HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-01-08, Page 18Page 18 Times -Advocate, January 8, 1997 20 Property for Rent TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT - Spacious downtown apartment located on upper level. This apartment has five rooms with two bedrooms and heat included. 'Call Dinneys at 235-0173 9-6.(4(fn) EXETER - Brookside Apts. Large tuxury.2 bedroom apts. 3 appliances. ensuite laundry. Designed for stature adults. Available immediately. Phone 235-2961. (431fn) • EXETER - 2 bedroom apanment available Dec. 1st. Suitable for mature persons only. 235-3293. (45tfn) HEATED one bedroom ground floor apt. and large one bedroom with fridge and stove. Both aptswith laundry and parking. 235.1497.(451fn) • EXETER - - One bedroom apartment in 4 pies. Separate entrance. close to downtown, no pets. References. 235-3114. (46t6n) ONE BEDROOM • APARTMENT downtown Exeter. $350. plus utilities. Available December 1, 519-284-1858. (48On) EXETER DOWNTOWN - singles. street level (quiet) 1+ bedrooni. 4 appliances. 235-0302. (48tfn) ZURICH -•4 bedroom brick home. 25 Goshen Street. Available immediately. Gas, hot water; heat. Nice old -home. 5650. per month plus utilities. 234-6783. (490n) ONE OR TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT IN CENTRALIA Fridge, stove and all utilities included. Laundry facilities available. 234-6421 ONE BEDROOM APT. fridge and stove included. Controlled. entry. 5450.00 per rnonlb plus hydro. 235-3948. Ask for Dirk. (22tfn) • 301 SENIOR ST. EXETER. 1 bedroom units available from 5316/month. Own appliances required. To view "235-3125. (261fn) f•1EN$ALL - bachelor apt. available 5250/monih. 1 bedroom apt. available 5406/month ' Fridge; _ stove and heat ' included. Call 263-2380 for more details , (47tfn7 WANTED - decent renter for upper duplex in, Zurich. Good size living room With excellent view. bright kitchen. 5292.00 plus utilities. Possibility exists for right rentor to buy thif prdperty. (51?)453-1$47. (30tfn) AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - 3 bedroom mobile home in a country park - Ibrge a)Jdiliot! - mature adults. no pets and preferably non-smokers. 'References and place of employment. Phone 237-3260 evenings or leave message ,(30(61) ' , RAU MANOR in Zurich has a spacious 2 bedroom . apartment for rent. Controlled entry. Fridge and stove. available. Phone 236-4607.(33tfn) EXETER - lower floor of house duplex. ' Two large bedroohts.all rooms large and luxurious. Modern decorating done recently. Short walk to schools and downtown. Great for seniors. Includes 5 appliances plus garborator, water purifier and air purifier. Also includes heat. hydro. central air conditioning, water sewage and cable T.V. 5725.00 per month. Available in October. No pets or smokers please. References please. Call 235-0699 anytime. (38(fn) VILLAGE PLACE APTS. - 1 &' 2 bedroom suites 5395. and $450./month. Large Penthouse suite 5595.hno nthly. Call Remax Realty Inc. Marlene' Parsons. 235-3777. (401fn) MZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ;i 14 14 14 14 14 FREE MONTH RENT 14 N 14 N1 small, 1 bedroom, 14 14 starting at $375 per f; N month 14 N 2 bedroom apt. $530 P4 per month. 14 fi Large luxury apt. with ►i Nwhirlpool, washer dryer, 1 ►4 f4 f4 fi CaII for details 14 14 14 air, all apartments P44 come with refrigerator :1 and stove. 04 14 14 235-0349 Z .c 20 Property for Rent ZURICH - Rau Manor has a one bedroom apartment for rent. Private entrance. Appliances available. Phone 236-4607. (491fn) NEW QUIET 2 BEDROOM apartment with large flowered backyard. Call 235-0298 or 235,4996. (50(61) 2 BEDROOM house trailer for rent. starting Jan. I. 12'x60' Days 237-3641 evenings 235.2184. (51(11) . ONE BEDROOM apartment in house. quiet area. 5285/month plus utilities. Stove and, fridge included. Phone 235-1107. (52tfn) .11.4%A.11.11.e. One bedroom, . totally renovated apts., with new windows, bathroom and kitchen ceramic tile, free parking, laundry facilities, Li Targe backyard. -$339 a month, heat included. To view call t. 519-235-0020. NEWLY RENOVATED 2 bedroom apartments in Hensall. Fridge and stove included. Laundry facilities. Starting at 5400 per month plus utilities. Pat O'Rourke Coldwell-Banker All -Points Realty Services Exeter. Ontario. 