Exeter Times, 1876-6-15, Page 1[1:t
4144441 13'443.0,1,12
0-11140--4-4Nt doo-r tO
300 lea stete, et, /,xutor, /koltigocti
kir*, I/44401"4
O. 4090,14t ¥.1).! 0.T01:
catetatra-paet utattil tharers
ttolo ru.Y14•404IllUi409,1b tke.
Utt140 4414140)07444,4',:xotor, On
4)41°0110401700 4Q 441.,euri. 7 to IQ
tS* 1.liOW2ING & I.111trING,
I-Fl>u ho Stirgeous, Aceortehears. Offleo,
Mediettl tabort‘tory, OUL, ll()Or north
of Davit.' blacirPutith bOp, tii tV,xotor. TO'
p410104,3,)r, nrce,vning's,"41nrou st. ettowN.
tsn (Vaduate Victoria College, Mentbet
leg() tiky4i0Mw: Stivrt444s, Wm, LtviNci,
41 CiidttICt0 Ouivocstt;,-"eduity Collogogmber
i,yvieua Sing -QOM: , 8S-tf.
bet of th
and Is als
Paten -01c
ra t tOn
• --
VOT-4, 3, NO, 43„—W130,1411 NO. 146.
N-D1MEN, and 00, Donlinion
has /flatted Tairiattliently4n Exe:ier, paapo in Fab,
sou.NewBloek, 113-1y
•• 'WM. SWE Pa'
1,1tINAHY 413RGEON, Ora. Cada
promptly attended to. Office and residence--
nea,rly opposite John's TOL Shop.
TT KINSMAN, Surgeon Deotist,
• who has been in Exeter over4yrs.;is stilton
and allthe time. Game and,resideneu,next door,t,0
0. Eacrett's Ilsruel3S Shop, Main Street, His W1I('
also is always oa hand to attend lady patients. -
Ws work is guaraitteed inferior to none, aud so.
Parlor to that of,in est others. Totinfi more liberal
than any all er in this county; upper set -very oest
-S15.00. Pillirms warranted aye years. To prevent
being misdirected.take care to enquire for the Old
Established Dental
ters, ttoindys, C011inlissiOnerS
B. Llko
t) -.CLUTTON't3 BLOOR, Street, St.
Jou•AUDING,.•• • E. W. ILinnzpro
Barristers, •Attorneyseat-law, Solicitors in
'llitancery,. Conveyancers, CommisSioners in Q.33,
lott Notaries Public, St, Mary's
tie Pioli-HuttOta's 1110444, W,aterSt., St. Mar 3..
Out. 1-1
eee es (rriage 'Accuses, under the new Act, Credi-
• ton, Ont. 24-ly
) W•
- • Marriage Licenses under the new Act
nt*the Post Office store. Zurich, Ont. 41 -ti
r BROWN, Public Auctioneer,
L . Wineherea. Sales prompty attend ed to
orlus le %suitable.
\V1 111 • 3011, 011.. 1i, 1878. •
burge-fl'4e/ttboYe ':otel has eltaiigea baleie
is thoroughly retitled for the commit of the
trayelino puldie Clow tin d eigars ta 'the'
bar. Attentive liestlei• al•waA s in attendance
Poems for Commercial Tilts /erg
WAt Cuiiirr..+AAA, 31rop.
ef.,C- IN S , 1-10TE re AI:tyke t Se:Jere,
.._ Stratford, Robert, Shot% proprieteor.
bolet has tat'ut,y purclutt,ed and overhauled.
ex•rellmtand roomy stables. Attdative bustlers.
c tl.ittou fdr sae traxel ring bu LI ie,anti
hest /in:tors (tuft cigars al -tb e
trazford, Maicit 0, 1871. , 30-amos
el Y 0 frEL---erhis heeee,
ea,affeeeeeeee•-••••••/--e-leetee.eeee-eeseeee, e„
ie,rnyho imastod and
possesserTevery c coot odtiSioxi for tlic .1)1112..
tic. Splendid e:.ab ring and shed -shed r.304r;
fatentire hostlore good Donets and ,eigars. 25
1'1111,7 URAL HOTEL, MA:IN Seneee.
1. „A:Exeter. Ontario. `. Olre Bissett, Pronrie•
et's. This hotel is now and fitted up in the bet
stylo. Special attention paid to the vants Of t
44 avelling pohlte. rgo samalc rooms for coin-
Merdita travellers. Good stabling and 0trenztiV,
new 4ind commodious liot et is
rabid up throughout with first -furniture. The
hest of Liquors and the choicest of Cigars tit the
!rat. The house iS capable of aecomm °dation :15
;nests. Extrellent stades and an ritteldive M187
tiers. ' (54-1 r,)
()ERE N'S' LUCAl\'. L-
eese erepere s Oroprietor. This first-cla.. bot(r
bus lately changed hands (from. W. O. . to
Bowcy), cud is fitted with new fur. ittirc
throughout. Pree 'bus to and from the station
Office for tbe new line of 'busses to London. The
bar is replete with the choicest I,quots and frag-
rant flayanas. Four commercial sample roon.
abort stabling and attentive hostler's.- A in s
rails to and from ciandeboyd. A good liver3-
stable. in cetinection. 114
Harry 13rown, or Winclielson, informs his friends
that be can supply them with all -manner of reap.
tug, mowing and threshing.inachine repairs, lie
is riiivItys roady to moot; his friends, and do his
best for them by supplying them with wood or
iron work. HARRY BRO WE
RE STORED. -Just published, a new addi-
tion. of Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated Essay on the
radical cure (without medicine) of Sperma torrhrea
or Seininal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal
Losses, Impotency, Mental and Piaysical Incapa-
city, Impedimonts to Marrin.g, ets.-; also, Con-
sumption, Epilepsy aud Fits, minced by self-in-
dulgence or sexual exttavawinee, &a:, Price- Of
rileaded envelope, only (.; cents. The Celebrated
author, in his admirable' Essay, clearly demon-
strates, froze a thirty years' successfuf practice,
that the alarmlug consequences of solf-ttbuse may
be radicnIly cured without the C1.011g01:0110 UE0 of in-
ternal medicine or the adplicaticn or the knife,
pointing out a mode of cure (a once simple, cer-
tain and effectual, by moans of which every , suf-
ferer, no matter what his condition may be, may
etre himself &manly, privately', and radically.
