HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-01-08, Page 6Page 6 Times -Advocate, January 8, 1997 FAM1l.Y Guitar tunes Local performers Andrew Rau, at left, and Clare Masse play some tunes at Queensway. Nursing and Retirement Home on Friday night. It was all part of Friendship Friday, a suc- cessful) night out that takes place at Queensway twice a month. On Jan. 17, Exeter per- former Doug Insley plays at 7:30 p.m. MEME CROSS WORD `WINDER BANES ALL' For ansuts please fun to the Announcements Bj Robiiert Zimmerman ACROSS 1 Yawns 6 Expiated 12 Controversial sitcom 16 Maestro Toscanini 17 Castel Nuovo's city 18 Use a needle 21 Wait: 3 wds. 23 Savannah, e.g. 25 Bactrian feature 26 Spin 27 Teacher 29 Grazing area 30 Wife of Osiris 31 GreekIetter 32 Snatched 33 Holland export 34 Pince- — 35 N.Z. native 36 More rational 37 Squander 38 German girls 40 Closes 41 Receiving antenna 42 Computer key 43 Campus VIP 44 Identified wrongly 47 Warps' crossings 50 Overcome shyness: 3 wds. 54 Mentalist Geller 55 Hirsch of the • crazy legs 56 Slow in music 57 Senior 58 Fleur -de- — 59 — Park. Fla. • 60 Two-faced deity 61 Newspaper 62 Pindar poems 63 Miss Claiborne 64 Seeped 65 Handel work (1738) ' 66 Part of an act 67 Three: Italian 68 Overwhelmed: 2 wds. 70 Fairway transit 71 Surfing feat 73 Prepares flax 74 — soda 75 MacGraw. et at. 76 Fine China 78 Ad measures 82 O.T. book 84 Graylag or Canada 85 Promotes 87 Affirmative vote 88 Church feature 89 Serves tea_ 90 Mends • 91 Hall-of-Famer Billetnikoff 92 Fib 93 Diva Beverly . 94 Mrs. Fitzgerald - 95 Moral tale 96 Lured 98 Creepy show: hyph. wd. 101 Probate subject 102 Holly or Kim 103 Beginnings 104 011ie's sidekick 105 Mystery awards 106 Transfer property DOWN 1 Sourpuss 2 Put through a sprayer 3 "Doc Savage." et al. 4 Mythical archer 5 Junior 6 SAT entry 7 Papeete's island • 8 "Turandot." for one 9 Playwright Coward 10 Building add-on 11 Afar .12 Nun 13 Baseball play- by-play term 14 Open 15 Vigor 16 "My - back..." 19 It's given to • some VON •Week January 19-25 HURON -PERTH - The health cart professionals, volunteers and community supporters of the Victo---. rian Order of Nurses for Canada (VON Canada) in Perth and Huron . Counties, and throughout the rest of the country will celebrate VQN Week this year, from January 19 through January 25. It's an especially significant time • for VON'crs, who arc celebrating 1(X) years of caring for Canadians. VON pioneered community nurs- ing in Canada at thc turn of the cen- tury, and since then: hes=irtftreduccd many of the programs and services that have become mainstays of the nation's current health care system; Committed to providing leader- ship across Canada in the develop- ment of health and social policy. VON today provides Canadians, from coast to coast with more than • 50 different programs in communi- ty-based nursing and other health and home support services. ' Here in Perth -Huron, VON's major contributions include Visit- ing and Shift Nursing in the home, Adult and Alzheimer Day Away Programs, Palliative and Friendly Visiting Programs and Footcare Clinics, coordinated and delivered through thc local Branch Offices at: 101 Shakespeare Street, Stratford; 285 Sarah Avenue N., Listowel; 115 King Street. Hensall. Across the country. VON cpm- - prises 70 local and nine provincial Branches, 9,000 volunteers and 7,000 staff. On a national scale, VON directly serves more than 300,000 Canadians and their fami- lies each year. Have a news tip? Call the Times-Advoe 235-1331. acquaintances: 2 wds. 20 Oct. 31 alternative 22 Group attitudes 24 Domesticated 28 Small guitars 31 After bath application 32 Scornful rernark 33 Nod. from Eden 35 Sloppy 36 Plumed . headgear 37 More like Solomon 39 Western range 40 Installs in office 41 Risky • 43 Strip bare 44 Bette of "First Wives Club" 45 — Express 46 Chocolate favors 47 "Malefactors of great -- 48 "Don Giovanni" soprano role 49 Untouchables?: 2 wds. 50 Coat of arms 51 Subscribe again 52 Stashes 53 Beethoven's "Fuer -- 60 TV's Jenny — 61 Al — (of pasta) 62 City in Florida 64 Roman seaport 65 Jacket material 66 Searches with radar 69 Smelter waste 72 Joy 74 Convenes. as a court •• 76 Music style 77 Volkswagen designer 78 — eclipse 79 Mixed up 80 Hook recipients 81 Passover meals 82 Hearty 83 Express a view 84 — Gate 85 Of greater height 86 Waiter's notes 89 Michelangelo masterpiece 90 Ms. Burke 91 True alternative 93 Shoo' ' • 94 Elan 95 Speeding penalty • 97 "— a Wonderful Life" 99 