Exeter Times, 1876-7-6, Page 1EMDC
/441:14 INIVA311,1 CaiyarS710
tioal lytninamkurgeum
0.theeaulrerlidebete--Lxotert t,
tt dice liOtirtim*Sie 10 mnielitid 7 to IQ p.m.
mysielans, Sorgeonk, Accent:hours, Office
Won Medical ltaboratory, one door noz
Of DavW bittokeinitli Shop, 1 u o st, Exeter, lid'
siiteneex Dr, Browning's, riiiron, sir J. W, BitoWX,,
/NG" M O.,Araduatc Victoria College, Member Col.
lege terypereas euriwes a War, .8
Credo allo,V1/1Yet:Sity College, Member Colt
°S0 "I'N'Y81(lilbiis and Surgeons; . 69.tf,
1'1L LANG. M. B., M., .1),;'L, Its C.
S. 0, OratInate of Trinity College, Mn -
01 of the College of Physicians and Surgernis of
Ontario. office -Drug Sim°, Main St; Oranton
and is also proprietor of the Drag store, and con-
stantly keeps on hand,a large stook Of Pur0 (1r1104,
,Paten Medicines, ;LIM Dye stuffs.
tire/atm Awe 18,1871,45.641.
elOver Seed tor sale.
1 A.„ ELLIS, •
J •
Surgeon Dentist
has located, pernianentlyld Exeter. Office in Fen-
ton N Block. 113-1Y
VETEltiNAHY SCItGEON, Exeter, Ont. Calls
promptly attended to, Office and residence -
nearly oppMtegolin4,4141,640,
Ji- ISINSIAN, Surgeon Dentist,
...te . who aye been inExoterover4yrs. is still on
and all the time, Othee andresidenee,nett doorto
C. Eacrett's Harness Shop, Mainstreet, His wife
also 113 always on hand to attend lady patients, -
Hit work is guaranteed inferior to none, and su-
perior to that of most others. 'Terms more liberal
than any other in this county; upper set -very Jest
-815,00, Fillinas warrantedfive years. To prevent
being inisclirooted.talce care to enquire for the Old
E. ' Nishod Dental Oilloe.
ivrALoousoiv .&,. WATSON, Bar-
.1.V.L. risteis and Attorneys-at-LaW.
014,xem-In Faun
so's BlociExeter.
S. Mar,00ntaon I G. A.. Warsaw.
ivi ESSRS. JONES .`, '8: lifOSORIP,
. , . ,
-avA Barristers, Attorneys -at -law, Solicitors in
111tuntery, Conveyancers, Commissioners in 33.1t.
alio Notaries Public, St, Mary's
0, S. JONES. W. O. 1140$CRIP.
Os atOn--Hutton'StBlock, Wtstir'St.t St. Mary's
a * iny.
I ters,"ttorneys; Solicitors, Commissioner,
P It., &c. '
, , . . , .
Osiirotillum.ron's Biwa; Water* Street, St.
Mary's. '
t ,
vOliN E. PlArranaa. E. W. Hannino
W MeDIA.R.MID) B.A.,. ..
, , ,, I 4 a, ,
• . ' , &Co,
MA rriage Licenses,ufider the IIANV Act, Credi-
tom Ont. , 24_3),
WOPiarriage Licenses midi r tho TIOW Act
at the J.k.ist Offlr0'..re. Enry4 4 , 1 . 46 -ti
1 r BROWN, Public Auctioneer.
L ' N to enesea. Sales iirainpty attend ed to
'1 e r., is e:son.able.
NVi nal, elguti.;, rit.1.5;',3$78.
o' 1,d is tir,;(1"73i1r rAirit&i.'fi.;I: the eainfOrt Ortrt:-
,t raveling public Gooliquors and cigars at thi
'Oar. Itteutivz hustle, always in. attenclaneci
Decree ter Ce.n.unercial Travelers ,
W m Oniclawar.Kst, Prop,
1i .
CING'S HOTEL, Afarket Square.
et v. Stratford, Robert Shore, proprieteor. Thii
hotel has lately been purchased, and overhauled
excellent am? roomy stables. Attentive hustlers
every &lacer:iodation for the traxelung bublic,and
best honors and cigars air the bar.
tratford, Mayon 0, 1876. 80-6mos
-pop OYAL HO TE L, -This house,
now undo -the TO.011e.g0M00t of Mr. E. fa is -
tie, who has thoroughly refitted and overlutuled
it, now possesses eyery accomodation for the pub-
lic. Splendid stabling and shad -shed 80ft long -
attentive liosticrs good liquors and cigars. 2.8
N. .) Exeter- Ontario. Oke tic ,Bissett, Proprie.
, 1.rs. This hotel is new and fitted 129 111 the ber
style. Special attention paid, to the wants of t e
ti availing public. Large 83112810 1001218 for com-
mercial travellers. Good stabling and attentive
11 )6110113. 10641
. .
L.V.1- ONt., W. HAWK HAW, Proprietor. Thi
new and commodious hot elis new completed, arid
fitted tip throughout with first -furniture. The
hest of Liquors and the choicest of Cigars at the
!tar. Milhous° is ciiimble of accoinniodatinu 35
guests. Exeellent stables and an attentive hos-
tiers. q64 -1V.) " •,
' ..... ipinno
Harry Brown, or Winclielsekinforms his friends '
that he can supply them with all manner of reap- ,
fug, mowing and threshing machine repairs. He
is always ready to meet hie friends, and do his
best for them by mipplying them -with wood or
iron work, - , HARRY BROWN'
Just published, ina sealed Envelope. ,
price six Jeuts.
A lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and. radi,
eal cure of Seminal Weakness or Speramator- 1
rhcea, induced. by Self -Abuse, Involuntary Emia-
sions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impedi-
neents of marriage generally; Consumption, 1
Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental and Physical In- ,
capacity, &c. -By ROBERT .7. Culverwell, M. D.,
author of the " Green Book," &c. 1
The world-rmowned author, in this admirable
"lecture, clearly proves from bis own experience
that the awful conSequonces of Self -Abuse may
be effectually reinoved without medicine, and
without dangerous surgical operations, bangles,
instruments, rings, or cordials; pointing mit a :
mode of cure at once certain and 'effectual, by
ivhich every suiferer, no' matter -what 01 00(1(11 -
on nuty be, may cure himself cheaply, privately
and radically.. . , , ‘, -
tzS`This Leettire will prove a boon 46 , thousands
and thonstinds , '• '," , ,
Sent under sear in a plain envelope, to tiny ad
cess, on receipt of six cents, or two postage
Addss rethe Publishers, ' ' ' . ' ' '. ii"
• ,,, •" , F. 33RUGMAN •Ifc "SON;,,
41 Ann St, New York, Post -0 .Ce Dox 4586,
emoving timber from the lands of the Canada
'i , Iliereby caution all persona against cutting Or
iompany, (LI4 1 ale authorized to proseonte ai
tiespaseers with the utmost rigor of the law.
Tinibor Agent Can. Co..
Eeter t Elay 15 80-tf.
,L)andersigned, lot 6, con. 9, of Itsberne,
on MOnday, 291h 4 ay, 1.876,, a bey ware colt;
one White hind loot ; white spot on forehead,
The owner is requested to prove property;
pay elepenties, and take her away. ,
Exter for sale, Tim silbstriber offers for Sale
Lot 17, com, 4, Stephen, cordprisilig 100, acres; 81
acres cleared, a,,, ft a acres good 051101211, 25401 good
frame house with collars, scabies, barns and othin
houses, Splendid sutmly of water, situated 3!
,s fFxoter, and a good 'school in the vie-
• ', A.7,90, a Cottage and Lot in Exeter, with
rid ,;(01tOgos, on Elizabeth etre° C. For fur.
artice tan ilp/Ay, to . .
trews nnanistes,
• Exeter n. o
lerteeesser to:A, P, Nichol,
t• '4 -
gi • 14
ot tl, .ki'
. .,
111 . .s;11 ,
.. fit.:,,
^ t
r 'ei
so2,4 a
—"c 4"."4; • 1
'•'-* Y '''''.141,,
tfX 1
St, Maty'si
. to an Mete -
01 to trdvellers
and the pnlilic‘
getiorallyy thitt
having pnrelitioi.
ia ti 1' in,ee
II r 44 4
esii the I "v
ere hi "11 8S,
'ta ill be pie p ar od
o flilnili lege
4131 11103 able tcirths ancl RIlOSI notire.
4. balVEltalAI3Xf
ational Hetet, Sas Staiy'
• 59.1T.T.I.J.• .MTJ)T),LESEX
VOL. 3, NO. 13.
0, VADU:SEn and CO,
,T Elle constantly= nand the largest and
13est Assortieent ef
Ppipolt AtiActicines
litORSkte CATTLE '
Tooth, Nail, Etair, and Cloth
Sohoel Books, Toy Books,
BlankoBooks, IVIegezines,
A thumsFancy Goods
Pencil Sia es, Lead Pen-
cils, itc.
CI OLE Age:Ill: ear LAZAR:17S, M011111 S,
O. e.„eureted perfected Spectacles au
- '
Preecriptions anti Recipes quickly and. aeon-
rately dispensed. Remember the Place -Di.
rectiv7opposite the "Central Hotel,"
Bxefeb, . . O. VANDUS ez (Jo.
Exeter. ;Tannery 7, 1874. ,
Savings and Investment
OF 0 1°.T 1)
titinf U/ U 'A 2 cal'
Heave Remedy
C31.13A EPagirril CUR
Perry's Cattle Feeder
37 Those preparaions are the most reliable
in nee.
IL Two cutters ner.J.11 new. Hee DRISMOR
SALE.' ---Two corner Lote oppo-
2 a.. 132.511 Dr. Hindman's. Apply to JOAN 1' ) -L WA1tSI4ALL, Exe-ber.
Debentures wad Mortgages Purchased
;Parties requiring :Volley can olitai.»
eaneee promptly on approved City or Fai in
Property, •
On application at fhei
PINE AppLE0,..,
Cool Soda-trater
Store, Post Office Block.
An !excellent stock of Groceries and Confect
ory ou hand.
la'r Snorter:nen supplied with A.mmumition.
School Books, Stationery, 'Magazines
N.13.-ewing Machine Needlesof sind fo
0 or 40 Village lots
with'frontage to Zurich Road, for wile at .
heady at this place theare about to he erected
number of buildings; There is also 'a good
plendid opening for Blacksmith, Joiner and
arpenter, Shoemaker, and all other branches
f Trade. inc station is numbered second ir
point of business on the
L. El. & B. R. R.
or further particulars, epply to,
G. & J. PETTY,
Machine Shop in.. Staiorth
11-1,11;1'''G'3.trited 'the premtees formerly
oceupied tby Gray & Scott, 143 are pre-
• pared to contradt for
louring, Grist and Saw Mills, Sh iugle, I -lead-
ing, Stave alit' Hoop Mitehinery,
Blacksmith Work arid general repair prompt-
ly attended to,
Shafting, Pulleys, Grate 1301' and other caetings
Brass mitt Iron Fittings, Pipe, &o. supplied .
