HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-01-01, Page 18Page 18 Times -Advocate, January 1, 1997 CIA SSIF1E Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6 DEADLINES: MONDAYS 4 P.M. PHONE FOR DETAIL OW Resat* WOW Ow ass Super Ad• Or Well Repeat Mar Ad Up To Another Seven Times At No Charge • sow £AL(Ir aea oars • ear rrnr war AC tgisigulaftesmiegeumungv •• Al arrr,u..rr1 art reseal OFFICE HOURS; MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. \II) h\1I WORD ADS -261/04 .exiareti I insertion $7.49 2 insertions $13.91 3 insertions $20.33 Additional IM chirp for each word over maximum NOTICES • w word maximum (Births. Deaths, Announcements. Comer Events. Memoriam. Cards of Thanks) 1 insertion $9.63 2 insertions $21.40 3 insertion No Charge Additional 15e chArge for each word over maximum • BASED ON 52.00 DISCOUNT FOR PREPAYMENT Bortdered & Monthly Adf Rates available on request PAYMENT Cash. Cheque (with idemiliculonl. 111 Money Order. Visa and Mastercard ate accepted • PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT APPEARS TO ENSURE THAT ft IS CORRECT L3 Situations Wanted MOTHER OF. ONE willing to babysit in my home. Smoke-free environment. Nutritious meals and snacks provided. Call 235-1292anytime. (1:2•) - EXEC(JTiVE SECRETARY/ Administrative Assistant seeks employment. 17 years experience. Please call 237-3442. (Ic) 4 Help Wanted WE ARE LOOKING 'for key people to expand our financial services. Business in this arca. Experience not necessary. we will train. Send resume to P.O. Box 423, Lucan. Ont. NOM 210. (S2 -3c) WE ARE SEEKING an individual with heating and air conditioning experience to work.on a part time basis in the commercial and industrial field. This position could lead to full time employnient for the right individual. Please forward resume to: Responsive Multi -Tech Services. 714 York St. London. Ontario. NSW 2S8 or by fax to 85I-8516.(Ic) • The Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution when sending money for business opportunity or employment advertise- ments. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information. Remember... if any adver- tisement sounds too good to be true, it is. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers .or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hy- phens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $9.00. 15c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes. 20 words 56.00. 15c per word there atter. BIRTHS - 30 words 511.00. 155 per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $11.00 each additional word 15c. IN MEMORIAMS - 511.00 plus 255 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words. 511.00. each additional word 155. Three insertions for the puce of two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words 511.00, additional words 10c each. S2.00 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED ABOVE FOR PREPAYMENT WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENTS With picture - $25.50. GRADUATES with picture - $10.50 PHOTO REPRINTS 5x7 • 58.00 8 x 10 59.00 • SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - 510.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $8.0 per column inch. (minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office 52.50 per insertion. SUPER ADS 511.00 Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. OUR ADVERTISING POUCY Adverse g m to Trnes•Advocete is Sccep•d on condition that, in to event Of • typ00rtplwc♦I erns. that potion of to adve.tnu g space oocu- piad by to erroneous nem, together wet, reason- able arowence to signature, we be rerun in a subsequent mssu• as a make good at no large. whits to balance of the aWM.SMnent wit be paid for at an alppkc•bts rat. In We event or a typographcal sola *Waning goods Or serves in ■ *Tong Dote. goods or serviws may not be sold Adverte.ng s an ober to no and may to withdrawn at any tome Any errors mutt be ac• knowedpad wMon seven days of publication The Tress -Advocate reserves se privilege of re- vising or mowing .dv.Meemerts-that it Consid- ers ons,bers ogSgarable and to change the cesst,caoon or any adverleom.nt.hom tat ordered to con- form to tet pokey of this rewsp•per Contents are protected by cvvrrrllnt Reproduction of any mums wihout to permesem of to pible e5- is forb1den Advsrasers ptedus• space and c.culstan only. AS rights to any adv.nesme is produced by the Teas -Advocate. owl) artwo0. !ypo9raphy or photographs arranged for by the newspaper anal be se property ata TWOS-Advoare. No such ad or any part tereof may be reproduced or Mr aged **hour seinen concert of to Tres • Advocate. STATEMENT OF POIICV• The Teres -Advocate Isnot response*, Idr errors n.dveneerMnts not submitted in begets Porn. not for more than a angle incorrect insertion of tet .O.rti.•n sno Phone 235-1331 m - Use your VISA or MASTER - CARD and Save $2.00 . $1:1€ Please print one word per space. The rate* is shown on the left. REMEMBER! 134E MORE YOU TELL, THE MORE YOU SELL' NAME ADDRESS -PHONE: DATES TO RUN - METHOD OF PAYMENT: Visa - MasterCard _ Cheque CREDIT CARD NO. Expiry SIGNATURE 4 Help Wanted 1 Full Time/Part Time Flexible Schedule. Easy work, no experience, earn $300-$600 weekly at home, guaranteed. Call 7 days, 1 (504) 641-7778 The Corporation of the ' Village of Zurich requires a CLERK -TREASURER (Employment contract position) The position is responsible for administrating the business affairs of the municipality in accordance with the policies and programs established by the Council. Responsible for all of the financial duties of the Village, including the preparation •of' the annual budget. preparation and collection of all fax and non - tax revenues and payment of expenditures. A full job description is available at the Municipal Office. Qualifications: - a strong financial background or an accounting designation • with experience is essential - an AMCT designation • preferred - possesses strong management, communication and labor relations skills - computer experience an. asset • • Salary This is a contract position. Remuneration will be based upor, qualifications of successful candidates. • Qualified applicants are invited to apply in writing including a complete resume .by January 9, 1997 at 12:00 noon. Mr. Dwayne LaPorte, Reeve ' Village of Zurich 22 Main Street West, Box 280 Zurich, Ontario NOM 2T0 5 Business Opp. I 5570/WEEKLY,Making holiday decoration year aund. at home, no experience. S.A.S.E. to: Holidaycraft Decoration Ltd. 420 Main St. E. U -C Ext. 1075 Milton,Ont. L9T 5G3. (50-3•) 6 Services BJ's DRIVER TRAINING AZ -DZ Training Courses Job Placement Assistance available 1-800-708-5583 itrAUt ULOntl For private parties, business meetings or any other function. Served in house, or at your location. Meals and alcohol provided. All permits are supplied. Call Henri 235-0114 QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING and custom framing and now 5 minute enlargements. Jervis Photography, Main St Exeter 235.1612.(31fn) THE ANTIQUE WATCH and Clock Specialist. Want to buy old clocks? Have for sale many quality clocks. Repairs. Open chance or appointment (519) 243-1130. (281fn) BART RIDLEY • Drywall • Paint & Wallpaper • Trim Carpentry • Renovations THE FINISHING TOUCHES" 234-6440 HURON BOOKKEEPING SYSTEMS 254 Huron St. E., Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S1 SPECIALIZING IN • Small Business & Farmers: • Bookkeeping • Payroll • Financial Statements income Tax Preparation ' • Personal • Farm • Small Business Nell Romphf (519) 235-1196 HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATTVE EXETER Small Engine Mechanic Licensed small engine mechanic required for our service shop. Send resume to: Chuck Mallette, Exeter Do -it Centre 265 Main St. N., Exeter Ont. NOM 1 S2 Deadline for applications: Jan. 10/97 The Huron County Board of Education Invites Proposals from any interested parties to form a joint partnership to provide the schools and the broader Huron County Community with educational and community services through access to the Internet. Proposals