HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-01-15, Page 15sPQRTS• Exeter and Lucan choose all-stars. The Junior Development.League will hold its all-star game. this Saturday in Lucan.. EXETERILUCAN `- The Exeter Hawks and the Lucan Irish will fea- • ture their best players in the Junior Development All-Star _ game this season: Forward Jeff Glavin and defenceman• Dan Taylor were voted by " their teammates -as the Hawk's designatedall-- Star players While goal - tender Darren Kints au- - tomatically plays as a starting .goalie due to -his. goals -against aver-. age. Thc three will repre- sent Exeter when they members of play.for the Yeck Conference team .atiy team may be sent to the all-star in the .11:"D" all-star game this Sat- game to represent their conference, tirday in Lucan. however. goal - Glavin was an ohvi- ics are chosen ous pick for Exeter. 01 according to Although he has only. their statistics. scored eight- goals -so Netminder far this season. the tal- Dairen Kints ented set=up man- has currently holds 29 assists and is ranked t' a 170 goals second . overall . jn against ' aver- Ieaguc Standings with age. 'the hest in -37 points the :league, and "He works harder is' automatically than mcict.others in the admitted as a -league." -said head Dave Revington . starting goalie. coach and :team man • .. "He's • heen a ager Daye.Revington: "He's a crea-. ` key player. for mostof the teams he • • point getter and a major force on . special teams. ".Dan is an effective penalty killer and plays hard on the . power play," - said Revington. "He's an • in- tegral pan of ' the team's 'de- fence. and obvi- : ously his peers thought -he• de-. served' the , op- portunity." . lAican Irish Defenceman Mike Jaremchenko and forward Scott Thompson - will . represent Lu - can after • they were given the nod by team .management and coaching staff...• • Desite- only. • notching 10. points so .fat this season, co - coach Jason As • rules Dan Jeff Glavin state, . only two "AAA" league Thompson. decided to platy with the Irish full-time and has worked his way up from a `fourth line forward' to a first line centre. "He's worked' hi,.. way up the ladder and he's- still climbing.. He'sthe guy you go to when you want -to .win. . games," said •Bukala adding -he wouldn.'.t he surprised if the tat- ented athlete is drafted .by the OHI. next sea- - Bukala - . said Mike Jaremchenkbson: "Scouts have Taylor three-year vet- . • tteen . watching him - eran Ja- - • • and he has a -bright fu- remchenko has been a major. con- titre ahead." - team. ..741c fiveplayers from Exeter and Lucan - wilt, . sitit-up .with the rest of their all-star.teammafes for an -.8:31) p.m. gatne on . Saturday night at the Ltfcan _Community - `Centre. w Times -Advocate, '15 1997 l'aE'r' 1 rt Detre tive playnlaker with a tremendous work ethic and a popular player: with his teammates.'.' . - - - With 11 goal; and seven assists. Taylor js the Hawk's top_deferisivc has played for in his minor and jun- - ior -hockey, career. it's riot unustial for him tirhe at the top.ol: the foal-.. -tending-group• in whatever league -he plays`in." said Revington. - n Kints "You won't sec much in the way of paints. hut , he's -a de- pendable stay- at-home de- fcnceman and a great- teanr.lead- • er." said Bukala about. the • 6'2, 195 lit: player. "He:s - solid on the hlueline.. he's an effective penalty killer - -Revington will team up with the head coach. o1 the - Mount Brydges Bulldog, ;to - coach. the Yeck Corr- .. Scott -Thompson erencc team'-AIi star coaches - ..arc -.s de- - termincd through and an overall team player." team records as of December: 30. , .Although -Thompson is Leadinr Exeter is -leading the cgnt:erence -the lash .with 15 goals and 14 :i> 'with tr 22-3-1 record fora 101 n1 sists Bukala said he has heen a sun• 46 points, Mount Rrydges. is close prise •.player for Lucan After. :, behind with a 22-4-0 record Int ur short stint with -the Elgin ! tiddlesc' total nt 45 paint. Chiefs learn lessons at Silver Stick MOORETOWN - Despite losing • 12-0 in the. opening :game of the Juvenile "1V Silver Stick.Tourna- .meni in Moorotown. -.the Exeter . Chiefs rebounded with a •tie and a «'in to finish second in pnotplay. - - - After losing their first game, the chiefs tied New Hamburg 2-2 and defeated L.istowet_4-3.to: make Me - ' he' final four_in semi-final action. how- ' ever., only the top two teams ad- • vanced to the final round. _ Exeter's' 12 -(I -drubbing was their worst loss in club history. and it came at the hands tt>f -Aylmer.