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Times Advocate, 1997-01-15, Page 18
Page 18 �-r Times-Advocc' January 15, 1997 MIL r&p7111 Births Cards o DROST • Grant and Deana Drost and big sisters Kini and Dallas and big brothers Dave and Greg are happy to announce the birth of Harley William born December 24, 1996 at 12:25 a.m. Harley weighed 8 lbs. 8 oz. Many thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Reabum for all their help. 3c JOHNS - Dennis, Tracy and big sister Alys- sa are pleased to announce the safe arrival of Sarah Jeanette, born January 6, 1997 at 3:05 a.m. weighing 7 lbs. 12 ozs. 19 inches long. Proud grandparents are Ken Johns of Staffa, Lynda Johns of Exeter, Shirley Southcott and Harry Plantenga of Lucan, Barry South- cott and Carolyn Horner of Crediton. Spe- cial thanks to Dr. Eberhard and the third Floor nursing staff at St. Joseph's Hospital. 3* VANDERLAAN (BOERSMA) - Al and Norma thank God for the safe arrival of their daughter Danielle Nicole, born on December 27, 1996, weighing 7 lbs. 11 oz. Proud grandparents are Albert and Jean Vander- laan and Annie and Jerry Boersma. 3' Cards of Thanks BLUE - 1 would like to say a heartfelt thank you to some very special people. Bill and Sharon. Dave and Susan, Kim and Angela. Paul and Judy, for the special surprise party and the wonderful surprise Christmas and early 50th Birthday gift, of the trip to my homeland of N. Ireland along with my sister Irene. It is a 40 -year dream come true for me. I can't thank you enough. Your thought- fulness. generosity and kindness will never be forgotten. 3* Betty CANN - 1 wish to extend sincere thanks to all of my friends. neighbours, relatives and family for your visits, gifts, cards and ex- pressions of good wishes on the occasion of my 90th birthday on January 5. Your kind- ness and thoughtfulness will always be re- membered, , 3* Isabelle COLLIER - The family of the late Dorothy Collier extends -sincere appreciation for the many expressions of kindness and sympathy shown us during this time of sorrow. Heart- felt thanks to Rev. Glenda Meakin for her gentle. comforting words. Special thanks to Mary Blackler. Wilma Davis, the choir of St. Paul's, Kirkton, the pallbearers and St. Paul's A.C.W. We are ever grateful to Doc- tors .1. and S. Hiscock and the management and staff of Kingsway Lodge who lovingly' and kindly cared for M6m. Your thoughtful- ness and caring will allvays be remembered. 3c Grace and Clayt Ross and family EVANS - Thanks to all my nieces and neph- ews who showed us the real meaning of Christmas. A special thanks to Sandra who made it all happen: 3c Aunt Nola KNIGHT - Words cannot express my feel- ings towards my family. friends and neigh- bours for the many acts of kindness shown me this last few weeks. To the V.O.N.. doc- ors and nurses. you're a special group and I thank you for all your T.L.C. 3` Marg Thanks McGiLL - The family' of the late Freeman G. McGill would like to express their sin- cere gratitude for the many acts of kindness shown to them during their recent loss. Many thanks to Dr. Fisher, Margaret Ches- ter, and staff of the London Regional Cancer Clinic, Homecare, and the V.O.N. Thank you to the staff of the fifth Floor Palliative Care Unit at Parkwood Hospital for the care and compassion extended to Freeman and all of us during his stay at Parkwood. Thank you to Hopper -Hockey Funeral Horne. Rev. Daniel Roushourne, and the Ladies of the Exeter Legion Auxiliary Branch 167. Most important. our heartfelt gratitude to our fam- ily and friends for their many expressions of sympathy through charitable donations, flor- al tributes, donations of food, and moral sup- port throughout Freeman's illness and dur- ing his recent passing. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. 3s 11MILLSON - We would like to thank our relatives, neighbours, friends and co- workers for flowers, plants, visitations, me- morial donations, cards and food sent to the house during the recent loss of a dear hus- band, father, Poppa, son and brother, Gerald !Allison. Words cannot express the gratitude we have for everyone for the many comfort- ing prayers, Rev. Susan Shelstad and Heath- er Scott for the lovely service. Special thanks to Dr. Brubacher and staff; to VON nurses Cheryl Carroll, Cathy Aitken, Kathy Myles. Murray Martin and Marjorie Emery, Homecare Pam MacGinnis, Norah Elson for their kindness and care during Gerald's ill- ness. You all were so special and meant a lot to Gerald. Thanks to pallbearers, flowerbear- ers, and Bill Haskett Funeral Home, the La- dies of Lucan United Church for their lovely. lunch, Lena Rollings and Linda Wilkinson for help at home. Your kindness will always be remembered. 3c The ?Allison Family PAYNE - We would like to thank our rela- tives, neighbours and friends for Flowers. plants, donations, cards and food sent to the house during the recent loss of a dear wife. mother, and grandmother. We would like to thank Dr. Englert, Grand Bend Medical Cen- tre, South Huron Hospital. Dr. Woods, and Dr. George of St. Joseph's Health Centre. sixth floor. A special thank you to all the pallbearers; flowertearers; Hoffman's Fu- neral Home; Rev. Laksmanis; the ladies at the Crediton United Church; Joanne Sweiger for coming to the house to do Mom's hair; and the Parkhill Fire Department. All your kindnesses will always be remembered. 3' Bill Payne and families PYM • Many thanks to our families for ar- ranging an Open House to celebrate our 40th anniversary and to all our relatives and friends for their best wishes, cards, and flowers. A happy occasion that we will al- ways remember. 3• Lillian and Alvin TOOHEY - Sincere thanks to my sister. rel- atives and friends for prayers. cards, gifts. rides and food brought to me. ,Special thanks to doctors, nurses and all at Parkview Place. 3c Jim VAN CAMP - The family of the late Mary , Alice Van Camp would like to express their most sincere thanks' to family and friends for Flowers, plants, visitations. memohal dona- tions and for the lunch served by ladies from James St. United Church. We would also like to thank the staff at Huronview for their excellent care to Mary and a thank you to all those who visited her there. 3• EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH , 187 Huron St W. Exeter Pastor Kevin Rutledge Assistant Pastor John BByachek 235-2661 Sunday, January 19 Moming Worship 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Family Night ' Everyone Welcome EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 9:30 a.m. Communion Service Sunday School for all ages 11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour Tuesday evenings 7:30 p.m. Bible Study 94 Orchard Street. Exeter Everyone Welcome January 19 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Worship Broadcast on Community Channel CAVEN PRESBYTIMAN 68 Main 235-2784 Minister Rev. Daniel Roushorne Courtesy Car: 235-1967 Youth Worker: Tracey Whitson Bahro Sunday, January 19, 1997 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Jan. 15 7:30 p.m. Board and Session meeting Jan. 20 7:30 p.m. Kerypma Bible Study Visitors are most welcome EXETER UNITED CHURCH Comer of James and Andrew St. Sunday, January 19, 1997 