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Times -Advocate, February 5, 1997
Page 5 •
Lions Club donation
Hensall District Co-operative
receives patronage refund
A $1,500 donation from- the Exeter Lions -Club will allow the Exeter Btanch Library to pur-'
chase a computer and:accessories for a community access site to the Internet: A further do-
.nation of $500 from Friends of the Library, plus matching funds from an industry, Canada
grant will ensure an interne[ account and the hiring of a student to provide training., Lions
President Tom Hartai presented Branch Supervisor Helen Hodgins with the donation Friday:.
Other sites to receive grant funding include Zurich Public School, Hensall Library and Kirkton
HENSALL - Hensall.District Co-
operative Inc. announced that it has
received a patronage refund in the
amount of $530,000 C.D. 'from
Farmland Industries, inc. Of Hen-
sall District CO -operative Int.'s to-
tal patronage refund of $530,000,
$200.00() was in cash.
Hensel District Co-operative Inc.
is a member -owner of Farmland In-
dustries Inc., a farmer -owned North
American co-operativc with consol-
idated sales in fiscal 1996 totalling'
$9.8 hillion and assets totalling in'
excess of $2.5 Killion. Farmland is'
focused on meeting the needs 'Of its
members in the U.S,.,Canada and
Mexico. To this end. the company,
conducts business in More -than 70
countries and employs over 15.000•
$2,500 to
games bid
GRAND BEND -Council will
Lookingitems !,sE:• .
-diin to help protnlote the London , ,
_ ?Wren'?
, arca, is hoped to he raised through
,private done['<ms.
Local London donationg financed
-thc'first round of the bid but an ad-
, ditional $75,000 to $100,(X)O'will
need to he raised to compete with
other linal'sis. ', - - -
"You're not going to have an-
other shot like this,'' said Mayor.
Cam Ivey refcriing to tic advertis-
ing that. hosting such an event will
provide for, Grand Bend.
By Brenda Burke
T -A Reporter , -
CLINTON In .a corner of the
shop sit tin\ . pastel knitted items
Store Owner Peg. Kcllins calls t'a
display of hal)
• On the wall above the stairs is -a
statch_ •'holt horse' (cousin to the
-'holy cow) made mainly of Wood-'
en chair parts. A couple of wcaving
looms arc set up throughout the
space that also features a Brussels,
canvas hag -maker who hit it big
with a Levi jeans contract and also
sells bottle hags to wine producers.
Throw in a littic honey from Hen-
sall. birdseed from Londestorough
'and Godcrkh salt. and -you have a
collage - of Huron County "acts.
craftsand products:" -
The Made in Huron Shop pro-
vides a venue for• local . artltts to
;rent. space for their items and sell
theni on consignment.
. • Kcllins purchased, the store front
Brussels . resident Alan . Dettwiler
last April atter supplying it 'with her
'own weaving products.' since it
opened its doors in Novemher
1995: .A group of 70, artists now
Peg Kellins surrounds herself
with creative inspirations,
every one of them 'Made in
Let us®
We'll minimize your tax
burden. So you don't pay
any more than you should
Because it's your money.
It's the tight thing to do.
490 Main St. Front
Exeter 235-1153
If no answer call
have their items on -display. a num-
. bcr that ' has more' than doubted
since Kcllins tookover. .
"1 try. Io. only, carry things that arc
'hard to get," shc.cxplained, listing
wd'xiworking: jewelery. native, and.
,folk art: stained glass, knitting, and,
candles as a few examples of -local
talent. , •
Kellins herself is proof local arca-
' tivity thrives. Owning 10' weaving
looms. the Clinton resident travels
to shows and festivals. sometimes
'dressed as an Irish, peddler who
wcattcs. educates browsers about
the ancient craft and jells stories. In
addition io her crreative pursuits.
Kcllins teaches weaving. knitting.
crochet and tatting classes.
Not only does she want diversity
for her own art form, it's obvious
.she seeks- variety in her store as
well. 'Kellins is proud to point out
the goose .boards made from old
trees in Huron County back yards.
She also draws your attention to lit-
tle painted wooden animals created
by a husband -wife team near Bay-.
field. •
One talented sewer who supplies
Kcllins with items will soon open
her own. shop in Scaforth. An Exet-
er art' �t displays rug wcaving in, the
shop. Another produces recreations
art, a recycling of ceramic ' plate
pieces by embedding them on the
exterior of a clay -like flower pot.
