Exeter Times, 1876-6-15, Page 2!UAL SALlth tion1s sententia, eedetiame pritici Mime ex erminandi, trademit Atm 1 "Stock takiug Sete ' OtlY Otteh Store" coremenee, Th0 franelatiem, of the nbove we gave teed: day of Jime anti \vie coe- st week. Chiniquy sates it is a secret let of 3elv, dining which'', hook, 1Ve eiontot think that le.fia Sterthne batgaine may be expen, eliiiiiquy will be the omens of perform. toter rodueedge priee and ing emelt cheep in the rellitioue semi, otti eat heresy Antigen lneees, tis meet of the eonle of the Weeteru tent etre', tole ee reeults have showo; °""ve'ts 'heR Ile yet litade, If, thong h, es he says, thoneands linVe Provi rice twee eon verted melee tile tenelnugs, it eliotee that he will I -vegeta bottet il,nong owo poo. ph,. Here the People ere more set in thote vita% s, and it le very, seldmi we neer 01 isooveele nettle by either Prates. tent pe Catholic ; ell the good Atte Chiniquy may do e ho to streegthen the miede of let'oteetents. Yet, there 'ETER, THUR.S1)AY, JUNE 15: is »a eltimee, of harm beieg done, 0.5 his detiunciations of the Catholie body lent stir up hielieg in their breasts againet Prottietants, whieli wore they deterteened te ne enuch Petteetilti lit' ()tit' the -Setae, Stock, before took ',Seeing, !)elet,te hegiti on 1.st Illy next. eall ain't secure elime 4 tilos, hat otine ‘Nnteli OlinnOt he eWilerf . STANLEY & J11117+1 YN :telele J11110 1 Nriti t • I 0 'feta ttire5 , 7-,7,!:77`; Ait ilt lit ER14' • not poeeessed et yastly more sense thtei t;eme,two settees siece, the 1-',e//oe;/"'' their mme field+) teal:troll of the Is-ht','1, woule soon tepee into eninite, te eala that his teetitree, howeter, axe in- teresting, ittld m814 1Y0 to hear him en Become: of ;toted taken, as well as from ceriosity. 4(14 in ettotee terms of the presenta. hoe to the West II ran ,et, gric ul iu r al S' eiete of a small geitnt, queetiohed the ace, and attributed the motive ns , ene et bribery. The Neer li:re defend- ed' 1.1n. Ttoss in i lie aetion, mid le nu- n -ere -I 1,,,, tee jeeeesiter as 1'0)10 M'S : ,4 ... it Tih, Canton New E ra t1ovS lot , think wtth ethat the tine:dee afteetea 1.,). sbin'e mem- 1,5',4 of 'Parliament ot gi‘iiift thine iioilli to oil olsar's ild agricultural sc-cieties in their con - nano,' 'es ctui be classed " doubtful gencrosi; v,'• ' :that it is simply a species ef eenteel ethers. We are sorry that our ocunempbr. .,„,,,r'doce not agree with us on this point, but, Under the circumstances, we have no inten- tion of being dra.wit into controversy with . it on the question. We have eNprossed our views, what the New Era Ints said has not changed but rather sarenethceed them, mai feeling we have done our duty;, netbitig eiore nor nothing less, 11rA are Hatisn .d. to allow it to continue in i's present belief, and equally satisfied that the constituenity it Speaks for should conduit° to profit frinu its repiesen- titlive's •• doubtful generosity. ' 2 it does us good to see so much no. ecilfielmess, en theAetet of flies° two e menals ; one being eto it ready to eon-. iienni the act of public men in con - tributing to societies as bribety ; while , the other is equally toady to justify it. As our comm. of Seeforth seems most unxions to deal tairly id lite mat- ter, we would ask him if bribery in his opietiou is classified ; and, if these dif- ferent cliteses each i•epresent, a greeter or lesser clinic? Ne deult. lie would es reitilily ails wer that bribery rio mat. ter how it is accomplished is eneeete %vie'," a sin. This adtiii!ted, we would s sk him if the immaculate _Blake., and ie follotving circunistances should not as strougly comleenned as t he ea - en of Mr. Rose el granting a stun of money to the West Heron tricultu- eitl Society. The Methodist body oi Kincardine at preSent iH erectint.. new church. Otte day Inet summer et. became the .writer's priVilege to visit that town and %elide there, nttendeti the church. .After listening tb nble rddrees,. 11 e ..congregatioe teas hushed to silence, while the while- Coliereeeleseeesio,e-The: eene-Anneal attendee of the South lieroe (to, Or, ante' Lodge, will be iu fleeter, or theeeCith inst. A...fell, ettetedenee ee-, ell -rested. , N e are 511 010 113 410 harities have not helore tide taken etepe to provide witter fet those waiting at the ehetiott for the tee - rived er dopltutttre of trentin 'This teost aptly ekpreesed tit the Vulgar- ism, " o terroi." Bat if water ie elot seen supelied at the etatienetios ebove will he 30 oatne ler Yource, Lemee' Cosiesaer.---WQ under - steed titre the yonug ladies of the eletleehet Clierell here will give a grand Vocal and instrumental coecert 'Drew's ott the 23Ni hist, Pro- ceeds to be opphed to the pareomige lune, The Exeter .13r0.2S 119.11d will be' in attendance, - The fort,i2n teleet will tionsist of Miss Bay; eiltitam ; Ittise I hompson, London t and Mr: Rapley, Bleat/trey. at 1130 itietrument. Tee Imeknow Sew/net men itesietfel; the other day, arreet the t•oenge; of Cayngit finnei A talegrale teas reeeiehid frthe the damping' grand Of a .111°8qt:the Cloloey that the bscaptd were tin rapid trensit, to the lake. In large lettees was die - played the reward ofrei ed, His eyes .glenened ; they shot file ; dimly in the future sprang , vieions. of beautiful mown. lawns terraced walks, 'brick mansione and pea -soup. delete hint. - self around that village like a fiehting rancher preparing to drive off a band of meracding Indians ; he. ordered one pound more beefsteak then visual ; gave his creditors a promise such they Intd heyer had befure ; told his boy§ they needn't Work iu the garden after sup- per that eVeuing ; end weote a display heaaing ,colunin long• detailing in glowing terms the steuggie that ensued. Chase was given by' the consteble and editor, the runaway was caetured, hrougt to town, and examined. The C y iga antlee hies weee conselted, and the euptured agreed in deseriptiumwith the Youngs except in ( very pre ieular The editor has one sitti-fection left him oite of the chased; edmitted havieg been in jail once; end having had a Netter and mother. Herein, it is said; he and Youngs eXactly correspond. ,11.111100. • E=eter 11 -lying Pa k hame ' A TWO DAY'S RACING TOURNAMENT. ERIDAY AND SATURDKI; 30th JUNE and ist SEVEN RACES AND ONE THOU'S ter who bet a few seeonde petite( rie 1111(1 AND DOLLARS IN PRIZES. 