HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-01-22, Page 16ANTIQUE 8
1'(i t' 16 Times-Advocc:
IIARRINGTON • Rick and Linda are very
pleased to announce the birth of a son. Bro-
dy Brian Robert, bon January 8, 1997.
Neighing 8 Ib. at Royal Victoria Hospital.
Barrie. Proud grandparents are Bob and Hel-
en Patterson. Lucan and Elsie Harrington
and Rennie Gazley Keswick. A new cousin
or Jacob and Johnathon Patterson. 4'
(BANNISTER • At her late residence on
January 12. 1997. Nellie Pauline Bannister
,lace Dilkn)of Morrisburg, a former resident
of f_scter, Fenlon Falls, Manitoulin Island,
1 ncknow, London and Zurich, age 78 years.
Predeceased by her husband John (Jack) El-
-' yo Bannister (1993). Survived by son, Wit-
ham Robert Bannister of Sudbury; daughters
arra Jane (Mrs. Robert Meisner) of Nepean.
f lii.rheth Anne (Mrs. Frank Soudant) of Zu-
..h. Mary Ellen (Mrs. Ronald Roy) of Sud -
tory; sisters E. Marguerite Larmour of Wil-
I..unshurg and Ruth Elizabeth (Mrs. Robert
Woods) of Florida; and brother Cecil Dillen
• Niagara Falls. Also survived by 10 grand-
hildren and 3 great-grandchildren. At Mrs.
bannister's request there were no visitations.
graveside service will be held in the
.taring at St. James Anglican Cemetery,
Ndorrishurg, with interment of cremated re-
mains in the Robert Johnston Dillen plot.
`I.mori;il donations to the charity.of your
, L.,ice` Arrangements under the care and di -
le, Urn of the Fairbairn Funeral Home Limit-
Morrisburg (613) 543-2271. 4c
BII:KLIV(: - Peacefully at Exeter Villa,
Luster, Ontario on January 14. 1997, Olive
Blanche (Dearing) Bierling of Exeter in her
In4h year. Predeceased by her husband Ar-_
1 -drug (1974). Beloved mother of Vi -
1 !,„nq;:on of Kitchener and Milton Bier -
f Exeter.Alco survived by three
n,1,:h1Idren and four great-grandchildren.
1 irn.ls and relative% called for visitation on
1.:mr:'ry 16 .at the Caven Presbyterian
( hurch. Main Street, Exeter where the com-
:.!.•tc-funeral service was held on January 17,
,•!1 at 1 p.m. with Rev. Dan Roushome of-
:ming- Interment in. Exeter Cemetery.
Contributions tributions to the charity of your choice
Mould he appreciated. Dinney Funeral
I Lome, Main Street Exeter entrusted with ar-
,angcinents (235-3500). • 4c
-'i rice will he planted
.r. a living n)emori-..l
r,B Mrs. ft'crling.
%KIROLL - At Sttathroy Middlesex Gen-
! Hospital on Thursday, January 9; 1997,
i,,rr) A. Carroll of Craigwiel Gardens and
••, n crly of Saintsbury in his 93rd year. Be-
e,: husband of the late Eileen (Hodgins)
arroll tear father of Ron and Marg and
Wayne and Cheryl Carroll. all' of RR #1
('enrraha. Dear grandfather of Ian and
i ,e,nne. Brenda and Terry; Lisa. Julie and
R.,n Dear great-grandfather of Matthew.
Mfr, bell and Michelle. • Dear brother and
,,,'her -in-law of Alvin and Beryl Carroll,
.,nal-1)..ri, Mullens all of London. Prede-
.,•e,1 by a sister Ada Ings and a brother
r ;corgi Carroll. Friends called at the C. Has-
�cr, and Son Funeral Home, Lucan where
• .1k; luneral service was held ,on Saturday.
