HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-01-15, Page 6Page d Times -Advocate, January 15, 1997 FAMILY Fun on the ice Christopher Young, at left, skates with his brother, Grant at the Zurich Arena Sunday afternoon. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18. 19 20 ���■� ill�U�UU 22 ■UUU■ 26 UUU 27 UUUe 28 ■■ 29 30 ■�.■ 31 .■■32 33 ■■.34 35 ■36 ■■■ 43 44 37 al ■■ 39 40 41 ■■■■ 42 45 46 47. ■■■ Hill 50 . 51 ■.. 52 ■■■■■ Ill ■.55 r 56 ■■■ 57 .■■■ 58 ■■ 59 ■■ 60 ■ 61 ■■■■ 62 �■■■ 63 ��■■ 64 ■. 65 U UUU■■67 68 69 UUUII 71 72 ■■ 73 ■■■■ 74 ■■ 75 ill 77 78 70 80 UUU 81 kill 83ill UUUU 85 WI 87 illU■■ 90 ■ 91 ■■ 92 ■■ 93 ■UUUU 9* U 95 ■�UUUU 97 97 ■■U So ■■■■ 100 101 102 103 104 IOW 107 106 109 S■■ 110 ■ 111 112 113 ■■■ 114 115 S■■ 116 ■■■■ 117 118 ■■ 119 ■■eUU 120 ■UUU 121 ■UUUU 122 ■■■�.■ 123 ■■■■■ 121 �UUUU UUUUUU allUUUUU ¶WEVE CROSS WORD `ENGLISH TRIFLE Fot answers please loin to the Announcements By Robert Zimmerman ACROSS 1 Rarely 7 Containing sandbars • 14 Maybe later: 2 wds. 20 Tiny swimmer 21 Pirate 22 Light show 23 Spicy sauce 25 Gels going 26 Lab bumer 27 Round painting 28 Harvest 30 "Oliver Twist" villain 31 Began the game 33 Adolescents 35 Pays the bill 37 Hurries 39 Lesser deity 42 Strike 45 Mothers 48 Attack 50 Bethlehem. campus 52 X out 53 Egyptian goddess 54 Authority: hyph. wd. 56 Algonquian 57 Site of 1965 march 58 Ends prematurely 60 Olympic entrant 62 Cut short: var. 63 "— the Boys Are" 64 Garden tool Hensall Legion honors Wilma Caldwell She was given roses and a painting at her retirement party. By Liz Sangster Hensall correspondent HENSALL - The winners of the Tinker Tots Nursery School and Kid's Club Christmas Raffle are as follows: wagon - Mr. and Mrs. Ber- voets of Exeter; Folk Art Craft - Victor Rempel of Hensall; Ceramic Father Christmas Keelan West- lake -Power of tlensall; Sweat shirt - Miranda Rempel of. Hensall; Pot-, ted evergreen - Judy Simmons of Hensall, 3D Castle puzzle - Veroni- ca Thomson of Hensall. The winners of the Huron -Perth - Bruce Epilepsy draw are Gary Kyle of Hensall, Moe Millan. of Gode- rich, A. Murray of Stratford, Dylan Hickey of Goderich, Harvey Bu- chanan of Stratford,- and Linda Six charged with break and enter USBORNE TOWNSHIP - Huron County police charged six people with break, enter and theft as well as possession of stolen property as a result of a search warrant execut- ed at an Usborne Twp. residence on Dec. 18. Charged are: Steven Kirk, 21, of Usborne Twp, Christopher McC1in- chey, 20, of Exeter, Mark Morgan, 21, of Centralia, James Wein, 22, of Huron Park, Nickolas Parsons, 19, of London and Robert Jones, 21, of Exeter. Most of the charged have been remanded in custody until Feb. 3 and Jones will appear in court on Jan. 28. According to Ontario Provincial Police, $10,000 worth of jewelry stolen during the break and enter was recovered. - 65 Beverly Hills address: 2 wds 72 Actor Wallach 73 Praise highly 74 Pub pastime 77 Like a globe 81 Shoreline features 83 Target shooting 84 Ancient Syria 85 Honey -do 87 Nod's message 88 Unwavering 89 One of the Bahamas 91 More extensive 93 Vandykes 94 Diamond arbiter 95 Deeply felt 97 Swerve 98 Birth control • pioneer 100 Consumed 103 Florida bay 108 Artist's pigment 110 Trick takers 113 "Little Women" family 115 Not in force 116 Playful simians 118 Housman work: 3 wds. 121 Larger than lite 122 Squealer 123 Pure 124 Howard and Daniel 125 Rags 126 Taegu native DOWN 1 Used a crosscut 2 Ham it up 3 Blackmore's Doone 4 Sticker 5 British decoration 6 Antenna support 7 Play divisions 8 Crowd 9 Mr. Welles 10 Furniture wood 11 Hideaway 12 Ireland .13 Bleakly 14 Scientific org. 15 Exterior 16 Character feature 17 Terrier breed . 