HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1876-5-4, Page 4g, tool eeked ge ovei' awl help \Wee 14 a ht Of Metttg 6,00-0,11AtO4-4 cam 0.,,ei eye sg tac,e wele oxyracic. '4,00000m,somossgir, , *Ar ' "L. ill ill e 't • hoary aNtr,,-sin MIL SOLLIPPEWS STOVE, ., end aft Arai kilwa oi.ouraotaileoo of the mardo and Jinn with hie cook, KfQVG hit() ti10 51U Ook deo.: ofe,,toieon,:whieli Oastt I.!P neer itlteheir, 1,f Mr. Seudder hadn't most iteete ettiTerittg, but was not, eleveye beete(„nie cif the fortemoet to of- PeWerfuieteettgle te MOO speetty ueatb fee hie ,'eervices when treubte ettunt to Unable t uo exeteciattine 40- nie I should have given biti a toot. tgege otty, he determined, after totteh inward oU Inv lieueeuid lot to let the off, struggling, tO whin:Meter a. second ilose ". A god deal ;has bvtu aid filia f the poison it: order to speedily end ,exi-abode stovete andetove, pieett," her naisery. The potion, only, in teriei- remerked boudder es we walked bedlier dietress, but still Tailed to kill 0Io tee bele 'The toeture 'wide)), his dearly be- Aela iitny exaggeratiOlikl have loved 'wife was et dining was too greetfor ,been set Afloat," ailded, him to witness se he seieed 4 eval:Nrel: t'• 'Yes, ono's. so, 1 LOSNI" hot tlio A udgave bol the co4cle /J' A. seeoila leak" trOtibfe.'W.Oili 404e.:e §IWt tlid him a corpse oeside her. you for Wtt.s to help lift. l)et a mil-. The murderer in tFe letter Written ee- hoe dollars, that we'll heve that stove for his death, begged that the retie:ills init.,: tip ;mil blaziog, aWay in teh miue of his wife and think:elf naieht be hone tites etter we strike the house."' orably berried in ouo gravo, and hoped It wee A equare-built cooketeve with that his deed might find. palliation in 'seven jointe of pipeitild two elbotie. 1 the feet that it wits prompted hyexcess- lee mu to trembleete we stood heforo-ite ive love aud tenderest pity. The on- Sclud(1,koyixig t4io 1y.gleatie,ef _comfort to he found in this, lids, and remarked in qtn, ladifferent sad Itistery is,that the colonet mad his, tone, w'it.e• were childless. ,Somolio Weer 'other.' 4110', soda -water ter t 1-dey is differiao t front that of sev- ' 441,deeee not 42tr4tilb1c. eeteen t1estenped upon the stove and am- Singular proOf has often been given th e wire , arethel ,the stove 'pipe; of the feet that "great men are not al- . teee„in? : ways wise." liven profoundly learnrit ed Ju ris s have faded, to make themselves A 0" hay it understood-, ,or ,haN're strangely defined el'o.unee' and‘;116"; f°11ming par jumpoa.,thwiza1d40 14s boa, agraph from an English pa,pee of 40illsi,l•fi;) iiALe 1x 16th. .There is a peculiarity ;OtittderVqiethi'-'113rVinCiPle's'6r about Lerd 'Ste Leonard's will which housetkeee ing kit Weultlii't ha ye 6UC11wilt b6 'teed' With interest. Wu quote things, e'reuEe,,,, r, '•'!",' from the Lincoln Cinette. .1 took (i OW11 the stove pipe. I never "It is singular that we should have, gaw e. eteetepip-e,,eeitteewettit,te„.46„,a1,0 in bar law oourts, at the sanie time two , aa,,v" unportalit cases pending relative to the ran down toe bettunt joiut and filled Of two of the most eminent of re- wy shoee, bat I elenilthrt have 'Said mut judges. la the one case ordina anytling if tile elbow and one joint ry men , are amazed that • so acute a htidu't broke off fienn the rest. ..bend- wan, and one so praetieed, in legal der, half blieded, weesaying,- that he phL raseetogy its the late ord Westbury never had 1.11,y trouble withetoves, whet) ,should have made a will in