HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-01-01, Page 21• Times -Advocate, January 1, 1997. Page 21 ' Choir performs Christmas cantata By Mary Peterson Centralia correspondent CENTRALIA - At Centralia United Church, a Christmas concert was held on December 20. Orga- nized by the Sunday School teach- ers, the children were eager to per- form for their family and friends. To begin the evening, Lois Wil- son and Marjorie Johns led the au- dience in several familiar 'Christ- mas songs. Pastor Heather Scott welcomed everyone and °offered. a prayer. Brent Caslick was the MC for the evening. The carol "We Three Kings" was sung by Allan Powe, Brent Caslick, and Rev. Peter Scott. Morgan, Car- rie, and Lindsay Powe sang "Love and Marriage." There were a variety of recita- tions by Carrie and Morgan Powe, Danny Caslick, . Amanda Feaney and Jake McLeod. Several children performed in- strumental pieces. Danny Caslick, Mikayla Skinner, Chandra and Alyssa Dougall, and Lindsay Powe played piano solos. Ryan Knee played the guitar. Adam Scott was a special guest who also played a piece on the guitar. The children, assisted by Becky Harrett, gave a presentation entitled "The Messiah". Along with Faye and Larry Skinner and Brent Cas- lick, they also performed a skit about Christmas when Grandma and Grandpa were children. Several women of the U.C.W. participated in a skit "The Quilting Bee". Sam Skinner entertained eve- ryone with his dancing dollies, ac- companied by Marjorie Johns ort the piano. To cap off the evening, Santa Claus arrived for a quick visit, bringing with him treats for the children.. On December 22, the congrega- tions at Zion West and Centralia United Churches were treated to a Christmas cantata performed by a combined" choir. Robert Graham conducted the music, and .the pia- nist was Ellen Graham. Larry Skin- ner narrated- the -cantata. Partici- pants in the choir were: Cliff, Leona, Kim, Marina and Ray Jaques, Bob, Harry, Beth Ann, and Margaret Hern, Andrea French, Goidon Johnson, Brent Caslick, Sam Skinner, Lois Wilson, Mary, Peterson, Marion Deline, Peter Scott, Rob Essery, Marjorie Johns and Phyllis Tomes. In Centralia United Church, Sam Skinner opened the service and led the congregation in prayers .and hymns. Donna Smith and Lindsay Powe lit the Christ candle. Scrip- ture readings were provided by El- mer Powe. Brent Caslick's sermon was entitled `Back to the Ordi- nary,' The offering was collected by Bill Essery and Brad Skinner. Caslick closed the service. Pastor Scdtt passed on messages of thanks for everyone who assist- ed with the special activities during the Christmas season. The con- cert's cantata and Christmas eve services were wonderful events be- cause of the commitment of time, talent and energy of many people. She also appreciated the opportuni- ty to extend her family visit. At Heywood's Restaurant recent- ly, Mary Scott and Harry -Noels were high hand winners. The spe- cial was won by Ilene Rollings. Lone hand winners were Mary Wallis and Percy Noels. A reminder that Centralia Library will be open during regular hours on January 7. Maxine Hyde will exchange your hooks from 3:30 to DECEMBER 4 •Parents protest education cuts. Picketers across the province rally outside of Huron MPP Helen Johns office in an effort -to let the pro- vincial education minister know they're fed up with cuts that have eliminated jobs and special education support as well as increased class sizes and split grades. ' •Community rallies to save hospital. An estimated 1,200 people crowd into the South Huron Recreation Centre for a public meeting in an effort to fight for the existence of South Huron Hospital. Many res- idents are emotional, some having lost relatives in Exeter's hospital. A doctor questions where someone with chest pains in the middle of January will go if the hospital closes. •Citizen of the Year. Rob Rohilliard, a music teacher at -South Hu- ron District High School, is awarded the title of Exeter's Citizen of the Year. •Santa Claus paraae a hit. Many gather.for the annual Exeter Santa Claus parade to watch the variety of floats and participants. The hest school entry is organized by Ushorne Public School. DECEMBER 11 •Task Force sets up in Exeter. Opinions on the hospital were to be heard -by a task force set up in Exeter. Concerned Citizens Committee members hope to send the message. 'just say no' to residents before they would attend a meeting with the Huron -Perth District Health council that night. People are strongly encouraged to say no to all op- tions presented. *Montreal Massacre assembly. South Huron District High School holds an assembly to remember the 14 women who were shot and killed at Ecolc Polytcchnique seven years ago: Statistics of rape and battery arc presented' and a guest speaker makes students aware of vi- olence. •Grand Bend forges ahead with amalgamation plans. Residents at a public meeting give a show of hands. appearing to grant Grand Bend council the okay to pursue amalgamation with South Huron mu- nicipalities. Although Exeter has withdrawn from talks, Grand Bcnd is willing to risk using a third party to expedite the platter. DECEMBER 18 •Fighting to save hospital. At a meeting in Mitchell, a concerned citizens group fights back against the possible closure of South Huron Hospital. Prepared with. a detailed proposal refuting the District Health Council's plan to reduce the hospital services, the group de- livers a fourth option: structuring hospital services to leave one sec- ondary hospital in Stratford arid keep other hospitals as primary emer- gency care facilities containing some beds. •Grand Bend moves to resume talks. According to Grand Bend Council, third party intervention is necd.:d to get amalgamation talks going. A motion is passed to request intervention of the South Huron - North Lalnbton amalgamation process by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. •Don't drink and drive..Officials arc hoping tougher measures from the Mike Harris government will quickly pull drunk drivers off roads and speed up the court process. But Ontario Provincial Police say it won't decrease the number of spot-checks conducted. •Black belt grading for five students. Bernardo Karate Academy grades Dave Robertson and Chris DcHaan, as well as Pat, Marlene and Levi Lane for their black belts. ' ' DECEMBER 23 •Food bank demand increases during holidays. Food hank vol- unteers estimate demand for hampers have increased by nearly 50 per cent from Christmas time, last year. After the announcement of Wel- fare cuts in June, the orgapption noticed a jump in numbers of re- cipients but those figure hate since levelled out. •Plans underway for Legion park. Grand Bend Council supports, in principle, the proposal for a park named after the Royal Canadian Le- gion. Funding, however, is a difficult issue, with council unable to commit to any promises. •Kippers man faces charges for assaulting police. A man is fined $300 on each of three charges of assaulting police officers at the Zu- rich Bean Festival dance. Pepper spray had been used to subdue the man. •Penny Club raises funds. In an effort to save pennies for the Huron County Christmas Bureau, a group of nine grade 4 girls raise $106 in peonies, plus $5.95 in loose change. The group began in mid`Octobcr and plans to begin a year-round Canadian Tire money fundraiser for the bureau in 1997. hk 8:30 p.m. Upcoming activities Heather and Peter Scott are away until January 4. For hospital visits and emergencies, contact Rev. Ed Laksmanis at 234-6748. 