HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1876-4-20, Page 4Sgwrt turi Ottntry fail of gone, ant 91041'00 fifty's Sf)::;fp ,Niscrwt, stai rer (19,,q aideil hunter d nut le;43 014'Morris, in 4 1.0ler fO fk, A Uttsdeatt ttito jeintal it:3 tit the "Ti,lPY wei's boys then. ,',': one tail, blonde g,,,awrally, that OH ss.!,‘,..1 li cz< Wit of (lottejos btu -y.1(90 ten cartiii1,,e • ' a iii ivy the Otit'r short " ltrit and . bavviuktpsrvaatt- ,. ' carom\ from ute„ Ilo rettirited delis's- It was Stioday uiSitt, l' sverY ea tlioix intor.. Store 1 ,,, neCtI , t,tt,t in the Lty- \tut be in eparail - to. fitidish tigs VEI1E sovvoiso tk, P St, leave i any. kiirvetion, to obtain an iototvio ftiond in 'IA asitington, gives 11114 (iVoly 9 tionvuu- , ' it elliier blaoli, eittitnteoli, or W,h17,41..y • rwtitspeiteR of tuo itteit. linowti actors: c W travellers 0400 ItESH A CLO Exoter ClothlAg $to7: SO1,4erier Wisltes to intent his sip, Pa<=t patronage, and would will particular attention to the Spling Stook 54. (teas Varnisliiinis lust art ivoi. 1 have shill 'tssot Wichita of the newest mid most fashionable 11atetiatS for (iegt'$ wiNlry l?irigvisli and French Fancy Catalogs, finglsh, Scotelt .1.014 Canadian ro BrOadelOths, Doesithis and bailey est),PCS, choice btocl; of 1-latS and 0ps '111 1 t pf, tile cartridges, :110 brought late Que liiia gene to tile i-fuft NI x itg Y 13kt ;k liliti,ta t'Y 0$-Vlori14,-, port(' finds lie I alone, Withal:it cards, Or checkers, or, Itlial atty ; mid littlitas the gaine eitue A oertatu ot•oposel was drawled. Ity theDEN'FlitEA1JX, into Camp, 0- ran itt.esi,ist. -us en tlio long chap, anti eagerly ueee,pted by the .1\ atiomil Hotel, K. .'Nfary's 01,"RO • •:0'' 6 1,1 O11011. t)110, They then put oh theit ----7,-""--------------'" • — ' P4' , Or1I1111 grOnse nod nutt.trisilleinit. dem-. k401186 ft, few doors abeNe. They bl.laine8;A ttteporting—at leaSt, 03 did not 1 noolni, init Satan ettille to tile tesene. OZ Tea (j. 0114UNNICA ,our vowkier, 1.1.1,1, coats, artned tlit.utiSelveS or_JTE ,road, ao sviaom inia 4 he Jceeeced a large shies of OEM, c1,0C,ItE11.7 e4c.' atee a large stoel( • S Abb it inti, 0 pail ()f itnti 1.14),,per, ":300TS $210 • . 01.10 ;4401'110011, 110WON 4111 (,) , 0110 of the packers, ran into land went, fol tit into the still, bitter 001,1 pate taco and is revolver drawn. " J of Ezi411,t WOrf(ed Thoy jtIjii f4,Gt, of I w P t broad t)fot II over tiM sloping ,-a,i(1--it,ittuglitil---tit the h- ex- oldewalk, quite froo faun 8110NY ; OVel' roinOled, ,4 " onte ttiong, -.ley poured a tlippeit of. water, • Amy sit' lot's then Waited, J few nntos it was tie had beet. 'sing its,leep On the gras '4 i reo.7.0n ; then a-aother dipper of water„ .a shorL distance ittvay. whet: a panting amt almthor wait, until the path was sound awoke lino, aos lie opened hi. i gliissrlike in its icy stitootliness. A avowsy nyes be saw ail euoptitoce cio- 1 whisk of the broom, sent tl, light co:vait- names bear gazing art him and smack- ti log of snow over it ; the NVOi,li kylkfi. 