Times Advocate, 1997-01-01, Page 22Page 22 Times -Advocate, January 1, 1997
Christmas .visitors in Zurich
Santa Claus arrived to
surprise everyone and
handed out gifts to all
the 30 children
By Cannel Sweeney
Zurich correspondent
ZURICH - Monday Nite Ladies
League (Pin Poppers) enjoyed their
Christmas get together at the home
•of Nancy Becker, December 18,
with lunch and a gift exchange.
The Girls Club of Zurich Men-
nonite Church travelled around Zu-
rich singing Christmas carols Tues-
day evening. There ..was a gift
exchange and a lunch later at the
church hall.
Carl Finkbeiner of the Spice
Villa Apartments spent a few days
of the Christmas holidays in Gode-
rich at the home of `his sister Joan
and family.
Neil and Melissa Francis, and
Kristin and Aaron Beer of Orleans,
Ottawa, spent this past week with
her parents Mozart and Marie Ge1i-
nas Sr.
The family of Earl and Anne
Flaxbard held their Christmas din-
ner at their parents home on De-
cember 25.
The family of Louis and Cecilia
Farwell got together on Christmas
day at their parents' home in Zu-
Vera Haberer who won a deluxe
Christmas cake at the Tasty -Nu
Bake Shop.
Pat and Barb O'Connor of Lake
Bluff, Chicago, spent the Christ-
mas holidays with her mother Ger-
ry Kane.
_,•� Chris and Janet Brown, RR 2 Zu-
rich returned home after a two -
week vacation in Flarida.
Happy 70th birthday wishes go
to Glenn Webb, RR 2 Dashwood,
on December 24; to Adeline De-
nomme and a granddaughter Mere- -
dith Denomme, both on December
26. -
• Darren Wallace is spending the
holidays with his mother Berit Wal-
lace, RR 2 Zurich. Other family
members came from Walkerton,
Toronto and Sudbury for their
Christmas dinner on December 21.
Family, friends and relatives of
_- Herb and Donna Klopp got togeth-
er throughout the holiday weekend
at their home, RR 3 Zurich.
Daik and Carrie. Eybergen and
two girls from Acworth, Georgia
are visiting in the Zurich, Grand
Bend and Port Franks area with
their family and both sets of parents
from December 21 to 29.
Christmas dinner was held at the
Sweeney home Wednesday with all . 2.
their children and grandchildren at- Be sure to save_ your. stamps for
tending. the CWL to send to the missions.
The family of Clarence and Beat- They can be left on the table at the
tie Geoffrey enjoyed having their back of the church.
family Christmas dinner at Erb's Our best wishes for a very merry
Country Kitchen on December 21. Christmas and a Happy New Year
The Geoffreys went to Windsor for to all of our readers, friends and rel -
Christmas and spent a few days at1 atives, from Carmel and Jerome
their son`s home, Garry and Anna. Sweeney and family. Thank you for
The family .of John and Bridget all the correspondence you- have
Groot Sr. held their family Christ- given me throughout the year.
mas dinner and party on Decemtter Three
21 at the Hensall arena. Daughter -
Jeannie and son are also visiting for
two weeks with her parents from
H II d d 'th b the d sis
o an an wr ro rs an -
ters in the area.
Happy, anniversary to Pastor John
Trembulak and his wife Elizabeth
of Dashwood on December 23.
The family of Vesta and Hubert
Miller, Dashwood got together on
December 22.
The family of Clare and Lucille
Masse held their Christmas party at
St. Boniface Parish Hall on Decem-
ber 21. Santa Claus arrived to hand
out gifts to the 30 children present.
The family of Gwen McKellar
' held their Christmas dinner at the
Maple Woods Apartments on De-
cember 27.
The family of Tony and Adeline
Denomme held their Christmas get-
together at the Legion in Exeter.
The family of Pat and Evelyn Re-
gier, RR 3 Dashwood held their
Christmas dinner at their home on
December 29.
Helen Vallee from Westminster,
B.C. is spending a week in Hensall
with her aunt, Betty Grenier and
relatives. They spent Christmas day
at the home of Betty's daughter,
Joanne and Joe Bengough in Hen-
sall. they spent Boxing Day at Ali -
da and Andrew Rau's home in Zu-
rich. Their Christmas get-together,
was held at the home of Helen's
cousin, Mary -Loy and Paul Gun-
ning. Helen Valee enjoyed a get-
together with her aunt Lottie Greni-
er and cousins at the Maple Woods
Apartments on December 29 before
returning home to B.C.
Clem and Theresa Regier held
their family Christmas dinner on
Boxing Day at St. Boniface Parish
Welcome home to Chris and Jan-,
et Brown.
Happy 70th birthday to Glenn
Webb, Dec. 24, and Adeline and
Meredith Denomme, December 26.
The Auxiliary meeting for the
Rest Home will be held on January
7, in the auditorium at 7 p.m.
Members are also reminded help is
needed to take down the Christmas
decorations at the home on January
Christmas season busy at Queensway
HENSALL - The past two weeks
have been very busy, but entertain-
ing at Queensway. December 17,
The Lakeview Singers presented a
beautiful program of song. Pat.
Dobbs of Trivett Anglican Church
led Worship service with a wonder-
ful presentation of the Christmas
December birthdays were cele -
prated the evening of December 19
(+vith entertainment by Sherry
McCalls Step Dancers. Her stu-
dents are always great to watch and
residents also enjoyed the music of
Lila and Orville Storey. Birthday
greetings to Gladys Simpson, Mary
Campbell, Ceacilia Edgar, Dorothy
Wildfong and Shirley Stone.
Bill Gibson on the Keyboard en-
tertained for Friendship Friday eve-
ning. Friendship Friday. takes place
the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each
month and various entertainers are
featured in the. lounge starting at
7:30 p.m.
Bill Clark' and Friends enter-
tained December 21 for the resi-
dent Christmas party. A good time •
was had by all and a visit from
Santa highlighted the evening.
Santa helped again on Christmas
morning with a gift for each resi-
dent. Santa also doubles for our
hairdresser when it's not Christmas
Friday found residents at Resi-
dent council meeting where plans
were finalized for some new pro-
grams and special events , for the
new year. .
Coming events
New Ycars Eve Progressive Eu-
chre. 7 ,p.m. til 9 p.m. December
January 3, Friendship Friday in
retirement home lounge with music
by Clare Masse and. Andrew Rau.
Many entertain at Blue Water
ZURICH - The Exeter Christian
Reformed Church Nursing Home
Singers visited Blue Water Rest
home on Tuesday evening for an
evening of song, with Peter Viss-
cher as chairperson and Joyce Pep-
er as pianist. Annie, Zandbergen
read "The Blessed Assurance of
Christmas" and the group sang
many selections which included
"Mary's Little Boy Child", "Silent
Night", and "Joy To The World".
Clarence Smillie, a tenant in the
BWRH Apartments, loaned a vid-
"C'Mon Goose`', to the home.
It is a documentary by Bill Leish-
man about his training of some
geese .for a recent Walt Disney
Thursday afternoon Chapel Ser-
vice was conducted by Rev. Tracey
Crick, Varna/Goshen United
Church, with the assistance of Bea-'
trice Rader as organist. Rev. Gani
Lazaro, Dashwood/Zurich United
Church lead Bible Study on Tues-
Thursday evening Max Ducharme
and the "Townliners" visited the
home and the residents responded
with toe tapping, hand clapping and
wheelchair dancing to many tunes
of yesteryear that warmed the
hearts and brought back memories
of happy times.
Friday morning the Home was full
of song and the chatter of young
voices as the Zurich Public School
students visited the Home to carol
for the residents.
Friends and neighbors are always
welcome at BWRH and many de-
serve the "Good Neighbor Award".
Special mention needs to be made
to Meda O'Brien who recently do-
nated a cdat rack to the BWRH
Apartment Complex, for use of the
visitors to the Common Room.
The Residents, their families, staff
and Board of Directors appreciate
all the assistance they received
from the community over the past
year and would like to wish every-
one the best of the holiday season.
Lambton OPP report a total of 800
vehicles were checked during a
RIDE program conducted from
Dec. 20-22. �.
Three people were charged with
driving having more than the legal
limit of alcohol in their blood.
They alt received 90 -day drivers li-
cence suspensions.
Over '80' birthdays remembered
By Muriel Lewis
Granton correspondent
GRANTON - George Radler of
Munich, Germany called on his
friend Robert Parkinson on Satur-
day, December 21._
Norm Wissel sent Christmas
with her daughter Audrey' and
husband Jim Scott and family at
Clandeboye and Boxing day with
Allan and Carol Wissel and fami-
ly, Granton.
Peter and Jackie Ridout of Terra
Cotta visited with Muriel Lewis at
Christmas. ' -
Elizabeth Parkinson and son
Robert spent Christmas Day at a
family gathering with Doreen and
Gordon McRobert. Get well wish-
es to Gordon Westman who has
been a patient in St. Joseph's Hos-.
pital, London for the past week
following surgery:
At the Granton United Church
on December 22 Donna Bowman -
Woodall led the service and her
sermon . was about 'An encounter
with God'. Lloyd and Isabel Mard-
lin lit the Advent Candles.
'See on Mary's Arm He's sleep-
ing' was played on the flute by Ve-
ronica Blom, accompanied by Lisa
Mardlin on the piano. The choir
sang 'Noel, Noel, Bells are ringing'
accompanied by Tiffany Blom on
the xylophone. •
Martin Riddell presented Donna
Bowman -Woodall with a hand de-
signed egg made by his grandmoth-
er Doreen McRobert from the
UCW. George Hales read a thank
you letter from the Men's Mission
in London for food they had re-
ceived on December 11. -
Congratulations and hest wishes
was offered from the congregation
to Nora Wissel, Madeline Hardie,
Elsie Dann and Stanley Crawford
who all celebrated over '80' birth-
days in December.
The Christmas Eve service of
Candles, Carols and Communion
was held at Wesley United Church
conducted by Rev. Fred Lloyd of
London. -
At St. Pauls,Anglican Church,
Kirkton on Suday, Dec. 22 the
service of lessons and carols was
led by Rev. Glenda Meakin. The
children and congregation took
part in the lighting of the candles
in the Advent Wreath. The lessons
were read by Muriel Lewis, John
Urquhart, Jasmin Cornish, Lynd-
say Cor,'ish, Norma Paul and Rob-
ert Parkinson. The choir sang 'See
Amid the Winter's Snow' with solo
:part by Ken Blackler,
On Christmas Eve the Rev. Glen-
da Meakin was the- officiant and
celebrant for the Holy Eucharist.
Rev. Bill Jones from Kirktor. and
Woodham United churches assist-
ed and read the Scripture.
Attendance at the Christmas Eve
_services was inhibited by the blow-
ing snow and squalls.
All the best in '97.
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