,One local singer has her Christian
tape cassettes on display and some-
one 'else sells organic apple Nutter.
"Anything somebody from Huron
County makes can come in here it
it will tit through the door and up
the, stairs." said Kellins. adding
best-selling items tend to be both
useful and upique with entertain-
ment value. , -
The 25 -cent, bellybutton brushes
made in Bayfield may just fit the
Filson & Robson
(519) 666-0833
X 3 Auctioneers for the
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With modern equipment
Pickup and sell complete
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Choosing the right individual to help you navigate through
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CALL: 434-1993 or 1-800-388-5149
Brian Mercer, ,riot Investment Advisor
Fortune Financial Corporation
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Tel: (519) 434-1993 Toll free 1-800-388-5149
Fax: (519) 434-4411
T /
employees in 185 locations, located
in 10 countries. The business inter-
gists of its members results in _ a
highly diversified company that
' manufactures and distributes faun
inputs'and provides added value to,
fano outputs for the .consuming
.public. Farmland is headquartered
'in Kansas City. Missouri.
Farmland supplies ntentbcrs i ke
Hensall District Co-operativc the
with. crop nutrient and protect n
products, energy products, feed and
animal health products and techni-
cal information to ' producers
through its co-operative member -
',owners. In addition, Farmland pro
cesses and markets members' pork. -
beef and grain to customers around
the world. •
February is '
Heart and
Stroke Month.
Support the V
Heart and Stroke
Foundation. .
Best RSP Rate
h yrs
as of Feb. 3/97 •
524-2773 Goderich 1-800.265-5503
The Farmland Co-operative Sys-
tem exists to generate economic
benefits for local Uo-operative
members by helping them lower
their input costs, by adding value to
thcir products and returning the
profits to its members in the form
of patronage refunds. Patronage re-
funds represent ttic profits Farm-
land has earned on business trans-
acted with its inemhcrs. The mare
Filminess a member•does with Farm-
land, the `larger its patronage re-
fund. Hensall District Co-operative
inc.'s refund was part of the $93.5
million U.S.D. that Farmland re-
turned to its members for fiscal
year 1996, of which an: excess of
$58 million was in cash,
Gaiser Kneale
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The annual meeting of the policyholders of the Osborne &
Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Cpmpany will be held in the
Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre at 2:p.m. on
Monday, February 24 '•
to'receive and dispose of the Financial an)i Altditor's Reports; to elect
Directors and to transact -any business that may rightly come before
the meeting. , ' . - , . •
Nominations will be received for the election of two Directors for a
three year, term. The Directors whose term of .office expires are Jack
Hodgert and Larry Gardiner,'both of whom are eligible for re-election.
Nominations will be received for the election of a Director for a.tw9
year term. necesparx because of the -death bf Mr. Lorne Feeney.
Larry Gardiner
E.J. Caers
Secretary -Manager
A well prepared resume will help you
get the job you are looking for!
A fesume detailing an applicant's work history and
education is extremely helpful to an employer who
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Your personal resume should accompany
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Here are some guidelines to follow in preparing your resume:
❑ Make itclear;'concise and easy to read - and no longer
than two pages
O The resume shotald be typed on 81/2" x 11" white paper
with enough white space to Prevent a cluttered look
O Start with your name, address and phone number'
O ,,Next under a sub -heading "Work History" detail the
previous jobs you've held - in reverse date order
- that is, last job first.
O Use -a separate paragraph for.each position and
precede it with the dates you held that,position.
O State the job title, a brief description of the
responsibilities - and the results you achieved.
O The next section of your resume should come under the
sub -heading of "Education". Start with the highest
degree obtained or grade completed, followed by the
name of the institution at which you studied. Follow
this with previous education attainments. At the end,
list any specific instructional courses you have
attended in conjunction with your work.
O Under the sub -heading "Affiliations", list memberships
and/or offices held in professional or industry'
O Under the sub -heading "Personal Interests" list any
activities which you feel will be of interest to the
employer - such as volunteer work, etc. •
Your letter of application and your resume will be the
factors that make the employer decide whether to short
list you for an Interview. So make It as impressive
as you can - but stick to the facts.
We can help you get an impressive and
professional -looking resume
Call Debbie Lord at
424 Main St. Exeter
(519) 235-1331