HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1876-5-4, Page 2e 11
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, _ , ittied•litastreictive-•riesrforfuttnce 4tivii•131 011•
4143F the lit:Wage 311011 3•Of PrOf. Irttnny,
1,,tir, (,)e)r.:;;N,---8 elr,ttintt;,:e rel,:ressmtetior1
`Po 1)11 11)111 00 Moitd,e,y ttuel '110eadity
; Titre) (.3,‘,NTA'L'A OV .1.!:';',ITI 00'1 'ilil); Ili'e`A-T4'1"3',
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'" "Jr` "1"/;111 '''''.' 1 1 ";', 11I, I>10•I'"ll'o !"'I ;101';;Je', Al, x. lluels01; t; 21;e1 Bo -al ollf:lit" !ililebl:‘!'11.1':'; (l'i.fo:1;'03vi''111")0(i't'Ll'qki)gt;'')'1•4'.1-31('(11'1"'r'i'L)ts10111:evl'Ts•II°1•1")'',
i 3 1, ",, . , ', ," ",'", ", 1,1 .14 4,1144 {„1,4,41.iorV2•1111(.1 1,11•,4•11^,4 1410 11'110,1 2 Veal." 01,1 1'41;t111•90" '4012
t \N'4,4': '1,4,y14„;., ' + '' ,,,, ' 'Y '' '' IV etv,11 of reli.,,itill in a incteh 'More' 'al.
.;:-:,-;; . • 4. 1, 4.4 1, ,,,,, ,,,,,;',/',,, ,i, ,i, i , ,,., 1.,,,,,,,rts. ...;•••••:;1•1•14,„, I.1 .•.1 1.1.,14,18..1.., ^ .1„„0, 11,83 (,•.'1••
I et,,t, ,,,•••;),,,,CM,.) AV. 13 4.0 1.0 I 1 • 1,,..e.; 'these , . - ,, , • .' . •-• .1;01i:cll.( 111P.-- 10 It:illors ,111..ead('w tl'ac-"iv0 f0r111 til111. t" 1/ible ir8el'f'61.1V'eS
tt'itutu•tt R.A, 11 ••••,/ 440,1'4 (118 14444140 of , .
k; i'o 0 ,,, 1.....,. ) 1 i,.t,,.. i,t7 ,o,,,I, ,i, 0 " ;',;'," "Li- '1A U."' litl,o;');.; f \VIO. Ai tirdook; tilon ; llarvesler; ' ' ' oti.i11.1,Q1 i'.10.8;1;31114e0"".°.,,,`1137)'‘';''s.Ys',"°t,('Qui.(A°4:'t.''e'rt:l'i'ltillitil'a•tri,v6ort,
,',•'-it'r1 01111-11;i110d, 21,11, rp., . % \\r•I it, Itod witll a generosity rarely Seen,
1.1 i , „ ..... , , , ,1,i r. „u c...., ii,tr, ei ll )4,) 4, 111011, 1014(411, , 101UL/4,011, A' 1 - 11 • ,•• • , i , ,
„,14., ' A „.1 s... ..
, 41 L 3 • • '••14 ',...• 0.4•41 t•-• .1••• 'i••4 1;11.'• „),•,,p ...) '11!'' '' uf :\;:` it. i'Ll•``", '0 \'''''''°•4 it/ *P"Ioit• 1 r1f--', 1-",t; te,4 les :1 4:, 14:15:131, I_ neon ; 21,1 j.
tli,1 proceecie, it Inav be tlittt, those
•" ''' ; ";1 ; •‘;;;Ii iai;:it 41 l,, :1. tier,' et n , in (2;;;),Q; 1,4,;." Poe al11,01.3 kry of 0,111 FillioL', ,I.,;»,;100.
1 ' .t'1. ,i.01 V,* '1,1'. k ) I ) 1 1.) Joy )\',/,),,... h '1 1.1411.1 11'1''' 31 ;1110' 11,r.'•1 i.1,)` 11.10 Ext- ,,,, The .1.,oi;ii`ie%oli',3:11,e,"1 lia,,,,•01 el,,o,..1)0[1. 10 bl'il',IdIL8tik'11,1,1,-1 tg)1a111:11100,1-1'llit,11!.:liortftt1.10'813))wiilio.:,r.,:illyb,
,), . r t.„, 10',,s1, V ill`'‘, `',' ,:i •••;'1 ' I- ' ''''''''' ' l'' $' ')'' ' ''' ' cfi" "111 T'I'''''I'I'''''43`.1r111 ''() 'I.'" 3);41'10"'" to ilia t,nceass o•( the `'velf(sious dritiftvil"
by 11 0,,t e; IL puo,to entertain niuttt 41, b't:I'eto wPro oititi by it I3. Qllart,'Y • • . 1 , :•••' ;" ; 4 1 ' -.1 ' .1. • • • '
1,,,,,,,,,„ ,,,,1 0, ,4,N., 4 ,4e44•,,,,40‘1, .) ;„,,,,thtoy even- -„, , •„;--; , . , ,, , . , •,.... .1,1:,,, . , wi , _,,,,,„,•,, , 1„, I, h.,. 4. i. oirti old to 10111.,,ing t 1,11, u IO (...11.1tt. 1 lb an
1:4-1 . ,4,.,., .1444)34,4i, m..,.1 .. ;...,.. 11; 1...i..iti, " ''''' i1'.'"L'''''''' "c"" '14"""1e't I"Y -1)••• ` "`"'''' l'' '''''''''''' 't '-'1 '44 A u; "L'11" ''u '''' institutio'a carried 00 like a inercatitile
,.. •
, C•ompbell 4,,,,i' Se.•;;;:,,r111, rt. v....1)r. ilollues t.ttittl tor next -year. •
) i ":"(i 1 Ile, pi, 1,',i ,..“.:0; , , r.Ji I 1''',(t'1,I1'.:1. Lel...t. It. t 11.it .1 i:, /*I:1011k'. , . , • , establishment for tlie pnrpose of malt,
,•,,, ,„ ,,I,, ,te,„ ;„ ,,p..9), 1. , vut, iii„, , •1•.I.40., 2...1,1",i CIL 1,,,,,,;0t,4,1., A r.‘,,,a,tibg klt.,,, .1:1A;;O•3 1^14\4.1,,.---1,1;41O L'I'll bagO Bt1;11 jilt; motley ited, 1111virg ;111 ape:earl-4nm)
•141 ' 1 -'Lt I.110,,i • •.• ': •• l' 4, ivo,, 3,,,,, j,,)„,•„ 1,;,, 1,,,,ig, '1'44,41 xi, 4 1, (111•4/1.1 01 1,11/ Id I.e,c,11'1 have organized for tile it,`'''the 4,,,,,r111 ; Ned 13);ty.,
therefore acting
'• ;14" '''''. l'i 1 'I' ; , , „ 1 3. 1.. ,, ,4 1,1 .4,,,ii;,,,, 1,,r,,,ncl.,, lei t ,i.e.: tor 1,,tes oce.t,e•in. );,»1,5 0.; lilln.: athara ot 31413 01111) iti'0 in
• ,, ,
,,• . V, I, 1 : . 1V ' 1 1 1 ' ' ' '1 1,'' *I''IL' ' 'LW ''.1' " ''''1"'''''' ''',0“1.,,,, 1 1,11 1.te..,1 1,, - , ,t, ,,,,e1„1,11.,,,, ,,,,,,t,41, GOA at: bos loolt 4tly"bolOi)::.,c)idaYo'.:.aibui,0011,1c,:',14)1011s..0is1.40,i8)(17)'1,,.(5111'(25651Soi•-,
', .11 ‘..,,,,l, L.. • .0,114,1 \i'• I .1 ‘ AO. v , ,,,
, , ,
41 L'I. L •• ;At, 4,,,',1, , 0 .4, i',A ,, .. ,,C11 11. k. 11 1 „•.8 I. 11.. ZAt I •
z ,o...v. 0 i 0 ,, (4,„ li, ;, ; ,‘ ,, :. ;,,,,,,,:;;1 ;,11‘.; 1 ..,,,, „ic.,„,,., ,, ,,, ,., , ,,,.,, r . ,.., ,. f„,•,,z0:41, 4.,,,I,"o,•.-8, 1411•1, 1.0 J Oil . Li ll'ol.4.1. 1.1.1L•
• ' 4,1 It' "1..1 1,4". 1 • 4 ""' ' toro.,41•11 la) 1 811(:COssful HellS;(to, -1135 oatititate way of• maltins, -notlev. If
I 0,, ,,,,,„,.10 '1, i.1,,,,),,,I, v 6.v„01,,, r,11,,11,,,,,, ,,,,,.. ,II1.4.•.,..4•8 pro, -Q411, ;111.11U 11,0 11111."11'0".1 Ill 001.110 (,`'J h;1,1"0 II, ,`, 4C1)411g1,-)r 611.1b,t,Liti,14. hi, •t the., • .1. ,
,) thought thi,,, then cortttinly . we
ot •,., •, ••' one ;:e ;•,, t i 0 I ; 1 i (itt;.; I-0 ;••• 1 ' ' '' ' ' '• ` ' • i, ; 1- •• ,' '.1 ' 1 1 ; three 1'11,1;4 1,`,,,e- •4 ir Ti , It 01-, 4.,-, „ vo,.0 ,1 ,A0,1, 111.1. , - • . •• ; ,. : ; •
t : . 3 ;4 ts, tie; ,t• en„.4 .1,t) , i ;oogr,;),Ittl 'or `"„,-, '-"•;" ," ''`; , • • •;" '. ) a• ; 4 ' ;';• ,1-A,.., ‘ t; J ( 11004111 1 11'011113r t1141•L t1.10:5, regatel the
..,,,,;11 . .1,, 'I. ',..• ib' (14. Of i'' 4 41, ,,..l,,V1‘ It• .4 I ' , , ,, , • • ,, , i • u'I' 14.8••.4,••• t8 3,•'083181,Ill'or tttultzte•gly.
; 4,..• ; et, 0,4,43.1 I„. tt:•,)t 1.1 1.0..li 1,,tit.,4 , , 00:s ,1,41' 1110 pre:30111 yew. '1.l.• Dight Iipray,,,r;; pu,r11)f the pet.finnuance, in
, .•, . ;?ist1,04-',',441e,it; ti ,'•):, Sul'ago,Vioe -Pres.; \vhicli the "t,rotipe" ding 1511ewselves on
1,;'..,..1 .1 ,, i,„.., • , ; • , ;. I I 3 4 •. I 4 • 4, . 13 3 3 ,„33 .,..", ' , 1.t11.5,1"oe,•.".-• 00 bed urdity 1,03 11 horse
. ,• . , ••• "' •
i ; ,i. 0 ,t 1. 4111 • ' I 3 ' I• ••• •'' 8, 41 1 .,'''4•'.3•:: I'''," '' I; :''..1..'-',1).--• \VII 410- 11 ,,t 414 41I'L hk.' i II) IL 10.2.1"- "llgull 31 1' 1 110 8Itt- -1‘1. -1'-'1`X, '121.0"8.1 0.• ,At• :Porto, 6•••?•ot)';'; their 'knees on the fl•i0r, gaZO• with as
,„:1 1 .L.: .,,,,,•,,if ..1, ,,,,, 1 , , 1 s: , Ii:, ‘.., , t „ • , ,It ,...t 1 , 1„ 1,i, s ,,,,,,, i) ,,I., (5, „1,,4.1, 1,1:1411`,,,.'114.1„LI/t 0.1 1 i1.0 14/C.J:11.4111,V0,, 1141(i 1 1)1%1'1os e.. , . • , .1 , • • .1 . itgon,,z4541 t,11 0.41),..o.,,,01014, as 13,„ssi le, to.
; i,ii, 1: (i'Ll•toL'Irl I)irk•oto-- Dr
4 , .3t eti, 11,r ' • •
-. . ' .4 • ‘1.".'';.• 1'4 - 9.",y '4o1.0.41 , ',.11L):,0-11. ttm do ,1‘.'“').• g ,-;1,y,11 et/IA[4,1;1.y 1;1 ,,ticit •''')Ltljt'lli ..i. U. .1:1•1;s0y, 1). J. i‘luCusli, ward 11111:1 breathe a petition ,to tile Al-
olitslity, ;;s a sitcceSaft11 hit: Bat if, on
l. "
the otherilitunl, tlte'se,ltisto,riatts re,gard-
eel tile Sunday Beliocil as a ,l'eligiorvi in-
Fititution, the.): we can llardl,y'ntifttilegize
• .::`•3').'1%. •M A Idrl-13 ;••
4 421
L. I '1
-., 0 \ 3!t
'el t it 't 41,1 1 .1
11, t". 4 . 1 0 •
1 0 I 4;*•-• tt'jj•ly 40,i• ttt t13,ist. ".-.1.).111 V, •slicetesi around ;1:111 :,,t1ILP1 11 '1. 111;11,111114, ;1/111 t...101•111B.': V1/0
i f th e
. 3.-4k 3 ,;11;‘,e 110 I, Pr kel:43i.1 t‘14:,11.1i11,4J, • '11' • .1 y 1 lel of Illt1 r.t tut- ‘VA.11 11•0•1•80, ,
1 .,' 4. ' ' '' : '
'13 If0 ' - 1:-."1:. ..I •1 I. I • i V.' h 11 dt 3• 0 ::1,,, to. ,,t, t:;,- cl , r, ,,t, .0,, et,„re.,o, 1, aers, ,v,1,0, the attini',1 wini ell cling'the telei,,g tat inte1;ttst itt t 114' clul),• tlitireby
'-toly - ';a2 .- .r '. ,.., 1, L.,. - 4.., Hi, , .,,, ,1 -r i- lt i ' ti . `iiii."'+`'.:R I, 1:4114...170,:, 1,'0, 1`1,144`,)4 011411.in',1.1.1,1,1,1:11:1'1,`Xe;'01'``“`&1.111,41; '1,`0.,
,i, ,,,t. ,4,1114 11.1)..1 4.,,,,,fla , .4 3 1; 1•1 !, 11,, i . , !.'i 0 k- not , I ;00 1,110..3 ru 11.1 4/ 11.1t1lio '000 4/Unlyni• '.1.4'il•'003,11et-4 411•00 11.111,41;11.
1 .i .1 kL .h^le•I'V, • 1•10:11, • Ttth ati.t•alt'l t‘r .4/,f 61.2 VOIAI 11)14$
}ti )1'." 11 '11 Id. 10i ttlf 1:111 1.'t i-11 il't ..t l', ' .
t I ,11,C,:W 4 ,,i iII,:',3 2''...t'Iry,—.0..:1 W.,,L,,os... a tat,Mii, y :,e nor: e 31:10 Wile( Is,';01 t /0
jv 5 4.,.,.....,4. ,. ' .
• •• . l ti ,.‘ It jo ,• ‘1 • 41%, '‘.‘ 1. I h0,-,, 4J'itt, 11•4441' 7, 1u, 1,;,40 L63..„,3;, roily:, '1,,,,, t.43i34(.3 um 1-.3,1,i‘,30,.
;• 0 .r.• ''.'I lo•-; it I I'','1' 0 .1 ),, o ' • ic,..•et, t't I ,,e 1 4.44,., „4 ,.44,ci 444.,. Iv„eit m . 1,141,. 14 4,roter of tne ftl:i;%•:•ppo.) like Pan',
pain, ti', 1. lki ,e,,,), ya, ; ) ),,.,„ reiNN116. : 1.10 Itt ,,n, , ip A's . t,,...., t, .1 toe 0,,,,,),,,,,'I t..itn.mi..ti vt AS •-,j/tli'Ll1;y LOrtIllititt•Ri h.\
t-••141 i 3.; I „:1).44 4,1, 141 4 v ,,i' 1",t,,n,',1 .11 [ -4 1,".1 1•0!ria. 4:':;,`",) ro4' blot i 0'3 1.4,04, jl 0 ...-1,i0 ell• r;,,e of nuej 'of the ero,vn;:-
1 41,, 1;01 •,.,,i, .1......i., .,,,,.,,,, 1,,i,.1,„,.... 1 ,;.', 0 At. 4.,te ,1 tt.h. ..i,ity .L.Lt , Abs.; VV441.• ,• il-4 04,,' ,It 41•it:-S 3001:01 11031.11.0t.1 Ilia) t.'.;:'
,,,...1. ,',‘ , lch, itii 0 :4,•,•-1 .110 ltk.• tei I'V1‘)"' ,1'4'.i' 11'1 1.1"Ig • 4"15 114411e• '
Me 4`, 1,,,,,, • ,1,„, ...1,r ',. • I., . 1 .e. 1 I .1. " V ' ...,,,'; ,, )1; ,,,„„,., ,,,,,„i ,.; f4.‘•14, ,,,,ir„ •ii. (5,3),..•. . EN,,,,,,L,,ip.dt,01 ti,..-- Biet, el: E,icampinoi.lt. ft '' Cu' 11114.1.,','"' i'' "ill "411'41 ;-.. 141u116' r gift from SaIan, ioul n it w:th profel -
.L.','„tm•si ,:i•--111, • at 11 .0,1 stet% tklik AO 1.i.3 1,, 0. 0. V. 1 ii8 elnly insctt el fed uf 'nen l'i.i''''"Ig old semi)s 9,t iron 014 Sol,- ing Holy writ. Now that the ball has
i a ,o„ 4„ ,..., r„.t„,,,„,,,; ,,...,, 4,„,,...,,,,,f. 0, 1, ,..
,,,,,.„.0,,, , 1 ,i.„,,,A, .1,,,, ,,i, .. I ,.,, 1 ;, , 1 01 , ,,,, 4,, 1, 1„33„,,, 1,4 3,„),„ H. 4. „,,1 on. ill ,L;4.4nol• 1111 1.111.11'1,1111,\'' At;r11 271.1.1 by 'id); l'iHt" ;,(-..11 AeLm-oraijou or I'lle Sn'b" ,stat.tet.i rollino• the , entetprite of the
, hi
RI, 3.,s1 I , ar...30..,.. 0.3 i.,1 ,\ 31,, v ,,o., .,,, .4 a . m,,,t,,,,i, , :. ,,,, 4 1111.1 ,Itti. E. ii,.. it bii,,olt, IA. \ ,, ,r. i., 110‘3:11 t1111,,11.1(1 be eensur.,(1. 1.1 ir,,,t'strip- raigion's e',
1.1 ir m ''...:Ii (44 ' I 1
'1 I. °wont 1 ill surely 1103 adow
" ., , 1,1'11, 14,,,1 4111V4V4•111, 41,, 31 ,ihts , 0 Lx- Lond-ut ; lit'o. 111: ',D. Deiison, M.. \V. l'"3 I'll° 1" \V".1'1 "e 01,101'ved: - • - them to step et tid success. Thai%
e ,1,1, ki • tk 1 • •1 u,4,• 11,,t:11 ,44 01 c •••• •• ,,,,t. 44,, 4 40. 1.31 44(4,13j, ,t, 140,41 ..iii 1,0; 44, b(!.1 11,.,;, T.,01,d/.1. ; J. tJatot•bell,' 1.). sl3nA8S'..13AND• •-•ri'4 Kaights of ,St'; are sceneitill'the I3ible, w11.011, ; under
14..,i_. .. 1 1. I, ‘,, I ,y,,J,, .II„ , ii ,, ,,ii, ,,,,,,,,.0. „, 111,, :;,::.,,,1)..111L,1,,,i,a.„,,,:i , i..). 6...v., , 1 be,,fort11. nsi, tea by ,,,e4,0.1.:, 2,thricit A...a. Id. `retnitcrance AssOcia;-• the watnpulstion of some . skilful erti,
W.4,1) or.11. •..1 (VD 31 *1 ..• It '010, ''. 1\ b;"••• . 40.1 l' t I cide nutiday ill A..1g,».-it. '43 ; 1 ,,I. other 13rot...0rS ot se,ilortit ,t1:1•.....tietp- tient in Bitliltdp11 al e•,•••!•ganizing zi;bra$8.
i -301e,...1.1 .i. b 4114 lwr-eli al I 1..31„.,....; ,,i, v •1 1) •. . ))...;it...14-,...-•;27 Nvi.i,...4 t !le l',4lIcaLing ulf.c-
a blow. ; ,
hand.. iLlity tbey , soun be 11;.,1 le give
, ,r inatist and by tlie aid e',f same ri,ghteons
actors, could be made. to appear niore
„.,,..„. 11. to s ,I2 22. 2 t4“,, , ,,r F. X ,,,,t. t 1. a 1 :Jr/rJ.....11 :%... .. 4 '.1.kii41.8 '1"1*^t3 ' •••1 4.1:1111.'' .1".:.5 W.V1.0 ki,,ly i-stalithl, sil:-. trItgiCal, than the ;scenes, frotn• the Bock.
V, Co:1- Ti ,v.A.r. - t,:oniutiiitIg of 't•Itis kind; for tlie .rafitied•
of Esther. Ldt. these zialots prepare,
40 ,,,!,.. „.,,i; ,, 1 1.,,, ,..,..o 4 vi, :1,1 , ,, oht.:1:,1,40,41-,,1 hio, ,k, Iv,: ti„..,,.. r ,r .'-jf,y, .1.1'cu. Ottorge•TIII 44.1.141, 0. 2 . _
ilidiK, r t 1 , ev,,1 . .0.,. ,l.at. '44. th.• t• ; tl, 1 ;41,11:111eft: 341.1,',.'It','I'e 114:41,.14'“1:14..;8 0, ,S4;;;),-Ii:'41.4:141ile.'.4. • " C1,1441j. i'..3ti 1: i111.4 b. TII,T.
1 •
" ij• 3..‘../.. j•': y 1.1. P• ' '
taste of tile town.; and we• would like -
C hit' J 1-iic...) ...,.3 ,..., aliar.;.‘,1 :he in .v..1i ; '41111 Dr tro-'rV ifoltaiir..i. It ;du : 1.,'11•1‘V... " . J.ONi'ld.1 Ot.1•4 j. W. -, : ,.,'•$•P -iti • wise Kn.:gam-it that, the waltzing of the
to toe ye liot. ,f .• 4u,lty '' 0 dill tlicc 1 -4 uite •ittc,i,tii,i,.: :::11cchno:is (>3 C,..oiten: "' 1 1. O. Brovn, Se; ibn.
,nd .“,',•••,toes,tay i he 24th of
-'''N'''-''''It'''I'V''.11''.*----o'l Stim.'83.7. '"19•1t.4„1,gt: little gi.i be suppletnented by the jig
v,re to'11:idg i t, 4 :1 fi 4 1:1y 'to -Ir.+ ,4;,.41 : twil I'-)elipt. '''''.-Lir.' "I° d noing of 'McArthur ttOthe the•amal tier
•, 1).,... ,0,,,. 1 1,5,,i4..Treivill rel..
