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Exeter Times, 1876-5-4, Page 3
1- wwie •our voaaniltrs aro • opera for dirx- 4. cession, wedetnet hold otuselyes respolisObie for the opinions exlirc,bsed b} ooriospoaulents To lige WOO, of tlus''i't,lat,l r p _ DEAR >`axi, -1 ,111111 yrxt be kind 9p011git to ,allow tale a 1i0;10 61i49e ill yourne'zt i9sue,to tell your roadei^s what Las beeu the tortaliuti,taoii tyt. ,thecourt of Asiizert of ,lis great law -Suit, the greaat Gilley', J ,P., swelled, up ]tool Wowed out so prog•like iuyour col utnns. e feta weeks ago, said kept ou repelatiug frons, week to week together, eutl (10. stout e(.d ire in very 9Ocoui'teees lion. gime, and repeatedly affirmed that myself oliditllr. 1) own went to the °fawn tt 1 ney, crying, and told him a tis»ue of abemivabte lies regarding that awful crime, My SOB and Prout heal committed on one. ofthehest constables. in tate Previuee ,'(Joltntiy Gill), who Gilley Said, was only doing his duty, when he was. lying on the ground, tear- ing his prisoners with his teeth like a do;,,and denounced my son a coward for Jerking Gill off, and interfering with his constable, and when I told Gidley, Gilt, had overstepped his duty by using0hic Meththe way be did,, and by so(Lin'g'he' hatid laid himself open fur interfereuce, He said he failed to see it, °offs pronoulseed it nonsense, and swelled up to his bursting pitch and said, he would protect his constable at all hazards, and show auy 000 that in- terfered' with him what his (Gidley's) power was, and did show what his pow- er,r„ove>,, iill,wae, when he got him to gi o r ru+lel:iyli yiaiicl get before the Grald Jury and swear enough of their own..stuff (where there was no one to .contradict), to get a true Bill,. Saba immediately get Prout and my son ar- rested and taken to Goderich in hand- cuffs, and then oh, how glorious a (Mmee for Gidley, and how genial to a senrril aua6ure like. his; to .b'e able to come oh& public print and' taunt' me with my son getting a,ride to Goderich with the Queen's bracelets on, forgetting at the time that these that live in glass hunses sliould be oarrful bout ti.row- ing atones. Bu`, Sir, the abrupt tor - winaation of the ,vial, tt lieu it got be- fore a different judge from Gulley, will show that it Was no disgrace to either a my sell or Prout to Le oaten to Goiter - ten the way Gidhydeseribed it, but• I think it to pu:a lasting disgrace on diose who gloried so much in betiMg the cause of it, aud who persisted su tn•ucli in try- ing to palm off their lies on ;the`patio . after Gill hal sworn to th ;ul 1'efore the T'" nTt t' chid all' Dot1:ri to when j:ldge and than a row of rney said to ld him the true v had 'tried to it with a tissue and all we' oven to be he truth,ant es he said it tea pot. I s tow of my think he has ve reached a ow tell your minate,and ling twist• ngh your replies but be sub - ill got is story,' nearly went up e Gill's story, ill) told 1.a1.1.. that eager Gilley v, as 'ke iy (flys who 14.11o1 a. Whit hotter, though he May iide a taller horse, hut who is more brituflil c)f s!