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Rev. Cordell Parsons Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Courtesy Car: Manon Frayne, 235-1409 Nursery provided Everyone welcome, TRIVITT MEMORIAL ANGLICAN CHURCH Comer of Gidley and Main The Rev. Fay M. Patterson Second Sunday after Epiphany January 19, 1997 Week of Prayer for Chnstian Unity 11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist B.A.S. Nursery Everyone Welcome EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 162 Main St. North Pastor Peter Tuininga 235-1723 January 19, 1996 10:00 a.m.Moming Service 'Restoring Broken Dreams' Sunday School for ages 3 • grade 4 during morning service Nursery Available 7:00 p.m. 'A God Who Answers - Everyone Welcome Sunday Radio CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m. CKNX 920 10:30 a.m. Daily T.V. Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m. January 19 11:00 a.m.-12:10 p.m. Worship Broadcast on Community Channel GINGERICH - At Queensway Nursing Home, Hensall on Wednesday, January 8. 1997, Alvin Gingerich, formerly of Zurich, in/ his 80th year. Beloved husband of lila Martin Gingench. Dear father of David and his wife Betty Anne of Shedd, Oregon. Eliz- abeth of Raymond, Alberta, Florence Som- mers and her husband Ron of Uniontown, Ohio, Esther, Fern and Floyd and his wife Doris, all of Kitchener. Dear brother of Elda Bender, Neil and Gladys Gingench, Doreen and Earl Desch, Lennis and Marjorie Ginge- rich, Della Mae and Kenneth Gascho, all of Zurich, Dorothy and Leonard Bowman of Florida and helen and Keith Gingerich of Zurich. Also survived by ten grandchildren and three great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Predeceased by his first wife, thc former Rebecca Eby. one son Dan- iel, brothe-s Earl, husband of Malinda. Lorne. husband of Bernice and Ray in infan- cy and one sister Gladys Sander. Mr. Ginge- rich was ordained as a Deacon in the Zurich Mennonite Church and served in that capaci- ty in the Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church since its inception. Visitation in the J.M. McBeath Funeral Home, 49 Goshen Street North. Zurich on Friday from 7-9 p.nt. and Sat. 2-4 and 7-9 p.nt. The Funeral Ser- vice was conducted in the Lakeview Conser- vative Mennonite Church,Blake on Sunday. January 12. 1997 at 2:30 p.m. Pastor Merlin Bender officiating. Interment Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Cemetery. 3c LEARN - At South Hu- ron Hospital, Exeter on Monday. January 13, 1997, Max Learn of Hu- ron Park in his 62nd year. Beloved husband of Glo- ria (Keller) Learn. Dear son of Lois Leam of Exeter and the late Lee Learn (1981). Dear son-in-law of Freida Keller of. Dashwood. Dear father of Debbie and Jerry Dillan of Seaforth and Beverley and Mary Learn of Huron Park. Dear grandfather of Brian. Kar- en, Michael, Jill and Andy. Dear brother of Fred and Francine Learn of Shipka. Prede- ceased by a son Jamie (1977). Friends called at the Hopper Hockey Funeral Home. 370 William Street, I west of Main, Exeter on Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. where the funeral service will be held on Wednesday. January 15 at 11:00 a.m. with Rev. Daniel Rou- shome officiating. Interment Exeter Ceme- tery. Donation to Caven Presbyterian Church would be appreciated by the family. 