4,0!1,1e ,110 its rough lips. No wonder he was awl the godloas laborers, gatliertii.,,* up ,,settred, A cinnamon biar is a terrible theirtools, ecrougel ;themselves down „antagonist for a man with only a r0. on t•lie doorstep itud nonversed pleas- 4olver,, to,defenal 'himself ; and a3 ritlill L'alilly; l'resently the doors of the .raised himself ob li's elbows, tale rah- ineellioz, lionso opened, and two lives of t li I Mtn wiitt the ist tenr b iwittls--one made up of males, and , tam of selectilig,a stift pitit to begi ' I . Ltle•Other of .felnttles- -caiii,e out. riio lc s iii,loister 6 In et , evident a its small, ferocious, and' liiiee„coming down:the btepeseparatelY ,nringry-li)diting eyes. • met and mingled in it crowd on tile ()or valiant comrade sighed., and sor- 1 Pavement for a feiv driements, titer' , . , ct.i...:(1,,orit, cli.41111itli of I.T A11,,i,,,-,,,t> ro 4 fully trucked lila six,shootera ;for he hrolie into twos and threes, -and came ' purt; tile subsequent p petedings wculd the stillness of the iiiight wiLS bY6,1W11 ted neatly, Oh( and ,quieltly, at the water TimetP Office ir.:.:%-•* Owners pf horses should sae our spool - Jaen :ii Cots before ordering elseir;here. NEW I3UT CI -1E R lhe'llndeisigued would juforna the inhabi- Id:louts of lixeter and vicinity that le has OPEE-1) BUTOIIER SilOP me era 1 'on .nt , knew that if he, fired slid missed 11, Nita,' gravely down the sideWalk, Suddenly cardPo, 'te 'Iiiiii iu the nave no pleasurable inter est,fer lam,— bY a, whagic 1' N\',11ek 1 Alla 1W,O snorts Btit the beer iiiielied' it cii*t the .clicli Oita wei:e as ,one. A female Vki ,,tid of the hairlines-, and with it laudable des. dew :total° .rescrie---: whack l rr,lte ! (11.0‘, it to tO avoid .difficoltics, waaated .qMiy cOugrega,tion, 41lea ‘044i-Wo1der, , e• ilown the hollow, of the river, „ :gam: rambling aim., ,t4 tl,u3 see-ne of aisas et could now fool the earth ithdor Lilo --whocii ! whack .! whack ! groans and again, stud sped to Camp With the new shorts ; ithees' and. 'thous' filled the of his asivehi,hre, • - - ' ;sir, alld, witli, cheeks stained With tears . . , . , so veil knoWil to. the world as, 'Jo,seph Jefferson aiid .John Ellsler. , , Ar*optspavt AND ‘w.,koceg trAuxial line itlikaiektowled Whim hill's new branch 0 4MIce of the villaitars three times eath week an .11 .1:3, 1-.T.S T till kinds keit cottit on I.Sid at his:II:Colic tosi,nass, Ills meet wallon call at the rehi , 811-111bMQ or 1.0,1 0.ad Winter, Co:misting of reit'S '\ omen.' Wow', 'rhosc in want ot firsi-ciass 'article in the ton and s'icie ahould not itvil to EXAMINE MY STOOK 13ofc)r,0 purpliasi.ng, • as iny ci_qairionce ibirt,),-•years in that lino ena Wes me impurebasing to 'saliket, that only which ' can recommend. (4.1altgliter, they sat on tlie step ftnl N, Blficits_.,Clithin's, tout weigon Making carried 'took 'it in,' th (J se sons of Deli' a:I since owls .1,a,,tiiaie usenosches; , REAT: INDUCE IVIENTS TO PUR Mr. Kati responded to..17is,,CllI fei voluuteei•s, and went to the scene of tile encounter with the hero, Who new aver red that the, bear ilid- not lo„ugli., ba,Vbe " Linder glitined." Poor Bruin had cro,i-sed the liver, an:it n -rt,. qui tly ascending the opposite banii wlien Ids pursuers esiii-ta, 1,itti and ,point- tt ateit' etti-hitieuttt.dtiu. Alipttreutl tztitlersttiudittgttlteir tentithis, t urn- *oa round and ran down tlie .bank to Jaltrnal At At Certain farm -house, t Wouty - yetirg ago, a great blank hook was ltept itud labeled Ivioute Jmirnal. E v ery someboalk blade an entry in it. f rorit --- A. I„A.IIOE' LOT OT' First lass Bacon , JUST RECEIVED- CRUNNICAN BRoDER.R., IGs