'Annual Meetings are approach- ing quickly - at Centralia, Thurs- day, January 23 at 7:30 p.m. and at Zion West Wednesday, January 29 at 8 p.m. Written reports are re- quested by the end of December and financial reports by January 13. ' Bible study will start again in January on Wednesday evenings, beginning January 14 and on Fri- days at noon leginning January I. The Centralia Nominating Com- mit- will meet January 8 at 8 p.ni. The Zion Nominating Com- mittee will meet January 16. Regu- lar U.C.W. meetings will he Feld at Centralia and Zion West on Janu- ary 9. On January 14, there will be a joint session meeting at 8:15 p.m. at Centralia United Church. As the end of the year approach- es, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the people who have helped provide information for this column during the past year. In particular, Nola Lewis and Helen MacDonald who call bi-weekly with the names of the winners in the local euchre games. It's always a pleasure to pass on information about and for the community. t � s " MIND CF HEROWN Family-oriented WWWF, 49, 5'5", 1301bs., brown hair, hazel eyes, enjoys travel, movies, walks, good conversation, seeks SM, with similar Interests & qualities. Ade.6347 • SWEET & SINCERE Athletic SWF, 19, 5'5", 1301b,., brown hair/eyes, enjoys sports, dancing, parties, seeks attrac- tive, spontaneous SM, who likes animals. Ad1.9903 A GOOD LAUGH! Slender SWF, 40, 57", brunette, hikes bowling, watching movies, shopping, horseback riding, hop- / ing to meet trusMrorthy SM, who Is loving and compassionate. AdL.5379 EASYGOING PERSON Fun4oving SWF, 18, r3", 130114., blonde hair, b rownlsh-green eyes, enjoys rollerblading, sports, skiing, seeks caring, trustworthy, attractive SM. Ad1.9499 LOVES TO PARTY_ Outgoing SWF, 25, 5'3", 1201bs., blonde heir, blue eyes, enjoys reading, writing, skating, a� honest, sincere, understanding, humorous SM. Adt.8607 WARM UP TO ME Friendly SW mom, 26, 5'5", blondish -brown hair, college stu- dent, enjoys cooking, painting, family fun, seeks communicative SM, to store nk a times with. Ad#.3651 . NO MIND GAMES Outgo. happy SWF, 46, sY, dark hair, blue eyes, employed, ,nulls movies, walks, crafts, readlrp, seeks sensitive, happy, friendly SM. Ad1.9645 CHEERFUL PERSON Easygoing WF, 18, long red hak, haze eyes, Slikes sport, watch- ing movies, IlsMning to musk, seeks caring SM, to share fun teas with. Ade.7023 GORGEOUS BLUE EYES Polite, cheerful SWF, 18, long blonds hair, skinny, student, e njoys baseball, dancing, phone conversations, leeks honest, reliable, fun SM. Adel_ 160 COLLEGE -BOUND Trustworthy, caring SWF, 19, 1151bs., blonde her, blue eyes, enjoys horseback riding, ekeng, skating, seeks attractive, frlendfy SM. Ad1.8076 ANYTHING GOES WWiittttyy SWF, 26, petite, 110Ibs., funioving, humorous, open- minded, student, seeks sincere, stable, outgoing, motivated SM GOING BACK TO SCHOOL Humorous, easygoing SWF, 48, 5'3", red hair, green eyes, enjoys camping, dancing, the outdoors, .seeks honest, humorous SM, no time pis. Ad1.0824 � o�q BELIEVES