'been preaching the word of God in Flinn lengue go; informed the :indite:cc thet he wee in reteipt of a cheque from llen. E. Blithe toe anis aseis1 ing, em building of the now ehurch. -We made Nit. oar Inusitteee to inquire it it was ,the '‘',1.11,? TO read out tims publicly the mantes ' those giving money, aud we foiled , „ale to be the only case. The glees- i. tibn erose; \thy e The only answer we conld fi..ente wtis that it was a, rend ecity Of applyiog the sop of •• give me ee tie vote at the next election." Does our Seneliftwth entente net think the , slime e Sneak eandidly : you have de- ipounced A. M. Ross as being a triber, and cite guilty of 'purchasing his wity into power is not woithy to ne there. now denounce the iirmiticulote Anton, batter. With reeard to the Weet tin- e ie n grant the Ewan:ilea. Keys it is con- ) Vincial in its opinion; aed what Inis been said abont it emitilittes it still inor,e, end makes ite ophrion the firm- er. We e tenet think this fair. Mr. 'toss' citee is old irely differe»t from the one we have ineetioned, and wherein the Nen: 1,:ra supports Ill.r. Ross' action we ntust in part do the same. Cer- tainly the actions of public men re• eeive by far a more careful scrutiny thee those of men ntore privetely shel- tie Pil. Were Jr. Boss situ:ILA its is.. . 'Mr. Bl ' e, and I a eed 0. e to tlit FOCi- \ t•ty tile ot,..1 whittle he did, his motive:, 't for the action might be criticised. But ''''' he lives in the immediate vicinity of the 1.11ding, i8 intimately liege:131)V- ed with all or tieerly all ie it." Besides this, he is it mar pass( ssed of no small 'amount of tneane, and it is his tirivil- e•Oge to do as he pleases with Ins own, 1 , to long as he does not intritde tipon t the steict etignet.to of the law in so do- ing. It may he said that lila. Blake has the seine right. He ntost ter- tainly lime and tee slionlit be most letp- py to see him exercise it 10 the same degree tie has ,Mr. liose. ''.elie ev'd it•e that the II n. E. Bialte intended his to uork for lihnsell wonders in the futttre is itt the feet., that the minister rend it (alone) rilnud before the 'nongetegetion. Fur- ther than this, Mr. Ross was One ot the number who received the $200 extive et llowance from the 1.-Iouse. lie tend 'time and again he intended retnining it to the people. Whether by return. ing it to Ins own Riding instend. of to --e-ilie treasory of the country he did right eve cannot ray, 1)1 t rent -en it he (lid« 'Therefore the money WaH the people'te anti, probably Mr. Ross really end lion. estly , thought thee had the greater Tight, and did it without any idea that he wait thereby applyine the seine eep 6,s did Mr. lelalui. That it wilt towel ,,, . . its influence on, the minds of the peoe „ 1pte tlmre den be no room for doebt t Wane ?nay attribute it • to the C411180 8150k011 Of, W1111'0 oiltere will call it it speeiee of bribery; , . Excursion Trains Run o4 Both • - Days. and remain otter laiee entil 7 o'clock 1). nn on Saterclity evening i en_ A.Ruts'r or l'ATarier A fe'w ileye 141100 the refOrmed Priest Wag nrreesed 111oetreal for dander. For tiOnte.tirne he 1102 teen " ming »octet the anspieee of tlie'(.1rallge Asso" eietiott, and flee:tither; teeth, lotelly of the ehereli ef white) lie watt oude' member. Tito follawinte which ep- peered in onr feet ieede from. one St. 7efitry's eorreepreeclente het,' which the cempoeit.or littngled teealle hi setting,' .i.tofer Buy your tie,kets Of the Allen S. S. Co's. agent nt Exeter. PICNIC -The Kirkton flood Tem: plare with the Winchelsea Brats Band passed through here yesterday im ril- ing on a picnic excursion, to enjoy the cool and refreshing breeze 4 Lek, Heron. 'atm. -Messrs. 0.13yene Co., hardware dealers have arranged with Messrs. Whitson it: Selater of the St. Mary's I.ime 110,1 are now keeping their ceLbrated white lime for sole (me, 13EWAtte or CouNTERFEIT",,---A. mina- ber of five dollar bills of Bank of Brit- ish Ncirth Amerien, purporting to be issued trom Kingston, nre in circula tion, and are very difficult to detect. Th, y are zeturibuyed 23,000 an 1 up- wards. It would Le well for business peop'e to be 01. their euerd. BP58WAY;-On ltfontley nrni n 1/Utt., farti1813 had his teeth tied itt; event of' Molsous Bank, when they broke away, turning round the corner et ,Huron street at a repel gait. The' invner made quick elmee, And eneceed- ed in capturing them before auy dam- age wns done. " Berceneran vs. Exeeerea-The Dia- . mond field is to he oecepied 00 ,Snenr- Clay !xt Cy the Brreeeheld end Exeter 13. B. clubs. We hope that Ilrecefield club will donsia of home players Me ft:ice imp:need feom the Stites et Sea- foi th. CoN4rigiP.NiAitt,---The Bruesels Post, epealciog of the vietory achieved by the club of that plitee over the Parkhill elute played here a few days since, saye the Brussels boys wore treated heed- somely by those of Exetee That's, the wee' everytl i is doee belee) Mc,.; with a big II, to ei We ece.--The rexeesitorIS ileussele correspondent when lie readied home; lifter the B. B. inatell had tether cons fused idees when he said thee he Bytes.. pe elub beet 111xe bi:by a maj(ti y', of 10. Strenge passing .strenee I Try me tin :led see if the sooee bete eon Ex. etee este Brti-ittels didn't stand, li,xeter, ; nruesels, 2. TIIAmEti - 11, t tont inyt of the township fittliers of tsborne is directed to the, tiornintinifintien in an - allot' (toluene,. As the writer there states it is of greet itnportance to the townel.ip that the Thames Road 'elicill(1 be put ti 8tate of repair. As it now is, it is j tiet, possible for a sober man to get alieng; bat e.liet would it be were tee sepply of ry(atiengle plentifel ? Why; tilt, donsequene(ei Might be sutrenee up as follows i tie W 11$ 11, 1 o v ing and tletoted htteband when sober ; litteine nettle no Will, his peopertyle Inhaled over' to his wife- A'S this road is used possibly More than any other in the township, we lioPe the cennicil. \‘ ill take 'st,etts towards Mirroring it. „ FARMER'S STORP4,-,-T110 woe ere now busily engaged excaveting the. cellaefor Mr;Peritter'e etore, ou the corner Smith' 'elide office. FrOm !hose who letve , - , eeteti the teen of the peoposed building he intends to eeect, we tenni •Mr. Fee - liter s taste is good one,, and., to speak from our own negligee tenee with dlett gentleman we ,,,holoa etty, he will do ,e. inoet lucrative trade, aH he ie a .rean.01. 