HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-01-08, Page 17i ti 1 4, 1 1 1 CLASSIFIEDS.' Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6 DEADLINES: MONDAYS 4 P,M, PHONE FOR DETAILS riot Results With Our $11. Super Ad• Or We'd Repeat Vow Ad Up To Another Seven Thews At No Charge • FOR SALErION orae • ONE llIY /17a A0 ithadusiosslowneoldaskisgr •• Aa au•ef A•a awut b aemel6 OFFICE HQtJRS• MONDAY TO FRIDAY 830 a.m. to 5.•00 p.m. SII) las l l 235=1331 W()RD ADS -2o word maximum 1 insertion $7.49 K 2 insertions $13.91 3 insertions $2033 Addic.wa 1 Se d.ogs for cath word over muimum NOTICES - 30 word max,owsm Malta. Deaths, Announo n*oo , Cornea Evens. Mon,on.rns. Cards or Thanks) 1 insertion $9.63 2 insertions $21,40 3 insertion No Charge Addiuooal 1 Se charge for each word over mutrnum • BASED Oel 5200 DISCOUNT FOR PREPAYMENT Bardereli&Atrithtly Rates available on request Cheque Cash. Cheque (with idenlrKanon), Money Order. Visa and Mastercard are accepted • PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT APPEARS TO ENSURE THAT IT IS CORRECT ( 1 \ II I I 1 v (1121 )1 1: I (ll:\1 )Please print one word per space. The rate* is shown on the left, REMEMBER! THE MORE YOU TELL, THE MORE YOU SELL! NAME ADDRESS PHONE: DATES TO RUN: METHOD OF PAYMENT: Visa -_.- MasterCard Cheque CREDIT CARD NO. EXPiry SIGNATURE 5 521 He- 1p •moi a^ted If ise OpPortunittee sail' (`•� 12 ?eh butte e't Vek 11s Pe� aac g�M°p•reallO�•sa iler 4o ,hle Frs•r 17 ra Waek.db.any it J20 NitP2D,Forsale Zi (or hent iZ7 For / PW.,'�n(_t_det° Rent( 25 No- t - weated 26 S7 T tea; ser litd 4'4 arm Sala • r .-r 3 Situations Wanted I 4 Help Wanted MOTHER OF ONE willing to babysit in my home. Smoke-free environment. Nutritious meals and snacks provided. Call 235-1292 anytime. (I:2•) 4 Help Wanted 5a e■ • Property Manager/ Superintendent Needed for 16 unit apartment complex in Exeter Must have experience in renting, rent collection, cleaning and minor maintenance. Send resume to: Obsidian Group Inc. 660 Maitland St. London N5Y 2V8 or call :. (519) 660-8787 ■: e The Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution when sending money for business opportunity or employment advertise- ments. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information. Remember... if any adver- tisement sounds too good to be true, it is. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as tor serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hy- phens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $9.00. 15c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 20 words $6.00, 15C per word there atter. BIRTHS - 30 words $11.00. 15c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $11.00 each additional word 15C. IN MEMORIAMS - $11.00 plus 25C per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $11.00, each additional word 15C. Three insertions for the price 01 two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words $11 00, additional words 10c each. $2.00 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED ABOVE FOR PREPAYMENT WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENTS With picture - $25.50. GRADUATES with picture - $10.50 PHOTO REPRINTS 5 x 7 $8.00 8 x 10 $9.00 SEMI-DiSPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $10.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $8.00 per column inch. (minimum size in this category 1 inch Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion SUPER ADS $11.00 Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. OUR ADVERTISING POLICY Advertising in the Trues -Advocate is accepted on condemn that. in the event of a typographical error. that twrbon of the advertising apace occu- p•ed by dee erroneous Item, together wan mason• able saowance for signature, w,ll be 1e -nn in a subsequent rasuel as a make good a1 no charge, *toe the balance of the adveniaement we be ped foe N an applicable rate. In IM event et a typograpsCal end advenemg goods or services al a wrong pros, goods