>ite,nlatliuo and sple©ra than even he, and whobaa shown him- self in his true colors all through this: dirty .11#1'.11x1*, But, sir, hot the least het izl pax', of this ittfamutter affair is, after all their blustering, eideen, shite. awl malice, they failed when they got there, to mane out a ease that wo111(1 titan(, 01190 turtling over, for had they done so, ;and xvO l got a chance to prove' that thiie, base was just trumped, up en tli:sse grounds, we could have made it11, hot thing for tbeal), but eii', as soon as it was brought futward it. vanished like a snow' flake ox the rib er, as moment white, then incited for- ever, Here, sir, it made my blood boil so,thaat 10thraw xny+pen ,tar theid9or ,1i disgust but have had to fetch it butt again to write William Simpson Exeter, Ancil 24, 1876, ,ff..lrltlicfl;Ts litmus Office, Exeter, May 4, 1870, EAk.Tl1IB. Write Wheat \$94 to 9 06 i r.1eg Wheat,' ,. 93 to 95 13arley 00 ,. 64 Oats , ,;.28 : to Potatoes , ,.. ,., 25 to 30 Peas . • ... 60 to 00, Eggs 12 to 12 Buster............15 to 17 b'lotu' ger bbl,... ... 6 00 to 6 00 Bran ,. 12 to 12 Shorts 14 to 16 Hogs„.... ,, . ........... . 7 00 to 7 80 Beef 4 00 to G Bides.50 to 4 50 Sheepskins... 1,00 to 2 0.) lay 1000 to 1200 Anted Apples 175 to 2 00 Onions . ;7 to to 1 14;' I aid wool lnrkoys................. „,,..•. ........ 50 to1 00 Geese 30 to 50 Decks ..i v 30 to 60 ST.:tit'ARY'S. (Reported regularly by A. Galbraith, Clerk) Deihl wheat, per bushel 98 to 1 00 Spring wheat ,.. 98 to 1 QO -,. Barley...... .. ............................. t0 to 55 Peas ... 63 to 60 Oats to 81 Potatoes per bag ... 40 to - 40r Apples ., .,. 50,,10 Beef per ib 6 to* 54 Mutton " ... ... 5 to • 7 Pork per owt ... ,.. ... 7 90 to 7 60 Eggs,pear dozen ... 12 to 12 Butter 16 to 10 Hay 000 to 13 00 LONDON. White Wheat, per cental • 1 66 to'75 '6 r dwell 160 tot 65 Red Winter Whets: . 1 50 to 163 Spring Wheat...' ... ,.. .. 156 to 163 Oats..... 0 BOto85 SEAEORTH. FallWheat......• •..."•...••' 96'to 96 spring wheat..,"•...'••... OJ, to 36. Oats r.. 030 to 80 Barley 40 to b03 Butter .................. 06 8to 20 too 20 Eggs ............................ .................. 13 to 14 LUCAN. White Wheat 95 to 1 00 Treadwell ........................... '1333 to 1 00 8prieg •95 to 1 00 Oats 0 29 to 30 n...e,„, . 0 60 to 0 65 Barley. .. SC to 55 Butter............ ........... ...... 17 to 18 Eggs, per dozen .................... . 16 to 16 Potatoes : 25 to 0 25 Gard 12 to 15 Tallow c to 7 Hay8 00 to 10 n0 Timothy seed 3 2.5 to'3 50 Clover seed 6 O0 to 6 71 Wool...,.,,..,, 35 to 3." Sheepskins 1 00 .to 1 60 Beef n'1 to 0 50 Hides 4 to .5 Pork CO to 7 BO - GRANTON Deihl wheat, 1.00 Treadwell 1011 to 1,02; spring 99 to 1.00, Barley, 45 to 50. Pens. 61. I.. e:,e. 1 afs 28 to 30. Beef, 4 to 6c. Butter, 1'• to We Egg: 16 Pork 7 Bides, per Ib, 4icts Tallow, per, lb 0 cta shoenskins 80e to 100. , r ,11 BENSALL. Hews iL IfinEETL.-Pall Wheat 96 to 08; Spring 97 to 99; Barley 60 to 51; Peas 60 to 62:ua 1s 28 6.. 80 Pork, 7 to 8.00 BEFFALO LIVE STOCK iiVh1OEET.