HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-01-29, Page 191 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 CLASSIFIEDS.. 235-1331: 1.e.Ie.r iBox 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6 DEADLINES: PHONE FOR DETAIL OK Ro. dts With Our til Super Ad• Or Wil R•p•ak Your Ad Up To Anopwr Sevr4r Tina At No Charge • row seta amara oatY • rawer rrEA1 TER AD ._'r•377CM�:NIIGC• i j• NDAY TO FRIDAY i • 1 t , a.wt. to 540 kin R FES WORD ADS -m wadwimum l insertion $7.49 2 insertions $13.91 3 insertions $20.33 Ad6tiwrl 1St charge for each wad over lnuiarm NOTICES • 30 wad maximum (Births, Deaths. A m o..ou, comma Erecta, Me oriams. Cards of Thanks 1 insertion $9.63 2 insertions $21.40 3 insertion No Charge Additional 1St charge for each wad over maximum • BASED ON S2 00 DISCOUNT FOR PREPAYMENT ni d &bkMonthly Rates request PAYMENT Cash. Cirque (with identification), Money Order. 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Previous daycare experience. References available. Call anytime 235-3040. (4:5•) - BABYSITTING - Experience working with hyperactive children and toddlers. Able to work days. evenings and shift work. • Excellent references. First Aid and C.P.R.' 238-2902.(5•) LOVING MOTHER WiLL babysit in her home. •Lots of TLC. crafts, outings and nunLring; Babies welcome. 575.00 per week for one child or 52.00 an hour. 540.00 per week for each additional child in your family. For more information please call 235-4251. Ask for Tracy. (5-8c) 4 Help Wanted 1 OUR COMPANY IS LOOKING for mature. hard working people who will train for Ieadershp position. Contact Dan or Julia at 236-75M. (5.6c) The Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution when sending money for business opportunity or employment ad- vertisements. Be, certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information. Re- member... if any , advertise- ment sounds too good to be true, it is. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers. phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hy- phens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $9.00. 15c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 20 words 56.00. 15e per word there after. BIRTHS - 30 words 511.00. 15C per word thereafter. ' MARRIAGES Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words. $11.00 each additional word 15C. • IN MEMORIAMS - $11.00 plus 25C per line of verse. COMING,1EVENTS - 30 words 511.00, each additional word 15e. Three insertions for the price of two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words 511.00, additional words 10c each. $2.00 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED ABOVE FOR PREPAYMENT WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENTS With picture - $25.50. GRADUATES with picture - 510.50 PHOTO REPRINTS 5x7 $8.00 8 x 10 $9.00 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $10.00 per column inch • SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $8.00 per column inch. (minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. SUPER ADS $11.00 Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. OUR ADVERT4SING POLICY Advertisog n the Tines -Advocate is accepted on COnd1ion mat. in Me event of a typographic* arra. mat portion of the advertising spice war Arad by th. erroneous rem. together MMB reason- able allowance br signature. mit be rerun n a subsequent mew as a make good at no charge. *ma the balani W tM advertaement wie De pod for at an appkcab* rote. In Ite event of a ty(wgrapncal error advenrsrq goods or $.nice$ at wrong price. goods or services may not De sold Advertrsng is an Offer 10 sea and may be withdrawn at any lone Any errors must be ac- know4adged within seven days of publication. The Tenes-Advocale reserves Me privilege d ..