or services may not be sold Adverbs -mg a an oder to sea and may be wandrawn at any time Any errors must be .c- knoMedged within seven days of pubkc tsx. The Times -Advocate reserves the privilege of re- vrsn9 d retecing advertisements nal a wood ars eeTscl5orvable and to change the deasificalbn of any advertisement horn that ordered to con- form to the pokey of mrs newspaper. GonMma are Protected by oopynytt. Reprodrebon of any mowed without the perm4son d rte pufWehse le bin:den. Mveoiwn pumam spool and nrcutehon only. AS rights to any advertisements prod ted by the Tors -Advocate, using artwork, typography of photographs arranged sof by the newspaper slue be the property of ar TimerAdvocate No such ed or any pert IMosof may be reproduoed or as- signed *Shout written °anoint of the Times • Adsoaw STATEMENT OF POLICY. The Trow-Advvcata n 004 reep°n$Ele for errors in adv tieernente not submitted in Iagvie Form rocs sd mon than a woo nconect insertion ol that advertisement Phone 235-1331 Use your ViSA or MASTER - CARD and Save 52.00 WE ARE LOOKING for key people to expand our financial services. Business in this area. Experience not necessary, we will train. Send resume to P.O. Box 423, Lucan, Ont. NOM 2J0. (52-3c) SMALL BUSINESS ADVISORS required to conduct Business Plan evaluations and to mentor small business start-up. Business plan analysis, cash flow, marketing. and people skills required. Contract for occasional business services. Please send resume by Jan. 24/97 to the Huron County Small Business Resource Centre, Attn: C. Leaning, Box 1120, Seaforth, NOK (2c) 4 Help Wanted Full Time/Part Time Flexible Schedule. Easy work, no experience, earn $300-$600 weekly at home, guaranteed. Call 7 days. 1 (504) 641-7778 ACCOUNTANT Farm Mutual Insurance Company in South Huron County - Accounting designation or near the end of recognized program - Insurance experience an asset - Experience in a computer environment Accounts payable and receivable experience Experience in the preparation of monthly and year end financial reporting and payroll Excellent benefit package Salary negotiable Please forward resume to: Hay Mutual Insurance Company Box 130, Zurich, Ontario NOM 2T0 by January 24, 1997 • Applications now, being accepted for SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS - Must have a clean abstract - Have a friendly attitude towards students - Will arrange to get your licence Charterways Transportation Ltd. 150 Thames Rd. E. Exeter Ken Ogden Mgr. 235-0450 • f CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE 'Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country BUSINESS OPPS. • BtG CASH INCOME !SEX CANADA needs DutrtNon throughout Ontario Secure ee rghts to a disposable. hgh demand product consumed by virtually everyone' Investment $3.795 00 Financing 0.A C 1-800.538- 6054 NEW BUSINESS expands lo Ont Daeovar why tenet pay over $700rday for processional cleaner.) of computers and electrons equipment This meted is used by hospi- talsschools to eSecarary remove bacteria PC Computer Claming Inc a expanding due to no demand We need people MW wane to be salemptoyed Smal nveskren to dart Ihn professional, simple business Tol-hee 1. 888 259.4599. En 444 United opportunity n your area MAKE SERIOUS Money. Looking for see -starlets Mope comprry n rapid epanbn Worn from Mme No Sans No Investment HO intone ;mental 1400-353-9190 (24 Hol LEADING U S Stack -Food Menufactunng Company mining No Canada looting for SMotesan DalDo tors and Jobbers across Canada Excellent Revenue Potential Minimal rnvesnnent Cart 1250338.4064. gam-ttpm (PST) WANTED. SALES MANAGERS for very profaable alt purilcenon business Nome based or ke Sens 204235- 4342 P S . our m.Mrest gems VW. Sew WNW EDUCATIONAL OPPS. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER wren our great Mme. Mrdy cows, Cis kday for your FREE BOOK 1-800 267-1829 The Wrdm9 School. 