Exeter Times, 1876-6-15, Page 41 ich 014 Inette by dying, The full er of yeare allotted to mait had paaeed away tenet) first his eyee (Teo - ect to the light of dayr eald te halter mid ft, Mother rojeieed thed• a son was: bore tO thene, The fielt midge; of yeere al- lotted to uteri—et a 1ou tiw d yet it Flo tot Boomed 10 g to Mut, eo steadily do the days ghee be„ Bet it 4 1g enheeh to to hems grave r if the preachers luvach truth, trotch cut, in their Q0iti.0UoUs, int'oRgh, all OtOrnity,, Th lones t life ha e its el° o, and its weer had come. 'the pin -whole who foaled him heretofore could uet heal him now. He wee poettessed or untold rpirii;,o8. Ily night ad by day his riches bad int.:rot:see; wee it, alae ! that, in the inomoot of his dire' necessi- ty, they mieht press, 1V it maim Nen weight, upon his seeil e 1. isgold, which hod availtql him 90 OjtOfl WW1 not aVitil him now, All 1i vast r1 t h, if he were willing to give it, would not put chase for him otie :lay mere of hie. He mustalie Fteithig in tin efforts for pheeical re- lief, lee turns to seek for spiriteat ern. - solation. He had lived a life gette blameless in the estimatiou of men, a lair life, hut livers of tits fairest lives grow arxione weon 'they standlime to face with Dee ill, and realize Welt, they ere ebout to eatee into tile diteknees which human, vision cannot penetrate. ueeld ho find comfort iu the word of Gee. He opens the bible'and reeds : " flow hardly shall tbey that have riches enter into tho kingdom of God," '8 It is easier for a camel to fro thromeh a the eye of , 1100(110, than r'for srich MAP to enter into the kingdom of God ." And he thought of his' millions V money. Aad be wondered whet ;Testis Christ meant when he speke these words, Ax d he died. ig !roi- flig \strati Pass for sense for some pc ople, and sometirees may be SIlCOOSS- fully lsed when nothing el..° will an- swer. A when 01)1511, in great tilaran, ran to his minietee 10 tell him he could 000 spots on the sun, and thought the World was eeming to au eud. ” Oh, •don't be afraid," said the ister, "its nothing but the phantasma- goria." " Is that all," said the 'f1 ieltlen ea wan, and went away quite satisfied. A very smart lawyer in Wilmington, North Carolina, had the misfertune to lose suit for a client IN] lo hail every reason to expect success. The client,' it plain farmer, was as- etonnded by the long bill of coats, and hastening to the lawyer's office and said : "1 thought you hid ran you would certainly gain the snit." "So I did," anewered the lawyer; "but you see when I brought it up there before the judges, they said. it was quorum non jadice," Well, if they said it was as bed as that," replied the old feriner, " 1 don't wonder we lost it; and. he pnid the cost and a big fee beeides without an- other murmur, VINO STRAWDERRY 110)5, A good wey to renew an 01t1 StW- borry bed, is to reit out with tt hoe, as .teata a4 al() plItlith linNQ (10110 frililingA ciltlytgit p1vlt to 1OUVO them. g1)'\ UI etltout these, feet apert„ Theti take a forksoe, pohtto fork is betteatted looeee ep Lao grimed eh over the bed, break - hie, op tire 1(1110?hid letiviug it eoft, and 801n t h 111.1ci voy WW1 1110 run- nels 11.1giete out tool curer the groulid. Sometimes, it is beet to eitide the runneee veeaut plaeos, Red eat them, by tat.ing seerdeu teowel: and core:env, them at the jalete with earth, first eint.lete them bout half an inch blow the eueltice of the soil. In the feel, the bed will probably ()ordain mote plaute theta otetee11 to geriv in it, sild they 5110 0(11 be -11(1 00(1 out to steud about eight tueliee ne art, or further if you ehooee. Soese velietie• hoar well e geowiug 01050, anti Soale do not. 