- a. team Exeter has defeated and tied. in regular season play. ' ' ' Head Coach Henri cieBi iiyn is not one to make excuses. but he .couldn't bele but .blame the em- barrassing loss. to the weather and :t lean bench: ' " Ir ..t rt. • Shuffleboard Exeter Januar 9 4 game winners Toni Williams 13ca John, Hal Walsh Howard Johns Dons Miller. Wilma Davis Bernice Long 3 game winners Sant Skinner Joe (iosar Leona Elliott Aktecn Skinner' Hensall ,January 7 • • Six game winners Hazel McEwen Dave Woodward Doris Hamilton_ Alice Thiel Jeannette Turner Emma Campbell - 5 game winners Doug Insley Dorothy Corbett Isobel Rogerson Helen McKay 411 396 359 .346 •,331 306 298 :255 "'200 169 14(► 562- 551 465 390 388 .387 344 290 284 283 He said he waw missing -five key - players tot the game and the fool- • weather:. conditions .turned a . one and a half hour drive to ,Mooretown tntq a Three hour trip. - - "Because of the weather we ar- rivcdlate aril didn't. have timetora • war•tir-up.- The guys werc.cold and after the, long drive thee- just 'wet.- , en't mule it." he said adding luck was not- on their side either. It was one. of .those games where- every bounce went their way." „- •Howe•. ver'. deBruyn said -he was . 'POO •-bf the 'wa fills *�titycrs- ac.- eepted. the lopsided kiss and it didn't affect their performance dur- ing the rest of the tournarinent. "• 'The guys took •it in stride. they didn't gig nuts' and "start taking stu- pid penalties out,of frustration." he ' said. ' • Zurich Towf &, Country Lanes • Monday Night Ladies High Five - Nell McCann 562, Alley-,. Cats - .Marlene Bedard 561. Packers - Joyce Witten 513. Pinp6pPers - Hilda • Vandcnhock 496. Odds 'n' Ends -1. Roosebohm 663. Red Devils : Sandra Dickcrt 645. H.S. Sandra Dickers 336. -11.T.-Jen Glazier 787. H.A.Sandra•dick- • . cru 224 - - • ' -Tuesday Mens league Ramblers - Tom Bedard 665..1-len- s:di Boomers. Don Kirk 711, Family. Affair .- Don Jackson 625: Market.-- ' Mike Van limbic 637. Klondvky =tile . Coleman 777. Rockets -- -Luke Morn- •merstceg.8.12. Ii.S.Bill Coleman 340. • 111' Luke Mommcrsteeg 842. ILA l,ukc Mommerstecg 217.7. . Wednesday Night Ladies JKLM. Launc Stanlake 650. Fantas-' tics - -Come ' Relouwc 486, Goforit- • .Joyce Hillman 608. Mighty Foursome. - M . MacDonald 560. H.S. Laurie Stan'- lake 219, H,T. Launc Stanlake 650. 'H.A. Laurie Stanlake 189. ' Friday Night Mixed , Pin Smashers - Manin Dykstra 637. Mike's learn - Mike Jeffrey 551:' Blades of Fire •- Bob Jones 527. Good- Spons -• Toni •Smits 646. Murphy's Diana Richt 529. L.H.S. Launc Dykstra 254. L.H.T , Laurie Dykstra 588, L.H.A. Laurie Stanlake 192. M.H.S. TomSmtts 266. M.H.T. Tom SmiIs 588. M.N.A. Tony Bedard 214. . Monday ARC Angels . Gary Stebbins 132. Joc Fahic 118. Don Tiedeman 109. Debbie Brownlee 60. Bruce Stubbs 52 • 5'Wedneaday Morning Ladies . Betty Sangster 689, LouiseWein 451. Pat Veal 548. Theresa McCann 521. -South Huron Indoor Soccer January 6 scores Raiders vs. Central Rams - postponed • St. Columban 11 vs. Exeter Thunder 2 (,oats for St. Colucnban: Wayne Ryan (2). Steve Ryan (2). Brian Me - lad (2), Kevin Meidinger (2), Mike Seiler, Mark Muir. Terry Sloan Goals for Thunder: Chad Gilfiilan (2) - • Exeter Fury .1 vs. Exeter Centennial; 7 Goal for Fury: Dan Vanderlaan Goals for Centennials: Nick Szabo (2), Matt Szabo (2),Charlie Wise (2). Brad Lightfoot ;n -example: deBrun ptrnt.