HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-02-19, Page 74What is Ipp erwash without the beach? THANK YOU! for your generous donations to keep the Ippenvash beach public We need: 840 people to donate $100 to reach our goal Please donate what you can Send your tax deductible donation to: Town of Bosanquet Beach Fund, Box 42, Thedford, Ontario NOM 2NO save time... phone 519-296-4953 Visa, Mastercard & Interac accepted lax receipts issued for donations over $25 b 4 FAMT,Y Times -Advocate, February 19, 1997 Page 7 Officers installed The Hensel! and District Horticultural Society held its installation of officers at its general meeting on February 10. From left to right: Yvonne Reynolds, Rachel Schwalm, Dorothy Kip- fer, Deb Collins, Elizabeth Sangster, Pam Hall, Directors, Sybille Schaufler, President- and Ann- Overweel, Past President. incoming President, Sybille Schaufler outlined the group's planfor a busy -upcoming year of meetings and activities. Legion organizing Solo tournament The card games are planned for February 22. By Liz Sangster Hensall correspondent • HENSALL The Legion mem- bers of Branch 468 met Wednesday evening, February 12. Some of the. issues discussed concerned the up- coming events. A Solo tournament is to he held at the Legion on Feb- ruary 22. Registration is at 12:30 p.nl., cards to start at 1 p.tn., and there is °a $5 registration -fee. On March 20 Provincial Service Offi- cer Randy Groundwater will 'visit our Branch at 4:30 p.m. -Any . vete- ran or widow of a veteran wishing to set up an appointment should call Larry Uyl at 262-2618. A Sen- iors Tea is in the planning stages for Wednesday April 9. Intergenerational Sunday was ob- served at Hensall United Church. Cecil Pepper conducted the service with Belva Fuss providing music for the ministry of song. Betty Sim- mons assisted with the service. Chuck and Allan Mallette read the Psalm of Confession. The Old Tes- tament reading was read by Janice Bisback. The Children's Story was "A Rainbow" by Linda Crerar. The Prayer of the People was given by Jason Ingram. The New Testament reading was given by the Ingram family: Cecil Pepper's messagefwas "When Waters Begin to Rise." The Offertory Prayer and Dedication were given by Helen McLean. Ger- ry Glenn and Raye Jacobe were the ushers with Bill Fuss looking after the elevator. Doug Mann was the greeter. A fellowship hour after the service was hosted by the member- ship committee. World Day of Prayer will be held in Hensall Unit- ed Church on March 7 at 2 p.m. Rev: Robert Peebles will be the. guest speaker. The sympathy of the community is extended to Trace McIntosh and family. The Hensall Legion Ladies Aux- iliary presented Hensall Legion with a cheque for $700 at the Joint Executive meeting. The Hensall and .District Horti- cultural Society met on February 10 at the Hensall United Church. The new executive- as sworn in by Ihgc Mowat consists of President Syhille Schaufticr, Past -president Ann Overweel, Vice-president Liz Sangster. The new directors are Pam Hall, Rachel Schwalm, Mary Moody, Deb Collins, Yvonne Re- ynolds, Dorothy Kipfer, Jenny Kip- fer, and Doris Jantzi. Lunch was provided by Inge Mowat and Ann overweel with assistance from Mary Kinsman. Overweel and Mowat also provided the door priz- es which were February's theme flower, African violets. The Horti- cultural Society is holding a con- test and all members paid up as of April 10 will be entered in a draw to win registration to the District 8 annual meeting. Although the post of secretary has been temporarily filled, the Society is still in need of a treasurer. Preferably the person filling this position should have ac- cess to a personal computer. Residents of the village of Hen- sall arc reminded that all garbage put to the 'curb for pickup must be tagged. With the unpredictable weather, it is important to ensure the tags are properly applied. After securing your bag (with a twist -tie,, •or by knotting it), wrap the bag:tag around the neck of the bag, so that the tag ends stick to each other. The Hensall Economic Develop- ment Committee is pleased to an- nounce the categories for this year's Annual Hensall Photo Con- test. Prizes will tie awarded in: Pets, Extraordinary Light and Farm Folk. Full contest rules and entry forms are available at the Hensall *Municipal Office, 108 King Street, Hensall. CWL and Girl Guides to entertain By Roberta Walker Grand Bend correspondent GRAND BEND - The Immacu- late Heart of Mary Council of the Catholic Women's League met _on February 4 in the parish hall of the Church. president Josy Britton chaired the business meeting. A new slate of officers was elected at the December meeting, and there was no session in January, so the new executive could appoint con- venors and plan for the year. Their assignments will be: Past president Gera Peters - historian; President elect Nancy Stokkermans - cards and flowers for parishion- ers; First vice president Margrit Breuer - Membership; Second vice president Rita Smits - Religious Ar- ticles; Spiritual Convenor Annie Vandenhygaart; Parish Activities and Church Bulletin - Rick Vander- Burgt; Christian Family Life and Pro -Life - Lian Vandenberk; and Communications and Resolutions - Roberta Walker. A membership drive is being or- • ganized to reach out to members who no longer attend, and to mail a letter to all women in the parish in- viting them to join the C.W.L., which will