sryis,.ND. STOVES ISTIING 1 N T 'C. SENIOR., J. I N,9, is prepared to do all kinds of I101,1.0 Painting, Papdr-hangin 'Whitening, At reasonable.prices and punch -tally, J. EITCIIING,-Mttin-street, IftOtor, ,Exeter, April 19 1876, (94.746) ..mpasommirammviasingslingeffonoimuguli MANUFACTURES. E,XETER STEAM 'RAKE St, CRADLE FACTORY hy pont You Go t�Jah,nsl , Johns keeps up Mainstreet, at his old stand,w)ere lie has•been for 13 years, '4 ohne lute moved, into 11A111111W.E111011 110W. Anybody will toll yen where Johns' '11n -shop is. It you'd° not kao,W where to bud it, toti,t,tito first man yoUispo,m,Exeter to show you, 1E1'11 do it,' When e know the rlaeo because there sono other -pima! just like it in tile ' Johns sells stoves, tinsvare and things, 'You'll see them lying clear out on the sidewalk--an.t them marked in pilau figures. Yon don't need to ask for tvlutt you wont, You can pia: them up anywhere. JOHNS SELLS CHEAP B. his store is always full Of men and women \linage 'lots' Last Saturday his ii.tore was chock. full of men V.11(1 women, and he Lau as much os he could o to take the mono y. Such a lot Of money! 1 toll you those o Zurich Road, for sale' n't S A II GEO. COTT New Patterns Stoves lugilt tio-ve, a fair fight with them, hi,t oit .se..),-Krciwn the side of the calves, are Stunners, .lie reachee l . -•• Airea44 at thisplacc the are about to be erected " 1.31.1 colie.i.,„ t ytting o t 18 a ei,ye allow buildings, 7'here js also it good Nothing like hem in these parts. Then there is d thbit tom three ballet such lots of Wooden IlarVest Tools Rakes, ' Snaithes, Fork Handles, Grain Cradles, ETO. of latfot IRslaion, Gents desiring a faith, ionable and perfect fitting suit ehould leave thetr orders at the Tfixetar >Clothing ":4-toro,-- Perfect satisfeetion guarantoed in in ery in - dance, MR. H. HARMS still ,htis charge of the (Jutting Department, 411.0011 bought of :Exeter, mtur: oluot free of charge. Z.CoXrityre Enlitgement .of Premi$es have reedy for the coining harvest, the celebrated, 'qu I key Hay - Rake - A volty in this section. ncli-a[A..NTs „cult...it to Their Advantage to Bay ,ftv.mittsi bowlder--a dead bear. accJunt sleighin4r party last 'GRAIN mATEET Hot-Ait- Drum5 ut„,oble in el, render as a sprh icy .,na. and , aaoa,s Tr,ttle, iLne ,JIti,tion is numbered secOn ir Enamelled Kettles, Sauce) ems and Pots, . ee ) tti ouurns and.Brooins, Baskels and Butcher Iinives, Meyer tit,otti mess. lilts meat was Phi Beta Club • or '1:orilS;crawledV'Tr'"'d 81)1euditi ePeain" f°r saltily., ramps, ncw . Blacksmith, Joiner aml and other thinghi. Such he ite rest iti peace I 13otter eating riiplit,; or Bob tile- riirockedings ofAthe • Altewea- roa44-0•11a '1 0 1. It w" Iny new .gun. :'',bbot into t ter Shoemaker, ma all other branches chandeliers. Table Cutlery. C1110i19, 'Mats, Brass point of business on the SausageIcl.tchinos and seales, Coal Oil,l3laek lead, lainh'.8-1ilinaln""tar•, 3‘13.e.b as thal'e 43tan( ,00 Htoward the waddle oaf th,e R. E. btoyl aml ilea them piled e pipe vornigh, oud hundreds of other things ribs of a, prila Iiefordshire ex, there, 1,v.,its au en, try of, jefloy„sw,arriage the from cellar up to the celing. —aluseful al1C1 good., tir ,alia of as agree-c.ble davo,r as v •Lr 0. one of the younum. had Added NOW 01> • : lit elei 3,4+1 cititrn it ,For iurther particulars, Gap.plz tjo.. rETTy, aidescription ol the brii esinaul s dresses, J0IINS IS I\TO (;OWARD, lintiw -St ail ilerl- '•(-3' 'iorad",--43'.'N'' -if • 11IDE1Gr '.', .leng afterardw ; there as written, In II orPer‘/(1 ''s. -310ill'e ht:4'r ..4"11./' "Th iS day father died," in -Bob's «rein- .. . • ____-----1-...