54,001011 and honest'. principles. , 'cltere.---ithe crops thrgagliont this enmity litok exceedingly good‘, And give promise of a bountiful. hareeet. ' In siene pieces the fall wheitt' has :been whiter -killed, hut where it has eeceped, it, never looked better. , There cep nothing, prevent a laree yield of spring whent, if the fly eine °be keta from it. Hsv never was .better, nor presented e healthier appearauce. The fruit &rep has to. say' the' least, eveey appeeranee of being it good one. 'CaterptIlitee are very plentiful, and may be the means' yee doing mueli damage to this crop. CAUTION TO MANITonA ' GRANT:, AND TOI‘RISTS.-- Pri0p10 travelling throu It 'Minnesota eannoc be two wary sttotmd,rqle the shape of three (lard neette 'tnen:',t, Who' with the raileoade ere doily afirtioprlys robbing the -trey. eine; comfit tin het.: FeSti er et len el tig. end tee Noi:theink.eleeetgailatned theee (diameters; atedVevety day we are heating' ofeteople 'Who'll:lave been rob- bed by them.. Our advice tit tea yellers is 1. , -avoid every, stratiger who spen Its cif cetetle, no metter in what way the s ebj ect is' ie trod ucee. e a.; , ,„ e Tee Excantsnie TO L Oftx oTANnEY.-- On Tuesday morning last, the elation at this place was fetrete besiegperby ap- plieantse foe :tickets tO ;Port Staeley. 'Cue Itundeed and nittetyethree nekets were .soed . this .platte, , The e).,e,our- t 10#,clifege. of '(,J o irtirn cfor ie si4elseteelgt, 'here .0,18:15 'finetrit101: arrive( safely at the Port at 11 a, ie. A most enjoyable eeason %VW; spent ; no aczident °colleting to mar the pieusure of the trip. There were twentyeseven tickets sohl at Clinton ; seventeen nt, Key -tete; tveenty-one leen a 1, ana twenty at Centridie. We hope Mr Broteghton continue these cheap trips, aed eite the people along the Rec., the privilege of a aide eo Po.t &Miley or Kincardine once in a while. PERSONAL.--kte V. Mr.' Green way,- of 'Little Prairie. Wisconsin, is at pi esent in 'town, having. been attendeuce the B. C. C'o iference, lately in session in. Oshawa, lied 1101t,/ visiting his' keen& in Exeter. Rev, 3. Whitt( ck, B. C. Minister, who for the past three years, has been in eleirge of Exeter circuit, will) prior to tattieg his leaye foe Lambeth) his .110W appOintteent, prsetelt his farewell :bets. , : Vieteen COUNCI1Y.---Tlib"Oininoll rile purettelit to iedjeurnietoote eeelfeke te ' a 1-10.11 Elieter. 10110 loort676,, Ait tio ir1131111.301'S presoot, The minelpee at the prevents atteting were read and 00e. Itrined ''. rdo veil by Le Hardy, Piec9ilflod by W. IL Verity, thee: the ',Reeve and. 1,1011,80ov, be eatimeized te berrow $1,000 for geeeral miepeees. Cerried, Moved by NV. li, Verity, seeolided by L, Eerily, 11131.1 1401140V°, 3fl', Pililittrd itr a t110 titteet lespector be ft conimit- ''tpTt'litnogdoliLIA've'etatsh0ort'dill':111,'ilf311101nIniall;017)rilbolid steeete by prieate parties, Careted.---• Moved by L: Hardy, seeonded by 'W. II, Verity; that 'Win. Titylor be ' paid $2 for fottr loads ef gravel 4olivered en the etreets. ' Cerriede MoVed by '3, Pickard,' eepoeded by E: Drew, that the Welled adjourn to., meet at .1r. VeritY's on Werlimedey the. 14111 inst, at 7.0 p. mi Cattriedi 1‘1. iliAclowile"Irti, . :, S, Ihnott Fenn Stem -The South Hurting:di Show will be held in Mee - 1 e r , on T 11 u reday,,anel Fritley the 5th mid GUI October. The great ieuccess whieh these shows have met with heretofore. is a suilleieet gitaraetee when we fedi° into consideratioh the prospeet of a. bountiful haevest, that the forthcoming exhibition will eclipse any previous one ever held here. It is more than likely that some of the stock showedeat the Coe-Mimi:LI wilt ba if pteseet. - • New Grete'res.-We rn that a new * (...erenge. in connectiod 'nee. '' Pattror.s of Dustettelry, has been „est 'shed oy Mr. ltobert MeMordie, of 1 tpen, in the eestern or Iiisidown section of Met•,, Eillop. te THE 'flucks.-1),etato riegs . (tee sqid to be more, mireerous tine 'liver Hi Melly places.. The' land literally tiwarms with them in certain eections; and they have already made a dead set for tome tbes and potatteei wheee they hate ap- peared ebove the ground. TIld pes12 shoeld be looked after le tittle, and ats Waked. eig,oronsly wherever they shew themselves: There are but two reree- enee which eneehe depeeded upon, viz : ,1Saris (ireen and handpicking: In Its. ina Paris (erten, ef eoureeethere is a more or hiss den ger', tat VS itli (tile -Jittery °ere nothing need be fetteect. Where (me l'aH ft, Stnall 1)0,011 to look after, however, and Otto devote tho thee, heed „eickwg will be ening the best plait. , 1,1.E NS.A.Lie. PROSPERFf17.--Eitch week shows evi- dence of increased growth in tins dirk', ng village. Scarcely a dey asses but - there are se plicants the village; look ingont for beitiduesite inpon Iv, ice it is their pul pose to, erect puddings. In a ehort time nearly every, euterprise will be represented. • Wool, Bverect.,-Messes. G. it; J. Pet- ty are beying qua, tity of wool at this place paying from 25 to 30 tents per pound. Lees So-Lie-1\1ra Petty sold four lots'on Tueedev hist"; eiveragieg $tiee elic h. CEN TEAL A. -- TIM TRIP TO PORT STANLRY.--A great malty front this heighborhood ovailed theinselvee cm Tdeeley, of the G. W Res cheep ileasnre excursien to Port ltanley. ;111100g. ss leen wits your cor- eesphedeet. The train coes,sted of eleven first class carriages which were conepletely filled end' must haye eon- 'fitiaed tae loweet calculation one- thensand passenger.s. The day prov- ed exceedingly tire and the landscape ithout the picuic greands pi esented very charming ppearanc Tee yoatig: er porteoe of the excursionists enjoyed tauntingly the Verions forms of se hags erected for their amusement. Some , wee were of lively terripeeinnent en- gigect in graceell mevements ' the d tucieg booth to the sounds of piers ing music. But the g; eater part of the crowd seemed to .prefer a five -mile . trip on the lake t he Munrc;,, WhiCh VMS amain 1 sl ed abent Onet: every hour. The hike was very smooth aud calm. Upon t whole it WAS ft most enjoyable trip and the Oatmeal efetinger,,lte'lron 'Mee-, Esq. ie great- ly to be praised foe' ittaugurating and cerryieecett tie 3 al 31,1; of th ,ea very happy occasions. ease - Men, on Sunday eve.aug 'next, at 6 o'clock p. Ho leaves here on Wed- nesday'. itext. , xet , . 