IN GOD brown- fair, blue eyes, physically M, Mad, sr joys danc- ees, loving, arig SIA Ade.91. seeks 10 MOM OF TWO Shy SWF, 29, 5'6'brown lark, t� , F, sin • reeding, a qua 00010- ar� ',WANTS 0000 HEALTH Athletic SWCF, 56, dark a ▪ employed, enjoys walks, music, seeks honest, caring MA,Ade.9866 416 Back in Time.... By Ross Haugh from the archives of the Exeter Times Advocate 10 YEARS AGO December 31, 1996 Named Junior Farmers of the Year by the South Huron Junior Farmers group are Mike Ryan and Catharine Johns. Al Relining is the president for the coming year. Carmel Presbyterian Church in Hensall. is among the edifices featured in a recently published high- quality hardcover hook titled, "Victorian Architec- ture in London and SoUthwestern Ontario." The lo- cal church is included tin the section on the Durand comprehensive hiogralihy of leading London archi- tect George Durand. Bill Ferguson of the Hensall area has been elected to a two-year term as president of the Ontario Bee- keepers' Association. Two employees of the Queensway Nursing Home in Hensall were honored this week for 16 years of service. They arc Martha Roosehoom .and Wanda McLinchcy. The Huron County Health Unit has received ap- proval to establish a full-time assessnient and refer- ral service for people with alcohol and drug abuse problems. A Grand Bend couple received a 40 year-old Christmas card on December 20 when they picked up their mail at the GB post office. Bob and Pat Young of Grand Cove Estates, received the card from friends in Weston. It • has been travelling be- tween the two families since 1946, making this its 40th anniversary. Not bad for Canada Post! , 20 YEARS AGO December 30,--1� 76 - Officials of the South Huron Recreation Centre are hoping that the structural steel for the centre will be erected early in January. The steel is at the construction site and the contractors have been anticipating the arrival of the steel erec- tors for about three weeks. Work laying blocks at the south end of the build- .ing has'been progressing as the weather allows. The north end Klock work has been completed. Donations to date for this project are $210,083.50. All motorists in Exeter are reminded of the new parking regulations which go into effect on Saturday, January I, 1977. The fine for contravention of the two hour parking limit will be increased to $3 and anyone found guilty of parking within 20 feet of an intersection or in a "No Parking Here to Corner" zone will be charged $5. The same fine of $5 will ap- ply to anyone parking overnight between the hours of 1 a.tn. and 6 a.m. on any streets within the town lim- its. 25 YEARS AGO December 29, 1971 - The incidence of car thefts continues in the area. • This week vehicles stolen were owned by Jack Rice of Aylmer while he was at Huron Park, George Walker of Hensall and Jack Elson of Biddulph Town- ship. The Rice vehicle was a total wreck. while the other two were recovered with little damage. Residents of Exeter and district haven't changed much in the past 12 months according to officials at the Exeter Post Office. Assistant Postmaster Bev Rabbetts says for the second consecutive year, De- cember 14 was the busiest day for handling mail at the post office. ,Exeter councillors slapped themselves on the :lack for having an outstanding year. Mayor Jack Del - bridge said, "We're accomplishing as much for a dol- lar as any council can do." Projects undertaken in 1971 were increased num- ber of sidewalks, sewer and paving projects, a new building code, bylaws for the collection of garbage, main intersection traffic lights, plans for a new town hall and organizing of a committee to spearhead the town's centennial celebrations in 1973. 