—•trfT-- -------"____ ---------- ' elin'‘) hand.' There wits a blank of A BULI.,-DOG'S st)0131.1.A.GE.many monthi :titer .thitt. ._ •t Bat ilothitioulti litiye seryed better An eVilene0 of 'the '-'4'-'1."tc-rte a'ml:Pur, to bind that family of headstrong boys -antoity, .,0,1„tlie liingl,ish ,,'hall -,log wad- and girls together than Alio I espial," of shown in a rornicrlia e manner it few this book. '1' ie come bac,k to tlie ,ilays silize, m Eliglaud• A .(10(. of thi. old homestead now., anoo And W031011 wn ,o 11<18 flexor brion ttoell 8 - with grizzled, hair, to ,see thou- mother ' ;twirled to s o trai.is mild lately, ha, ,vho is stilt living, and Gam over its ‘taken -a great aversion to thilti, aud has Pages reverently iritli many li liarty maae il, point, of plots:mg them whenovoi iiinglr, or the tears ,comin,g into their ihe hasoppovt,tnii s of doing so. 12.u.', Oeyes. It is their childhootl come ir cli ..,,ou i so, m ii limit oeing able to catet, U<(10 in •vie.ible shape,. , . them. Ott the morning in question, ....,...-........ ,.... being out vit'a lki ownei's br )thers, i.. ;SEED FAILURES. the vicinity of tne Somers,t and Dorset , Railway, between the .litiford And Wel- Thefollowing are so"ao.of -the prin. low' stations tin early train :from Baltz cif al C:.1.1,1Se1 Of failittes of seeds,:— wiis heard to be rapidly approaching.-- 4-.. .Some cultivittors, through igoor- 'The dog, as 118U511,wati off directly. '11- 110 ance :or forgetfulness of the fact that %entleman, linowing"thoy were in ad the, product of the garden, . being na- 'vanes of the train, and fea ing the dog Lives of various soils and ctimates re- lteuld be killed, called loudly to him to quire peculiar .rnanagement, deposits ,eonie back ; but quite in vain. Ile then tair.et3iti•ms:..)euti ii!The thye,egarioilinadnictitivano.sitinli)a13 ro.(P.,• ran to see what would be the cense; quence' of rho brute's folly, and was jiist , especie4 ash nd varieties ould ,net be 3! ' t sec the dor, boldly ,charge tlit planted ou'il th,i.ground can be brought cow:catcher .of,ttle'engilies., and .tlisap- lint° good condition., 118 8011a0 species of year , The gentleman then closed his I plants that in an advauccd stage of . eyes for a nioment, 1101 wishing to 6ee, growth will stand a bard' winter, are the dog's remains torn to pierces, and ,.ften cut off by. a very slight frost 'opening them the next nionient, much while young, especially if exposed to to his snrPrise, 11`' aistiuctlY a" the tho sun ails': a frosty night. n '2. Some species of seeds., .such as doe, +haler the rapid' y passing carriages, .evidontly Waiting an °Ph°rtabitY ta bean, beet. ,cabbatte, lettuce, radish, ;make at dash between the wheels; but . a s 1, 1 if turnip, &e.t being from their ,t),tel‘. tuntsual velocity. rather .hothered, (i)ifateintre aAeisittr6tyocaveg\e‘ithattc: viobiy, , (10(3il germinating ' iiiin;; ,heitherefore remained until th, 1st (kl.rringe had passed over him, and through, ,variableness of the weather, I then emeraed, wagging his tail as and Some. are liable to be devoured' by 1 tthongh he °had done something to' be ausects in 48 hours after they are sown,- ttalIctict; about, and haying onlv sustain- ' and before a plant is seen above ilie Ati a feviAut•s about the head, and losing gronnd, unless a suitable remedy is ti.