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Cards of Thanks
MacDONALD • Aunt Marine and Uncle
Brian along with proud parents Leslie Mac-
Donald and Trudie Decker. first time grand-
parents -Brian and Heather Decker, Kippen
and eighth grandchild for Dennis and. Louise
MacDonald, Crediton. 1 made my arrival on
November 24. 1996 weighing in at 8 lbs. IS
oz. and 20 inches long, My name is Taylor '
Thomas MacDonald proudly named after
Thorns White watching me from Heaven.
P.S. Aunt Marine and I can't wait until
Daddy plays Barbies with us! 5c
PYM - Marggfet and Allan happily an-
nounce the birth of their daughter Allison
Grace at Si. Joseph's Hospital, London. Jan-
uary 9. 1997. Proud grandparents are Vera.
and Al Moore. Charing Cross and Grace
Pym, Exeter. Allison is the 21 sl great-
grandchild for Alvin and Lillian Pym. 5'
(BOWMAN - Sylvia . (North) Bowman
passed away peacefullyat Markham Stouff
ville Hospital Wednesday, January. 22. 1997
• after a short bout with cancer. Beloved
mother of Juliet and Shelley. beloved grand-
molher of Lincon and Lacey. beloved
daughter of Ada. beloved sister of Toni, Les-
ley and Mike. Memorial service to be held
January '30. at 2 p.m. at Glad Tidings As-
.sembly, 556 Wonderland Road. North. All
family and friends welcome. Donations to
the Cancer Society would be appreciated by
-the family. - 5
With es
Corner of James and Andrew St.
Sunday, February 2, 1997
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
Rev. Cordell Parsons
` Q Sunday School 10:30 a.m.
Social time following service.
Courtesy Car:
Marion Frayne, 235-1409
Nursery provided
Everyone welcome?
68 Main Street South
Rev. Daniel Roushome
Courtesy Car: 235-1967
Youth Worker: Tracey Whitson Bahro
Sunday, February Z 1997.
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
Jan. 31 7 p.m. Junior Youth Group
(grades 5-8)
Feb. 5 8 p.m. Gordon Auxiliary
Feb. 10 . 1:30 p:m. Caven P.C.W.
Feb. 23 Potluck and annual meeting
Hear the Torchman, May 4, 1997
at the Rec Centre
Visitors are most welcome
9:30 a.m. Communion Service
Sunday School for all ages
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
Tuesday evenings
7:30 p.m. Bible Study
` 94 Orchard Street, Exeter
Everyone Welcome
February 2
11:00 a.m.-12:10 p.m.
Worship Broadcast on
Community Channel
162 Main St. North
Pastor Peter Tuininga
February 2, 1996
10:00 a.m.Moming Service
Sunday School for ages 3 - grade 4
during moming service
Nursery Available
7:00 p.m. Evening service
Everyone Welcome
Sunddy Radio
CJCS 1240 8:30 a.ni:
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
• Daily T.V.
Faith 20 Glot)aI 5:30 a.m.
February 2
9:30 a.m. -11:00 a.m.
Worship Broadcast on
Community Channel
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Kevin Rutledge
Assistant Pastor John Boyachek
Sunday, February 2
Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 a m.
Sunday School 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
FORD - Peacefully at home on Tuesday,
January 21, 1997. Mrs. Rose L. (Lamport/
Miles) of London in her 98th year. Beloved
wife of the late Charles W. Ford. Dear moth-
er of Dr. Richard W. Ford and his wife Isa-
belle of Sarnia and Robert L. Ford and his
wife Virginia of London. Predeceased by
her son C. Alan Ford and her grandson
Douglas Ford. Dear mother-in-law of Mrs.
Audrey Saltzman of North York. Also loved
by her grandchildren Fred Ford and his wife
Heather of Pickering. Reverend Julia Ford
and her partner Reverend Lynn Braye of
Scarborough, Rob - Ford and his friend
Catherine of Vancouver, Sharon and her
husband Dr. Jay Parsons of St. John's. New-
foundland, Donald Ford and his wife Jean of
Brampton. Dr. Craig Ford and his wife Ann
of Phoenix. Arizona, Scott Ford and his wife.
Mary of Kitchener. Michael Ford and his
wife Sherri- of Whitby and David Ford of
London, her great-grandson' Brian Ford of
• Brampton and her nieces and nephews. The
family received friends from 2-4 and 7-9
p.m. Thursday at the A. Millard George Fu-
neral Home, 60 Ridoul Street South. London
where the funeral service was conducted in
the chapel on Friday. January 24 at 11 a.tn.
with Reverend Thomas D. Hiscock of Wes-
ley -Knox -United Church and Elmwood
Lawn Bowling Club. As an' expression of
sympathy memorial donations may be made
to the Wesley -Knox United Church Organ
Fund, 91 Askin Street, London. N6C 1E7. 5-
MUIR • M South Huron Hos-
pital, Exeter. on January 26.