38 McArthur Avenue. Sunt 2717, Ottawa. ON K 1L 6R2 COMPUTERS No devious computer .,.seen• news' eery Everting optor/Mews now evadable n computer Programming We wi Tran sutabls appkcants CMS 1. , 80-477.9518 EMPLOYMENT OPPS. TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED Nowa the Ire to ken Id yam CMOS AZ lam For nowt•. a eppecakon canoed Ontario Trude Delver Inning - London • 140)- 263-4777 40)- 2634m (lob proen*rx assiain a aval*b4) MEDICAL 20/20 WITHOUT GLASSES' Sale. rapid, non sOrgear, weenier* ,.I4&, h 8 - 6 maks AI*, plot devel- oped. doctor approved . Fns *ora8on by mea OS - 961 -5570, 06661-5570, Sol. 253, Ise 406.961.5577. http 11 eww.vWa*wdom can 6MMadlo . guaranteed SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a 101 d money Nang Chocolate bars New products switads Notting to pay n edvr>ce Fast delivery 1-800 383 3589 INVESTMENTS INVESTORS GOLD Alert' BMR Gold Corporation 500.000 ounces gold Colombia 17.280 acres pr vete lend Samples 0.596 o0on gold Newel tri programs permitted Production terga( 1997. Two new Mgr ton. .ge 3grade propels CM khans Antoine Shields 1. 800-779-003 FARM EQUIPMENT ENERCRAFT 500.1a band sawmills now 24' band Maes on as hydretrec models On dspny at Toronto Farm Show, Fab 4-7 For brochure package cal 1-804 387-5553 • FOR SALE NEARING NDS • Just $479 manufactured deed to to pubic In M canal type, My 9urentead Free Name San and air*, CO log tree 1400-960.4367 Mayo kgs PERSONALS LEARN TO READ THE BIBLE effectively. Exciting 12 part correspondence coarse Free Non-dencemstonal Write ASK. Box 57513, 1500 Royal Yoh, Wetton, ON IA9P 3V5 -ASHGROVE CHRISTIAN SINGLES Compenlonentpr eve. Agee 1646 Srg4 woo.ed.eweae Stan epqee M paws Coned* P 0 Box 205. linea, a C 11.10 Fres inlormetion 1.250679-3543 we beset. Ides amVwrvke✓Ashpove DEAD DOCTORS DON'T UE' Secret sewers *0 many lea* problems revealed, 'The most Important audio Freetagre aio MO Ow Man ton Message (510496-3018 ADOPTION ADOPTEES AMD 81F(7H PARENTS - Find/Finders and The Grad.-YMlde Naomi Adoption Rpiny 140047t- 64 77 NipAnn, .Webers; cep/bone AWN 'Reuniting Camden Fonda Mom Carat to Coes' 1400471447 STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDING SALE...•Ft)4AL *EApANCEr Facto- ry Died Er*. mt. door Included IMM O oyes 20 x 30 $4.56600 Z6 E 40 M.475 00. $0 s M Palm. *3 x 60 $12,161.00. Ohre owlet* Prow 14tI10464- 5422 • Ws AMord.Ws • N's Fast • Ws Easy • One SM Doss N AN • Nov*'*',, Ontalo $76 • Easter Ontario $190 • Western Ontario $130 • Central Ontario $134 • Al Ontario $.384 • Nations+ P•ekao(e Ave le • call mho paper to Omar 4 5 Business Opp. 5570/WEEKLY - Making holiday decoration year around, at home. no experience. S.A.S.E. to: Holidaycraft Decoration Ltd. 420 Main St. E. U -C Ext. 1075 Milton. Ont. L9T 5G3. (50-31) CRUISE LINE JOBS - Now hiring. 5300-5900 weekly. Both skilled/unskilled. Excellent pay/benefits. Call 24-7 days. (504) 429-9225 Ext. 447C 1. EXCELLENT INCOME OPPORTUNITY. Earn 5200-5500 weekly. no experience necessary. Flexible hours. Call today (504) 429-9227. Ext. 447111 24 hours 7 days. (2•) 6 Services LAWN & GARDEN CARE SNOWBLOWING Laverne McCarter 235-1062 FOR PRiME POWER and stand-by electricity that works and stays working, call Sommers Motor Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936. Phone 519-655-2396.(30tfn) , QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING and custom framing and now 5 minute enlargements. Jervis Photography. Main St. Exeter235-1612. (3tfn) THE ANTIQUE WATCH and Clock Specialist. Want to buy old clocks? Have for sale many quality clocks. Repairs. Opeh chance or appointment (519) 243-1130. (28tfn) TELEPHONE INSTALLATIONS Move phones - install jacks 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE PETER McFALLS 235-0368 HAPPY HEARTS HOME DAY CARE spaces still available. all ages. Full, pan -time and before and after school care. flexiale hours, reasonable fees. Heather Rempcl238-5352. (2:Sc)' BARBER AVAILABLE Open at 8:00 a.m. Wayne Otterbein s Barber Shop. 394 Main St. Exeter. 