which most the elbow droppe1. one his bald head; then fail to understand what the testa - and rolled aweyean ler the table. tot meant. elle ethe Court of Appeal Great shi,,ea-:-o 1P--blazes=41.1 un - this week, it is clear. that the late fold ',Seuchier as he leaped, 'St' Leonards must have , been peenli- eiroand and rubbed his :tete, eurelese, about the custody of his Seudder eoPetied the sitting- will' t an ordinary dis- r lone door, and held up her knitting patch box to whi3h .many persons wu: k in aneazemeette and:- exclainiod-- ,thight easily obtain access,' and on his, „ John cerogorysouddei, ! is, it possi_ death it had been "couveyed" away. IL, thee yote, a member of a Christian No question ,has arisen about who church, will :make- nee vf such 1:in-. g Liege I carried Cees ba1e:11613 of pipe out of doors, and WeakedAtit and down the sieewalk iintrl1sS&tiider had re- ' gained .het CIfl po,ne,:t'e e4ina11y said lid Was aout the , stove, and Wl1eri-14.'Wee1,0„ell' lee grasped me hand, Forgive um. liow foolish it was in me to fly mid nbo tlt a trilling teino°." He Glad he, would take the frent end of the stove, tuld heel out, through the door, mud 'added that iniy„ neae w111 got mad abent: pitting up u, stove was no nian at all. . "This stove cost me forty dol --" he was &tying when the kottekles of his right hand rubbed against the door-cas. ing and he fell off tile dor-slep, drew the stove down ite top of him, and his yells made the heir stand up. ' I jumped over the etove and: found tine tw.ethieds of its, weight, was on.thie ktioes, etel that, b •ivs bent in other ii a half eireee:, with IDS etose in the oven e, Great bleeee, gil 'er hp:yelled and Mrs te.ild,ler eaine out itieuired •‘ My deae, what do you crawl- under tha stove in that faehion for 2" "Shut up,, yell freckled nozedjedel , Raise off this stove ?" , screetined Mr. Scudder ; end while I Was releasing hith , 404 05 vt) lettVe this fOrlit ffl1 OROCEMES ioDomit el:N1. oce 0.ede(1 to ()Delos° A rilio tcrtf A mo T nimoer ot acree, A. se:vire of Mink olutolitOollotVALS. ton Wires l'oquire 2131 pellets of feilee to evtile field, Of the eattle iirea, but twieo as long ltS wide, will i'equive ;`,WO Pat e's, Some fence may be saved by worelug the fields lit peire with the usual rotatiQn 'of ecru, oats, alid peas. ‘, „ BEnt, rl.'nA,---Bou polled of ireen. 101111 bbef, ten initiates then cut into Small bits, torning eint of boiling Wat tOr on an:1 let steep in a warm. piece 11011 011 1101,11.'-- 111011 etrain it itod Sette011 vith pepper and 8&t to the taete. Tens ifi 0 quiek wey of Making the tea, bot is ilot so good when tile Stan:Well will bear little liquid on it as the following method e Cut the leeef into small bit, which must. 1)0 free front fat. a junk bottle with it, eerli. it up tight, hinters° it ie a kettle ef,luke-warm water, and boil it four or five libelee This wey ie superior to the first, of obtaining juice ef tile meat thielloyed 'With water, a tablespoonlull of it being as nourishing as a teacep- ful of the ether. BAKED INDIAN PuDDING,---BOil 011e quart of milk, and when boiling Stir in corn meal till ()elite and wen eoaided ; sweeten with 41101asses to taste, say one cunp. 