100 YEARS AGO December 31, 1896 - John Willis of Exeter shipped a carload of turkeys to Buffalo on Monday. Mr. Joseph and Fred Desjardine of the Grand Bend arca are renting the farm that William Cornish has beeworking for the past two years. For the next month you can take advantage of club- bing prices andget the Exeter Times and the Toronto Daily Mail for $1.75 for one year. New Year! New Relationship? v` Exeter Times -Advocate brings you: To place your FREE ad and be matched instandy 1) S with area singles, Call e 1-800-213-7514 Ext.135 24 hwun a day A TRUE ROMANTIC Self-sufficient SWF, 45, 57", enjoys reading, backgammon, looking for honest, happy SM, , horoeback who does- n't smoke or drink. Ad1.7646 WRITES POETRY SWF, 19, s'7", blue-eyed blonde, outgoing, honest, trustworthy, student, enjoys ptaying.guitar, golf, . seeks honest, personable, fun, humorous SM. Adt.4845 STUDENT Athletic SWF, 18, 5'S", 1301bs., black hair, brown eyes, attrac- tive, spontaneous, enjoys sports, movies, seeks good400king SM, with similar interests. Ad1.9606 LOVE & t1APPINE55? Strawberry -blonde SWF, 37, 51", 110Ibs., two kids, enjoys danc- Ing, music, the outdoors, the fit- , nese center, looking for SM, with a good sense of humor. Ad1.9219 LETS CHAT 5OON1 Slim, dark-haired SWF, 48, pro- fessional, enjoys hiking, canoe- ing, reeding, movies, looking for nice, responsible SM, for com- patible relationship. Ad1.1103 NOT SHY SWF, 34, brunette, brown eyes, trim, attractive, olive skin, employed, enjoys reading, travel, boating,honest, caring, open Sit Ad1.3 48 SENSITIVE SIDE Outgoing SWF, 47, 5'1", auburn hair, hazel eyes, humorous, enjoys garage sales, antiques, walks, seeking honest, happy, romantic SM. Ad1.8749 ENTERTAINING SWF, 35, 5'4", medium build, fun, employed, enjoys renovating, gardening, sports, seeking humorous, well balanced, suc- cessiul SM. Ad11.3P91 ROMANTIC HEART SWF, 37, .5'4",,1101bs, brown h�o, eesygoiookIng, homemak- er,j raft, *wing, seeks humorous SM, same Interests. *40.0646 SHARE INNER FEEUNGS Caring, honest, understanding SWF, 42, 5'2", blue-eyed blonds, employed, enjoys long walks, camping, canoeing, fishing, seeks SAI, aimilar qualities. Ad0.9719 LETS MAKE MEMORIES SW Mom, 31, 5'1", blonde hair, blue eyes, attractive, sincere, likes quiet nights, sports, out- door activities, seeks Indepen- dent, secure SM. Adt.6104 THE SAME VALUES Loving, honest SWF, 54, medium brown hair/eyes, ennjotn gardening, knitting, cro- cheting, punka, walks, seeks loving S dad. AdI.9314 MOODY SOMETIMES SWF, 45, thin, blonds lair, blue eyes, giddy, happy, likes to have a good time, musk, seeks good looking, fun Sly, with a great smile. Ade.2868 HAPPY-GO-LUCKY SWF, 47, 5T, 144ibs., brown glasses, enjoysskating,wimming,, seeks open, ones caring, sincere, communicative SM. Ad1.9278 HAS A DOG SW mom, 30, sr, brown hark, blue eyes, student, enjoys sports, Mow pitch, Computers, reeding, seeldng sew+ responsible SIL Ad8.9050 ANYTHING MUSK.A*. 