'rain lecture should be in the hands of eVery youth
and every11107.1 in tne bola. Sent ander sear, in a
plain envelope, to any arldrerls, post-paid, on re-
ceipt of si K cents or two post stamps'. Adclre'Ss the
publishers. P.,1311/11 GAN. (t S ON, 41 Ai.* st.
bmw York. Post Office 13ok413C •
FOr tho proS‘ctibit Of thefilytibliii 'Of "Bidfilsh '
North America. X doom it my' duty ...to , state'
that my Pills mid: Ointinont ate 'neither
lb anufactured 1105 sole in any part 01 the United
States, 15ach pot and , , box- boats Alto
British. Govtrrament Stan:A*1611th° words,!,310,11q.,
way's Pills and Oliattnent,Lonrinnm Igravcd there:
on. CM thelabel is Gm address, 583 Oxfo.ld street,
Leanion. Th0s. notice ban become necessary, in
connerpinnee 01 -vIle arul- spurious intitations tif
" olieway's•Pills 4101 Ointurent,"
b , . fabnen tad titrid:Itttidi Lane
NO York, by par ties styling them-
selyeri " Rollaway ()1 04Y,, with au
(0114011101 tr ado nut& %wi-
t' n p 5 1 0 cipled Venders can ob-
taiti this 355511 at 4, vory low prico
gild itti (locoive yon by Selling the
Sarno for my geomitrellarroiyrty's Pins and ()int.
4nont, whin)/ arc- mtrinfactitract only at 133 Oxford
etreet, toinlon,, Persons wile may be deceived
please conlirmie a te 317 311 In 0.1‘1014 v resneet'blefitnis
in the British Provinces who oht-ain my niedichrert
direct from' here, 0 eve, very properly saggested
that I Should, fdt,the benolit of themselves and
the public,. insert their names in the ,papern, that
it may be knewli that inadieincY can 1)0 111'1,1 qonti
Intl ftent Munn. The following hi a lisi of t it: (inn
alluded 36; (to d f ilattictilaily i ()Co:ninon (1 thone
-Who detire to get toy medicines to qtbly to 4Orne
of the, houses named (-Messrs-. Avery, BroWn. ICZ
00,) lIaliftor, 77. S.; 14100Rtc, V01'0“11 34,-' Co., N. S,
lifessm. T Il Barker tt SolniTgliijohri, E B ; St,fr,. T
Des Brisity, Charlotte Town, I.' Pi T; Messrs, Lang.
leY & Co., Viatoria, B UT liloantri. `Noon .t.(16,,Vic.
tette; 13,14 Dr, TOiln Panel, thatani, E li ; moses.
Isfutro a 01)., ,Nlontrcal ; Messrs, ,t 'miter .ct, 040,
• U 'Milton ,... Mr. ,ti 0, Itose, Toronto; rift, A C'hip-
men •Smith, St Jelin. 0 l; ; Mr..' Mtn Pond, Gorier.
1411; MoSitY. Illtlirit'rk atm '1')' 111 0 t ritay?, Mtalonor,
53 ,tehit, 0 il ; Ilfonm Tr ,It t plgton Bres.„, ,53, joith
11. B ; 'Mr it Pridtly, 'Windsor; MI'fi ()9y313, MOrd0nr
0 F.1;,lsfr George tinnt, (5., Fredriektont N :13; Mr
Wit ,r hempsonit Harbor firaee, 0 if ° Ittr it M
Wilfry,Vredeleaen. N 1.3 ; ",1.1.;e9Ft W &,' 35 Ttiile,
Itrenf,ttatl, The Medieinas are seld 5,3 DM lowest
wholesale' nett /irice.1We:111a161311e 'Of net lege
than £2( Wortit-Niz, 8s. 5., 2.24.,_ and fits, per dozen
bOtes Of Pills 01' ilel,4 of c:ininIent, for Whie,h re.,
Mittaneti untst be sent itt rt4vphcd. .-
'P1101\1,14 if o nr, ow i'
4, N. tam CANAbA, 60..StPA,NPS fAND14,
31 hero -fly emit ton all p10118(11,) aol reit Crating' 09
-teinovIng tittIbOr tkom the, lands the Canada
tienipany.- 10, I CM -ta.ptoSeente 31
' 46*tif0.10.).•6'39,A0 thei tattiest riger' of the
Timber A tt,tit, Orof, co,
eetee „May • 8143.
I( EEL' couStantiy, .tuAnd, the largest end
Rest Assertment of
Patent Medicines
• IV
Tootle Nail, Hair, and Cloth
School Books, Toy ,Books,
BlankoBooks, elagaiines,
A ebuensFaney Goods
Pencil Sla es, Lead Pen-
cils, &c..
" Co.'s (..elebre.ted Perfecte(1 Spectacles
Prescriptions and Recipes nniekly .end acen-
rately dispensed. Remember the Place -Di-
rectly opposite the "Central Hotel,'11
Exotet: C. VANDUES •Lit Co.
Exeter. jannary 7. 1874. 71 -yl.
Savings and. Investment
i)ebon I ures and Mortgages Purchased,
Pa rtirs 3-1Onril can ,ablata rd
raactl 1»ym y aftp?•ored Cif y or Fara!
on application office
London Jan 12th. 184. 22-2m
Oysters !
G. t€:.4 A_ND S
*Post °nice 11 lock.2
An !excellent stock of Cil00011638 and Confect.
city 011 11t10(1.
SpOrismon supplied. With Anmiunition.
'ScilionI Books, • Stationery, Magazines
N.B. --0W1.112 AitLeldll0 Noodlesof OVOTy Rind fo
‘.._)1 CHASERS.
30 ,or 40 Village !ots
With frontage to Zurich Road; Or sale at
Already at this place the am about,to he erected
ft:number of buildings; There is, also a. good
speinaia opening for Blacksmith; Joiner and
Carpenter, Shoemaker, and all other branches
of Trade. Tim 5tation is numbered second ir
point of business on the
L., H. 66 B. R. R.