'Llite •rule is generally not .N allow the pleats to beer oyer two years balere reeewing them. Tile adventege of re- newing in title Way is, that you got a full crop of fruit every eeaesu, on the emu° b cL vire OUT ant CRAPES. Many grape, eines .so oveibear that eases varieties that nateuelly ripen well B-4•01-4 stammer tag% A. gentle an who stammered from obihthoma' almost up to manhoodgives a very .simple remedy for the rnisfor tune, • "Go into a room wheie yon will be -quiet and alone, get some book that will intereet you, and sit down and reed two hours to yenrself, ,keep- ing your teeth together. Do the same thing eyery two or euree days, or orce a week if very tiresome, always taking care to read slowly and distinctly, mote ing the lips but not the teeth. Lao when conversing with others, try 111 .epelek as slowly and diettectly as pos• sible, and. make up your mind that you will not stammer. Well, I tried tin - remedy, not having much faith in it, I must confess; but willing to do almost anything to ,•• cure myself of such RE imoying difficulty, I reed for two hours aloud with rey teeth together. The firet result was to make my tongte end jaws ache. that is, while I was reading-, alai the next to make me feel as if something had loosened nay ten - g apparatus, for I could speak with less difficulty immtdiately. 'The change was so greet that every one: that knew me remarked it., I rereat- * el the remedy every five, or six days for a month, an(1 then at Linger inter- vals until cured." .11111.11T1.11 DRffLL FOR 18143. A few days ago Lieut. -Cols. Taylor and Moffatt, staff officers of No 1 Dis- trict, balloted at their offices in Lon- don to -determine the battelions which shouldeperform annual, tlrill in the clis- t frue. °millet ripen peidoetly, and in eyery :season will led to open o who,: to the roots not being able to ,1111',1°,111Ills:0°'egultrreilsTvasit,Lbil'%,tiLlisui.`ilddletil'ah4elic:. sustain the imineuee crop ol fruit upon the vities. II: eases where grapes fail t'''r the hive' to ripen front this eausegithe bushee should be thinned out with a pair of scissors -ellen the berries are small, RS 50011 RS they aro well formed ; and cut away the suaelleet clusters, atad those that show a straggling proueneity iO the fruit. By so tieing, a crop of splen- did fauit.rney be pr: ducal letup.° it would have beeu worthless without be- ing thinned out. LAYERING GRAPE NINES. well to have di 'Groat breeds of hens, if oee deeiree 000e8 hie fowls with but oue based of eeeke ; bot to keep eueer,• al breec18 hi separete yegde,,, without y intention to bseert fowls for epee* ie not advisable. To ideate who tieelee 1 ObtAiti IOW 1e00ed8 I would iay, that the stetemeet regeru alleetel good, qu ifl tit of fowi(; .1.1) 04001,4,iS niol plb118110.1 iu the papere cannot,. alwaye oo depended on. 1 eanuetin tine aste cle go lute the general 000.1115ofdif- levant breeds, bet will simply say, havo nothing to do with the baci low10. /LIVING REES. T110 best,. wey to 'make boos olustor, where you voilit them, when they swarm, is to tee two or three ',emelt brautthee of ,cedae: trees to the, i+.01)6 Of steltes ebout six feet loug, and .fiet them neer your beee.Make bolos with a :(100W baeltrger time the etakee,, whica sheerat 10 est ;:lautteee, brioging the cedar breeeleg, in le position so that the beet, aid° hang ort the ender side of them, aud let the stakes be's6 loose in the grouod that they maydee drewn out without dietuebirte the hoot c or ausing 11(0 cluster to 'fan to the gsoutal. On swanning, the bees will gent rally cluster ou the branches, thee spreed a ebeet uoder them and piece the hive uponit \viai the froP.I., side raised on blocks of wood two or three inches, theu gently raiso elle stake, hold the bees over the sheet its feone al Grape vines may be increased rapid- ly by layeripg ; and it must be done it, May or earlitr. 