'Whitlock has m a deenet ,w a me friends., fleeting been an earnest. worker for.the elm ch. We have forted in him stau Lich frieud,,and, no lose of his congregatien in the chuecle .tvill we miss his frequent visite oereanc- tune ' - Revs: Messrs: Butcher, Holmes and, Allen, the new frem. what we know am'. eau learn uf .them, prove able workers. Ix Eittion.--We were in error in out iseue of tewo weeks since in stiveing- that Mr. Caelt, the Licenee Inspeetoe had vented Mr, Reyuold's hotel, pu the Lake Reed, and had hint appear before the magistrate iu Seafentli ; where the case was decided egainst the' 1r. - specter. It slieuld hay() read,. e Peel - 5.1301 -INE. Ounke tie 11,nvisiox.-e-The Court of Revision opened, accoreing to notice dilly gm in ; All file members, swore by ,the Clerk. aAftee carefelly exemin- feta el le Roll alie makinene lew erthoa geraftl 'kcal 0 irrettions, it Wits Mote:id by D. 'fitter Seconded by J. Heels, that 'tie Mr.' 11'.,Doupe,appollait, has net put ilenn appearance his appeal be die- ' - " ' h R I '"firmeile and that the Court of Revi8lon !hie:tett,. that t e .o 1 for 1876 be r co n• be pow elosed.---Carried. . . , centime. , After the close of the the C Ant the Council met pursuant to adjournment., Alt'the triembers preeent. . Minutes of 1 ptevious meeting'reed find 'confirmed. Moiled by Re Menteith, secoeded by D. Millitte,thae tee aceount ef White & Sons for peieting arnortu time to $33.25 be paid, -.---Carried: Moved by D. Mil, lar, seconded by J . Hall's, thet tile 'Iteityne; instead, ef Mr.. Cash. ...AV -heel! clause in 13eelaw -No. 5, for 1875 for olr. Reynolds neriiearee. at- court; thane the re,guletton of Statute labor mid al- 'W7its iite one.' to %neat- agahiet hint, and' entitle three days,for a man' an& team the -magistrate dierniseed ' the einse,-,:e be amended' so as to read two days. fhis action' onehe Tart .of Ithe,Ieepec- eriarr...edI, •' ,;.eloited 'hs, J, liens, 'and telrOte nett :•.tte '81ty,,,, the !Slease,- a eery, secoeded, beeD.: Miller., that W. Ilbok- pritieatvoetleteznen ;Me. Aleyntileei eette• receive $9,5 foe relief.eeeCarriede itlev- telten some' tegety- fogrenileeette d',13:MY ad" "by 'We Shiefc-secneded hy It: Mon: not,' 'eVeli the "'Satisfaction of:hating te, ,beith, that, Leis 3, to 7 beth inclusive' .11r0i'il tO 51157 r it V C 0 ti, r t i 4 ' ' ' on the 8th nencaesioe form , oile , beet Teeenees',' ltieriterete--A Meeting of thief . 'wotk ' to , ' b 3 ', Torro 'me 1 , t n West 'side,.e0011, ,'Sturruellitogeg 1 i bo pittlime'ster, end Lots 3 to 7 beth in.. elusive) oh thnfitit con. forret ancither beat, chiefeettek' td '''lliffs p frforincd1 on ettet, side read ' J. Balkwell to be pittli master, Mid that 'W. Cook's toad het be very eloquent addeess i-eTee emnpIete.. cancelled.-Cattried. - Moved by A 1108S of the Sumo' Systeneof :00titrio, Mil's', seemeled by Ji. Shier; that Heti- ehowine the itetiessity of the "'Noe hall ileileg. teeeive $10 to perchafte Subjecrtel' At the close of the address clothes with.-=4arried, lu compliance a unaniinents Vote. of thanSe and .an With itenemerously signod.petition from liontra,ey ntemberehip ;were, tendered the efetepayers 'of the mituteipality tisk- 'bite: The Dr, ill reply .spoke .foe, some ing ;for "et pipecial grant of money tit be time of ttm positiondhat Canada' cecti, expeealed foe the improvement of toads, pied et dm feenittentiettleo .He eitird that it was moved by jAlalle, seeoteded by "there 'As teething; time': the Ueited j.. Shier) thet t 250 be 'Spent in each Statee hatt prodnead, ta equtal the-epeel, Ward., foethet purposece.aCearied. 14...7t, men gent': ftiiiti thel,ptiblie schdele el ed loy - D. ,Millat, eetonded by Sr. fealle; Onte,r1o,''.'. Ur, (tee'. -Baird, or...,; CX.' that-hygetat .Isio. 5 kr 1873, de noev reed plaitted fte nembee of Ceohlenne ,the, the tt tilitiLtitilb be pageect-Ciii.rit?i(L, .letr- rfeelegitriel Glebe:. Mie, II. Strang, B. ed by 03%. Shier, 'Seconded bv R. MOneeitlf' A., Geiderieli, ietendnee4 difficulties. in that the ailditors be paid lo caoli..-- '''',1s en eeteilet *Inch he leritreoti it a rule' reef, and ha was nnanirtionsly elected tontlysis snd parsitigt ' Tim teachers of , 'Carried,-.-&04ied hy- X. 1-143.le eeeonded to reed et each .leathra, an& is talon ,ts 1?residont for enothor veer. Mr, 13,, the Itistitete tendered both geitfltre by It, Moniiithy that the, list of petit:, mestere now peetiehted ber the clerk to' from Ste, Thome aqii Re OS Stormily ''' .''"*!1, g "Teattettfeen dleeritlea; adopted, Mid thatelty-litav No, . 1' COO.' glen einit lite() Morelli detre fietning,their apPCIntinent tis Well to \ tauten ad seeandok en?. those of othee ofraieS of council be now \ passaitCarileci., Connell adjottruect • tectitint Penne urf Ad` ettete Tuft B.ven.-Tlib-nuletenet nteetain. Exeter District, Teachers' Iostitute tnente g,iven by tile bancl are inuell ap.. was 1101(1 in the Scheel Hemet) in this reeditted, front the ettanhers plac,-, bit Satneday, 1001 inst. J. 11. thae titrend thole. This :nay he be- elide') Inspectoe, and Dr.Gers, Hodgies, callee tImy etre But we think it 1.)(ip. Minister of Education, were prose is 'beeettee they ere good, ft ilkey be cut% Tho latter gentlemite delitered amid of tie that we are prejn iced +ellen we say it 'gilt) bent eny band in the c(mtitry,, but we thinit they are able to hold their OW13, 11,1 10151: .lireEttAT, (30X: A.S'40CIATrON*.---T1)0 On. nun] meeting of the above Assoeiation was held in Drew Hall, teeter, ou INIondity last. Theee Wes a very let go attenditrIce, eeeli well represented, After itothe tontine bminess, the officoos fol. the ensain,.t. year were elected. 3). 