01,1,1),ett; School in connection with the music of tile vi,)1in, .
t e. ,-, -.v , • . " (.:I.enige Itonlie, 1-3),,iitinel•
i,,,,, e 113, it 1 , 1,..,.., L., 2.1.1 8 . ,t,, ,i 14, i 4 • .. "..1.tril co.,' 1 01'1'..1.:.."....1.0`1%-i....11 N tkAae,... ..11etiltilil,I. CetIth el.1 .111`,11T, `,A iP hold ligi
44 , 1 vo r s 11y see Y te,-s. lisu rtti or liattticu- . - • (..),..x; T.ns Lxier.-Otie of 3110 tavernP•iu
' " It% II: D., as, Gal •tt. ' '
'omit. I) , 4' tg . ,s, •;!. e,hni ,f 1,,p,--).. 1 " 'Y 4"")()i''g l'a`''"(1-r• 'I- a!'":''''''' tr t,".' , .
1'• le,,t,.h.t., 13iclodal 214.1 1,V. tars in it 1 ,.) ..., d tys. 8t Atttay's,'Dowlitags, and one in Illan•
1•1'• 1.41... 6 11 t. k.:1,11t.1,1 W.irl il, '1)0:4 V..111.tlati, !' I.': .D. bicilley 1st 1V.
1 0,1 ni. a.: l woe 1 tit it,p,I., ol. 11 iyi tg !;., shard J. 13erry's, cut off by the.)iconse
idr. i) , id .1% 0.11.1 1.1 11,:j11- till 1••14.110t,' Id. i
, T11,444. „..1.1 udi11, titii wi. .,„ il'r Lit'''I''''''F'SS• 2.'1" \ I-7* -21763, Iressrs' Onnnuissione)rs,, have 1/2en allowed li-
el1tfo ov be3 , 111 I .1 LI :4(1. '1 • f the : it...,, ;;,,, ;1 priz,.8 81, 04 11 1y, t.i.4 1/ )-4,iiteri '' .liel.). tio.itoun ,Iira 'W.
VI" 'al'ArR' 1.111 Vt; 1:11 t•111,'ed 1.1 .1.401 II " 1•)f tilt! LIOLISEIS.. 11,i.8 SII.1.1.1 41403 WesteotCs T1,0y-
PMAe:Itt 4.1" c4.11..0•11...1 :t. T t e r.:11ii • iv 4 , ! ^ 0,k:11 dibid of i)141,110,,,t1,,j,llt„ „Ill, t'i,t 4
0.4 i.,1•1:4; al)10,,,ite tile tild.,'.iiellard,, Where al how, mo.:3 0 Lri u6t1 se refils,,,t 0, tle,,3ese.;
. ..1.„,,,i4s ••E c.oli.i.•1110 4,1 11..,,,ts 3,,,3 fit,...0 11:4,1(51':\e' 111;.::. ii.le:n1.4',1•11:slielli"..gile•boill:.11.1,11t8k. 0 111 i'rlt 3u,' , is ft, t, .:uv ot .1 oll)*' kt b, illi ril',.'t el i s Li! '91: t .: i li ' li m . :'.1,. 1 sl C.)) b3.)40al.t1(1j.•:+vv1-1
" iV.. 31'00.i tr 1, 2.td LE 01 T..
0.,....k1 1J,.? --We rhi,,fit. idit, OmIncil • . . . ,i) . - 1/ .. - 1 -i1 3 ‘viture the old sittuel stood., and in-, ed. , Saute rumor •11sei sa1.11, ,yttli what
reglli.tX illbit11.1:1g 110, .1.,101..a,ty ..,.,..4) .i. LI
1%1 01 1 he 1,1. 0 : tlkf 31:1AY a. g redl ptiblio louti; , tood 3.0 (.101.1,11ne:11.11e LAI:ILI/11g' iuituedit-
';te4• 14,11tii (ra .1"it1OW 11 Ot, 1.1111 1 'the hotel-
. • , , , , , • at 43 T. id.
rl, . its.))0x..).))),-tnut. it .4.1..1 ;),,,,,,,,; .. ... •
pt., iv ,,i i 1; 4.1' li •1-4.11.,,. ti '1c IV:LS IT- 8,12 f, 1-04.1•.:.''T i.r .,,ti It•et•100.310111 134 0 I lultt
\co, ,30 1 (.) tei l,th ), !Iv a 0 • Ittrtt.0). i t' tlos ,1)1 u 4,i.k.V11 \ its ate clt.:ro,, ti tip. t.lelt. -
. 0 ..,.:N P.1.1,ALf.l. .1..,,L.A.., ,.2.11A111.)
No;t:t-w,;:•t. ini , ,-.4,1 dm sc•nt, Mr. ' iilies.1 ts ilia ,iiilY 1,,ethelil of me i,lilq„,
- • , _.._
(+in-; Ili it, 4..fuli,1 1 Tot?, 4 i30 4 •I' ti, &Ili 0';.134:1Cetti. ili.4.4.3.•0. C.'..P3 l'al. C21•INING• 7.71./Lt Bo,INT,"343.-E^••-
.1 I i... 4.-Lt•Let.-11y; 140oe8,.;1•11V tu 0.1 1 I'll tt *N. ' Cli--,,T,T- "' i L'Ilirer.3.- ‘.••• 0:1 1 0111 1-
i • ,t 4 tt, - .4 i Feet4414y it)r o.trria4.3; :dal witgon malcer.
1 . the s•rite nrtit " 11 , f,. •;11 ' ;me to time sing i ;quit! ineretient soi:,pe 1 to .110; .. 't„;,,,,,,i.,ot acid loai.1,), ere 01.11te• , 13.tilam.,
114, 1. t,e o.' 10,1 it'. t:,1' 'fi ' 1: - .,-,1 3,1- Hon inn! 4,x9re-ts int Tdestloy. moil:in:4 i`ii.tstai, ii).n.stei•or, riusinitell, Tililor,&,e,
' C 10' ;kid !..i,1 I 11 r s e .3n: 0 't'',' I In, 4l, dboat, 1'11'1..3' ha -3 els ni. knitter, xv1.441 Pidt'tv ' 84.1LI G.:Lis& Ali)); -bloills'ir). 151'11
AV 1,•-•11' ii V..1 '1 LI li Vo 1.0 • .01,113, 1 "' 110 1•1',12) sm.:v..1n eel: ti,ine tt d'rg. ;1;4, lte A 4,11.1.th arai Luole,rient tin, n a factory.
ed 11 • , it 1 •10 tie 1 > ego, t. 1.I l 1 ino, lo iceLli us, 1 1,0 1 cd.11Sacilo.t. IL •rti".1....WIL..1.4 eTS aro :401 1 t) 1 tr from $50 and
, ., ,
1;/ .11 y 8,. t ,y ;. ii, ..v ey 1.:•ti e use' (sr p ,,,..,•,-1 ,..u.r ii ;win: it, •r. -.t4l. . al/ ).;trti,,..tesoe4ti,ig to siiii,illan. If An:,1 -8 i(L-.11 ti' 1-"'Lhtil'iDli t''' i'l'e i,4j.,"'Y Yr 'Ili
1 hi, 1 . 1,,,.. ? Lin . 13.: i.,,, .,ri lo.,t, tilati T4A,,,it,,i.z., *sE,,,.i...:E,4 .......,,,,,iwil ) v 10/1,.., .1 ,._ ur co ..4„.4.4.45 5,13 „in Lig i 1,5 Rhi 3 m4.14...4. to•0•1:,,Illp. 'Tile eounell, at 'the next
it . 1- •• it' tliP 8010 ,V11.11' 's ' ''f• '''' it , 1/...,'!If I.:110,./ '' 11,,13:i PIII .t.i11',IV, ?Iwo ing ure giti.1.1g, tO 0 SISit'le'r the :id-
tv ••• . .illi g Gil .. in 0 ',lin' '11 Li ray- ' wiori ;ii v ; 1; ..,„),1);...., 1 „, '''.iiii3,1:11.1 for s: -,.1r.,, with now franie barn
140„,....„ 04 Iwts".,.. Addr„,,,,.. vi,;tbility ...)f Gulping it over so as to :Jaye
con -,,e ,t tlicru3,-''VC:,. 411(1 10
31.1e4 '"""s 1,/"...111 lit: 41, 2.1.• 1"1. °It' 11 7 tri..:1 S ;La.: ,..f 12.,,..,.., I, 11 .so es.to,.,.:4„,nt TLIO:13..A.S. 1111.-Vr'T r• (20-tr)
41) c....; )41)., ;i• 1 ..1 • r in.. ,01,,te,,v.f.. t • '''.'"- ai, Ole ilionzlit ;toil eon din") 1 ttf ,.r ..1;4; nnv,,,...,r,,ry. Frrri.:.:o l7P 24-1.1v..A.r 1411r
A'llijII 'I cal l)•'43,." 140m.'n' w't" "'' '''''llt .11.,d harlot. thev oarri, d in ilie to .1;- 1 li; ll
.. 4.......ti,...tils' in 1:,:tc.to, litivi.,er Frit eituso:1
eln-hatrugt,,g nit r ynting molt to renewed
etfe,•tee tt• nomml there mithei as .BILSO for Ihr4 preuntituess of the al:tali% If
,-,,•;11,11.1,Iii..L.-„tisa. 01T, Usti ,01,11141,
,s3,(?,,,,), 00 fir6 3, class ground ie,t,ogo, a, company t-hould liave been en-
gaged, to;siog ia opertA. haying Ito ref-
GlIANTON. erenee to tlie Bible. This would have
worked 1)0t1er thati, the orntRpn, of Es.
' they, to,d1the S'el.tool could only thrn
11;330 been taunted ;with am:opting ft
jottil V.1 1'33 G. of
..1. ti.tr. I, (or 1) .v„ IT t1.4.3 hi. t -el 11'V con1,1 f‘o• lq,11, (v85,
1.1.1 0. .ii 1.3,1 w .(41 3 Cti 0.
01 tilt, 0./ ,...i1.1011f-1 tit
m .t „:;y d 111 Lb;
811 Ay ,t1 -k.. f8 4110 10 0, . 10" Thit.
lieopors who Avet.e 131. 1.1 301 CR84 I 10Wod,
out, liave since been L;141 on.) the licen-
sedliit,suceouded in get t ing their ;lice:01-
'8.08 by it big p.i,444.' ;boa "coax-
ing do.williiindbotuely" some infity-
Dan roadsof 1314111111a e•,1;
esposia,,y the Mitt:11,11 road a entuti metliator.
Line, o t., the open (yin) 11110
scarcity (if .gravel, Int\•0 been in a tu•ist
w reit Ind State 1111 spi
i" C. --NADA TliFJ
th.tt tint,,iciihtlii,y
8.1i1,1'11 11110W 1-0/010 reunan
e 'large (utility npriglit 03505 Whioll
have been sent by the Dolifininioty
t1101.;hies feom treat ace vet•y
suitable for the service 01, exhibi• cording -to t116 1L11 411.118 of 1110 assessors.
tors. 'These cases see•n to 'hive been
801,04311y inedu, nut tor. Ueritenial pur- e9rl'esP°"°" I" l'A'ulsn'Y P061
haying leitrnet1 that Idiom, wile) 11011 al
noses, but for Itsern the Patent
ready obtained tilivtl-class certiiicates
at Ottitwa, but by a, stroke of ec.ntoiny
in the county of Victo,•i,t wo,i'd nut gel
they are mude to du. duly at tlid Ce 1 -
thein renewed without passing another
te;,,nial first.
ex 'mutation, at which th)?.y would 1)e
Forty of these linge fliinrgs, of rini-
required to obtain 6,1 per cent. of tlip
form size and pattern, 1Ait,11 glass reach,
given, wo•nders why new candi-
ing quite to the ground, till up a burve
datteS sillt3111.1 be 111100N.1 to pa. -,8 un
Ltortioll Of 1110 5,1;100 devote el to-Cattail:a
Pin tNi; perce ttitge than thise who have
ttnd imi,art to t,his section a, 3otubre
'and 1•011ar,11 w01011 will ma ex. 11:0.1 thi;ee .,veicrs et,,:cperietce. 'I' tie ,edi-
tor correcely replies 111 .etfect that if
dibi tors tu tue to.111-mt, • to e um cermet
Inst,t'ad of tlie .usnibito;0 -huhu; ,„0 1)- "111•11-clas.,' *teachers cannot in three
0,000 sriit.ath„, 4:0,. •Years acTiii•,. the niai I: loNledge
331:13. tbeit' 3•00•11, the goodte must bt..! tl•'''C'e"3,11',}' for it Sue:Mil-el:135 they mast
liave mistalcen 1111eir acouetittnt.