- vise or 'pang advertisements that 4 cons.d- eas obpctionabie and to 'Mange Me cussiicatOn of any advertisement from that ordered to con- form 10 the policy of this newspaper. Contents aro prot•dad by copyright Repod,chon of any mwarsl without try permission of the foueellher e brokbsn. Advertisers purchase spec, and oirevel on only. Aa rights lo any advertisements produced by ey Tmes-Advocate. usrg artwork. typography or pholographs arranged fol by the n•w8paper says, be Me property of the Times -Advocate. No such ad Or any pert tired may Do r•prod oad or as s9ned without written consent of the Times - Advot:N•. STATEMENT OF, POLICY. The Tmes-Advocale a not responsible for errors m advertisements not submeted n *Are form, nor for more syn a angle incorrect nsertion of that adr.rtfemernt. Phone 235-1331 Use your VISA or MASTER - CARD. and Save $2.00 `4 4 Help Wanted WE ARE LOOKING for key people to expand our, financial services. Business in this area. Experience not necessary; we will train. Send resume Io'P.O. Box 423, Lucius. Ont. NOM 2.10. (4:7c) 4 Help Wanted 1 4 Help Wanted 1 LOCAL CARING COMPASSIONATE PERSON to babysit two -children immediately. References . required, our house or yours in the Hensall/Exeter'area. Call 236-4175.(4:6c) 1' FEED SALES REPRESENTATIVES A large, local agribusiness is seeking experienced candidates for swine and/or 'dairy sales .representatives. These positions -are responsible for increasing sales volume while expanding market share and ensuring excellent service levels are maintained with customers. The successful candidate should possess proven communication, interpersonal and selling skills. Knowledge of the swine and/or dairy industry and previous experience working with swine and/or dairy producers is required. Please forward resume to: Human Resources Department P.O. Box 3020 Station A, Mississauga, Ont., L5A 3A4 Fax: (905) 890-4221 Only those resumes under consideration will be contacted. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• The Corporation of the Township of Stanley requires a GENERAL OFFICE CLERK This is a contract position from March 17 to September 26,1997 Qualifications; 1. Computer experience an asset 2. Bookkeeping knowledge 3. Municipal experience an asset 4. Good communications skills ' • , A complete job description is available at the Township Office. Remuneration will be based 'upon qualifications of applicant. Please submit a confidential resume to the undersigned by 12:00 NOON, January 31st, 1997 Ansberth Willert, Clerk -Treasurer • Township of Stanley R.R. #1 Varna, ON NOM 2R0 We thank.all applicants, but only those chosen for an interview will be contacted. In accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the information gathered will be used only for the purpose of candidate selection. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE 'Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country BUSINESS OPPS. • WANTED SALES MANAGERS for very probable air sulfate.' Dulness Hans basso or NI erne. 20S-238- 4342. PS • our mi9Mies1 gene fgMer. Steer Water. DYNAMIC U.S Co. opened in Canada Jan Nutrocn. weght bss. slur are. got, jewelry. household and more Best paying brag n Musty. 800-833.9109 SCHNEIDERS POPCORN PARTIES Eso1ry new sys- tem wits rnaeased prottaWay. Representatives needed to menet popcorn products. IntereSl d n eamn9 extra rcomemone USW buSness CM 1100.665-64U PROCESS SERVERS: Franchise opportunity, pound boor very b Canoes fastest grown9 Process Sarvke Network. NO aerial franchise NIs. ettlusmt 40e4ories. contrr,ous openbral end nowai a8*Mrn4 uppott ccoom9rise tamp. Crat on Loral Management Systems CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERNIG at the SouOwwstem Smoot of Aucioneanlg. Nen class Aprd 12.1897. Confect: Souhws>rm 0nlare Sdnod OI A ct oreerrg, RR. *5. Woodstock, 0nano N4S 7V9 (5191537.2115. BOOKKEEPING AND INCOME TAX COURSES! learn Income Tao Preparaion and BookkNpeq by corrsspon- dunce Eon you certificate now. For FREE brochures. no obligation, U 8 R Tar Shcoots. 