must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. January 17th, 1997. All interested parties must attend an information meeting at the Education and Learning Resources Centre On Friday, January 10th, 1997, at 2:00 p.m. For further information, interested applicants should apply in writing or e-mail to: Janet Baird -Jackson Snpefinteadent of Business The Huron County Board of Edicatioa 163 Princess Street Last Clinton, Ontario NOM iLO jbj@huroned.edu.on.ca A. Carter Chair P. Carroll Director 6 Services Carole's - CLEANING SERVICE Do you need a little help with your cleaning? PLEASE CALL 235-4729 FOR PRIME POWER and stand-by electricity that works and stays working, call Sommers Motor Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936. Phone 519-655-2396. (30tfn) TELEPHONE ThISTALLATINS Move phones - install jacks 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE PETER McFALLS 235-0368 ACCOUNTANT/BOOKKEEPER Personalized Service. Call Sharon Lewcock (519) 786-6312. Working with the business community both large and small. (47tfn) LAWN & GARDEN CARE SNOWBLOWING Laveme McCarter .235-1062 8 Farm Machinery 15-5 38" TRACTOR CHAINS. Call 229-6308. 9 Sports Equip, Veh. 1982 MOTOSKI FUTURA 300; 1500 km.. cover: 1996-97 trail permit; excellent condition 51600. Phone 519.284.1203. 1982 YAMAHA 300. twin, excellent condition. 51200. 284-1354. L11 Cars, Trucks WANTED TO BUY - Cars and trucks for wrecking. free scrap car removal. Call Advanced Auto at 234-6252. (6tfn) TOP DOLLAR PAID for older cars. trucks. scrap. etc. Brock's Auto 228-6700 on Mt. Carmel Road. Safety inspections 535.00. Autorepairs. (14tfn) 1981 FORD F150 flatbed box needs motor. Call 284-3275. 1989 MERCURY TOPAZ, good condition 51700. certified. Call 284-3630. 1992 GMC SLE 4x4 (loaded) 2 tone grey. grey cloth interior. CD player. remote start. with or without topper. 80.000 km. asking 518.000. or best offer (certified). Call 519-236-7793 or229-8107. 12 Pets !GOLDEN RETRIEVER pups for sale. Pully registered. Guaranteed for hips and eyes. First shots and dewormed. Tattooed. (519)357-1085.(52-2•) TO GIVE AWAY - Rottweiller/Shepherd, 7 month sold. 263-3042 after 6 p.m. 2 YEAR NEUTERED FEMALE, loveable black lab retriever. free to good home. 522-1516.(Ic) a - • Ciel PET GROOMING 2 5.0625 13 Musical Instruments -1 GUITAR & PIANO Lessons Available. Beginner to advanced, all styles of music. Exeter Music Centre 235-1263. (20tfn) GUITAR LESSONS AVAILABLE. Classical and electric. Familiar with Suzuki method of teaching young children. Call 645-2068 Mon. -Fri. or 236-4230 weekends. (1-4•) 14 Appliances, Television WASHER. DRYER, antique stove. Call 225-2609 after 6 p.111. 15 Personal IF YOtJ WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 235-1934 or 1-800-706-9833. (171(n) EXETER COMMUNITY FOOD BANK with 24 hr. Food Drop at 293 Main St. (Beside Noah's •Ark). Open 9-12. (Closed Thurs.) Phone 235-4104. (33tfx) 16 For Sale • FIREWOOD • DELIVERED $175.00 a cord • (128. CU. FT.) Free kindling included B. CLACKETT (519) 238-2943 • PATONS YARNS • - Discount Prices. Ron's Health Centre. Hensall. (16dn) FIREWOOD - seasoned .hardwood hickory. beech. ash. maple. delivered and picked up. Phone Dignan Landscaping 236-4457. (49tfn) APPROX. 500 BRICKS. Ideal for barbecue or ftrcpit. Phone 234;6396.(161(x) 12-1/2 FT OAK KITCHEN CABINETS. counter top included. perfect for cottage or renovations. Like ncw. 235-3293. (24tfn) SEASONFD'FIREWOOD - S40.00 face cord or 0.5 cu. ft. no delivery. beside Downie Central School. Please call Walter Dunbar393-5388 before coming. WOOD FOR SALE - Good dry mixed hardwood. by the cord or 1/2 tonne pickup truck load. Will deliver. Call 225-2609 after 6 p.m. DRY SEASON WOOD - Cut and stored inside. 545.00 a cord delivered. 540.00 a cord picked up. 263.5504. (46tfn) ARTIST SUPPLIES.