!anu;u v 11 at 1:30 p.m. with. The Rev. Fay
Papers,n officiating. Interment St. James
'-'cnetcry. Donations to the V.O.N, Strath -
ray Middlesex Branch or the charity of your
hu cc would be appreciated by the family.
Come attb•
With uz
CUSHMAN • At St. Joseph's Health Cen-
tre, London on January 13, 1997. Lloyd
Cushman of Exeter in his 74th year. Beloved
husband of Ethel (Pooley) Cushman. Dear
father of Steven and Heather Cushman of
Dutton. Dear grandfather of Spring and Troy
Robinson and Shannon and Stephanie Cush-
man. Dear brother of Evelyn Moore and Lila
Russell. both of Chatham. Helen Murray of
B.C.,Shirley Cushman of Chatham and Gary
Cushman of New York State. Predeceased
by a son Michael. Friends called at the Hop-
per Hockey Funeral Home. Exeter during
the hour prior to the complete funeral ser-
vice which was held on January 15 with
Rev. Cordell Parsons officiating. Interment
Exeter .Cemetery. Donations to the. Heart
and Stroke Foundation or the charity of your
choice would be appreciated by the family.
EDWARDS - Suddenly at Leesburg Re-
gional Hospital. Leesburg. Florida on Sun-
day. January 19, 1997, William C. Edwards
of Dresden and formerly of Exeter in his
59th year. Beloved husband of Deborah Syl-
vester Prentice. Dear father of Brenda and
Rick Morrissey of Exeter. Sheila and Brian
Brooks of Grand Bend. Jacqueline and Steve
Bertotti of Chatham. Dear grandfather of
Alisha and Cassandra; Michael and Nicho-
las; and Brandon and Chantelle. Dear broth-
er of Vivian and Roger Emery of Windsor,
Howard and Phyllis Edwards of Clinton and
Fred Edwards of Windsor. Arrangements in-
complete. Hopper Hockey Funeral Home,
Exeter 235-1220 entrusted with arrange-
ments. 4c
MILISON • At Craigwiel Gardens, Ailsa
Craig on January 18. 1997. Clarence W.
Milison formerly of Clandeboye in his 1040
year. Beloved husband of the late Pearl
(Ashbury) Millson. Dear father of Ruth and
her husband Jim Beckett and Ralph and his
wife Marjorie Millson all of London. Dear
father-in-law of Florence Millson of Clande-
boye. Dear grandfather of Ruth Ann, Mary
Lou and Sandra Lee Beckett; fon, Ken and
Doug Milison and Debbie Glavin. Prede-
ceased by a son Gerald (January 1997) and a
sister Minnie Mardlin (June 1989). Friends
called at the C. Haskett and Son Funeral
Home, Lucan on Sunday 'Acre the- funeral
service was h •I,! n Mon.'ay. January 20
with Rev. Sus, !sod ficiating. Inter-
ment Sr. Jams Cul ,.,ery. Donations to
Craigwiel Gardens would he appreciated by
the family. 4c
PENHALE - Suddenly at her residence on
January 14. 1997. Elizabeth Grace Penhale
of Exeter in her 79th year. Daughter of,the
late Asa and Venetia Penhale. Sister of Mar-
garet Crawford of Belttiiont, Gladys Bland of
Windsor and Doris Beattie and her husband
Kenneth of Kitchener. Predeceased by 1
brother Allan Frayne Penhale. (1945). Also,
survived by several nieces and nephews. A
private funeral service was held at the Exet-
er United Church Parlour. James Street, Ex-
eter on January 18 at I p.m. with Rev. Cor-
dell Parsons officiating., Interment in Exeter
Cemetery. Those wishing to make memorial
contributions may consider the Dieter Unit-
ed church or the charity of your choice.
Dinney Funeral Home. 471 Main Street. Ex-
eter entrusted with •arrangements. (235-
3500). 4s:
A tree will be planted
as a living memorial
td Miss Penhale.