18 Israeli-bom artist 19 Former Soviet news agency 24 Carries Cancer Patients Cold Feet? I IT -Woolf' 11 arnters" actual fleece knitted Min socks & mills. Ti)1•lllllllling. Only til Lrgg's GUI Shop, Bi,',• r, l' 173-5052 London CORRECTION'. NOTI . _s iasi�iKStt. We wish to draw your attention to the correction in our current '75 Years' Flyer. Page 20 - Utility Battery Disclaimer, 10-2050-4. Disclaimer should read, "When you buy a new battery, there will be a $5.00 deposit, refundable when you return the old battery to us for recycling. We sincerely regret any inconvenience we may have caused you. enote303-97 z0/6 Ont. 29 Cribbage piece 32 Addison -Steele periodical: 2 wds. 34 1960s student 36 Kind of cocktail 38 Anger 40 of Eden" 4V Farrow, et al. '43"--aKick Out of You" 44 Quaker pronoun 45 German sea 46 Permit 47 Conductor's paces 48 "Fra Diavolo" composer 49 Shopper's destination 51 Inflation inits. 52 Mil. decoration 53 Pacific catch 55 Dry African region 59 Oppose authority 61 Pre-school program 63 Relative pronoun 66 Cutting 67 Daisy 68 Speak 69 Red ink entry 70 Leaf -gatherer 71 Fear 75 Danson and Koppel 76 Porker's hangout 77 Filmdom's "Elephant Boy" 78 Dainty 79 Swine breed 80 Tin Pan Alley inits. 81 Persia, today 82 Capon's nemesis 86 Sky description 88 Bishop's domain 90 Bowler's target 92 Golf ball perch 93 Judgeship figuratively 96 Pekoe 97 Rhymester's work 99 Knight's wear 101 Soap plant 102 Hoglike animal 104 Close by 105 Honey and wine mixture 106 Rio de la — 107 Standish stand-in 108 NY publishing family 109 Music's Atkins 111 Como — usted? 112 Whiskey serving 114 Rube 117 Farm agcy. 119 Decompose 120 Greek letter 1 Capsule Comments with Ernie Miatello High blood pressure medication keeps your blood pressure down. High eye pressure (glau- coma) medications keeps eye pressure down. For both types of medication, it Is vital to take them routinely. Develop a way of helping you re- member to take these important medications without missing doses. There are two main types of cough: 'productive", that loose, rattling cough where you feel like there's something in your chest and the -non-productive" type...a dry, hacking cough. You don't really want to suppress a productive cough. Expectorant cough syrups will help thin the mucus in the chest to allow you to clear them. Drink lots of water for this type of cough. By the way, the most common cause of productive cough Is chronic cig- arette smoking. Stopping smoking will produce better results than any cough syrup. Chronotherapy Is the study of medication timing. Sometimes, when you take your medication can effect how well it works. For example, some long-acting asthma tablets are best taken at 5 p.m. because the high- est level of drug will be In the blood at 4 a.m. when many asthmatics have problems. itHURON APOTHECARY Ltd. Phone 235-1982 440 Main St., Exeter 'Your Health Care Pharmacy Smith of Goderich. At Hensall United Church, Rev. Annen's message was "A Lesson - from a Golfer". Belva Fuss was the organist for the ministry of song. The worshippers were welcomed by Pat Veal. Hilda Payne and Anne Annen received the offering. Dave