1997, John W. Muir of Exet- _
cr. in his 70th year. 'Beloved
husband of Jean (Boyle) Muir.
Dear father of David and his
wife Brenda Muir -of Keswick
and Robert Muir of Toronto.
• Dear grandfather of Scan and
Candra. Friends called al the Hopper Hock-
ey' Funeral Hotne, Exeter. where the funeral
service was held on January 28 with Rev.
Daniel Roushome officiating Jnterment Ex-
eter Cemetery. Donations to the Canadian
Cancer Society would bc'appreciated by the
family. A Legion MemorialService was
held in the funeral home, under the auspices
of R.E. Pooley Branch #167; Exeter. Mr.
Muir was retired from the Royal Canadian
Navy. He served in the Merchant Navy dur-
ing WW 11 and was a member of the Royal
Canadian Legion. ' • - - 5c
TURNER - At South Huron Hospital. Exet-
er on January 26. 1997. Robert M. Turner. a
life-long resident of Bayfield, aged 76. Pre-
deceased by wife Helen E. Vera (Miceli)
Turner (1993). Beloved son of Benha.West-
lake. Dear father. of Gayle and her husband
Brian King of BIyuh and Philip and his wife
Chris Turner of Exeter. Survived try brothers
and sister Walter and Lillian Turner of Bay-
field: Wilfred and Jean Tumer of New Sar-
um: Violet Stirling of RR 1 Bayfield. Dear
grandfather of Mathew and Timothy King
and Robert (Rob) Turner. A memorial ser-
vice will be held at Trinity Anglican Church,
Bayfield, on January 30 at 11 a.m. with Rev.
Sandra Sinnicks officiating. Spring inter-
ment in Bayfield Cemetery. Beattie -
Falconer Funeral Homes. Clinton in charge
of arrangements. .. 5c
Cards o Thanks
COTTEL - A sincere Thank you to friends.
neighbours and relatives who remembered
me with cards. visits: flowers. phone calls
and food sent 10 the house during my stay al
St. Joseph's Health Centre. Lond•m and
since returning home. A special thank you lo'
Dr. Ed. Davies and the nursing staff op
Fourth floor North, and to my family for all
their help. The kindness and thoughtfulness
of everyone will long be remembered.
Sc Anne
GLAVIN - Everyone is in awe of the lion
tamer in a cage with half a dozen lions - eve-
ryone but a school bus •driver. Thanks for _
driving all three of us.Donna Smith. you arc'
a.great friend. Happy retirement!
5c . From Amy. Jody and John Glavin'
LEARN - The family of the late Max Learn.
would like to express our thanks and appre-
ciation to all our relatives, friends and neigh -
hours for their many aces of kindness and ex-
pressions of sympathy shown during the
sudden loss of our husband. father, grandfa-
ther. son and brother. Thank yod for the
cards. phone calls. donations of food. the
beautiful floral tributes. memorial donations
and visits to the funeral home: We would like
Io say a special thank you to Dr. Steciuk. Dr.
Caroline Meyer. Hoffmans Ambulance. the
pallbearers. Rev. Daneil Roushome, the La-
dies of Caven Presbyterian Church for the
luncheon. Hopper Hockey Funeral Home
and to you Kirit a very special thank you.
5c Sincerely.
Gloria. Lois. Debbie. Jerry.
Boz. Mary and Fred
MANTEY • The family of the late Julian
Manley extends sincere appreciation for the
many expressions of kindness and sympathy
shown us during this time of sorrow. Special
thanks to Dr. Steciuk, the Exeter Villa. for
All their tender loving care during Julian's
illness, the McBealh Funeral Home, Pastor
'Thomson. the organise and the St. Peter's
Lutheran Ladies for the lovely lunch.
5• Beatrice and Don
PENIIALE • The family of the. late Eliza-
beth Grace Pcnhale would like to extend
their Sincere and heartfelt thanks to their
many friends. relatives and neighbours for
floral Tributes, memorial and charitable do-
nations. cards and kind deeds andexpres-
sions of sympathy. Special (hanks to the
Dinney Funeral Home. to Rev. Cordell Par-
sons for his comforting words and to the La-
dies of James Street United Church for the
lovely lunch. Also shanks to the V.O.N. and
Homecare. Your kindness and support will
always be remembered.
