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Times -:Advocate, . January 8, 1997
Rage i .
Bikes for Haiti
Exeter resident Ed Potter, left, repaired several bicycles to take with hundreds more to
needy places such as Haiti. Several manual sewingmachines were -also shipped before
Christmas. Potter has travelled to more than a dozen war -tom or underprivileged -countries
to deliver help. He is_an active member of Men For. Missions International.
Vision committee to deliver report
Members of Thames
. Road ,. and Elimville -
churches will discuss
the report oh January ,
Rhoda Rohde
Thames Road correspondent
THAMES- ROAD - Rev. Jock
Tolmay" was in charge of the Epiph--
any Sunday Church service on Sun-.
day morning.,
Everyone sang the Gathering
'The minister told the children -a
'story "Gifts for a King.'' The choir
sang "Have Thine Own Way Lord"
• accompanied by organist Agnes.
. Rev. Tolmay read from the Old
testament and , everyone - read
:Psalm 72.
The title of. Rev. Tolmay's ser-
mon was "It's All About Giving."
- Diane Jeffery and Gerald Cun-
nington received thA offering. •
Rayand Alice Cann. Murray and
Beatrice Dawson hosted the coffee
hour. •r -
• Upcoming events
The Sunbeams wi•Lmeet on Jan-
-nary 9 at 9:30 a.m. at Thames Road
The Vision Committee will de-
. liver a report .of ,recommendations
• for a discussion- on January 14 at
• 7:30 p.m. -in die Thames Road
'• United Church sanctuary. For fire
purpose of 'this. meeting, members
- will he -those whose name appears
on the historical•roll of each con-
gregation. Adherents are welcome -
to participate in discussion hut may
• not vote. This is in accordance with
the United Church of -Canada man-
• ual. • • f •
The annhal meetings 'are to be
held on' January 26- for Thames
Road'arid February 2 -at Elimville.
Reports -arc due January 12 and
are to- be given. to Robert -Bray at
Thames Road and to Marjorie
Johns at Elimville. ' • 1_ -
: - Personals
Jean Mastin o -Richmond Hill
has heen visiting with: her brother-
-in-law and -sister Murray and Bea-
trice Dawson. .
Several people from this arca at-
tended the -reception and dance for,
Blake - Robinson- and . Michelle
Kinsman who were married at
Kirkton_ ,United Church- on Satur-
-i• -Bill and.Rhoda'Rohde were Sat
urday super guests with Elliott
and Audrey McRoberts of Exeter.
Get well wishes. are extended -to
Gerry Richt who is a patient in a
London hospital •
`On January- 5-a host of friends
,and relatives called at the lounge of
the Helen Jermyn Apartm ent
Building td help Isabelle Cana cel-
ebrate-ber 90th birthday. .. •
Later dinner was served -to Mary
Gardiner, Jean Mair,- Jack and
- Nary Cann of Londpn. Jim and
- .Margaret Loveof Grand Bend,'Ray
- and Alice Cann of Thames Road.
vlary Fisher. Jean Hodgen and Isa-
belle Cann.
New Years party held in Granton
The party at the fire
.hall was' well attended:
13y Mttriel Lewis
Granton correspondent
'GRANNTON - Many people, far
and wide, have, been laid up with
different forms of influenza which '
according to news reports jtas
reached epidemiiC proportions'dur-
ing the Christmas season.
Get well wishes to Ina Hariton
why has been confined to hospital
in St. Marys with pneumonia. .
The Firemen's New Years Eve
party was well attended at the tire -
hall.. •
. At the Granton United Church on
—January, '5 Donna Bowman- -
-Woodall's sermon was about 'the
Magi' based on the readings from
Isaiah and Matthew.
Lynda Blom has accepted the po-
sition of organist replacing Lisa
Mardlin who is now working in
At Granton United Church on
December 29 Donna Bowman -
Woodall led the service. The medi-
tation was in the form of a skit pre-
sented by the Woodall, family tell-
ing the story of St. Nicholas. At St.