• • Artboards • Brushes, • Acrylic Paints • Charcoal Pencils • Art Nibs •Sketch Pads • Calligraphy EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE -- SIM IND MI PIANO "TUNING • REPAIRS • REBUILDING • KEYS RECOVERED • DAr.1PP CHASERS • REGULATING BRUCE PUISWER BOX 1204, MITCHELL ONTARIO, NOK /NO 34d-9223. N.C. JONES & SONS LTD. -1114 1:4 1111 . Sand - Gravel - Stone - Top Soil . Excavating - Dozing • Trucking Driveways • Parking Lots • Ponds - Site Preparation Clean-up of Bams, Houses, Foundations, Silo's etc. CaII for an estimate (519) 235.2489 (Shop) 235-0926 (Office) 235.2815 (Res.) Exeter 16 For Sale COSCO NEWBORN CARSEATS for sate until Christmas from St. Marys Kinettes, excellent condition 510.00. If interested call Tracey Rabbets -Aylward 284-0397. KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER - Heritage 11 s'ith 'ail attachments 5300.; 12' uninsulated stainless steel stove pipe 540.; rear sliding window for Ford Ranger extended cab, will fit years 16 to '96 550. . For more information call 284-1814 after 5 p.m. (48SA) MASTERCRAFT 8 HP SWOWBLOWER - electnc starer. Used only -few times., 5595. Electric kitchen' stove 5250, washer and dryer 5495 G.E. pair; dining room set, glass top and four chairs 5200; dining room set. vinyl top and,four chairs S2S5: water softener 5125; Torso toner exercise machine 5295. Please .phone 235-0464. (50tfn) . SLAB FIREWOOD & SAWDUST FOR SALE We buy woodlots MILLER WOOD PRODUCTS 235-2516 gsisctlsll • Service • Parts DRYSDALE MAJOR Arr.JAlete cSNTWI k.T1s. Hensall • 282-2728 SAVE (S699.00) SAVE Ney 18" mini -dish. we blow our competition away. includes 5350. worth of Free program, with 15 years experience L&A Southwest Satellite can fill all your satellite and antenna needs. (519) 524-9595. Call,day or night.(491fn) ANTIQUE FURNITURE - etc. Special Christmas Gifts. All refinished. selling estate. No dealers please! St. Marys. Call for info 851-2148. IKEA BEDROOM SUITE - White. single size includes bed. mattress. dresser, night table, wardrobe and wall mirrors 5300. Wicker bassinet with eyelet. cover and pad $30. Fischer -Price child car scat S50. Call. 284-4192.(51c) APARTMENT SIZE Hotpoint dryer comes with stand rl50.00; full size Maytag dryer 5150.00; Xerox memory typewriter comes with screen and manual 5200.00. 284-2900. 3'X6' ELECTRONIC PLATFORM SCALES. legal for trade approved. used one ;year. 52.600 or best offer. CaII Mitchell. 349-8331 evenings. CHOICE QUALITY ALFALFA and timothy hay. Phone 229-8232. (I.SSA) WASHER AND DRYER G.E: pair 5450: dining room set glass top' and four chairs 5125; kitchen stove 5225; Torso toner exercise machine 5250. Phone phone 235-0464.(Ic) APPLES Northern Spys plus other varieties • Fresh Cider Avaialble • Grape Juice • Apple Butter OPEN SATURDAY SAWYER'S ORCHARD 235-0446 Hwy. 4 & Crediton Sideroad 3'X6' 'ELECTRONIC PLATFORM SCALES: legal for trade approved, used one year. 52.600 or best offer. Call Mitchell 348-8331 evenings. MOVING MUST -SELL - Maytag dryer. 7 years old. 5150. Perego baby carrier. like new 535.00. Little Tykc toys. 227-4125. (I:2c) , 17 Wanted to Buy CANNING SIZE pressure cooker. Call 229-8709. (48ifn) CRIB. CHANGE TABLE and dresser - to ' match in wood finish. 229-6963. (I -8SA) 18 Wanted WANTED - Old grey bamboard, barn beams and old well pump for children's project. Call 227-4920 (cave message. 19 Property for Sale FOR SALE BY OWNER - Huron St. East, raised ranch. over 2.200 sq. ft. finished living area. 3-4 bedrooms. 3 baths. spacious country kitchen plus attached garage with workshop. cedar 3 -level deck. shed. etc. Call after6 p.m. 519-235.031.1. (43tfn) HOUSE FOR SALE by Owner 119 Gibson Cr. Lucan - newly decorated brick side split, 3 + 1 bedrooms. 21/2 year old detached garage, aut. door opener. Self-contained apartment or rec room with wet bar and fireplace In basement. Central vacuum,dishwasher, air, , in -ground sprinklers, new roof, nicely landscaped. $149,900. 227.0224 r Purchase now and choose your own colors, carpet, etc. 