'Take :such canes of last year's growth as may be bent, over, and. laid upon the groand, first melt- hig a little trench three or leer iiichee' deop to receive them. Then peg them down, and wait till the 'new. shoots have grown a few inches above the ed - joining ground, then fill in With eiteth around them, peeking it herd ; and in a 'few weeks draw in more earth arituud the shoots ; and in the fall there will be a well -rooted vine to each uew shoot or cane. COI1TPOST nem.. Every farmer shoal I have a summer con pest hettet, consesting of manure 1101 sufficiently - decomposed to., use in the spring. Menuie will not decem- pose uuder cover half as rapidly as it will when exposed to the rains, there fore place your compost heap out in your bernyard, or in any piece where there will be but little weste,from be- ing washed in heavy reins. square heap does very well as to shape ; and the toe shoeld be made Viet so as not to'slictd rain. ,The more straw mixed with it the better, as the decomposition of the straw produces certain., acids which tend to " fix" the atinnonia emitted from tho manure. The sides and top of the heap should be covered with straw to prevent evaporation. No lime should be mixed in such a heap, unless it is composed of very emcee materials, with but little manure. Plaster nifty be sprinkled through 'it to advantage as au absor- bent of the amumnia, of the stable dung. Salt ie of no particular benefit over what it would be, if applied to land separately.' Muck is g.00d----that is, muck irons swamne which lias been drawn out in the fall and left exposed to the frosts o4 winter to become disin- tegrated. , This., if mixed in layers with the eompoet heap, will inibibe the gasses and virtue of the stable driug, and the eeet seeing the winile heap will be excel ont mature, and in gotie cendition t3 use on eny crop ; but the heap ought to be forked over twice during the summer. It is 'ouly the °career portioesnf OA contents of the barnyard, and gethcrings of, weed, etc., during the summer, th:'it most require to be decomposed: yet, for many crops, if the heaps be peoperly managed; al. most the entire couteuts of the stable and barnyard, wonld be better to lie over one season. Composting is only hojthions when a large portion of the virtue of the manure is allewed to es- cape into the atinospliere, by esities no mink or plauter, and .by net properly covering the heaps, or so making them that the rains are 3 arriei off, instead of pen:teat:in through them. Any ordinary el may be need in the place of 'reek to about the same advantage. BOW TO IIANIME ,SHEEP'. A great many five:tees and theiv help hmiele sheep in. a wrong %My, oftenpulling Out andfnlls of wool, trict during 1876-7. The followiee wee. '' the result ;—Corps to be drilled -slop- Mien this meght just as well be avoid- ed as not. An old sheep raiser says : " When about to catch a sheep move cerefully toward the one to bo taken, until you are sufficiently near -to sluing quickly rind seize the beast by the 3.1( Stria]. both hand. Thenrass 'One hand .arttund the body, grasp the brisket, end lift the sheep clear from the ground. 