187 Huron St. W_ Exeter
Pastor Kevin Rutledge
Assistant Pastor John Boyachek
Sunday,. January 26
Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
7 09 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
January 26
9:30 a.m.-11:OOa.m.
Worship Broadcast on
Community Channel
Corner of James and Andrew St.
Sunday, January 26, 1997
Annual Meeting Sunday
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
Rev. Cordell Parsons
Sunday School 10:30 a.m.
Potluck Lunch following service.
all Annual meeting 12:30 p.m.
Courtesy Car.
Marion Frayne, 235-1409
Nursery provided
Everyone welcomer
68 Main Street ouch
Rev. Daniel Roushorne
Courtesy Car 235-1967
Youth Worker. Tracey Whitson Bahro
Sunday, January 28, 1997
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
The Annu9Lmainpg and potluck has
been changed to February 23. 1997
Jan. 23 8 p.m. Choir Practice
Jan. 24 7 p.m. Senior Youth Group
(grades 8.11)
Jan. 31 7 p.m. Junior Youth Group
(grades 5-8)
The Torchman wIN be here May 4,
Visitors ane most welcome
9:30 a.m. Communion Service
Sunday School tor all ages
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
Tuesday evenings
' 7:30 p.m. Bible Study
. 94 Orchard Street, Exeter
Everyone Welcome
Comer of Gidley and Main
The Rev. Fay M. Patterson
Third Sunday after Epiphany
January 26. 1997
11:00 a.m. Moming Prayer B.C.P.
Everyone Welcome
162 Main St. North
Pastor Peter Tulninga
January 28, 1996
10:00 a.m.Moming Service
'50-20 Vision'
Sunday School for ages 3 - grade 4
during morning service
Nursery Available
7:00 p.m. 'Sure Cure for the Blues'
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Ratio,
CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m.
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
Deity T.V.
Faith 20 Global 5:30 am.
MUNROE • Suddenly at South Huron Hos-
pital, Exeter on Monday. January 13. 1997,
Thomas Stoddart Munroe of Exeter in his
78th year.Beloved husband of Iona (Hamil-
ton) Munroe. Dear father of Jan Munroe of
London. Survived by several nieces and
nephews. At. Thomas's request there will be
no service. Cremation. Interment of cremat-
ed remains in St. Paul's Cemetery, Hunts-
ville. Hopper Hockey Funeral Home. Exeter
entrusted with arrangements. 4c
Cards of Thanks
BOERSMA - The family of the late Mrs. J.
Boersma-Konynenbelt would like to thank
the Exeter Villa and all the staff; South Hu-
ron Hospital and staff for their care shown to
Mother; Dr. Ecker, Dr. Fleming and Dr.
Wallace for their professional care; and
Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home. Your kind-
ness will always be remembered.
4* The Boersma Family
those who braved the weather and made it,
those who tried and didn't; also the organiz-
ers. For the cards and good wishes, THANK
YOU. Not soon forgotten.
4c -Sincerely,
CUSHMAN - Our thanks and prayers go
out to all family and friends who have sup-
ported us during the past year, especially the
last few days. Special thanks to Rev.. Cor -
delle Parsons for his faithfulness and caring.
4c The family of the late Lloyd Cushman
PRESZCATOR • On behalf of my sister-
in-law. Marjorie, my mother, Mabel MacL-
ean, and myself. 1 would like to express our
thanks to our families and friends for their
comforting thoughts. cards and flowers dur-
ing the recent loss of my dear brother. Don-
4' Harold (Bud) Preszcator and families
SPENCE - The family of the late William
David Spence would like to thank all our rel-
atives, friends and neighbours for their acts
of kindness, floral tributes, memorial and
food donations and many expressions of
sympathy. A special thank you to the staff at
the Wildwood Care Centre for their tender
cam given to Dad. Special thanks to Rev.
Dr. Rack Horst for his comforting message.
To the ladies of ,the Presbyterian Church for
a, delicious lunch, and the Sass Funeral
Home for their help and consideration.