235-0559. Closed Wednesday. Sat. a12:00 p.m. (2-5') tC/'1J Y 2gB6 For private parties, business meetings or any other function. Served in house, or at your location. Meals and alcohol provided. All permits are supplied. Call Henri 235-0114 HURON BOOKKEEPING SYSTEMS 254 Huron St. E., Exeter, Ont. NOM 181 .SPECiALIZiNG IN Small Business & Farmers: • Bookkeeping • Payroll • Financial Statements Income Tax Preparation • Personal • Farm • Small Business Nell Romphl (519) 235-1196 9 Sports Equip, Veh. 1982 YAMAHA 300, twin, excellent condition. 51200 obo. 284-1354. SNOWMOBILE CABOOSE - Excellent condition. 5325. Offers open. (519) 289-2043.(2c) 11 Cars, Trucks WANTED TO BUY - Cars and trucks for wrecking. free scup car removal. Call Advanced Auto at 234-6252. (616n) TOP DOLLAR PAID for older cars, trucks. scrap, etc. Brock's Auto 228-6700 on Mt. Carmel Road. Safety inspections 535.00. Autorepfun. (14tfn) 112 Pets 1 Times -Advocate, January 8, 1997 12 Pets GOLDEN RETRIEVER pups for sale. Fully registered. Guaranteed for hips and eyes. First shots and dewomled. Tattooed. (519)357-1085.(52.2•) PUPS FOR SALE - Mother purebred Siberian Husky, father purebred Swiss Bemese born December 5, 1996. (519) 229-6383. (2:3c) 13 Musical btstnenents GUITAR & PIANO Lessons Available. Beginner to advanced. all styles of music. Exeter Music Centre 235-1263. (20tfn) GUITAR LESSONS AVAILABLE. Classical and electric. Familiar with Suzuki method of teaching young children. Call 645-2068 Mon. -Fri. or 236-4230 weekends. (1-4') 14 Appliances, Television WASHER, DRYER. antique stove. Call 225-2609 after 6 p.m. HEAVY DUTY deluxe washer and dryer, works excellent. sacrifice. 5395. pair(cash). Please call 235-3489 anytime. (51°) WHiTE WESTINGHOUSE 30" stove. Excellent condition. Almond. Like new. 5350 or best offer. Phone 235-3444. (52:10) ELECTROLUX SALES & Service. Cleanout on some models. Sales & Service & Repairs on most models, belts. etc. 235.1164.(2-4') 15 Personal \ iF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 235-1934 or 1-800-706-9833. (17tfn) EXETER COMMUNITY FOOD BANK with 24 hr. Food Drop at 293 Main St. (Beside Noah's Ark). Open 9-12. (Closed Thurs.) Phone 235-4104. (33tfx) 16 For Sale * PATONS YARNS * - Discount Prices. Ron's Health Centre, Hensall. (16tfn) FIREWOOD) - • seasoned hardwood hickory, beech. ash, maple. delivered and picked up. Phone Dignan Landscaping 236-4457. (491fn) APPROX. 500 BRICKS. Ideal for barbecue or firepit. Phone 234-6396. (16tfx)- 12-1/2 FT. OAK KiTCHEN CABINETS, counter top included, perfect for cottage or renovations. Like new. 235-3293. (24tfn) SEASONED FIREWOOD - S40.00 face cord or 1.25 cu. ft. no delivery. beside Downie Central School. Please call Walter Dunbar 393-5388 before coming. WOOD FOR SALE - Good dry mixed 'hardwood, by1 the cord or 1/2 tonne pickup truck load. Will deliver. Call 225-2609 after 6 p.m NINE (9) BASEBOARD heaters. Brand new. 240V, 1000 W. 750W, 500 W. Eight (8) thermostats. New 5- swivel bench vise. 225 Carling St. 235-1519. (47-02 SA) KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER - Heritage 11 with all attachments 5300.; 12' uninsulated stainless steel stove pipe $40.: rear sliding window for Ford Ranger extended cab, will fit years '86 to '96 S50. For more information call 284-1814 after 5 p.m. (48SA) SAVE (5699.00) SAVE New 18" mini -dish, we blow our competition away, includes 5350. wonh of Free program. with 15 years experience !AA Southwest Satellite can fill all your satellite and antenna needs. (519) 524-9595. Call day or night. (49100 ANTIQUE FURNITURE - etc. Special Christmas Gifts. All refinished. selling estate. No dealers please! St. Marys. Call for info 851-2148. Cancel' Patients Cold Feel? Ir) "Il(N7h 11(lniters- lee('e aelli(111) thrum knitted into socks & milts. Orli' al Legg's Gift .Shop. Uil'r err /-.$•5052 L(tu(lull APARTMENT SIZE Hotpoint dryer comes with stand S150 00: full size Maytag dryer 5150.00. Xerox memory typewriter comes with screen and manual 5200.00. 