'Put ia heli- ing desh, pour in 0110 quert of mile, drop in as nutty pieces of butter on ads many points, and salt, and put in the °veil to bake from one and a half to Iwo hours. A. little"' ex.perienue will make it just right. This pudding -has the merit of elioapnese as well as 015S0of inaking, and great exeillence ; eaten without sauce and. cold or hot. t ),Ve rttl)IdlY AXACrettie the! .11o1V TO GET RID OF THIST.f,g8,7.1.)0 !t dig retina them, but eat id their -tops as faet .as they groW,. , Tne 7rbune says : ;". The more a bed of Canada thi, tie§ is dugout andplowed into and spaded up„ .the better it will thrive.. Under such adversity it takes coinfort and heads. Such is nature: If, on, the contrary, its growth is encouraged until it is wily in blossom, and it is ' then mowed as if it were the most lies-. 1'01 'forego piled up, buened or buried , in a ,comPost heap, iteiinmediately sentssuch euro, and sends up ,a weakly' growth in plaCe of its former vigoroes one. Then these' new stems ehould look the will from the box or about be cat offejust below the surface of the what became of it. As soon as it wee 1 ground eith a weeding chisel ; but the. missed, the married daughter of the roots must irfno case Le touched.. late Lord bt. Leouords was asked by his solicitor to pet 'down. ;in writing The roots left intact make midi drafts noon the weakeued 'plant that it can - what she remembeeed of the will This itot supply, and they .simply die for sheehd, ettd Ns hen her pece liar ,rela7 -.want of air, which is their' nutrinient$ tions to her father are considered, her long compamonshipeeith him, her long associatieu 111.,his legal: labours,' and the' peculiar training which made her a better lawyer in petticeets', thee are maty, Who". wear wigs; it must be 'eon- fessedthat 'refteen is at isfiedday a reli- ance endier. testimony. That she was in .effedCethe only witness is of less weighythea it might otherwise hp, be- cauee ralmost every Rem in .the will as she wrote it from memory alter her father'Sdeeth, tellied in eyery respect either with other documents or with the well-kerneiniettenturns 'ofthe late' Lord Ste LeOnords. No ote doubts the jus- tice of the decision given in Court of Appeal, but it maybe ,permitted to us to append to this (licit -ion the very. ob- vious nioetti that even lawyers ought not to ..make their own, wills, and ,they shoal& do something mere than Lard St. Lqueards did to meke their wills secure'' • • RIGHT VS. L 11.A.,ND PLOUGHS — A eorrespondent writes to the Ohio Farmer on the' comparative merles of the wife rowed. to the, sitting-ruum, left and right hand ploughs, evidently muttering : favoring the latter. • " If 1 weal male Yt11 sweat fer these Nearly ever farmer in this neighbor - words, then iny name isn't Hannah hood rn.les a left liana plough, Way, is Jane Scudder!" this so? Is it because the left hand When I got 'Jr. Scridder up he an - has, anydvsntage over the right 2 I have neverldund' out what this-adVan- tage was, but I clann the right has more than one advantage over the left. One is n breaking a colt on the off side, and with a right hand plough the colt witl soon learn to follow the fur - 10\S ; then, when ,he has 'learned to:turre', at the end, if the etighhorse is a single' line horse the single line can be put on him, the colt jeckeyed off and all will go well. Bat With a left lioud plengh thi:f 'colt is put on, the laud with nothieg,to keep him to hike place but a jockeyeAiek,and he win:go:just- wb.ere he piefteee—some- . times in and sometimes mit—picking the best place to walk ef2cOurse, and We impossible to Ate a,' straight. fur- eow, Auothe le in finishing up a land, the s maid be three DaITOW flee- roWs eft, and in 'ploughing the third -from the last furrows there is barely room for a horse to walk on the land ; with a right hand plow a person eau keep