235-1449 or 237-3182 24 hour paging. (111-n) AVAILABLE NOW. Onc bedroom apartment and two bedroom townhouse in.a family-oriented. quiet community setting. Enjoy the freedom 01 no landlord and the democratic control and security of a 'co-operative. • First and 24th months rent-free to "Full rent" applicants. Call Wayne at 235-3382 at Exandarea Meadows ,Co-op in.Exeter for more information. We also have three bedroom townhouses available. Call to get on our waiting list for these. - No subsidy available-. HENSALL - freshly conditioned. ground floor one bedroorit apartment with private entrance. includes . appliances. 5265.00 monthly. first and last required. Call I-S19-243.2I23or 262-3146. (2tfn) An excellent value on 1,2 and 3 bedrooms In Hensall: Heat, hydro, fridge, stove and fresh paint included. So much room for the dollar you have to see one today. Cali Steve or Shelley 262-2827 COUNTRY SETTING two bedroom main floor apartment .'riled bath. broadloomed throughout. Large Ii.vingruont. kitchen. 5410. plus. Hwy. 4. 235-0392. 11:2c) AVAILABLE NOW - Two bedroom ground floor apartment. close to downtown. Includes fridge and stove 5495 plus utilities? Call -Gary MacLean 215-0800 or' 235-I245afer6p.m (2r6). • M I Bedroom, fridge and4,4 stove supplied. 11 is Controlled entry, paved lel parking. I•' 2 bedroom, appliances, Ji 13 laundry, paved parking, gheat and hot water. 1,; L Controlled entry. Call i J Dirk Coolman 235-3948H EXETER - 2 bedroom apartment. stove and fridge supplied. 235.0512. (2 -Sc) Shirley Margaret Apt, Exeter Ideal for single person, young or retired couple. Stove and refrigerator, bal- cony, laundry facilities, cable TV and heating. One year lease. Phone Cliff Knip 228-6236 Riverview Eames 72' x 14' with 9'x20' sunroom,-2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, $72,000.00 incl. fridge/stove, electric furnace, blinds/drapes, negotiable washer/dryer, built in china cabinet, in wall desk area, sliding dpor from sunroom to front porch, large bathroom with oval bathtub, plenty of storage pace, especially in the hidden pantry. Residential access,to rec hall for use of kitchen/bar, dance floor, billiard tables and sauna/hot tub. TO VIEW CALL OUR OFFICE 235-0890 (daily) (EXCEPT SUNDAYS) 10 a.m . to 4 p.m. AFTER HOURS; SHALLOW 235.6154 OR GARY 2354528 20 Property for Rent DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS - Heated. fridge and stove' supplied. I bedroom available now $335./month: 2 bedroom available March 1 $385./month. Call 35-13.54.0)2tfn) • • ZURICH - Spacious one and twobedroom apts. Fridge and stoye included. Washer and dryerhook-ups. Phone 236=4607. (02(fn) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT in• Exeter. Close to downtown Available now. Fridge and stove 5350.00. 519-272-2317. (02t6n) • WANTED TO SUBLET: - Rent five months, get one month free. Large two bedroom. Fridge and stove included, Glenn Haven Apts.. Exeter. Dishwasher; w/d available.235-0887 (02') EXETER - 2 bedroom house apt. $360/month. Heat and utilities extra. No pets please 262-2208 after 5 v.m. (02•) 23 Wanted to Rent WANTED LAND TO RENT - In Huron, Middlesex. Perth. Lembtoh. All rent paid up front. '97 season or Ianger..Rcply Box 61. c/o Exeter Times Advocate. Box 850. Exeter, Ont. NOM ISA. (49:04') 25Noikes PHOTOS FROM YOUR PAST - The Exeter .Times Advocate has many unclaimed pictures received from your. special occasion. Please pickup your photo. HURON PERTH br.TalCT HIAL7N COUNCIL NOTICE - All Open Houses scheduled for January, 1997 have been cancelled. At the request of the Hospital and Related Health Services Study Task Force, the Huron Perth District Health Council is seeking a 60 day extension from the Ministry oft p Health. County accepts 911 sign tenders GODERICH - Huron County has accepted the tenders for the signs which will he needed when