85'2 tyybblonde, hair, humoreasygoing bin eyes, hobbles are playing Instruments, walks, reading, seeking InteNlgent, caring, thougMha set *os.Yb`Je the ultiul.tic 11.1' I„ utrc1 1 ti.i1 • CAN WE CUDDLE? Fun to be with SWF, 42, 5'4", red hair, glasses, employed in a fac- tory, likes collecting Elvis Presley things, seeks honest, caring, fun -loving, fun to be with SM. Ade.3801 • SEN51T1VE AND CARING SWF, 19, 5'4", 115Ibs., blonde hair, blue eyes, pretty, thin build, friendly, easygoing, communica- tive, employed, enjoys playing sports, movies, music, walking, Ong out, seekkg similar SM. 1.5988 ' TAKE 50twiE TIME Trusting, caring SWF, 22, long blondish -brown hak, blue eyes,, employed, enjoys biking, walk - Ing, camping, fishing, seeks trusting, caring, honest SWM. Ade.8349 LOVES THE LORD SWF, 30, seeking humorous SCM, 30-35, who loves long walks, animals, sports, movies, socializing, for possible rotation - ship. *40.4980 LIKES TO ACT SWF, 39, into outdoors, dancinrIgQ, movies, seeking SM, 30-45,10, has a good sense of humor, doesn't mind starting with friend- ship first Ad1.9742 GO ON, CALL! Outgoing SWM, 24, 57", 1701bs., blondish -brown hair, brown eyes, fun4ovtng, enjoys fishing, some sports, • camping, seeks easygoing, fun SF, with similar interests. Ad#.9432 SHY AT FIRST Happy-go-lucky SWM, 29, 5'8", 190tbs., brown hair/eyes, mus- tache, funny at times, doesn't eke cold weather, enjoys hockey, golf, rollerblading, seeks very open SF, for possible relation- ship. Ad0.4080 SOMEONE TO TRUST Outgoing SW dad, 27, 5'11", 2251bs., dark hair, green ayes, ons son, ekes 10 work around the house, looking for honest SF, who isn't afraid to say what's on her mind. *40.9068 SINCERE CALLS ONLY! Pleasant, humorous SWM, 57, 5'9", 155Ibs., enjoys boding, sports, dancing, movies, looking for honest, caring SF, to be an equal soul -mate. AdI.9938 MAKE ME HAPPY Outgoing SWM, 45, 51", 1661b1., brown heir, blue eyes, enjoys skating, dancing, country musk, looking for an honest, humorous, easygoing SF. Adtt.7657 D0 YOU LIKE GOLF? Fun SWM, 23, 6', 1801bs., dirty - blond, blue eyes, enjoys golf, Worts, pOngPastpperMng, seeks attractive SE 5'5"-5'6", preferably with red hair. Adl.8873 BUILT FOR COMFORT Attractive SWM, 33, 6'3", 2321bs., !lam humor, self-employed, hob- bles include fisNng, camping, walks, bedng, seeks caring SF, who ekes Ms. Adt.9615 iN VERY 0000 SHAPE Humorous SWM, 33, 61", 185kbs., self-employed, Voutdoor aclvNles,s ets, attractive, intelligent, employed, sincere, honest SE Ade.68424 CALL MEI SWM, 23, blond Inel►self•em. easygoing, seeks honest SF, wmays woildng ho c be her- eon. Adt.3918 To listen to area singles descrlbe themselves or to respond to ads, Call 1-900-451-4323 Ext.135 ONLY$1.99 per minute s to em:yea to ' %nu ti Idepna,e w. WI, rrt b. r• f 8 leers «alder rid Nur r Cur1E4 O o*. 1, ulcle•sfu1 °inylr.! SINCERE NON-DRINKER Happy-go4ucky SWCM, 42, 5'6", 1 s., short hair, hazel eyes, employed, enjoys new Inven- tions, water sports, seeks WS, fit, respectful, attractive SF. Ad1.9534 BELIEVE IN YOURSELF Funny at times SWM, 18, 6'3", 180Ibs., enjoys basketball, vol- leyball, long walks, talks, seeking honest, caring SF, for a monoga- mous relatlbnshlp. Ad9.9798 ONE WHO TRULY CARES SWM, 34, 6', slender build, dark hair, green eyes, easygoing, employed, enjoys biking, work- ing on carslawn mowers, seeks .honest, talkative SF, who likes kids. Ad1.8232 LEVEL-HEADED SWM, 32, blond hair, blue eyes, easygoing, fun, employed, enjoys the outdoors, fishing, walks, drives, seeks honest, articulate, positive SF. A61.7559 ADVENTUROUS Fit SWM, 38, 5'11", brown hair/eyes, friendly, employed, enjoys hockeyseeks Mbeactiv� friendly outgthek°o- Ing SF. Ad1.8974 MUTUAL TRUST Easygoing SWM, 38, 5'10", 190Ibs., enjoys tinkering around the house, horseback riding, walking, seeks honest, sincere SF, who looks after herself. *di.81321 MORE THAN WORDS SWM, 35, 5'7", 1321bs., bubbly, outgoing, open-minded, enjoys