'The wool meet 1)011 1)0 pulled. If the sheep is a heavy one, lot ope hand and wrist be.put aremnd the .neck 51)11 the ether pressed ag.i.etoist the rump.' This is it good ac1Vice4 as when sheep aro roughly, •hendled, if: the wool is pelted, the .sinall bruises will reeder aeon less, tante, and nsore difficult, to henclea • don Field Battery, Wellingteu Ficld Bettery, Sarnia Gertison, Artillery, First Regiment Of Ortealty,,7thIgantoo Light Infantry, 2511i Battalion. Elgin ; 26th Battalion, Middlesex ; 27 Bat Lambton ; 281h "Battalion, Perth ; 29t1) Battalion, Waterloo ; 30111) Bettelion, Wellington ; 82nd Battalion Bruce, Corps dropped onto-Goderieh i.lereison A rtillety ; 22nd Battalion, Oxford Rifles; 2,1111 Battalion, Kea ; 83rd Bettalion, Heron. It tsifl br soon from the above that ell the Ba1. talions which formed the Brigade, these last year are :called oue for theig 50101 al drill °tweet 83rd 13a,ttalion, Huron. DRILL. --No drill will be perforinecl by the volunteer force before the firs! of July. The drill will extend for eight days, and vvill probably be at the headquarters of each Company. amnruigt.e.....inoan,41—,ncormare.orn AtreittCAN ,SIISIPLIC,ITY Al COURT.— The (London) Court Journa), roferrinss to the topic, scouts the claim of Airn- plicity end 'ClOniefi filAt t,11G American caetorn of weftrieg citieens clethes at court liael any better origin than finch dent. It enys 'lett the fact that the American Minieter always: appears at court in plrihi elotbeg insteai of hi the usuel regulation cesturoe is due, not Co the roirablioan squearnielmees of Benjamin Fromhiin, no is generally atippoeed, but -to the Iatiness of toilja- Min Franklin's tailor. Said tailor dis- iirpointed Prarittlia of the Very gorge- On8 e,eert drese he otdeeed, and lie had no alternative but to appear in orclinfteyolotherf. Hewm:shrewaleneligh to mole a very greet merit of what was to Min a Very (4110111(81111 110008811,7. The Janie a the republicatt'e courage' rang through the world,'and fnm that time downward the A Meficat live' claimed as it pPiTilegC Whitt .Ofts 'originally a disagroeabio cidetts EXPErtniENTING IN PRUNING. A Westeru fruit grower reporte that he made the following experiment : A branch otos ineh in disenetet was cut from a tree ef Beetle's Janet on the fit:et day of each moeth irt the year, end et the end of live years, when all were healed over, they weve opened and found to have decayed the leesi in those cut in Velum:lay and Ittaroli (or just before the swelling of tho bads), atid most in thoeo cut in June or July, or during the growing ectason. This goes to show that the best time to Ionise frait trecA is early in the spring, oefore the sap "begins to flow freely, whiell 1158 been the castoin, of most fruit grommet for ft century past, 0Nr,7 O(1): BUtt15 OF POULTRY. Many por.sotia think Choy ought to keep ;several broed8 of rowlg brit ono breed is enough for farmers, and nil personq IVIO inerely hap poultry for thole own 1109 Young men aro most irielined to boy ,sevoral broods, bat a few years experience gerorally cures tImin of 'this propensity, Ono good breed is more profitable, and ft great cleat ie8q troable than IAVO or three .when kept separate, It will do very CURE FOR SCRATCBES. Take by weight one part of 10 in mid three pates of lard. Molt them to- gether over a shiw lire, so as not to sooreh or burn mid -when melted let it' cool, then it is ready for use. It ,wili cure scratches cm horees legs, if ap- plied os soon as the diseaee is dis- covored. tleo no water; but brush off diet if any on the legs. 