Campbell was in charge of the ele- vator. The Children's Story was "Baptized". A fellowshiphour hosted by the Property Committee was enjoyed. Rev. Annen thanked those who had donated to the Food Bank. The annual meeting will be held on Jan- uary 26, following a potluck lunch after the church service. Hensall Legion Branch 468 held their first meeting of 1997 on Janu- ary 8. Poppy Chairman Larry Uyl reported that 15 cheese baskets had been delivered to vets, and some members visited the group's adopt- ed vet, Mary O'Dwyer, in _ Park - wood Hospital. The first night of Solo was held January 9 with a good 'crowd of enthusiastic Solo players. There 'will be Solo games at the Legion for the next nine weeks on Thursdays at 7 p.m. Saturday night, many friends held a retirement party for Wilma Caldwell. She was presented with a Kierstead painting and a dozen ros- es from the Legion and Ladies Auxiliary, for all the years she ded- icated to her job. Helen MacLean was chairperson for the firs'[ meeting of 1997'of the Friendship Circle, held January 6 at 1:30 p;nl in Hensall United Church. She welcomed everyone and read a poem. Mona Alderdice gave devotion on the theme "Kindness and Con- sideration to All". Joyce Pepper ac- companied the hymns on the piano. /A video "Scars that Heal" was shown by MacLean. • The roll call was answered by 15 members naming a kindness they - could do for someone. A lunch was hosted by Mary Britnell and Mona Alderdice and a time of fellowship was enjoyed. The annual meeting of the Hen - salt Carmel Presbyterian Church will be held on January 28. • The Hensall Legion Ladies Aux- iliary had a meeting on January 8 in the Legion Hall. President Iva Reid presided. Thank you cards were read from veterans and life members of the Auxiliary who had received poinsettias at Christmas. A donation was made towards Hensall Arena for two hours ice time for free skating. A $25 dona- tion was made to Huron Adult Day Care Centre. The Auxiliary and Le- gion are going to the Queensway Nursing Home to put on a party for Valentine's Day. The president in- formed members of upcoming ban- quets and weddings for the corning year. Bruce Breen was the winner of a Money Doll draw sponsored by the Auxiliary. The second prize of $25 went to Beatrice Uyl of Hensall. The residents of Hensall are re- minded that dog tags must ho ob- tained by March 15, to avoid a late fine. All dogs in the village ate re- quired to be tagged. Tags arc :.vail: able from the Municipal Office. PRIZE WINNING XONEY Al FERGUSON APIARIES Mason Photography Bill and Rosemary Ferguson of Ferguson Apiaries Hensall are proud recipients of The Richard W. Craighead Memorial Trophy for highest honey score in The Ontario Honey Competition for 1996-97 at The Ontario Beekeeper's Convention held in Toronto November 27, 1996. • 1st White Liquid • 2nd Golden Liquid • 1st White Creamed • 2nd Buckwheat Liquid • lst Buckwheat Creamed FERGUSON APIARIES Hwy. #84 West of Hensall 236-4979 JAN[JARy CONT/NOES Storewide Savings ALL MERCHANDISE REDUCED UP TO Compare Before You Buy Tables, Lamps, Sofas, Chairs, Bedding, Chairs, Bedroom Suites, I)iningroom Suites, Sofa Beds, Sewing Machines, End Tables, Cottage Tables, Leather Furniture, Wall Units, Area Rugs, Pictures, Mirrors, Entertainment Centres, Cedar Chests, Ceramics, Etc. toneus Fine Furniture, and Wiricluil) F1'ashions 467.Main Street, Exeter, Ont. 235-0173 I