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 _ baths, 1482 sq. ft. Quiet 'street. Call 262-2029. Brokers protected. $139,900. I - ATTENTION FARMERS - L Take advantage of Emu Opportunity without feed and housing Investment.Buy your emu pairs now and receive FEE feed and housing till April 1/97 Additional programs available -1 call 519-263-5343 r"' SIM IND MI PIANO "TUNING • REPAIRS • REBUILDING • KEYS RECOVERED • DAr.1PP CHASERS • REGULATING BRUCE PUISWER BOX 1204, MITCHELL ONTARIO, NOK /NO 34d-9223. N.C. JONES & SONS LTD. -1114 1:4 1111 . Sand - Gravel - Stone - Top Soil . Excavating - Dozing • Trucking Driveways • Parking Lots • Ponds - Site Preparation Clean-up of Bams, Houses, Foundations, Silo's etc. CaII for an estimate (519) 235.2489 (Shop) 235-0926 (Office) 235.2815 (Res.) Exeter 16 For Sale COSCO NEWBORN CARSEATS for sate until Christmas from St. Marys Kinettes, excellent condition 510.00. If interested call Tracey Rabbets -Aylward 284-0397. KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER - Heritage 11 s'ith 'ail attachments 5300.; 12' uninsulated stainless steel stove pipe 540.; rear sliding window for Ford Ranger extended cab, will fit years 16 to '96 550. . For more information call 284-1814 after 5 p.m. (48SA) MASTERCRAFT 8 HP SWOWBLOWER - electnc starer. Used only -few times., 5595. Electric kitchen' stove 5250, washer and dryer 5495 G.E. pair; dining room set, glass top and four chairs 5200; dining room set. vinyl top and,four chairs S2S5: water softener 5125; Torso toner exercise machine 5295. Please .phone 235-0464. (50tfn) . SLAB FIREWOOD & SAWDUST FOR SALE We buy woodlots MILLER WOOD PRODUCTS 235-2516 gsisctlsll • Service • Parts DRYSDALE MAJOR Arr.JAlete cSNTWI k.T1s. Hensall • 282-2728 SAVE (S699.00) SAVE Ney 18" mini -dish. we blow our competition away. includes 5350. worth of Free program, with 15 years experience L&A Southwest Satellite can fill all your satellite and antenna needs. (519) 524-9595. Call,day or night.(491fn) ANTIQUE FURNITURE - etc. Special Christmas Gifts. All refinished. selling estate. No dealers please! St. Marys. Call for info 851-2148. IKEA BEDROOM SUITE - White. single size includes bed. mattress. dresser, night table, wardrobe and wall mirrors 5300. Wicker bassinet with eyelet. cover and pad $30. Fischer -Price child car scat S50. Call. 284-4192.(51c) APARTMENT SIZE Hotpoint dryer comes with stand rl50.00; full size Maytag dryer 5150.00; Xerox memory typewriter comes with screen and manual 5200.00. 284-2900. 3'X6' ELECTRONIC PLATFORM SCALES. legal for trade approved. used one ;year. 52.600 or best offer. CaII Mitchell. 349-8331 evenings. CHOICE QUALITY ALFALFA and timothy hay. Phone 229-8232. (I.SSA) WASHER AND DRYER G.E: pair 5450: dining room set glass top' and four chairs 5125; kitchen stove 5225; Torso toner exercise machine 5250. Phone phone 235-0464.(Ic) APPLES Northern Spys plus other varieties • Fresh Cider Avaialble • Grape Juice • Apple Butter OPEN SATURDAY SAWYER'S ORCHARD 235-0446 Hwy. 4 & Crediton Sideroad 3'X6' 'ELECTRONIC PLATFORM SCALES: legal for trade approved, used one year. 52.600 or best offer. Call Mitchell 348-8331 evenings. MOVING MUST -SELL - Maytag dryer. 7 years old. 5150. Perego baby carrier. like new 535.00. Little Tykc toys. 227-4125. (I:2c) , 17 Wanted to Buy CANNING SIZE pressure cooker. Call 229-8709. (48ifn) CRIB. CHANGE TABLE and dresser - to ' match in wood finish. 229-6963. (I -8SA) 18 Wanted WANTED - Old grey bamboard, barn beams and old well pump for children's project. Call 227-4920 (cave message. 19 Property for Sale FOR SALE BY OWNER - Huron St. East, raised ranch. over 2.200 sq. ft. finished living area. 3-4 bedrooms. 3 baths. spacious country kitchen plus attached garage with workshop. cedar 3 -level deck. shed. etc. Call after6 p.m. 519-235.031.1. (43tfn) HOUSE FOR SALE by Owner 119 Gibson Cr. Lucan - newly decorated brick side split, 3 + 1 bedrooms. 21/2 year old detached garage, aut. door opener. Self-contained apartment or rec room with wet bar and fireplace In basement. Central vacuum,dishwasher, air, , in -ground sprinklers, new roof, nicely landscaped. $149,900. 227.0224 r Purchase now and choose your own colors, carpet, etc. 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 _ baths, 1482 sq. ft. Quiet 'street. Call 262-2029. Brokers protected. $139,900.