1345 PwMna Hwy. Wsrnpeg. sundae, R3T 286: 4.800.6655144, over 20 yews of ter earwig *mensal. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITE4 arts our great home- . study course Cas today for y,.r FREE 8001( 1.800-. 261.1829. The Warm; Schoo' 38 McArthur Avenue. Sub 27t7. Ottawa. ON 411682 COUNSELLOR TRAINING Insttute d Canada elm cad. respondence courses for the Dpbma n Counseling Practise tegnwre 8* month F. a Drad*,s phare Tea- ks* 110 -6657044 EMPLOYMENT OPPS. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES dockhands. assistam cook Id 38 pasnne* shp )May 7 to Oct 10) Lave onboard 10 deys, fen 4 dere off Seed resume Wore Feb. 17 td Organo Waterway Cruses. Boa 36. Orta, 1.3V 6119 TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED Now n fe time to *8)0. you class A2 lames For rearview or appscaton mow Orwarc Truck Orme Tramp • 1.0edorn • 1.7160-' 263-1777 (p0 plsanunl *amerce wealth) FOR SALE SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOOS INTO 804805. planet. • beams. Large capacity- Best sawmdt taw ripener@ Free information 1.800.566.6899. Norsood Sa,mnas. R.R 2. K iworthy. Organo POE 1 G0 HELP WANTED MANITOULIN HEALTH CENTRE regures a futl•ime PHYSIOTHERAPIST. As a member of our blob are team your caseload wou40 ndude npatentoulpatenl services It you are a qualified Phiserherarist Nide kr registration win Me Canaan PhysrotMracets Assow- Ibrn and the College of PlrysbelMapals of Orectic neer- edea n a b,itrne power. purse Novara your mums to Stere Blown. Director of PhysctCera;' oldova's Health Centra. Bos 640, Litter Current. 705.368.2300. 5r. 416 Fax 705368.3566 SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money sang dccoure bars New products ava4aDle 4o/u g to pay n advance Fast delivery 1400-383-3589 LEGAL SERVICES Ceeeguard Corporatan BOTHERED BY BALL COLLEC- TORS' We resolve STUDENT LOANS. mon cards. 4ndlordlenanl disputes. service Contracts and more Gednguard has fe edge, Cal loday 416-865.8464. • MEDICAL • • 20/20 WITHOUT GLASSES, Safe, rapid reh.swgical. permanent reskranon n 6 • 6 weeks. Anne ob4 devel- oped. acctor approved Free r,ormabdn ty mal: 406. 961.5570, cat. 253. la 406.961.5577 MtpJI wwwva10nlrseddn can SatdfeceO49W4'reea. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL eun.Di 40 SALE 'FINAL CLEARANCE" Facto- ry Dvec1 Ends. ewe* Sod no/rad Stra9M s4,s 20 13044.59600.25140 $6.42500.301 es s7 49800.40 , 6o $l2.1e1.00. Others avadamis. Pioneer 1-600166- 5422 FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS Durable. Dependable. Pre-engneered. 41.54.44 Structures. ("atom -mese to suit you needs and requirements Fauory0red aaoM- awe paces. Call I-800.668-8653 eat 536 for fres brooue DURA BUIL0040 SYSTEMS • Great paces on Quaky Cwdar+mede paelgrlewW Reel bu4ngs We lip• Patz, n gocult Ira. c0mnsobi..1801" 1 5.11 recta• atonal D,abres Cal for deters • 7130663-•!M ,• We Affordable • ft's Fast • N's Easy • One 0111 Does N All • Northern Ontario $76 • Eastern Ontario 5138 • Western Ontario 5 130 • Central Ontario 5 134 • All Ontario $384 • Netto el PLkigee Avertable • Coq this paper for delete! 1 • WANTED IN GRAND BEND Responsible lady. R.N. or R.N.A. tolook after an older lady who has had a stroke. Drivers licence and references required. Non smoker please. Phone .519-23$-2480. (5tfn) Property Manager! Superintendent Needed for 16 unit apartment complex in Exeter Must have experience in renting, rent collection, cleaning and minor maintenance. Send resume to: Obsidian Group Inc. 660 Maitland St. London N5Y 2V8 or call :. (519) 660-8787 ■• .; 5 Business Opp. PEOPLE NEEDED to clip coupons. CaII 24 hr. Recorded message for free details. (416) 631-4961 Ext. SC222. (4-7c) ' ALASKA JOBS! Earn up to 530,000. fishing three month salmon season. Also. construction. canneries, oil fields and more!' 1 (504)429-9223 Ext. 447S4.'