-lithe .114r from one .side of his tail. applied in time to.annoy ' the in sects. ' 3. .$0u30 spepies, as carrot, celery, Et,itS. from Tea .Drankfog. leek, onion parsley, parsnip, spinach, &c., being naturally •of ;tardy growth. It is on women- the mothers of our talthw ,(iii unfavorable seasons) front race--4hat t118 evil effects of tea,:drink- two to three'.or four weeks to vegetate, are apt to perish through 'incrustation How :many' women who think they of tke soi, or other untoward and un- .Ciave Univer sal Satisfaction Ito d but folks do crowd 010110(1. Lim and ask so many (30,iBM.) questions and pay him so many compliments 0..bout his stock and lit grand way of CloiLg things, that be gets kind of coilllusticatecl and loses him- self up in the garret DOMINION LABORATORY Perry's Condition Powder, Perry's Heave -13:emiedy, PERRY'S COUGH AND EPIZOOTIC CURE • COUNTING HIS MONEY' , rtiC, as" I am prepared to deaf with them aa bly as any other establishment, andto give p ' atteetion to an orders, 'WHOLESALE & RETAIL. CES SG co,. .11arciware r , 0 ong other goods we have tile following, which WILL 1:3, ,S.CEr-ip AT ' ,CPP,TOBT )?BI]S , HourigatesPe4a1008 Axes, Broad Chopping Adzcs, , Babbit Metal, gh- ,eUba, liaCe ,. 1,1rushes oi all kinds, Vancets, Leather, Bells, Glass, Mats, Bunch Screws, Glue: 1%,fachirte .i,i4 Paint Oil, Bering Machina, Grindstones, Nails,. Binges. Paints , 1-lortie Shoes, Putty, Hammers, Powder, Load Ravolveril Lanterns, Bopet uNnEasioNen, OttATIFIEI) FOB, .11. the liberal patronage bestowed on hint since he commenced business, would acquaint his mimerous friends and customers with the fact that he has enlarged his present placo • of bubiness, and added largely to his stook of 'Iati°caet,littenre'1, 1:t7legth tr Pena en:0 t Cb\vaens.au4prillita[ntoetxsoT7,i4u "the Coanty of won. Bieter, Jan. 18, 1878. 220 -ms Ainerican, and he is prepared. to fill all orders thathe may be favored trial an shortest no - their Stock from (if helms any). The best time to see 1<110 is on miny days, He ls itlways aronocl then, hut if you wont things 'that ore useful aud ornamental it makes no difference 'what day you cell, because 11< 1000 will always 101110 you feel its if you were !Lt home, and sell you things cheaper than you con buy them elsewhere. 301-11sTS Perry8§ Cattle Feeder Those preparations are the most relialle in use. ' GEORGE THEXTON, Manager. - • ang fall with the greatest weight.-- ClYsTERS ()ysTElis Tizrzizing EXPRESS. of all kinds made 0. spooialty in the business, GEORGE COTTLE Eke tor, April 8, 1871. 851-601 THOMPSON& WILLIAMS Oysters! Oysters! AND G-ROCERIES CHEAP, AT G. SANDERS' Store, PosffiB t Oce loch.. Au excellent 8.lork of Groceries auclContect cry on hand. CHOICE TOBACCOES and CIGARS. Srort smell supplied with Amtermition. School Books, Stationary, Magazines *ALL THE TATES r NOVELS. N .11.