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Lucan Council turns down
request for additional
.sump pump labor costs
By Chris Skalkos
T -A Reporter
LUCAN - Lucan council turned down a request
from six families on Nicbline Avenue who demanded
compensation for labor costs they incurred during the
installation of sump pumps on their properties.
After many properties suffered flooding from a
heavy rainfall in September, the village enacted a
sump pump subsidy policy a month later urging home-
owners to disconnect their foundation drains from the
sanitary sewer system and install sump pumps. -
Doug Johnston, public works superintendent, ex-
plained the flooding occurred because of an in-
filtration problem due to run-off water and the sewer
system needed to be modified by disconnecting foun-
dation drains and installing sump pumps to separate
raw sewage and storm water.
Although the Village subsidized the project by pro-
viding homeowners with a grant of up to $1,500;
council didn't specify what type of sump pumps
homeowners should install. Some feel the $1,500
grant from the village wasn't enough and others chose
to install their own sump pump systems, saying it suit-
ed their specific situations and would alleviate costs
associated with the policy by reducing contracted fees.
"The resulting work encompassed a minimum of
four full days of labor during poor weather conditions
and a significant amount of damage to the land-
scaping," stated a letter written by the six families.
"We ask that Council reconsider...fair compensation
comparable to the labor charges levied by the contrac-
tors for homeowners (who) performed the work them-
The letter suggested the amount of $700-$900
should have been granted for labor instead of $300 la-
bor costs contained within the grant.
However, Johnston reminded council that families
in question chose to install outdoor shtmp pumps that
DHC asks for
LISTOWEL - Reductions of
12 to 18 per cent are now the aim
of the Hospital and Related Health
Services Study Task Force
"Because other areas of the prov-
ince have been able to find much
higher savings through utilization
improvements, the task force has
determined it would be unreason-
able for Huron Perth to reduce hos-
pital spending by more than 18 per
cent," the task force announced last
"As •a result, the task force has
indicated a savings range of 12-18
per cent would be -reasonable. The
three preliminary options costed by
the task force to date would result
in operating savings in the range of
10-18 per cent."
Savings of $3.7 million from
consolidating administration and
support services are among the
conclusions Price Waterhouse has
presented to the task force. It ex-
pects a further $3.8 million can be
saved through improvements in
how the eight hospitals in Perth
and Huron counties are used.
The task force will select its fi-
nal, 'preferred restructuring option
on Jan. 21. This option will be re-
leased to the public only after de-
tailed costing is completed. (One of
the criticisms of the three prelimi-
nary options presented in Novem-
ber was that they included no cost-
ing information.)
"At this point the task force has
considerable information to assist it
in its decision-making process,"
said the group's statement. "If the
preferred option differs substantial-
ly from the three options costed to
date, further cost analyses will be
If no further costing is required,
or if it moves along quickly, infor-
mation sessions will be held in
early February to present the pre-
ferred option to the public, address
questions and hear concerns.
On this date as .well, at 4 p.m.,
the eight hospitals will have an op-
portunity to respond to task force
questions about the option they
presented to the task force yester-
day, Jan. 14.
The task force said it has been
looking forward to receiving the
hospital's jointly prepared option.
Its members will consider the hos-
pital's advice before selecting a
preferred restructuring option dur-
ing the evening of Jan. 21.
The task force applied for and re-
ceived a 60 -day extension on its
deadline for reporting to the Onta-
rio Hospital Restructuring Com-
mission. It will make its final rec-
ommendation for restructured
health care by March 31.
This additional time will be used
for more costing, for consulting
with the communities in the two
counties, and for establishing im-
plementation pteiidgres and gov-
ernance plans. =111, •
required much more labor than indoor systems.
Councillor Harry Wraith was opposed to the request.
"I think we have to say no. The Village has been
very generous, but these families want more," he said.
Reeve Rob Brady agreed.
"I don't think we were off the mark with that grant,"
he said, adding the average cost for installing a sump
pump system ranges from $1,000 -$1,200.
Village Administrator Ron Reynner claims some
families have paid as much as $2,100 out of -their own
pockets to install the pumps due to particular obstacles
or the unique layout of their properties, adding when
the Village enacted the policy it was trying to be fair to
"We had to make a policy -that applied to most home-
owners but we knew it would nut apply to everyone,"
he said. "We really can't change the rules at this stage
of the game."
Johnston reported 35 foundation drains have been
disconnected and sump pumps installed to date with
another 11 applications received.
In other business, Council passed a bylaw to enter
into a three-year agreement with a company from Lon-
don to collect and dispose garbage on a weekly basis.
The Village will pay $13,000 a year for the service as
well as a disposal fee of $45 per tonne.
Council passed a resolution to amend Lucan's road,
municipal sign and sidewalk inspection policy to in-
clude manholes and catchbasin covers on road in-
spection sheets.
It was noted the Village should draft a similar policy
regarding the inspection of playground equipment. It
was also suggested the arena and Hydro should con-
duct similar inspections of their facilities.
Reymer explained the policy is in place to protect the
village in case of a law suit. "Right now these things
are inspected regularly, but official records are not
kept," he said, adding the Village insurance company
made the recommendation at a recent seminar.
Sunshine Kids
The three-year old children at
the Sunshine Kids Co-op at
the James Street United
Church in Exeter were busy
playing and learning on
Tuesday morning, Above, left
to right, Brittany Carrigan,
Dayna Stanley and Katey
Potter listen to Ruth Mercer -
Ross read a book about
winter. At right, Dayna
Stanley couldn't help but
make a face for the camera
as she peers over a
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