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Times -Advocate, January 1, 1997
"Decision time for board buildings? Board of Educatidh members
fearthey will soon he forced to make a decision ab tit the number of
buildings they can operate. •
•Snowmobilers receive warning. Ontario Snowmobile Safety Com-
mittee warns sledders of unstable ice on lakes and rivers. The cam= •
mittee points out an increased amount of snowfall does not imply the.
ice is strong enough •to ride on. -• :. •
'Canadian children's literature about to suffer, In 1995, 400 titles of
children's stories were: puhlished:.Cuthacks by the government leave
authors vutnerahle to foreign .competition. -
.• •Bili 26 brings downpatient Fare. The Ontario Medieal Association
says the latest hill passed.eliminates partnerships in health care. The
government'also announce it `ill•po longer contribute to the Ca=
will cease to perform high-risk operations.
•First hahv.of-a T -A subscriber born in 1996. At 10:59 a.m. on tan ;•
uary l,'Kelvin Joel Kbip is born at Si. Joseph's Hospital in London.
The seven -pound, seven -ounce boy•is earlier than expected. - ,
*Proposal totear down Municipal office. Exeter Business-Associa
tioft offers -a proposal to turn the former .town, oftierinto a rarkettc.
Although cciuncil is attracted to the idea, it ii. hesitant to fund.it entirb-
4 ly
•Municipal funding cut: Ontario -municipalities receive notice out-
lining funding -reductions. Exeter's block grant entitlement "is
' $432,15R, -a big reduction of 11.61 per cent from last year.
. 'Libraries to close. Six Huron County libraries were. to. he closed in
1996 in_t struggle to compete with costs and a 20 per cent:retiuc_tion
- in grant payments.' ' -
nadian,Medical Protective Association plan, The OMA feces doctors
•Teache face cuts. In order to.cut costs by $1 hillion teachers take.
a cut in pre ration time. As a result. 30 to 40. teachers were to Rise._
their jobs •in H on County
*Presentation to ublic of gas pipelin:, : meeting is held o in-
form rural -areas there is not a shortage.of natura Union -(gas
proposes to. construct a pipeline between London
Townships. According.to Jim McBride, ofUnion`Gas services. there ,s
is411 estimated 150 years worth of natural gas in the around.
• • *Child abuse-a.jor concern. The Huron. County•
-Child Abuse Coondi ating Committee aims t� tiro;;tic people cin`
child abuse isstiessit ffers a workshetp.for volunteer. who deal. wit
children in an effort t ncourage them to relate' information 1
.:Video o►i tree history own..On hamar.-- 15. the Hcnsal and Dis
tr,�ct Horticultural' Society begins the scasen wiili a -wean g featurin,
the history of trees over tu,rndroil of years..
- k -cis \'an Rcencn
has hecn a '.volunteer secretary at
•thc Clinton and District Christian..
:.School (CDCS) for -the- past --1-5 -
ycars. and this Christmas she has-•
decided to give up her position at
On Tuesday morning. December -
10. the snutents and, the sraff-gavr
her a surprise going away assem-
bly. She was presented*with tokens
• of appreciation froni the staff and ,
from the hoard and she was pre-
- _scored with a hook in which most
of the students, the •hoard and the
staff had dravn or penned iokensol
appreciation. on 'behalf 01 all the
students. staff. parents and other
friends of CDCS. •
:Lois and her* hushhnit Bill girt
thanked for their • dedication to
, Christian Education in Huron
.County, especially to thy .Christian
School' in' Clinton. Lois and Bill,
who are planning. i brief vacation
in The.. Nctlierlande;- ti'ecrc tyiished a-
good trip. The hiiard has' nil vel es-
tablished who will .take over ,the
secretarial position.
Monday,. December 2. was the
NVondstock • 1)rltrick \'o IL \ h;ill
;tournament. -The airs and -bo..
teams . travelled .to 1`.ondon -along
with their respective 'coaches. Mts.-
Frielink and Mr, Van L-ingen. The
boys won three of the six games:
while the girl's. won two cif their six.
Student: have collected the last
sot the. m icy for their—Christmas
'cards.' wrap' and 'icwcllcrcam-
paign. Clarence Bos., the pr:incipal
:it CDCS, credits. a'.upportive cont-
rtnuniiy and hardworking „student,
and'parcnl' 100 a successful cani-
paign' which raised about.'S(,i(NI
for the student lurid. The secant
draw -for, :I -shirt was' 'won fv;
Tyler Micdema, a stut.ctit iii (irad.
CDCS pians to celebrate :t"`Fanir•
ly Christmas`' thi: vcar.All-parent,
grandparents and friends are invited
to :r Christmas program at 10:45 of
the morning of .thc last schiiol dLay
before the holidays, Friday: Decent-
- Her 20 The theme a the program is
Jesus. Ow I-,yhr , at C'hristinas .
11 parous_ art;. rcquetict1 to r.emain
at. school at lunch time for a pizza.
meal and from 1 t,.m. everyone 1.
to go'skafrrr_ at the (11111011 Arena
Children •whose. parent. ;ire. ' at
school -or alsloe.arcn.i-at 2,pati. are
invited i,, take their children -•hone
alio skating. Ruses. will run at the•
,usual times ort this day.'. - •
Mr.•Bos-reported thatlthe'school
has almost renchcd.its goal in :i nyt-
' jor .. fundraising ' endeavor: The
sl(0;000 challenge is•onlj $5.000
short` tit its goal: The;. hoard of trus-;tees, hope. 10. Cor iplele the ,cant-.