'Foundry, Manufacturing company,
Near Mansion House
soafortb, 5,1876, 25
P sal e. -Tho undersigned offers his snhstan •
brick dwolling.lionee for sale, situated !
113 north of Elimville. Tbe purchaser Own hs.ve
vhatever q rantity of :and he may want, not
azres with house. Terms easy. 14 or
SerPier particulary 021q11370 Of THOMV4
P• 0. ' 81-tf
sottit SALE. -The slbsoriber offers'
-for sale is honse and sta.nle, and one mere of
noe.half msouth 03 souof the Viila,go of Exet,:•r,
,,iid , would exchange a ligat wagon -nearly new -
'or a buggy. For particulars for the house and
iand Kiley ta'AND.REW WALKER, Centralia.
Jan 22.1876. , 23-tf
ed offers his farm composing lot 1, con. 6,
(laborite, 74 miles from the rising vitiLgeofJ,ixctar,
:ood two e -tory brick house, good barns and eheds
100,1ordbard bearing, and e.pleutiful supply of
never -failing water. The farm is in a good. state
33 onitivation. The farm mitt:tins 1.00acres of good
iand, 80 EMPOR cleared. For terms apply to
32.3m THOMAS JACQTJES, UrIVV13.1 0 P.0.
1, scriber offers 'for sale the N.W. of lo ti 8
con. 3, Osborne, containing 50 acres of excellent
land, 40 acres cleared, Wiliam well timbered, a
ltweUirg house, barn and stable c the premises,
o afgood young orcitard of graft fruit and 8.510
„ifiltRoling apring. Distant from Exeter roar
5118', prbylturther particulars applyto J;DEMP
' -Exeter P.O. 734f.
atteop lots on Main
street, containing o'n
good frame cottage, containing siiitOre each;
The hearth of home is beaming
With rays so rosy light,
And lovely eyes ere gleaming>
As falls the ehades of night ;
.A.nd while the eteps aro leaving
The eirele pure and bright,
A tender voice half grieving,
Says, "Don't etety late to -night,"
The world in which thou movegt
Is busy, brave and wide
The world of her thou, tercet
Is in the ingle side,
She waits for thyerarm greeting -
Her gentle voice entreating
Says> 'Wool stay late te-night."
Tbe world is cold, inhuman,
Will spurn thee in tuy fall ;
The love of one pure woman
Outlasts and shames them all.,
Thy children will cling round thee,
Let fate be dark or bright;
At homo no shaft will wound thee-
Thon "don't stay late to -night,"
might have a lover rm, nre,
My fingers to kiss mad all that,
might could I only endure
To be wooed, and to marry a flat.
My forehead is white as the snow
When it drifts itself over the night,
And my hair, I very well know,
Shines ripples of gold iu the light.
My eyes are as tender ati doves',
And there lids are of t its tho rose,
My dimples a nest of small loves,
Peeping out when nobody knows;
My lips are jut panting and red,
An(1 rather inclined to a smila-
Which, 1 being very well bred,
Aua wi1liu,4 should ever begnile,
Then nay hart: did you ever look down
And see your own fan in a spring
And feel yenned willing to drown,
And bi, dead, and that sort of thing?
Well, mine is as deep aud as clear,
And lias never been natichiled,d trow,
Nobody has called me his dear,
Or kissed cheek, rinhlets, Or brow.
When other girls tell of a lover,
Look iegirate, red, aud ail that,
I scan ;be poor creatares all ovea
Aleut:ma as demur° ac s cat.
rat erica& in my self, any day, '
To choose like, a qzteen whom I ;
There's somebody ern.> the way
• With moustache and whiskers to kill!
fellew certainly, and I have rio doubt heat, aud. fonanslaverirag niouths, loaa hut Toting Gray caught her hand and
'Nettling venture nothing win,' Miss
Mabel. An earl's daughter for I shall
be an earl tioon with twenty thousand
thinke lie's playing a good game too, ered their heads, and made a threaten- dettnued her.
mg rush toward the object PI their avel- 4 Oh, sir, haw) I your 00D8ellt 2'
eion, beiug immediately followed by tue Yes,' said the colonel, lttoouically.
entire he'd. " Aua yenta, Mabel dearest ??
Mabel, losing her presence of mind, !alders eyee answered for lier with -
screamed aloud, fee Wee melee was in- out the use of her tongue.
describable, and the vast surging sea The colonel, remembering his awn
of interlocked herns and shaggy heads, youthful days with something of a eigh,
from which protruded fiery' eyebalts, good-hommedly hinted to the lovers
and the bellowing of oaane and 8n0rting Wilt they heti better tithe a turn in the
pounds down, and a prospect of a hun-
dred thousand more at my death,
eveulcin't be bad for lieutenant with
less than two hundred a year pay, and
p5 ospects 1311
Mabel saw it was useless to pnrsue
the subject further, so she merely re.
