HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-02-19, Page 12Page 12 Tittles -Advocate, February 19, 1997 COMMUNITY Batter -up Stephen Central Public School student Brent Hoffman mixes the batter for the next batch of pancakes during Stephen Central Public Shool's Pancake and Sausage Day on Wednesday. Latest styles modelled at Queensway fashion show HIiN5r\l.l. - Mom.lay was a busy day for residents of. Queensway Nursing filmic. Furl and Fitness started the day. . riyht. followed by . a Ritmo } in the; with the Kipp:n . tingled Church Then ILctiren►cttt Home resident: welctinud Muir (girl (iuide Buddies :pal their leader Kim Bileke in the ..C\zning. - .Pastor Ross Thompson of the Zu- rico Lutheilan Church led worship service Tuesday afternoon for the residents. • -I rcaklata Club's menu of fried eggs. sausase patties. cheese. anti English muffins ins : nd. tomato slice. was a hit villi Ihosc-attcndnr_'. % wino, e minion. pastoral care vol - naives led Bible Study Wednesday afternoon. The group cft'oyed re 11 _'- intents followim' their study. consisting of Valentine shortbread. Ilial residents had -trade at 13aking • (iroujy the previous Friday. Twelve diners stayed to enjoy the . Thursday evening Fashion Show sponsored by Cicri Fashions of Lon- don. -Several Auxilian volunteer. . and stall volunteer Caney Young.. modelled the many syrup" styles .and color. With alt ,r•s.nunrnt til hats to stili every. taste A cho,olat,. trills • was served following - Iltc .how. l trans Poisson was %Outlet tit the umbrella donated as One .of. Nle draw prices by Geri Fashiitns. Following Fun and Fitness on Friday.• residents sang every•Itive song' they could think of tar 4;tlen- tinc's I)ay. "Lei `Ie `Call You Sy%eelluart" topped the list. I HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION OF ONTARIO Improving your odds against Canada's '1 killer. Conning events Fchruary 21). 2 p.m.. Dance with. Gladys and Her Mein Makers: Fcbrtiary 2I-. 7:30 p.rn.. Doug In- sley entertains in the. retirement home lounge loo Friendship Friday: •Fehruan 27, 7 p.m., Birthday Party with entertainment. by Max and the Townliners. I Hosts needed for Playhouse actors Living quarters are needed from May 14 to September 1. By Carmel Sweeney Zurich correspondent ZURICH ;If anyone is interested in hosting an actor in their home from the Huron'Country Playhouse this summer from May. 14 to -Sep- tember I can phone Gloria Day -at the Playhouse, 238-8387. The ap- proximate cost is $100 per week for a room or $150 a week for a one bedroom apartment or cottage - around the Grand Bend arca. Zurich and Arca Figurc Skating - Club and the Forest Skating Club entertained at the Grand Bend Win • - ter Carnival on Sunday at the out- door ice rink in front of the Oak- wood Inn, with music supplied by Hook's Party Sound from Zurich. A fundraising dance for the.Zu-. rich Community Centre will he held April 11 from 8 p.m. to 1 p.m: with music by "Night Wind"., Ad- vance tickets are $7.50 per person or $& at the door. There will be a' 50/50 draw also. Tickets arc availa- ble from Carol Prang or Barb Jef- frey or any rec board member. St. Boniface Youth Group spent last Thursday evening entertaining, the residents at ;he Rest Home by Singing_somesongs from their re- cent play "Joseph';. On Fchruary 20 the roup - will be celebrating their first year together with a night of games and birthday party with cupcakes for lunch. A seminar is planned for people to learn about a healthier lifestyle through "Enrich"; herbal healing"at the Dominion Dining ,.Lounge (Myrtle's Pantry) on Fchruary 19 at 7 p,m. Guest speaker is Marilyn Johnston.. There will he demonstra- tions,.door prizes, refreshments. No admission costs. Past and present members cif the. Zurich Women's Institute arc .re- minded of .the I0Oth anniversary meeting they arc having at the Hay. Township flail on February 19 with a program and lunch. A guest from 'Dashwood W.I. will help them celebrate the beginning of this organization:at 1:30 p.m.with the theme t'Celebrate. the Past and Challenge. the.Future." The next progressive euchre par- ty at the township hall will he held February 24 at 7:30 p.m. The cost is $2 at the door. -This includes lunch and door prizes sponsored by the Golden Agers. Volunteers who helped at the. Hay Days...festivities are .encour= aged to phone their committee Literacy numeracy program up and running .VANASTRA_ - The.. Huron County Board of Education's Liter- acy Numeracy Tutoring Program has begun again fog' 1997. The pro- gram is designqed to .help people who want td''lb prove their reading. writing and math