ 1 1, 1� 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 I) 1 1, 1 r '.1 South Huron Recreation Centre, Exeter �o .1 '�-411, 4/, 1111, eeee......... Or 10 •e -000e e_ •oe4 _j) 3M/Times Advocate COMMUNITY COACH RECOGNITION PROGRAM. 1\\k.)t )1r) all PJirf) Note. Coach must reside in area served by this newspaper Name of Coach' Sport: Home Centre league: - Nominated by - Telephone: - Coach's Profile: Please provide a briet history on the nominee, outlining such elements as years of coaching, successes, meaningful coaching achievements, etc. • Note. individual must have coached at least two years Winners of he 3M/Times Advocate Coach Recognition will be judged on the following values and standards. Please give an example of how the coach you are nominating exemplifies these values and standards. • Demonstrating respect for officials, opponents and parents, and espousing a philosophy of fair play. • Demonstrating concern for all-round dt velopment of the athlete and instilling guidelines reflecting responsible conduct beyond the playing field. • Presenting, through example, a positive image of coaching. • Demonstrating the ability to improve the athletic performance of a team or individual • Applying relevant training theory and coaching techniques. eg. National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP). ---IMcGillivray Minor Ball Registratn L� Sat. Mar. 8 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ` r , Wed. filar. 1' 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.' Sat. Mar. 15 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at WEST McGILLIVRaY HALL. _ • 5 Pith S20.(k)-• Mite, S.luirts S35.110 •Pei: Wes and up $50 BRING l Ot. R HEALTH CARD \\U BIRTH CERTIFICATE $20.00 late fee FOR MORE INFO l' U.1. JIM DIXON 227-1287 Don't forget about our annual L.•ILL DA\•CE Sat, April 5 at Parkhill Community Centre featuring Rick Powell _j) 3M/Times Advocate COMMUNITY COACH RECOGNITION PROGRAM. 1\\k.)t )1r) all PJirf) Note. Coach must reside in area served by this newspaper Name of Coach' Sport: Home Centre league: - Nominated by - Telephone: - Coach's Profile: Please provide a briet history on the nominee, outlining such elements as years of coaching, successes, meaningful coaching achievements, etc. • Note. individual must have coached at least two years Winners of he 3M/Times Advocate Coach Recognition will be judged on the following values and standards. Please give an example of how the coach you are nominating exemplifies these values and standards. • Demonstrating respect for officials, opponents and parents, and espousing a philosophy of fair play. • Demonstrating concern for all-round dt velopment of the athlete and instilling guidelines reflecting responsible conduct beyond the playing field. • Presenting, through example, a positive image of coaching. • Demonstrating the ability to improve the athletic performance of a team or individual • Applying relevant training theory and coaching techniques. eg. National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP).