HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-01-08, Page 7FAMILY Times -:Advocate, . January 8, 1997 Rage i . Bikes for Haiti Exeter resident Ed Potter, left, repaired several bicycles to take with hundreds more to needy places such as Haiti. Several manual sewingmachines were -also shipped before Christmas. Potter has travelled to more than a dozen war -tom or underprivileged -countries to deliver help. He is_an active member of Men For. Missions International. • Vision committee to deliver report • Members of Thames . Road ,. and Elimville - churches will discuss the report oh January , 14. Rhoda Rohde Thames Road correspondent THAMES- ROAD - Rev. Jock Tolmay" was in charge of the Epiph-- any Sunday Church service on Sun-. day morning., Everyone sang the Gathering DoxoTogy. 'The minister told the children -a 'story "Gifts for a King.'' The choir sang "Have Thine Own Way Lord" • accompanied by organist Agnes. Bray. . Rev. Tolmay read from the Old testament and , everyone - read :Psalm 72. The title of. Rev. Tolmay's ser- mon was "It's All About Giving." - Diane Jeffery and Gerald Cun- nington received thA offering. • - Rayand Alice Cann. Murray and Beatrice Dawson hosted the coffee hour. •r - • Upcoming events The Sunbeams wi•Lmeet on Jan- -nary 9 at 9:30 a.m. at Thames Road church. The Vision Committee will de- . liver a report .of ,recommendations • for a discussion- on January 14 at • 7:30 p.m. -in die Thames Road '• United Church sanctuary. For fire purpose of 'this. meeting, members - will he -those whose name appears on the historical•roll of each con- gregation. Adherents are welcome - to participate in discussion hut may • not vote. This is in accordance with the United Church of -Canada man- • ual. • • f • The annhal meetings 'are to be held on' January 26- for Thames Road'arid February 2 -at Elimville. Reports -arc due January 12 and are to- be given. to Robert -Bray at Thames Road and to Marjorie Johns at Elimville. ' • 1_ - : - Personals Jean Mastin o -Richmond Hill has heen visiting with: her brother- -in-law and -sister Murray and Bea- trice Dawson. . Several people from this arca at- tended the -reception and dance for, Blake - Robinson- and . Michelle Kinsman who were married at Kirkton_ ,United Church- on Satur- day. -i• -Bill and.Rhoda'Rohde were Sat urday super guests with Elliott and Audrey McRoberts of Exeter. Get well wishes. are extended -to Gerry Richt who is a patient in a London hospital • - `On January- 5-a host of friends ,and relatives called at the lounge of the Helen Jermyn Apartm ent Building td help Isabelle Cana cel- ebrate-ber 90th birthday. .. • Later dinner was served -to Mary Gardiner, Jean Mair,- Jack and - Nary Cann of Londpn. Jim and - .Margaret Loveof Grand Bend,'Ray - and Alice Cann of Thames Road. vlary Fisher. Jean Hodgen and Isa- belle Cann. New Years party held in Granton The party at the fire .hall was' well attended: 13y Mttriel Lewis Granton correspondent 'GRANNTON - Many people, far and wide, have, been laid up with different forms of influenza which ' according to news reports jtas reached epidemiiC proportions'dur- ing the Christmas season. Get well wishes to Ina Hariton why has been confined to hospital in St. Marys with pneumonia. . The Firemen's New Years Eve party was well attended at the tire - hall.. • . At the Granton United Church on —January, '5 Donna Bowman- - -Woodall's sermon was about 'the Magi' based on the readings from Isaiah and Matthew. Lynda Blom has accepted the po- sition of organist replacing Lisa Mardlin who is now working in Hamilton. At Granton United Church on December 29 Donna Bowman - Woodall led the service. The medi- tation was in the form of a skit pre- sented by the Woodall, family tell- ing the story of St. Nicholas. At St. Paul's Anglican Church, Kirkton on January 5 the Rev. Glenda Mea- kin reflected on the wise men. At St. Paul's, Kirkton on Decem- ber 29 Rev. Glenda Meakin led the service of morning prayer and spoke about the strengthening- of faith that comes through the cele- bration of Christ's birth. UCW Unit one met at noon on January 2 at