3c MANTEY - At Exeter Villa, on Monday. January 13, 1997• Julian Mantey. formerly of Zurich. in his 91st year. Beloved husband of Beatrice (Meidinger) Mantey of Exeter. Dear father of Donald of Exeter, Mr. Man- tey was predeceased by 4 sisters and 3 broth- ers. Visitation in the J.M. McBeath Funeral Home, 49 Goshen Street N., Zurich on Tues- day from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.. where the corn- plete funeral service ss ill be conducted on Wednesday. January 15: 1997 at 1:30 p.m' Pastor Ross Thomson officiating. Interment St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery. Memonal contributions to St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Canadian Cancer Society or chanty of choice would be appreciated by the family. 3c SPENCE - William David. Passed away peacefully at Wildwood Care Centre. St. Marys. on Saturday. January 11. 1997, in his 93rd year. Dave Spence is the beloved hus- band of Pearl Kathleen Spence (nee Paynter) of St. Marys, formerly of RR #6. St. Marys ..oving father of Annie Jean Johns and her husband Lorne of Exeter and William Spence and his wife Doris of RR #6 St. Mar- ys. Sadly missed by 9 grandchildren: David. Susan. Steve. Sandra (Spence). Lois, Mur- ray. Ann. Barbara. and Lon (Johns). and 22 great-grandchildren. Predeceased by 1 great- granddaughter Kailee Marriott (1994). 1 sis- ter Irene Hawkins (1975), 2 brothers Mal- colm and Robert Spence (1996), and I granddaughter -in-law, Pamela Spence (1994) Relatives and friends will be re- ceived by the family at the Sass Funeral Home (Ball & Sass Ltd.) 47 Wellington Street South. St. Marys. on Monday from 2- 4 and 7-9 p.m. where the funeral service was held on Tuesday. January 14. 1997 at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Dr Rick Horst officiating Interment St. Marys Cemetery. In his memo- ry donations to the Heart and Stroke Foun- dation or the chanty of one's choice would be appreciated. Granton Lodge #483 A.F. & A.M. held a service in his memory at the fu- neral home. Monday evening at 9 p.m. 3c VAN CAMP - Peacefully at Huronview. Clinton, Ontario. formerly of Exeter. on Jan- uary 8, 1997. Mary Alice Van Camp. In her .80th year. Daughter of the late James and Harriett Van Camp. fear sister of Irene Yates of London. Loved by her two nieces. Mrs. Jane Pichc and her husband Don of Waterloo and Susan Hud and her husband Steven Rivett of Mississauga The funeral and committal service was held January 10, 1997. at the Exeter United Church with Rev. Cordell Parsons officiating Visitation pnor I to thc Funeral Service Interment in Blyth Cemetery. Dinncy Funeral Home. Main Street. Exeter, entrusted with arrangements (235.3500). Those wishing to make. memori- al contributions may consider Exeter United i Church or Arthritis Society. A tree will be planted as a living memorial to Mrs Van Camp. In Memoriam CORNISH - In loving memory of a brother. uncle and granduncle, Gerald. who died Jan- uary 14. 1996 Gone are thc days we used to share. But in our hearts you are always there. Remembered by sister Donna Woods and niece and her family Cyndy Woods, Hill Sweryda. Kelsic and Christian. 3, H(X.GARTH - In loving memory of a dear wifc who parsed away January 16. 1996. I'm thinking of you today Ada. But this is nothing new, I thought about you yesterday. And the day before that too. I will think of you tomorrow, And each day as I come and go. I will think of you forever, I love and miss you so. 3' Gordon LEWIS - In loving memory of a dear hus- band and father. Clarence. who passed away 9 years ago,4anuary 18. 1988. Quietly remembered every day. Still loved and missed in every way. Always remembered by Munel and Larry. 