fishing, dining out, movies, beach walks, seeks honest, lov- irigg, dediated, easygoing SF. Adt.9490 LIKE ME FOR ME WM, 43, 5'9", 14SIbs., brown hair, employed, enjoys fishing, golf, boating, seeks articulate, happy, honest SF, who is fun to be with. *40.6068 LET'S TAKE A WALK.. Easygoing, loving SWM, 50, 5'11", 200bs., likes playing golf, darts, Bkrgo, seeks nice, caring SF, who's easy to gel along with. A TRUE ROMANTIC Blond SWAT, 59, 6', liens., old• fashioned morals, ekes candlelit dinners in the company of a spe- cial SF, who wants to share Me on an equal basis. *d0.58.61 LIKES UP -FRONT PEOPLE Pretty easygoing SWM, 20, 51", 180Ibs., short blond hair, green e dining out,good honest, able SF, for possible relationship. Ad1.2469 LAUGHTER I5 IMPORTANT Musca ar Sj!VM, 33, easygoing, honest, likes, lots o1 out- door activftles, l ng for hon- ed, spontaneous SF, who Ibves kids. Adt.4292 OUTDOOR ENTHUSIAST ,tri d Clea wo�dng out, skeng, playing sports, looking for athletic SE with matching Interests. Ade.4210 rM OUT THERE Shy SWM, 20, 5'6", 1461bs., brown heir, blue eyes, hobbles Include writing, basketball, singing, seeks humorous, trust- worthy SF. Ad0.9941 SEEKS A PERFECT SWM, �, 2251bsPERSON I f" saiparrAsdqq, ernjosports, reeding, pl etryy , seeks hulrlorous —i;a worthy, honest SF Ad8.7077 FRRO�M$WMTHE OLD SCHOOL EiWgei1sYlOw., hosed r 27,enjoys fishing, hunting, the outdoors, 'mks eserooina SE welt linear Interests, no gimes. Ad0.9260 SHARE MY UFE SWM, 58, 6', blonde hair, blue eyes, pleasant, easygoing, hon- est, retired, seeks completely honest SF, no game players. Ad0.9637 LIFE'S NOT BORING Energetic SWM, 35, 5'10", 1651bs., brown hair, blue eyes, employed, enjoys woodworking, scuba, skiing, flying, seeks WS, adventurous, attractive SF. Adt.6324 CHRtsnAN MAN SWM, 34, 5'8",1801bs., physically fit, brown hair, blue eyes, employed, enjoys long walks, weightlifting, long distance run- ning, seeks attractive SCF. Ade.7547 HEALTHY AND ACTIVE WWWM, 54, 5'11", 1421bs., retried, enjoys shooting pool, seeks honest, loving, sincere S woman, for companionship. ENHANCE YOUR UFE Mellow, nice SWM, 35, 5'10", 1751bs., brown hair, blue eyes, employed, enjoys outdoor activi- ties, relaxing, seeks honest, affectionate, attractive SF. Ad8.2862 FOR THE LOVE OF UFE Good-humored SWM, 35, 5'6", curly brown hair, muscular, employed, hardworking, derives pleasure from hunting, fishing, decorating, seeks honest, com- patible SF. Ad8.9755 GREAT SENSE OF HUMOR SWM, 22, 5'9', 140Ibs, black hair, blue eyes, easygoing, enjoys martial arts, music, seeks stable SE *dt.9251 IN GREAT SHAPE SWM, 50, 5'8", 1901bs., cheerful, employed, enjoys fishing, the outdoors, seeks bubbly, easygo- ing, responsible SF. Adt.1901 SUNSHINE EVERY DAY Self-employed, rugged -looking SWM, 38, blue-eyed blond, easy- going, enjoys outdoor activities, camping, seeks sexy, attractive, independent SF. Adt.4913 ANSWER THIS AN Friendly, good-hearted Sit, 33, 2001bs, employed, en joys playing In a band, pets, seeldng good- hearted oodhearted SF for relationship. Ade2335 SEEKS HAPPINESS SW dad, 39, 1851bs, average build, blue eyes, employed, enjoys waiting, sports, dancing, seeks SF, with similar Interests. Ad0.7020 FRIENDSHIP FIRST SWM, 33, 5'11", 180lbs., blond, blue-collar worker, enjoys music, most sports, computers, seeks employed SF, who enjoys time with family & friends. Ad0.6539 PLEASANT PERSONALITY Average-IookMg SWM, 49, sr, 1801bs., factory worker, enjoys mestkll People, sports, dining out, dancing, seeks romantic, humorous