11, Recbie, leeq. did net wish to accept the office of Progi&iit again,. its be thought there wete ()there toot 0 cape hie of filling it, Hie 00111011 WaS flot "fte001110(1 net Co. 011otelid hot tviSh ter accept the Office ,of eeeret filer etioqier year, Nit waeld eel:4'st his inteceseoe all that lay his 'power. jaeliSOrl I Of Eit, mondville, was imanmiongrY eleeted the peeitiofe‘ vtis elected men ft Ilettilt2 Vote of tliattkee Pee., graining fee neXtimeeting'1, Nit', 'nos, Gregory"; .(leogranhy, Mr, P. May ; tggeryl Am. ,Grritnittar, Mr. WM. Itogers;. 'Poachers' eel, eitti fidenn, get Vero Ibetitotee: S. P. ILIA. Institute ,erreptionern in tom ereasneer, mid viee-pre8idents the adjourned to meet second 'Sattnelity nen gecommitniett- came es lar,t year,. ' Oef„, et 10 er'elook rton. 1.088, $400,000. to let Sitturelay August. S. P. see the Palter of the Tie tis.• Seiner.KInneing that your columns are always. open for discassions relattY0 to tire peblic good, anew Me at- tention to tie few fecte relatiVe to certain road in this township, IlOwever, tiret pity tt tribute to tbly")stiantti6nle,ligticiltlet fietlitv*Inteor:3vtltlflie8 071,111618010,1je‘) of ae gOod reads eenerelly as Usbortto ) and tins is due mainly to the eXertions of the people in ren.liing good use of their stetutd labor, in the nerfettilenee of Whieli every one worke with, a will, and now tie y are reapiug their yeward by seeing their farnig fitoeitiO by etren- ilres, ffrttobilloeusdpieitAietielteiet,o %.sveiTtiesoiti4iettilTeeirs midst, Anti now, to the main sobjeet. 'Some 'time ago there wits a waot felt for a leading public rorid threugh the town- ship, when all were taxed eo ektend the St. 'Mary's gravel read to the Lomlon "end Goderich road, although there were many in the tewnship that ha dly ON er used it. Since the openirg of Exeter as a grain nierket; there is no road in the township bn much travelled as the Thames road ; in fact, it has become a public thoroughfare, bring oil° of the leading eoads of the county. Such be - int,# the Case, it is very unjust to sup - lets° that the farmers living along said reed eati keep it in repine, as evidence of which osly look at the very bad state thee it is at the preeent time, so bad that the statute labor to be applied will hardly fill the innurnerable holes that elist terror to num and horse. A.nd what areeier , municipal fathers doing in theinuitter Well, as far as this depenenr can fiod out, they are Simply doing nothing, not even after a petition sigma.' by a lerge number of ratepayees Was presented them, praying for help. I ask again is this fair, is this Mott we shotild expect from the men plaeed line position to look after such nratters ? Perhaps that body will give us some light on the matter. SOURRIPUNGER. 10-6-1111-1.-4 l'ARQIJ LIAR( NO QIN.SITONS .A.51110). -If the porty Who took a box Of Confectionary from the Exeter Station; addressed N. J. Clarkeeeither mietake or otherwise, will leitee the sante at the Central Hotel,. 110 questions wit' be asked. N. J. CLALKE. CREDITON • Imvaevilmgits:-Mr. IV. Baker is preparing to build a new comodious brielt neitel. Ile purposes haviug it toady fee °cermet ion in the fall. T Greenwtty Esq. has re -opened his store here and- is doing it thriving business. tallagof mote tie his family to ilredi • ton. Alia Millie cuts j est erected a new two storey building for tether shop and- clothingeestore, ft tailor has it long been wanted -arid he %yin encloubtedly 1-3anes 1115515 new st(we almost eompleted to he hic when done. Sheldon mid Dill, Tinsmiths are do. ing a thieving business. Mr. Beet• rand, MaSoll, is bnilaing a ben ntiel brick reeldenee for himself, 'W. Tre vithielif C. Lowis•and ' !lees are do• hkewiee, Crediton East the improvertients are Mill more marked. The ecieelltql1 planing Mills are turn• mit%elareie gettutity cf work. Thee areamanhfacturing a. petittit fat. riP mill, which inustatem becon1s the pop• elite niill, it must'be seen by the farm• ers to. be Appreciated:is' Eiglitan• nine residene:e ate going n.r, in thole elle of the villege emote; whieh is a later-, handsome brielebnilding for Mr. Swit- zer, Sr. So we grow. Accinnikrr:-Litst week a soli of G, elortzehadehis leg broken, while work- ing in the saw mill, by a litre° belt fly- ing off anti stricking Li n. He is do• ing Well. Berrea,-Mrs. Parsons WhO ftS. been niter some time is slowle improv- ing. PL'SaCHASED.-W. Sttiltlarr, Esq., OM the dee mill partners has purchased f (tin Mr. J. Parsone, his half itnereet in the latge saw mill ehermiles west of here, APPOINTMENT. --A. A. Tiobltirk,Esq. :4311(301 tencher, has been appointed Jr cointnieioner for taking affidavits and general conveyancing. Snell an ap- peintment 'XIV; needed. Citieriteei Eilber. Esq., Conn- .cillor and a party of four or five leave here next week to vi -it the Center.nial. Av. Bilker Esq. another Councillor has gone to England. We wish them nel safe returns. REP AIRING. -The Connell have 'let con - eeacts of repoiring Central Road, which le", much needed. HIBBERT. A Goon CALP.-Mr. Hibbert is in poseession of most reasonably be set down as biggest calf of its age yet reported. calf in question is of the male we, from the thoroughbred bull feiv weeks ago, by delte Pie'card, and, at two months old, weighed 300 petindtp. There's for you, now. 'McLaren, of what may the perstm- .sold ST. MARY'S. New Fmer..--Mr. Ceas, Jones, of St. Mary's, owilat Att.. A. lefel)ortgall having entered hitt) pattnerehip with his brothel' in 'e'oronto, lute taken into eoneection with himself in the lnev nisirees, alr. W. C. ItIoseetp, it gentle- man of high legal nteitintiventie aed whose ability we hold ill high regard, laving known him for mail years, Rotten 101E11 OAPII'RRID.--On Thurs- day last a man named 1)anici Haye, (Atlas Grant), hired a horse from Mr, .Tos. H. 1),etterettex,,St. Mitet'e, to go itt.4 be fetid ten miles beymel Mitchell. In- etead of going as he said he made for tho border Rini sold the horse end leogge Seettin, Where lie wits ertested Ly the toitliorities enspitiorn On being guettionod he admittett the theft, and a telegram was sent to $t. 11Yary's. Veritertlay;to wee hrotiglit betote Mayor Daly and committed foe trial. -vow- ; IONCAnDINE. 6Ws.