minded her father to bo home early to
luncheon, in order to be in time for a
garden party which they were to at-
tend iu the,e,fterno,on. „
volt:mei martin sor it wonuer was in
good time, and ltuoy soon found them-
selves in the spacious grounds of
Bi•anipton House, where they were re-
ceived by Lady Brampton with corcli-
linty. file party was a brilliant affair
aud was attended by all the dite of the
country and of the military garrison at finally ds Nearing his companion with
N by the way was a cattle. him bolted at a terrific rate. The herd
dral city as well as a garrieou town. of bullocks passed on like a whirlwind,
of 'the terrified horses,was quite enangh gardon and leave the'soid num to hie
to appal far stronger nerves than those wine,
of a youtig girl of nineteen. Gray ileither Allred Grey nor Mabel were
reined irt his horse and endeavored to slow to take the hiot.
titnacel)p&spedosleolosollotakulgaPlell'°. nanifi. for lorAeeschthwevindo'fv4rs° Orin geointtermltIvirlf t1.114°
But the colonel, utterly unnerved, colonel chuckled, awl exelaimod-
dropped. the reins he was holdiug, and 'Ali, just what I said I'
his off horse, unfortunately prodded by What, sir ?' asked the yovng lieu
the horns alone of.th'e bullockfebecame tenant, turning hastily round.
completely tmgovernable. The terrified The colonel filled himself mag-
anitnal snorted, reared, plutip,ecl, and .num' of claret with great deliberation,
and his eye twinkled with satiefaction
iros bie)raisea. the glass to his lips, and
Why Nothing venture, nothing
Aud he was right. Alfred bad made
a bold venter°, and Intel enceeeddd 111
winning the prize he coveted more than
life itself.
On the lawn, which was ofgreat ex- n& the eele0er3 horses- dashingeh-
tent, bi,na decked everywhere with wards in the opposite direction with a
clumps of variuus colors, were erected velocity appelling to witness, rushed
several large iharqueee, wharein ye_ over the embitoktnent, the river being
freshneuts were eerved in profusion ; only six feet deep or so beneath the
substantial roast and boiled ler the level of the roadway, and precipitated
robust appetites of the gentlemeu sweet the carriage with the driver itud his
of all sorts for the fairer portion of the For one daughter into the stream beneath.
angle instant Gray's heart
calree, cakes, grapes, Ices- confeetioe ery
vititors. , . . stopped beatiog, and the blood froze
Champagne flowed ad /ibitunt, and in his veins with horror. None but
tary band 'discoursed sweet music, •
those who hays seen a beloved object
euddenly thrust before their eyes pe to
the niartial strains t.)f a splendid rulli-
whilst dancing went gayly on in the the very jaws of death eau forrn any
open eir upon e wide green eirele, of idea of the terrible sensatiou of mingled
the txtensive lawn, which had beeu 4w° 81111 d'sPair exPerieneed bY tile
riuged for that purpose. youlag lieuteuant.
ortunatAy the carriage , driven by
In spite uf the colonel's aversion to
regard. the colonel was an. open one, or Mabel,
"hatte""' Yetwg GraY' as
au at lead, Would in all probability have
eligible 801101 for his daughter's
been omideetned to certaia death. A.S.
band, and as her partner for lite he it was,. 8116 wits thrown out of it into
was too well te igaore the oourte- Lge Which was at the place
ales of societY, and coneeqoeutly conk' where the accident oeuurred nine or ten
trot and did uot desire to pit his veto
on feet in depth. To dismount from his
Mabol's giving het. hand more than horse and leave the sagacious animal
onae to the young lieutenant, who bad to its own devices Wits with Gray the
arranged with Mitbeebeforehand .to work of a moment. Plunging into the
present for the dance.
stream, he dived iu the direction in
Naturally 811i ugh, the C
tt- ---186 of which Mabel had disappeared, 80.80-
e:stela dance,' the fair votaries of Terpsi- curately, iudeedo that in the very next
chore promenaded awhile on the arms
iustant he caught sight of her' head as,
of their partners in iry ft secluded
die (Airfoil t was apid ly bear i ng her amity.'
garden walk, a.id as netnrally a go atl Provide tiall y her hat'falling off, alai
deal of lovemaking went ho literally
under the roseher loug tresmes of fair hair were loose
overlier shoulders. Seizing her by
It was 3)01 until sundown that the
company began to think of separating
,the young man With eoneider-
able dtfficalty succeeded in landing her
VENTUIIE NOTHIN2 and then there wile a great rash tc
',MIN •
ate -e' •
ny Alt.
CY011 knew my pleasure once for all
Mabel,' said Colonel Martin to, his
laughter, as the breakfast in his com-
fortable quarters in the garrison town
N—, el won't hear of you listeta
ing to young Getty. A 110111011801 with
nothing but his pay to hft his eyes to,
his colouel's daughter, and that colonel
next in succession to :an earldom.
Like his impudence l'
And the colonel savagely powdered
his leg of grilled fowl with Cayenne
'But papa,' said Mabel, tinaiclly as
well and pump, and stable on the prowler/se& she handed the colonel the fourth cup
The above is eligibly situated for business, se
the lots are beth front lots, eald,converaient to uairlfe,...e>.:L, ieutenant Gray is a gentle -
the street leading to the station, For nartien. 'And T-'..
Lars apply to J. WHITE, Taxes Offiee, Exeter. him as intipudei3t7t1lt have spoken of
onel, who, if he was esnpted the col -
all respects a man of go`oinSt. in
'Bight, my girt, right. BetakiWo
gentlemen one should not talk of im-
pudence. I sit corrected. But ff r all
that, Mab, I won't have Gray thielz
he can inate with you at bis pleasure.