Cisneros' • • agency 100 Pentagon tenant Capsule Comments with Ernie Miatello The start of a new year is always a good time to make commitments for better health. We promise ourselves changes in lifestyle,, eating habits, exercise frequency, alcohol consump- tion... all to improve our chances for a long healthy Ole. Choosing to exercise regularly can certainly help you achieve this goal. Recent Information shows that regular vigorous exercise can reduce the risk of developing Type 11 diabetes (the type of diabetes that occurs later in life) by 25%, plus reducing the risk of heart disease by 50%. . We don't have to say too much about the evils of smoking, but now is a good time to stop. Your heart and lungs will thank you for it. As for eating, you can't go wrong following Canada's Food Guide. In- creasing your fruit and vegetable Intake, moderate use of meat, and re- ducing your fat Intake can keep you on the road to healthy living. As for medications, our job Is to help you use them Judiciously. We are always'avallabte to talk to you about all types of medicines. We look forward to serving you throughout 1997. ftHURON APOTHECARY ori. Phone 235-1982 440 Main St., Exeter • 'Your Health Care Pharmacy' Zurich Optimists host skating party Participants enjoyed hot chocolate 'and pop- corn. By Carmel Sweeney Zurich correspondent ZURICH There was a good turnout at the• Optimist Club family skating day at the Zurich Arena. There was hot chocolate and pop- corn given to the skaters. The Club may host another simi- lar event in the March break. The Optimist Club held a meet- ing on January 7 at the home of Lee -Ann Studerus, RR 1 Dash- wood. St. Boniface Youth Group will meet this Thursday. Grade five and six stt;idents will go to the Parish Hall and those' in grade seven and eight will go to the school gym. For information phone leader Denise Meidinger. There will be a Northern Light Conference in London at Regina Munch College on February I and 2 for Youth Ministry leaders. If you want to go, phone Denise, 236- 4567. A progressive euchre party will be held at the hall on ••January 27 at 7:30 p.m. . . The Lions Club are planning a dinner/meeting at the Dominion Tavern on January' 8 at 7 p.m. After two weeks of holidays, lo- cal children went hack to school on Monday. Mary -Jo Bolton, the grade 1-13 teacher at St. Boniface School for nine years, is now teaching at Holy Name of Mary School in St. Marys. Tracy Klaver will replacing. her. • A Women's •institute meeting will be on January 14 at the Township Hall at 1:30 p.m: ' A raffle for a 'trip, to Ottawa for two people sponsored by the Dis- trict Chamber of Commerce was won by Mike Needles of RR .2 Goderich, who works at Cobble- stone Design in Zurich. • The next Chamber dinner meet- ing will be held on January 21 at SOUTH HURON CHIROPRACTIC CENTRE 493 MAIN ST. S, EXETER Member of the ACUPUNCTURE COUNCIL OF ONTARIO DA. MARK JONES 235-4892 FAX 235-2589 • • 11 11 :i 11 1: 11 11 :: :: 11 11 NO 11 1: 1: 13 :: 11 .. 11 11 Erb's Country Kitchen at 7 p.m. The Zurich Agricultural Society will be having their annual dinner/ meeting at the Dominion Tavern on January 16 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will start at 8 p.m. Ad- vance registration for the dinner is required by January 12. Phone Margaret Deichert at 236-4130 as soones possible. At the November meeting of the Zurich, Golden Agers, the seniors observed a minute of silence in honor of those who gave their lives for their country and Phyllis Deichert explained why . people wear poppies. She also conducted several contests. - The group entertained ar the Hu- ronview November birthday party. The December meeting of the Zurich Golden Agersi was held in the common room at Maplewoods Apartments at 3:30. They . played cards followed by a turkey dinner catered by Erb's Country Kitchen. Christmas songs and carols were sung with Phyllis Deichert on pia- no and Mozart Gelinas on guitar. Card games followed. The next meeting is scheduled for January 13 at Hay Township Hall at 2 p.m. Visitors are welcome. Personals Josephine Denomme spent the Christmas holidays with her daugh ter Debbie, and Jim Gavan in Brights Grove. Jerry and Julie Groot, RR 1 Zu- rich were the winners of a snow- mobile from the December 28 draw of the Figure Skating Club. - Happy birthday wishes go to 12 - year -old Leanne Shanks on Satur- day: Meagan Sweeney who was 13 years old and Helene. Ducharme on January 7: Justin.and Jacqueline Gelinas