A 3.18ib,i.V.118., 10W ti;1.y:-; 11,14.1, t,o
the grave I tie 1), fe " Grabor,l.
the 1 iglit side tip. • There are some
engidee,iitg, ditTioul ties in 'the way 01
aoing this, bat tney are of litt,10
11 rb '4'1 11 14 1'11 'Y 141 the 1.14,'"iy0"; " ;"'s- 1 In; 3'4)41.'1' S4'.. Ittlek 1141ix `3,•,,,d. gitierati.11; where WO 1,111lat bitve a. bet-
tor road. It is said. that a St. liztry s
olfb ,1.tt,, +1 t‘ pleasure ,by t1.1;':14',4 'tar 1, no.). is ge...tnig the same fitted nu for a
Li, v, >lei, he Is atu,„tit to LIT.e.„1- keeper driving MI tile Base Liue,
slri.14: ut 01lI.U.L":14.
r„ „.'„ plid; .,11 ,..., , ir lit: „ ilid 000 111,- ! . ..)..D'i.:TioN ('.4A..y1.3 IN Is/ 4.311,:i.L.''.1 t'0 11,... 0,12041 1', it11 /tit pt ^,i //10 . de:Tall:11. lir.
. i...
111,h/11. ',N Mild 4, . 3 0 1,1 ,i ,, v a. hi ,!,144. I lir), 8 1..0' ri docilon \vor.• trie 1 nt the J.41in 2.1 ss. ni Exeter. (re .tititiorstitria
I'. . 's gain • 3' 144 , . 111 nj 4440,"ff, 4i, : 17131"4'1 th8 xe.: iait v‘...e. Tile 011,40 of i eingsgi'd. lu iii,..0 dle 1.11.20004111'y 331,
iji 4.1 1 1 3. ,t ., 2,..,,,, wil-b,0 ,',.,,,fol.:, 11.2k 1:1411 ten 1, 1, fiill 0-4 0.0 11110k1 010 C.,tur't h. l'a Iione4. • ' ' ' '
e 1 , r 41...k 1 i.e.,1 ;1,41.1 •,40. „V, r,„. 41,,, ,) 21 ror "-nub' 1 ll""• Tilt , 3t9.4 3.14,,,,, 11 4-4, in I:it, l'11.1,,vii: STL.3,:-Ir.:,: (31;0\11,x41, -In ;01.
. 4,,i: fli klo t•', tli if 34.1,...,4,1‘. st,a,c,i. 41, v...'11i"0•,w In ,v. i.1 ICI' (4; :110 • 8:•Olt, iii1i••••• tu 1.110 ydrittu. 4 bafilelings ninv in
.1 ..)1, 01. 311,8 t,„ ,141„ ty. J•1 $.2,-:0 d„„.11., nu! or ,cOusti•tic, ion, iltfr. A ;T. Rol,
• 11 11v,•* 1' CI' Tt,T-0131' 011 Silt ;11-- d ••(.11: lig 1.1 /licit LI 4ct..:01tou.; itieislure. 1:01:411•013" 1° •
1. N.1.11 , 1110 i...111)Pri:l.
. e 1: 1 'he 1;,, 11 rilt•
04111 ti 11( 11.1 PO' 10 11:,1,11 1,-ti11,1..
11Iti "Mit:6 lb rens :lin 43',1114,
tti I: 12, i.e.: 141 3111,, If k .1• , , /.1, allter ,i. 1-'411 thhIS
....I'll 1 041 11••••.•:' tank, tilkiS ‘P•
T11(' •^! ‘110141 11.41.' "4" Mt:cal n. stitte.
1:10 41 • .,01i as 01 tell 43 I. 0,4 11 1 11.:
In 41 it od.t, It•st.yin
• 43. ',filly i • ,11. ;1111 :11 te
rt"r • 11 ] ,•1 ir, ..1•41 101 d•
.1 01: SD 81,1110. 111i.,18111 0110 01
tit= ; wondering
what nett of 11 -in.., he got
nut of tin: briggy, S1)011.
1(1101'0 1•110 11‘11',O 01101114 1111Vd
st Inkling. A yawoi og abyss was before
him, and en 1 ,olting 1101.0 through tlie
•••1 4111.11, hit ' c ived strug2,111nr iieS-
.1.ns lets ,et ,oet cuotract of a ite 1 0
• d t • • r
'444 411-44140, 444104( k.)/k 0"4484. 1 AWL, ue“.3.-$,,t) oarri,041 4,0
b tho dioionneetii0itt 0011141, 1:334t n in Toronto
A11091:1(?ilk3t 0 11305:13 131151 "At'j.,'
0V0I: a'0•104, 1114'00(8 atII4 110tie0 at Police Sttttwa Pri lay,
depiature, 413,1 hew) toeditate(1 fol. that wink) on 1,11,s v,„),ty to the NO theca
803110 li.1110, 1)0, that 'CisiI10•5114.40 01)1,V i'itattiOli Tialrolay ever.ing, 0,issed
pros ,ht he was an "iietive inoother of The Intaatt 1014 white Star lines of
increased the 1•3111:16'4,1 as Alp to tile wise, awl 13134 1103,1$0013 )10t, 0.1c0,
the evangelical party, end 4.10 44 the Atlantic 00000 steamships have coo.
1,151 to 1)0 sus 'eted 01 liOrneNvard. ton- eluded, (mini; to the ditilitees trftfite,
011Iy (tioittcit unot LI tot,
649,/,14a,,,4 inat, ,soine persons' IIRVe3 inste4d, of \veekly.
bt-Ae into the storo 1.10two lit -Ati infernal trutellioe, situilar to that
r ton „rap a ,5t,ttiolaroarltisro-o: i‘r0 e r il)10 loos of at,
Po a nd; SugAi‘.; Sellt Thurs‘t Ly to it
the tneft 11.011. beer) discovered, tile door 011r0110,4110tor luttlier eleritenwell3
oftlis-'steree liongo''-w4§.' left open by London, ainl exploded while »ciao.
80410 otta, and a inunber of 8011001 boys ppeited. expiosioireaused ft great'
went In (Ind used or tlesti.oYed about setisation, fAltlicitigti but little damego
50,pounds.,inoro-of.critelled sugart.. - wns'don'ta. "
plONyoSt41 01f.ltie8tik?nfilltlill'il''SoctiOrIvdahilitTO"iirili'il'iiftY rses04:)-otfl'ie84t°a‘1\()Pnli:3619.t,in;:tfr:rrall, °Jt1:81t 13)0':131f
received them. ), Five shop licenses
tl,°IbledNr6owon.1;;,1‘040, nft()alillillidngis 500. Were gra 1'46' U* Wilere iS eullaitle"thle
,vvith.m. ill forini111,2, 0037 0110 of 1101, exciteine4it reitSoll of this action of
euvery, she ,i,:hteed it.betwcen two mat- 4-1° Cumilli"i'°uers:'
tr,o1stes.,te!wait,a olaMotti,33., 4ts ''ne be. new toNvn hall is to bo erected in
lioved the', oWner vould. return for it. St. iVlarys.
The loser, who happened to be a drov- Representatives of some great pow:
er, diti not' discroKer.„11i,s, Ion, for sem() eirs were recently in cunCerence , with.
time, onl wlien 'the d its o e what severitl in fl netttial Cardinals with a
iloujitful about it$ recovery but on re, view of ascertaining the best means of ' 131TELIC NOTICE;
t ilia., fit) ,a1 and 4 -lasing known
nis less. he was greatly ',leased to have
liis propeyty restered to hitn.
Poulin, re well-known poulterer, was
fined :Toth 011 April 28111, for plucking
a fowl alive..
harder, 1)1)0.1 0113'bt
pan tote 3140 ilre, lt,etnifIrthow•
kielio itt vvor onab• 4444,4- 46
trail() with proZt hotter tban
hre 111131 you), 4 great 0041 c'kr
water inny 1)e got 11.0111 a Floaii 01'0 *V
intel;et is always theri to *4 it,
Laroe beare niey eatight in 003411
weeds. A, elieep got fat ionotlit
meadow, nioltittivre in grettt deeeit,;
Ile alto nadertAes too manti, aueOdeaS,
bat little.
The increcsed reveti, elli,'011T-
attribut4 IQ. the low .Mtelkat preset
obtainable for fro if.411ts, auctsitbagenerat
depressioa of trade. Ur tibilders then
preceded to tutsWer Oliarges wade
against the Company by the ileur,
newspaper, and stated that it was pre-
pared le give the preference Win eholt,
dere bonds for the interest due them,.
Messrs. Smith, Davis, Atiatasf.and Hal
let having spoken and the President re.
plied the report was adopted nem con.
SILE.-By private
A.,' in the township of Usborce, coetaiiiintg once
handled acres more or less, being 1 ot 8, 'South;
west beinniurv in tl Township of Usborne.- '
11:44,4 19 are ttcoa buildings on the prep, hies kgoed
supply Of water. Being situated si-even minis
tom Pxoter nye nines front Granton, For
y,liticulark1 apply to JOnN 11 )DGINs, Whalen
The Goderich l'emperance A.ssocin,-
thin have engaged the famous lecturer,
(+en Neal Dow, fur a limited course of
• ..
bringing,to,am end the conflicts betwe, n
various States and the 'Church. The
Cardinals unatiiinotlily deelared ,tliat
yas imposs,ible, unless the spir-
itual independence of the Churcla was
acknowledged. Alliance, and agreement
betWeen Church and State was regula-
ted by concordat, without (tither party
being made stibortlinato,
f r 1Sl'ar Litillat'lj7:: lic!1 7tOini'°'ell:Ilttec;ifi:
'Stfiihre., was libertaed
into he'r own r, cognizance t J the
sharehoWers attended. The President
amount of $1,000 tU, appear when
having refrred in terms of regrt.t to
called upon.
the rece4 et death of Mr. Seymour Clarke
Au ag,ed woman, of the extreme old
said that in tile management of the
eet 0it,e';1‘9v011 iii":1;411`;1`11,?itellVtilettithi)1(e9,111'.1 rot) 1 the Board wall] deciine to enter
into reckless competition will) 'other
self, was l'huestlay eyenintz furind dean ,.
sitting by the fireside, with her el ,tnes 111168.
.A.robbei y and murder WaS er1MMIt•
'burnt completely off her b
tett at St. Elionedine, the county town
She was not very severely, burnt, but,
i,f ilia neighboring county `of Dorehes-
when found, life nos extinct.
ter, on Thursday last. It appears that
Sixty-three years ago, Toronto, thpn
gia of the name a. seam -
0,1,1y York," was cal to red by tole
stre.s in the employ of 111r. Daniel
' Itynion 0:10 brOn
Aitierix,its under
Ge'" Pilie*„21) b,,,foro "Murphy raised the eel! r tiap tu
ply wi,b her reque.t, Ilan barely
the' P. M. 11 Ottaaw, clotrgrd with
dese, 11d, 41 rnore thall it, silityle „step of riANADA COMPAN LANDS IfOR
Keeping a house ot no ,,,\Itirray
, 1\ as the stairs ,when tlie drew.., r. - SALK,.
stl 301. A young gill named
ver from ,the fuAts of her diLsts, d _. • _ .