For further particulats, apply to
G. & J. PETTY,
Machine Shop in Stdorth,
T_TA,VING aria up the premises formerly'
LI occupied by Gray & Scott, W3 are pre-
pared to contract for e,
Pfotiring, Griit and Saw Mills, Sh Head-
' Mg, Stave ahd Hoop Miteltinerys
Blacksmith work and general repair prompt,
ly attended to.;
Shafting, Polleys, Grate Bar and other casting.
Brass and Iron Pettings, Pipe, tie. supplied.
rOnndry Afanufactutitag company
11013211T IIDNOIMAN,
' Mamaget
Near 'Mansion He
Seaf or tlt ,:Fob, 5, 1070. , 21
, ,
Gttive Satiettatioil
r4333 /1/1543)l teerefereeey yew, detida Ong SW*
zeoct Ztopt)
arly mr,L, ReCHMOND $411,
448,00606-ferneesettpubitforeeeert flee te
Oli 6, • '
Lendpii, $3r85 34, 100.
Heave Remedy
Perry' 's Cattle Feeder
ra- Those preparations are the Most reliable
in use.
L Two cutters marl; new. see DR MOOR
reilOR SALE. -Two corner Lott/ oppo-
a_ site Dr. Hindman's.- Apply to JOHN P
MARSt4ALE, 'Exeter.
sal e. -The undersigned oifere his substan-
tial brielc dwelling.house for sale, situated j
lune north of Elio-M.11e. The purchaser eau have
whatever if tantity tit I and he May want, not ex-
eceding 511,01'08 Wit1,11101.10e. a'ernis easy. Por
blither partienlitry enquiro of Tnriat,is ArronnW.
bir• I.' 0. 81-31
leelOR SALE, -T159 sebscriber offers
for s.tle a, house and sta.71e, and one acre of
land, nue.11alf nine south of the Village of Exeter,
•511,1 would exchange a light wagon -nearly new -
for a buggy. Pot particulars for the lmnso and
haat apply to 35N13141'; 13' wALICEE, Centralia.
Contri1446, 47 tin 22.'1878.
•:e1,1111.13,1t1 FOR SALE. ---The iersign-
1 el offers his faratcom.posing lot 1, con. 8,
-r.fsnorne, 71 Milos fi•out theriaing villageelExete5.
c:oodtwo-story te:iii,kanntse.,48oknarne and63 ;e;beds
evre,raltst 4.0.a.te '1.1p ',:aitalfrageod
cU:itivation. The faxiii mntitins100aeresef good
land, -80 aches cleared. Por terms apply to
82-3m Taom-AsJAcorrns, Elirnvjll0 P0.
scriber offers 105 81510 the NM, j of lot 3
con. 3, 174thorne, containing 10 mores of excellent
taxa, 10 acres cleared, balance well timbered, a
dwelling house, barn and stable c the premises,
also a good young orann,rd of graft fruit and a no
ver,failing spring. DiStant from Exeter four
miles. Pet further particulars apply to 3.33783117
SEP, proprietor, 15xotet P.O. 73-31,
DIIOPERTY FOR SALE, -To lots on Main
I. street, containing one-fifth acre 0[40 ;
good frame Cottage, containing six rooms ; good'
well and and stable on the premises. -
The above is eligibly situated for business, as
the lots are 040 front lots, nod convenient to
the street leading to the station.' For nartiett-
lars apply to WHITE, TIMM Office, Exeter,
TelARAI FOR sALE.-By private
_2- in the township of Usborne, containing 000.
17.011C1r0d. acres more or less, being Lot 8, South-
-west boundary in the Township of Oslmtria.-
There aro good build (nes on the mart ises a good
supply of wafer. Being situated seven miles
from Exeter and five intleS from Granton. Pm
nit/dealers apply to JOAN H )DGINs, Whalen
P. 0. 1406)
A. largo Quantity of Private Funds to. len/ on
Iteal Estate.
Ditoods„ 1VZortgages,
WILLS, &c.,
Drawn on Reasonable Terms. Property for Sale
and to 'tent. Apply to
Insurance' and Land Agent -Office,
Faeson' Block, Eeeter.
Exeter, May 10th, 1875.
J. ILL' S,
Dealer in Lumber
AlL e%tensive Stook on' banci, 'the Lumber, for
Quality 09 35538, cannot bo beat. A good assort -
merit clwityri on hand, cheap for Cash.
Ward East side Main Street, botveop Gldly and
victoria Streets.,
leap' for Cash
418 toh,r) f41141 a half in'les wewt of Ex -
or, on the town line of Stephen and Hay,
llill stuff ciit on the shortest notide lets than
fifty feet,
le preparea to ad all litede ot
11011SO rraititinM Paper,lial ging
%Vhitclif3(g3 3(3113,4
teetietable prieee,tne pueefuelly,,
Hein -street; texeter.
(5t4'. Aerie tO,1676, ()3,1-10)
One by one the sarels'aee flowing,
One by one the Mountains fall :
Some aro "coining, some ate going;
Do not etrive to grasp them all,
00e by ono thy duties wait thee,
Let thy whoM strength go to eaeln
Let no future dram elate thee,
Learn then first what these can teach.
One by ono (bright gifts front heaven)
Joys are sent thee here below;
Take thorn readily when given,
Ready too, to lot them go.
One by ono thy gifts shall meet thee,
Do not fear an armed band,
One will fade ati others greet thee,
Shadows passing through the land.
Do not look at life's long sorrow;
See IOW small each moment's pain ;
IGod will help thee for the mallow,
So each day begin again.
hlvery hour that fleets so sl,,wly,
Has its task to do or bear;
Luminous the crown, and holy,
If thou sot each gem with care.
Do not linger with regrettMg,
Or for passing hours despond ;
Nor, the daily toil forgetting, '
Look too eagerly beyond,
Hours are golden links, Gop's token,
teaching heaven: but one by one,
Take them, Mat the oha;:i be broken,
Ere the pirgrimage be done.
The stormy December eenight. wa
closing darkly, and the *teeny dee.
°ending, snow seemed to 1111„the eir weth
fl wildness of whirling white plumee.
But Mrs. Owendell's boudoir, with its
luxurious appointments and svareale
In the midst; of this dreary December
twilight, seeraed like a bit of summer
Blanche Bassett, the pale you'll
.earnstress, had just folded up the &mit
ly satin dress which elle had bee,
working upon all day, ane wee oratin
on her faded bonnet to de pai 1, when ,3
Mrs. Owendell herself swept in. II
'What going already 2 Be en -e
L, 1876,
Iever ishould transpita that • we ' liett
been mistaken, I shall feel as if we lee
done a gruel told •barharoue thing tin
day,' • , ' „.
