HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-01-22, Page 20An excellent value on 1,2 and 3 bedrooms In Hensall. Heat, hydro, fridge, stove and fresh paint included. So much room for the dollar you have to see one today. Call Steve or Shelley 262-2827 r, Page 20 Times -Advocate, January 22, 1997 16 For Sale ELECTRONIC DRUMKIT - Roland Pad 8 (octaped), Yamaha RXS digital rhythm computer six external pads, cords, etc. $500. Jr. size drum kit (real drums, not junk)$100. Call 349-2249. 20 Property for Rent TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT Spacious downtown apartment located on upper level. This apartment has five -rooms with two bedrooms and heat Included. Call Dinneysat 235-0173 9-6.(40t1n) 17 Wanted to Buy 20 Property for Rent WANTED • car seat for toddler. Phone V/ANTED - decent renter for upper duplex 23.5.0173 or 262-3446. Ask for Jackie. (4c) in Zurich. Good size living room wish TREETOPS, Dashwood and. - .237-3207. (4.5c) 18 Wanted area excellent view. bright kitchen. 5292.00 plus utilities. Possibility exists for right rentor to buy this property. (519) 453-1847. (30tfn) RAU MANOR in Zurich has a spacious 2 bedroom apartment for rent. Controlled entry. Fridge and stove available. Phone 236-4607. (33t(n) - GOOD QUALITY good used books. especilly Western and new releases. Country '• Kids Clothes. . 235-3927 or 215-0205.(4c) 19 Property for Sale I iOR SALE BY OWNER - Hensall - 1-1/2 sairey 3 bedroom brick home. Gas furnace with central air. Oak kitchen cabinets, 2 full baths. Detached garage and large workshop. 262.2519.(3.8c) • EXETER 3 or 4 bedroom house with income possibilities. Excellent retirement home as convert to 2 apartments. great -location for home business. two blocks from downtown. I'rivate fenced backyard. 2 bathrooms. tieldsionc fireplace. Call 235-0588. (3.4') Rl'l4LcL'lttiLL1L�t 14.‘21-1.A14_ HOUSE FOR SALE by Owner r 119 Gibson Cr. Lucan • • newly decorated brick side split, • 3 t 1 bedrooms. 21/2 year old detached garage, aut. door opener. Self-contained apartment ;` ,L or rec room.with wet bar and fireplace in basement. Central vacuum, dishwasher, air, t inground sprinklers, new roof, c nicely landscaped. $149,900. -a L �'L�1�LsL�L�L'LL < <L L'LL�LL�L�L'LL i 20 Property for Rent EXETER - one and twit bedroom apartments from 5375 up, fridge and stove included. Extra options available. One ,nonth's free rent. Phone Glenn Haven Apts. 235-0349.(451fn) 1.2 ,i3EDROOM apt.5430; 2-1 bedroom apts. 5330; plus utilities, available immediately. newly redecorated. CaII • 237-3510 or 237-3677. (1 Itfn) • HENSALL: 1 and 2 bedroom apes., fully carpeted. fridge and stove. paved parking: TV cable, etc. Special rotes for seniors. 13th month rent free. 262-2230 or 905.662-6603. (I2tfn) Apartment for Rent Exeter - 386 Main Street - $330.00. One bedroom, appliances, entrance control, paved parking. To .view 236-7744 or235-4613. ONE BEDROOM APT. fridge and stove included. Controlled entry. 5450.00 per month plus hydro. 235-3948: Ask for Dirk. (22tfn) 30J SENIOR ST. EXETER. 1 bedroom units available from $316/month. Own appliances required. To view 235-3)25. (261fn) HENSALL - bachelor apt. available $250/rronth. 1 bedroom apt. available $406/rnonth. Fridge. stove and heat included. Call 263-2380 for more details. (47tfn) EXETER - Brookside Apts. Large luxury 2 bedroom apts. 3 appliances. -cnsuilc laundry. i)esigned for mature adults. 'Available immediately. Phone 235-2961 (43tfn) EXETER - 2 bedroom apartment. available Dec. 1st. Suitable for mature persons only 235-3293.(45tbn) HEATED one bedroom ground floor api. and large one bedroom with friilgc and stove.- Roth apts. with laundry and parking. 235-1497. (451fn) - • EXETER . - One bedroom apartment in 4 plea. Separate entrance, close 10 downtown. no pets. References 235-3114. (4(4fn) - ..T.7_T_T-T_ .TTT3_=T3-TSTT_T_ - One bedroom, totally' renovated apts., with new windows, bathroom and: kitchen ceramic tile, freee 1 parking, laundry facilities,: 3 large backyard. $339 a 1 month, heat included. To view call 519-235-0020. ONE BEDIRUOM APARTMENT downtown Exeter. 