,(11•1•11(1d 11.8 \'• it ne.s nod tole a smi stoiy
110.1'08 of their 11•11tis
The uanaila L•omprin), ()nor ror Le note
hnirgiiiii'",ii'as` iiii/ii.,ed,11.1'to*,,the house ' !At 011 ti successively into her
witty %, Ult.) II:117,510 of tile weep, Bosiar et,tap, —8,110. secreteet Irma "not 15arents who ate /II
, placed almost against it. ihe unfi-r-
respem:able people; for three ;1,4ys.
tunitte fell into the cell mortady
said slie lived with her mother in ti
wotto,ietl. The , intir),erer innuechatly
i1`)11'0 fletj",'it'i"g the 000 "'Pi by i\f".3' after the deed gathet•ed up all the va'.
Pavilion, and on Aloinlity rnother .
8001\1; her for ili-4.ibetli41tese. Sint went
out of ibe inturse crying, and 0101 Mrs.
'Lwow]; 110 c het. to leave lie,.
ino,thet tt..d. go 0 a iton,e of ill -ft me.
yielded. and r•Inititted t,tere
three days, until she was akau out by
he police tif Ottawa, her ;not her g
found out \ here site \ves. Tile inagis-
treto of that plitoe sent Mrs. it,tynton
to for six moths, at be d
(tenttge Kni.tht, 4010,1.13er, .tt No.
I() Staainu sweet, Now York, eut,
Bh 011: efe vt;f111i11118
tues• . Je,iloneely of his wife,'s kiinto,-ss
to Bennett Was the 00114'0. wile is
veart, r,hi.
2. Company C.,holtrz:Firo)Brigade,
114 e.mtent 11i1,11 LI10 V,1`011 Mtinit (11
0110 au Anti- L'ob tcco 8 anety
few niouths ago,in, e started a Temper-
ance Ass.;ciation
Cob.mr, hits a pot ation of 5,000 ac -
A meeting„of, the farmers of 'the ;
Township of Usborne will be held at
the Timmes Road •cheeS0 kiittlrytort
Saturday 13fity 20111 Att
111 for the' piirpose ,•of. ' cirgani4ing, a
Farmers,Muttial Fire,,,,Insuran#,e Vent
party in itecor4tiiiiie with:the, -set.
N. J. Clark, Donald -Mc ,Tames
Ciardiner, James Moire,, dlubt.
diner, Jno. Cameron, Thos. Tacna-
laine, Wm, Dew, Thos. Kay and
Allin. Dated at Farquhar
2211d April 1870,
Our dray" Mina beintinow in full operatic
turning out daily a large imautit of
that for all purposes
and Cannot be b1.11.-pmsed tin the Doznin-s s
,i, 1;
fon. •
Parties from a cliattioco can always be suppliorl
nithsr at the kilns or deliyord by teams at low-
est remunerative. rates. Orders from a distauea
proluptir attended to. t
liable articles she could lay her hands
upon and fled. Mt's. Murphy su. vivod
fur two. hours during. which connnu
iticated tlie above nar-iculars. No
1k111,81.1,1 1.01' 11 0 1 H.1P crime
Ints fat been .4.sot rtitined. 'file tour -
duress ',Nab d yesterila4 inoriting
(ei:iiiiiialeteibiltet,,eiL:riel,,gis Ku:L:11401:o( beicit,r1,l'ea,..iellIti;le‘11131::
" sdy, Tulin ; 410 v•itt see that. boat T ;
floating al -ng down streatit there ?"
" Yes ; what of it ?" " Why, 1". was
struc'.1 ibs resemblance to IL pile l'1"
81100." don't see ally 1;k:801111)111mm"
•`, i1lell, it's path, enough (Intl it's a
il.ritt anyhow."
A Brovrn country edit, 1. beright •11iS
ink by tile ju,ilui becattse he c ,uld get
it c112.1tper, bat his wite eta', to fill tlie .andevery'brr
inkstudal C110 11101'6i:1g anti hattitl it
4/itS11'3, ink by a jitglitl.
At bat -bin -Assizes a lew days since
Charles ifalWard i“minson was charged
0f writing a tin eHteuitly,"
leiter to tne Rev. R. Li. Rpscauip, of
Forest, tlie ,110t11 seri-
ate ly improve
st, of Land
be: uot„ hied u.i
Canada Cinnu
The under
en ai
aud thorough]
the iunahitaii
is now
.1% I t
Etna at as ro,l'onahte ra
where el
, Late of •Ifix..ner Woolen
ons charges v.e..0 Lettered some tios•ol sALE"oF
agt). Tne letter was dated 17t11 of ;en..
1870, and in it allusion was wade to
,,inother If tfe, written by Ilin; wfth the
.settie object in view, in lik.).. 1875. lle
pleaded " 11ot guilty." 'Pie prosecutor
elveiisicet.1•11hieled re'etlelieve, jeitrici:fniies,,ttaeiri,eeasud inuisid„ ei.r
lied that tLe prisoner had admitteti
writing IfIGGen4 411U expressed sorrow
. .
for so doing. The jaity took tlie ground
that tiltilIe tk /LS mailing in ale letter
1,111t (..toild he constaatt•tt loco a inuntbe,
,:d 1, .• nthers aro a ls,. In 1 en,11 ng to 1n111,1 ' '„` " ",' i ' ' I. '1' , itrratig041 to' ttLilt, Vile ea, 30:3; whiCii, alai i'esity,rea a verdict, of " not glii.11.3•.-
4 t., , ,,
, .. • I- 1,
14,1 14, vf444I 4.'i 1.411.111t4 law rdurint‘d:otono;n4 '''1111'4, 4,:'11(1 httu11,g1 t!"-'1',.0 ""'" 1"' ''''''''".• I while interfaroi itg v.i.;11 rise etttractive illie pi isutier. after a suit:dile aeltumli-
P, hi:11 tho !mules of rdesar... It. 1011;01', 4,;I'' \\ "i'l 1a141,4{.1 cd•I'll.:.4"Y t11“ 1.1411.8e• Wiis 1 Iless of the ICanittlian departineft•it, is at: ,), , ,
,t,•tiwn no. .1 11.• no SE; 1\'',011•1 II 4V0 .^.0141' / i lt •y41, wItl, .I.1 13011 1, ,t11.4,1 ,tlie in: V 14°11 1L'"in 1.11' (1)1"/ tu 1.1.1w1.‘ru 1•1"4%v ao
.1... l.ittitis, I. .11„,ies. J. Teismo,t, A. ' , • ' '' o ' the SILI110 titan It 140.,11'00 t):.. al'telt ii 1 CrOV. , , y , . , ,,,, },} ,,,`r ' ,
`‘(3011..1 oe picuefroNt),,,Irmli too.surr,711 ',(1 j) aul..-ued )1, ,ii. Pruelicu lf writ'llitz'r
, . • 1.tirtn0r 11 lw 11.1,t1 11(,1 00111u 1.44 tho E".,'1';11'- 1 ye:malice itnel tiioeppolotment tO ex',111.)-'; , . • • l(ltreittt.,itlit,01.0 1016ers In 1 ttibre, was tits
A\ .1 . , •';1••pot , - i,, it r,-., tr.,.,;,,,i. ,1 1.. - 1 ' , .
, a 11k -so C.1.1.7tgitliD'.-Y1'. Peter Du. rt1;, ' it9-1:8:' l',i8 a mall (''r "f r` "I•I't "El' tl'itt-4!gi'ss'"1.;3';11f:::"..R1:‘i4.1:4i11."Y: e"..),";:.1: ii.''')'.31:\I'li'i;(1±1;1"':11;11001'3.1"'f't:11 ?ha ge d.
, .11•9:11 \\ '•oc•I en 11)1(. i 1 trio..t: i.t.ls to . /it). i 'itir-1,1';1i ti• ,
.„ .'rr
111,41,:i ',,, '4,),,ll 1„4'.3, '1,0, t ,11 '40,i44,1 "„f "( '''''''' 4"1"'4 `r "41'i "'"1.' ''')'"-'!1' i',. i'll tibtfc I l't'' LI.44.1";,' F,.11 l'''; / ,.., ,•,,OVI.P1-:,----li'VOI-• ., ‘ , , • , ', • , 1..111A..,..1 c,.,111niant ,, tat L '10 'irl,L1-1,1' 111 '111 tll''' ' •
ki. Hi • •,, ,;.E.I.Ltlis(iii,n,i',3iiii)lit.(1.11i:;:g111:1:3;11.41aw 11,43-4' 1:1;t41,-;Itik,tii,,liv.18.tit, of.t,lie.'ettses; iS so 'POO'c'':i41•'..(1.11FrIlt)' t, . st,;;"0'..?,:',4a,14 t,i,1),i109,1()1:et.:1133. 'hl':::c-tv1.8,t;;;,1,t,i'',,,i0kia'fit,.a,i&e. '',,1;14., iit'001-31(1C1IVICLL;LO 4)15'1 Si' .4:1111.19111tYSELLLFIIIE71e.t-ft•OAt Prititt0'14;
in., , ..1 . 4,7 44. ,4.• 44 4:- -4, 44-4 4.;(4,-,..4 44:44.. b ,, rillIg:: :4.1kii Al ,..IL...+ pl, 1(1 ;.:1 „,t; 0, ;, „g-,*, ,,t, 1 o.)...ty•• 1, 1101),, 1,11 ..v in sdrulig -11e sot. , . - • •
; .„ . 1.• . 1 1. . .
s'orne of 'their; 1.1- is so iv;tv:',,' 0,1,41 13111 ' 0:
,,,, , ;42'1,113 ,„ No 1,„,,A, bett e , . B. Whliains' horse 1•V to' e
. i. -i:,,:,..: ICK:11.1.1) --•Tii4.,. fonro., illy n;':i.4,4)."'"C•74.3'1.1rin.l.r5;',1Y4111(13(il'e;s' Piljt:,1.. 1,i.J.I'Cint.,:rt4ilitiiitit.:(11.1.-us t;.1-1.i..s.clu'It.:-;:i.i4. i)e3),\'''et''.'11 .1 w9 lik'n.i'vY ili( '''' 0'. l'illii";)::;allti bbaulies as tc• ...took quite' ' silueoy'i autt.') ' ' '
1 ;le 0.1.11!, ;op ,41-' : 00, v 2., 14,2 , ,',,,.r,2,1„,,, .:•1 'to... 114.1•4,11-. • , I ,...s.citvation."11.111: iro,i1
it !hi i .14 111 • in 1 t ;,,itili, lilt If IL, 3.1.: ,iettlil.: st.,)1,e ,,r tricnilturIni. niarlie" the spot, n i i `-'0"", "L" D3vi11 6 b""'"11, 'he Lug'
✓ 14c Id 1.4 v „:1 ''‘1,1.1... ,-e., n.,1,0e.7,1 01 v 4,,1' f..14 h•"(1 1 l'iti L''C'I 1("Itvt s titti.er:kef ;31,' 1 ' ,, '111.Y. g''''i"1.111.')0.1,14 ,sin l'el, us look 11"`Lt14`3.:,41,:.1,14,,INI;;whit3'1, _....3(. ,,,,,,..i,iifti.,.4s is 11,0 1.. eSpeCially 14"o when eitt.itr'n.stod %Vial the
. . , . tiei 00.4.I-r„„i, , 3, .i , ,,, -. , , .1, 1 Ci tili , 1.11"k/ 11.0' :l ;..1.1•1,4t, clut40 .ben,re 1,,,,J . , . • .