3x JFriends and family of L Scott "Taco" & Darlene (Faber) Bell wish to invite you to attend their open casual wedding party January 25, 9 p.m. Hensall Community Centre D.J., Lunch provided. Further —1 details: 522-0409, 262-2104r Lardy, lardy Judy was 40 Happy Birthday. For Kathy Ortmanns & Scott Kennedy Sat., Jan. 18 8 p.m. -1 a.m. Ilderton Community Centre Live band, lunch provided For tickets call 228-6668,E— .229-8958 • We think it's nifty that you're fifty SHIRLEY BEARSS Lots of love - Kten, Krista, Paul, Brian and Lori ►r XxxxIxxxZZZxIxxxxxxx ;; N 1111 m14 N/ ,o4a1 14 ►1 II ii on Jan. 17 ii 04 // 14 ►/ ►1 N 14 14 N /1 14 H14 H 04 H ►1 I/ II ►1 /1 ►1 14 04 14 14 14 ai14 l 14 N 14 ►l 44. rr Love your Grandchildren: Chad, Scott, Jody, Amanda, Blake, Mason, Austin and Lane xoxo Lucan Community Centre Bingo Wed. Jan. 15 Bingo starts 7:30 p.m. Regular Game $1,000 Jackpot Game 51 calls or less $600 bonus Total prizes $3000 Due to the licence regulations,' no one under 18 allowed to play Licence #537495 APPALOOSA XIfG 11 I ti l l I(\ (11 1 1 1 1 II IV, 1honk-lou Itt.tll slur iu'tnntt•t' Int ntal.ins 1'itlh annlhi•t'uttt•'-tul si•.ti. In .1pltt l•t 1,1(11111 ill' ntlt•I nut higgcsl salc 'st t... Looking for lots of deals. Savings you have to see to believe!! Storswtde savings of up to 70% offll Inventory Blowout! Sale ends Feb 2, 1997 35619 Salem Rd. Parkhill Carlson\\agonlit ttt'i I frl'e;(1115' )1111! Doll's JAMAICA SANDALS OCHO RIOS Ultra -All Inclusive Luxury Resorts ON SALE UNTIL MARCH 29 SAVE UP TO $960.00 PER COUPLE Everything included... Even the Golf! Call one of our vacation travel experts 441:0 WE ACCEPT INTERAC AND CREDIT CARDS DAILY LAST MINUTE TRAVEL DEALS 235-2000 or 1-800-265-7022 Happy 50th Birthday DAVE RADER Love from the little woman & • kids r 11 eta. Dance Hall ® 9pm Iam 349-2678 Une Dancers Welcome Fri. Jan. 17 Wired West Sat., Jan. 18 Country Justice Happy Birthday Deanna Love alwaHs - Mont & Pete y,� icK.�4i.*ie*ir*f�4+S.K •4K+'�4"SMr�t Hensall Union Cemetery ; r, 4 MiltedItw :; Mon., Jan. 27, 10 a.m. 1 Hensall Village Council 5 4 Chambers 1 4 Robt. Bell Chairman Joanne Rowcliffe Seo: Trea. t 4 For additional information call % A, 263-2580 1s dy 4 Everyone welcome Hensall Union Cemetery is a Registered Charitable Organization Royal Canadian Legion R.E. Pooley Branch #167 Exeter, Ontario BRANCH EVENTS Sat., January 18th - Sports Nigh( - Register - 7:30 p.m. Starts - 8 p.m. All welcome Thurs. January 23rd - General Meeting at 8 p.m. Guest speaker - Julie Darling. Sun., January 26th - Family Supper - 5 p.m. Everyone welcome, advance sales only. Call 235-2962 (afternoon) for tickets. Happy 60th Norm Tait with love . Mary Lou, Vaila & Luke, Spencer, Marlee, Bev and Gord, Olivia, Peter, Graham & Jenny, Curtis, Justin, Rob and Irene XXX PLAY at the INERY BINGO BARN Friday @ 7:30 p.m. Saturday & Sunday @ 2:00 p.m. on Highway #21 (9773 Lakeshore Road) 1 Mile North of finery Park inquiries from Non Profit Organizations Welcome the Former Pinery Auction Phone: 243-2713 SELDOM Court WOri rr, I. ;I.. (t: tics auto' t ' i;$. thttbuz E_ EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH , 187 Huron St W. Exeter Pastor Kevin Rutledge Assistant Pastor John BByachek 235-2661 Sunday, January 19 Moming Worship 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Family Night ' Everyone Welcome EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 9:30 a.m. Communion Service Sunday School for all ages 11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour Tuesday evenings 7:30 p.m. Bible Study 94 Orchard Street. Exeter Everyone Welcome January 19 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Worship Broadcast on Community Channel CAVEN PRESBYTIMAN 68 Main 235-2784 Minister Rev. Daniel Roushorne Courtesy Car: 235-1967 Youth Worker: Tracey Whitson Bahro