--The benlaterpt:ohibiling owe from roaming itbortt Inc 8 kedg 5110 LIM I/0 deildr011f0t0i111. Seine of OUr etretis present more the appearanee .of barn- yards 'thi%t thorouglirates, —The sinall schooner "Gild. &sleeve," Which sank in the harbor bit. gin hot while ,etigaged in bringing a load -of wheat, off the "Penekoe.,''' Wag ' tl e Vogliining o earglo thrown into the lake, WurvrwArta. Ito i-lVIessrei, George f last week, and Stokes, Fred. Butler, Jr., Dr. Itenry and Mk, Mcl)onald, of this town left on the. early train on MondaV of last Clark, week, for the State of NO*11411. - . 0 44 4.igius 0 olio. KILT,N0 IIX TkiN Omni...444ot 'Frid4 tance and then turning off ran into a I, e neat 0 e the eveinng train, when el/out three- largo eir bole below St. Helen's Ieltend.Imege',TrAneen 04 theto George:ell, eherterel of a mile this side of LEI0k- The beige halt motel) for the Pinto), norg Nod 24.Yisgro, I ,How,. And at the Wet drollangr ettlleie 'piontillip of Ceneda: in3tween the Tor., ;.-"tirri""•--1-1.-1141.."----"-""'S""*""'""u"."'---------,- — an Phi 13(1Y nalned Mer -04 wh° liv°4 Oneesehe of London and the Standards Ulla° NOTICE. Iloron Townehip,ldliing her inetaut- ly. As near 35 WO can glean the par, ticulars the facts ere c Tho train woo 1 moving at an. ordinary rats of speed. e and when near the erossing the teld woman W119 eeen aPperently trying to erosis ahead of the tratn; 'The engine.drivor blew the. whistle ond threw on "the air-bralces, bet eotild not avoitl accident, altlieugh etoPPod the treilt before going its own lengldi. 'The unforinnate woman woe aboot 80 years old, and wee returning from church. 'What prompted her to attempt croseing when the ttata waste) elose will never be known. No Maine possible can be attn.:died to anyone. An lequest WWI held, and a verdict returned in accordance with the facts elicited: which we believe ere as above stated. - Kincardine Review; Mr. J. J, Fisher returned by the late train on. Teesday evening last from the Centenuial, but we regret to say thitt he met with a Very painful acchlent whilet at the exelibition. He was putting soap On the Cog itiliteels of the clipper, and 00 hearing an un- useal itolee in anothot part of the build- ing. looked around, when his hand he- arame caright in the cog wheels, iustant ly taking off the secoml finger of the right Land above the first joint, and part of the first finger. Dtkal.WOOD: CAMP MEETING. -The arInnal camp, meetieg of the German Evengelieal As- soeiation, closed ori Friday evening last 9th inst. The meeting§ laeted four days turd were not so largely attended as et; o t former occasions, and were censiderably disturbed by roughs. Bum:Esse- The business- of tho vil- lage is on the increase, imel Dashwood will soon be a village of , no sttiall itn• portanee: There lite now in the vit. litee: two tinge grist and flouring mills which ake doi»g lerge businesii. A new saw -mill has just been erected by the Cook Bros., which will be running in a .short time. Each of the two stores is doing a good business. Mr. S am, now in the. store formerly occupied by Mr. Ittteliell, is prepared to sell goods aei 0110113), as they ean be obtained elsewhere. Messrs. Elea- baum Hall are always reedy to sup- ply tbeir friende with all their wants. Mr. Kraft is prepared to furnish her• nes& as good in; can be male any wl ere :511(1 50 thirds the people Of Exeter, tor tie 13:5 13old two sets to geettemen of that town lately, A new tailor stein has :ilea been opened in Dashwood which was badly needed. Mr. J. Freid of Bletineitn, father of Mr. Noah lereid ef this village, elide 011 0 visit to his son was taken) violeitt- ey tle, and hes heen,in a very tlengerone- orosition for some time; amide etill ve-. ry low. 13 tm..-A Bell will 13e given ,at Dashwoed Hotel, me Frillity eveineg Line 30, when all lovers of the ."r,Ip eichoreen art" telly: "trip the light fan taetie toe" to their heart content. Mr. 'heti, the gentlerimely proprietor ot the hotse Will do all le can to make his guests etejuy thenieelves. 1)igineeeette.-We were somewhat surprised to notice he the ,Montrehl. ateueive ited personal jet. .1- Over/ thee tie/ea:sof the 2tte a.*isgriteefulite signature (If Daeiel Moradi This Vt. ter, wtnelt occupies nearly two columns ef closely printed matter, ie fie tirade of abuse of the writer s vilifica- tion of the Catholie Church, mid libell- ous accusetions, against the resident thinks the officers of the Church at clergy of- this di:deice '''1Ve ate at a 1-stii,on, t who expelled Grangersbeciiese loss to conceive what reasontilde excuse ;1 respectable joernal like the Witness could poesibly give for pliblishing such 7t, miserable diatribe. It is true•that he character of the writer inay be .un- known to the oonductor or that journal but the writing and the general diction end tone .. of the production, should .he sufficient in themselves to nt event its publication. We elm assure our contemporery that the publication of smelt letters will have a contrary effect crone that which it designs them to have, and that instead of bringing the attacked church into disrepute, it will iuspire respectable people with dis- gust. The cane° espoesed :less needs not the elmenpionship of such characters as the writer of the ef- filei.:n in question. If Dan would im- prove his morals, and employ hie titne provOling the necessities of life for family. instead of writi seurrilous letteis to the Witnees; .botli. he aud they would be imtnensely benefitted, and his lithers would be productive of mut:kb:Ater fruits than his writings can ever tee. -Repesitor. • The trees and bushes aro swarming with Caterpillers and the .country is inundated with tree agente. We are unable at present tie glve any remedy for the latter calamity, but Hellebote mixed with ashes will effectually de. stroyehe former. The North Middlesex election hag resulted as those who '.were best" ad- plainte with the Riding p edicted. and Mr. Colin •Seatcherd is now the sitting member, having been elected on Wed- nesday by the' majority of 196. His majority in Lobo was 226 • in Adelaide ; in East 'Williams, '89 ; and in Aliso Craig, 2. Mr. Levi majorities were : In Biddelpn, 115 ; in McGilli- hvirdiely,.6.5 ; -Liman, 78; and in Park - We would adviee ceir reedore to. be on their guerd when receiving $4 bills, itS We underetaild that hope ones of that denotainatrin are bi cireulatioAn here, some havni,,,,, ellen Oeen present- ed at Banks before being detected. By mainpulating the figure 1, bills of that; velue'hiteei been made tci appear, 154. casual glance ,like $4 bills. 