„ . , , ;•,,111,1ass phttc, ,gitis,„ eii,,,es of vit,rie,d, it wore It;,gen8ral air of neg'ect. Nom 01811 L'io•Y‘-',1u uh'11111)1"11, 10). 11; purse or
t..! i I. 4...114:1).4 '1:44 .:, ,'.1.'1.,,,`::''1', : ,4,..: 1:: l'at" • , I,',':. .(, , , , 4 , (., A.1 y W i ,aj, ;,,lw s,': ta10,_ 3.; (.4,1,,,trs! ,3•11.e,,t1y 11_10 l'.'11 I 0 WS all, :1}:1:111111.1,.,..:.,,jcliu::1,1\.:11(,,i),;,, fej Li 4::(11:,:,1141(1.111y0.::.1.:11,,,c;)1.. It;iiiifiz:ot,i.,1 81,,,,,,;r1::tlii11,111, j,i.,:,),11;:e,.,, 1 ‘11,v)iii(,,,I)Its.1:1,1,:ebitl,lit1111,itit),::::ti,t(tlisicid,ii:::it‘1,01:1_ , :111,11::iy.,let:ii;iii. ni,s1,11;1.L.,,e,ic.:1164,111,(,:seo.s8r; el'i\l'i,;.Yi,,1,„i:),ni',..,,:t::,:::::::I:,s-,t:,i'11:;'.ii,c4.t':r,:)111)t;:'..,.,);,e::',ei.::,:.;;,:.'.;,I,:t,;s.‘,:i13,,:(.1:.yt;I,a,.yl::j:.,d: ,,,,,aGet 10.0:,irdkisi,:1,Iis',itel.billi.: 1 ilitti.,,1:11)qoit'.'t0:11::0ittii,t:ig. ilitte;::.1;:i je,:,11:ti. )1ileiSel,ott .i 1 ih i: 11 104:3sutee:111.1 te' :Sie:',.111t101 tttid,l)rt‘.,‘00v,w10, i is) lib. liig 1, te::;1111(41:
1) .
.1.->J1 Isl.' :11' 11.; V.4:1 14:.4.1 ••-ii•x; • ,4, li 1 J'''' '''' 411 ""I II ' • t1.1 ' 1- ' •1,•,• , • .1•4••1 ,. )1 e,,,J) 4 1:)(q)"1"l'il lit'4'1". Lill ,),2) .•111 111,„1,1; 3/1,,.0.11:-,
ski. ' .
00 , t , 0 4 0 t ‘,.,, ., .,,,,,,,..wr, V.i1..", 2431.: .1.14 , ill'1,'11A, 0:010, 11,1111,.k1j, (),1 :WO. .1,... 1 11 1.,;10k,;111'S 11 il le sece,(:„.11e(1, ,,,..
et tv r i„, , cia ,,;(` I '11'
1 '' 6 '
f .,1 0 80-1 e‘,00.; 4.,) 1 4) L., ,1 u;11,.. I an, i 41.1 '31.111.1.,414 us,,i but ;1r41,,,4111 oil tvilit.te .
:1 ligin';''' t\'i,l'il ,1"1",1.).'' at, /Jig"' - -131.'1'1".18.-,les anti .1).11.tortis ill flit: :ti.iii,illi,rg de- _ . ,. . , • ,
is no.,t0r,!posed tq 1.110,143 out thu, b 011.
O tei"., eI II '1, wt•
41.11'. ' ,f It, n iitizo or.. t t. a
ti,,,,, .„ , li,, ,1274 11. .41', i -1i ,d,.,1 .1,, .11 . ...tA , 1,1., '..1... ft,',.:1, 1', .0 I' 1 Wit hi 1.11' 1;1,01' 1 :.41,7, 4 0;t1,011, btlf 4,01., IA,
Ili' iiope,,e',ot, .3., , .1., ii 0,0, •11/10 it: 4 4 1.4, 4 . 4 ,, • .
b .111/1. l. , t.tine ,..,,,.3,,, ,),,,., , ,,,,„/,.. •-, 2 '..L. 1 L IILLILi..1.' PI' - . S..1:11 -81).,•:,,,o
3,4i*ty 111 :•., Li .,-.1 u 03 c).: J kirk: , ,, , - ' ' ' ''' '
‘..,/,:,,, "k-•41 bt1 . ,
1 ktO , li lit .: 11.1 /,1 0" 1 e .1'...at', of '1
, • • et. .1../`..Nt /2.1A11,... /,../. 1i:tit,. -- .et.," 1:,,V0 .11,
i111',,t1. 1/110 ilot f111 1,1 l',.r. 4•01110,0T14 .•:•,1,1T4 n. p,L..1,...1:,„ ,,,r, ;.(1..,,y 11,11, „I.,. .1.1,,., 111, v
' ' 1 t 3 ./'. . 1 I.
44,44)4, I 31,. 1.110 li 110.1 011 .:111 .
. ,
,,, ,40,•,1j1i;j1 111' 01'1 0)1,1:11:1..
r''',. ", LI5C.A.',.‘,:.,
--- , _Ir.! s. )tt b. 1 0 rr a ti 11, 1.an ptl,!•,8 .go;;,.,1, Lie littvo.bP,:11' 1,1)111',1.1fc,ti 31.,15c1,,,,4::43"11e1 alit e.,,Ibii,Itli e or),I.,, yl,:tvi..11,' •1,1•dttL(:, ,p1..i411•1:.\iiente)::10,1iroo.iv,:eirl,t4;:e,43gerrt t:v(e.),(10,;..i:I.:iyietiidoo„c(e,:.it,3e0111) • tsi(t;eknrse:t,litt.,8:;:ti jlittii:::,tio.A, okiil.edie(0,51,:tei,:stetli...ti,04vsaaeyrsreelltiltellt):1,1.
oth!,,,,u,,L10,. loottvoriii tivs s tV/4111 8, U1' th,O
;01 it 01.11.1 ; Ana 11. jei (1],o,1 pe,. thitu • pay. ti.1,0 -04,..,,,,,_,-,. r,„.- • , . , • . • • a ne \v and (111rahhl 111,11111,11011 1 to ut.„,.
1.'hi..ii lino, 31,(1. Townline J;10,11,,,,,ltibrd, •,• h• 4- ' '1, 1 - , • 1 I ti, ,., A-tlitlItio' Fix.''Pl'ess, Grow Wo.,ter1' II;Liii- 't4 rel)''11 t'lle extlf1dii'Ll 0111'06° 0f 1116
zai, ,Ity 1,•,4,141.,11 ,,;,,,,,,1-,. '.11.14-4 1•10/1 18 II:
i1;g [or so,00 person'S 1110., • '
.P1:7(411.,1.-ato -11.N.J0t.lii1'1:1;1P,;.--4 pugilistio all elevation of at leitst, two, feet has '
. . •
. ; • , of starting, itii S110 ;', iLi hii,v0 [L10'110 :': wit,lt
Led. tor tile purouses l'er which.; tbeY
only nine inches ; hence; the rower tier:
OA .L111:11 S4104V1'ff,7 1115 tO41(1 ' ' '
\ , The A11101iLl'111 ,Exi)resg Car on ttle
1-, tlie British' ettbioet 'have deteruiiiiell
util GO give up leVirtslow o e tile colidi•
;oil". ' 1. ,...,., ,..,,,,,.tat 1:,:,,,„:i.„11,.:,:..4.,,,,,,,Igii,,, It',,,,;::•1•1-'11,:::,..',11. II•,:,1 ::'1,-,1 ,',..';3,(:.,1 4;1' clitt.'.1::::')1,*:;13.t.,:,..i.:1, ,,,,'Ll,-L,'\'';',';',1;No ,,r-.;..,'11;:11:1•17.‘p;:.:;:1;1.,..Ttie(31):4rfll.:*0.\1*(?;\ t'l 11:),i4sn11:7,4 , , 'I(' S ivay contained six tons of tile new !in- Al'bill't("' T'e'ttv•
-14:1.1 l ty1.1.1 . , ,, , tool.: '1,11t ou a lot), 11/19 8 itg() ill .t110 V111./11;44 \\lib tahvo time ,o11a, ..c.,p1)(,,..t.e.e.iiiy, t() ' - ' . . •
413'1 j ;Iv, , ,1/4, ,,, nt., j , 1,.. , ,.,, ...,.,., ,,,„iii yy ' ii.,,,,,, I, ,:.;,, y , h!.‘, ,,,,4„, ; t, , ..siel...O,t1•4 ',..', I 016:3 ),.1'1, Z..01 i: V I Itulo• o:ie:i. ' , • , • , . vet. 001,131,0 of • the u,, .3 of A,nerjea, ;1.1.111e examitottion of the tliree•men at
of :-...n.liderson. 1Voinvit ist'it,t the holtom sloop down aud oxialiiii,., 1,1)!;0,01.) : Ail ,.
S,.,1 last, .it .4, n i 1'1. ,... 1 .t.,.11.11 0 ' ''tti''' '1.1.'11 '' 1.1':',:i4'4 (P.' 0:. 111'; 1,113' ‘h j1.1 ''''11.11 lg. 1 114 '11"t.'il"' . 110'ngi,,s4 . "I l''' 'k '').">" w4)-'1 rurmod ii) i 110 in 05) idlis hits bed)," done. pr()1,-;rbliv ;vith it 1\vt' 11;si 1 i gelt.,1:,:b-r. 9,,,43:ta16 ,\..tv1-4(3'1114,,,,,(C.111,4e11.0±,0e1:111t17(4) t,Itl`e) 1,31.11NIALti;JTI:gdfifi(6)11:1 t'i111.: Auvull:11:siveirci°i I. 4ttib.1°(1'11 113LitIbIle-'
•oli....i.';' ft . 0;10.3 ,i'ild,i1.3 ,.I ;),,k/.){,, ll:ilt.:, kV 1,11„i, t,1 _LA vo 1, Tollii,o1•111'01!•,11,11,;(., I '",11"'11''‘'d blY1`,,I,.. al'ulth 11 J-1111,(1 red vie \v to ext..elite nr,,,t,ers end Pssel; fle,1 ," , „
, ..:., >,11,1,--.4 ;„I 15:1^ 1t il cr. 1-,S. lt.:/^jt.11.t, : 1 1,,,,) . t.„, tt,.,,.. S..4).4.1. ,,1,ii0L;14;.0:4, ,,,-1,1,. , ,VI•h"I''•'• 411'd ,'''Ll" ,I)"11.1,4't314"1'.4 1)11 111 gi°110(:1 lay; lalt in 4teitcl of:tilts' tItey .h ve t,11-n's i';',."-„'''Iri:rettsure-11% III° 0(1111 W118 in' 'Irt‘1.1t,El°eiv'ilVdleall;ecell ivsaislOctelilittivioltillit'dbler'1:41teodt'41Yie.