(5•) $200.-$000.weeldy Y S Assemble products at' home, eas ! No Sellin ! You are paid direct, fully guaranteed. No experience necessary. 1-504-641-7778 Ext. 0198H3 AVON "A household name" FREE OFFER one week only , Jan. 27 -Feb. 3 FREE starter kit & samples FREE 'start-up' cost. ' No quotas Excellent earnings "An opportunity for everyone, including students!" Welcome back former representatives. CaII today for more info. "No obligation". Jeanette Deelen District Manager 348-940 6 Services er BARBER AVAILABLE Open at 8:00 a.m. Wayne Otterbein's Barber Stop, 394 Main St. Exeter. 235-0559. Closed Wednesday. Sate( 2:00 p.m. (2-5') ' LAWN & GARDEN CARE SNOWBLOWING Laveme McCarter 235-1062 HAPPY HEARTS HOME DAY CARE spaces still available, all ages. Full. part-time and before and after school care. flexible hours• reasonable feu. Heather Rempel238.5352. (2:5c) RNARD (089871 e traiaiel (11111 Internet: http://www.wel.on. cal,-adva nced/bernard 235-4890 Beside Exeter Public School Tru i11t1 I x1171-•1, 1997 • \\ i11lIn%%- !I.4 • 1 is ....I.,- 1 ill 1I..1111.. 11h.1I - 1,: 111-1• 111 • 111111111111 111111 111 111111 1111 1 41114. _I 111 \r):1 1 11 111-11,111 • 1111',)) `11414)14 :111 nun! i11tr • 1; \11'1),. 1 111.. \1.it, '•5 - G::111.4a11 • 1 mut Nnr111'1rf11t - li s*,ikt, 1111•••,,_31,1% li - (i::(11 -!f::111 .11.0 1,•n n 14)111.(1.1) night, I1tu11 Ii !) 1r n) 411) II !1,11111 11:1111411(; .11)11 n111 1)11-11111 111.11 111 111111 Tinges -Advocate, January 29, 1997 6 Services TELEPHONE INSTALLATIONS Move phones - install jacks 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE PETER McFALLS 235-0368 FOR PRIME POWER and stand-by electricity that works and stays working, call Sommers Motor Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936. Phone 519-655-2396.0011n) For private parties, business meetings or any other function. Served in house, or at your location. Meals and alcohol provided. All permits are supplied. Call Henri 235-0114 QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING and custom framing and now 5 minute enlargements. Jervis Photography. Main St. Exeter235-1612. (3tfn) • rit HURON BOOKKEEPING SYSTEMS 254 Huron St. E., Exeter, Ont. NOM 181. SPECIALIZIN(; IN Small Business & Farmers: • Bookkeeping • Payroll • Financial Statements Income Tax Preparation • Personal • Farm • Small Business Nett Romphf (519) 235.1196 LA THE ANTIQUE WATCH and Clock Specialist. Want to buy old clocks? Have for sale many quality clocks. Repairs. Open chance or appointment. (519) 243-1130. (28tfn)• %Neglect) ig your pian can be hazardous to it's health. PIANO TUNING SPECIAL DURING MONTH OF FEBRUAR includes free minor repairs LA Call 235-3666 9 Sports Equip, Veh. 1977 KAWASAKI. INVITOR Snowmobile. excellent condition. 5800. 1980 CT 70 Honda Mini bike, good condition 5600. 519.227-1369. Ask for Mike.(4,Se) . 1981 YAMAHA- EX440 ' Excellent mechanical condition. Just rebuilt, engine. good track. Yamaha jacket also available. Ready for snow. 51.200. Call 284-4784. 1988. YAMAHA 340 ENTICER - Low mileage. excellent condition. 52.100. or best offer. Call 229-8709. . ,• MOTO SKI SNOWMOBILE with 640 cc • motor; Mini bike runs good; 1983 Suzuki Katona mint condition. 1978.. Kalasaki Drifter '340 snowmobile. Best offer. call 263-3202. (5c) 1981 YAMAHA - 250 E.T. 5900: , 1985 Yamaha 340 Enticer 51000. Both good ' condition. new seats. 515-23862176 anytime. (5c) ' 1978 YAMAHA 250 EL •1979 Polaris Apollo. Good condition. running. Call after 5 p.m. 284-1139. 1982 MOTO-SKI Futura 300, 1500 km. Includes cover and trail permit. Excellent condition. Call 519-284-1203..• 1980 POLARIS TXL 1-980 Polaris TX both 340. good shape. tow mileage, Si I00 each. Ford Dexta tractor, gas; good shape. 53000 or best offer. Call 229-6788. 