—May lst. Cattle Receipts, 803 head, tu3king total supply of the week, 8.789 ilestl, No Market to -day. The -fresh arivults were through consiguniento. The yards ware bare of stock. Sheep and Lambs. ---It u'ilr''x rt diff; 1,2Q0 head, making t':.' r•11,.•1 r•'a for the week 8,000 he`t.i. 'l'1.e ,.. . _. w.ii slow. The arriv 1;. .t c ,e • la e had said, his countable East, leaving the yard brat ; ut '. c arils, and that certainly wits' Hogs.—Receipts to .aa • 2.1'1) ig L. do so with a vergence, tut t. maid, h the total' sup : r lo. no effect, for when they ca:I' a tali i 9.000 brad. The ma •, „ea i. 'next. two witnesses, they showed Gil. n O11e,car MYorliers, averaging 1 •4 lt. , -aud Git ley's story to be so redieulouely went at '$'1.1.'.15,; 8 cars of heavy hog,. tate that the Crown Council seemed at $8.86 to 8.50. bar:). x: Named of both the case and his Liverpool, April , 23.—Breadstufff client, and ooaid he would press the case market easier. Flour, 22s 6d to 24s no falther;`and With that' he sat down.; Per bbl for western. 'eas, 37s pm The • bilge turned to the jury aind said : ' quarter for Canadian. Wheal 9s 6d.to Gentlinan this case is broken down, aiid' 9s 10a per cental for avenge- CilrS.cor- uli tie had to do, was to dismiss it,, and nia white ; 9s 10d to 108 5d for diel he slid a•t,, tliatS'r, is the termination do : 8s to 9s 6d, for r..;1 wetite,m spl'IIll, sof the... remandous' penetentiary law- 98 6d to 9s 10d for rel winter, snit. but wether Gidlev will say or has said as he did whe11 `Brown ^ tuck the e,..l, -.c& of the witnesttes et Zurich, 'on ttre Pr ut and Gill case or. not, I don't kuuaG. There he said,' both ha and Robert Dew J. P., could positively swear that Br.,cnn slid not take down the evi..anee s.. rectly that was in Gill's: favor, and said he saw that Brown did:. not iutend to 4.vspill fair play in the cage. ;l,iaa fix' u,1tlug when I saw him, ' ti ., t ,. ,Goderich, h when 1n nes you ro ui 1tr. G de lc tire case was dismissedthat he might be, thinking the same thing about the Parsons judge, that he did about Brown, for when the ease was dismissed, the sour t • was sirmissed for that day, and when Wallier5E1 the petple got up to go ut, he got up looking like a man dumbfounded, and stared from one to another like one that lie;dlinet escaped'fraim an asylum. at last he askeda Ulan near mo what ` was (he matter;;what was a1 1thisup. roar about ? he said, he couldn't' .see througflrlt,,,whaatiiz!adthey done', with the t,c6e % ' .- The' !roan said they have' thrown it out, of all the ilesparing looks I ever remembering seeing in a.human face,I thought;it was the worst, bat the crowd.bustling ,out; soon were all on etreet,,aud'tae score was over. Now, sir, it isunnecessar. ,for me to say any- thing y thing more on this subject, but there is tine thing 1 would lite to say a few cords o11, though 1 lcnow it is just in beeping with tller;14 i;t of ;the falsehoods Gidley tried to clam down the peopi`o s throats throuirll your paper), and, that is, where •(zl 11y,.8aid 111. one of his „let. assure t to could tl 171' ter8 to y0ll, 11fat 1 C Gill ,heat the Appeal ,Lra e coat C 11 ns th111g l .,not. him either, f. o' there was no eltpcllsc nor costs' in -the case. I said at Ulf, 'titre, why dill he sentl,,fi' letter to the village council asking tor. matteto pay Gills cos,te in ;the 0.140,? I ktivw he trust either be, telling 14., falsehood, or trying:to get money onsfialse. pretences ' JOODHA111. which is a crime in itself, which many . 