1 ''i.:id , , , 4 te et,. •-t. 1 .,•••ai•1,...,
it' '
e. • .; t ,, :c •••., .,•,,. e0„ise- .1.; ...1..ii.li.):,1,-)1,, .1.'.t,ilt Hi., id '...1.1(, ,e, dd.-- '''''''Y 31' ' '''e'l "I''''"1-* t'u Liiuir. j1('''''Ll't•'' er'I'" bti: ;been a so,,,,ne of •ine:im ' ' { "c'a"37, `),("'es'' alit' -flrutrrieil bY a. 1111111' 3,,,i,,,,0110r5,
•, , ,
lie 4, '4'44' ,'. I ;AV 414..3.; • I 3! :3 •
'tit ' 1 . 4 '1( '''' ;'4'. 1.1' i. .' l''''1"' ''' ii4f:;14'; . '''''' i'''''''''t18`...:P:'• -17' 'iltj''.11.."4“.t.'''," f "11t1t. t:nt‘ 11 j" Y t".'''" (''''`‘'11',,4 1m3').1 61,,'1 itwk "till" :tit(ji: t'll'Is 149\viIIIS , 111.1°13 D011b1,1088 S1.15 1.11.1:110 SlIOISi14,:11(1111 Ifil'el,C1fl4.-Ve .:1)"°,,i;,T.Q,iic6.3,'01.1‘vart rn6ASelIP'1'S•
' 'ALl'.: :.+1. .1, a. Ili:, 1.1i4 At••••• ,,ji, ,,, ,ii. ii4143 '''417.,.,4 .., f ,'i,, ,,, ,0,..I.4..;1'ek. '', ,;:.''',. a'lly 1.4 411 1 litp.,,10, ,,,rene,,,,113‘,.., 1.3; elliv":1).Y1 !'4111 .!ull'iPt 1:111i{.H."1""i•L iv11011, bi3en built 11Z4re ill/ tibt.itA Ille ust 'al iii:;.,7s,;`2,0,t12..01 irix1 IC),,,'0'11,11216gilititt:4111::,';'(,1202,f,ta02,801[1'0,i02„01118,' inillisb.e040Filtilil,'.°tonn,o:tt7ileedal by611.Ma4r.g: rja'tniiregs
' .. 0.
i.lyit • "At. ' Ot ' T- tr.. • ti,•1tV iitt PIII ig 'W. if: ' il - li ' .1 t',. t„3, t
4- etp civil 14141 own.4))), t'ill b4i Lt1,1,:::), 1110 "1'0(4 ,\'''''''' C''111 811""' t° 11E‘1)1.11;sr tiabii;ol'tai 411. , ,„
....,,,......,,,,*4;;..-.4,... .,.0 ; 41•14,1 3 rs.t .'„4.1.4.'•I, '1.',/ ,' , .4 1.,..R.' . 3,1 ;CAA ‘,..11
1101.-1,:y" 0011 4 ::'•10,1 ly iv,4)..11,,3' 4'0, ,,1, 1;4,, t.11.4,1)„,,I,. .0, 1)04( 14 gt.„1,„,„1.1111, ,i44'0„,..itl,111,) .1..L',•1 (..1. JA11.1, the :,‘'outi,". the, carntdii1;11 ex.liibit , ‘Nill ,)b)e q,' veil; Yoei-o.'''vt't'iv'''iti:.:0)',5)410:yarlet °L.3,f101:6111,i'gr::;(:):11saren.,°3.(1,...o:v1it2z1:,:j: ‘ivjj'll''ffe13:' 'w ere dest"Yed bY fire' elf
. . • •,, . , ... , , , . e ,,
by oi.' wneat, COM, 011,t13, Oat1.110alf etc.,
thn ,,,,6.1 4.4. 44 t .AII,,,,, ,,,,,,, if ,,,,,,-, 1,,,,, 1,,,,,,:e..,,, in, 150 ;,,,I,led ,0 t!I'' 0')111oli•tildits• TL'ill.)';• ''ti,le= ilaYs • Notwithslanding tlfeke draLs baci.• '1, ti,) -‘1.1g 3'10 rat° , '• - • '',- Suturally eveitidg ; also 11,11trge qualiti-
d,,, .2.0..,) ,,' ^ y. ,31.;',1 wit! t,1)1,,, t. ' ,:''",‘,31:i,41c.41, 1.14:t is C,it ,Ie411 :tot:, ' Int l'''' i '''''''t) '31'st°''''' 1,11-61)11t141)'10' 0110. '''.1.'110 e'xibil4ion of '01:1' ,,„',,,,, ,7 ,, e„,,,,, ,
ite,e li ,,,, t , ii• 0 1,"„4,.e1,1 ,,," • ;•,' t' '1 -1
,„; ;, i 1;1, t 1 ex' ,h, t ro, l',,,e • ;',,i0'1, (I I; 1'', . :•1 .41 1•111,, 111.1 '1 ,V;Ii'eli,)r) )1,,; 10.' ,,I.,,,,. coo vo,;.
,,,,,...),,1,:i,-.J,:;,,,,,,):11../1:::,,(i1,..-,.,1-,-„;•[,'.;;;:iii.,,,,t,1:11i1.1.„,::,./-4,ii:i?,,,:,,!;,,I.:4:::ii.:1i,:_,:,:s10,111i::1,1,..1.),'Iti(:4,4g,, ut(co:,.;tviiii':;:t.. .6n10,11,:j.,3tt.:7','it?tt, fl:.,,..13,'14,1,b0;0:::4•01,4,erciy,\tvl,bic ,I,,33;1013,0oIi,i,i,(,'42,itr:5700\-.:.,11,4:.6::iiiiiit:',1,1.,‘,1),,,,,l1:0':',; 23.9i,),:':11:::,4`bi.i:e111f`ii:TP,,it,'fli:t":,:.,it'.66L'I''t.fit'et,,,,,st.,:‘,6%:1).:,itfi)Iseilig'°Vel.' (°°un sitita°Sr'e,,adb1(1)111e11Tiiiii:112,0(1)0‘11,e; vinagi LIII.°1;:tfctell; 241,10101131
,e..4 t 1 ,d, 3,1,, .11, f,.,, 1
.,.3 ,,,., .y., i , ,,....43:2 t go.„7„.,..,..,4 iz,,,. ,.., 1, ,,,i,I. 1 ‘,".„ 1,1,1,11, , 1:,, i•,,,c,,,c,01, i, 1 i,, : , 1,, ,,,1 , ; j4;, .,,,,,' 1,),1 '1;14.1',,,,- in. :at; r.1.0.:'1,..,/, 1,411 in ,/,.; in. 0.i.c.slikti.t., (i(inittii/11, 11.00 0011tgi e11'an,:ther „... I r 11(.1 -,- ' ' ' ' ' ' W‘11111i1)°g‘ilan;:;\'w'ilLIei:'eit t,Y1':(3FIr'exe'e°71; $i$1122:t001i09e00‘iV114,,,e)8:31,17101.01piiip01137v4i1 ciliak117,:;1.,heo, ',,l'I.,,1:1.'',1,'‘'Icet:' si l''°(4, cr3k."
n ))i ?),;'1.1,, ,4.4„.4-,..1, 11,, 111 ttlNit: ii4,1).'IZL',,, 11,1'. it: ti' t 11 1,,,' 111)0-, ii,lt.,, r1.1.1.14.)'Vr8 .),,Jtc,'
g)00.11.•01) i.,1,1 1.01terbtitteti. , . tilicA)e Iyityil, a 0 , . i ,, ,., , 1. ,. , ,,,, . , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,i ..4,,,,,,,,t,,
, .
..;,\ .. r , . 11,,,re,; ; ' .3,,.', '/X.;; I 4.,II ;•• ; S'',';' ;',.. 0'41 i i' 41:1 11 . II 1. '4" il!.., 113C,I, 4,!1 ; .11.1'1, .14,11.J1111.L. .
' ' u...4...:.! of Law it ,0•• 1,ially 34•1c::111e. •teii:lic•I'8 \VII0 is 11.01..0 •1 , - , I. ,. ,, `., . , , ittniger 3 rill( i , 1 4 , t, , '0",I. '".! ..,,
t ' .'ti' ' ' ' .L)ireeber'ij"I' '1 3 '10 '8441.s.'''Y' ' ' -, ' I riday Jouts . hoinas, .tbit.. It ..,. ,,
1).1 I • : .. S. , t. t .. • ,I:t1,...1 , ,,,, „,., , J , , 4 4 , , ; II I I I IIOII f II III 1 . I I I II W I I.II . • t 1 ,...' I I I. 1 I t 1 • ' , It„ I , '( • ,I,. 1,, t .1 .3), / .I‘TII. r , IT , ,a, .1IIIII I''' V.I.; ..i,,,j id .c.,0,11,,, ,..41 ,,,,,,,,„,,,,,111,1 ow.,1,0,01.,,,bip, ,,,,,iit the,. 1.2,1,1„012,„011(3:12..„9;11:2:3:3 V ,saP"31 1' ..er,lic 1 '11''`''' 1 ' ' 1 1 n 'ilkintriryq" ' ' 1 lg. TA 1,.1 13 antimuticel tn.-At' converts niadc
1, ., ,,, ,,, ' . ". id a 11,1„.:,,,;:;..12'1'111:1,',,,, ot.,-,t, 1111:3:3 • • •041•i 1/3,,,04I/ 30C:bl'1,,,1•1; ,Lit).) oy 1,tic sti.,4tit bs ,r,i!' 1,311 1 0 i. ,,,,L 0 til'ig 041 )0 011 ,1.1ii.?' 't,). '11 "ti'll'ici."1., ',41,-(t; itTe.:;;:, ,r33,r,,ti; [re‘er :Is, (0,1r6011,:edlio)ttlitiO '6'ertlitIll'eenas 6.,:vaii3,011,5..01.1itlyt.; Liiy the' 11;111M:6 ev alige lists, .1‘1 r s. Brow)),
, , „ .1 4\ , '1,,,. 4,,k, 4 ;4') , ',,,./.4,,k j,..1 t. ,... 41 '.. I 1.•••1 ••;11/ I f ,• t,or,;0•••• eme, ,(1,p),),,,,,,le„-, 1,,,,,
kt 1 14 ,,„ i ,... ,,,i,t0.11,... el 1.,,' .',/ , 11.,,,. ', ., .
ilald Miss Aitts,ott,"of Du/lc-111s, were blip-
. ,„ „ „,
i ., ., . .),,,.., „,,,,z ,,,,,•„c„,, ,,,,,,,:„„,,,,,,,,,, . „.„1,,,i1 , „.,., .,, 1, ,,,..; ,,,, 1,„ 4 ,, ,,„,22,,,,,, ,,„,,, , 2,i , , , I, ,,211: ,,,,,,,c,.;i4:3141.ust.,iti,t;t1,t,t,411i.:10:,1..i4...),,,1:1013;i3,1,1;i:1,3...1...:.;:lii'()S ',,...I.I. t,,..1 ' ` ' ' . , ,.. , , • ... 4..181 it 1 (..13 , .. 3 , 3 ,,,,,,..i ,,, ----- -- ''`-..- '•'-'-' `''''' ---` -h"-I-r---- -
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6 f! ,,,,..„..., .„ '1.;):;(.. 11 1 4.1 e.,„ `,., ' 1.1 . ; r .1 'by , 1, I, •• I i • I•1 •••••-•:\j1)1•`••,1',1, .j r 1., , 1,4, ',1,1,1 ,t,j,, H,ri,' ''` ' 1.1).1' 1.i/Nit-ir'ItitItli, -- \..iltY")e- tern- ber.a., .„.11s,.113,..11g „„te 1,\ 4...r.,(2 1,g, ,43...,' .4ii:411.' riol,s4,1,141,0 -4k.i.„T.ti,i,i,„. . ,\ itii‘,,,.„1,1i.,,,,,iii,4„.
04..11g1.11r ;.(liii" 1 tL1.41',1•1'311'1;.':1 `I' 4111,41;t1Y ul, In At NVe11,001, Ain 11,27, aril .1);:o t no, few days ttgo.
. , ;01,1m 11 1. ,,' 1 t. 11. i'.: .1. , t'..'1'.1 r....11''. '.i•e.i'11' ';', ,kt, 1.11'1".it'1.11' t' 11 J'It g.,1 ,' f /t , .