5350, plus utilities. Available December 1. 519-284-1858. (48dn) - EXETER DOWNTOWN • singles, street level (quiet) L+ bedroom. 4 appliances. 235.0302.(481fn) ZURICH - 4 ;bedroom brick home: 25 Goshen Street. Available immediately. Gas. hot water, heat. Nice old home. 5650. per . month plus utilities. 234-6783. (4916x) ZURICH - Rau Manor has a one, bedroom apartment- for rent. Private . entrance. Appliances available. Phone 236-4607. (49tfn) NEW QUIET 2 BEDROOM apartment with Targe flowered • backyard. Call 235.0298 or 235-4996. (50tfn) 2 BEDROOM • house trailer for rens. staving Jan. 1. 12'x60' Days 237-3641 evenings 235-2184. (5116.) - ONE BEDROOM apartment in . house. quiet arta. S285/month plus utilities. Stove and fridge included. Phone 235-1107. (5216x) NEWLY RENOVATED. 2 bedroom apartments in Hensall. Fridge and stove included. Laundry facilities: Starting at 5400 per month plus utilities. Pat O'Rourke Coldwcll Banker All -Points Realty Services - Exeter, Ontario. 235-1449 or 237-3182 24 hourpaging. (Itfa) - HENSALL - freshly conditioned, ground floor one bedroom apartment with private entrance, •includes appliances, 5265.00 monthly. first and last required. CaII 1-519-243.2123or 262-3146. (2tfn) Riverview Estates 64' x 14' with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, large outside deck. $49,000.00 inc. washer/dryer and fridge/stove, ga's furnace, gas water heater, central air, bright interior, newly shingled roof, skylight in bathroom, ceiling fans in 2 rooms, cathedral ceilings, full wall closet in master bedroom, access to large commt'nity rec. centre with daily activities. TO VIEW CALL OUR OFFICE 235-0890 (dally) (EXCEPT SUNDAYS) 10 a.m . to 4 p.m. AFTER HOURS; SH ( ALLON 2368154 OR GARY 2860528 20 Property for Rent AVAILABLE NOW - Two-bedroom ground floor apartment, close 10 downtown. Includes fridge and stove. $495 plus utilities. Call Gary MacLean 235-0800 or 233-1243 after 6 p.m: (21fn) EXETER - 2 bedroom apartment. Move and fridge supplied. 235-0312. (2-3c) DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS - Heated. fridge and stove supplied. 1 bedroom available now $335./month; 2 bedroom available March 1 5385 /month. Call 233-1354.(0216x) • • ZURICH - Spacious one and two bedroom apts. Fridge and stove included. Washer and dryer hook-ups. Phone 236-4607. (02ifn) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT in Exeter. Close to.downtown. Available now. Fridge and stove 5350.00. 519-272-2317. (021fn) ONE OR TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT IN CENTRALIA Fridge, stove and all utilities included. Laundry facilities available. 234-6421 GRAND BEND - Furnished •one bedroom winterized cottage, electric heat. -quiet area, close to shopping 23R-2122 evenings. (316.) GRANT) BEND APARTMENT - 4450.00 includes stove. fridge, -cable. utilities. laundry and patio. 238-2122 evenings (3trn) HENSALL. Large 2 bedroom apt. in quiet well,kepl building. Washers and dryers on premises. 5460.00 monthly. plan utilities. first and last. Phone 262-2733. (3-5c) • L(JCAN, MAIN ST. - Renovated.2 storey home. 2 bedroom +f, moxkrn kitchen. -1.5 hath. c/w driveway. backyard privacy fence. gas heal, 5 major appliances. No pets. Available January 31 •at S8(X).00/month. ('all Richard 70s 567-7%12.7-4 p m (1-50 _T_T_ZT_ZT_T_ZT_T_?T_T_ZT_i ZT.i Z� Bedroom, fridge and stove supplied. Controlled entry, paved parking. 2 bedroom, appliances, I' laundry, paved parking, C heat and hot water. .Controlled entry. Call Dirk Coolman 235-3948: DASHWOOD - 4 bedroom house, 2.baths. Natural gas heat. 4650.(0/month • plus utilities. References required.. 237-3591. (3.4') • . AVAILABLE NOW.. iX)WNTOWN EXETER. 2 bcdr oar apt. Gas heal 5550.00/month. Includes hydro and water. 