'a bettef,tnau that] -hila has had to take it rile ,adorned with the Queen's brace. ,lets for'the 833100 ofl'eriCC, hilt, sir, af- for what hit'said about it, tcu will not wnndea.at'mv'tsteeklitnbllt.when lolin Gill wt19 on' .his oath fir 1130 wit nese box, ,00tidwhen the question was asked 'him, .Hoc much that Appeal. Cease cost him, ( sty 1 "lctai,tl t t 111i3a r "'11 he spews 1 l e' t e , t 1 at ;least said, $84.46. ' 'ilErd, fife, 3(4 (6 Pani,'' PIE 1)t fa 111//031.r4t9, and. 600, too', who 'boasts t"t9 one, he can wiallc alone' with, otic a deputy, (6td as lto stain tibout Poll Tax 0100o one that ,Buoti 1.1'.11.1 the i r y. ' would 1o'that ofl.thnl3encb what would he Clotdo 01 its" it' )lakes one 661 :'.ir•, it , . , 'Io think , they httVe 'been )1111, to F4o tinucli est 001130' tails 'troths ill h,at~i).)a t ) to 't"t court, b tile whits ati t 4. V40121) , toldr :.lath , y itl.tetnj er and i''tao`l ctmtl►tet,b•1 to tnaa1i April 27i '1870i lir, ' FRESH ARRIVALS OF` NEW SPRING GOO=DS. .AT CENTI ALTA & CREDITON Our lines consist of everything kept in a first- i", class store.'• 14 Pounds of Good amu` FOR ONE DOLLAR,. Prints from eJ to 12 Cents. .foot ar'rivod,30'Koga of Nails. In Teas we cannot be beatela,;, just„try out fifty cent Tea. PARSONS & WALKER;; Centralia and Crediton, April 27 Carriage c ,Wagon Shop S, FORD TIN BISSETT BROS have]Alit t'ettoiyod a Largo stook of SIN &'.APrNNi GOADS and are troy in a "position, to supply their customers and the public gener- ally tip better advantage than can be dune eisewha g,, „ . 2 hey have on hand' ' pips, ,oLai ip-C lass:e5,a .Strn. ' crS, Wicks.; a lot of MILK PAIS 3,AN'D CANS of the latest clestgnll; A quantity of HARVEST • TOOLS ! including Hoes, Raltf scythes, Forks, etc, SELLING CIR 'nijAs WE ARE giving up ihat blaxitall of the business.. EA VE-TROUGHINC and all out -floor work promptly attend- ed to. 1:' Earn Produeetakenin exchange for Goods BISSETT' 13IIOS. Exeter, &Dill 27, 1875, T O.L. NO. 924 • 1513(bt of moot lug -First 1 i'[di y in ov cry month, over Stan- ley fes Sernyn'a store, Drew's new block, Main et, Visiting llrethror cordially invited to at tend, OATEN WILLIS, WM, JOHN WHITE, ll•iv.•,•; scant%. pAINTII\ G PAINTINC- is prepared to,do all kinds of House Painting, Paper -hanging Whitening, dee., At reasonable prices and punctually. • J•. Ki TO;,(i'`NG, Main-st { ^'•t, Exeter, Exeter, April Al,187v. (39- et) LUMBER 1 BLACK X15'1, I.AIL`;, CORI; 'tat, LATU A\!' CE):.41 ail t ('. ; ••' •I. A'r L I L S ET TO aw mill, two anti to h.l;f :,t';•. ver 'f er, on the town line of •itephnu and 13a . Bill stuff cut on the shortest notice le•'s than' fifty feet. . 31;36ETT. ROUTE BILLS •r'• 1 n••,511-, c'•'•a end. f,n f 'irAGS. Crof =i rte^ Owners of horses shonld see our speci- men .,f Cats before ordering (Agin -here. Crave Unive'•Ysal Satisfaction Lae), season, therefore My your reeds this season GEORGE J. CHILD. • L04,13donSeed Store CITY HALL,RICHMOND ST, • New catalogue fer1876 just published and free to ',111. -send for oue. Loudon, 11 arch30, 1876. 