HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-02-05, Page 3Times -Advocate, February 5, 1997 Page 3 OSSTF begins question campaign Question of the Week #1 Bill Huzar. President of OSSTF. District 45, issued the first of five. Questions of theWeek to be issued throughout the months of February and March. The question being asked•by. Secondary School teachers across .Huron County and the Province of Ontario of Conservative MPP's is as fol- lows: Question: Helen Johns, MPP Huron, your government has said that, "classroom funding for education will be guaranteed." Since your govern- ment has announced its intention to lake total control of education funding. the public deserves to know the answer to the following•question: What will your government fund as necessary classroom expendi- tures and 'tow mnch will you guarantee to invest in Ontario's class- rooms? This question. being asked by Huron County's Secondary School teachers is posted on signs- in front of all Secondary Schools in Huron County. -The question is also being asked of Minister of Education .Sno- been in Toronto on Monday. 'February. 3 by OSSTF Provincial Presi= dent Earl Manners. In asking the question Manners says. "Thr puhlic has a right to know how much money the government plans to invest in . the classrooms of Ontario". -This question is significant since a recent • report submitted Ernst and Young to the -Minister of Education changed.the criteria of What should be -classified as "inside the class- room" and what should he classified as "outside the classroom". it should he noted that essential services such as libran ; guidance, Gusto .dial: support staff: and in school administration (i.c. Principals) are clas- sifted as "outside the classroom". ()SSTF. founded 'in 1919. has' 50.000. members across Ontario and 244 ntenthers Or Huron Counts. lis inemhership includes public -:cern-' dao• teachers. occasional teachers: continuing education t'iu•hers,. sec-, retaries; psyrho10 i.cts.- .social starkers. speech-language patholorijsi . custodians. attendance counsellors and other educational workers. • NESAR Ua O $t HO. CES ' .JCY 1\LAVES° SR 0 t 'ti"" .•- -�.�t� a , Council votes to abandon sewage project «•• "STEPHEN !TOWNSHIP -.Both 'Grand Bcntl aril Stephen Township •councils.vlitcd to abandon the Grand Bend Sewage•Plant Expansion protect_ ' The motions concur with a .Tri -Municipal Committee recommenda- non. This committee includes the Town of Bosanquet. • Stephen also passeda mouin at its Jan•..21 regular meeting •retplesting the Ministry.of Environment.:ind Energy transfer the. unused Provincial Grant of. $3,270.000 that was allocated 10 the,plant expansion..to the proposed Huron park -Sewage Plant Upgrade Project: ` Staff remuneration Council 'accepted the recommendation of thc,l'crsimnel C'nntmince Including a two per cent increase in staff wages and no change: in court-- ril remuneration, - _ • Garbage collection Stgphen Council passed a motion requiring !churches to pay a'$45 an nual fee tor•-garhage and blue liox•collcction services. A previous rile- 'tion. indicating - there ,wouhl hr, no• cbange-irn the garbage Collection contract unto, April 1..1998. was lost. Huron secondary school teachers endorse' plan 'COUNTY. - More than 2011. teachers from Huron County's sccondarschools met oil January 30 todiscuss an action:plan to raise puhlic awareness about the impact of educational changes in Ontario The theme -of the action plan "The. Puhh: Deserves to Knot" was pre - sensed to the teachers in a 90 - minute meeting Teachers in Huron CouRty joined . sccondarschool teachers across Ontario its estahhsh- •, Ing a five-week action, plan lead* up tu.March Break that is intended to inform the public about the 'gni-' pact of"the.proposed changes'hy-the provincial government • In the following weeks signs will he displayed in front of all secon- dary schools in Huron County ask Inc MPP. Helen Johns' and the resi of the provincial government MI• - Six-year-old wedged under vehicle EXETER - A six-year-old child escaped serious injury when she was wedged under a vehicle that struck her last Wednesday after- noon. Laura Herdman. of Exeter. was , crossing the roadway on Sanders , Street east. when she was struck b) a eastbound 1994 GMC. driven by Susan Guenther. 