4' Pearl. Bill and Doris.
• •Lome and Annie Jean..
In Memoriam
memory of our dear son Barry. and a dear
friend Jim, who were 'suddenly' taken
'home' in their 20th and 19th year. January
23, 1977. to be with their 'Saviour' Jesus
The 'world' is 'preparing' for the 'arrival'
and 'acceptanceof the Anti -Christ. (Ise.
This day:
truth is a lie
a lie is the truth
right is wrong
and wrong'is right
good is had ,
and bad is good
good is rejected
and bad is accepted
Jesus Christ is rejected!
The Anti-christ will be accepted!
'Choose' this day who you will 'Serie':
'self.. the 'World'. the 'devil' or. Jesus
Christ. God's 'gift'. Salvation! (Joshua
"And if it eem evil unto you to serve the
Lord. .choose you this day whom ye will
serve;...but as for me and my house. we will
serve the Lord" Amen.
Kenn and June
In loving memory of my
dear brother, Barry, who
died so tragically, 20
years ago, January 23,
Never more than a thought away,
Quietly remembered everyday,
No need for words, except to say.
Still loved, still missed in every
Love always, your sister Deb,
lack, Tina, Matt and Ben
CASE - In loving memory of a dear hus-
band, father and grandfather. Donald S.
Case. who passed away January 24, 1987.
There will never be one to replace you.
God never makes two of a kind,
I'm thankful for such a blessing,
When he made you. that he rade you mine.
Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by
wife Phyllis, family and grandchildren. 4'
GIBSON • Id loving memory of a dear hus-
band. father, grandfather and great -grandpa,
Leo, who passed away January 25. 1996.
Our lives go on without you,
And nothing is the same,
We have to hide our heartache.
When someone speaks your name.
Sad are the beam that love you,
Silent the tears that fall.
Living our lives without you,
Is the hardest pan of all:
The special yearn will not return.
When we were all
But with the love wi our hearts,
You will walk with us forever.
Sadly missed by wife Frances, children
Wayne, Barb, Valerie Bryan. Terry Mi-
chail. Deb, grandchildren "Aimee, Randy,
Bev, Rob and goat -granddaughter Nicole.
JORY - In loving memory of Ray Jory, who
passed away 1 year ago. January 23. 1996.
He had a cheery smile, a pleasant way,
A helping hand to all he knew:
He was so kind, so generous and true.
On earth he nobly did his best,
Grant him. Jesus, heavenly rest.
Lovingly remembered by wife Helen, and
Carol Winston. Vicki and Robb. 4'
JORY • In loving memory of Grandpa and
Great -grandpa, Ray Jory, who passed away
1 year ago. January 23.
ar remember you most' for the riddles.
jokes and stories you told us, to cheer us up.
even in the end! Your humor was "never"
lost. You put up a wonderful front. But now
you're at peace with your body and soul. Al-
though we miss you each and every day,
you've left a little memory of "You" for all
of us. So Grandpa, we say to you, -
'Til we meet again. though not often said.
We love you! O'kee, Doe-kee!
Lovingly remembered and always missed,
Jeff, Jenni, Aleisha and Madee. Scott and
Angie, Shawn and Tara. 4c
JORY - In loving memory of a dear father
and grandfather, Ray Jory, who passed away
January 23. 1996.
If tears could build a stairway,
And memories would build a lane.
We would walk the way to heaven.
To bring you home again.
We think of you in silence.
And often speak your name.
But all we have are memories,
And pictures that are framed.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
But you didn't go alone, .
For part of us went with you,
The day God called you home.
Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by
Helen and Tony, Dianne and Lester. Marilyn
and families. 4'
JORY - In loving memory of a dear brother
Roy. who passed away January 23, 1996.
God saw you getting tired,
When a cure was not to be,
So He closed His arms around you.
And whispered "Come to Me".
You suffered much in silence.