75) FALL (75 Gen is Furnlsh'nng AND GENEI1ATi_ THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO AN- .l nounee that ha has just received -a splendid assortutci t of CANA01A1 4 V 1( (1 1; re. LAO ' BROA'DCL' OTITS`, !&, , SF t which for , STYLE AN tALIT'Y a WILL BE HAT',D TO 13IaAT 1 T '; Ail u N .l . De artrnent re late with every Modern ,im- provement, m prve o ment andfurnished montll,ty With 2'. tzITIQ 'T 07? , would bait ttonfiot to the1.1.11 that hs is now prepared to (lot up arty doscripifhn of Cartiag s1 Buggies Cutters aria, "Cl'a oii far the hest, style find of Ole boot tvoi'tuntenslriprs H11'01110 31, first-clrtas We64'w8rI ot; Aatiafa,ttibli is gitiotaritoctl. t'articttlM'rttterntion is given to MITT, PtC'I((43 and 0)001'008i nt,et8af,i'l gustenteol s locant a.rtontion paid to r . Ra' r lti-. liorar, i#h(inli,p;r („eltpral-,)obbfn¢j nit,. ab,:.; l solicited, "ortlt r;o cr A.inerican Styles ,and, Cats j. C DEVERAEUX., Slfcees1ortp I4ichol St; M'10i' 'o,• E ;I%''' 1";:ft`Y ,9 "yY ;''K-• „ °r• .)y vmS leave Ci son ;ur< y afii, co to traavollefs t 1 lit 'brad }'1 fl i 11zC t h erdrail ,..that havfng)llrrha. - cd their 131103- 3113 i3 0110 t;7;'t b o a i o e AM, 141ia t)CY i`)rt)ptiF,1'.'rl , to' 111,11111h 3 )rt ,1:01::)E T: CHEAP O N'S EXETER, Just to hand a lot of New Spring Goods. S LOCK NOW FULLY ASSORT D. Exeter, April 13, 1876. J. W. BRODERICI, SED S. S7 TIIE PO SEEDS! FOP. TI -IE TOWN tri d I' TIME TO SOW CABBAGE, CAULIFLOWERS AND TO boxos for early plants, and • 8, -SEED STORE, Main Street, Exeter t - , rc't !;nod reliable seeds. Garden and flower seeds spilt postpaid team' address. •n'f.1 tar clean clovcr,timothy, Sax, Hungarian grass, to, Beware of cheap 'tens - . +: 1. ., 6 nay price. Exeter ', ui t i ate. i8tS (03-4W TO MAKE ROOM FOR IJMMER 000DS .Now r LPE CTED, 3o...oilier offers ALE UNTIL 1ST ..a Ug, MAY . raglish Mouse cetcr AT COST PRICES The remainder of his Winter stock of Worsted Gocds-all now-pnrohasod last October. 0 The pnhlte are cordially invited to call and judge of the Bae•gains to Le obtained in tweeds, blank. s, nr•ottdch.ths, shawls, gloves, mitts, ba..tiu, , felt hate, skirts, winoey, plaids, unit mob's uncicrvestr mute.a.a.d ute. ' A. H. LIGTBOURN. ROTI A11 persons indebted'to the under- signed either by note orbook account will save trouble and costs by calling and sel;tling the same before the 1st day of Aril as all unpaid notes or ac- count .s will on that date be handed in- to the C. for collection. Rf. C. MOORE M. D. C. Trstatol, 7 N Stt, NEW BLOCK1 1 (In the ator iw,tli )4 Ir Fortson), 1 IVI' ! ... . ai Sty, Exeter .rl' rinfIR otttonfioi of the people of Ilxeterand 1. snrroundin6 oantry isres outfall invited to the YLSTAI3LISII1['T NEW JLW.E Call and Paso the New tins :t ' ,a oc .ot . ,kindM ofelVicat les, Clocks, ” Cutlery L'ilver-plated are, and .1 t;1 .12(34 rtliorf, lattice. I 10 a. a.l i >jltt.,At r 9 ' + tati smit [it6ol, St. 1GXAry is E L