Sunday, January 19, 1997 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Jan. 15 7:30 p.m. Board and Session meeting Jan. 20 7:30 p.m. Kerypma Bible Study Visitors are most welcome EXETER UNITED CHURCH Comer of James and Andrew St. Sunday, January 19, 1997 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Rev. Cordell Parsons Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Courtesy Car: Manon Frayne, 235-1409 Nursery provided Everyone welcome, TRIVITT MEMORIAL ANGLICAN CHURCH Comer of Gidley and Main The Rev. Fay M. Patterson Second Sunday after Epiphany January 19, 1997 Week of Prayer for Chnstian Unity 11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist B.A.S. Nursery Everyone Welcome EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 162 Main St. North Pastor Peter Tuininga 235-1723 January 19, 1996 10:00 a.m.Moming Service 'Restoring Broken Dreams' Sunday School for ages 3 • grade 4 during morning service Nursery Available 7:00 p.m. 'A God Who Answers - Everyone Welcome Sunday Radio CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m. CKNX 920 10:30 a.m. Daily T.V. Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m. January 19 11:00 a.m.-12:10 p.m. Worship Broadcast on Community Channel GINGERICH - At Queensway Nursing Home, Hensall on Wednesday, January 8. 1997, Alvin Gingerich, formerly of Zurich, in/ his 80th year. Beloved husband of lila Martin Gingench. Dear father of David and his wife Betty Anne of Shedd, Oregon. Eliz- abeth of Raymond, Alberta, Florence Som- mers and her husband Ron of Uniontown, Ohio, Esther, Fern and Floyd and his wife Doris, all of Kitchener. Dear brother of Elda Bender, Neil and Gladys Gingench, Doreen and Earl Desch, Lennis and Marjorie Ginge- rich, Della Mae and Kenneth Gascho, all of Zurich, Dorothy and Leonard Bowman of Florida and helen and Keith Gingerich of Zurich. Also survived by ten grandchildren and three great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Predeceased by his first wife, thc former Rebecca Eby. one son Dan- iel, brothe-s Earl, husband of Malinda. Lorne. husband of Bernice and Ray in infan- cy and one sister Gladys Sander. Mr. Ginge- rich was ordained as a Deacon in the Zurich Mennonite Church and served in that capaci- ty in the Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church since its inception. Visitation in the J.M. McBeath Funeral Home, 49 Goshen Street North. Zurich on Friday from 7-9 p.nt. and Sat. 2-4 and 7-9 p.nt. The Funeral Ser- vice was conducted in the Lakeview Conser- vative Mennonite Church,Blake on Sunday. January 12. 1997 at 2:30 p.m. Pastor Merlin Bender officiating. Interment Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Cemetery. 3c LEARN - At South Hu- ron Hospital, Exeter on Monday. January 13, 1997, Max Learn of Hu- ron Park in his 62nd year. Beloved husband of Glo- ria (Keller) Learn. Dear son of Lois Leam of Exeter and the late Lee Learn (1981). Dear son-in-law of Freida Keller of. Dashwood. Dear father of Debbie and Jerry Dillan of Seaforth and Beverley and Mary Learn of Huron Park. Dear grandfather of Brian. Kar- en, Michael, Jill and Andy. Dear brother of Fred and Francine Learn of Shipka. Prede- ceased by a son Jamie (1977). Friends called at the Hopper Hockey Funeral Home. 370 William Street, I west of Main, Exeter on Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. where the funeral service will be held on Wednesday. January 15 at 11:00 a.m. with Rev. Daniel Rou- shome officiating. Interment Exeter Ceme- tery. Donation to Caven Presbyterian Church would be appreciated by the family. 