who are ine years old: Marie Gelinas Sr. on January 1I: Karl Regier Sr. and son Karl Jr. on January 11: and Michelle Wilder who was 13 years old on January 1., Brent O'Brien of Singapore was home for the Christmas holidays to visit with his parents Don and Don- na O'Brien. The family of -Jim and Veronica Bedard enjoyed a week's vacation in Florida over the New Year. They visited Disney World. Mary Waters spent the Christmas holidays visiting with friends in Strathroy. Francine Vanasse and , friend Mike spent Christmas in Quebec visiting her mother and family members. The Willy and Martha Overholt family held a progressive dinner party on New Years Day. • Meagan Sweeney celebrated her birthday on Saturday by going swimming at Vanastra with friends. They had a pizza su )per in Exeter and then returned home to have cake and open presents. Ruth and Andy 'Manse of Cali- fornia spent Christmas and Nelly Years with family members n Ex- eter, Zurich and area. They enjoyed Christmas dinner at Erb's Count!), kitchen followed with a get- together at the home of Gwen and Pat O'Rourke. Members of the Clausius families attended. The La Porte family get-together was held on January 4 aLSt. Peter's Parish hall, St. Joseph. Nora Corriveau of Spruce Villa Apartments spent the Christmas holidays in. London with family members. . - Greg and Jackie Lavery and son of Trenton spent the holidays with his parents Gord and Verlie Lav- ery. Tom Regier spent Christmas and New Year's with his grandparents Lee and Rose Regier and Morris and Kay \1 ehb. Happy New Year to everyone. I hope. that 1997 will he good to you and bring health and happiness to your families. 4 1 2 A 5 ' 235 -HAIR i (4247) , & 7 9 10 11 '2 13 a 15 ill:i■■■ 17 ■■■� " .�eME II 11 Id i USU. WiURU■ UU mild nil31 Ili OA II " IIIlW " Maid 111W1U 5. illi Id WI id milli ��� id d�RSU id��� ilio idRUUU id WIWI ���� id 0 Id WI mil i�iili��■ II iii■m■ lii�iuu■ III■��Midi. i�i���■ frill•• i�iili••■ iii•■ ili•■•� i�••• WI id 'UUP i�7��U■ id id II■ iltii�iiili����■ mid Id lid III Idam ����■ am am Capsule Comments with Ernie Miatello The start of a new year is always a good time to make commitments for better health. We promise ourselves changes in lifestyle,, eating habits, exercise frequency, alcohol consump- tion... all to improve our chances for a long healthy Ole. Choosing to exercise regularly can certainly help you achieve this goal. Recent Information shows that regular vigorous exercise can reduce the risk of developing Type 11 diabetes (the type of diabetes that occurs later in life) by 25%, plus reducing the risk of heart disease by 50%. . We don't have to say too much about the evils of smoking, but now is a good time to stop. Your heart and lungs will thank you for it. As for eating, you can't go wrong following Canada's Food Guide. In- creasing your fruit and vegetable Intake, moderate use of meat, and re- ducing your fat Intake can keep you on the road to healthy living. As for medications, our job Is to help you use them Judiciously. We are always'avallabte to talk to you about all types of medicines. We look forward to serving you throughout 1997. ftHURON APOTHECARY ori. Phone 235-1982 440 Main St., Exeter • 'Your Health Care Pharmacy' Zurich Optimists host skating party Participants enjoyed hot chocolate 'and pop- corn. By Carmel Sweeney Zurich correspondent ZURICH There was a good turnout at the• Optimist Club family skating day at the Zurich Arena. There was hot chocolate and pop- corn given to the skaters. The Club may host another simi- lar event in the March break. The Optimist Club held a meet- ing on January 7 at the home of Lee -Ann Studerus, RR 1 Dash- wood. St. Boniface Youth Group will meet this Thursday. Grade five and six stt;idents will go to the Parish Hall and those' in grade seven and eight will go to the school gym. For information phone leader Denise Meidinger. There will be a Northern Light Conference in London at Regina Munch College on February I and 2 for Youth Ministry leaders. If you want to go, phone Denise, 236- 4567. A progressive euchre party will be held at the hall on ••January 27 at 7:30 p.m. . . The Lions Club are planning a dinner/meeting at the Dominion Tavern on January' 8 at 7 p.m. After two weeks of holidays, lo- cal children went hack to school on Monday. Mary -Jo Bolton, the grade 1-13 teacher at St. Boniface School for nine years, is now teaching at Holy Name of Mary School in St. Marys. Tracy Klaver will replacing. her. • A Women's •institute meeting will be on January 14 at the Township Hall at 1:30 p.m: ' A raffle for a 'trip, to Ottawa for two people sponsored by the Dis- trict Chamber of Commerce was won by Mike Needles of RR .2 Goderich, who works at Cobble- stone Design in Zurich. • The next Chamber dinner meet- ing will be held on January 21 at SOUTH HURON CHIROPRACTIC CENTRE 493 MAIN ST. S, EXETER Member of the ACUPUNCTURE COUNCIL OF ONTARIO DA. MARK JONES 235-4892 FAX 235-2589 • • 11 11 :i 11 1: 11 11 :: :: 11 11 NO 11 1: 1: 13 :: 11 .. 