'Some bogus $10 bills are abet in eirealatit.n, a, somewhat similar temptetirg with $1 bills causing . their transformation to the apparent value of $10. of Ilainilton, to& place St the Crys- A tal Palace, ott the latter places Vriday ISairi4 fROCrt(:rtill°eCnte'ran240dre:14tilbte dui:1144 ).°C°Ioar °ft 2h8e ..itr:111v4 l'atAtetr'tite f4 linnet eolnreunicotiole a the lid'A :it: :if ; I Di t';'1•,. L.. A... Vk and A. 14., Ontario, held ' . in. tire Mechanics' Institute, ';London, 1VI B8SIIS, JONES 4te MOSCRIP 7tle and 8th June inst., the following 67 , , 14...- 7.- Pr.,*. DIP.. 370e:letorlola..loceoh. ,71...G., 4,t,I14.... mr, (:..t!'jC4/11',/' w‘ (1^ AtC)SC217.iy, itt,. W, Bro. 14. 0 'I D' C 14 9"eac*-414ttrci" T3164* 3v6tilr 81" t IturY'° ' ogi,e,orp.,v,,er: ejle:Ft,:::..--timerf ci,, 4 .Ny , 01",11414.14v1Z;rna:,%,"ila..;°ALcd'8i°4"" in B.** norreotors, Attorerpat-how, eioucteori in 44, Aev. 44 Q. Collamare f I G ' ; the ittouleeeieoreet i$01713, If$00/41ig be ;Pose tectory, ersreether, oti Friday ,1.57e, two d'ultlelt,P. for eta* eaueluese. . Dorm** ;soot eitter Aimee Net Vale been yenta Tees k greener ave .) 9P, tietesit Rwav, „:,44 WU: TA: WErdigele.t.ti G. wCriletiaPs: Nv4t..3iv,Fall;zCige.r4RkilgGistsrfetor.. Very W. Bro. 3. Smith: O. 8, D. t.: 111V148°,8 dittaelreGif' IfT4D 44 a 44 D MBowtoon v of " lance, A 0 Secy. 44 44 44 J B Sabiue, G S 13earer n G Wzigley, G. Oignist, " " G M 13eechereA €1. 0 " " T H MeConnell G Pure. "Bros( Jones, JO8, Ire - dale, E. Mara, 8 C Hersey, C. F Col- well, E K Slater J W 11 Davis, L Ellison, 8 Turner, 1 II Barton, M Sol - onion, M Morrie, 1:1' Stnithf G Tyler, Grand Stewards. Tilt next 'Minted conimuuication will be held in Toronto. Competitive,etiiminations will be hsld in West Huron ite Hay, au Moudep Ally 8rd, at 0:80 ft. 1131. ; Stephen, Tilestiff Jhly 4th, at 8:80 a. m.; Usteitne, Wednesday July 5th, at 8:80 '4. m, ; Ashfield, Friday July 7th at 0:80 a:m. ; Colborne, Satur- day July fith "et 8:80 a. m: Circulate have beep sent to all teasing° enclosed in serni-annual re- ports: .• At Philadelpl I t. June 9tle Gold. za:th Maid attempted to beat her own record eif 2:14, but failed, her best beet time being 2:10ee , leer. Elijah Miller is about' building a large factory 'on the Innis of the old " Excelsior:" The braiding is 60x46, two storeys, and will be ouilt of briek. Mr. Miller deserves the eueourttgement of all for his energy and " biz,'" and we trust he may Meet with po miehaps, but shortly be talking furniture to his old customers on the new premises. Rev. Mr. Thompson, McKillop, not accepted either the call of 13-tice- fiat R algerville. His 'people are pleased with his action, arul neve pre. sented him with ft purse and address. At Newmarket, on the 25th ult., a young man muted Wm. Hughee ran a rusty mid tu his foot.. Little attention was paie to it, as the %vowel did not 800111 ill 1111.7)V44. serinus. Shortly af- ter lockjaw -set.ib, awl in II dey or so lie was e eereise. , The dobtor. attendence gives his opiniou thiet the death ot the young woman -who died while dancing at her wedding, at Bedell. on the eixth Met., was canted by tight Indite. Rev. E. 0, 1V,' McColl has resigeed his peetot ate in Brantford in connec- tion with the. Cengregational Church, and will take .;'fiee liene,eforth tem efettiodiserittilis, working under the Tor, zito Ciinference. • Late advices from ,Clitoietepartethat ereligieus reef, oecurfPga oii- the 2.4th: APHI Chuno* Iiingine, Province of ,serzeinien. About twelity native Chris- thtne were killed and dome three hun- dred housee.hurnede A correspoi dont o'fthe Brussels Post Some thne since, says toe Brussols P9st, 111e, the Brusisels roans dry, mailed, a letter Containing $50 to a city frrteh, b*.tfi reC6iVhd no itektiowledg- ment of its reeeipt, Fingnities were set on fobt by the post.ofliee atitloritios, and the whereabouts of tire iniissing letter hag been traced, It was (mind in the cast:oft coat of the person to whom it wan addressed. and who find (ailed to itertnoWledge receipt., Post. ottlee officials, no doubt, are onju8tly biamed through such carelessness, On Feidity some men, While reining a stifle net in 13oucherville 13ay, saw en. tangledAn it ft sleigh Markt) No. 18 and. thillemiting of le hotee, It appears they- were. memhere of a secret society, should parry..ottt elle' principle. to the end and expel certaine.membere of II secret society mud. 'call themselves horse trainers, There Intesebeenem .reprieve as yet greeted to Ward. has beeu visi• ted by Several 'clergymen, but they make no impression' orr him, nor does he yet apeear to realize his position. His friends still hold out hoe° that his sentelice: wilt he ceininuted to imprise ailment. The shoriff hes put on extra turnkeys and guard:, to prevent a sec- ond Cayuga rase. ocenrring. The exe- cution is fixed:for the 20te, inst. A requisition is to be presented to Sir Alex: Galt, ttsking hini to allow Itim,elf to be put in uominittion foe South Outarie, as an Independent candidate. , V: B.' Farnsworth, tsq., .of Paris, F,riday eeeeleed by ettpress direct from England, a very Valuable English Field Trial Setter Ilitebbe.. This animal's pedigree calebe traced back for over one hundred .yeare, :end '6 from the best breed of her class en England, She has cost Mr. .Farneworth tepwerds $250, and ite peribabto one of the 113 oat valuable dogs in the:Provitere. A young child of Mr Jas. Watson, Sarnia, was drowned Friday by'' falling ineo a cistern, while the lid. was open BOSTON WOOL. „..., Boston, June 10. -Wool -Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces sold at 80 to 42c fox XXXX. mostly at 80 to 42c, the latter for choice XX, which is rather scarce. The stocit of all kinds of fleeces ie now quite reduced. Some heavy Ohio extra sold es low as 80c. In combing aud delaine