-0wi051 anchine 11e515110501 every Rind fe: sale. SANDEBs„ TORAC60' • .esonot gct atotig a single auP without accountab'le circuinstances which can - Last season, therefore hay your .eods this season tea, owe to it their cold feet and hands not always be controlled. et their liability to fregnent colds, their The failures often occur through pecuriqx difficulties, ,especially their seeds being deposited too tleeply in the, weal,(7eul13g 013ee, tifeir hiibitival gropld or loft too near the surface. lies of appetite, rentleying them a prey Sometimes, for want of sufficiency of to dinner pills, or the abstirditics- that seed in a given 81 oti solitftry. Pla,uts are termed strengthening medic:me, so will perish, they not having 'sufliCient long ill vogue No wollaqr that tea- strength to open the pores of tlie earth, ,drinkere are so freOnently small eaters and very h.-:.iquently injudicious nian- (witen aleir tea ints gradllallY destroyed agement in inanuring and in °paring ttheir atfpctite- According to Dr. Wm. the soil will cause 'defeat. Aiooft, ,0110, can4e of it scrofulous con- stitution by loheritance, is to he fourd itt the,use of tea by aneastots, and lie ,rittlisOns out the matter ou sound phy- -eitologWal principles, ol)ierving chat whatever weakens the nerves—espaci- ally those of tho attuotteli--in a Mother is sure to 8(11811 11 tendwicy to disease on her offspring, wlrioli will hot ,unfra-, quontly prove to be s..rofiilit, or tillatl dismal and universal di,ease,,tubereui- ons coneinninion. P11848 18 11190 reit,- sat to inte.,' that 133t1811 of our modern eye diseases and car diseases iS °named by the tenethiniting Of 8118 pop, ut.ttion. it is equally certain that the madden hotting produced by boa, as rit- i.idly followed by rofrigeration or eliiii eann« fail to 1)8 a perpetaal cause of the 8Vil 111 (11108L10o1---80 OftOti ctirsor of cowounption. Agriditharto IA an employment the ANECDOTE OF MATO11 A.NDE,E.—A. friend in Monticello, Jones Comity, Iowa, con- tributes; the following :---" This being Centennial year, thought to contribute to the Diawer a li`tle incident of the • lang syno ' of New york, intended for GEORGE J. CHILD. London, Seed. Store CITY HALL, RICIMIOND ST, New catalogue ler 1870 insi published and free to ft11.—sen51 for one. - Loudon, March.80, 1876. aidlie, 'though ,s,„ Yary tragic ono. Just above the 'terminus ,of Twenty.oiffht; street, forty years at,m, was Itinp'sPeint, on the Eat River, iti the rear of' Which ran Cortiwitilis's trenches, in which, as a boy, 11 fished many a year. Vronting this creek swot' the old stone Kipp inalisitur possibly bililt by dsacOhtis Hipp P f Irving48 t.inelterbocker.' On the gable end of this bonito was a face eary.113LA.Cli BRO A 1) CLOTH,S, oditt atone, ,anii underneath it the iron DOES1K.INS TO., wilieit for tnft,itWO8tllY. tho tipplication of 113(151 ; ,the mead ancient said most suitable to tIS nature, it i it' the coinnum nurse all persons in everY ago and cnnilitinn of life ; it is the source health, strength, plenty and riches, and of it thousand sober delialits and honest .pleasorml. It tho Mistress irild school of tobtiofy, temperance, 3 eo,rel wino , lir slirirt, of all Virtties, civil and iiiilitaryi----5(eerd tog, ENGLISH "SHAG .Borak,. Chain Cordage, Door Spaings Dumbbells, bber exid. =oral) Pao]sizig Spades and Shovels, ,$)ales, Shot, Saws, Turpentine, beg Twine, Vioes,Yarnish, Wire, Wht. Plans, Specifications,9.na)ilstimAtos prepared for building. O'RY.RNE 84 CO. NEW spitinc Gooms The American Exprern Co. A GRICI3LTURAL imptEmE