HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-01-22, Page 18Page 18 . Times -Advocate, January 22,1997 UNITY• Draper - Masse On October 26, 1996, St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church in. Clinton was the setting for the wedding of Debra Lynn "Draper and James Wade Masse. James is the son of James and Lucia Masse of St. Joseph's and Debra is the daughter of Paul and Marg Draper of Clinton. Officiating was Father ' Ma;"k Poulin. The matron of honor was Jacquie McGregor, . sister of the bride and the bridesmaids were. Stacey Rau of __London; Lori Patterson of Blyth, Marcie Schoenbals of.. Clinton, Liz Groot of Exeter and Shelley Stephenson of Varna, all friends of the bride. The best -man was Josh Masse, brother of the. groom. The ushers were Randy McGregor of• Clinton. brother-in-law of the bride, Jason. Lee of Bayfield, Steve Smith of London, Chris Overholt of Zurich and Paul Renaldys of Zurich, all friends of the groom.The. soloist was Bonnie Jewitt- of Clinton, and the organist was Marjorie Hayter of Varna. - The bride wore a floor length gown of white lace/tulle carrying red roses and the bridesmaids -were in --floor length black velvet with ' fire . and ice roses. The groomsmen were in black tuxedos. A reception -followed at the Stanley Township Complex. The couple are residing in Winthrop.• •- (Gregor Campbell photo)- Humorous skit performed EXETER - A meetin of the GI can P.C.W: was held January 13 at 2 p.m. with dessert lunch provided. by_ Mary ford _and .Miriam jt „Miriam • President Jean Easton opened with a welcome for everyone. The • theme of the meeting was "friend- ship and love." Devotions on love were given by Miriam Roushorne and Lillian McLellan. • Scripture. was given hy McLellan: Rotichornc read.a-pi em on. "Friendship'- and • ',Jean Easton closed with prayer.' :S humorous it. "Millerdrama- was performed by Easton. ford. Roushorne. McLellan. assisted. hy Margaret -Strang and Edna Sim- - mons. - The president conducted the husi . ness: The secretary gave the. year's reports and last month', minutes. There will bean Executive meet- .ing-of Str-at,tord Huron Presbyterial on January 1.7 and theannualmeet- ing•of Presbyterial will he held Feb- ruary 21- • or, -2.4. The ways and means committee will" he meeting. January 14 at 9 .3:m. to make plans (or the coming year. - TO INCLUDE ALL AREAS LISTED BELOW. TELEPOWER F LAT FEE LONG G DISTANCE FOR AS LOW AS SS.99* PER MONTH. NO PER MINUTE CHARGES! LIMITED TIME OFFER •-2 for 1" CALL FOR DETAILS! AiLS.- CRAiG :y -* RELMONT5644' CEN T:RA[1AI 2'5 * CREDITONI 2341 DGJRCHESTERI26 OLTTONI-52,* EMBROI4T4.* EXETERI:351* FINGAU769) GI.ENCOE. - • HARRIETSy"iLLEl:f9 * i1.DF.RTONI(Ihh,* 1NGERSOLi123.3 3) KEP'A' I,DI'1" ' KiN-TOREt'_g3 ' LAMBETHIriS:,* LCC:1NI:27,* MELBOURNE '-991 ::;I"iESl:r4 " NAIRNr232,` PARKHiLL.:94i PT:STANLEY17S: * RODNEY -S 4t.RRY S+ 5-1; ' iT THOMAS. 63 ; - 3-' • ` S HEDDENI -64 s* .i P.aRT.h STRATHROY1245-6,`IFiAMESFORD(5 •THORND.ALEiao! • W.ARDSV:LLE.A,: "A Ei7 L ORNE: CALL TODAY 660-6663 Ext. 600)1 �'. . LOCAL C MMIJN IC ...TI,DN NLTVH'`J rt . AGENTS REQUIRED 'This offer is valid to those who reside in the above mentioned locations. Some restricti6r7s apply for max imurn discount • Invest In Your Community With A CREDIT UNION Your RRSP deposits are used to assist our borrowers who are your friends and neighbours in the community. RRPS Loans Available at PRIME RATE RRIF's ALSO AVAILABLE INDEX-LINKED TERM DEPOSITS They .iter the appeal 01 an aeove-average rate rgturn frbm Oartictpa- .hen -n stock market aopr§elatwn. and also have the safety of a guaranteed return of ormc,pal like a G.I.0 No Fees RRSP Eilglble Each RRSP & RRIF contract is insured individually for up to $60,000.00. Other R.S.P. Options Available. Inquire at branch. CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 48 Ontario Street 118 Main Street North CLINTON 482-3467 EXETER 235-0640 OPEN: MON to THURS. 