'Ithen apply 0 good coat of greese--euctrigh to eover the parte ft&Cted----once a day, and teeo plications will cure the worse kind of a case. It, is also good foruild, scabs' ou horses or cattle, and for galls and saddle scalds on herses. ONI) EltRY, 0IiA800'01 INCERIE HAJ ell,cr1/.0f, the 1; E Watoh, VANf,'",0 'S 1W -BLOCK (in thotore wiLh etr adiesete, x tr.-31 Tritl attention of the Oople Of 1`,,.;?;el,er and to 114,1. , 4111 wEL.I.,{)': lt1S.TABLISIIM'T NEW seeetSv meeeetotee eiviteto S.: ONE AND 70XANIE 0 BYRNE 6.a 0 . iltardr.vvare Store .veetry. The hebitual iise af celeeY is morc betieficial to us than is commoi lv sup- . peed. A weiter who is shimiliar „with its virtue says : I have known many mere and Nv( - men too; who from various; canses, had become so much affected by ner- vousness that wheu they stretched out their hands they shook Like aspee leaves on eindy days, antitleYerCiuoll- estate daily l'i0,e,of the„blandliea foot. stalks of celery as a salad', they; bei - 051110 as strong aaml steady in limb as other people. I havo known othere so nervous that the- least annoyaoce put them in a state -of agitation, ime. , they were in constant perplexity and fiar, who wore also effeetnelly -trod by a moderate use of lila lohed c :tory as a vied at meal time. 1 have knoWn otherscured of ,palp:t tlion of the heart. Everybody, engaged in labor weakening to the meves should use celery daily in, the srason, and onious in its steed 'When 11(1 111 seasone; Somo1inle tyro two Louden thieves pet in pritetiee'kplate of robbing ajbw. oIler wiliCh ha(lbeepeclesceibed tiler pariOdical a piece of pure inven- tion. The jeweller was furious (he lost foetydlithisaml• dollars, no : it wfts eXeusible,) and wrote to the editor of the magazine, asking hem if it Was Ins mission to lintel -Let, thieves in new Ways of plundering the priblec. "My deter glee' replied. the editor, blandly., "if You had taken pesiodicalse(whiehe hopein fumy° you will do,) you would have put on your guard. Tide comes' of neglecting the 'claims of literature." The good Sternaratan stopped: at the sound of woe; so does le,,good hot se. : The difference heleven tut 'overcoat and a baby is : ono you was the other you wear. The entire assets of a recent bank- rupt were ninachitdren. Tee credi- tors acted:magnanimously and let him keep them. A geutleman in Danbury, Conn., has had perseverance enough to take th.e temperauce pledge eighty-three times and break it eigety.two. What is the :difference between one who walks and one who looks up a flight of stairs ?-0110 steps up stairs; and the other etaree :up steps. Irate wife (whose husband: hes re- turned home late)—" Now, I'll give you a peke: of my mind." Htisband— " Doiet my ctear, you can't spare itt" tvorrieu iu a western eity recently fell out of a eecond story window and struck on her head. She said she didn't ltneve when aeything had merle her SD macl before. The young. lady who vowed elmed never marry 1 man tncler five feet ten in stature, has not yet been lea to the alter of Hy -men. New plul elegant stock of all idexlm of Watches, Clocks, ()titian', Silver-plated Ware, and JEWELRY 1(11. kinds, NEWEST DESIGNS, LATEST NO EUROPEAN & .MRICAN RaopucTs.• and nanny 0(301:01 manliness and beauty at oz.- - 1, emely low prices, ,Thwelry of all kinds unumfactured to order, aild Watches, Cloaks, tte,, repaired at short notiee. 