a 9- I -1 emergency calling system is imple- mented in a year. Guild Electric Limited received the contract for 2,850 aluminum intersection sign blades for $22.58 each. Summon Signs Inc. received the contract for 14,500 property signs. unlettered, at $3.72 each as well as galvanized steel intersection posts at $36.08 -each: Scugog Post and Fabrication will supply the galvanized steel proper- ty sign posts for $7.30 each. 200 Main St. Lucan Ont. NOM 2J0 (519) 227-4434 • Fax (519) 227-4420 AILSA CRAIG 34481 Cassidy .Rd. 1 acre; 3 bdrm ranch, 20' x 40' workshop. fireplace, garage. $134,400, LUCAN 268 Oak St. $119.900 1 1/2 story renovated, 3 bdrm home. dble garage. lovely street and lot LUCAN 111 Kleinfeldt Ave. Well kept 3+1 bdrm. 2 baths, mud room. deck, gas fireplace and furnace, sheds. $125,500. GRANTOR 225 King St. Owner relocated. Dble. lot. 3 bdrms. workshop/garage. - excet(enth Maintained. $112,900. MOUNT CARMEL • Reduced to $144.900. Owner transferred. Lg. 4 level. 3+1 bdrms., 2 baths, pool. triple cement drive, garage. Call Barbara Westman. Sales Rep. Office 227-4434 or home 237-3694 Bud's Driving School St. Marysi Ontario NEXT COURSE FOR '996/97 SCHOOL YEAR ' New Drivers 16 Years o Age By February 28, 1997 25 )tours classroom, 0 hours in -car training D. S. A. O. Insurance Certifi ate and Reduction of Level 1 to 8 months upon succes$ful completion of course - Course Starts January 15, 1997 at S. H. D. H. S. To Register Call (519) 284.3348 ' r26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MARGARET MARY CAWTHORPE Laic of the Town of Exeter. in the County of Huron, who died on the 24th day of October, 1996. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the under- signed on or before the 23rd day of January. 1997. after with dale the estate assets will he distributed. having regard only to claims that have then been received. ROBERT J. DEANE, Q.C. Banister and Solicitor 417 Main Street South , Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitor for the Estate -Trustees 28Auction Sales RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 Sat.,' Jan. 18 at 9 a.m. 1974 Grand Torino Elite estate car (good one), coins. sports cards, furniture, etc. at Lobb Auction, Clinton. 27 Tenders Wanted Call for Tender for Insurance For Saubal Court Senior Citizens Apartment Building, Grand Bend For information contact Sharon Zavitz 519-238-5363 between 9 a.m. and noon , For classified ads call the Times Advocate 235-1331 AUCTION CALENDAR Bob Heywood, Auctioneer 235-0874 Thursday Evening JaAyary 16 at 4 o.m, at the South Huron jtec Centre. Exeter Dispersing a targe offering of household items for Mr and Mrs. Len McKnight of Exeter along with additions from Forest. Also included in this auction to be sold at 4 p.m. sharp - is an offering of excess stock and materials for Kitchen Creations by Design - of Lucan incl. Misc. cabinetry incl- a complete oak 20' kitchen, 5' oak island, 7' oak pantry, misc. cabinets, counter tops, Hardware - handles, pulls, slides, veneer, arborite skins, vinyl - rubber and wood moldings, doors, lightedportable sign a letters, quantity of glass also at 6 p.m. household Items in pc. chesterfield suite, china hutch and buffet, coffee and d tables. portable dishwasher, color TV, microwave. stereo,"small PA system. vertical air conditioner, china and glass, kitchen collectibles, Scotch Guard spray machine, SUN modular engine analyter. Dynaflush rad machine. pool pump and lifter, head valves and seats, intake manifold and carb and water pump for -350- Chev motor and much more. AUCTION NOTE: Saturday January 25 at _10 a.m. - Large auction of antiques, furnishings. and collectibles from the London Twp. century home of Murt McLean plus additions. f London Realty Inc. 45 Ontario St. N. Grand Bend ON. NOM 1TO OPEN HOUSE Sun., January 12 - 2-4 p.m. HURON WOODS - Pride of ownership is evident throughout this lovely 3 bedroom home nestled among the trees with new gas furnace, lots of deck, partially finished basement, and attached 2 car garage. $149.900. SOUTHCOTT PINES: Spectacular home, 2 storey, 3 plus 1 bedrooms, oak kitchen cabinets, formal dining and living room, lower level games room, 2 car attached garage on mature treed lot. Call today for your private showing. - LAKEFRONT.: Immaculate 3 bedroom lakefront cottage. eat -in kitchen, great backyard and deck overlooking the water. Private steps to beach. Only. $119,000. DASHWOOD: Great beginner home, 3 bedrooms, main floor laundry. eat -in kitchen, deep lot on quiet street in Dashwood.