the flier)l horse on the land by us- ing the line, bat with aloft hand plow 0.184th:rows are mostly male so crook.' ed that the horse can neither walk on .1411111 1104 in the furrow all the time When thestrip is of the same width all along,- the, offPhorse 'Call walk in eta, fnnow easier than ou the land, end. ,that is 'Where he Will walk. It always seemed to me when I Wag ploughing tide furrow with a left hand plough that I ought to. have two jockey sticks, 'en before Anil one behind. Tlio furrow next to the last should be plowed shah low; for plowing tine furrow I would '118 soot have a left as e right 111511(1 158 'ea% takes a furrow. The JO furrow ,14ou1d be left six inches wide, and then turn tip &boa half the other furrow, ,and,te do this the nigh horse has to -walk 011 the last furrow after it is tun- ed over, and with a right hand plough, lie can: be made, to do ib with the line; but 1 cannot jeckey the off hoe dO ae to Make him ,Walk jast tO the Spot., 'otee heard a ,fartner (talc a plongli agent Whe ha,d, three left and ne right hand plows at ,the' fair, :why he did not bring a right hand plOW with him. The egetit told hien that he sold ten left to one right hand plough, anti I say thet there it ten poor ploughtnen to one good one. We don't Very orbit see fiese-rate plotightten nee left hand pleughs, 1 wee once at a , ploughing nieiteli at whiell there Were three right hand and two left lotaid plotighs. The met wl l'ed the tight hand plough' tnade v 171 Might furrows, [and th %se with the oatt hand plottglis mute Very crooked farrowe. I will ciose by say, ing that tho left handers convince me of the superiority of their plougha they Will Intim to tell semething' they hake Pot told yet. nouticed that ltis back -bone, four ribs. ri4ht leg anti foifr,Iitegera`wee 'betiken; but lifter the', lapse Of half, an hour Ile str ightene.i op and foniitl hiteself, a» right. By this tiine,Al'had,the efoVe in place ithlwas reaLl,k to p111 up the stoVe pipes . . • .‘ I had that pipe Iliad° to fit to- gether," exclaimed M . Sucthier, as he picked up the joints. We plaeed tw0lc1intsiett(41(Coli4 ; no fit. Turned ends; Wore yet. " Hold 'eat Thereee-presse- knock—dale e They fell apart and Mr. Scudder whirts aroand and sits (1o(ynil1the pile of soot thud ashes. Mrs. Scudder came running oat and said: -John Gregory Seed:der; is'thitt, yen speaking those awftrb-Weteds ,2 Yee, it is me,e„.": tee illly, cried a he clewed atound foe; another joint en. pipe. "Well, it's p.",good` trill; Deer (Tatting trell died whenelf• watisbalay,',' sigh- ed the wife and we t We stood toe fret ',Unit on end' and -then S011girt for ;`0in1 10 'fit —six jolifts' eelve end: __10e11, , " . W1Ore'rs the Intraneee, and he thee; thud the batikeitetv;?! (matter, as he gave one of the an awful kick. John Gregory Scudder, itetbat you or a pirate ?" site answered as she opened. tile (bor.' He found „tele J1iihier an ham- mered oee eud on °neje joiiit'nutil they would. have tekee 111 aePIllg „het, Ali 1 that'S theeeway to .efix stove- pipe I" exclaimed- Scudder; as, ,me . got threeloints togOter., eeI'm flOrry got mad ; it's follise for a man to lose his tendper prittIng,Up stove pipe." Two more joilete, went ot niboly, and then he seocet upon a clear to put en' glbow -op. It_ettoight on prie side then on the oth r bat* it wary poised 3 thit exactly -right, ,Setiader eaged down oe it. Then a orkeleetad yell and he csme down' upon the stove boiler with' awful weight, while every jeillt flOW apart and the ,elbow„ split open. ' " John uregory what do you mean " exclaimetl,tlio wife, us she opened the 'door:: Ile made no reply. Is lie rueiied Lor the �10 1 stepped. out df the doors, and had iist teached my gate when there tams the aviftil '00141n11 of an ime splitting up eheet,iron; minglecl witb yolls of' Gregory"—"whOop!'