* s: sic -, • * 4: * '
'Good Hetivense,ItizzieT exclaime
ItireOweodell, one morning, as lie Wa
glaneitig otter the breakfast "table 'it i
incredible!! • '-' ".. • '''-. ' •
. :414/let's' the nitittOr?''
.'Poor 131andlie'tassett Ines'oemnitited
striOlde---poitioned bereelf last nightle"
Mrs. Owenctell -wale More itheeked ,than'
she lilted to ow -so turned vey pale.la
Poisoned herself?' th
'Yes; the paragreeh goee on tie-ettete 1.1
that' see Was driven t tiet • byretitre re
vetiou and misery, ne beeilig liffe-u ni•
atife.to obtein loy etir„eince-tslie w
figured in a carte' ' isgt O'fuletease of th
theft pome' two. ntlee ago. ' Poor • m
glie. poctre'gieleeLiz I 'slitilenevenefor. itl
o began to laugh. That' laugh greW on' '
d me. I found myeelf lineble to. stop
s laughing. My' ()yea hegan to moisten
end run over. Now a men cannot
leueh iu thet fashion end hang ou to
sAYt- P3(0.
1,)014AWAl. *1.111•10-
ritiffilit) QX04:01004 'Were nieeted
ley Rey,1L Jeernter.
The libt ftf Stations wait reed eh
ttrd tme and eoPfirthcal. They are A*
ITitli3,-r . Acilktottnhie)btoo4iiiii4001,111,3n,t,tilnititeenr ,--olif: CcAb4.mrg----.7, kennel*, J. M
S , Tredrita;
' IM] e'f)41(P'''''": \ V I" LI) (4Y ' .4 t 0 11 14 IleYO AlLy .
' ;la Valt11)t,e(1)ii.pI)0°rratR4 1:alltetZ;LPI!rtlYtit(:)).wjl;
TR A1\1'1\1-'0'11 \\P.' '1°11 ilr°e, g.
1 'Ioville`-eelt, W.Wiekett ; jeownianye)e,
IL Ejniori, d. Gale, ,..fitiponoluu4to ,.
Or43 Grano 41.40ti'T
Coientrg, , June 0, The Orange
Cerand Lodgfite of British America met
to day in Ore Court -room Coboura,
a pin at the sante time. have triecil Grand MastO, eioleetizie 13owell, AL P.
it and Itnoese Fleet one finger bogan presiding. T
usually la,rg
gates being
The Britt
eormoif,ntgh je13t
Erand simultaneot
DL.° ultis, of Rockwood, le the
trielperaeleltrilltcattteaft, South Weilingt"On itt
to slip, then another loosened and gave
akvay a little; tho nmselos of my hand,
Would net onOY„nlY Will to' contraet.
I found it imperesible to retighten my
grip ; 1 hooey it 'would probahlY ba
atal to drop.' I endeavored to stop
ughing. owib is a well known fact
at when one thee to step laughing
e can't. If yen ever doubted this,
ader, never doubt it again. If tiny
• strnve, to stop, did. My eeert
153 1(1 vain: fairly,shook myself` off
e and droppeee.` That Sphered
ee The instant, I, struck -the floor,
I laughter departed.- saw South.'
gitte",•nieself1foi thee- petit that • Wi
affair,'7.-. *, svi
.11, , et, ete
fdf-I bad' etipti-tee`d. sere wee ne sriell' ee
* ' ' e
destitution I synule Ireeeee'elit'lienthr it
relia,i,' said 'Mrs, 0 ve4,1id611 'Cii-4u44'.°4,' 'M.
fe.„. .. ,,,,, ,., - ..'t",,,ty ,' ' , • , • - fii ,ree
• tat.. am, very seirithetigh'F there stan'iie ne
riordotibt, that. 'elki,itnle 'the "bracelet,' taY
she wail ditiehitit ' ' '' frl
, .
ill 01 0 tigli if ''P Uld 4 not' ' be i.i.tve,d,'; and do
, ,,,,,mr..,,0 wen de*-eilt 1 to !Mile at 'the lin
el: coming, I seieed lield of the
e attendance wag Nil-
OVer one 1011)(11.9d lole-
ereeet at the opening,
American Grand 01315p'
e1 Knighte of Ii'eland is
eeting in the same place
ly with that of the Orange
1 'Experiments.
rE) Ameriean Grocer,
agriculturaliet es ex -
upon forcing the growth of
earls of eitefirn pipes under
and hue suceeeded in fore,
O f fifteenlinchee`ehigh in
hm date ofeplaiiting, The
V017, 'lave alwaye turned
eomparison to the vine.
• ides,but the practicability
eidow sill `the Wood of '1+04 Vcrt3 'ret:i14.1te,!41
dor; sunk mY nails deep into it ; ,
%V. The 'next thne; he swing gPa
'and' the circle was saved by tt
recto, Oita tt carunee, its,vP vt"
eoune, for. I wasjust poise*,
self for • a plungeett•
or when the en usicroceased ,,
anA Sat down., We all cheer'ok,'
'ted Vitiefe " TA
teja,y on the ii.qe*:` ''''
velem,. Theft:Pe& pie"
i If
d'own on tOto'fort4i:oaa and-Iti.'tit,
,„,8i,'414 •,t I. „ , ,, , •,,, . ,t, ,
0 e b eel, d eie e „eye eye ,e,, a
sYlien flee, eVeellte4 Ito' 4itee,litlitiat '
Inarvelled to dad aspritypfct*Ith,itv '
t'oses, Just lilossorning- rtro'• it„iya-ooe,
laid 111 the lily hands that weire*esSed ,
-., . ,
:io..nleekly:eu tife gielieh iireatit.:-' `" ' t
-. ta - 4r ' :',1', 4 4-1 ',;.,f
A onild afternoon hi
tli ue and fidtkea : Wall '461t..'efiatetee'of ,.,F
1164411e &teed 'itifil qii.St '''4Y-'skiiiidell*S..
meusely. I eheered eon:
-;0", i*-41°.5zai'leqi:iA0-9.44kaltillitit,:,
taltaOlfit3t:'115;.disehailflogl k'V; deWeneqe;a14isie's,4eivotv1thet-
the trettlements.--;" It isreteetiyeliing
to Out 1 could do if the room was one
ly,larger, is ? said he, appealing to.
zue, " No; this room ,is terribly
ertampeel,"Jeseeponded, thinking of my
narrow escape,- and fearful that he
night repeat the perform azice ; t" ed;
ii,ett,ed., :lancer., can do himself illstice in
t I would not try it again 111 were, in
our place."