3c MANTEY - At Exeter Villa, on Monday. January 13, 1997• Julian Mantey. formerly of Zurich. in his 91st year. Beloved husband of Beatrice (Meidinger) Mantey of Exeter. Dear father of Donald of Exeter, Mr. Man- tey was predeceased by 4 sisters and 3 broth- ers. Visitation in the J.M. McBeath Funeral Home, 49 Goshen Street N., Zurich on Tues- day from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.. where the corn- plete funeral service ss ill be conducted on Wednesday. January 15: 1997 at 1:30 p.m' Pastor Ross Thomson officiating. Interment St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery. Memonal contributions to St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Canadian Cancer Society or chanty of choice would be appreciated by the family. 3c SPENCE - William David. Passed away peacefully at Wildwood Care Centre. St. Marys. on Saturday. January 11. 1997, in his 93rd year. Dave Spence is the beloved hus- band of Pearl Kathleen Spence (nee Paynter) of St. Marys, formerly of RR #6. St. Marys ..oving father of Annie Jean Johns and her husband Lorne of Exeter and William Spence and his wife Doris of RR #6 St. Mar- ys. Sadly missed by 9 grandchildren: David. Susan. Steve. Sandra (Spence). Lois, Mur- ray. Ann. Barbara. and Lon (Johns). and 22 great-grandchildren. Predeceased by 1 great- granddaughter Kailee Marriott (1994). 1 sis- ter Irene Hawkins (1975), 2 brothers Mal- colm and Robert Spence (1996), and I granddaughter -in-law, Pamela Spence (1994) Relatives and friends will be re- ceived by the family at the Sass Funeral Home (Ball & Sass Ltd.) 47 Wellington Street South. St. Marys. on Monday from 2- 4 and 7-9 p.m. where the funeral service was held on Tuesday. January 14. 1997 at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Dr Rick Horst officiating Interment St. Marys Cemetery. In his memo- ry donations to the Heart and Stroke Foun- dation or the chanty of one's choice would be appreciated. Granton Lodge #483 A.F. & A.M. held a service in his memory at the fu- neral home. Monday evening at 9 p.m. 3c VAN CAMP - Peacefully at Huronview. Clinton, Ontario. formerly of Exeter. on Jan- uary 8, 1997. Mary Alice Van Camp. In her .80th year. Daughter of the late James and Harriett Van Camp. fear sister of Irene Yates of London. Loved by her two nieces. Mrs. Jane Pichc and her husband Don of Waterloo and Susan Hud and her husband Steven Rivett of Mississauga The funeral and committal service was held January 10, 1997. at the Exeter United Church with Rev. Cordell Parsons officiating Visitation pnor I to thc Funeral Service Interment in Blyth Cemetery. Dinncy Funeral Home. Main Street. Exeter, entrusted with arrangements (235.3500). Those wishing to make. memori- al contributions may consider Exeter United i Church or Arthritis Society. A tree will be planted as a living memorial to Mrs Van Camp. In Memoriam CORNISH - In loving memory of a brother. uncle and granduncle, Gerald. who died Jan- uary 14. 1996 Gone are thc days we used to share. But in our hearts you are always there. Remembered by sister Donna Woods and niece and her family Cyndy Woods, Hill Sweryda. Kelsic and Christian. 3, H(X.GARTH - In loving memory of a dear wifc who parsed away January 16. 1996. I'm thinking of you today Ada. But this is nothing new, I thought about you yesterday. And the day before that too. I will think of you tomorrow, And each day as I come and go. I will think of you forever, I love and miss you so. 3' Gordon LEWIS - In loving memory of a dear hus- band and father. Clarence. who passed away 9 years ago,4anuary 18. 1988. Quietly remembered every day. Still loved and missed in every way. Always remembered by Munel and Larry. 