—gf what doo—Phi 1" yi —aro ,yot4 41roy1"-- sisri keop 1" • . • TRA.GE1)Y INITIO- IT. LIFE, Berlin is 811w:1(1°i:big Otter shooltinq tragedy inhigli life, 6'0101°1 von 14or1- 4108±41(1) 15 veteran soldier, lmarirg Jaen arable so,trs reeelved in the last war, sad fot! long time past ohief of. the ;thvalid 'Inman of the Army," pflut an end ±41 ±140 life pf heis wife .01.1 the' 11th ••••••------- P0ES:47 PA,T TO BE- SURLY- was only one easterner the surlyritan-anuh'• bed. The customer asked for ten cents' worth, of wire. Thestudy man said something to him a!-aint cutting.so 'small a piece, and sneered at birn for being .so small a customer. He cut it off from the roll ; and the customer who _had intended to buy F01110 hinees and bolts, and two or three lecke, which mieht have amounted in all to five dollars, concludedie would deal at some other seen for the rest. He paid. for his ten cents' worth of wire, tind pushed on to the next hardware store. The surly man did not eveu bid him good -day. That ono custem- ey seemed a very small aftair to the dealer, because be wanted to purchase, a limited amount of inerchaedise. He did not think that a than does.iiot ask in ,one breath for all he wants. He tor got that the sipall customer of to -day may be the larger ono of to-morrew. Ide forgot that the man who heshabily treated at the store, seldom returns to it.uuleee for something that canuot be pal:chased elsewhere: -lie. forgst' the influence which each-Custother ,cithiee with him fer ,goed or ill. Courtsey, brings cuetone' and if custom briugee success ir,,Xusiness,.courteey must not 00 nagleked. A men who is politelY, used at'L spore is very apt, to .cocae again, and to mention his experience to his friends. A. man who is rudely dettle, with is stall .more apt to tell his freends of it, and to wart them against the place: Ndt only is this a good lee - Son for employers.,, bet, for Alt „.elerks, salesmen, and saleswomen, and .also for collectors and letter 'writers. NEW SPRING Q001DS IfEN1144,-*Itl'&LSOCtiOlIS imny ,theneawl. panels of finite) , are need fossil made WO of by haying fields of such A Shape AS't0 tequire toe great a portio11 to enclose & given, arca, Tho most economical foi lo that oi-a- AT Parsons & Waiker'S CENTRALIA Si CREDITON Our lines consist of crverything kept in a first- class store. 14 Pounds 9f Geed Surgetzs FOR ONE DOLLAR. Pri 15s,from 9 to 12 Cents. • People s Croce y Store. CRUNNICAN has received a levee stook t>i GRCCEMES, ca1,0=11.744. just iirrived, 50 kegs of 4ails. In Teas i've. cannot be boatel; jest try our fifty cent Tea. PARSON S & WALatER., Ceittralia and Crectitoii, April 27 - moo a large 6took BOOTS cOo SITOICS suitable for Vali and Whiter, coaeisting a Men's, Women's and (lila, ren's Wetkr. '1,11o$e in want of a iirst..ciass article in the BoP. and shoo 11110 should not fail to EXA MINE- MY STOCK Before purchasing, as my •-exporienee of tbirty years in that line ma bles me in purchasing to select that only' which can reccimmend. A- LARGE LOT. 01? First Classl3acon JUST IlEdEIVED* CRLJNNICAN 131IODERICK'S OLD STAND., STOVES Why Don't You Go to Johns? ,foims koeps op Alain street, at his old stand,where he,has been for la years. Johns has moved