HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-01-22, Page 7FAMILY
Times -Advocate, January. 22, 1997 -
:Page 7
Low impact
'High stepping seniors: 'The:Dining Dining for Seniors Program ini exeter featured a special
-demonstration on low impact step aerobics.; conducted- by Sharon Steciuk at the Lions
Club CommunityC.entre on Wednesday. The program is runby Town and•CountrySupport
Services based in Wingham`with.offices in Exeter and Clinton.
Slumber party held at
•• ZURICH - ;On ;Tuesday.eycning
metnhc of •Dashw•ood, 'United
Church :.v.isitcd Blue Water Resi
Home to entertain the -residents for
the January hirthdayti_of Henricus
' (Harry ) Maas. Frieda• Moore and
Ruhr Futcher. President. of :the
.Women's Institute is Maida Gaiser -
inul her group 'entertained with a.•
"New -''ear." theme. Rev. Gari- La-
zaro -was Chairpersoe !Or 'the eve. ,-
ning and gavea Message.. .
Bill Chandler led a sing song and '.
also sang 'IThc. 1.ord' Prayer." .
Brian Ford.played the Piano. Janna' .
Lynn Wehcr played'her guitar. and
Justine I izaro sang; "i'hantonr
the Opera.". Idella (label- watt -organ -
ist- for the church members. who
sang `Way Down On Yonder
Bethlehem",and `iticiness" .,. +e•
Thursday. evening the women. en-
joyed-a "Slumber Part+'` ail decked
.nut, in :their laioritc nightie and
'housecoat. Those 'who, ,took part
were Susan Leslie; Rose- Writer-.
-B;eulati- iiesjardine. Mabel Kyle.
Rohr Hoggarlh. Jean Bufr, Hilda .
• _Rader,- Elizabeth djngctich. Cathe
rine Richt. --Margaret Mousseau.
-Pear-I,Hooper. Rosc'Bro riick. Bea-
trice McNah.:Sarah Stewart, F.lor-
ence . Denommc.. Esther-.Makins.
Lottie. Ciascho. Philippa Stccklc.-
Frieda Moore. Eleanor Watson.
Edna Johnston. - norothy ' Dietrich
and -volunteer Megan Ratcliffe. The
women , recited. nursery rhyrhes.
•react fairy tales. and Cathy Shantz
Blue _Water
rend "The' Old. Wringer Ate MY; 'Chairperson and Parra :.; Dvck•.was
Arm" which brought hack• Menlo- organist. The choral croup -sang
ries ot'Wringer ,Washing machines mangy• h+nins. The residenit tOUnd
and, the experiences: -women had • thi. a refreshing change from. thcir-
with- therm -The group enjoyed spe- normal quiet Saturday evenings:
cial leas. cookies and fruit: Saturday: the women received a
While the women were -at• the ' manicure from the attending Adju-
slunihet party. Dr. John Earl. Zu- " vant..Janc Campbell. Sunday morns'
rich Vctcrinarj Clinic entertained .ing they enjoyed watching "Pco-
the,: men with "his 'white Samoide "pies' Church" on T.V. In the
dog Hinted "Iggy •'. Mcaghan f Meg:: ": afternoon they watched the .first
eicl furl, two years, assisted her fa- halt of. "My Fair Fadi•"• and en-
ther: with his demonstration of just joyed afternoon tea and classical
' hrs. loving and obedient an animal . music
++ in the: reception area:. Hcnti-
can he and hs.►a dog is Still man's,' ens- (Harry.).
Harry.)• Maas _celebrated his .
hest friend. _ 7411i birthday. on.tanuu 15 and his
c i)r.. Bart also cares for the two familyvisited on Wednesday' and .
cockatieb al' the 'Home.` Matthew ' Sunday. Monday. the residents en-'
and Matilda, by assisting with beak joyed the second' halt" of "My Fair
"trimming -and general health care. Lady."