skills. This pro- gram will provide students with a volunteer tutor who -4 ,ill work with the student -on. . an individualized• program that is devised for and evolves according to the student's specific needs and interests. Stu- dent and tutor pairs will_ meet each week and work together for approx- imately two hours a week. The pairs will mutually agree when and Main St., Exeter 235-1331 February Special 20'off All Cookbooks Don Thompson Financial Consultant WE CAN TAILOR A RRSP OR RRIF TO MEET YOUR NEEDS Representing Trust Companies, Banks and Mutual Fund Companies Over 30 years in banking and taxation experience to help you through the maize. Lawrence Bean Manager RRSP LOANS AT PRIME - BEST 5 YR. GIC RATE 5.6% 282 Main St. Exeter (519) 235-3368 Y.I.S. Financial Inc. 5 Rattenbury St. Clinton (519) 482-9924 YOUR INVESTMENT SHOPPERS 58 Ontario St. Grand Bend (519) 238-5014 1-888-235-9260 EXETER AND CLINTON - Open Saturdays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. where they will meet providing the program is flexible to accommo- date the demands.of busy lives. To support our mandate of life- long . learning, this program does not have age restrictions.,A student of any age who will benefit .1 rom literacy/numeracy tutoring is cligi lite. . • If you know anyone:who would he interested in this program. either as a student or tutor, please contact Shelly Black Weselan.. Literacy Numeracy Coordinator. at (519) 482-7948. cia Vanastra Communi- ty School. 50 -5th Street. Vanastra. Ontario, NOM ILO. chairperso(t to have their name put on :he list for an appreciation -dance and lun':hcon corning -ftp on 4pril 18 at the Community Centre: They treed to know how many will he coming by March- 1. Phone MarcMgLove at 236-4033. The next Ladies -Auxiliary ntcct- •ing is planned for March 4 at the Rest Home beginning at 7 p.m. Dog tag fees arc due in the Vil- lage of -Zurich. All dogs .are SIS. Phone Carmel Sweeney - at 236- 4702. . The World Day of Prayer will be held March 7 at the United Church in Zurich at 2 p.m.. _ Personals Congratulations 'to Donna' arid Tim Cooper. Zurich on the arrival of thcir third child. a girl. Kerman. Brianne, who was, horn Fchruary 13. Francine Vanasse returned home from a two-week trip to Mexico on a bus with her sister from_Quebec; A family birthday party was held for two-year-old Emily Hartman, daughter of Mark and Tray.. to Owen Sound on Fchruary 8. Ai- tending tram Zurich were grand- parents Vic and Irene :Hartman, Mike -and Charlene Hartman and two children along with Carolyn Sweiger and tww► children from Hu- ron Park. Sympathy of the .-uunmunity goes to the family and relatives of the .late Blaise Ducharrnc. RR 2 Zurich. who passed away on Fchruary 1J.. His funeral Mass' wa held at St, Peter's Church. Si. Joseph. ori Sat- urday. ' . • George and Rosalie Harvey from Redford. Michigan spent Saturday and Sunday with his. sister Marie and Mo/art Gcljnas Sr. and aitcntl ed the funeral of Blaisc 1)u.-harnte. A litrewcll potluck Intal yyas' held -at the fellowship hall -at the Men- nonite Church on Fchruary 16 to 'say goodbye tn. f?istors Phil .and Ju- lie Bender. who Hill he leaving next week to begin a live -month • voluntary service in California. The couple will . be missed by . their many friends in the community. The Benders,will thenbc Moving to ` Hamilton when they return in Au- gust. A speedy recovery is wished to Adeline Denomme in South Huron. Hospital. . • . - Happy 80th birthday Wishes to Margaret Westlake recently. • • Doreen Gardiner from the Maple . Woods Apartment -recently spent a few days in Rostock visiting with relatives. and attended the funeral of her sister-in-law. the late -Marjo- ' rie ataMarjo- ric Eggert.. - - QUALITY TYPESETTING Flyers • Resumes • Programs • Brochures • Booklets • and morel For more information tI please phone Deb Lord at .":"`r11c'_ J Country Bakery 367 Main St. S. Exeter 235-2525 Mom& cl zallas Wed., Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Feb. 19,20,21,22 Raisin Bread - Assort. Squares 89'ea While quantities last 6/2.99 •......r ..•Roue.0s*U•s•S•US• • •inti.o••.........s....iiiiN�iistuasiiw�i ••••..N.••.1211.•..N.N•..N...suss.•..•a•..••.•■a.•..•....••e• fen 000 Yr Me MS EXETER APPLIANCE CENTRE "' NV enN"your Choice for Value" OE ••- • :: R■ APPLIANCE SHOPPING LIST r. ea aI es GREAT PRODUCTS inn on Washers, Dryers. Refrigerators. Ranges Dishwashers, Televisions. Stereos, 18" Satellite Disfies, Micro'w'aves, Carts, Built -in -Vacs, Hoods. xvall ov ens. Cooktops, .... mu N sa •• N ea 11 .■ lata N •• OM .. •• •1 •. 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