As it iu
s, you've twenty thousand pounds
of your own, anti Lusanore has had is
second etroke of paralysis, so it won't
be long before I'm Earl of Luxtnore,
end you 'my Lady Mabel.' '
'Papa,' said \rubel, &spree 51115311y,1you ware poor and ouly a lieuteuant
when you married my mother. Yet
I've hoard yoa say you were veey hap-
py with her.' •
'Heaven knows I was,' said the col
huifkily, as he hastily bolted a
piece of muffin. 'Your mother -hit
e -
yen bless her was an angel, ltlitty. But
oven thee I had. good. proolecte, and
Gray has none.'
'PAM' FOR SALE. -By private
in the township of Osborne, containing one.
hundred acres more or less, being ,,cit 8, South-
west boundary in the. Township of Osborne.-
,There are good build hiss on the premises a good
supply of waier. Being situated seven miles
flora Exeter and five miles from Granton.
piitioulars apply to JOHN IDDGINs. Whaler,
P. 0. 140 ti
A. large quantity of Private Funds to lend on
Real Estate.
Deeds; Mortgages,
WILLS, &o,,
Drawn on Reasonable Terms. Property for Sale
and to Rent. Apply to
Insurance and Land Agent, --Office,
Faaeon' Block, Eleter.
Exeter, May 19th, Dm.
J. Vri Zs X S;
D ,.,aler in IA u rn b r
INd AND 81.DING.- MUM 1) A. ND UN -
DEE serim.
Amextensi ve Stook on hand. The Lumber, for
Qualitor prim, cannot bo boat. 21good. assort -
Went always on hand, cheap for Cash.
Ward East aide Maxu Street, between Oddly and
Victoria Streets. •
• Clieap for Cash
8 8 ET T'S
ew mill, two and a half 102100 west of Ex.
er, on the town line of Stephen and flay.
Bill etuff cut 011 the shortest notice lora than
fifty 10012
Gave Univoxsal iatisfa,o tjoil
LaSt Casson, therefore buy yoitt good,: thia Seasen
Xaott4021 Soca st
eso bittldOgti efor1676jriet pilblbillecland Arc free
Vdigittilerair?6, zoo,
...1 04-11 H.0
18 Proparatto de' all kid Of •
W11i1onil13 &C.,
.r40,000a1)le..ii1'ieeo.and punctually.
'Everybody must have a beginnig,'
hazarded Mibel, sagely.
'A beginning is not of much use with-
ont reasonable prospEcts of a gooe ehd-
ing,' retorted the eolonel. 'Gray cones
of an old family, it's true; but he lias
not a scrap of' influence at the Horse
Guards, nor any private, fortune or
prospects. He has nothing whatever
but his bare pay, nor is he likely to
Mabel sighed. In her ideas, it did
not much matter on which side the
money lay 80 long 8,8 there was nioney.
Her father, who WaS a iaait of the
world, thought differently, and 'lid not
intend that hie Nola heiroes and only
child inefuld be carried off as 'loot' by
it penniless subaltern.
'You know, Alfred, I mean Lienten-
Grfty, saved my life, papa,' gala
Afraid, reproachfully.
The colonel laughed. •
'Oh, yon. call it 'laving your life'
because he chased away ohl tanner
Jupp's covv that run after you, do
'Cow 1' exelairnd Mabel, indignant-
ly. 'It was a (1820 18 bull, and you
anow it had to be enota
'Ali, \Yell,' eto tooted the 0.010001 $1`-
(liltittill,y, `COW di' lt don't In Lich
initi,tor., If all the young lactate Whose
liVOS aro saved roarried the people, who
eavei thettl, the World watilil be at Mix,
08 ;EA 80Y0118, I proiniso you. Why,
33870(1 12 girl item. drowning at Malta
when I wits ot gab:, Red atiether from a
runaway horse at Cale -Ate, awl two
from bandits in Italy ; and, tilltuk
stars I didn't. marry all fent' of thoin.'
'No ;but yeti tnriantria, whom
you savor' rat Uttlta,' said Mabel, 'And
pii.pc if Mi, Oray. had saVea yoitr
life ,
'Saved rny life,' intetp08,0 Colonot
Martinj latighing 4Wel1 if be
eter, did, he could marry inef Ho's a good
9110 of tate maAnees for extra wraps
(Intake to hoer) off tl,e night beeeze
for Lady Brampton's-iv at was at least
two miles out of the eity of N ---, and
lib the carrin.ge road to it ran all along
the banks of the river N—, there wee
even in smuttier a cool breeze prove
lent after sundown.
Colorael Martin had driven his
daughter over in an cpen carriage, ua-
accompanied by any servant, and
young Gray who had ridden on horse•
back to Lady Brampton's fete was
plen.dieg hard to be allowed to ride by
1.113141(133 of it on kis homeward. way.
'You know it's usual to see one's
Partner safely home after a defect), sir,'
tme said.
'Not in civilized society -in England
at least,' answered the stern martinet,
grinaly. • 'That may do vory well for
laborers -after a country fair • but
I never heard that it was the falioe
amongst ladies and. gentlemen. Be -
,ides, you can't see all your partners
A reopen- g-
tween Itabel and the youog- be
wbich the nett -mei observed. -
• .1 ;won't draw the reins too tight,'
lie thougut, 'or perhaps Mab will turn
restive, and kick over the traces.'