Rev.:.Jae'k 'Patiercciii. 'Bayfield"'""t'i5iidoiences godotiie`�s ncl
! •tilted. Churc1 . conducted Thurs- friends of `the late Freida Lillis
dily afternoon n Chapel Service with • Scotchmcr who -pa lscd away at
the assistance•of Beatrice Rader as Blue Water Rest Home on January.
organist: Rev-. Gani Lazar(); Zurich 14. She was •the younger sister of
United Church fed Tuesday after- ,resident-Esther-'Makins' and the\
noon I3ihlc Study:. both. 3ivcd.in the village of Bay I, •
Friday afternoon. while the wind racist of their adult years -and raised
-played cir les with the snow out- thcir"family there.
siderite residents watched. "Wild Welcome to Frieda Marie. Moore
`America' inside in•thc auditorium:- of Zurich and Sarah (Sadie) Stew-
Thc video was loaned to the Home art of .London. recent residents tc,
t)v, Clarence Smillie. a• tenant of: the Home.
BWRH Apartments. • The residents look forward tci the
, Saturday evening members of Christian Reformed Church on Jan
Highbury G_ospcl Hall. London vis- uary 21. Max Ducharmc and _ the
•ited the Home to entertain the resi- "Town Linen" on January 23, Bud-
. dents
ud-.dents and•their friend and resident. dies January 29.and a potluck sup
Beatrice McNah.. Don Plewes was " per with the slat—ism January 29.
Still time to quit smoking
HURON -PERTH - New Year's resolutions come.
And -go. At the top of the list -for many is the challenge
to"quit smoking. Studies indicate that as many as 90
per cent of, regular smokers would tike to quit, and
most have already made attempts to do so.
For those interested in "kicking the habit", the -
Lung Association, Huron -Perth Counties offers a
wide range of material 'including Get On
Track, as self-help smoking cessation guide
full of information and encouraging tips.
helps in - planning the steps to quitting
smoking, outlines potential problems, and
offers strategies to cope with any withdraw-
al symptoms.
Smokers who quit improve their prospect
of living longer and healthier lives. With-
in a year of quitting, the' 'additional.
risk of heart disease -caused by
smoking drops by half. After 15
years of quitting, a person's risk of
death from smoking-related disease
is about half that of someone who
have never used, tobacco. Not only
does the,smoker benefit from quitting. but so do those
around him. '
-The medical communityand the Canadian public -are
coming tounderstandthe risk posedrby second-hand
smoke, especially for children. For instance, sudden in-
death syndrome (SIDS) is 800 times more likely in
a home where there is, one or 'more smokers. Ear in-
fections, tonsillitis. bronchitis and
asthma arc far more common'in chil-
dren who live in a home with a smok
Quitting is rarely easy. Nicotine is ex—
tremely addictive, harder to give up than co-
caine or heroin. As well,. people wanting to
quit must fight the "habit" that smoking has
become - the cigarette with a eoffce, the first
cigarette of, the day. the cigarette. while on the
telephone. Although quitting smoking can be
difficult, lots of people have successful-
ly done it: Today more than seven
million Canadians arc former smok-
ers, enjoying better health and pro-
viding a healthier environment for
their families. •
By National Non -Smoking Week.
January .19 to 25, New Year's resolutions
ria, have become distant memories. 1f you would like
help in making the' resolution to become a non-smoker'
a reality,'call The Lung Association at 27.1-7500.
Secret Sister
IXI:MR - Doris Denham
.opened a recent ent Pride "of Huron
Lodge meeting in 'Exeter- by read-
ing a poem "What Lies -Ahead.'
Beverly Campbell sent flowers -to -
. .Isabelle Cann for -her 90th birthday.
..A poinsettia was taken to. Mary
VanCamp-in Huronview.and a me-
morial donation to the Arthritis So-
ciety' wa given at her funeral. Car-
' nations were taken to Chris Philips
in South Huron Hospital, A card
was "sent .to I.illian'and Alvin Pvm
_tor their 40th wedding anniversary.
The next -euchre -games. will he -
held on Febntary 13. The group is
having.a Poor Boy Lunch on Janu-
ary..24 from -11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the
Lodge Hall above the Purple Tur-
-tic., - •-
-The group will. be _hosting the
(kldtellows Lodge "on March 14.
There will he 'a meal- followed by -
Secret Sister gifts were distrihui
ed. Names will he drawn next
Meeting for the 1997 Secret Sisters:
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