4Owersu, Peerheet 'lrealeest s'eteets • '
maned lier,iheiloor' opOria:.' :It was
let; tu tid, with it paeltaee in hoe hand ,2
•If you please; ma'aen, a 'gentlemen of fa
ust arrived from. China, .kft-thiiit'is
?It11:."'ir"I''' •
*Sere is a Consteut beyie :and eellinge
ems gofrg on frorn, ye o. e
eerie of teelarm,ei, and tlas
oil r couutree:, This reeeleee,
<change* plesent, toetitiott
one, -htindred,a)f nales 511
tvitticaSed oAr da
f evoielereat te
fathers, when a T1101)
113)1 11011) leftitete Ins son
livrm,•lie commonly contie
gene by the eante, farm Was
ecru Mr. Greenville, 130 trays.' ...
,. ,. , Gilbert Greenville was Mrs., Owen.
collie early. to.tnorroW morning. TOT ..,..• ;ten*, f;,,,yriie,nertekee,„
am in a great Intrry about the dress.' 4.wild, littrumi-
et:ear:1m fellew,' fled of lute' rent life who,
lengering, however, ae if she exeectee 0,1,6iiitment the, , v•61,y day .,bolv,„ wel)
eoinethin,e more. But Mrs. Owendell .4, -,,ie ,reeieteeeeee toe eatee___:theetz,,e i
Itsiisa'eibqiiiseti,noatiosttaf3o,si;nsiniiielgitigo;:if.ie• :tleinf,temrcelirini finfette;:isilinatmallioe. 1lei,ietsta"li;?oteit:ilt rieolvl,rvee.rasehileeetilheed• '1,1 1 PG.:::::11;Bdilpt :013: pied 1,3r the fft,i3.,;111_,ffitii. er.,:411.1:
, .
trtion, she af a .1 "Ifo n 01 all, tria;ain 1,..,,,,e, .1.1,1.1 (leg 13,, brbie theeseal l thl 'the necil'alialrae"'"4"'" .;'e
Would it be convenient 'or eoe to PO
f ern in S. great harry this evening. •,,o-ttuel ,-3•elorti ito e - e..., • .44 homestead Was reyeeeeisee
me fortlte day's werlc now :" - es. .,.,..),:etipitatcy of it Was -4S,`
An expression of Iclein (37015)) 10(1(3 e. , ,
yiIege... "There,: wasp.
ttirriel;away In, tVloit Ilto,--ro-Tr.i TArltli'npt
ment came over he girl's f.• ce I*0311(;, oj thesu. eces,eoe,
a Word, wliile'ltIrs. OweneeTeentlemed lee. ,la ellt,s'iierleebt1Fes ,
treeteesea-the stenue i is, an aeprt 6:
"Yes, rP9-''rri." s'tia 131al'el"'• liad eterted for.China „0:013130ollieial
orced i l
of an h
.ittih:aPo'nfleiat' ee:
ottistlililloiceepnhlil 4ittall'in:11::;-,tdet. 6
two feet'
fastaifeet ire carried, over poles will
11.01 of thoee plates the
1.:::ie:::::7:1:esete3C enit was as above stated.
are wee used, and in oee
itSetlso followee by throe
piing the circuit ; tut abund-
v- crops within a month.
e u is not necessary to Iiinist
f the row to 40 feet, and as
and easy thing to clo, per.
of' our yeaders will make the'
C. .13ai•ker, Editfer .004 ,eloeik SteWaid ;,."' •
E. fieberts, General Financial Age11t
If aneptoe- S. IL .illee, Lintbert
aolUnibus-e-W. Beer ; ' Osbawit,
Kenuer; Seeitle;
Prinoe Albert Qoanee,
g.T.Iparlacion, supereinnotted Toronte
Webber; Uebreiffe-Ii: Maliett,
B, Bo A. Itforris, eettperaiintieted
0(0)11a01,..,1ce,AA,0. ofereallot4le,t,er,-44We:
Kichard ; leenlon-H. A.
Nwre`i:91,--1111)Je, ;11rjaii.uridestl*ETTI;11Goltnlaiirea;
toti-ele Ashley ; Itlanvere arid Carlt
ter -j. W. Buteher, 3. Ed warde, sup
;114141/1114:;t1.01tute_el ;0, lefDitucilli jetlildeey ;eer.thiribooinnpeet_...,
FL T. cooniee; Cellioree-T, Mason ;
Grey --J. Ball; Palinerston---V",
13att ; Allin ; London--
,j,T; ,Weerheietni°,eeki'l;peeLeti4nunliblitettleir-1
St. Themes -1i, J, Nott, W. DaViti ;
Ingersoll -1', 13roed ; Dereuarn-J.
Veale;G°.°11e.11C°60tierer-lonlid; 44V°i°nraii;OrH-aNLY4:
Apes ; CharlOttetowe-W. S. Passioe ; •
Bowe ; Wbeatley,River
a rGi ;I.' e ltati;Aal c71.
getables by,electrieity dates, 8111'1;1:LES, t'lArg:BT)(1)In"-1!; I.cAlAtleY ;
etiwtli of tornetoes so that •
s 1E341 when a Mr Pell
lc, on the Hudson River,
orn the date of planting,
re eniall ripe tomatoes an
efer. Tife,-following was
its dote :e --A tow of toina-
tv.feetiong wero set out •
stifeet of copper an eighth
hick, fourteen niches wide,
tiong, was placed perpen-
o feet in the ground, laving
he air ; at the other ercl
, 8111110 size WAS Bill1116rly
Sebin ; reti-yidso'nP;e-rei,
bon-j..Getienway;' Yorl
Coach; Little Pro Durubletort
Burlington - T. 11. Dry ; Cleeelend-
8, Jolliffe; Orange--G.,Bodlel; Chao ;
rin Ceapple; Cleveland Mie '
si°Pne-riajiistPsiniiiiscvoit's given to the Trustees
of Bethel Church, Cone:nem; 30 1j tho
church they now worshiped ine
A resolution 1111,8 paesetletnauimonse
ly, strongly disapproring of the Sab-
bath funerals'.