SF. *40.3857 LET'S GO OUT Artistic, humorous SW dad. 31, 5'11', 1801bs., brown hair, hazel lead ppenndl drawing, woodcarving, seeks SE Ad9.1903 PICK MY AD Easy /o gin along with SWM, 30, blond brown hair, blue eyes, er erdoY. VW), movbs, seeks SE Adt.6735 UNDERSTANDING esd8 51", soloY4 SW ee gisn ne pendent. ssNrsllan* SE Ade.9612 Match Confidential/ Instant Matching Smart Callback i Profile Match We know you would rather not discuss your personal life with a complete stranger, Auto Ad allows you to use ydbr touchiest* phone to answer questions about and your ided - a Our database does the work for you! We start searching for your suitable system selection immediately after you place your ed. To hear greetings hum those who fit your entefai - We'll let you know when you have -new messages! Just sit beck and wait fora phone call. Upon creating your mailbox; leave us tie number whore ,you cern be reached Q i"and.!the We're lacking out for you! We wouldn't want you to miss out on the love of a lifetime. When you respond a specific voice personal ad,wev give youthe option abasing to rijmore 41. HARDWORKING MAN SWM, 58, 5'9", 1851bs., fair- haired, blue eyes, enjoys golf, travel, gardening, good movies, seeks understanding, caring SF, nice figure a plus. Ad1.9668 LIVE FOR TODAY SWM, 38, 511", 170Ibs, graying dark hair, nice dresser, employed, enjoys music, the arts, sports, seeks upbeat, self- sufdent, fun SF. Ad0.9048 WAITING FOR YOU East Indian SM, 40, 5'11 ",186!bs-, setiemployed, varied interests, seeks straightforward, honest, communicative SF. Ad1.6956 I'LL MAKE YOU HAPPY SWM, 20, 51', brown hair, blue eYel, euY901ng, Pod sense of humor, likes martial arts, camp- ing, seeks SF, with similar inter- ests, who likes being pampered sometimes. *50.0609 SHARE MY TIME SWM, 44, 5'9", 165101., essygo• Mg, humorous, enjoys sports, dandng, country music, seeks fun -loving easy to get along with SF. *dt 9657 INTERESTED? SWM, 29, 6'1", 210Ibs., brown hair, green eyes, easygoing,. employed, enjoys the outdoors, driving, pool, Mends, ars, seeks happy, Fe, active SF. Ad0.6287 AN AVERAGE GUY SWM, 41, s'8", 1801bs., brown hair, a little shy, in sales, hobbies are musk, jogging, the beech, seeking sincere, honest, outgo- ing SF, for dating, maybe more. Ad0.0280 MUST UKE COUNTRY LIFE SWM, 40, quiet, shy, self- employed, enjoys movies, car- pentry work, long drives, seeking honest, trustworthy, caring SWF. Ad9.5336 . LOTS TO GIVE SM, 36, 5'8", WS, lives near Milberton, enjoys all winter and summer sports, seeking SF, who Is Independent, Bikes sports, to share good times together. Ad0.1018 ATTRACTIVE Great sense of humor, SM, 41, 6'2", 2251bs., enjoys dancing, children, animals, camping, the beach, life in general, seeking sem SE 2840, for possible rele- tlonship. Adi.7107 All You Need to Know —. lab- car aur► rnrellts 4.1.1 -• Aa ole1*orbspamsr.gaa/ 111161114111 turfs, 1r4 Olt Mk" W et gaol. 16IUr b ards6d6 d arelfa rou aaltit rip Ow/ seeerwy MOW Pail.� 111611141116 SAM KM las alta add asbeg1l. Opar f r114W bibssOwn ew No Or .m 14604614lb t*,$ UM per la.W, art, pdn A. //a*b. re aArdllas ria for waam roam r.wr* Woad r lav Ohm ,aero _ . pi we 1 maw. ca 1400411 -4121 td to rt a IM rear arta, pro, 1 b M t b,opaaa M b 1a and rte or ant pot ,pita _•� 1► ramal 4440 . arw rat at a/ seem arta 11410641,4711 Pod ;111 a yolk*66d1 1 ddb We der Llai Iwo M race .66b4 MINIM pm Ws f61166 warerle1 NOT b m► a odds Pak bin pd 4 oda__. 101. r•b soraoar Woo 4.081 116w pea et ill bps Or pew /10din Om Ow wad po oda 116. J