5c The Sisters and Families
PENHALE - The family of the late Harold
Pcnhale sincerely thanks everyone for me-
morial donations, flowers, cards and visits.
Special thanks to Elaine for the food.
Queensway Nursing Horne, Rev. Gani Laza-
r° and Hoffman's Funeral Home. 5c
PHILLIPS - My daughter Nancy and 1 wish
10 thank the friends and neighbours. fordriv-
ing me to the hospital. and for bringing me
home, when she was unable to get here on
time. Also for cards, flowers, phone calls,
and visits and treats. Thanks to Rev. Parsons
for his prayers and visits. Special thanks to
Dr. Ladd and the nurses of South Huron Hos-
pital. We'll be forever grateful.
5• Christine
In Metnoriam
RIDDELL - Our hearfeh'thanks for all the
expressions of sympathy since the death of
our uncle. William Fenton Riddell, son of
the late Ivan Riddell (1973) and Cora Kelly
(1973) and brother of James (1963). Your
kindness is appreciated.
5• Mary and Bill Sutherland.
Liz and Keith Selves.
John and Pat Riddell and families
RIEHL • I would like to thank all those who
remembered me while 1 was in hospital and
since returning home. Thanks to my family.
Special thanks to Thames Valley Ambu-
lance attendants Bill Sadler, Dale Blanchard.
and 'Charlie Gelbard. Also thanks to all the
nurses, doctors and staff at Victoria and Uni-
versity hospitals.
5x Gerald
In Memoriam
BUSIVELL - In loving memory of a dear
husband, father and grandfather, who passed
away January 30: 1994..
There is abridge of memories,
Front here to heaven above,
1t keeps you ever close to us,
It's called the Bridge of Love.
Every day. no matter where. -
Deep in our hears you are always there.
Forget you. we never will,
You left a place no one can fill.
The memories don't fade.
They just grow deep,
For someone we loved,
But could not keep. •
Sadly missed by wife Gladys. Pearl and
Jean and families. • 5•
CORBETT - in loving memory of a special
Grandpa and Dad, Ross, who passed away
January 28, 1995.
Your laugh. your smile. your understanding
ways, .
Cannot be dimmed by the passing days.
There was so touch more we wanted to do.
We wanted more time to spend with you.
And while you sleep. a peaceful sleep.
Fond peinorics of you, we will always keep.
No -verse, no flowers, no tears can say.'
How much we, miss you every day. -
Lovingly remembered. sadly missed by
Steven. Janine, Gerald. Cecelia and Laura.
GERSTENKORN - In loving memory of a
dear father and grandfather, Hans, who
pa I away February 1. 1990.
The moment that you died,
Our hearts were split in two.
One side filled with memories,.
The other died with you.
We Think of you in silence.
We always speak your name. -
For all we have are memories,
And your picture in a frame..
They say there is a reason,
They say that time will heal. •
But neither time 'nor reason,
Helps the emptiness we (eel.
'For no one knows the heartache.
That our smiles try to hide,
No one knowsthow many times.
We have broken down and cried.
We want to tell you something.
So there won't be any doubt.
You're go wonderful to think of.
But so hard to be without. •
Still loved and missed by Linda,Chris, Na-
tasha. Ethan. Steven, Jennifer and Kurt. 5'
HARRIGAN - In loving memory of a dear
husband. father and grandfather. Jack. who
died January 30. 1993.
Remembering you today,
Yearning for yesterday.
You're loved and missed
In every way.
We'll remember you tomorrow and tomor-
row and tomorrow.
As always. Evelyn Harrigan and family. 5'
INSLEY - In loving memory of a dear wife,
mother. grandmother and • great.-
reatgrandmother, Dorothy Insley. who passed:
away on January 31. 1993.
We do not Tose the ones we love,
They only go before,
Where there is everlasting life, -
Where sorrow is no more.
And there the soul will always live,
And peace is everywhere. -
We do not lose the ones we love.
God keeps them in His care.
Lovingly remembered and deeply missed
by Doug. Sue and George: Cathie. Judi and
Tracy; Brooke and Clairissa. 5•
HUNKIN - In loving memory of Kenneth.
who passed away January 29. 1992.
When special•people touch our lives.
Then suddenly we see.
How beautiful and wonderful,
Our world -can really be. .
They bless us with their love and joy.
Through everything they give,
When special people touch our lives.
They teach us how to live. -
Always remembered by Dad and Mom. 5'
.ORY • In loving memory of a brother-in-
Iaw and uncle. Ray Jory. who passed away
January 23, 1996. -
Loving and kind in all his ways:
Upright and just to the end of his days.