The next anmud Confierenee Was ap-
pointed to- be held in the village of
Exeter, to begin oh the first 'Tuesday
in June, 1377,
RVs. 3. Kenner, W. O. Beer, and
A. IC:et:tad were appointeif the Ex-
amining, Committee fur 'the eUStiing
Secretary: Rea% 11. .1, Nott,• General
year. •
Rev. J. Ilari;ie was elected 3Iission-
ary "Secr‘etery Rev, 0, Barker, and
Mr. AV, AVieulfeet, Getieral" Teettsni•ers ;
Rc v. , SV. IL Qetince, General Chapel
,Stlibt1)svtba:s8:311e4.1)S°011VSeetl,Crett.GlatlitY.t..it- parchrn.eint
certl mate` et ordmatmu be henceforth
feenieleed to young men at their teeep.
,tiorriato full camtection. '
, The reports of isoverat Secretaries
show the following etate of affairs. The
General 'Finendial Aoent • has raised
•durinee tha tear, 70y protniee, $17
740.6e, of winch nearly $5,000 !MVO
irt/,,,,s _ago h.o, wits., two 0t4,3_ keen paid. The reeeipts of the Mis-
1 •
. •
an American, sicnary Society -for the yearhavit been
iat,threilne'ts.6("i' itt7leia7; 900f $
1b,e8i..81 6 27 Tiiiii:rteo:tti,:ei
s 41 -lit: 'tenirdlftteli'tk'n,ri:'-"4r:-4Pj"Li0.P..r-•.Wj!,,s:..-;..
larti'AdOne succumbed. The description $3.17,84023 ; 'present vithie zs
which` this men gives of his eufferirg $370,002.57, being au ithareatee of
is almost too horrible for belief, and it, $32,156.31.
is cliffic,ult to find it reason for the se-
tectien of this mode of punishment, de-
neendiug each a profusion of eltilfid arid
tvearisoind labor ; but the victim. is of
the opinion that the natives who are ex-
tretrjely jealous of their indepeuuenee,
wis1ed to have in all who might eseepe
livin,g witnesses of the danger to \which
„,110.30 exposed 'themselves who dared
to make war Among, them.
Four hews every day, for fonr
months, he was visited by an urtist 0,
the oountry, who, while the prisoner
was firmly beta down by three men.
with a sharp lancet dipped in India
ink, executetl niannere of designe
alma tlie elan. In this way the whole
eurface of the body was covered with
hieroglyphics, Burmal• characters, fig-
ures of men, women, eleehants, mon-
eeys, crocodiles, tigers, plattte birds,
&e. ; fact, a complete illustrittioo of
moural history seem-. to be reeresented
on him, ited all well a fieenees of exe-
cution and profesion of design hard to
imagine. Four years since he men -
Aged 63 eseape from his enemies, and
since) then has been travellnio 01 En.
cope, wherever lie gees eit) sub-
ject of carious study of medtcal mon.
EARsst „1,,cr don
\teethe rise aoy- more ',thee. I degerve,for'
;. ftor d!, 3h133all:act ,,Of :SO:rens,
1)0), the day„.I came to bid Ton gime
bye, your showing ma cliamond brace-
let, and my laughingly comparing it to
my di.too nil ring of much less value ?
!link ef my being citietess enough to
weer the bracelet off on my wrist (e.
young man, at th(1t, too), and never
liscove,ing my mistake until -fifty mile:-
•1- blue sea rolled betweeu me and
mine! I know you must be anxious,
so I send the brucelet by a good friend
If mine, who is in a homeward -bound
craft which passes our ship this morn-
cat 64 Taylor 7raltehai
War vis-
t1„yeiwnli,er4.et'.. :111;91 , 'scarioptiutteisfio;
e lese, than it tat='
a led Geor4e;COnstanli33313,
irth; yeais of
latts.sive herculean frame.
ii`er hurried search, throwing t 'glim-
mering -jewels and costly ornaments
hither and thither with reckless hest
A.oparently, the investigation was v
for at length Rho sprang* toward
door, as if to cell 13125100e : end tl
remeniberieg that the eirl haet
gone some time, stoneed, and st
Awhile in tben tholnzilt.
Ovvendell was itting before
dining -room fire, his feet poieee on
fender, in. binged enjovment of
evening. paper. On ft table beside 1
etood a decanter containing wine,
191 0110 heed ho held it glass Leif fill
some rosy liquid. In short,
OwendelI eels' talfiror comfort. after
'"fitfril fever" of is day in the city.
"Well, my dear;"saill the gentlen
lazily., its his better footst
crossed theehreshold ; but ashoglan
Hp and saw the peculier expressior
hor countenence, he sat down the 1
finished glass, exclaiming, "G
heavens ! Lizzie, what is the matter
My diemoad bracelet, Frank --
diamond bracelet, y 01.1 knew--" -
"What of it ?"
11 18 gone- -stolen, mid have rea-
son to think that Blanco Bassett has
taken it."
"Nonsenso, my dear! said Owendell.
who had risen and began peeing up aud
down the room. "I evould 158 80091 ens -
1,801 you of the same thing ! Why.
Nanche is innocence Itself 1"
"So r always thought ---50 shorthl
have watt," ansWei ed Mrs. Owendell ;
"but the bracelet lay on the table in my
boodoir the; marning ; two of the ser-
vants sftw it there fllso--'uld hOsv it 14
gone.. 13lanche is the ci:ily person be-
sides myself who had entered the room
eince, and I observed that she 'Was nu.
lamely perturbed when she went away.
'Frank, I am sure that she has taken
Ovvenilen wellred encl dowe the
floor with hurried, angry steps ; his
tvife :awned against the mantlo, patting
he e tiny slippee OD the floor, awaiting
his decision. '
‘ti Alrt soery for Blanche -very
sorry," he said,,at length, with a fever -
flush on his face ; "but that brace,
let efra,e worth five hinclred guineas.