284-2900 CHOICE QUALITY ALFALFA and timothy hay. Phone 229-8232. (l-8SA) MOVINF MUST SELL - Maytag dryer, 7 years old. 5150. Perego baby carrier. like new 535.00. Link Tyke toys. 227-4125 (1:2c) 3'X6' ELECTRONIC PLATFORM SCALES. legal for trade approved. used one year. 52,600 or best offer. Call Mitchell 348-8331 evenings. • ' STANDING FUEL WOOD for sale in Brucefield area. Please contact 1-519-523-9855. (2:3c) BEDROOM SUITE - White. single bed. dresser, desk, night table - 5300.00 obo. Phone 235-2528. (02c) ARTIST SUPPLIES • Artboards • Brushes, • Acrylic Paints • Charcoal Pencils • Art Nibs • Sketch Pads • Calligraphy EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE 16 For Sale Page 17 MATCHING SOFA AND CHAIR - Browns and beiges. Good condition. 5200. Brown double sofa bed 550.00. Call 227-1719.(02tfn) "LITTLE WOMEN COLLECTION" dolls - Jo. Meg, Amy and Beth. Brand new, still in original packaging. 262-2542 after 6 p.m. (2,3c) APPLES Northern Spys plus other varieties • Fresh Cider Avaiaible • Grape Juice • Apple Butter OPEN SATURDAY SAWYER'S ORCHARD 235-0446 Hwy. 4 & Crediton Sid( road FORDJ,GT100 heavy duty garden tractor. 42" mower. 36" snowthrower. 1 year old. Short block. Working condition 51595. Exeter235-4360 after 6 p.m. (2-9S/s) POOL TABLE - approx. 5 ft. x 10't., slate. web pockets. all accessories, 5250( . or best offer. Phone 472-1790 (London). SLAB FIREWOOD & SAWDUST FOR SALE We buy woodlots MiLLER WOOD PRODUCTS 235-2516 r17 Wanted to Buy FARM TRACTORS any condition. With or without loader. Excellent prices paid. 519-523-4260. CANNING SIZE pressure cooker. Call 229-8709. (48tfn) TV TOWER - any size- Phone 227-0619. (5.1SA) BAGPIPES - Old set of bagpipes wanted and old bagpipe chanters. Phone (519) 666-1282Ildenon. (52:01) 18 Wanted WANTED - Old grey bamboard, loam beams and old will pump for children's project. Call 227-4420 leave message. L19 Property for Sale HENSALL - 1700 sq. 11. 3 bedroom. master bedroom ensutte. brick fireplace with gas insert. Dine kitchen cabinets, main floor laundry. double car garage. Great location across from school. 2 blocks from downtown. Fantastic neighbours. 5169,000 wNh no G51. 262-3032 Terry. FOR SALE BY OWNER - Huron St. East, raised ranch, over 2,200 sq. 0. finished living area. 3-4 bedrooms, 3 baths, spacious country kitchen plus attached garage with workshop, cedar 3 -level deck. shed, etc. Call after6 p.m. 519-235-0311 (43tfn) House for sale ' 281 Pryde Blvd. Ranch style brick house. 80 by 125 lot. 4 bedrooms on main level, high efficiency gas furnace/air-conditioning; newly, finished basement, new windows, new landscaping, single attached garage -double cement drive. $145,900. Must see; all 235-1796 after 5:30 ..m FARM FOR SALE - 150 acres Stanley Township. Brick house, hank ham with concrete yard. sow Karn. For more info call Jerry Zchr Direct Line 24 Hours (519) 236-4712. Coldwell Banker All -Points Realty Services. (2.3c) R_ sen. gU,Isgtaaati34, ,N..1.auauutaou, HOUSE FOR SALE by Owner r 119 Gibson Cr. Lucan r - newly decorated brick side split, r 3 + 1 bedrooms. 2 1/2 year old c detached garage, aut. door opener. Self-contained apartment, or rec room with wet bar and fireplace in basement. Central vacuum, dishwasher, air, in -ground sprinklers, new roof, nicely landscaped. $149,900. r r 01 r 01 20 Property for Rent s EXETER - one and two bedroom apartments from 5375 up. fridge and stove included. Extra options available. One month's free rent. Phone Glenn Haven Apts. 235-0349. (45tfn) 1-2 BEDROOM apt 5430. 2-1 bedroom apts. ' 5330: plus utilities. available e immediately. newly redecorated. Call 237-35I0 or 237.3677. (1 I tfn) HENSALL. 1 and 2 bedroom apts., fully carpeted. fridge and stove. paced parking.. TV cable. etc. Special rates for seniors. 13th month rent free. 262-2230 or 905-662-6603. (1211n) Ciel cer 235.0625 --f ATTENTION FARMERS -- Take advantage of Emu Opportunity without feed and housing investment.Buy your emu pairs now and receive FREE feed and housing till AprII 1/97 Additional programs available call 519-263-5343 L