include a questionnaire. Several donations were made: $100 to the family of Laura Stokker- mans, to help defray her ongoing medical expenses; $200 for scholar- ships at St. Peter's Seminary, which will be matched by new gov- ernment funding as Aid for Ontario Students. A rally for young people is being organized for April 5 at the Gode- rich .and District Collegiate Insti- tute called "True Love Waits" for kids aged 12 to 20 years. Many similar rallies have been held in the U.S.A. with great success, promot- ing the idea of chastity among young people. They are hoping to attract 1,000 youth, and the Craig Douglas Band will be playing. C.W.L. members are asked to "spread the word" in the communi- ty. The C.W.L. regional meeting was held in January - the next will be on September 13. The London Diocesan- Convention will be in April and special C.W.L. pins are being sold to members as a dioce- san fundraiser. The regional Fun Night was held on February 5 in Milverton, withdifferent C.W.L. councils providing entertainment at a potluck meal. Members formed small groups to discuss ideas around parish needs and/or guest speakers. Some result- ing suggestions were: Monthly af- ternoon teas for seniors in the par- ish hall; more work with a youth choir; Bible studies during Lent; a CWL fundraiser "The Pampered Chef" which is a kitchen gadget party; a pizza party for young peo- ple with a police officer speaking about drinking and driving; a sen- ior's prayer group with videos and bingo afterwards. The quilt will be set up in the Parish Hall for a quilting bee, to.bc raffled on Labour Day as the annu- al fundraiser. On February -19 at 7 p.m., the C.W.L. will join the Grand Bend Girl Guides in entertaining the sen- iors at the Blue Water Rest Home in Zurich, for their February birth- days. World Day of Prayer will be March 7 at 2 p.m. at the Grand Bend United Church. The theme will be "Like a Seed Which Grows Into a Tree" from the women of Korea. The Easter Ecumenical will be held on March 18 at Dashwood Calvary United Church. As Christian Family Life Con- venor, Lia Vandenberk thanked all those who helped her sell cards and homemade candies to raise money for Pro Life during the Christmas season. A total of $225was sent to the London Pro -Life Office and $325 sent to Lambton Pro -Life. Father Beck addressed the mem- bers, reminding them that they should try to do something extra for Lent. He talked about leading a Cursillo weekend for men in Sarnia recently. and the value of a COB weekend retreat for young people. to stimulate their growth in the faith. The parish pancake breakfast will be scheduled for March 16, af- ter the 9 and 11 a.m. Masscs. The next C.W.L. meeting will be held on March 4. St. Patrick's sends clothing bale to northern • Ontario They send bales to their 'prayer partner' at Summer Beaver. Lake. By H. Davis Saintsbury correspondent SA1NTSBURY - St. Patrick's celebrated a Holy Eucharist Service on February 16 at 10:30 a.m. with Rev. Stanley Jay offrcient. Liz Jay gave a flannelgraph -story for children's focus "Build Good Things, Put God First in Life." Following the children's_hymn the children went to .their classes. Kim Blay assisted Rev. Jay with the scripture readings. Courtney MacGillivray was server ;for the service. Si- Patrick's will celebrate- the Service of Evening Prayer on Feb- ruary 22 at 7 p.m. Wardens and lay delegates are re- minded of Perth Deanery -.Great Chapter Meeting to be held- at- St. James, St. Marys. Mary Davis was Sunday dinner guest with Hugh and Hazel. Davis. St; Patrick's have sent their first bale of 1997 to their Prayer Partner Simon Beaver Jr. at Summer Bea- ver Lake in northern Ontario. A thank you letter was read at the an- nual vestry meeting for 1996 bales received through the year. Hazel Davis visited on Friday with relatives and friends at the Ex- eter Villa, Mary Brown, Pat Skin- r/er, Utta Wennestrom, Georgina Dobbs, Blanche Walters and Whit- ney Coates. Suzanne Davis accompanied by aunt Theresa Glavin visited with Dorothy Dietrich at the Blue Water Rest Home on Friday for lunch. Ron and Margaret Carroll were Wednesday evening dinner guests with aunt Doris Mullins and cousin Ruth Ann Phillips of London and were also Friday evening dinner guests with Edythe •Mugford, St. Marys. Ort, Friday, Margaret Car- roll enjoyed breakfast with friends Helen Koricina and Suzanne Davis. ",ShallB Itt " We offer 5 large bedrooms for our bed and breakfast guests. We also offer accomRtodations for your off-site training and meetings, private pool parties, private parties and small receptions. To make your arrangements, please call R.R. 1 Centralia 228-9969 jot George Oodbott CLU, CFP UorwA wee lauttiel Ile el OrrMAAwr %week* . t.e oteeg r+r et Tie MAmr Oreup RRSP„�i1 We make Investing easy. Call today to make your retirement savings less taxing! George Godbolt CLU, CFP 496 Main Street Exeter ON 235-2740 MAKE SAVING trove wuTawsnatat . LESS TAXING! 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Della Toronto Airport Hotel 1-800-668-1444 (Canada & U.S.) Terms k Conditions: • Guests must show valid airline tkket at time of check-in • Maximum one night stay • Rate is based on single or double occupancy per room, pet night • 11000 per additional adult, per room, per night (maximum 4 adults per room) • Rate does not apply to group bookings • Our rate does not include applkabk taxes • Valid until September 30, 1997