Paul's Anglican Church, Kirkton
on January 5 the Rev. Glenda Mea-
kin reflected on the wise men.
At St. Paul's, Kirkton on Decem-
ber 29 Rev. Glenda Meakin led the
service of morning prayer and
spoke about the strengthening- of
faith that comes through the cele-
bration of Christ's birth.
UCW Unit one met at noon on
January 2 at Amelia Jameson's
place beginning with a luncheon
served by the hostess. President
Doreen McRobert opened the
Meeting with a prayer for the New
Year and a reading 'Signs of the
Arrangements were made for the
next meeting and the Middlesex -
Presbyterial UCW annual in Lon-
don was announced. The general
UCW executive will meet -on Janu-
ary 14 and -pick up dates for pie or-
ders will be January 9 and 16.
The roll call was answered by
each member giving a reading :.nd
the secretary read Several -thank'
you messtages. McRobert continued
the program as she read a story
about the Great Giveaway and
Madeline Hardie had a .contest the
answers to which were expressions
commonly used.
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Pizza and
Celebrations held
in Grand Bend
Donations for needy -
families were collected
at several events over
the Christmas season.
By Roberta Walker
Grand Bend correspondent
.GRAND. BEND Father -Paul
Beck welcomed Deacon Chris Gil-
lespie to the. immaculate Heart of
Mary Catholic Church in Grand
Bend for weekend Masses. Deacon
Gillespie is from Sarnia and will be
ordained a priest in May of 1997.
He is one of '15 young men -to he
ordained -from St. Peter's Seminary
this spring, four of whom are from
the London diocese.. .
The -parish choir was"iiusy during
the holiday season with church ser- .
vices and the weekend Masses and _
concerts :at the Thedford Country
Manor and at Oakwood Inn. Sever -
a1 young .musicians also participat-•
ed in these events. in the church -lit-
orgy -and in the concerts. 'Choir
director Dolores Tighe was instru-
mental in organizing the programs.
• The Ecumenical celehration -t>1
:Christmas was hosted h'y the Angli=
can Ladies of 'St. ,John's. by- the
Lake on December -i0. with Live lo-
cal churches ,participating in the
program. with songs and. readings: .
Pauline Heide was the hostess. for
the event- and Karen Wallen was
the arrganist, .providing music lir
the carols anti hymns. One reading,
-the. Best Christmas Pageant Ever".
setrthestage for ;uest speaker..
. Rev: Faye- Patti' . rn, who -poke •'
about traditions 1 'a participatprv- -
- style. homily.- Vtluhteers from the •
•congregation were -asked to reprc- -
. sent those -familiar figures from the
Chrisnnas storythe Holy Family.
the: angels. shepherds" and wise
OSer SI -30 were ollected for the
• food baskets: -frit the needy Of the
community. -
The drand Come 'Estates Singers..
• -:t talented. cnlhusiastic collection
of seniors. led by a\nne Didier per-
formed Christmas concerts Unitive .:
. local • sepiors' • homes: Country
Manor in TheillOrd. Hzeter Villa.
Blue Wate. Rest • Home in Zurich.
• Chateau Gardens in Parkhill and
Queensway , _ in - Hensall. They
joined the Grand Bend Girl Guides
end Brownies . for - a-,conccn and
'fundraiser called "The 'Needy
•' Christmas `tree.". Other' seniors
provided puppets: and there 'was -
some line. dancing for additional
entertainment;-.Acntertainment;-.A large quantity of
food. knitted goods.. toys and 545)
• were donated for the Lioness Col-
. ,
Have a news tip?
Call the Times -Advocate
lection for needy families in the
community: •
.On Decemher 20 the Grand Cove
Singers joined the choir from lm--
m-'maculate Heart of Mary Churchi'at
Oakwood Inn for an evening of.
carols. fun and refreshment for- all
local residents. Dave Shepherd pro-
vided musical accompaniment. The
Oakwood Inn restaurant -watt
crowded with people of • all ages
who came,to•lisien and sing along..
Dave Schatcherd donates 'the inn -
for this annual event. which -seems
to be getting Nigger and better each
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