wools nothing of consequence has been done . a small tot of Kentuelcy combing sold at 860; Wetitern combing eennot be quoted at over 85e for unwashed, anti 45 to 480 for washed ; delane wool sells at 42c ; sceured at 85 to 374c. Pulled wools ate quiet at 27 to 410 for superfine and extra ; Eitetero and Meine superlinee seld at 50 to 41e. Thet3 is it gond supoly of weals on the market, which con only be force! at less :Legatee. ' " LITTLE 'FALLS CIIEESE MARKET 'Attie Fells, N. Y. June 12. -Cheese -Scales to -day of 5,782 Imes of fee. tory, at 10 to 104e; over 8,000 boxes broeght 10+e, and 1,200 b-estee brought 101o. Farm dairy -Sales of 80,5 boxes at 7 to 10e, liuttor, 2o to 25o, with very' little Voidness, , asteitt Ti/ittIe.),stroirla, TO :TAS'rtIttlil. nATTr,r, .L•sail 6 tele iteleedte }treated It n 1,, Well watered, Wittekg elide Weekf front tue inatersigned, Thltillffit...Iteataoldi, fee; 2 tear -00110i50; Yoro. ehle and tater, 70fl per metal , 4tirlitto(ilii. . bolt 41)Atil , , . , . DE AT 118 Stillitit,-.4tt Nippon on lithe fitlilktr ettre, that litet winter the' aminal bad 1)e.en Wit 1,,li,liat6l'A'Aftf3(1,4107k3s,Ythliriii. Ito. tr. Iv, left etp,e', teeneeette at a hotel. door, I ' ‘A`sod 8,j vtem.,,, ' , ' ‘' III" 11°Y iiii ;V 1 t 1 r r I f I c ; T., I ran it, a f 11.1)( 6 044'64 01 latihl .o.' AarttOt."'-`11itiqVittakt ,,‘.ttil 9 vemitna wife Of 10WO,1 ti -ti traelc oh the lee for a die- 'Itttoleis Aebtele eked till Yeetse .6 t w (ALT StR WIPED 13"'"E‘INTO THE rriEmislEs undersigned, lot 6, con. 9, of 1./sbortler cerefonday, 29th May, 1870, a bay ntare 0014 one wuite hind loot ; white spot op *ahead; The owner is requested to proctf#' opertY;: pay expenses, end take her away.. „ CREDITON PLANING' MILL,. Sash,: door and fanning mill factoey-ona mile east of Creditou. 4-14rge Stook of good dry seasoned lumber on hand. Orders prompt- ly attsnded to.. Call and see our new fanning mill. HENRY WALL &CO. Craditon, March /0, 1876. 30.tf To it -ENT. A large commodions Dwelling on Main street. 'MICK STORE dc DWELLING BOUM, Rouse - Coo Frame Cottage line stable TO BE SOLD either Inoue or two lot*. WIC GRIGG, Ilain-st., Exeter', Family and Pocket Bibles, Hymn Books., Prayer Books 4 ,e •unday School Requisites . s stationery of all descriptiMii •tr,-ii • • 'e Albums, Concertinas; Work BoiscWriting Wyk* , NOTICE. rp HE ANNUAL EXAMINATION OF CAN• didates for Public School Teachers' F111:47, SECOND ittid IlHIED Class Certificate., will be held in Goderich, ceenneneiug on monday loth July next, ut 9 a. m. It is indispensible that candidates sbenle notify the undersigned not later than the 20th June of their intention to proftent thenntelvea for examination. Third Class CalOichtfits, order to get a certificate uniet abiain one. third of the total marks in ft. ithrnetic. gratu, 'mar and spelling, and fifty per cent of the aggregate. . Candidates who have obtained Third eland Certificates in other counties shall not be al. lowed to compete in this county for Lim same Class of Certificate. • Candidates for first and Second Class eel-. tifiitab-s will forward the necessary certificated of 511500 8 teitehing. And all are required te forward dertificifes of moral character. PETER ADAMSON, tlecy, Board Examiners. • Gctittrich, 'Bine 2m1, 1876. • J DEVERATITJX, --Sliticesshr to A, r. Nichet, st. 'Mary's, r I-Leee Ines'Vet. 13E08 leave .1.3 to aonoun. IIco to travellerg and the public, ' generally, that having pnrchas, ed their inter. ests in the Liv. ery business, will be pre,,ared to furnish riga ablo tertus mid short notice. J. C. DEVEREAUX; ational Hotel, St. Itinroft ott retts PIT OTOd-R'PHS DUCED. *1 50 I --)ER D C. SENIOR. wOODHAM. Carriage & wagon Shop S. FORD would call attention to the fact that he is now' prepared to get up any description of Carria.gcs, Buggies Cutters and. 'Wagons, in the beet style and of the host workmanshipe }farina a first-class wood -worker, natinfaction 1. guaranteed. Particular attention is given to MILL PICKS, and the utmost satisfaction gnurontee I , Specind attention paid to horse.shoeing eueral jobbfng awl repairing t.:eA call solicited. 5. FOHD, April 27, 1876,-1m. ONE HONORED AND FIFTY VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE IN THE 'VILLAGE OF EXETER. ISAA.d CARLING, to moot thit wants of those“ wiehing to parchase property, has surveyed And laid out A large tract of land near the L. !ti. & N. a tation, Which he offers for man 45 .privat bars Li oNid uuNDuED AND PIPrY Village Loot. 'Chid pronerty in 'Well situated, being in the heart of the Village, aitd in the ilninediate vicinity of the station; ,also having the advantage of 1naking them excellent lots for banding and garden ptirposes. , Rioter within the Iasi four years, has doUbled . its poPulatiou, it noW gumboring abog 1,80 '1311b1 is, viithout doubt, owing to the great impetus ErY011 15, ((Ma the railway facility it postillion. Not only tilts, but its eltuialon it the very contra of the best tract of countr,v Caiirda, adds much' to the teeute. rho prosperity end tlio future of the Thorn itt nest rin,'estalAished Market, mut geed 'baker* lifyin it who pay as good fl..01' int, eta. dues as 111 he paid by thoso in any ot„er utteket 18 tire west. /biting the mooth of .bayand the th it *.tok °finite tag aVorage pnrchate 03. grain Was about 1,260 buidmii Vor day. 00 tate lay cal Wedficedi0,, the lIth anti Itit aunt, no t•ly litishcild per flay wefe yjurchttoe. A11 t g Ain r's Asa shipmoilt, pantwo tha ereearty °aurae tee d'Oettlitioori'prietinec Mots equally reedy sale and t thee et MD 0.4111 (,1.:',V)‘":*, ill of the prepeiW Offefed for Sabi -115.01 fetiflold intiiit It& eirtlreal. this Wilt inorenso- the *AMA bectonWthlt 'Candy 'Town of 118W COMA! *Mai table& nourt,,When preeette Infilding,thaterlid eue evetetethe hiyom, abie to, thiiNtrlitiOlitaattalfallklep hoine flitlies delved, AI the nedeiditiVied Of Mein P,tetist trite tort rettionitbic. mid 18 e geed teecit for Innti *tan linutil moaner tteint. Viten: t n'oet contrin eotition of Biker, there the ferfae are ery terisetteint, InsO rifest bill Idiliga ute twovetty tees: tirmi *ill be tO ilnit them, ror farther. tetetital are, eteete le' , iseee feN Itteeter