N Tb Boiler and Engine Works E MITCHELL, ONT. --AT— KEMP'S TOBACCO STORE 75) FALL!' (75 Gen ts k HAVE WEII313. G1-t-A.:1•TrEON"-, ]FIAS JUST RIRIEIVED arid is ,now prepatea to SHOW THE LARGEST STOC over shown in Graitton, consisting of New Prints, Gray Cottons, White Cottons, new Costume Cloth, Black Lustres, Hosiery, Gloves, &c`., &c. TAILORING DEPARTMENT New English and Canadian spring tweedsoievrworsted gOatingp, doeskins and broadcloths, the latest' styles in collars :maths, 8cc., ke, A first-class French tailor cm the premises, and a perfect fit guar- anteed. I,: OW spring hiltsttud eons anophowl goods. A 11ONV 13 took of nails, glass, putty; paints, oils, cbc., coming te hand, Builders furnislaed at reduced prices. C. M. WEBB. . NEW Spring Goods Opened an. office Two -horse powet wood. Sawing machine l'his machine has been thbroughly tested and given ENTIRE SATISFACTION If you want A Good 5 cent Cigar TRY KEMP'. FINE OUT Szioking & Chewing Tobacco Cigars:—Wholesale and. Retail. HOTELS SUPPLIED. Opposite loss's Planing Mills EXETER'. ' CD 4 THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO".21.N. nounco thot he hoe jusi received it Splendid assortment of CANADIAN SCOTCH & ENGLISH TICATEZZIOS N' figures, 1679, When the )3ritisli held, Nw York, 'Alajnr Andre Wa8 it frequent vinitor to this Kipp mansion, and „on very intimate mid friendly terina with tile family, with &young lady, Miss Polly Kii41 NVloti about to lenVe fOr WOst, i)ol tit he 85111&1 t0 bid good,by, and on parting with Polly, slioolt exclaiming, • Crine, now, Polly, we are old friensi • dliks-inegood-hy. She in . • tb t)ait.36013g waylrepulsed Iiitsi oltehnin. Jogs Oh. yon bo hanged!' and he left, Tn 1.837 one of the f1011f of the tipn family (about ttventy, six y.)f-1 ttlid 1116 thmt he 11941 111114 Htor,v it°()rn his aunt oivii lips, arid that slie was wiltet trlio sodtlotnql when, nn hen -ring of to. beve deMetistrated by egPeri'livUtt Aqdro'g fate s'Itortly tifterward, 4,110 re. +hat 4king se0a 00(0 in CorbOlag 0,t11ed het WOrriit sithiten 111 Ost, Oh. ,Ofttei"«111prs•Vent tine rttvttp ot filo !you 118 ilftligoi t"--Korrotes 1)UiWtttt, 111 ttWiti IfOrtrli Ileirper Amp tint! foe ATV* STVIE ,Q*LIALITY WIrdli13t' IlArD TO BEAT 1 1: LORING lieinutinent 14 rvplote witlrevery modern nri- prOvement, and furnished monthly with 7PASIZZ011 PLATES Allier:wan St..;ylesand Cuts . All Work guaranteed, and eta hi' Ilia My fashionable Call early and see One Of the choicest and hest selected Sleeks in toWin'' and offering low Inicen tor wait, h C,1300:11.COTT. ti) 0 His supplied with a 13A_ND for driving Straw Cutter, Grain'Crasher. Or other machinery, without extra expense 821 copt for the belt. TRIAL OFFERED. All kinds of FarmingImplements kept constantly on Land. BOILER SHOP full operation. ENG! ES of all sizes to order. n ktilar. Kept at Bissett' a Tin shop, Exeter. TFIOMPSOIsT & WILLIAMS, proMptly attended to. Address-- 'Allelic -ill, Ont. l tl\rIES Office, Exeter. —IN— SP11111 GOODS. S.iAMWELL NJW Spring Goods PICKARD Have justrecel•ced mad opcmcd. out, New Prints, very low, New Grey Cotton, very cheap, New Bleached Cettou, c'tief.tpet ivan ever, _ New Bliwk Lustres, best makers—a11 prices, New Silver Gray Lustres'Yery low, New Colored Bilk at, Job Prices, ew Black Silks, best 'Value., New Fancy Dress Goods, all Prices„, New :Linen Costumes, in great variety. xmsrEp. AND ARE PEEPARED To Convey Goods lforiey and valuables to any point. IIIII•01•111•FMr7f In Gents' F u Shin Ks we are also very complete, having receive? and opened out a first-class assortment of GRE E NB A_CKS BOUGHT AND SOLD For further particulars api.ly -s) NN J. 