11.5-S" All work warranted, Exeter, A 5 E. .JONES. AP't /7 se. 0.L. NO. 924 4.0 Night of moot lug—First At`ridity in 0, 017 111011111, o'vt-r StAn- lpy Jormyn's store, . D INBAV'S 11 mr, 140 01c, umil, )11,0throi vilianyinvitoci to 61 501141. oA.T.Tst,/C WILLIS, W.111. ;MIEN WHITE, , CLOTHINI Exeter Clothing 1L1,ore melt Sabseriber wishes to return eis 1111 0013 thanlcs for pest patronage, and woultl call parapular. attention to the pritt,,e• ,Stock of GentiSyurnishings just arrived.. I have a fel cissortMent of the newest and most fasltionabli ..,niti'terials for (ion t's wear, Ett„wisli and b'rencl Fancy Coatings, Englsit, Suotek,and Canittlim Broadcloths, Doeskins and Fitney Veskings. A eltoice stock of • • Hat .3 and caps. of the latest fashion, Ge'uts desiring a fash iouable and perfect 0 iiig suit should lcavi their orders at the Exeter Clothing %ore. -- 'Perfect satisfaction gnarly:Antal in 1.1‘ e1 ill sfance. MR. H. still 1 rs el n3 r6.0. the Cutting:Department. All cloth bought o me out fret, of charge. r„,J.P. Iyo ,A.9,tg4,.„,s'farcli 16 7.15.110.X. .PS011 .',1711;;ZIAMS • L 1 , • V L Boiler an ci. Engine Works MITCHELL, ONT. Terceliceso power wood Sawing 111aCiiin.6 This machlue'has been thoroughly tested and given ' ENTIRE SATISFACTION it is supplied with a BAND WHEEL f or driving a Straw Cuttor,,„„ " GrafCruAlier, . okouler mac:Macey, withoet extra, expense ex. rapt for the belt, TRIAL OFFERED, kinds of Farmingimplements Rept constantly on nand. BOILER SHOP 111 full 0:)cration. , , ENGINES of all sizes to order. ZPAilts • Xpbait Bi:73sett's Tiu shop, 14,1x.o tat. promptly atte11tlet1 to. Address— ' THO'AIPS0N & WILLIAMS, 3(i icliell.Out. ST. MAIIY'S LIME W01111,S. dra,Nv kilns tieing now in full operation and turning out deity11. litrge puautity of MI 1U that feral! purposes Alla C1301110t 1./0 surpassed in the Domin- ion. Parties from IL (161141104 0101 always be stpplied either at the kilns or (Unveil9 by teams b low- est rennmeratfve rates. . Orders item a distaucs promptly a Li iultql to. .• lifV•30. (t SCLATER. EXETER STEAM RAU. & CRADLE FAUTDRY EO. C OTTLE zt.txtrs.torrann 7oocien Harvest Tools es, "inaitltes, Fork Handles, Grain Cradles, PAIN TIN G ! HOTT SE SIGN' FRESCOR And all kin& of- Ornaniental Woric Ar440 TAPER Ilit,NGING AND ruLso. 1\IINING DONE BY G- N. Tomlinson. N.B. Graining ft Specialt May 10,876, REDITON w00ri13t4= ) 'rho mnierSIgned 1161.111g mot c0401.6 CREDITON , OOLE11. tILLS and thototighlyrotittoo. (11010,,4o would itiferne ifilial)itants of ridjoitnee !towed -lips 31)131 115 13 tow esepered (10 do elf Myles of Carding Weaving and Fulling Red every tallish, ditto:Mess (tarried 011 1)) ail awl 11 se 1'ettr,011a1)111 ;etre efcSO 1)0 3000 Omit, 8, whore also, RALPH KiPATRICK0 LatO of Exeter N\rooien iiihi f e, 73e sure and get the W. D.11eG1oc1ilon watch *before buying.' You will have no other after see- ing them All wbo wear them re001.111.1) end them. Gelid and Silver, Ladles and Gentleman's sizes, 77 Bunches street, London. Sec the testimonials.• The largest, bee tand cheapest stoek of fine G,old. S.O.WelrY, CIOCkS;' fiP(31.1 NitltliTWO-ej, Pgi,f1.0 (4•Oods, .90,, .90 in nib 1,?OyineeaRepttiring,' every descriptioM BloGLUORIS., 77 Dundas 81:10)1a011 EXE DOOR AND LI111) 11,11C//011,T as l'ho mule:signed would acquaint (ho 1,41.1131i0 that (hay havo commenced bm.iine8s in the above line, and that they ILTO premixed to Contract for Building ;throughout, or for parties furnishing their owurniNtorial, nal (11)11(1 11111)' keep constant- ly On hand Window Blinds, Mouldings, Scroll Work, &re., &e. Plating done to order with Dispatdh. And froin' env thorough 'knowledge ei the 1311s14, 11088 'tin(' 'the improved' Machinery, which WO, Intini.Placed in the' ft1014,),".yv We- 'f,eel confident of giVing.sAt Urn:, tae, Planand". Speelfl.cationa. On ap plication„,e • • Item eutb Or the aaee, T 1 0 S T Oto OitO tilt X °»r, whw a, J87(1. rr -4 ETC. ready for the coining harvest, 'the celebrated cey Hay-- Rake Novelty in this section... 