2nd floor. Village Placc Apts.. 1-2 bedroom miles 5395.00. - %43()01/month. Large penthouse 1:395/month Retails Realty Inc.MarlcncParsons 235-3777. (3tfn) INFORMATION MEETING - Exandarea Meadows !lousing • Co-nperativc.i Wednesday. January 29 -' 7:30 p in. ,in (-onunon Room at 51 Church St Exeter I)emocratic control... Cost... Security... Community. These arc just a few of the great advantages of living in a co-operative. We have I -bedroom apts. and 2 & 3 bedroom townhouses available. Come out and .find out more about this exciting lifestyle. For more information. call Wayne at 233-3382. (4c) Shirley Margaret Apt, Exeter Ideal for single person, young or retired couple. Stove and refrigerator, bal- cony, laundry facilities, cable TV and heating. One year lease. Phone Cliff Knip 228-6236 NICE CLEAN ..2 bedroom bungalow -tri Exeter. Available Feb. 1/97, 5625 -"comes with washer. dryer, stove and fridge. References and place of employment and prefer non-smoker. 1st and last month's rent. No pets please. Call 235-3628 after 6 p.m. Ask for Ron. (4tfn) 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent WANTED LAND TO ' ENT - In Huron, •Middlesex, Perth, Lambton. All rent paid up front. '97 season or longer. Reply Box 61, c/o Exeter Times Advocate, Box 850, Exeter,Onl. NOM 136.'(49:04') [25Notices 1 PHOTOS FROM YOUR PAST - The Exeter Times Advocate • has many unclaimed pictures received from your special occasion. Please pick up your photo. F.A.C. Course Our next firearms acquisition certificate course will be held in Dashwood on January 25 8 28. Book now, only a few spaces available. For more information call: Nell Romphf 235-1196 or Terry Romphf 237-3248. 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MARGARET MARY CAWTHORPE. Late of the Town of.Exeter, in the County of Huron. who died on the 24th day of October, 1996. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the under- signed on or before the 23rd day of January. 1997, after which date the estate assets will he distributed, having regard only td claims that have then been received . ROBERT J. DEANE, 0.C. Barrister and Solicitor 417 Main Street South Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitor for the Estate Trustees NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of DAVID MILLAR - La.te of Exeter Villa, 155 John Street, Exet- er, Ontario. Retired, deceased. who died on or about October 18. 1996, must be fired with the undersigned personal representative on or heroic January. 25th, 1997 thereafter the undersigned will distribute•the assets of the said Estate having regard only to the • chums filed NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY 1 Ontario Street P.O. Box 128 Stratford. Ontario N5A 6S9 Estate Trustee by RAYMOND & McLEAN Barristers & Solicitors 387 Main Street Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MICHAEL NORMAN ARTHUR WALKER Late of the Township of Hay. in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 24th day of. October, 1996. Creditors and others hav- ing claims against. the above estate are re- quired to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on.or,before the 26th day of February. 1997, after which date the es- tate assets will be distributed. having regard only to claims that have then been rccersed RAYMOND & McLEAN Barristers and Solicitors 387 Main Street P.O. Box 100 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitors for the Estate Trustee AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY ' - 3 bedroom mobile home in a country -park -- large addition - mature adults, no pets and preferably non-smokers: References and - place of employment. Phone 237-3260 evenings or leave message,(03ifn) RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 SAT„ FEB. 1 AT 10 AM - Liquidation Auction at Lee's Shopping Centre. .4 The Square. Goderteh. Clothing. shoes. all store fixtures. display racks. desks & some household Items VANDERZWAAG- DEN HOLLANDER ES 216 Sanders St. E. Exeter. ON NOM 1S1 Bus 5'9-2229.8104 Fax 519-229.8101 JUST LISTED lorl Cosman Saks Representative Res. 235-3451 $95,500- 3 bedroom Hensall. Large living room with separate dinin'g room. Fresh paint and paper throughout. Close to school and downtown. For your viewing... Call Lori at res. 235-3451 or office 229-8104. Bob Heywood, Auctioneer 235-0874 Large household & antiques auction Saturday January 25 at 10 a.m. J)1 the South Huron Roc Centre. Exeter Dispersing a large offering of household effects furnishings, antiques, collectible etc& frorn the Mert McLean century farm home in London Twp. PARTIAL LISTINQ: Queen Anne oak china cabinet, 9 pc. dining room suite, walnut console dining table. 