R6 `t of all kinds. EWES?P e,S GNS LATEST I TE STN NOVELTIES TIE._ S U . t. y + + .C .L . tilt .tYd,.t .fL 6r.r J+V PEODUCTS. rl tIn,oly 0131es ,I r,so nrrr ftl,rd botti;t at y ex- tiofirasly low prices, l 11 i of 31111,1par, Manufactured to order, and .fl: y,, V " Lo, , )cl,s, rollir,lrc3ct at, 'short :hoL3c e. Ay Work warranted, . i 0, E. JONES:' 61 '71 rf or, iilio i tl ,18'10, NEW BUTCHER SHOP n inform the nthabi heunrletsi{, ed would mileundersigned of Exeter and vicinity that ho has OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SHOP one doer 8011811 of 1:1s Blacksmith shop andhopot thesante liberal patronage that hos been ae corded to hlin in the DfACICshIITn A (10 WAGON WANING lino Will be extended to him in hid new branch o bttsitrens, ills 3rteat wagon will cell at tho 004.1 donee of the villagers throe tiiros each wok an S _-I MEAT R . _ IY M..I . . T all kinds kextnen tfl3f.ilyenhand atl,is1.utche shop.' • r' r r N. Bill 1ae1tnmith}ing road; wa(on snaking carrfod 911(011611M ill ail 11.6 binne°iios; R DAV S.• AD RI - f li,"LF. FAA' 11 Mtlnnts,etut•er of A'tarfl"itri ,..S'1:01 Grit , I istoi8 1 i rdhir r C a ,.., skin 'and` C e w, 8tookiug rine 3u tlrat-elk, Gen altered to Lentz•,, Sign of t4o>rlen'1(oy,010I' nce.,• fnt, d (2; and Iiatg, London, ed dealer in ; niece atbrt. i tltitors' tt `,ti;'p1.18 (style, lyinl, ire 1 Vire, a between i6e0 cen t -•'—'SH Ow:INC:-. LARGE. LINES NEW IPR!NC GOODS Which he is Offering at ai>••coc .. ingly Low Prices FOR CASH OR TRADE. RANroN EXETL+ 11, 11Iaich 28, 1876, THE L., 1771. & B. R, TS ' COMING And We are. Still Ahesticl. and have opened out the LARGEST, CFIEA.PEKT & BEST stock of Goods ovens ught into Exeter. Of Everything in the Genera Line of B"t'siness. consisting of - staple & Fancy Dry- cio ds, Millinery Ready. .ado C1 V.V.' ' g Gents'Furnishinge, Hats its. Caps, Carpets, House Furnishings, hardware, Grool'ies, Boo and Shoos, Stationery, Wall Papers, Drool:cry and Glassware, Patent Medicines, Ste., ole. I have also scouted,the services of T J . W• • riru' J•E3& PIC7ABb %mma,rl,m ams 4 ,SI, wttta idiom mnM1numusycilar.,n,;,,L, j+III II j{1I 'I ,, W ”' .. Littered according to Aor Congress, in the ear r873,' by the Nonni Adverttsinl. Co., ry6' Kingston Sued, a.w .e(t. ct ht5a.,) In the Calk. oiyt3.e Librat.au of poetess, Washington, MC. • T1[ L, fl,'fl IS COMING 0 A © CARL::1.. IN' hogs eave to thank his friends in hxeter and surrounding country for t?ieirlib l ral pe.ona in the past,and hopes to merit a fair share of their trade in tLo Iutu.e, having ON HAND , one of the Largest and. 0 Best Assorted Stocks Usually found in a. General store, CONS[STING OF DryaiGoods Groceries,, Ready-made Oothing, y and li- quors., uors Hardware Crockery, - ots a,n.d Shoes, Leather, etc. Ple a. Fe e l -e 1. C. a Ca as he is (loberminetl not of to be ander sold byanyostabislnnont in this section on of cottuxty, D REYV' S -1 'S DREW WOULD call thea ttontion o f the public tic to 11 61 . tA..rt all' Parlorw , i ,1. .1.'I1 , drawl/10 &bet: roo.::Uure 3 A tato steek c the Ari ohm,'" g f baro e ,.tot 6 ttl trttare ofk )ratio, and *Molt Will he se).a, got. grornt lv roditcod. r:. rlaa , a • wotoi, reln,mtr ,` tit 's. aJdl .N DETBWY. 