1\fERCIET.A_NTS . will flrid4t to Their Advantage to Buy their Stock from 11101 • 5 as I amprepared to deal with them as reasona- bly as any other establishment, and to give prompt attetttion to an orders. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Turning • of all kinds made a specialty in the business. GEORGE COTTLE Exeter, April 8, 1871. 82-62r FRESH ARRIVALS! AT TRH. People's Grocery Store. 3.- CRIINNICAN los received a huge stock of GROCERIES, crtocKER7 . 4110 11 largo stock of BOOTS cec SHO S suitable for Fall and Winter, emsisting or Men's, Women's and Child, yen's Wear. • These in Want of ft first-class articie in the Boo end shots line should 110) 11111 to EXAMINE MY STOCK Before purchasing, as my experience of thirty years in that line eta bles me in purchasing to select that only which can recommend, A LARGE LOT OF First Class-Baeon - ..JBST• RECEIVED' • AI...C..13.11N NICAN • ,BRODERIOR'S•• •OLD 'STAND,: • • •. . . , , •• • ••• . • ASADA COMPANY'S LA.NDS 1.POR 8ALit, ' " The Canada, Compnaly offer for rmld 'some AO 30 acres ot their Ionia in :130gailariet1 1\loGinivpy Ste7 ' phOli tao!s? Improved by -the Take Burwell drainage works. , 1.151S eftnnds and partiettlare ad to terMa 01411 bo 01)1411.031 011 applicatiou tO l'OrOnto, Canada Company's Onkel 1010010, 7b1 s Carrying the Qa adian and 'Unite thief, lqails Trouble of looking after Bag- gage, andlurchase YOUR' TICKET prtoM THE LOCAL AGENT (Ina thus avoid the trouble and eouresion at the Boat's Where, where you will pay the saW Bates same Lastehs.eN. Y. S. S. Lines. :hie of thq first-class, full -powered Clyde -built steamships of the above line, constructed' espe- cially for the navigation of the Atlantic, averag- ing irom 1,010 to,a,200 tons.lvillleave Quebec every Saturday for Liverpool and. LoinlOntlerry,,. Sailings of Mail Steamers: FROM QUEBEC ; PRUSSIAN, 27tii may, SARMATIAN, s (.1. 1110RAVIAN, 10t13 Juno. CIRCASSIAN, 1711t June. POLYFESIAN, 24th ,Tune. SARDINIAN, 1st July. Prepaid passage certificates issued et lowest ates to persons wishing to bring out Wends., GLASGOW DIRECT. The steamships 01 (1110 Glasgow' Line will be desoatched from Quebec. For tiokets and every information apply to WHITE & SONS, AG-ENTS .``Times" Office, Exeter. Enlargement of Premises ifiRE UNDERSIGNED, GRATIFIED 1N13 1 the liberal patteuf!:ge, bestowed on hint since he commeneed bnamess, 'ivotild acquaint his numerous friends and customers with the fact that 1a10ieil1iirged"1119 inkseut, praou of business. and laded, largely 'to his stoek of Leather, including -.French, Gauadien and atterican, 51)0. ho isprepared to 1111 all orders that be may be favored with oti the shortest no- tice, awl in a style that cannot be surpassed in Ole OoLuty of uron. Exeter. Jan. 18, 1876. W. TROTT. 229 -res 'EXPRESS. The Anierican Express Co. HAVE Opened an office EnriErt AND ARE PREPARED To Convey Goods oney and. valuables to any point. GrIlE...NIAQ ES BOUGHT AND SOLD For further, particulars apply t's -W J wHar tkis:01.1100, Uetr. Amon tier go06 Vf0 Lave the f011OWIng, which ILL BE SOLD ,AT BOTTOM PRICES Hourigates Peeiloss Axes, Broad Chopping Adzes, Fuse, Lace Faucets, Glass, Oleo, indstones, Hinges, Horse Shoes, Hammers, Lead Lanterns, Babbit 1VIeti1, Bmshee of all kinds, 130115, 13unelt Screws, . 