2-3 pc. bedroom suites and other beds 3/4 Victorian bed, antique dressers and chests, blanket box; small drop front desk, 2 pc.- wardrobe, linen cupboard, walnut desk, wooden fernery, parlor and plant tables, old rocker. Enterprise wood cook stove, oil burner -space heater, hall tree, color TV, portable almond dishwasher, auto washer and dryer, card table -and chairs. old radio cabinet, paintings and prints, a large -offering of china and glass and small collectibles incl. Nippon, Bavaria, Germany, Depression, Noritake, Carnival glass, enamelware, railroad lanterns and clear oil lamps;. wicker, stereo, 2 person cedar sauna (electric), and much more. Countrywide® HEARTLAND REALTY INC. 441 Main St. Exeter 5t235-3330 - V Serving 1luron J roar The Heart .V (Ill�lcl�(. 01 1 I'I J I\(, YOLR Ii0L'-,1 "I +,%* 11, full time in Reil 1 state to serve you better" EXCELLENT STARTER HOME Fantastic value. 3 ' bedrooms, main floor laundry. den. gas fireplace. hardwood floors Many upgrades (gas furnace, windows. doors. roof, • plumbing, 200 amp. Electric service.) Double insulated heated garage. large lot. AR for 5109,600 In Exeter. BRICK FARM NOUSE 3134.900: 1.7 acres. GREAT VALUE. • Beautifully treed and landscaped property jus( south of Kippen on Ha'. e4. 2 or 3 bedrooms..1 new (4 pc.) and 1 (2 pc) bathroom`s, excetlent kitchen and Irvingroom: Main 'floor laundry, beautiful wood trim throughout. Great front entrance front porch. Fenced yard with covered deck, heated insulated 291125 R. shop/garage: 7.9 ACRE HOBBY FARM 8121.900. 3 bedrooms. 1(4. pc) bath. big• country styte kitchen, large- family morn with' stone propane fireplace. double car garage. excellent barn with cement floor. 6 acres fenced for cattle or. horses. House ;needs upgrading and some tender loving care. Just north of Shipka. . Fr - 2 -1/2 STOREY BRICK FARM HOUSE 3-24 acres 5215.000 5 bedrooms. country kitchen, family room. pool. shed. garage and more all In excellent cond,tlon. 4 BEDROOM HOUSE PLUS A COMMERCIAL BUILDING LOT ONLY 3135.000' Good house'on 58.150' lot on Highway x83 West •plus a commercial building lot 58'x150' on 083 Westin Exeter. •Thus DAVE YOUMANS property is zoned highway commercial/mdustnal and would make a good investment for possible future development. l 235-3026 C /\ ■ - ■ - -, 1-1 N ATTENTION FARMERS -v L Take advantage of Emu Opportunity without feed and housing Investment.Buy your emu pairs now and receive FREE feed and housing till April 1/97 Additional programs available :1 call 519-263-5343 r ` 109 MAIN ST. EXETER 235-3948 24 Hour Service 17 Wanted to Buy 20 Property for Rent WANTED • car seat for toddler. Phone V/ANTED - decent renter for upper duplex 23.5.0173 or 262-3446. Ask for Jackie. (4c) in Zurich. Good size living room wish TREETOPS, Dashwood and. - .237-3207. (4.5c) 18 Wanted area excellent view. bright kitchen. 5292.00 plus utilities. Possibility exists for right rentor to buy this property. (519) 453-1847. (30tfn) RAU MANOR in Zurich has a spacious 2 bedroom apartment for rent. Controlled entry. Fridge and stove available. Phone 236-4607. (33t(n) - GOOD QUALITY good used books. especilly Western and new releases. Country '• Kids Clothes. . 235-3927 or 215-0205.(4c) 19 Property for Sale I iOR SALE BY OWNER - Hensall - 1-1/2 sairey 3 bedroom brick home. Gas furnace with central air. Oak kitchen cabinets, 2 full baths. Detached garage and large workshop. 262.2519.(3.8c) • EXETER 3 or 4 bedroom house with income possibilities. Excellent retirement home as convert to 2 apartments. great -location for home business. two blocks from downtown. I'rivate fenced backyard. 2 bathrooms. tieldsionc fireplace. Call 235-0588. (3.4') Rl'l4LcL'lttiLL1L�t 14.