Search the peemises!thorettahly once
more, and if 'Rif{ not fotind-"
"Well P"
"I will sen(I for tho pollee nnae."
1 *
1 of
t he
171 -
"A, thief, Mrs, Oweridell ? Am I sits
peeled of stealing ?"
Blatiche,-Bassett had turned as white
as ashea, Ate 8110 stood with °leaped
hatids and dilated eyes in the nttreow
room 'where she dwelt. It 3V11,5 small,
bet very heat, with its White:bed, and
the muslin curtain looped away from
its one window.
“Orficers," gaid ail. Owendell, tern.
to the policemen, "proceed with
3 search, end in ease 111 18 frnitieSS, belt
the law take its Course, Come [pare
tilt." woo
he toolt her husband's 'ann. and Ole the
calmly from the room, heedless of wan
wild borists or sobs that broke kern Spy,
wottuded depths of tile poor` girl's 1 va
,tipic,,I do ilot really thinit she tech was
the 1)racelet,' flaia ., Mr. OWeildelli Villa- had
ling uneasily on the stair& lolve
`14eneenee l „ Wee it spirited aterost? like
yon willing to 1080 live hurelred who
619 rather then eleteet the thief 2' Pine
V011 Livetie' said Ilia to awl, 'if it lut ic
Dou't trust veluable jew.
els in the irreverent jaws of it carelest-
von ng ,icApegrace again. Levo to my
Will write again soon.
'Your effectionate nephew, GILBERT."
Mrs.i.twenaell threw dosvn the letter,
end tore opcn the packege with fingers
that trembled so violently that she
could hardly unfesten the securine
bands. There it lay, trembling in the
light like so many drops of golden
water -the diamond bracelet which
liall been the death warrant of l.foor
Blanche Bassett 1
With. a piercing scream, she sane
iusensIbleam the sofa. But it wee tor.
late for the young victim, who heti
passed far beyond the reach of earth')
restitution or amends, into the laud'
where God is eternally just.
Ftrilcit Dance 111 a Lag Cabin,
Southwick was the best dancer
ilicre that is he covered the most
e..,round. this performance leas the
theme of universal remark. -It is style
was sub.uh. There was, a certain
abandou in it, which few Ameriests
could rival. 1 know but one word
which can at all describe Southwick
when Liaoning. it is-omni-prosent, Tliis
epithet is in oderately accurate.
The room was some thirty-five feet
long, but he was Often at loth ends of
it at the same throe If to rivet the
attention of the audience is success,my
friend certainit achieved. it. There
Wits but one tlionght on the part of
thewhole coma S9/10214SWEr Southwick
danced I it was to get out of the liay.
Greater unanimity in this vespect wee
never seer!. Nevin' before that evening
tlid I desire that a romn tnight have
more than four corners, bnt more
than once devoutly wished that that
room liadliati sixteen. I called °tidy
Palineee attention to the terrible lack
or corners in the house. At the titne
Inlets thei :suggeetion, the ohl gentle.
Man wag tr,ying to force hiinself in be
tween the door post end eheathing,--
lie appeated ,eppreciate it.
After it few proliminery flotrrishes,
Everiti shouted 1110 weed 't Go 1" and
Southwick struck out. I saw hint
coming Mitt dodged ; I escaped, The
t,t1trie ne swung round I Wee pre.
d for him, There were several
den liege driven hitt! tbtl lege 1101%r
ceiling such he ma forefathers Were
t to, eeation their beefebains
ing One of these against the well,
ultered from the door and chitchod
The scene from this point of view
vol picturesque. l'he fellows
obeerved my tnovernente, mid fol.
a nay exanaole ; it effected them
91)1 inspitatiOn. 16-71 inetnnt tbn
company were mane/Idea fioin
around the rotnil.' A sono of the necessary
rous 6 er a e my torler, and in winter
fruit of the. same oi.cherd. Then there
wee ss home) feeling, home associations,
and home attachtnente. Now the farm-
et- looks -more to his pecuniary gains,
and when offered a large price for his
land, hesitates not to sell. He quits
his beautifel home, his weleceltivate&
tcres, emigrates to the far west, and
oommemies a life of hardship that he
never dreamed of. It co u be safely
said that where one, man seceeees 173
this undertaking many fun. if he
eould only sell his fan -n, how gladly
would he hie back to the old homeolow
occupied by strangers,mn1 his enclosure
contai»ing the graves of his kindred go-
ing to ruin. With the advent of spring
flttny will diSpose of their farms and
remove to a far -Off country, to under.
•eo tho privations and troubles incident
upou establishing it home in a nee
country. Or telvice is to ro nitin
where you are, if you are comfoitaltly
,ff, be content tind remain so. Do
not exchange a certainty for an en -
certainty, unless powerful reasons are
brought to bear upon you to seals it set -
3182 a distant region. Stick to
farm, forit has never tiled
time of need.
the old
YOU in
The Art or carving,
It is wotth learning, worth in fact,
the expenditure of a good deal of thn-
Arid patience in order to its thorough
mastery. When ai affable but modest
host has two or three times succeeded
in landing the hissing turkey in his
neighbor's lap, and the platter and
gravy in his own, he will appreciate
and strive to familiarize himself practi-
cally with the following regalations,
laid down by the Rural New Yorker.
We would merely suggest that his first
experience takes place in a retired part
of the house, where no qui intzuces are
present to mar the solemnity of the
occasion. The writer says :-11 is not
.1.,110.,,Ina THE $11.11111iN.
A large lifeboat eroseirsg, the bn,r of
the San Juan River, upset, precipitat-
ing the crow, consistiug of two officers
(whit(3) and ten colored men, into the
water, the boat being turned upside
down, " I felt," says the narretor,
" that my life was not worth half an
hour's purchase. The coxswain to tho
boat, a weakly black man, rose tong -
side of. me after the plunge. He was
in great terror, end I felt that if the
proper tostandin earvinge. The earv. s'tarhs dil not harm hint he could
ing knife should be warm end thin scarcely reach. the 'slime with nit lie!) •
so I encouraged him by telling him 1
would swini by him, and give Inlet a
hand if he felt tired. 'No tired, Ill A999. ;
neber lived to be tired ; look fit dein
round us,' I felt that he tvas -as elOSO
to the truth as possible4 for we were
literally in the centre of a shoal of
413159k34 whose black triattgular fines we
uould /100 011 all sides sailing around us.