41. also of Exet- er. The collision occurred at ap- proximatch 3:55 p.m. According to Exeter police. a sec- ond vehicle travelling westbound clipped the GMC; blocking the driver's peripheral vision. While Herdman was pinned un- der the vehicle, a passerby comfort- ed the child until assistance ar- rived. c Herdman was taken to South Hu- ron Hospital with minor injuries. Police report no hones were brok- en in the accident although Herd- man received lacerations to her forehead. Huron County OPP repbn no charges will be laid. ' .portant questions about the future of public, education, Press releases and newconferences will •hc held• each, -Week outlining why the Ties-. -tion was asked and 'what response is received. •Student and puhlic as- semblies will he held to inform in: • wrested parties about the impact 'educational changes might have on their education system.. The, actions will ' culminatu on Fchruarn 2) when school study sessions will be. held• for teachers. students. trustees-- and rusteesand the general public.These study sessions will focus on theagswers received by the provincial govern- ment t� questions ,posed by the panncrs in Huron Public Sacondar School 'Education. During the week of Marcli.3 teachers will be focus- sing.on.thcir voluntary activities in. the school system. Council amends cemetery board bylaw t EXETER - Ccunci)passedaMo- tion at Monday night's meeting to amend the 1939 bylaw that ap- .1)6118ed thc,Exeter Cemetery Board giving it Inc powers of council , with respect to the management of the Exeter Public -Cemetery. Another second' draft bylaw% that dissolves.the hoard. was not passed by council "Dissolving the board only - makes sense if you've re -designed - everything else. said Administra-; for Rick Hundev of plans.to 'gamatc thc•rcinetery board with parks and recreation. ' The bylaw tHat did pass is de scribed as an "interini step" that make the hoard accountable to cottncil-it some key areas. The, hoard will manage the cemetery and lis account of behalf of coup- Gil anti staff will report to the ad - Snowmobile accident • causes major injuries • HAY TOWNSHIP Trevor Ed, wards. 26. of Usboriae Township. received major injuries when he lost control of the snowmobile he was driving and rolled it. • The accident occurred,at approxi- mately 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 26 on pri- vatc properly in Hay Township. Edwards was taken to South Hu- ron Hospital before being trans-' fared to • London.. • Invest In Your Community With A CREDIT UNION Your RRSP deposits are used to assist our borrowers who are your friends and neighbours in the community. RRPS Loans Available at PRIME RATE Less 112% RRIF's ALSO • AVAILABLE INDEX-LINKED TERM DEPOSITS They ofeo the appeal of an above•averago rale of return from participa- tion rn Stock market appreciation• and also have the safely of a guaranteed return of principal like a G I.0 No FNa RRSP EUglbl* Each RRSP & RRIF contract is insured individually for up to $60,000.00. Other R.S.P. Options Available. Inquire at branch. CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 48 Ontario Street 118 Main Street North CLINTON 482-3467 EXETER 235-0640 OPEN: MON to THURS. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. FRI 9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1952 ministrator or a designate 01 coun- ciL•Thc hiring'or termination of cemetery staff. -hiring of contrac- tor.. the setting Of wage: and capi- tal expenditures will he subject to council approval. -This mo otin puts council "in the driver's seat" essentially making the cemetery hoard an advisory committee that answers to council. "1 think council should agree on this general approach until council comes Op with some more details." said Hundey.' who explained the dissolution and amalgamation • must h-dne oncsimulta cousls KM carnival cancelled KIRK1ON - Due to a lack.gf vol- unteers, the Kirkton-Woodham Winter Carnival is.cancelled.this year: - • "it's not cancelled forever." stressed carnival committee mem- her-.Tim Shute. "ICs just postponed for this year." The event.has been held during the second weekend in February since about 1970. According to Shute, the carnival commiuec will hold its annual meeting at the end of March; when it will try to come up" a • with plan to attract additional vol- unteers. "it's something people look for- ward tp even year," said Shute, adding, "You can't•run if really.with four or fivc'people." MAKE SAVING LESS TAXING! RRSPi t;enreel;odholi 1 1 t tl• 49tH Slain Street Exeter o% 235.2740 RAJTht Mutual Group Lo, -..d -e-M,a,.of G...na a oa, nw,wreo twc two co.,pm.. d The Menu.' (Wow Buy 3 Cards and Receive FREE -1 foil bag' (Every Day cards & Valentine Cards) <I Just tor You. ,-on,I'ou"d Gr P° Whilesupplies last - 99c Kids Card; Share Ynt. tmn Int• it ri"cti4m ❑ (hone, ken ir-Iht..rlt - tint. n• n9, \•.tl( )t n(•. - 1 n :�, r.r �tl• t( %Ptl(1! u. .(•ti(1 rt to 1,:rf. • f \ lifesaluoi l�Itisti - Greeting Card Wort6 401 Main St. Exeter JOHN AND DEB LUND ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THEiR NEW PROPRIETORSHIP OF THE CANADIAN TIRE STORE. EXETER JOHN AND DEB AND THE REST OF THE STAFF LOOK FORWARD TO SERVING YOU IN THE FUTURE. Front row: Pam Allen, Diane McCarter -Simpson, Karol Dauber, Derek Kenney. .Secorld row: Sarah Tomlinson, Ruth Miller, Eunice Aikenhead, Deb Lund. John Lund, Wayne Denomme, Rick Gower, Chad Kenney, Jamie Parker. Third row: Randy Stanlake, Gary Levier, Cheryl Coward. Steve Jaques, Sue Pipe, Deb Ferguson. Missing: Jeff Musser, Jeff Westlake, Ryan Munn, Jeremy Straw, Terri Snell, Jennifer Grenier, Justine Frayne, Shawn McCurdy.