Then he said aloud, ' Well, for this
„ince, I've 00 objection. And as my
off herseowloch. 1 only bought a week
ago, is a little nervous, aed apt to shy,
it may be as Well for tem to have an ally
at hand, but ite not to be a precedent,
ldSVitS110W don't mike
Young Gray hastily expressed his
.thanks, and. having duly ahawled and
cloaked Ruble and mounted his horse,
the party proceeded homeward, the
colonel driving at a, brisk pitee, while
the lieutenant rode by the side of the
carriage next to Mabel, exchanging 15
few words with her occasiwially in an
undertone, ass often fts the rate at
which they proceeded would permit
of. o
When the party were within half a
ruile of N--, the colonel slackened
his ps,ce suddenly.
'What the deuce is Chat cloud of dust
ahead, Gray ?' he asked of his subal-
tern. 'Can you make out ?'
The young man fat:lined his gaze
throagh the gloom of gathering
"'sham l' said tho colonel ; 'there'o
dust enough for a marehing regi-
And flickering his 'near' he drove
rapidly ,onWitrd,
The clued of dust, ,which had gradln
ally increased in volume, was now just
ahead of them, anil indeed, turned out,
as Young Gray had euvinised, to be oc-
casioned by a drove of bullocks, winch
had been purchttsed at N— weekly
cattle fair, held that day, turd was be-
ing driven to some outleying grazing
farm, The drove wee e Iftrge one,
nreinberi"rig upwarde of it hundred ani
mals, and ae the eummee 11 td been one
of untamed f leggin., the el )111 of dust
oe the bank. leldhel bad not become
fusoneible, but in spite of' the ehock ol
her sudden emersion, tee the water littd
retained her wits about her. Her first
exclamhtion was -
Gracious heavens, Alfred, ray
father V
Then for the first time the young
.ieuteintut thought of the unfortunate
colonel. The luckless horses, after n
brief struggle, had been clroWned, and
noticing the spot where they and the
carriage lay, Gray was struck with a
suddeu dread that his commanding
offinar had ei,ther become entangled in
the reins and was dragged down and
drowned also, or that lie had been
kicked and disabled.
With a sore foreboding at Ine beart,
he again dived, and great we's his joy
when, amidst the dibria of the carriage,
lie perceived the gre,,, head of the colo-
nel, wham he hastened to bring to tile
bank, it task
than it had been to carry thither toe
lighter form of ;label.,
At this, though it takes some tittle to
bluehing. :i:uctens1.1
the hoof of one or is Ti , cet
tiered temporarily insensible ; but he
very speedily recovered, and tvas MO 11-
veyed by a markot cart that was new
passing,safely into N— in company
with his daughter and their gatlant
Within a week's time the trio were
coinfortably sitcting after dinner in the
colonel'e gnarters ou very touch more
intimate tannin as regarded the vet.
eran, than those on which they had
beeu prior to the accident recorded.
The colonel had. entirely altered hi
viewswith regard to his young lieuten-
ant, and, like a, sensible as well as a
kind hearted man, had begun to see
diet there are certain qualitiee„ the
eoesession of which in a young man
may urciee then make up for his de-
ficiency in the poueds, aud
p11100. so highly estnnated by the
world. 2
' .
The old gentleman was in the high.
est good. humor, and *1,8 he lifted a
glass of sparklir g ruby -colored Chateau
alftrgot betweou his eye and the light,
I drink to our inodern Chevalier
Gray cast al Jolt of a,ffectionate grati-
tilde on his superior in rankattel Mabel
Yorell admit now, papa, that Al -
Haid, archly --
fret" lies saved your life 2"
Yos,' sive the colonel, 111 (3. tone of
deep feeling, Yes, ,I'll awu it grate-
fuily, 111.tb, and yours too."
Mine twice," said Mitbel, emphati-
°ally, as elle gave nor hend to her
ed her own glass
lover, and silently 1a13
to 1d
1101' father
W011, be it so, 11Iab. Yon know
what your doctrine is --111 least, ivas
lag week.'