‘21-1.A14_ HOUSE FOR SALE by Owner r 119 Gibson Cr. Lucan • • newly decorated brick side split, • 3 t 1 bedrooms. 21/2 year old detached garage, aut. door opener. Self-contained apartment ;` ,L or rec room.with wet bar and fireplace in basement. Central vacuum, dishwasher, air, t inground sprinklers, new roof, c nicely landscaped. $149,900. -a L �'L�1�LsL�L�L'LL < <L L'LL�LL�L�L'LL i 20 Property for Rent EXETER - one and twit bedroom apartments from 5375 up, fridge and stove included. Extra options available. One ,nonth's free rent. Phone Glenn Haven Apts. 235-0349.(451fn) 1.2 ,i3EDROOM apt.5430; 2-1 bedroom apts. 5330; plus utilities, available immediately. newly redecorated. CaII • 237-3510 or 237-3677. (1 Itfn) • HENSALL: 1 and 2 bedroom apes., fully carpeted. fridge and stove. paved parking: TV cable, etc. Special rotes for seniors. 13th month rent free. 262-2230 or 905.662-6603. (I2tfn) Apartment for Rent Exeter - 386 Main Street - $330.00. One bedroom, appliances, entrance control, paved parking. To .view 236-7744 or235-4613. ONE BEDROOM APT. fridge and stove included. Controlled entry. 5450.00 per month plus hydro. 235-3948: Ask for Dirk. (22tfn) 30J SENIOR ST. EXETER. 1 bedroom units available from $316/month. Own appliances required. To view 235-3)25. (261fn) HENSALL - bachelor apt. available $250/rronth. 1 bedroom apt. available $406/rnonth. Fridge. stove and heat included. Call 263-2380 for more details. (47tfn) EXETER - Brookside Apts. Large luxury 2 bedroom apts. 3 appliances. -cnsuilc laundry. i)esigned for mature adults. 'Available immediately. Phone 235-2961 (43tfn) EXETER - 2 bedroom apartment. available Dec. 1st. Suitable for mature persons only 235-3293.(45tbn) HEATED one bedroom ground floor api. and large one bedroom with friilgc and stove.- Roth apts. with laundry and parking. 235-1497. (451fn) - • EXETER . - One bedroom apartment in 4 plea. Separate entrance, close 10 downtown. no pets. References 235-3114. (4(4fn) - ..T.7_T_T-T_ .TTT3_=T3-TSTT_T_ - One bedroom, totally' renovated apts., with new windows, bathroom and: kitchen ceramic tile, freee 1 parking, laundry facilities,: 3 large backyard. $339 a 1 month, heat included. To view call 519-235-0020. ONE BEDIRUOM APARTMENT downtown Exeter. 5350, plus utilities. Available December 1. 519-284-1858. (48dn) - EXETER DOWNTOWN • singles, street level (quiet) L+ bedroom. 4 appliances. 235.0302.(481fn) ZURICH - 4 ;bedroom brick home: 25 Goshen Street. Available immediately. Gas. hot water, heat. Nice old home. 5650. per . month plus utilities. 234-6783. (4916x) ZURICH - Rau Manor has a one, bedroom apartment- for rent. Private . entrance. Appliances available. Phone 236-4607. (49tfn) NEW QUIET 2 BEDROOM apartment with Targe flowered • backyard. Call 235.0298 or 235-4996. (50tfn) 2 BEDROOM • house trailer for rens. staving Jan. 1. 12'x60' Days 237-3641 evenings 235-2184. (5116.) - ONE BEDROOM apartment in . house. quiet arta. S285/month plus utilities. Stove and fridge included. Phone 235-1107. (5216x) NEWLY RENOVATED. 2 bedroom apartments in Hensall. Fridge and stove included. Laundry facilities: Starting at 5400 per month plus utilities. Pat O'Rourke Coldwcll Banker All -Points Realty Services - Exeter, Ontario. 235-1449 or 237-3182 24 hourpaging. (Itfa) - HENSALL - freshly conditioned, ground floor one bedroom apartment with private entrance, •includes appliances, 5265.00 monthly. first and last required. CaII 1-519-243.2123or 262-3146. (2tfn) Riverview Estates 64' x 14' with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, large outside deck. $49,000.00 inc. washer/dryer and fridge/stove, ga's furnace, gas water heater, central air, bright interior, newly shingled roof, skylight in bathroom, ceiling fans in 2 rooms, cathedral ceilings, full wall closet in master bedroom, access to large commt'nity rec. centre with daily activities. TO VIEW CALL OUR OFFICE 235-0890 (dally) (EXCEPT SUNDAYS) 10 a.m . to 4 p.m. AFTER HOURS; SH ( ALLON 2368154 OR GARY 2860528 20 Property for Rent AVAILABLE NOW - Two-bedroom ground floor apartment, close 10 downtown. Includes fridge and stove. $495 plus utilities. Call Gary MacLean 235-0800 or 233-1243 after 6 p.m: (21fn) EXETER - 2 bedroom apartment. Move and fridge supplied. 