Amelia Jameson's place beginning with a luncheon served by the hostess. President Doreen McRobert opened the Meeting with a prayer for the New Year and a reading 'Signs of the Times'. Arrangements were made for the next meeting and the Middlesex - Presbyterial UCW annual in Lon- don was announced. The general UCW executive will meet -on Janu- ary 14 and -pick up dates for pie or- ders will be January 9 and 16. The roll call was answered by each member giving a reading :.nd the secretary read Several -thank' you messtages. McRobert continued the program as she read a story about the Great Giveaway and Madeline Hardie had a .contest the answers to which were expressions commonly used. AWESOME SAVINGS AT (,xeter MUSIC CENTRE Come in and check out our January Specials on Guitar and Keyboard Accessones Patch Cords from $4,95 Electronic Diners from $19.95 EFFECTS PEDALS ..up to 20% off Guitar & Bass Strings. up to 50% off Guitar Stands from .»..»»..».....$17.3 Fender :Amps from 5149.00 Casts & Bags up to 20% off Yamaha Keyboards up fo 20% off Exeter MUSIC CENTRE 342 \lain ST. Exeter 235-1263 Guess Who's Delivering Pizza and more... FOR INFO CALL 235-1992 Celebrations held in Grand Bend Donations for needy - families were collected at several events over the Christmas season. By Roberta Walker Grand Bend correspondent .GRAND. BEND Father -Paul Beck welcomed Deacon Chris Gil- lespie to the. immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church in Grand Bend for weekend Masses. Deacon Gillespie is from Sarnia and will be ordained a priest in May of 1997. He is one of '15 young men -to he ordained -from St. Peter's Seminary this spring, four of whom are from the London diocese.. . The -parish choir was"iiusy during the holiday season with church ser- . vices and the weekend Masses and _ concerts :at the Thedford Country Manor and at Oakwood Inn. Sever - a1 young .musicians also participat-• ed in these events. in the church -lit- orgy -and in the concerts. 'Choir director Dolores Tighe was instru- mental in organizing the programs. • The Ecumenical celehration -t>1 :Christmas was hosted h'y the Angli= can Ladies of 'St. ,John's. by- the Lake on December -i0. with Live lo- cal churches ,participating in the program. with songs and. readings: . Pauline Heide was the hostess. for the event- and Karen Wallen was the arrganist, .providing music lir the carols anti hymns. One reading, -the. Best Christmas Pageant Ever". setrthestage for ;uest speaker.. . Rev: Faye- Patti' . rn, who -poke •' about traditions 1 'a participatprv- - - style. homily.- Vtluhteers from the • •congregation were -asked to reprc- - . sent those -familiar figures from the Chrisnnas storythe Holy Family. the: angels. shepherds" and wise • men. OSer SI -30 were ollected for the • food baskets: -frit the needy Of the community. - The drand Come 'Estates Singers.. • -:t talented. cnlhusiastic collection of seniors. led by a\nne Didier per- formed Christmas concerts Unitive .: . local • sepiors' • homes: Country Manor in TheillOrd. Hzeter Villa. Blue Wate. Rest • Home in Zurich. • Chateau Gardens in Parkhill and Queensway , _ in - Hensall. They joined the Grand Bend Girl Guides end Brownies . for - a-,conccn and 'fundraiser called "The 'Needy •' Christmas `tree.". Other' seniors provided puppets: and there 'was - some line. dancing for additional entertainment;-.Acntertainment;-.A large quantity of food. knitted goods.. toys and 545) • were donated for the Lioness Col- . , • • Have a news tip? Call the Times -Advocate 235-1331 • lection for needy families in the community: • .On Decemher 20 the Grand Cove Singers joined the choir from lm-- 'maculate m-'maculate Heart of Mary Churchi'at Oakwood Inn for an evening of. carols. fun and refreshment for- all local residents. Dave Shepherd pro- vided musical accompaniment. The Oakwood Inn restaurant -watt crowded with people of • all ages who came,to•lisien and sing along.. Dave Schatcherd donates 'the inn - for this annual event. which -seems to be getting Nigger and better each year. 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