- Asking . only $79,900. GRAND BEND - Ideal year round home or cottage across from river 'with deeded boat docking rights. Inground pool and oversized double garage can be used as workshop. $125.900. LAKEVIEW - 1.2 acre building lot, one row in from one of the nicest sandy beaches in the area. $55.000. • OAK FOREST ESTATES - -A nature lovers dream, well treed lot perfect .to build your dream home. South of Grand Bend. $28.900. For information on any of these properties call Kim McCann 238-4444 or411 .24 hour pager 1-800-561-9573 . Kim McCann Sales Repre%entative RF/MAIC LANDMARK REALTY INC. 215 Piccadilly St. Suite 207 London. Ont. NGA 1S2 NEW LISTINGS HENSALL - 1 3/4 storey fixer upper, large lot. 559,900. FOR SALE OR RENT ZURICH - 2 storey home on nice lot, car garage, close to iown- town. This would make good re- tirement home. GRAND BEND "HURON WOODS" - Large one floor in the Woods decorated to the nine's. GRAND BEND - Van dongen Sub- division. 4 level side split, on a totally private lot, decorated to the nine's with everything. Priced right. New price. DASHWOOD - Nicest 3 bedroom ranch in town. Great buy for starters. CREDITON - 2 large Tots, with gas, water, cable. LUCAN - several homes from $89,500 to $150,000s. JUST LISTED GREENWAY - Nicest ranch in town. Everything on .main floor. Price $140s. • NEW LISTINGS CREDITOR - FARM 60 acres - renovated, 2 storey home, skylights, whirlpool tub; good value in this place, gas, wa- ter and ,cable. New price. LUCAN -100 acre farm with house, orchard, shed, rental land. - LUCAN - 100 acre farm, great 'location. 28 apple or- chard, rentable land. CREDITON - 60 acre farm. Price low 150s. Member of Re/Max 100% Club Ron O'Brien Sales Rep. 439-1400 anytime or 234-6281 Residence Laurie Clarke Sales Representative Paradise on the Sunny Side of Grand Bend Year round home, open concept kitchen and dining area with cathedral ceiling, hot tub, master has 3 pc. ensuite, laundry, large deck, 'overlooking private dock. Cozy front verandah. Sunny both front and back. Call Laurie at 657- 2020 Countrywide® HEARTLAND REALTY INC. 441 Main St. Exeter ,,tg235-3330 V Serving 1 futon From The heart V indv* - 1,•n „bf F•ekr 1HINKING OF LIS -1 ING NOL I2 IIOUSI' "I work full time in Real 1 ,,tate to sctve you better - EXCELLENT STARTER HOME Fantastic value. 3 bedrooms. main floor laundry. den. gas fireplace. hardwood floors. Many upgrades (gas furnace. windows. doors. root. plumbing. 200 amp Electric service.) Double insulated heated garage. large lot. AN for 8109.500 In Ex.toe. BRICK FARM HOUSE 4134,900. 1.7 acres GREAT VALUE. Bethinking treed and landscaped property lust south of Kippers on Hwy. 04. 2 or 3 bedrooms. 1 new (4 pc,) and 1 (2 pc) bathrooms. excellent kitchen and hvirigroom. Main floor laundry, beautnui wood tram throughout. Great front entrance front per. Fenced yard wth covered Deck. heated insulated 29x25 R. shoe/garotte. 7.9 ACRE HOBBY FARM 4121.900. 3 bedrooms. 114 pc) bath. big country Style kitchen. large family room with stone propane hrepiace. double car garage. excellent barn with cement floor. 6 acres fenced for cattle or horses. House needs upgrading end some tender loving care. Just north of SNpka. • 2-1/2 STOREY BRICK FARM ROutt 144 *ens $215,000. 5 bedrooms, oetrrttry littchen. fondly room. pool, shod, garag* and rens. MI In excellent con/ on. BE YOUR OWN BOSS - Start up your own business and Irve In the same building or rent out the 2 bedroom apt. Good retail or commercial space just south Of the river in Clinton on hwy. 84. 879.900. Cart Dave at 2353330. DAVE YOUMANS 235-3026 1,