HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-01-22, Page 3J1LIHE NFW.S __ Tirties-Aihk1cate, January 22, 1997. -- Poster Poster winners Don McCurdy, youth education chairperson at the Exeter Legion, presents 1997 Remem- brance Day poster contest awards to Jasmin Co h, at left, and Shawn Murray, at right,. on Monday. Cornish, a Grade 12 South Huron Distric ' h School student, wins third place with her black and white soldier -in -a -trench, scene whi array, a -Grade 5 txeter Public School student,- wins third place .with his colorfulsymbol design including a cross, helmet, poppy and soldier. The students are each -awarded a $30 cheque'for their creative efforts. Changes for Catholic students - LONDON - Paul Whitehead: Chair of the London -Middlesex Catholic. School Board, said Mon- day. "The good news of today's an- nouncement by'thc Minister of Edu cation is that- it will result in the elimination of the second class stu- dent." Whitehead was referring to the changes in the funding of educe - tion laid out by John Snobelen, the Minister of Education and Training earlier this week. The changes call for the elimination of residential property taxes for education with the hulk of funding for . school. hoards to come directly from pro- vincial grants. Whitehead said: "This will _create an equal playing .field for finding across the prov- ince.. something Catholic Boards and .other assessment poor -hoards have been calling for, . for many Years." ...Whitehead went on to say, that the, -announcement thiit-` itis• .London - Middlesex. Catholic -Board will he -antalganiated with the Elgin and Oxford County Catholic •Boards comes: as no- surprise.. He says that this amalgamation was one the rec- ommendations in the Sweeney Re-.. port more than- a year ago, a recom- mendation that the London - Middlesex Catholic Board support ed. Whitehead says the joining of the three boards under -an equitable funding formula provides -an oppor-; tunity to grow and enhance the edu- cational opportunities for the stu- dents. of the three hoards. He- says he doesn't -anticipate problems with the amalgamation as the- three hoards already have i good relation: ship.. The mood at Monday's- regular. meeting of the Catholic_Boerd was. positive. Some trustees' expressed pleasure that perhaps finally there wilI.hL equity. in funding for Cath-. olic. students across Ontario. The , next meeting of the Board will be Monday. January 27. - Amalgamation vs. restructuring Council discusses internal re- structuring proposal during in camera session • discuss -such a possibility when/if that happens. in the meantime, internal restructuring is regarded as the proiScr course to follow. Following Exeter's withdrawal from the talks on amalgamation; Grand Bend advised that it 'will pursue the matter with the - Commission. Council will prepare a position paper EXETER - Exeter. Council again moved into that -rejects Grand Bend's efforts and will seek the Committee of the Whole in camera Monday night to discuss what action it plans to take to reduce, costs. Council attempted amalgamation with Exct- • er's neighbors for the last two years. but those talks ended shortly ,before Christmas. As a result. coun- cillors are attempting to devise a plan to merge de-` partments. reduce staff and rationalize services. The report of the previous private, meeting oes presented in open session early in Monday's niect- ing-and reads as follows: - ' 1) internal Restructuring: On November 18. 1996, at a strategic planning session. council determined that internal restructuring would take priority over • amalgamation. (Unsuccessful) discussions with Us - home and Stephen prompted council to revisit the (Westion. Council's position to focus on internal re- structuring was re -affirmed. • 2)- Amalgamation: It was recognized that amal- .gamation may re -surface in the future. Council,will support of Ushornc and Stephen for that stance, 3)Boundarics: Concerns over Walper Street and the -overspill of urban uses,into rural areas prompt- ed council.to take the position that boundary chang- es with Hay Township should he re -activated. At the appropriate time. an approach will he, made tit Hay Council.- 4) immediate: Steps: a)'A number orrestructuring , and personnel planning` issues will be reviewed with the Town's solicitor: h) Council directed the ad- ministrator to Advise the Cemetery Superintendent and the 'Cemetery Board of its position that the greenhouse operation should he discontinued im- mediately led: note`. See details in another article in this issue.): and. c)Following consultations with the lawyer; Council will i) meet with staff. ii) re -open discussions with the P.U.C. and iii) at -range a pub- lic meeting. du 11 GIGANTIC EXETER SALE THURSDAY, JANUARY 23RD - 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. SOUTH HURON REC CENTRE HALL 94 Victoria Street East, Exeter, *******************•********* COME SAVE ON CLOTHING FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY - PLUS BIKES, TOYS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, EXERCISE EQUIPMENT. KINDLING AND MORE! **************************** DOOR PRIZES • BONUS' BUCKS CONTINUOUS RESTOCKING FOR LATE SHOPPE tf, 1 Page 3 • Works committee offers proposal . EXETER - The Public Works .Committee offered, its capital plan- ning proposals -for 1997 to council Monday night. The major item was the recortstruction of ` Gidley and Senior streets at a cost of approxi- mately $250,000. Reeve Bill Mick - le commented, ''Council cannot for- get that a significant reduction' in Klock funding is a reality for this., year and the county has eliminated road rebates to the towns. And Pub- lic Works will have to reduce what Counterfeit currency . turned in to Lambton police LAMBTON COUNTY - Ontario Provincial Police report thetamh- • ton detachment has received a counterfeit $50 Canadian hill from - a local hank. ' • :The hill, which is -a -good repro- duction of an authenticS50 bill, is -printed on thicker paper than a real bill. Theserial number is FHL8467121 and according to po- lice. the green planchets do not re-. •ntnve and the hologram •dices not shift. • Similar incidents have been re- ported by neighboring police ser- vices and merchants are advised to copy the following serial numbers_ and ,post them ;near -a cash register or other location for reference.: FHL8467121 • F►iL8467.122'. FHL6649965 FHK3405539 lf'mcml)crs of the public obtain ,cine of these hill, they are askcd to contact police immediatelywith a -full'description of the person(s) passing the hill as well as a vehicle licence and plate number if possi- ttle.• , C(intact the Lamhton detachment at 519=786-2349 or Crimestoppers at 1=1100-222-8477 with ipfonita- tion regarding this counterfeit cur- it spends on capital projects. There. has to he greater consideration giv- en to maintenance so that out roads last longer. We can't tie up that much money right now. We nerd a Nock of. -money put into mainte- nanc'e : we don't do, enough of that." • Councillor Rov Trichncr: chair of puhlic•works answered, "I strongly disagree with you in that Public Works is liars of the hlctck funding and council will establish the prior- itics-tor.alt its spending. There's also -the usual problem that if we wait too long to act, we will. miss possible savings." 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