Your spirit did not bend,
You faced your pain with courage,
Until the very end.
You tried so hard to stay with us,
Your fight was all in vain,
God took you to His loving home.
And freed you from all pain.
Loved and sadly missed, your sister Ruby
and Harry.
LAGERWERF - In loving memory of a
dear sister and aunt Iva, who passes January
25. 1992.
A wonderful sister laid to rest,
For each of us she did her best,
Her place on eanh no one can fill,
We miss you Iva and always will.
Loved and missed by sisters, Clara and
Nola and families. 4'
Hensall Union Cemetery
Annual Medi
Mon., Jan. 27, 10 a.m.
Hensall Village Council
Robt. Bell Chairman
Joanne Rowcliffe Sec: Trea.
For additional information call
Everyone welcome
Hensall Union Cemetery is a
Registered Charitable
at the
Sherwood Forest Mall
Wonderland Rd. N.
WED., JAN. 22"
SAT. JAN 25"
I r t lir
I,11)It'(1 P I \I III:
n „• rttr"„r
Escorted by lack and Anita Riddell
Escorted by Knowlton Nash
RAGTIME March 1 $99 �s�
... Escape to t e Sun - LAST MINUTE DEALS Call for details
235-2000 or 1-800-265-7022
(Jan. 20)
Kerri, Cari,
Karen &
Toddlers' Inn
Nursery School
4 spaces
Now until June
CaII Glenda Wagner
_1 Friends and family of
Scott "Taco" &
Darlene (Faber) Bell
wish to invite you to attend
their open
casual wedding party
January 25, 9 p.m.
Hensall Community Centre
D.J., Lunch provided Further
—1 details: 522-0409, 262-2104
L 1
Happy 80th Great Grandma
The friends and family of
Jean Allen
inviteyorl to a ,
'Come and Go Tea'
Sat. Jan. 25 - 3 to 4:30 p.nl.
net the Exeter Lions Youth Centre
Best Wishes Only
HrY��►9�1�1 l�ll� %!l �i�fi' iliari l)' fQ�ll'fy!
Cliff & Laura
• January 24, 1947
With love from
Marion, Doris,
Ruthanne and Joan
and their families
Coining events
, a
MEAT AND 50/50 DRAWS every Saturday afternoon. 4-6 p.m. at The Royal Canadi-
an Legion Br. 8167. Exeter in the Club rooms. License #M4059103696 in support of
the Huron -Middlesex Royal Army Cadet Corp. 361fnc
FRIEN6S HELPING FRIENDS. The NEW ,Usbome Township Supplementary Book
is available from Greeting Card World and National Trust in Exeter. from theWoodham
Post Office and fmm the Usbome Historians. Buy a hook for yourself. for your children
and for your grandchildren. 4'
SUNDAY*.R,titiErstlegiswi >�++R�grrr_at ala Advance sales
only. Adul . 1c4k AsRkA� ISA ItNAr M1tsllott�h alk -slut or home de-
livery available. Call 235-2962 (afternoon) for tickets. 3.4
SINGLES DANCE, Sunday, January 26 a1 the Wingham Legion hall. Dancing from 7
p.m. to 11 p.m.,Music by Ken Scott. No blue jeans please. , 4'
SOLO TOURNAMENT. Seaforth Legion. Saturday. February I. Registration 12:30
p.m. Tournament starts 1 p.m. Entry fee 55.00 per person. Everyone welcome. 3.4.5c
PANCAKE SUPPER 10 he held at Trivia Memorial Parish Hall on Tuesday. February
11 from 5 to 7 p.m. Scalloped potatoes. baked beans. etc, pancakes and syrdp. Addlts
58.00, children 54.00. 4-6'
EASTER CANTATA at Exeter United Church. Rehearsals begin Thursday, February
13 at 7:30 p.m. Choral and spoken parts. Everyone welcome. For information call (519)
235-0224. 4-6c
i5s •.
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