As the beach was quite close wo.tirst
endeavored to inftke Ghia, bat soon
discovered that the current w154 30
stvong ehat W0 mute io heedway and
We ere forced to turn toward the boat
To carve fowls (which should niwoes
be laid with the lireast uppermost),
plaee, the fork in the breast`, and take
off the wings and legs without turning
the fowl, then cut out thetnerry-thought
cut alines frotn tliebreast, take out the
collanbone, cut off the side pieces, and
then out the carcass in two ; .livide the
joints in the leg of a tttrkey. In eerie
ing sirloin„ cot thin slices feone the.
sides, next to yon (it must be put on
the dish with the tenderloin tinder-
neatii)', then turn it and ent from the
tenderlo.n ; help the guests to both
kinds. In carving it leg of Infitton or which Wits 140 yards away, drift/Mg
1116111, begin by erttting across tile mi1 ottt to seit, tttrlied upside down, With
die of the bone; cut a tongue itcrose the rest of the crew astride on her
ansi net lengthwise, 9.31111 help frOm the keel. There Witre nothing however,
iniddldpart, , Carve a fore quarter of a for it but te 8W03 to }iota aiid aided by
lamb by separating the elimilder from tie° strong. claret:A We sOmi shortened
tile ribs, and thou divide ribs, To tile distance. All tliiS tit* the sharks
eerVe a fillet of Veal,septvatte the ()remit were atoned making, 1 fancied,
and brisitot, and then cut them up, aekentaile' eitelee, and ohoe tWitA 1
itlg which io prokrred, In carVirt a thought I felt soinothing touch my
tug it is Quaternary to divide it and tali° foot with I rush aa these horrid brutes
off the head befOrd 11 conies to tlio tatte c1 effYlat the y bite. If it waa
inany persons the head is revolt, agined 11 *as not a great 56re110114 haw-
ing t, cut oft the ribs and divide tin) ribs, ever, for, we bad'hot, got twenty yat
In carting Attention, Inftlfe & deep in. Ahead of tile SpOt when ;.ny' companion
0113i011 dOtOti tf) thO bOtki to Int killt the shrielted, threw tip his netts end dieap,
juldeeeatid filen Wen tile broad end to, peered beneatli 1110 wttvce, ..A, 1.4011) of
ward yoo, euttiort deep in thin elleee, blaelt fine Mid their midden diee,ppease
Ftie eeteltlle of Vonleore etit frOm' the anco under tile water WWI 1110 1st
tail toWited the ether end, me etich eido. thieg I reirembered 4111111 1 round tay.
in thin 41iciete Witrea pletes are Self 41Ongsido 0113 Olin in the stern
with veniSo71 Atia mtitton ttild theete Of the outtei lvhieh had been
are aeerealrle tot all raeitia, sent to this 93813u413'
In Philadelphia they have handker-
chiefs with the • Declaration of Iude-
penclence printed on them in French,
Crerinan, and English, so that one lean
blow their nose in three Itimguagee in
the Qual(er city.
Art received rather an awkward criti-
cism front a freceand-esev yming inau
will recently niet a scutptor in a social
eirele, and addeessed him tittle " Er
--01.--59 you. are the mati-er--that
inakes-or---ninti heads ?" And thei
wee tile artist's reply : " Er---ei•--not
alt ef 'ern ; I didn't make yours."
" 'the S. Pant and Minneapolis
Pioneer -Press and Trilimie," is the
name of a Minnesota paper. The ecii.
tor says ceeliiinges weiet give credit
when they have a loeg name to set up
in Italics, end it Wf.1.3 prieeipallyem this
fteconnt 1112153 110 adopted 'a shert title.
Dom Pedro is learning our laligeitge
very repicl'y. The other morning as
tie htid down the New York if eriild, he
remarked that he lied a few (loners' to
bet that somebody would knock the
,t stuffing " out of Tierkey before Many
moons hail waxed and waned.
A NUNN' Jersey street car (111)2 wrote
to his sweetheart : dove, care match
whet I tin, you soJrn to feel 'stuck.: tip
abeve a boss -car driver ; if Illy band is
lai.g,e my hart is to. I want, yer to
runleretited that it iS easy to cry tears,
bet at the 3159129 time yer hart inity be
trifferu a benstrap."
A sure meal's of destroying the p0.
311110 bugs. :Mi13 one gallon orpriissic
acid with three ounces of rentrock,
Stir well, and aclnonister a tableipoot).
fill every lieur and a half till the bug
shows signs of' weakening. . The13
stamp on 0111).
An old Baertiet ininieter enforced the
necessity of difference or opinion 'by
ergnineut " No, if everybody had
been of my ()pinion, they would all
havo wanted ity Oki woutan." Oite of
tne deacene, wile sat just behind him,
responded: " Yee ; fr.nd if everybedy
%VAS of my opinion, nobody would have
Onb Ohio editor gays of a coritern-
oorttey whO had assumed the pert of a
inuotiny in a dramatic perfortnanee';
"He WAS obliged CO put a, little apatite.-
tiou 13,tO 111111E401f to come tfp with the
15(1)1 1.) Ivear incre recent'
; but that was about all,: "gature
hall qualified hirn to act to part."
Listiop Sinipstiti's Centennial pray.
er was niore them twiee as long' ftS
either Presiden t &relit's, General .11( -
lay's or Mr. ' teeech," r.rbe
Bithop dteibtless supposed that it Wits
the first prayer ever hiettrilby Initidreces
of tele tiowenaper presene, and he
tliought they couldn't get too intieh of
tt g°i°(0heyolte
1 thirlg; o°tiiul?Ilwi
lay av rriday to
citkeh fig13, They teempei &font fife
teen 13311e5, ithiseided it hook in a Most
nrelesiroble part for hoo/cS in 0116 a
the party, bad a kight 111 Which" Ono of
the bop lost three teeth, and another
1133134 108t theit' alao Ati'HAV Ilat,
They' Were gone eight IfottrS. Net're-
su1t of the ;, One fish, three blftolt
039o5t five stone braises and 401114il as..
itnettettreit of blietere, Thitt 3 te pert of
the beeeted Of the