9:00 a.m. • 5:00 p.m. FRI 9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1952 Fitness and fun at Queensway HENSALL - Fun and Fitness got everyone off to a good start Monday as hutting and puffing through the exercise routines: be- came the,order of the morning. The afternoon was more relax- ing with the viewing of a fancily video called Andre, thestory of a friendship between a seal and a. shy nine year old girl. The Guides with their leader Kim Bilke held their regular meeting at Queensway ' and spent the' time with their buddies. The Tuesday church service he - came a communal effort when our.. minister: was ..unable to come..A devotional was present- ed by staff and volunteer Sharer) Dignan playedpianofor the' sing'ng of the hymns. Pastoral care -volunteer. Willie Hutton: provided visitation , Wednesday afternoon as well as leading. Bible Study "for several - interested residents, •- The Baking Group met Friday afternoon and made some gin- ger inger muffins. The oatmeal, choc-. olate cookies did not turn out so well. and were perhaps victims of "-too many hands'. Friendship Friday evening in the lounge went ahead as planned even though entertain- er. Doug Insley was unable to attend. The residents enjoyed a card party instead. Residents are reminded that January 23 at 7 p.m. will he a hirthday party Games Night and February 7 at 7:30 p.m. Friend- ship Friday will he held in the Retirement Home lounge with' Clare Masse and Andrew Rau: Come in and check out our BEST SELLER NOVELS Thames Road holding annual meeting The meeting is scheduled on Sunday. evening. . Rhoda Rohde Thames Road correspondent . THAMES ROAD -,Rev. Jock Tolmay was in charge of the sec-. and Sunday ;trier Epiphany -e.hurch service on Sunday morning at Thames Road United Church. He told a children:s story -pertain- , ing to the scriptures I Samuel 3:1- t 0.,. The choir sang "He Takes Me as I Am" accompanied ''hy organic( Agnes Bray. -• ' Murray Dawson and Bill Rohde received the. offering. The title of Rev..Tolntay's sermon`cvas "Yield- R"ed to God -and Knowing God. • Thames Road's annual meeting will he- held next Sunday night. January •26..Dessert and coffee •will he served at 7 p.ni. Elimvillc ;utnu- al meeting will he • held Monday evening. February 3.at 7 p• m. Thc--February• meeting of the Valentine dance planned By Joan Beierling the February 4 lir double play. Varna correspondent V arna-Cioshen. combined -church -services were held • in- Goshen on VARNA - The Stanley Township Sunday and will he in Goshen next Rec Conctitittee stet to plan a Val- - Sunday, January 26. The annual entine. Dance at 520 per couple to, ' meeting will he in Goshen on Janu-- he held February 15 at the Complex 'ary26 following lunch. Varna's an - with music by the Singing D.J. Dual meeting will he herd February The Truck Elimination early bird 2 following . a potluck lunch of draw for 5250 will .he made on that -; sandwiches and squares. evening. The proceeds of the truck There wilt he a meeting to stare draw will go • io update •Stanlev ideas and questions about the Food Township Recreaiioniequipmcnt. • . :Grains Bank Project on. January 2 The Crokinnte Club met cast at 8: p.m. its•. the Varna Church. Tuesday evening lir doubles play. :.Bring your questionnaire sleet A short meeting was held kir nomi- - when you come or drop it off- at nations for the next executive. Joe Tracy's before • Wednesday .night. Futop will he- the new president. 'This :project is nor linty' for the Past president is Ralph Stephenson. church community, hut one that First Vice will heAlec Ostrom and wetcontes.the whole community. Bob • Russell' will he secretary; The Trends' with ;ntet;t at the treasurer. Mary McClymont wilt Brucefleld Church on;January 24 at stay on as' lunch convener •and Ivan 7 p.m. , McClymont will - stay- Opas „antes The Varna :alntmunity will be :(8 ener. Niext crokinole ni0$11t will • quilting a quilt for ARC Industries he January 25 fOr'singles play and at ttie.church. . • - George Godbolt CLU. CFP RRSPIWWI U.C.W. will he held on Fe.hruary S :u S p.m. The program committee wjll he I.eitna Cottle; Agnes Bray, Jean Duncan and Karen Ethering- ton. The roll call will he Your Fa- vorite Wedding Song." Group W will serve lunch. •-• Personals Get well wishes are extcrdcd to Daisy Etherini!ton, who underwent eye surgery recently; and (0 Gen) -Riehl and lir,e1 Cann Who hoth un- derwent surgery m Universitv.Hos- pital lase week. - •1 tiltetitaftetettl Changes to co !ecLon in. HAY TOWNSHIP Effective January 6..1997 ALL residents in the Township of Hay will receive blue box and garbage collection every - - MONDAY . - " . We apologize for any inconvenience that this -may cause and remind you to.place your blue box and tagged garbage at the curb by 7:00 a.m. to ensure ur,lrter7L:pted collection. ••+ We make investing easy. Call today to make your retirement savings Tess taxing! George Godbolt CLU, CFP . 496 Main Street Exeter ON 235-2740 '_.eionma Mr6 MUNal :-.7. 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SMM.wrI$* . sek.0 OftM <99 .A,7sine wW M,1. AIM en,Ms,�Y..7. rMnw9,.IMr. +4VM +1wNtOW(Mwn M.u.Mo. VK 7' "4 Wb CMM.M(Mo44 .0•11,1'. -*.4999 Non'IM.ww'99, +rMIP►w .. ,Wo9Mw 7uw. OL&'01w 18. MMl.0799.M•11 11 1