111 Cars, Trucks WANTED TO BUY - Cars and trucks for wrecking. free scrap car removal. CaII Advanced Auto at 2.34.6252. (6tfn) TOP DOLLAR PAID for older cars, trucks. scrap. etc. Brock's Auto 228-6700 on Mt. Carmel Road. Safety inspections 535.00. Autorepairs. (141fn) 1986 HONDA CIVIC, 2 door. 5 speed. sunroof. new brakes, and exhaust. Good condition. Certified. Best offer. 235.4765. (4:5c) 12 Pets FREE PUPPIES - Cute as a button and in desperate need of a home. Lab/shepherd, 9 weeksold. Call 229-6983. (5•) MALAMUTE PUPPIES, ready February 24. 1997. Call Tammy 229-6981. Cie! PET GROOMING 235-0625 13 Musicallnstnaner,Ls GUITAR & PiANO Lessons Available. Beginner to advanced, all styles of music. Exeter Music Centre 235.1263. (200)1) Page 19 14 Appliance, Television HEAVY DUTY deluxe washer and dryer. works excellent. sacrifice. $395. pair (cash). Please call 23S-3489 anytime. (51•) INGLIS HEAVY DUTY WASHER & DRYER - Excellent conditon. Asking 5375. . 262-3146.(5e) • 15 Personal IF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 235.1934 or 1-800-706-9833. (1711n) EXETER COMMUNITY FOOD BANK with 24 hr. Food Drop at 293 Main St. (Beside Noah's Ark). Open _9 -12. -(Closed Thurs.) Phone 235-4104. (33ifx) 16 For Sale APPLES Northern Spys plus other varieties • Fresh Cider Available • Grape Juice • Apple Butter OPEN SATURDAY SAWYER'S ORCHARD 235-0446 Hwy. 4 & Crediton Stderoad • * PATONS YARNS • - Discount Prices. Ron's Health Centre. Hensall. (16tfn). - - FIREWOOD seasoned hardwood hickory. beech, ash, maple, delivered and picked .up: Phone Dignan Landscaping 236-4457.(49tfn) - APPROX. ' 500 BRICKS. ideal for barbecue or ftrepit: Phone 234-6396:(16tfx) SLAB FIREWOOD & SAWDUST FOR SALE We buy woodlots MILLER WOOD PRODUCTS 235-2516 VAN Children's Clothes' .5(n lothes- .5UC each All Adults $1. each. Feb. 3-8, 1997 Country Kids Clothes wy. 83 W., Exeter rEr 'SAVE (5699.00) SAVE New 18" • mini -dish, we blow our competition away, includes S350. worth of Free program. with 15 years experience L&A Southwest Satellite - can fall all your satellite and . antenna needs. (519) 524-9595. Call day or night.(49tfn) • FORD LGTIOO heavy duty garden tractor. 42" mower. 36" snowthrower. 1. year old. ' 'Short block. Working condition $1.593: - - Exeter235-4360 after 6 p.m. (2-9SA) ONE NEW 78E6091 -00I - 400 watt metal ' halid ballast cost 5264. If interested call. 227-4726.(3-5c) • WEDDING DRESS for sale.. Size 8. hand beaded top, asking 5300 06. Call 284-0070. ' - LARGE. WALNUT PEDESTAL desk (3x6'). Custom built. , one of • a kind.- Sacrifice ind:-Sacrifice price. Call 349-2249. Cancer Patients Cold Feet? Tr)' 'Wool)' Warmers" actual /1('1i1' knitted into socks C- )Nitts. Ihi'HA)N)itt . f)ul)' (Il Legg's Gift Shop. llirr or 'i'3.5052 London WALNUT COFFEE TABLE. matching_ end lablcs, good condition. 5125.00. Phone. 235.0641.(3-I ISA) LADIES • ESQUIRE SILVER wristwatch. Neyer wom. Appraised at 5320. Will sell for $175. or best offer. Call 229-6297 after 4:30 p.m.- • • LOOKING FOR A .SPECIAL GIFT? '- Original oil paintings. Many subjects. You frame or pick your own to order. 550-5150. • 234-6731.(5-7•) TWO SINGLE BEDS with headboards and masses.4) 5250 complete. 235-1245. (5-12wa.8 CL 20 20 h.p. Ford Skid L6ader; used cages for laying hens. 237.3272.(5.6c) OFFICE DESK 5' . X 2 Irl' chrome legs, good condition 5200 Manual tiff 500 lbs. ' 12 ft. good for installing air conditioners etc. List 52,000. sell 5600. 235-4039. lino answer 229-6346 leave message. (5c) KEYBOARD for sale. 235-0295. (5.12•SA) ELMIRA STOVEWORKS fireplace insert. excellent shape. 284.1949. ARTIST SUPPLIES • Artboards • Brushes, • Acrylic Paints • Charcoal Pencils • Art Nibs • Sketch Pads • Calligraphy EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE 17 Wanted to Buy TREETOPS, Dashwood and area. 237.3207.(4.3e) 18 Wanted' EXETER - Tenant to share house. Non-smoker, must be employed. Reply to Box 64P, c/o Times Advocate, Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM 156. (5,6c)