Sincere and kind in hear and mind.
What a beautiful memory he left behind.
Ever remembered by Marion and family.
Exeter Legion
Ladies Auxiliary
Thurs., Jan. 30
7:00 p.m.
10 Regular Games
5 Specials-
pecials-1 Share the Wealth
Jackpot $650
No one under 18 admitted
Lig. #M125539
International Art
Meet the Artist Reception
Tues. Feb. 4 2-7 p.m.
Grand Bend Winter
Carnival Headquarters
Stone carvings from
Germany- Ines Diederich,
Water colours from' Wales -
Tim Evans
Works by Canadian Artist
Barry Richman.
Community Centre
Wed. Jan. 29
Bingo starts 7:30 p.m.
Regular Game
Jackpot Game
53 calls or Tess $1200 bonus
Total prizes $3000
Due 10 the licence regu)ations,
no one under 18 allowed to play
Licence #537495
Friday Jan. 30,
The very popular New Life Crisis
Huron Park No cover charge
Eating & Entertainment Guide 418 Main St. 235-3141
"Alternative Night"
Feb. lst
Now happening every other
Saturday nir>•ht
Rock/Dance D/
Ladies night - "FREE" 18" gold chain to
be won
Watch for our special Valentine's
evening on Feb. 14. Treat your
sweetheart to a night but at the Ranch
House. Chance to win a FREE Diamond Ring
(another Ranch House alternative night)
CarlsonWagoniit 1!
Lot ill I'ft'.t'lit t'' - lot r,I1 1'1lii err
Escorted by Jack and Anita Riddell
Escorted by Knowlton Nash
RAGTIME March 1 $99 �sT
,.. Escape to t e Sun - LAST MINUTE DEALS Call for details
235-2000 or 1-800-265-7022
Help Yotr child
tb earn �
IRe movement to, aChve healthy' !IL r•;
d Dance Hall
Spm. 1 a.m.
349.2678 -
Line Dancers Welcome
Fri. Jan. 31
Country Justice
Sat., Feb. 1
Country Versatiles. -
Sun., Feb. 2
Old Time Fiddlers Jambouree
(2 p.m. to ?)
Smith - Jones
On September 28, 1996,
Chrystal Jones and Darryl
Smith were married in the Wy-
oming. United Church. The ma=
iron of honour was Carey Stu-
art, Sarnia, friend of the
bride. Bridesmaid was Shan-
non McCormick, Ottawa,
friend of the bride. Best man
was Sheldon Stewardson, Wy-
oming, friend of the groom. .
Ushers were Mark Huctwith, .
Forest, friend of the groom,
Dwayne Smith, Wyoming,
brother of the groom and Mi-
chael Jones, Hensall, brother
of the bride. The couple' are
residing at RR3 Wyoming.
Coming events
MEAT AND 50/50 DRAWS every Saturday afternoon. 4-b p.nt. at The Royal Canadi-
an Legion Br. #167, Exeter in the Club rooms. License #M4059103696 in support of
the Huron -Middlesex Royal Army Cadet Corp. ' - :36tfnc
SOLO TOURNAMENT, Seaforth Legion. Saturday. February I. -Registration 12:30
p.t9%Tournatnent starts 1 p.m. Entry fee $5.00 per person. Everyone welcome. 3.4.5c
VALENTINE'S. DANCE. Everyone welcome; Saturday. February 8. 9 p.m. - I p.m.
Hensall Arena. Music by Party Sound. door prizes and lunch. Sponsored by Huron
County Parents Without Partners. Contact Roily, 262-2430. 5.6
PANCAKE SUPPER to be held at Trivia Memorial Parish Hall on Tuesday. February
I I from 5 to 7 p.m. Scalloped potatoes. baked beans. etc, pancakes and syrup. Adults
58.00, -children 54.00. - . - 4.6'
'EASTER CANTATA+at Exeter United Church. Rehearsals begin Thursday. February
13 art 7:30 p.m. Choral and spoken parts. Everyone welcome. For information call (519)
235-0224. 4-6c
Friday @ 7:30 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday @ 2:00 p.m.
on Highway #21 (9773 Lakeshore Road)
1 Mile North of Pinery Park
inquiries from Non Profit Organizations Welcome
the Former Pinery Auction Phone: 243-2713
Come Check Us Out
(Open )Nonse
Trivitt Memorial Church
Main Street In Exeter
Mon., February 3 at 6:45 p.m.
No obligation to join...
Just come and see what we have to offer
(Joining special $15.00 - save $18.00)
Offer expires Feb. 10
"You ve been our priority for over 30 years"