235-0312. (2-3c) DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS - Heated. fridge and stove supplied. 1 bedroom available now $335./month; 2 bedroom available March 1 5385 /month. Call 233-1354.(0216x) • • ZURICH - Spacious one and two bedroom apts. Fridge and stove included. Washer and dryer hook-ups. Phone 236-4607. (02ifn) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT in Exeter. Close to.downtown. Available now. Fridge and stove 5350.00. 519-272-2317. (021fn) ONE OR TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT IN CENTRALIA Fridge, stove and all utilities included. Laundry facilities available. 234-6421 GRAND BEND - Furnished •one bedroom winterized cottage, electric heat. -quiet area, close to shopping 23R-2122 evenings. (316.) GRANT) BEND APARTMENT - 4450.00 includes stove. fridge, -cable. utilities. laundry and patio. 238-2122 evenings (3trn) HENSALL. Large 2 bedroom apt. in quiet well,kepl building. Washers and dryers on premises. 5460.00 monthly. plan utilities. first and last. Phone 262-2733. (3-5c) • L(JCAN, MAIN ST. - Renovated.2 storey home. 2 bedroom +f, moxkrn kitchen. -1.5 hath. c/w driveway. backyard privacy fence. gas heal, 5 major appliances. No pets. Available January 31 •at S8(X).00/month. ('all Richard 70s 567-7%12.7-4 p m (1-50 _T_T_ZT_ZT_T_ZT_T_?T_T_ZT_i ZT.i Z� Bedroom, fridge and stove supplied. Controlled entry, paved parking. 2 bedroom, appliances, I' laundry, paved parking, C heat and hot water. .Controlled entry. Call Dirk Coolman 235-3948: DASHWOOD - 4 bedroom house, 2.baths. Natural gas heat. 4650.(0/month • plus utilities. References required.. 237-3591. (3.4') • . AVAILABLE NOW.. iX)WNTOWN EXETER. 2 bcdr oar apt. Gas heal 5550.00/month. Includes hydro and water. 2nd floor. Village Placc Apts.. 1-2 bedroom miles 5395.00. - %43()01/month. Large penthouse 1:395/month Retails Realty Inc.MarlcncParsons 235-3777. (3tfn) INFORMATION MEETING - Exandarea Meadows !lousing • Co-nperativc.i Wednesday. January 29 -' 7:30 p in. ,in (-onunon Room at 51 Church St Exeter I)emocratic control... Cost... Security... Community. These arc just a few of the great advantages of living in a co-operative. We have I -bedroom apts. and 2 & 3 bedroom townhouses available. Come out and .find out more about this exciting lifestyle. For more information. call Wayne at 233-3382. (4c) Shirley Margaret Apt, Exeter Ideal for single person, young or retired couple. Stove and refrigerator, bal- cony, laundry facilities, cable TV and heating. One year lease. Phone Cliff Knip 228-6236 NICE CLEAN ..2 bedroom bungalow -tri Exeter. Available Feb. 1/97, 5625 -"comes with washer. dryer, stove and fridge. References and place of employment and prefer non-smoker. 1st and last month's rent. No pets please. Call 235-3628 after 6 p.m. Ask for Ron. (4tfn) 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent WANTED LAND TO ' ENT - In Huron, •Middlesex, Perth, Lambton. All rent paid up front. '97 season or longer. Reply Box 61, c/o Exeter Times Advocate, Box 850, Exeter,Onl. NOM 136.'(49:04') [25Notices 1 PHOTOS FROM YOUR PAST - The Exeter Times Advocate • has many unclaimed pictures received from your special occasion. Please pick up your photo. F.A.C. Course Our next firearms acquisition certificate course will be held in Dashwood on January 25 8 28. Book now, only a few spaces available. For more information call: Nell Romphf 235-1196 or Terry Romphf 237-3248. 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MARGARET MARY CAWTHORPE. Late of the Town of.Exeter, in the County of Huron. who died on the 24th day of October, 1996. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the under- signed on or before the 23rd day of January. 