° '014 hush, papa l' istterposed Mabel,
which tile toticiphlig of 80 many 4001s I 1 4, aolonel contintied lflaliCiOhi3ly,
oecasioetel was stilling. and- obscured era withoat the aligliteeb notice' of lier
pe eah •
every teerrounclitig object, - )
(levet 1
. The 00101101, 571104.2 3017118, the That e' ee'Ved 8 1 ot be ()t
effect of Mach foreigti seeviee end stibe 320 tlit' 111631 who 118f4 ProHevve,1
sequent good liviog, aver.° trot, ,quite 10 Tlieyounhn..116tilenant, 1733215 all eager'
steady ae they rise(' to be in his yoga. 10013 'at; lqabui, wlioo eyes were cast
ger days, looked rather fisixibti, (hewn on lier pieta, whilst she trifled
1)rive on filowly,' Said. Gray, with sCeretetrawbeeriee, wee About to
Following the advice of iiis junior 81.)etil'" rhit tho 001011°1 waving 'his
for once le 31 svay, the voterin did. et3 ;1031(1 to (.10Pro3ate .61)3' interritption,
but WIIC41101' from Ibo midden aperoach 'wt'llt
of the catriages which they, had not S'Now, ai 1113111 yetl (nth% both mar
hitherto perbereed, or from tionte other ry GA ay, I tkInk-aliotn 1,1 thilik,
otbiati,,i081mstteil?, owtiiiitel:.ti.ltlelnyvieot:cie,:0(11y(itlgaa.uotticrofatilobvfy t,dalit:usz(teltralott;;ceit )ti 8111i yl ;Oar, abel oely4i01,4* 01111:1;:iti ;title 14,6 vt
1101111.111LE Sa
The Journal de Paris contains a let-
ter from an eyewitness, giving' the fol-
lowing partiotatars of the atrocities com-
mitted on the occasion of the funeral
of lIamea,s1, King of Onnyoro, in Cen-
tral Africa. An immense grave or pit
capable of holding several hundred peo-
ple, had been dug, at the bottom co
which the wives of the defunct King
had been placed in the form. of a ring,
to be in readiuess to receive upon their
knees the corpse of their late tyranni-
cal and barbarous master. Several
regiments of tho Royal Guard had been
sent on the preceding, night to silently
surround some. of the neighbering vil-
lages. The•fivet human being, be it
man, woman or child, that recede exit
from the surrounding hUts was forci-
bly seized aud carried off, and the cap-
tives entrapped in this manlier conduct-
ed:toward the pit prepared for the fu-
neral. Here there began the most
horrible scene. The limbs of these
poor creatures, arms and legs were
broken by the soldiers. The lamenta-
tions and.cries of dispair of the victires
lutermingled wieh the shouting of the
fanatical crowd, and one by one they
wore thrown jot° the gaping gulph be-
low. Then began the beatific, of
drums, the flourish of trumpets, the
peirciog sound of the whistle and pipe,
which, together with the violent voci-
fera,tions of the crowd, drown the cries
of the victims. The soil dug out of the
pit the previous day was then thrown
back into the monster grave. The fan-
atical spectators of the dismal drama,
as soon as it was filled up, commenced
to deuce on the summit of the grave,
stamping tile soil down with all their
might, so as to form a hard, compact
foyer above those buried alive. All the
lamentations having ceased, nothing
was left to iudicate the ceremony of the
abomivable sepulchre. The noise of
the instruments bad ceased ale°, and
the assembled crowd retired satisfied
with themselves and admiring the great -
nese of the King whose name demand-
ed such sacrifices.
IIenv Vol (lose
On 11 Yithere'e got11
oder vitlareho got sorte eh:el
? Peril you go& • ill
tiof "we' -„, ,t,
"'Some one's chickens bee'fi ffe.fti‘eV-
geo•tten ?” aeliad the la wyee.
" Straw in mine garden I Nine it
Vari VegetableS,"
1' And the chickene comtnitted dep-
redation on them
"Isla dot so ?" asked Fritz in astora
lel' went.
'‘ Aral eoon waot 10sne hlin for derri-
ages ?" continued the lawyer.
" Yeas. (4 ott for trirdigeii, und cle
cabbagos, iind de letttiges."
'• Did von riot notify him to keep Ills
chicloens tut 2'' •
" Yana, I notify
" And he refuse to comply with yoltr
just demand ?" •
}Tay ?"
" Ile allowed Ills chioltens to run at
large ?''
'‘ Yaes Serne vos lerge Ana smile)
vos leetle valares, but (10y FOS scratch ,
iny garden mare afi fie sateen times
n Well, you want to 8110 hini !"
" Yeas. I want to sue him to antke
von blank fence up six sixteen feet Lie
house, all around, TOt, (10 dam shiokens
dee't get over."
The lawyer informed him that be
eoulapot compel the man to build Sl1011
a fence, and Fritz left in a rage, ex-
" Next summer thne I raise shie-
eons too, yen bate. I raise fighting
ehickens, by tani I"
The itliperial Enfant Terrible.
• ---
Here is an anecdote of the childhood.
of the Prince Imperial thnt has jest
boon MildS It 'appears that
when he was quite it little fellow, ho
was very fond of going to play aniong
the soldiere of the Imperial Guard. who
were quartered in the Palttne. Nepr+lenn
III, wishing to see his heir popular
with the arrny, elle° ri reged him le theta
frolics. These rongh playmates were,
of course, very easeful to shape their
snit the ago and rank of theeboy, lent
scoonmvoetilanaietsioann OMilm I:01:11: ea out
sui tb 'lei 13 itt
wares, and, though the offense tyns
always followed by an apology, it Was
pretty sure to be rereated. It so hap-
peued abed this time that the heir to
the throne was named president of
some learned commission. Now, bLi
careful," said Napoleon to the little
prince, when you tad 3700183311 11) the
presence of these gentlemen, to put
them at their ease as much. as pos-
sible, and not to interfere with their
conversation." The child promised to
remember this advice., atilt 80 0110 day
instead of going to play with his be
loved Cruards, lie was solemnly pre-
seutea to tlie learned association in
question. Its memberi, mostly grave
tncl aged men, profeerolly sainted the
reir to the throne, and an instant of
ilence succeeded " 0, gentlemen 1"
lied the little prince, -with his motherai
wet sweet end gracious smite, "don'*
et me disturb anybody -you can goon
weal ing I"
PeULTITY INIA.NURE.--lien manure is
much more valuable than people gen-
erally suppose it to be ae a fertilizer.