3x JFriends and family of L Scott "Taco" & Darlene (Faber) Bell wish to invite you to attend their open casual wedding party January 25, 9 p.m. Hensall Community Centre D.J., Lunch provided. Further —1 details: 522-0409, 262-2104r Lardy, lardy Judy was 40 Happy Birthday. For Kathy Ortmanns & Scott Kennedy Sat., Jan. 18 8 p.m. -1 a.m. Ilderton Community Centre Live band, lunch provided For tickets call 228-6668,E— .229-8958 • We think it's nifty that you're fifty SHIRLEY BEARSS Lots of love - Kten, Krista, Paul, Brian and Lori ►r XxxxIxxxZZZxIxxxxxxx ;; N 1111 m14 N/ ,o4a1 14 ►1 II ii on Jan. 17 ii 04 // 14 ►/ ►1 N 14 14 N /1 14 H14 H 04 H ►1 I/ II ►1 /1 ►1 14 04 14 14 14 ai14 l 14 N 14 ►l 44. rr Love your Grandchildren: Chad, Scott, Jody, Amanda, Blake, Mason, Austin and Lane xoxo Lucan Community Centre Bingo Wed. Jan. 15 Bingo starts 7:30 p.m. Regular Game $1,000 Jackpot Game 51 calls or less $600 bonus Total prizes $3000 Due to the licence regulations,' no one under 18 allowed to play Licence #537495 APPALOOSA XIfG 11 I ti l l I(\ (11 1 1 1 1 II IV, 1honk-lou Itt.tll slur iu'tnntt•t' Int ntal.ins 1'itlh annlhi•t'uttt•'-tul si•.ti. In .1pltt l•t 1,1(11111 ill' ntlt•I nut higgcsl salc 'st t... Looking for lots of deals. Savings you have to see to believe!! Storswtde savings of up to 70% offll Inventory Blowout! Sale ends Feb 2, 1997 35619 Salem Rd. Parkhill Carlson\\agonlit ttt'i I frl'e;(1115' )1111! Doll's JAMAICA SANDALS OCHO RIOS Ultra -All Inclusive Luxury Resorts ON SALE UNTIL MARCH 29 SAVE UP TO $960.00 PER COUPLE Everything included... Even the Golf! Call one of our vacation travel experts 441:0 WE ACCEPT INTERAC AND CREDIT CARDS DAILY LAST MINUTE TRAVEL DEALS 235-2000 or 1-800-265-7022 Happy 50th Birthday DAVE RADER Love from the little woman & • kids r 11 eta. Dance Hall ® 9pm Iam 349-2678 Une Dancers Welcome Fri. Jan. 17 Wired West Sat., Jan. 18 Country Justice Happy Birthday Deanna Love alwaHs - Mont & Pete y,� icK.�4i.*ie*ir*f�4+S.K •4K+'�4"SMr�t Hensall Union Cemetery ; r, 4 MiltedItw :; Mon., Jan. 27, 10 a.m. 1 Hensall Village Council 5 4 Chambers 1 4 Robt. Bell Chairman Joanne Rowcliffe Seo: Trea. t 4 For additional information call % A, 263-2580 1s dy 4 Everyone welcome Hensall Union Cemetery is a Registered Charitable Organization Royal Canadian Legion R.E. Pooley Branch #167 Exeter, Ontario BRANCH EVENTS Sat., January 18th - Sports Nigh( - Register - 7:30 p.m. Starts - 8 p.m. All welcome Thurs. January 23rd - General Meeting at 8 p.m. Guest speaker - Julie Darling. Sun., January 26th - Family Supper - 5 p.m. Everyone welcome, advance sales only. Call 235-2962 (afternoon) for tickets. Happy 60th Norm Tait with love . Mary Lou, Vaila & Luke, Spencer, Marlee, Bev and Gord, Olivia, Peter, Graham & Jenny, Curtis, Justin, Rob and Irene XXX PLAY at the INERY BINGO BARN Friday @ 7:30 p.m. Saturday & Sunday @ 2:00 p.m. on Highway #21 (9773 Lakeshore Road) 1 Mile North of finery Park inquiries from Non Profit Organizations Welcome the Former Pinery Auction Phone: 243-2713 SELDOM SHOALED NOTYET AMOEBA IERAR©A IW AURORA MORCESTEfSHIRE STARTS EBNA [JON DO REAP SOK EN DEAIT iEENE REM IDS HIEN DEMI MD HIIII MAQERL ANSA IL LEWIGH DE L EldE L JUkj SA YE1O CPE E SEL ABOWLjFJ ATHLETE COAPT W ►'v HERE I LEH I R E B[9U [ILD 14x LL TWA HOE VMW[) DARE MIMI:]I[ 'LORE TN skliENI IMAM [JH[a][:][.I YEN ESE A DE' BQMIWI VAW[ui[1R WEAI][7F9 UM[� I[iJU NS[ VEER NU[J]NNW EMO E N iiML!JUr.i [][H[i]ll WWOL'JWE;J MCCAW MA RWW rNMWr,JtaE L ILJ H 1 WEI L L L A D WH[i1P) I L",J NUL WM 1 E WWUMUE IJILKAWWEi i1ir:UUEEE KER EMN