into his new shop now. Anybody will toll you where 'Johns' Tiu-shop is, •If yon do not know where to find it, ask the first man you 80011 Exeter to show you. He'll do it. When you set there you'll know lt'S the. 01,100 because, there is no other place just like 1(4 111 the world. Johns sells stoves, tinware and things. You'll see them lying.clear out on the 818ewalk-7,-0a of them marltec: in plain figures. You don't need to ask for what You want. , You eau pick them up anywhere. JOHNS SELLS CHEAP. sO his store is always full of mon and women Last, Saturday his store was Cheek rtill of men 14c1 women, mild he bad 118 1110011 ae he could, 00 to take the money. Such a lot of money I I tell you those New Patterns of 'Stoves ap..i.44-g6'...c VroHgdo. Shop are Stunners,. .c.,(Aing like hem 111 (411010 parts. Then there is such lots Hot -Air Drums. and other thine.. Such beautifn I ampit, ficw cuandeliers. Table Cutlery, Cruets, Mats,. Brass arid Enamelled Kettles, Saucei aus and Pots, Cluu•as aud Brooms, Baskets and Butcher Knives, Sausage Machines and scales, Coal Oil, Black lead, stove pipe varnish, 1121d hundreds of other things —ali useful end good, and you'll find them piled from the cellar up to the ceiing. NOW JOHNS IS NO COWARD, but follis ao erowe aroundlthn and ask so many questions and pay• him so many compliments 84100(4 1118 stock and his grand way of doing.things, that he gets kind of congusticated and loses him- self up in the garret • COUNTIND HIS. NICNEY (i(4 he has any). The best time to see him is on rainy days, Ile is always around then, but if,you want things that are useful and ornamental it makcs no difference what day you call, because his men will alwayeinalte you feet as if you were at home, and will se" -ou things cheaper than you can buy them els, wh ,re. • JOHNS OYSTERS r‘YSTERS k Oysters! Oysters! AND GROCERIES S`A,_NIDI-1.-:RS' 0,4, Post Office _Block. ,exeelle to Jo of Groceries aid Confeet 1701) hand, CROICEIOBACCOES and CIGARS. Sperfsnieti suppliod with Amtuulition. Books, Stationery, Magazines ALL THE LATES NOVELS. N .13.—owing Illac1iine,11eed1esof every Rind fo sale. ^ S. FORD weliId call attention to the fact that he Is noW prepared to get any descripiion of Carriigtsy Dtggios CI:Mors- -aria wzgonz) n 4,16 .est stylti0tntoutwor1inanAhi pf fircittAflamo ,wood-werkel,, sati,slactitui I; guatemifeed,. 'Particular attention is given to MILT, PIC/CS,, and the utaioat satisfaction gilarohtce 4, 'Speeial attention paid to , 1iorsd4di0eifig,, general lebbfrtg atnl: repairing WA/call solicited, , 'S. rORD. , April ,g7) 4870, OsSANDERs. TOBACCO .4 ENGLiSil "SHAG' KEMP'S TOBT'' CCO ST RE Good 5 (, ,n_ ar TRY KEMP'. FINE CUT Smoking & Chewing Tobacco Cigars—Wholesale arid Retail. 1.10 TEL S SUPPLIED. , Opposite ROSS's Planing Mills EXETER, ANUFACTORES. vat) 1Y, 0.1qc,IGLOCIltiONWATC 3-, is thebostin theinarket 136 sure and get the W. T).MeGloohlon watch before buying, You will havo ao other after see. jug them, Ail 161(0 160)10 them recommend, them. Gold and Silver, Ladies and Gentleman's sixes, 77Dowles street London. See the testimonials, The largest, hest and cheapest Stook Of fine Geld jewelry; Clocks, Silver, aml Plated. Ware, Fancy Goods, &e., &c„, in tim l'rovince, Itepairing of every description, W. D. MoGLIICarf,N, Dundas s London. 