It contains phosphoric acid and nitro-
gen. with trace of potaslain quantity
to make it worth 26 cents per bushel,
according to the wholeaftle commercial
value of these fertilizers. Dot, when'
properly apptied to crops, it proves
itself to he worth from 50 to 70 cents
P01 bushel in the increase of crops. In
a case where a bushel of ben manure
was anpliecl to coin in the hill, it pro-
duced 70 ponnds of sound corn in the
ear over what the same Dumber of hills
Adjoining, produced, to which no fer-
tilizer was applied. Brit Ellis man arta
requires to be composted some montha
before it is used. begon in May to
TitytEzy szeggEstielle. compost all thet has been gathered
during the evintor and Sprfuee, kept in
to fail, plough them early iu .1_ ugt-fts. escede.
ttnd sow them down to graes seed lend
roll, aua doable the amount of hay
\will be obtained the next year without
the less el a crop.
2 ---Never allow the grass to stand
till ripe. Mowearly when the ED:Char-
ing jnices aro in full flow, and with
the udders make the hay by keeping it
tlyiug in. the air till Aufficiently cared
to be got in the tonne day.
then a layer of hell manure, arid so ou
with alternate layers, about four times
as much as tratmire to each layer.
I made the heap flat oti the top to
catch raine, and c.iver all with coarse
hay or siraw. In the fall I have tile'
heap shovelled over, mixing it tlsor-
euglily, over agnin, rna leave it till the
next spring, syhen is in good condi-
tion to ese on any crop,. If hen manure
8 -Never allow the caterpillars to be used before it ham time to become
disfigure or destroy your orcliarde. ?incorporated with the soil with which
eVatch thee little tent makers from it is nuxed, it is apt to kill vegetation.
For instance, if a handfed be 'eat in a
hill of corn, and mi zed with the soil,
and the corn be then planted, ib could
be liable to kill the CO1'11 when its roots
come in close contect NVitll it ; brit
when lying a wliols seasmi. in 0 com-
post heap every part Or the heap be-
comes equally strong„ and the original
inatinre is 710t ViSib10. Fowl 'lenses
should be constructed that the manure
can loo easily gathered once in two
weelts ae oftener., If one has super-
phosphate, bone dust, or any other
coninioreial fertiliefr, to be esed tho
bilis of crops, it is a good plan to ‘nis.
ancla fertilizers tvith the cortintat hello
of hen inanure at the time of planting',
adding triore soil, l'hen grad rtatieoo
the quantity used to a by its
strenth, a handful generally beieg tho
luantity lased, W110/1 mixed with four
times the bulk of' forttlize-s
ItnittEDY von ANotAns.-11 very per.
80n should know hoW to treat a flash
tvolind, Everyone is liable to be
placed in circumstances away from
surgical tvid votetinfiry whore he
may saye own life, or that of'
friend,' simply by tin) exercise Of it litao
common sense. the' first place,
close the lips of the 'wennit with the
hands and. hold them 11 1111V togethee
to theclt the flow of blood until ,severt
stiohos can be trtlen andIs bandage ap
plied. Then b:itho the wonna for
loni; time in Cold water Snould it be
painfal (alio a pan of liuruing cool)
8prinitte uvon them 001111711
l");0\y/i sugar, /1114 hold the Wound,
oart in tho Jew ini;tu6
2 ho palu will he allayed, and the
t:O781y proceed rapidly. Tit eitS'"
ousty nail had made a baa svotind •
my foot, 'Die pain and nervous aglto
W'0'0 severe, trillti Wft3 all to
,noved by 'holding it in. smoke iltitoe
minutes, and I 1'140 t11)19 to reel:tole te
,•eadlitg in comfort. I Inate often
commended. it to &here with like x
their begiouing,,a,ncl wilt sr spiral brush
tied at the end. of a loog pole, wind
down off clean, and no more will come
the present season to %alloy yon. If
wages are an objeet, let not this simple
l)ratich of the farm be .neglected itt
whatever the cost. 'Nothing looks
more bideoue and sloveuly by 1110 way
side than the old faintly orchard toick-
ly decorated tvith the renialus of last
years catterpillar's fleets.
4- The caekerwortet is the gteatest
petit et the two. 'The slug (fenaale) is
now walking up the apple trees aud
depoeitiug her eggs promiscuoely over
the trees. They form uo nest, and
Ilende it is hard to conquer them.-
Ileavy tared paper, kept fresh' with
tee', around the body of the tree is the
best remedy agitinet their clambaing
propensities, though aften they brioge
over 111.3 tar by making a track of'
bodiee and perpetuate their work for
years. Tho vicinity of 13091011 hes
been for many years the bettle grouiel
for the canlier worm, hat they are now
getting largely into Eesex and other
TAPINTA rre.---aotta ft 0Off00-
pOtflii of tapioca over Light in a pint of
water ; add lialf its muelt more water iir
t1t. inornitig, and bring it to a hoilinp
heat, Stirring frequently, 'until it 1141,8 11
olIyluko appearance. Take thref
lotiloue ; reinfieee the skine and tfeede ;
slice thin ; and title thein into the boil
leg tapioca add a cup meet a half ot
stegtie, or 11101do to nllit 6'0 it asix.,
*133110, With (me crustt Add eggs if de.
siiad. 'rho above euflicient tor twt
largo pies.
'3' P11111721.— 13(111, pool anc-',
pornia rtvo chostiquAy 131R1 Val) thOte
through a clillenda. PAre and gritc
ripe, HO acid apples. To ono pint of
the ches1113t8 add two of apples,
little lotion juice and snfficient rIn,,
tity of choppe 1 datei, or Rate t
riwooton. 1341.40 the urietiteS.