1997, after which date the estate assets will he distributed, having regard only td claims that have then been received . ROBERT J. DEANE, 0.C. Barrister and Solicitor 417 Main Street South Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitor for the Estate Trustees NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of DAVID MILLAR - La.te of Exeter Villa, 155 John Street, Exet- er, Ontario. Retired, deceased. who died on or about October 18. 1996, must be fired with the undersigned personal representative on or heroic January. 25th, 1997 thereafter the undersigned will distribute•the assets of the said Estate having regard only to the • chums filed NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY 1 Ontario Street P.O. Box 128 Stratford. Ontario N5A 6S9 Estate Trustee by RAYMOND & McLEAN Barristers & Solicitors 387 Main Street Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MICHAEL NORMAN ARTHUR WALKER Late of the Township of Hay. in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 24th day of. October, 1996. Creditors and others hav- ing claims against. the above estate are re- quired to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on.or,before the 26th day of February. 1997, after which date the es- tate assets will be distributed. having regard only to claims that have then been rccersed RAYMOND & McLEAN Barristers and Solicitors 387 Main Street P.O. Box 100 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitors for the Estate Trustee AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY ' - 3 bedroom mobile home in a country -park -- large addition - mature adults, no pets and preferably non-smokers: References and - place of employment. Phone 237-3260 evenings or leave message,(03ifn) RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 SAT„ FEB. 1 AT 10 AM - Liquidation Auction at Lee's Shopping Centre. .4 The Square. Goderteh. Clothing. shoes. all store fixtures. display racks. desks & some household Items VANDERZWAAG- DEN HOLLANDER ES 216 Sanders St. E. Exeter. ON NOM 1S1 Bus 5'9-2229.8104 Fax 519-229.8101 JUST LISTED lorl Cosman Saks Representative Res. 235-3451 $95,500- 3 bedroom Hensall. Large living room with separate dinin'g room. Fresh paint and paper throughout. Close to school and downtown. For your viewing... Call Lori at res. 235-3451 or office 229-8104. Bob Heywood, Auctioneer 235-0874 Large household & antiques auction Saturday January 25 at 10 a.m. J)1 the South Huron Roc Centre. Exeter Dispersing a large offering of household effects furnishings, antiques, collectible etc& frorn the Mert McLean century farm home in London Twp. PARTIAL LISTINQ: Queen Anne oak china cabinet, 9 pc. dining room suite, walnut console dining table. 2-3 pc. bedroom suites and other beds 3/4 Victorian bed, antique dressers and chests, blanket box; small drop front desk, 2 pc.- wardrobe, linen cupboard, walnut desk, wooden fernery, parlor and plant tables, old rocker. Enterprise wood cook stove, oil burner -space heater, hall tree, color TV, portable almond dishwasher, auto washer and dryer, card table -and chairs. old radio cabinet, paintings and prints, a large -offering of china and glass and small collectibles incl. Nippon, Bavaria, Germany, Depression, Noritake, Carnival glass, enamelware, railroad lanterns and clear oil lamps;. wicker, stereo, 2 person cedar sauna (electric), and much more. Countrywide® HEARTLAND REALTY INC. 441 Main St. Exeter 5t235-3330 - V Serving 1luron J roar The Heart .V (Ill�lcl�(. 01 1 I'I J I\(, YOLR Ii0L'-,1 "I +,%* 11, full time in Reil 1 state to serve you better" EXCELLENT STARTER HOME Fantastic value. 3 ' bedrooms, main floor laundry. den. gas fireplace. hardwood floors Many upgrades (gas furnace, windows. doors. roof, • plumbing, 200 amp. Electric service.) Double insulated heated garage. large lot. AR for 5109,600 In Exeter. BRICK FARM NOUSE 3134.900: 1.7 acres. GREAT VALUE. • Beautifully treed and landscaped property jus( south of Kippen on Ha'. e4. 2 or 3 bedrooms..1 new (4 pc.) and 1 (2 pc) bathroom`s, excetlent kitchen and Irvingroom: Main 'floor laundry, beautiful wood trim throughout. Great front entrance front porch. Fenced yard with covered deck, heated insulated 291125 R. shop/garage: 7.9 ACRE HOBBY FARM 8121.900. 