100 c ris Wood qt c 1 >;It go for rLltx"1tl,tli:o: Cash dor ► 8 , WHIT T. ' A I PA I N,C4 a "` 3 Cheap as Whole tlinmgh our Qonneetie'n' with Ci 13 811t' Il]'`'NDEIUSON as WIE BABE CHANC for BARGAIN R. & E.'SPIE, hauo just npened out as NEW AND SPLENDID S'13. OF GROCERIT •o'er IN J. SOUTI COTT'S NEW 8'1 The stock Comprises TYeM.i. jinn;' Coffees, Syrups, Vinegar,' ' spices, Tobucuos, Pout(?,' ,13ronnis, Brachial, •Everything in the Grocery Line. 1140 " r" eggs taken in exchange fur goods. '4Ve a re Lut.i.d 4c1 1.411 c.hrnl' for ( R. & E. SPIC' LIVgRll OOL, LONDONDEi,IL uLesevow Allan Lir Carryingthe Canadian and 'United Stater 1,; 1 tea'-,-' AVM! Troub'le' of looking after i' gage, and purchase • YOUR TICK: PROM TEE LfJC4L AGENT andast's avoid the trouble and eonf',''l, the Bd,'tt's \Vhaif, where yon „ill pay t Ratese'salee as the N. Y. • °Lines. 'lne of the first-class, fu11-paves% 1 f (steamships of thistOne-0 line, c• 'i.• t •° orally for the navi,gtttion 1,1 18,0 ..•.` ' ing iron, 3,050 to 4)2017to4s, t 01 L Saturday for Livel'poi,1 end Lot itoitte, Sailings-oi''Mail Steams FROM PnRTLAND : SA111IATIAN, 22nc `April:'' • inORAVLAN, 29th A.P'ait.'' • PERtJV.AN, 6t11 Mae- Lest '". Portland. FROM OUEBEC tr3 POLYNESIAN, 18th May. I,ili".11 Q uebec. SARDINIAN. 20th May. PRUSSIAN, 27th bray, SARMATIAN, 8rd June. MORAVIAN, 10th June: CIRCASSIAN, 17th June. f?/Y„FESIAN, 24111 June. SARDINIA-_N.1,1st J11)3'.. Prepaid passage'Vertiticat08 issued fit lnv.n+i atua to mania wishin o bring bat frig ne-, • GLASGOW DA e EL'rl'. The steamships of the Glasgop Linn t r:: despatched front Quebec. O'er tickets and every information tt1.' ` ,r WHITE & SC• AGENTS "Times" Office, - I: LONDON, HURON AND BE . TIME TABLE'. (Trains will run Until farther notice• as t'ol • GOING NONT$. Buffalo (v!a x,00p Line) .lop 7 9(1 A. tr: Z orento 7 lie sat,sesti i .., - , .. 7 30 o 1`aatror3s„it ... .. ... ' 10 55 '' ll Chatham ,.: '' 11)1513. 840 "0 " Sarnia :.' .,. .., 10 20 t. Thomas ... „,19 051 tit. 11146, li. London ... " 5 00•p M'. .1!:1. [kturton ... „ 516 9i Brecon ,..' 0 40 " , Clandaboyo " '6 ,5 31 utrait ,. r ' 6 20 t Go a Exetar 065 t .. . 00 r Hanson •. 7 1C1, pmt 10 7 10 1 rueofteld"',.. " I x oli., an " 1 55 1 t Loudosborough .. " 8 06 ' 131yth e 25 Belgrave 8 S6 " • W i,t +ltam... .. 9 2O Lucknoty10 98 Ianea,•dine ,,. ... li 16 Go1NM aorTrt Bine 1 I'dino 4 20 A. I.u6kuow . 5 00 nista is.; witighatn- 7;16A m, ' • Clinton 6 6u '" B ruo6t1014 0 14 Kippuu 0 Ott ltotrsall 9 36 Exeter 11 105 "' Centralia,,,..10 20 " Tton+lou , ,.a) ill 40 ,' t 'rlton,lo3 3 15' i t' Ilainilton G 10 1oroito 7 06 tiullale (via quspoeoion 73ridge) 9 10 " Mail Trains run daily (e ea -.t f .ttn .l0r' ,) i ai6 iutNorth,,1ldfFa. t odtlear:. , , lay; Sot(h-Tcelitlay,htitsduyand : 0 (,oniteetioiih' init7ti tit i[ltnton wits, (dmfs Trairltr to and frons Godertoh, t"rand te'r Nn°c cruxes: e'►"Tnit-'-•9(MMICh,L*dtlfldt::1Y;:ti' ,. A. tit. (iol2oo EA4r'.yr,.0 6 rV • aO1N' Ida 1. Lill Xf;. ra F. 1/r, ,,. tir(t "t 9T J; iyGy Y it inter,+ .runs' 1,18 i,