13oring Machines, Borax, ham °Ong°, Door Sp.tinga, 1)11mb-bells1'ber end Ilemp Leather, Mats, Placbine 84 Paint Oils Paints Putty, Powder, Itevolvere Isope, Spades and Shovels, Settles, $lipt, Saws, Turpentine, hag Twine; Viees,Varnish, Wireettet ZiLLO ra- Two, speciaeatious VatituatesprOpared for building. O'BYRNE 8t co. 1%11aW S FRANC GOODS C. 1.Y1,'WEBB. GRANTOI•T, HAs gisr.e REotrtil and is now prepared to SHOWTHE LARGEST STOC ((4.04. 1311080 in Granton, consisting .3 New Prints, Gray Cottons'White Cottons, new Costume Cloth, Black Lustres, Hosiery, Gloves, &c., &c. TAILORING DEPARTMENT Now English and Canadian spring tweeds, new worsted enatingr, doeskins ad broadcloths, thelo.test styles in collars and ties, &a., &e. A tlret-class French tailor on toe premises, and a perfect fit guar- anteed. IV aw'springlutts 4100 011)38 (mg shawl goods. A new stool 0) 041115, glass, putty, paints, oils, &e., coming to hand. Builders furnished at reduced prices. .C. M. W NE'SPIIIIIR NODS Spring Goods SAMWELL Have in:41.0011W and opened out, Nev Prints, very low, New Grey Cotton, very cheap, ,New Bleached Cotton, cheaper than ever, New Black Lustros, best makers—all prices, New Silver Gray Lustros'very New Colored Silk, at Job Prices, - New Black Silks, best value, New Fancy Dress Goods, all Prices, New Linen Costumes, in great variety. .1\TEW Spr ng Goods PICKARDD In -Gents' .kurnishingel we are also very complete, having receiveA and waned out il first-class assortment of New Spring Tweeds, New Worsted Coatings, New Black Broad -cloths, New Black Doeskins, . New Black Cassimeres New Hats and Cays in all new styles, New Ready-made Clothing in great variety, Also a complete stook of .13oois, Shoes, rockery, etc. A. *first-class lot of new Wall -paper heap, for Spring Trade; also, A First - Class Tailor on the Premises. Allentrusting us with their orders may rely oe getting a perfect fit, and good wcrlimans It JUST RECEIVED EXETER Grocery and Liquor Store A large stock of Green, Japan, Young Ilyson and Black Teas, Raisins. currants, Prunes IDniEr) Apples, OANI\TD FRUIT, sardines, Lobsters Salmon Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines and. Syrup Rye, Malt, Scotch, Irish and Common Whiskies, Tobaccoes and Cigars, Wholesale and _Etetail. C.. A MACE Main Street, Exeter. UNDERTAKING C. &SCILEZ Ezvrtit, tInclor takers OULD SA.Y TO those NAM intend parcliating to do so from the thainififeturet, The dealer liobu. 15 Sell again roust 1100050111313' have a firal. We claim to give ttlO purchasers 'the benefit, which cannot fail to 1110o1 the views of the ot4rangers, Our expenses Tare less thanthose ot 01(8 autnOrhotAn,orgoonserittiott, , W0061) dell oho ap dr, and. Furniture Manufaottireilb E WOULD speciniatteation to our ttudorte,king depart., , tient, 'which is inore, nein. vlote than ever, as WO lia:ve s added several 80W dedigne , 4 of late. The boat o41511c31, siltotiatt,i,tha,e,bory funerel requbitte th0 loweat prices. Our ,,rieW hearse ut prOnefinced competent jUdgeli tO be secend to unte In the proVitiOd . . Emblems for all the Different Societies.' S. GIDE4E-r, R. 1ST ORSWC rr V060 SE lit7:E2a u:Aontaz A,casztir SINTAINIVD assi-tmcn1 alWayti on and, Any mta , to btatt, A tette ftafibrifiterit of Needle§ end other Irtnnialtittga kept fit stock 161. over Mud etAcWing 1140,4 050100. IfittablifekithPkirdSh, Ail rits,ve bad a lang e1ter10000;titit Sett ingUitchineS, atalintilM•stant1 11)0011 therbnAkIkviVittildbtf altitiTs1antitgili it' those urehsSe it Li' rit hie. Al) 05; 'deracb&ti,ri 04 )'io'6ftiottlotillr14,4,6:Att5:,•Illilihe,St. ono deer ilVeStote Of the oeet site teotet. 60