3 bedrooms. 1(4. pc) bath. big• country styte kitchen, large- family morn with' stone propane fireplace. double car garage. excellent barn with cement floor. 6 acres fenced for cattle or. horses. House ;needs upgrading and some tender loving care. Just north of Shipka. . Fr - 2 -1/2 STOREY BRICK FARM HOUSE 3-24 acres 5215.000 5 bedrooms. country kitchen, family room. pool. shed. garage and more all In excellent cond,tlon. 4 BEDROOM HOUSE PLUS A COMMERCIAL BUILDING LOT ONLY 3135.000' Good house'on 58.150' lot on Highway x83 West •plus a commercial building lot 58'x150' on 083 Westin Exeter. •Thus DAVE YOUMANS property is zoned highway commercial/mdustnal and would make a good investment for possible future development. l 235-3026 C /\ ■ - ■ - -, �. ;,., r• i OLmRf REAL ESTATE ` 109 MAIN ST. EXETER 235-3948 24 Hour Service UNDER $100,000 TY i'. s DUPLEX - Albert St. Exeter 579.500 - side by side duplex on huge lot. Own for about 5200.00 per month. Call for detail - r NEW LISTING - Bnck bungalow 899,90i) . in Hensall. Eat -m kitchen. full basement, , rec room, low" heat bills Great faintly home at a low low . nee PRiCE REDUCED - to $84,900 on this Crediton - 4 bedrooms with .full basement. ga rage. quaint 1.:1/2 storey frame home in .2 bay workshop, detached . NEW LiSTiNG - 529,500 -well kept 2 bedroom mobile home. Low taxes• nicely landscaped. Here's your chance to get out of:that apartm NEW LiSTiNG - 579,900 - 3 bedroom with garage. Nice, priv t in Hensall, Own for Less than rent. ' .. HURON ST..E. EXETER -.579,900 -4 bedrooms, barn; nice lot,'great buy. HURON ST. E. EXETER - S79,900 - fully renovated 2 bedroom bungalow with attached garage. -. • ANN ST. EXETER - 589,900 - Beautifully renovated and decorated 2 bedroom bungalow with new. roof,- new kitchen, bathroom, flooring, drywall and more. Come have a look. ' SIMCOE ST. = 597,500 -Fully renovated 3 bedroom bungalow, Os heat, new kitchen, bath, flooring, furnace etc: Beautiful! . " . , HENSALL - 559,900 - 1-1 /2 storey 3 bedroom on nicely treed lot. Own for less than rent. - S84,900 - Spacious 3 bedroom fully insulated cedar cottage with. open concept, oak kitchen, fireplace, large deck; near St. Joseph. LOTS - Marlbomugh St. - 65'.x105.'• fully serviced at 529,900. Sa ders St. E. - 55'x165', fully serviced. 3 to choose from starting at 537,500. ZURICH - 524,900 - block building suitable for the hobbyist or storage. imagine! This price includes lot and building. UNDER $150,000 5109,500 - 2 storey brick, 2 baths, eat -in kitchen, family room plus good workshop. - REDUCED 5119,900 - ,Exeter -' Andrew; St. 4 bedroom brick with 2 fireplaces, open staircase, wrap around porch, fenced yard. Lots of room. 5129,900 - Thames Rd. W. Cute and cozy best describes this 2+ bedroom bungalow with res room, gas fireplace, 2.baths, central air a pool. Add . to this an insulated 24x30.shop-. What else could a fa 'Iy wish for, especially at this price. . 5139,900 - Exeter outskirts, 3 bedroom brick bu alow, gas heat, rec room, well treed and private left. Great place to ra • a family. $150,000 AND OVER 5155,900 - 3 BEDROOM CAPE COD -- .rick, almost new and shows as new, attached garage, oak kitchen, full basement, large lot. Very Alice. 5164,400 = BRAND NEW - incl. GST brick ranch overlooking,the park. Open and ready for your inspection. Lowest priced new home in Exeter. 5165,900-4 BEDROOM RANCH - all brick, fully finished basement, gas heat, separate dining room attached garage. Only 9 years old. . 5167,900 - ANDREW ST. FULLY FINISHED - both levels, this brick ranch offers large rec room with stone fireplace, attached garage, huge lot, and excellent location. 5179,900 - A PLEASURE TO SHOW - North end location, only 4 years old with all the amenities plus oak trim, attached garage, ensuite, family room with fireplace and water purification system. SNIDER SUBDIVISION - EXECUTIVE 2 STOREY - with terrific curb appeal. All the extras, gourmet kitchen, killer ensuite and fenced yard and more. Call for more info. " �.