, ov '., ,t, o. il, . 1,i nii '1,". . 11 i 4',..):11 1)11 'i ' .ii,, 1,1 )') ,•111l.01%. '•,..-„,k)nt• iln,-10,tottfae ''''''' ."1"`"1'•"' '1,i‘ 11.41) 00 -110‘kt 1,51,;.A111,,- sc.hoc)I syslem, v nil() miii4I'it11„1/or i'ti,'' 3,,i,a- i.,i,..)1):1`'', 'tiLia':'0.0`;,`-ed, ,8Yviiffi",0.;41t,•j7,b0}cly, 2;';
".44.,,A, .., .,,i 1,1, ,,,„, .11,1 ,,t W.; , ',1. 1;11 1 t, ,;101S S , . ;0 i .,, 1'1 ,1'.` ' 4!,,,,0 4r1.! Ill's r1.,i,V• • '8 -3.1,•••:1; -11.)•,•'
1 t ..1 ery . ,,, tt:,, :1:tticr lite ,3.11,14•30,• Of ):11,11:1g : (M, .,31•• 47,Lfoo„4.1,i1)if,„., ,Ite •41 ,, ;0;0; Aolyie ,.;:s- ,, , .., •,:- e• . 0. (I Li- 0, 0 (.41
31. • • . itt,,, 1 0 314). c ,to 4 , , .1 ,,,, 2,,,,,, 1,2, ,, 1 , ,,,,,,, 1, 1.„,,,„, , ,, ,roi avu 11a iya. ,;" aal i Cala, g1',11.31 (.6'',1 alf1,4 1.1 4•I'4,414' R',1.„4:,y. 01 ;..i...ii.: lialne a0c1 '`,p4teli 11111, ';''O'" ' '""'", ,14 '
, '''''''',,,'',,'" k't. •I •I '•J'•• ;'I'itl,,,, '1.1111) t'.1,;,:ty of ,Tiiii,t,. ,,:),,•,,;,' it:i: I or,' ,12 'i;,, ' - 4..e,I,i ,it1 to,,,i1141,1, 1311.3 timerttili 1te, )1)gine 1, . io ,y, ' 1: ,, .
i.•.v. 0 A 4 /MI 11 , 1 ..1.'t .1 ',1 :' '1,1, 4 : %. 11'1111 .10. 1,, 1111..,' 1. i'11,..•,, 1, irft., k% i,,,,,t(1 11,0 4'1411 10411,4,1 i 11 .' l'itlil" 4,;) 4.. Ail ,to
.. 1 x0i,)ng t,o,,d''‘) tlifi ilitrottiliVate viCtiiii s of ' •,,:.f1,,, ity,,
, , . , . • . ,
.3.t4'... tt,
, ' 1.1 It r H 1) ,, 1'1'.1, ' %
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( . 1st , , 1•4 1 hi fin )t ',tic, 1, t a e 1 , ' . 41,,, .-ii 11 ill, y ; . (11`,1W110'd &t. i....., ")11.1 .t1.1,,Itt.S1.
(41A,,,,1,,,,,,...,(.),,r, 6 ,4::,,,w;liff),,,tf,8 ,,,,), tir14:1:41:L;I: .1..,' )11,.,,,.if,ing 6f 1,1'w f.,•1011(11„,.• 0 3110 1,411 1 .o.Leti,to tlit,e o 1 on ,i)loces , llic
,f, (.), ,I I 1 t ii,.., ( 1 ' , .
I 1. 1 ,, :: ,1 1 0,:,r
,i , t:1 ,, , . ,l-,,31,,, 1,),Htaitte.,e3Q,citt,: sitti' - ,. -...---, s---.-4-04,4e..---..-----
IA111011,110 W11,)-1 1.1111)30),sekt, 0.1c, ,leg is
1 it ./,, 14 , t., .;11,), .tt i.li. ',,t' ,.'' 1 :t. ''''''' '''"'' ul '1'114' in'f" al'i,',•,1% Alt' 61-0 al:tr.' 1:1108 31.34t3eittytti .k.;:)(1„, wits Iteld Thurs. c 1,e,st, is, b,l'Olik'lliiti, #14111 th6.11.141' 18 I''''1.(3-
4•••4„ , .11.., i'Jii-pese bi-,' 0'1;.1,tt a 1,1)
r Ar,ite 'T' ''''1'''''13' . 4 ' ' I''' ''''r% : '''''' ' I: ',1.,1,'...:1 1) I 'e::('1,,y11.,\:1.1'.:.\ .011:',.‘‘,1'ill;',1113,:t.).„1(w,r1:,;10,1,:' .(0',,, 10 r.,41 10,111:J11y /1,,,,1 114',V0 St11.'1,1',1.1 1.•11, Peil,d• (1,4,..t.. di 11,,,1,18ti 01t)tig,,lo 01.111tia"itt their syn; ly ',stejtittol ''.' ' 'if ed 'thor6 '41''''' sev'r't1
1,,, , „ 1".1.1
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'4,111111111ei.e. ' i". pa,'137, \vitb. tho buret,V.1l f.etinily. a (isc ,u1)'& 4.tilts,i'Lliti 1,1rinses,10, ,,t1t,er parts
A.,,,z , ,f,,, 7.p.,.„,,,,,,r•y .,,,,w10 , ,,,,•„. (1, la 3,1, 4111 (Iltrefilonl'il,(11,:1 73, 1.aveim A $1,,rd 10 911.10ong ',1i.(4f11t.'(111°4•,, 34::(fit'Yo.;111(AR3111111:11,1;:t• 8 6' :w.11;i4..., , 1'. ','a 0.11
- ,i ,, : 3-.,, .„., 4., ,.,,' ,i,,. k,, ,,w-,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,;„ .5, ..,.1., ,,,, „1..n..„.„,,, ,,,,, iitt/i(ietit 1fr,), ,
.34r, tti, ,t,1„,) 4 .4.11 ''1'., 'Vie ' , 1 11 1 ''. i 0'' :111 '10' 1' ‘''' 1 '011'.,1',"1 01', 1.4 4(11•1 .0;14 :Li 1,1•11(30 Lii'l, ")::rtitilli ire '3:V.1:iv,' 4i,.4'4,..„ o',4 )3,,,,,11,' 111,R4 01,,,, i 1i liV0 1)a0)i lleetised it) iroront,0. .1m,,e, ,•' Tit hplici, irs exciten:11,(lt' P'evitil6t1
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a), 1.-v, ,
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) 31 .:I ,t) 111,•011 Li It 1:4•1•', ''et'hOtt • 0'0 ttli,13i011101's FtlileV •UVUltlitii Nt'llIlet `the
,„ , ,.
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i .11 1 I'l ' 1- i 1 i 1 t' 11 t' i t 1 (413 lie:tri g trott 11teir
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‘;sy,1,3w, , i log; ('%,44.10, ,rons ,o'n ;4.c.,,u, .it; a 32„„,,t,, (.)i) 3,,Itl;114 1,1 csii, ,s41/,1 :44;' ;flit ,, /1,7111"g'4.11st exo,ittutelil In‘e''i•tili.' '1,111 1 tt
.ci.,,...).;,1,. 1,11. "I'lel:. Ili ,'"....(14), ,.'.0.....` , /.;111.... If ., . ' . 1 i ..,' '.. ', 't. 1, .., •1 ,..,e, 14. c 1•W•5 fr • J r• • 1" 3 li ,1 • ' • ••
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Lb, ,.,,,,,1, . 11.111..10 1. :110,1, 111. ri,t114,4,,,,,,e, fl,. 3,., 11(,;, lio,f, contain:A 1Llt Illf/111 3 C,t1,1 earl (teat( anti 31131' izt‘v 1,\ ill. t',01'imiiilly lik) f033 1
13elievo ia travellinistep by stelr•,,do
exp.e.' et to got rich hi a jtitrip. Slow
an 'd 40, o better then fait and flinn-y,
eo'escv.ereance by its daily gain,enrich-
es a Inait naive limn tits and starts of
,rectilatiott and hniune, Every day a
skein itt yot.r. 13ricti
ittnigek) 41,r0 built. We should creeli be-
fore) walk, walk, b,efOre imitf end rtin
lore 'Lve In getting rielt, the
more intsto,t,11"a less speed. Tleste trips
,01,vii heels. 1)on't give ttP
Unsinorts till yon seo tk hag() 0110
‘i ill pity yell 10330% tvot „crumbs are
broad, llotter a little litho io itottsel
in empty house, lit, these Iliad tunes,
, with tun omaloituvs law; . sob ,11 by aiadroation
mutt io neyaela. nes )11/1 rativ,at'ionc
a„t to 1,1),../,0 poot, Low043. or.any -wilder it ;tot, aptairved,,,,=, I. woo,
i°a1.8516111t)'. 01131‘tid t41,1 06t.tt)1111),)Vellena,t,Prrec:i)(.11 1)16•14:811)!:)11NArnallyet'i;37isst.t)(i'llc\It('1\1111.1i'lii1180k‘''bIdelft'''CIO,611?11.48k).1b:.!tittttntiltIttli°,11kil'(i)t\11.1•11i
c, , , be received up, to l'he first of
1 11 [It IL 1.f.lb 11,11 t1.11111 IS April 4t13,1b1t) 1444 '
Tavern Stand in Exeter
Varying in sire from one-fifth of an sere to 3
To be sold ,
Thursday May 1P, '70
At tbe Certral Hotel,in the village of
Exeter, at four o'clock in the aiterceon. the
follo;ving valuable propt,rty neat.: y:
All that tavern stand and pren.ises,
herett-fore known as the 4,13I1.43.1 Mae], in the
occu.Jation of E. J. Wallis. Together with ,
L,As 8, 9, and 10, on tlia %Vest side of Mein '
Street, a ni Lot 15 and 16, at rear of sante,
on William Street. Tile l)ni.ding tan
avily , • converted int() ((wed:Inge which tee in
inuell '
0, This property, from its position at'
the south end of the village, on tbe London
Road, must rapidly inoreli,e in I/date. ,
Also, Lots 28, 29 and 80 on the enst
side of Mani st) eet, containing' 34i Perches
!att., 19 on east side of William Greet
--Carling's survey -one-fifth of an ...ere. 4.
iforttl,ruici atiseyseilrlti,idig. 16-x-14 will le sold, with this.
Lot 6. on east side of MarlhorougliSt.,
comprising eta: acre or thereabouts, si uate
short i4ietance from the Ilailv,ay station.
Lots 4 to 15 inclusive, ou the south
sui)doenoetliraattio,irflolowstalevieet., vtoying !rem 000-lonith
Lots D. E, and part of If on Water-
loo street, aforesaid cumin isiug s.bortt 8 sores.
Also parts cf Lots G. atnl comprisinj'aboat,''
2i acres. Tito Iota oft Waterloo street,. are be-
yond limits of .0ie limits of tho village, and
,unjeet °my to the township taxation, They
will be offered in elicit sizes as will be hippo -
able to puichasers, Ou euette , widen ') ill
eu unusual* fawn able to th, se wlea will erect
Dwellings on their Lots within a limited period.
at ILItialiosaciaeno abfe seen, rind pa.,rtioulvro ObtaiLed
ExEl8ny May 4,44.8°L1C11°14', t•Ieter.
$1. 5o PER DOZ1.444N
. •
; door aped tanning 111311
atbe east of Grediton. A tug() stook of good
(try seasoned lunibof 011 hand, Order* prompt-
ett.Inaca to, Gall aria see our 3100 fa:Lining ,
' 111,1N111 cb.
erbditott,Itforell 10, [Sib> 133).,f