•,: nut that thc'sceond game yra..pt'i1- ally tree for both -sides partly c rel! icing the. officiating tot the--iin- precedentedgame. • ' -" _ "The refs were excellent .tor the• whole, tournament-- 1 haven't been impressed, with the Lcaguc rets at all so thiwas aa nice chance." be said Goal `scorer. for Exeter were (in vin Snell. Trevor'Taylor•. Jeremy Stewart 'with yvo Anil 'Mart .dc Bruyn with twi • i .. $.\etci' haa'fivc games'left Wt, res • Lila; season play., all of Which are .Saturday night home games ;ex&cpi for .a make=up .game, against Cu vuga. scheduled` on • Supct • Riw, I' Sunday. and defn)vn is-optu» t.rr. the .Chios will . finish, their s ';isou On :i winning note • Willi :: 10-'171•reconl and holding nn to second place. Exeter is gum -- antced• a berth in the. OMHA playoll and will face -Harrow . ih the tura serics'in-Fehniarv. Now that Exeter has been clan, -sitleel. a 'a "CC".'centrc. their chane ' e ot•:linching a league chaplpinu • sort, are good. however, deR:nivn is cocwarning' .hi team not to get torp ky "There are a lot ol good teams, rl:ivin,x out of a "CC" sizc-.centrr and We have a lot of work to di,." • said deBruyn adding :the 12-0 loss is a valuable lesson. "11 lets the. guys knots' they are not un- , ,beatable ..it was a nice sobering- e': - • pencil; c '. June Hillen 41'9. Nlar, t:p.h ri' 't) -11.S. Bcuy Sangster 257.223:- 1:1.S Atari .lIpshatl 17(1. I I.A kens .San sue �2t14.5: H.A. Mona 1 raeuan 177.e` '1'hursdat Grand.(.nvi- • 1>one V aid' 5;;5, IJnru •Horn• \lithe 5:54.. Sid Ttunna St) George Jones 495. Mollie,%\,'not L.II.S.�Dorecn Reid 301. M.H.!S_ Sid Thoma:244. - •' . • - Thursday Golden •Alters - 2 games. 'Glena,Horner 426: Mona Kratt 317. Milt .Itnhhitt Horner .315. Mary Fiekling 297..Laird Jacohc 286. L.H.S. (Jena Horner 235. L.H.D, Glenn Horner 426. M.II.S �Jil Robbins 172. M.I1.S Earl Hemtei 17: M:H.D. Milt Robbins.315 • • Saturday.Mnrning VB(' - Bantams 3 games: Kevin .Ducharine 437, Brian Ford .39.4,;Jaequr Rader 3111: Cord - Duch. tlrme . 0.•. MfehcIIe ItOod 360,Anut: Klaassen 35I,. Brent. Stora •338, Brent 1)ucharmc`303._Chris Regrcr 274. Juniors and. Seniors 3 Fames:• Rva►i Rood 428.;Lindsey Van Damon 416. • Ryan •Lloyd 397. Brandon Ovcrhi,tt 379. Derek Ducharnn• '37h. -Joe'. Rader 368. Toni Cooper 336 h Foul weather cancells Junior "D" games EXETER The much anticipated gantc'tsciween,the l:retcr_Ilawk' .. and the Wellesley Applci ick- was anceIIcd ori Friday„eght he.:ausc at poor dtivittg- conditions caused hs the winter storm over the week- , end - Their gams against Hagcrsvillc on Saturday was also Cancelled,duc' 10 the weather. Dates'tirr thc make- . -up games were not known at press . time. % . • . Have a sports? ' tall the Tines -Advocate 23511331 - Announcement Steve and Deb Roy are pleased to announce that they have purchased Exeter Collision (1988) Ltd. We look forwa►ld to serving old and new custoiners with quality work and at the best prices. Exeter Collision (1988) Ltd. 55 Waterloo St. Exeter 235-0411 (6 1 Exeter Public School Karate Demonstration Thursday January 16 (Childrens class 6:15 - 7:15) (Adults. and Teens 7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.). Come out and just watch or join with the hiss 8: night beginners course Fee only $15.00 ' - Sponsored by Exeter -Karate School For information call . ' Jeff 235-0912, Fred 263-3525, Ron 482=3634 THE INTREPID .SNOW MOB1Lt R By Craig Nicholson A I first heard rumours last winter that some police jurisdictions -wore ticketing ssiowmobiles spotted without -those tacky blue nn white - • ' reflective decals. Then I had the,misforlune to meet several fined rceipients.•Thcy wcre.not happy campers: as my burning ears can- - attest. The scuttlebutt continued throughout thc.sumn-er and early fall. Nnw.ii'•s as official as ii gets graphie numbers are a no•no that will be attracting -police attention this winter. This may come as a hig surprise, to many snowmobilers. Most'ol us have heen using.vinvl graphic numbers for wears instead.of the official Ontario Ministry_ of T_ ransportati6n.licence decal. We know how much , ,hater they look and in many eases. they're higger and-mdre vitihlc . than their bureaucratic ciiunterparts. Besides. the manufacturer's design. and graphics discourage affixing ttlelvlTO licence in the proper place. So. if you're tike rite, your graphic numbers are posni6ded tin • the sides close to thc.niandatedspot. in fact. this operation was., . ' usually completed by my dealer. Dunford's of,Haveloek.