11 11 Erb's Country Kitchen at 7 p.m. The Zurich Agricultural Society will be having their annual dinner/ meeting at the Dominion Tavern on January 16 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will start at 8 p.m. Ad- vance registration for the dinner is required by January 12. Phone Margaret Deichert at 236-4130 as soones possible. At the November meeting of the Zurich, Golden Agers, the seniors observed a minute of silence in honor of those who gave their lives for their country and Phyllis Deichert explained why . people wear poppies. She also conducted several contests. - The group entertained ar the Hu- ronview November birthday party. The December meeting of the Zurich Golden Agersi was held in the common room at Maplewoods Apartments at 3:30. They . played cards followed by a turkey dinner catered by Erb's Country Kitchen. Christmas songs and carols were sung with Phyllis Deichert on pia- no and Mozart Gelinas on guitar. Card games followed. The next meeting is scheduled for January 13 at Hay Township Hall at 2 p.m. Visitors are welcome. Personals Josephine Denomme spent the Christmas holidays with her daugh ter Debbie, and Jim Gavan in Brights Grove. Jerry and Julie Groot, RR 1 Zu- rich were the winners of a snow- mobile from the December 28 draw of the Figure Skating Club. - Happy birthday wishes go to 12 - year -old Leanne Shanks on Satur- day: Meagan Sweeney who was 13 years old and Helene. Ducharme on January 7: Justin.and Jacqueline Gelinas who are ine years old: Marie Gelinas Sr. on January 1I: Karl Regier Sr. and son Karl Jr. on January 11: and Michelle Wilder who was 13 years old on January 1., Brent O'Brien of Singapore was home for the Christmas holidays to visit with his parents Don and Don- na O'Brien. The family of -Jim and Veronica Bedard enjoyed a week's vacation in Florida over the New Year. They visited Disney World. Mary Waters spent the Christmas holidays visiting with friends in Strathroy. Francine Vanasse and , friend Mike spent Christmas in Quebec visiting her mother and family members. The Willy and Martha Overholt family held a progressive dinner party on New Years Day. • Meagan Sweeney celebrated her birthday on Saturday by going swimming at Vanastra with friends. They had a pizza su )per in Exeter and then returned home to have cake and open presents. Ruth and Andy 'Manse of Cali- fornia spent Christmas and Nelly Years with family members n Ex- eter, Zurich and area. They enjoyed Christmas dinner at Erb's Count!), kitchen followed with a get- together at the home of Gwen and Pat O'Rourke. Members of the Clausius families attended. The La Porte family get-together was held on January 4 aLSt. Peter's Parish hall, St. Joseph. Nora Corriveau of Spruce Villa Apartments spent the Christmas holidays in. London with family members. . - Greg and Jackie Lavery and son of Trenton spent the holidays with his parents Gord and Verlie Lav- ery. Tom Regier spent Christmas and New Year's with his grandparents Lee and Rose Regier and Morris and Kay \1 ehb. Happy New Year to everyone. I hope. that 1997 will he good to you and bring health and happiness to your families. 4 FAMILY HAIR CARE PROFESSIONALS X. atimg NW* (Beside Murphy's) ' 235 -HAIR i (4247) , Vicki Parsons Kim Scott Terri Farquhar-Vanneste Rhonda Lightfoot Hours: Mon. -Fri. 9-7•Sat. 9-4 • Waxing and ear piercing SENIORS DISCOUNT on Mon., TOes., Wed, 0' We are your solution to your New Year's - Resolution! • Supervised weight management • all natural herbal products AL MAGA 235-3088 EXETER •••••.••••••••••••i::1::s::::::::s:::::is:••••: STORE WIDE CLEARANCE Maytag Refrigerators Toshiba Televisions GE Ranges acuums Yamaha Stereos Plus Much, Much More HURRY: Sale prices In effect until Jan. 11/97 APPLIANCE CENTRE k 990 Main St. Exeter • Phone 235-0705 ")bur Choke for Value" Sales 8 Service • .....:::::::::::::s:::....: . ::..:i1i:i:..::i:................ •• . :: . ......::u:s:..::::::::..:::.::.:::...