421 .21 THOUPSONZ4 WILLIAMS A GRICULTURAL IMPLEMEN TS Boiler and Engine Works MITCHELL, ONT. Two -horse power wood SaWing machins This machine has been thoroughly tested and . given ENTIRE SATISFACTION It is supplied with a • BAND ANT 1-3 f or driving a Straw Cutter, Grain Crusher, Or other machinery, without extra expense ex 001)1 for the belt. TRIAL OFFERED. All kinds of FarmingImplements Rept constantly on hand. BOILER SHOP in full oneration. ENGINES of all sizes to order. ' R.FP.A.112t..s Ilopt at Bissett's Tin sh op; Exeter. promptly attended to. Addresa— . THOMPSON & 'WILLIAMS, MitchelhOnt. EXETER STEAM RAKE &CRADLE FACTORY GEO. C 0 T TLE ALVNUrACTI.M1,11; Wooden Harvest Tools Rakes, Snaithes, Fork Handle's, Grain Cradles, ETC. lie will have ready for the coming harvest, the . celebrated Ezotor 1othig Stor rirE $00go.lbor wtobekk to room 1141 yen? thauke for vast104roc kW,. and WOUld call particular attention to the opralf stook et Gent's Furnishings pAtit Arlittea, 1 AWN Nil esecertment of tho newest.aUdteOst fashienalks materials for fieut's wear, Znelish and Y'reneh Fancy Coatiugs, FInglsh, Seotelt and Canadian TWE,h; DS; Deoadeloths, Doeskies 0e141'405y Veatinge, ebolee stook of Bats ana caps of the latest fashion, eients,: desiring iorethle And pbrfeet titatut suit' should lfave their orders et the Exeter Clothing 'Storer- Piirfeet eatisfsetion guarantPed in oNery in- stance. ItIlleff. HARRIS efill has charge of tho Qutting Department, All elothkought Of me cut free of charge, X. 12. McIntyre Exoter,Mareli 16 Sulkey Hay Rake A Novelty itt this section.; MERC:14,ANTS will find it to Their Adritutagc to :Buy their Stock from me, as 1 am prepared to deal with them a,s reasona- bly as any,other establislunort, 11011 10 give prompt. atteliti011 t0 !Murders :WHOLESALE Sz RETAIL: 'Turning of ahl kinds made a specialty in 1-1.Oo; business. GEORGE,COTTLE _Exeter, April 8, " allimeallIMIWISIIMOrmilliallAirrnam' 82-3m 1 Enlargement of irremises -pm?, UNDERSIGNED, GRATIFIED FOR the liberal patronage bestowed on bim since he commenced business, weuld acquaint his numerous friends and customers with the fact that he has enlarged his present place of business, and added largely to his stook of Leathei, includingFrenell'Canadian nod American, and he is prepared to fill all orders that he may be favored with on the shortest no- tiee'and in a style that cannot be surpassed in the County of ur on. Exeter, Jan. 18, 076. W. TROTT. 229.rus EXPRESS. The American Express C 1 AVE —TN— E XTER AND ABs PEEPARED To ConveNT Goods • • Money and vabn,,bh,. 0 G-1tE EN 13 A_C K i • e , . BOUGHT AND SOLD ' For furter irticulers apl ly be W .1. WHITE, TIMES Office, Exeter. P H OE INT FOUNDRY Corn,er ahu& Wellinecon Sts., ONTARIO JOH El LIOTT, PROPRIETOR. ..1.9NDONr5 MANT!FACTUKER 011' Meadow Larit Gaper and Mowet, eultiva- tors, low, gang-Plow Common Sense S traw -Cutters, AND ALL IMPLEME1 ITS USED 13Y FARMERS. S F AcRYL±JRz) ThiSintplement deable distrihntfuiggrain am now busily engiged..inakigg thetit pared to supply them 0, 10, 11,12 tithes eadnittWitlit der, and wIlr endeavor to keep 011 hdt citherkitid giVen their order. The style, finish, and rnatrial aedjf 'eel-ea-110de riot surpassed le Western Oen ft 10 JO* Atli:sten atee totidoe, 11)reVe; Eote1# adirtitted tii110 11141lietalbefere sooctlaq, etitt Wilt .be jitif4 Shifter et witionit# tteetWitrig to or., 174 te supply any who may tot' ,,litene 111 be foittui alt thatf ilart :he tileiiiredt LiLIOTT) MOM reunary,5eorner flathurstaial 13-rdiS1 Ag. r,. RY'QOODS aReCEINES, NAND OE AK) BXMWfl P11It)XS WILL 00. ardware Sto Aunnig other goods we have the following, which 'SOLD AT BOTTOM PIIIICEW genrigan'eTeerless Axes, Bread C1191)140 Adzes, Fuse, Laca . Faucets, Glass, Glue, Grindstone, }hinges, Rerse Shoes, Hummers, Lead Lanterns, Rabbit Metal, Brushes of all kinds, I3ells, Bunch SereVs, Boring Machines, Borax, Chain cordage, , Door Seemes, ' Duntb-bells, Leatheri Mate, MaChine ISF Faint Oils Pnints l'onditr• 1 Revolvers Rope, 11:41:iber- nd, IIemp PacIting Spades zee end Shovels, scaieseShot, Saws, Turpentine, bug Twine, Vices,Varnish, Wire,Whf Plans, specifications and Estimatosprepared for building. O'llYB,NE & C9 - *JEW spitimic GOODS 0. Nr.W$U3J, G/RANTOT, HA.s ',JUST RECEIVED and is now prepared to SHOW THE TJARG-E'ST. STQCIC ever shown in Granton, consistingof New Prints, Gray:Cottons'White Cottons, new Costume Cloth, Black Lustros, IIesiory, Gloves, &e., tko, TAILORING DEPARTMENT New English and Canadian spring tweeds, t1 , 'rstodeeatilign, doeskins and broadootbe, the latest styles in collars and ties, o lr.e. A first -alas • • .W011. tailor on the premises, and a perfeet fit'guar- , anteed. Now spring huts awl e 0.1) 5 ang shawl 1, ,..4.4. A new stock of nails, glass, putty, 1 1.1..1.;4, r‘Rr, So., coming to handinuildere furnished at reduced prices. , . C. M. WEBB. NEW Spring Goods NEW _ SAMWE,:LL: P1 Have ji,, Out, New Prints, very low, New Gre;\ OCttuu, \411i t1 New. Bieached Cetto.n, thni eve: New Black Lustros i-iukers—all New Silver -.,:very low Nev COlore , f1.1. New Black Si1h1 uf value, New. T.( f1.1,t.y Goods, a New Linon Costumes, i Gents' Furik... we aro also very complete, having receive and opened out a first-cla New Spring Tweed,s;', New Worsted ,Coatings, New Black Broa4hcloths, New Black DoeSkins,. 1 New Black Citssii6r NWReady-made ts-al(3.7"* styles, New variety, Ne Also a complete stoe1l-4( if 1,1,1, ili.eari ( fi ;; ll:ost:class lot of new Wall -paper, A First - :on . the Premises. All ontrikting with their ou nio k4,,ly on gettiug a perfect . fit, and good workraansh rrreer*9, • Grocery EIVED R quor Store 11. 'tr11(3 6,tonic. of 44 Ji. aga 11 ELyson .and -4 Blaok Teas, sardines, Lobsters, Salip.pj Ralsinsu curraxits, Pruncs nRIED Apples, CANZt= Bitte Sauce and Pickles, Brandies,,Gins, Wines ,and SYruPg' Rye, Malt, Scotch, high and Comnaan Whiskies,. TobaccOes and Cigars, Wholesale and Retail. • C. A. MACE, Main Street, Exeter. UNDERTAKING C. tit Z ICZE'DEZ=1.. TjnclertaliE.)i,4 01.1,LD SAY TO those whe intend tairehasilig to do so frout the nianufaetnrer, The , deafer who biays ft? seti igairt- must' necessarily 11/Vee a lireft.. We 'elaini to give the purchaSers the benefit, whieh biknribt to Meet the Ariews 11 the (hangers, Onr 'okpotiles lore 1088 thanthoso of city nianlifdeturerS,Consequient. iywti COM Sell Cheaper, Emblems ) 11.-0.1 'dui re ,Manufacturer - et 4(4 E *01Y LI) tall spocisiattontiett to our nodortaltito; =Out, which is Illic40 0030 - the it 08e,e0 we bay. added it veritl flOW dosiOtin of • late. - The holt toffIntii etialiete Shionde4,41nd every' fUnersl' 18011381±8 at ,thri , loWest prices. Our neW hearse JO Iftolietincild by Mnetent Judge. to bit seeotid to hot lfl tho. province. , °tent Societies, Gir)LEN- Er N• 0 T1 S A87 C Tal CalIZTIONtAti OZWIZTO 111A010:1\TE AC= BPIAtliDID Aesestrioitt; always Ott An'yItind.:(tittig1.6(1. to ofilet,‘ likti""(411"16' 6f istl'et'143111geolAtgl'411:14117Vitttbriteti,titatiiilatiiika , • r 111,14bt SOW). Stft4 'Mai,. adiineti Rebtiltet la 6 tliei8t.g18ii5U41h5YilV5651i.8lie toltithttigo 36 those Ati Want Of noei fteiti the,' Alt Of ere hf, highTifeintititiettehiltd Ilktion-etyline,iithir VII'414: th‘f ConStiieflifa4(Mie OLNTON, Ottoberliw . ' ' -