'WHITE, New Spring Tweeds, New Worsted Coatings, New Black Broad -cloths, New Black Doeskins, New Black Cassimeres New Hats and. Cays in all new styles, New Ready-made Clothing in great variety, Also a complete stock of Boot+, Shoes, Crockery, etc. A first-class lot of..ne4, Wall -paper, Cheap, for Spring Trade; also, A First - Class Tailor on the Premises. All entrusting us with their orders may ;rely ou getting it perfect fit, and good Iv crkmauhp ilawlinmicraniutillINCOMMEESIIIMICMCCTEMPINOP2MIIIMEMs..... PliCE N IX- 21 UNDRY Corner :eatliuzst & Wellinp,,ton Sts., LONDON, ONTARIO JOHN El LIOTT§ PROPRIETOR, MANUFACT1.710311, OF liZeadow LarirReaper arid IVIower, tors, PlowP, gang -Plows Common. Sense S travv -0 'utters, AND ALL IMPLEMENT% USED 'BY FARMERS. FARMERS. 444 JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER Grocery and Liquor Store A large stock of Green japan, Young Ilyson and Black Teas, Raisins( Currauts, Pruncvp r)BIED dessioDIZZ, CA.ITI\TZD sardines, Lobsters, Salmon Bitter Sauce and Pickles, 13randies, Gins, Wines and Syrups., Rye, Malt, Scotch Irish and Common 'Whiskies, Tobaccoes and Cigars, 'Wholesale and Retail'. C. A. MACE, ,33D DRILL. ThiS implement 110 a (1 1111)16 cii.ltribl'iting g,r4)1 co, Ana st•t adliatto tolA tlic.0<o0<4 teore he pablirr. 't AM n501 101Sil,,, Origagat Making the'n for the 81,,dria waing,. nod: \on be ppm,. pared to supply then) 0, SO, 11, II tubAS each, With trtho shifter or wialoat, aticovilliig to 451- d'. Ana wiireinlearvor to keep on hand eitharkind and slut to supply SO With May not have giveli their ordot. Tho,,t,06, hoist), ATI laatdal o408 4ilt bo toiled all i thafrj oari he netdred, anti if equalled, not surpassed in Wesf.a-il Canada, JOHN ELLIOTT, , 0 vo,,n 'corner tlairborstand Wolliagtou ,.'its,, toodoo. . . A. ID4STAS„, At4Grit,, DkeW'S IiCte Main. Street, Exeter. a S. 013DLEY. z2EsTsa. an a ri urn vrir i 'd.antifactxtr rE WOULD oat specialattention to our ,undertaking depart- ittocieerint st, t,ilkvrti:6116vis y toi8sto 4:10,3 c5hicilviniog- le4c,t111.1se, caskets, strreuds,and every ' ()tit „near, 11±50 11 pronOnneed.' , hdoitipetelit, ktidge0,16', 'he -40000<1 to nor in the ' evince Differont Socletacs UnclertalKors ouLD SAY TO those wife intend purehasing to der sA fretn. Otto mainifactnrcr. The dealer Who buys to soli again 1111111t. 110O0f18)1111:57 h11,1/0 Pr011. We 0111iTY1 to gi,V11 "010 purchasers tho lament, •whieh cannot fan to meet the views Of the Cram:400s. Om` Oxpensee litre lees thanthose of city ruttnefaotururs,consequon 1,y We tan soli theaper. • Emblazz foi tho Szi 11-T. N 0 S ft Oral:Elf IzTO 14A0X1111 .11)I4E3`1- slso,.rfrertellt WO8 Any fnmis .A largo tesektatent *ittiuties and eth'cr Ferninbings kept in 6001t1000veil Wir01 d, olono,Ft, ',‘,11±c11in00 004l1511441,iWlb<lV0 0<0 A 1161.4 (0410110110(11.71$11 saviugrutchineit, them therolighlY,, it \Vold b ' alytvoniao to 4118518 414 ;et 01),4, ir6 itt der< 1)Y1,001 pveteptiyattoti ihnen s±. one' v.441. Oat (<1 ±151. Coretineveialltetoi, OLNarukt, Oetoberti,