-before I•took delivers: I rarely even- saw ni' MTO decal --- until this fall. There was a time when doing your own graphic numhens was legal. _ Rut on Septemhcr :10. •1983:.Ihc law changed.;AII sleds are still. - . required to.heataregistrati(m_numberfor identification purposps,.flut from that, daic,on: an?i snowrnohilcTegistered for the first time muni display, ihc.hluc on white Ministry licence decal' on each side of the ...cowling, with the Scar portion of the decal. within l0 to 15 cecntimctre; irl'thcr-hack Of the cowling. So,if voursr.'.1 was manufactured after 1.983. this meari.`yrsu' • . In,ihc rare cases where your cab design makes this placement- inipractidal (and you're prepared to argue the point with a shivering . -cOp on then -ail). the decal may he uffixed.to each side of the tunnel 'as near as possible to the forward edge of thc, teflector_Ifght.,But'you'll • he: in tro6hlc ifihc numbers arc obscured in any -way by your hoots or - ,saddlchags 16 say nothing nl dirt. snowpricc. •Blit what if Von•already havc,graphic numbers on vour sled? To he • legal thi-. winter:.voutll have to affix the official MT6 Iiccnce decal in • the prescribed•locatibn.Withownership and insurance -in hand. go to- yotltlocal -MTO nutlet and buy one for $I0.(1O after filling out the . standard application there is some,talk-of a police declaration form too. Ministry preference is.for their decal to replace your existing. graphics,,in panto avoid Confusion and.also hecausc the numbers on your new decal will not be. the same - so remove your graphic nuinhers with a hair drverand hang them over your mantle piece as a • memento nfsinrpler- timcs-You'will also need anannual.validation. sticker, similar-in'font, and concept. to the one for vour auto plate. • Many snowmohilcrs ask why:the manufacturers haven't created'a standard place for licences. -The same question. is often asked. about a Spot kir trail,permits. Apparently the licence. issue was supposed to hays• heen. resolved.in 1988 when the international Association of Snowmobile Administrators persuaded each manufacturer to leave a 3 1/2" by (i; space on hath sides no further forward than 8" frothe rear edge of the cowling "unencumhcred hmi graphics; pinstriping. • special'painting or cfeniarcation lines for the placement of a ,. - registrauon decal." Despite this agreement. not much progress :seems to have been matte smcic. although MTO did size their licence decal accordingly' Hnpclullyas-:t-result ot'tIlis coluhrn.'snmc indication cif • • the current status of that 1988 arrangenientwill he forthcoming and maybe.we'll sec a more definitive location on snowmobiles soon. So where does that leave you and I? With the tough choice of either complying with the tats or risking a fine for disobedience. In making vour decision: there arc several final points to consider. One. the legal requirement tor the MTO_lideticc has now been well publicized. so , police won't likely be accepting an excuses. Two. there will he more . police oh the trails this winter. And three. police have apparenth••been instructed to enforce proper licences. All things considered. are you . willing to take the chance I'm ndr - my Ski ;Doo Grand Touring S1 . will he properly licenced this winter. • Until 'next time. happy trails and remember: Protect Our Environment --Stark On The Trail. For club or drivertraining info. contact the OFSC at (7054 730-7669: To plan your Ontario tour. call 1 -800 -263 - SLED. -To Bring A Buddy to Snowarama. call 1-800-461-3391. JANUARY CIFAKA.N4 2O,4O %otf All clothing and accessories '4 71rixl I .i ( 130 Centre St. Dashwood 237-3322 4