..paig'n hr Christmas:. Accctrdine 10'
Mr fios,-y,Thc hoard t; amazed at
Ijoyy • (iod has blessed' the
Patin." Mr.. Bo'. credits, "a' gener-
ous, comniunily of _.supporters: as.
a:el-las the community's commit
nnent 10 prayer and rel lance on God
.10 help achieve, success in this cam-
paign "
(Yr Friday lmorning. December
1 ,aai students in the school who.
lake`pr,uno lessons were invited tit,
take pato in :1 recjt:rt.according to
Bos--. the l'e!a al,'were'so`nuch'
enjoyed arlt'i- Were .seek a 'success.
• -thai the may become. a •.vcarlk
- Castle building
Scott Stewart; a Grand Bend Winter. O,drn vat board member. demonstrates: hori' partici-
pants have placed the first pieces of a model children's ice pestle at the carnival 'headquar-
ters on Dec. ,21, .The•carnivt takes place from Feb. 7 -to the 16. .
Business owners chose to stay closed
By Chris Skalkos
T -A Reporter
since '1975. the provincial govern-
ment allowed retailers to open'their.
stores on, Boxing Day, however,
EXETER For the first time most area merchants chose ,to re •
'Shioter family homeless. Gordon McCurdy 'loses his home in ;i
blaze.that began in the upstairs. The damage is estimated at S100.000. -
•Winter carnival time. Grand Bend's annual winter carnival•gets off
to'a start with its fashion show. The -23 degree weather gives the car-
nival a festive spirit as sculptors display, their creations: '
•Phoenix of Huron begins to rcorgantzg.. Singe the layoff of'it's ,
staff in December, the organization begins to recreate its program.
The loss'of stafftakes counselling support awe( troni residents and
results 1n changing from a governing board to a working board.
•Hcnsall photographer gets opportunity; Daniel: Holm- gets the
chance to photograph Winter Dreams on Ice.
•Valentine's Day at Blue Water Rest Home. Gradc,frvis buddies at
.Sl. Boniface Public School visit Blue Water *here dips decorate val-
entines and hang theist on,buddys' doors.
•Hensall disagrees with amalgamation. Council states -it is not tntet-
estred in joining amalgamation discussions with the Exeter -Stephen- '
Grand�Benl-Ushornt• Committec..F;orthcr rhtiimiation•was -It ( he ob-
tained before discussion could take place. • , . . -
•Exeter,•Business Association cuts affect business. manager. The•
EBA manager. who had recentiN departed. leaves -.t tdugh decision un
• the hands of members s How were they to fill his spot anti save mon-
ey? They decide to reinstate the position to 12 hours a week. with'ne-
gotiations on wages expected. t „
.*Company tries to buy 'Htlyon Park. A private Company named
Steele SemperFidelis Inc. claims to make an attempt to purchase the
Huron Park residential -area. Provincial' government officials say it is.
not for sale.
• •Optimists donate. The Exeter Optimist Cluh donates S11,500 to lo-
cal yoluh programs Additional donations arc expected from the
S80,0(X) raised through fundraising events. •
..New changes for Fire Department. Firefrghters,of'Luci n and Bid-
dulph Township tell about the changes from crowbar and axe to h.
drrtic equipment. Although a new•• rescue truck was purchased along
with a tankerand a pumper track, the 192$ Reo Speedwagon located
at the Department remains a memofahle part of history. •
•Amalgamation process continues. Committee members say the
goal of amalgamation discussions is.to provide ratepayers with a bet-
ter form of government. It aims out each member maintains a differ-
ent vision of how to accomplish this goal.
•Local ballerina gets opportunity. Ten -year-old Kendra Haipenny.-
of Exeter, is accepted at the National Ballet School's summer camp
after competing vt,ith 1,000 dancers.
*Plane crash shocks local residents.
Steven 'Marsh and Andrew MacGregor ate lucky to bc alive after
their single engine aircraft crashes near Centralia airport. Marsh
walks two kilometres to Jordy's Gas Bar where help is found.
• •Exeter Hospital hit with cuts. South Huron Hospital is expected to
suffer a 594,700 reduction in funding along with other hospitals in the
*Partnership in Community Services meeting disappointing. PACS,
an organization claiming it will provide ministry and social Services
to Huron Pan, upsets residents at its first public meeting. People ex-
press concerns about the the organization's motives and honesty,
main closed.
In the mast. retailers' risked a hefty
fine for opening 'the day . atter
Christmas. hut. tbe-Harris govern-
m2rlt announced on Dec. 16 it had
made Changes .lit- allow stole own-
ers the option, of running Boxing
Dat sales without penalty.
The media has .,reported large
shopping outlets have taken ad-
vantage of the extra day. hut. many
local business owners decided to
. opt out.•saying they didn't want to
jump • .on the Bolting Dae hand -
"We didn't reel at was necessary
to open," sail' Bob Russell from
kussell Electronic.'edding his ycar-
cnd sales run tor the rest of the
mdn(li. • "The bargains are - just as
good dor the rest .of the ' week...there
doesn•i have to he a big rush."
Scott Bogart from •Authentics
RSI Sports Den agrees 'noting he.
Prefers taking the holiday as a tradi
tional day'of rest. .
"This is a famih run business
and - the Christmas holidays' arc
meant to spend time .with friends
and family." he said ,r •
'• • .
lack,Taylor. (Avner of The Pur-
pl4 Turtle. said working the longer
store hour, during the peak sthop•
prrtr season cart he•,exh:nlsti, -
;;We worked- night and day lead
ing up to Christmas anti, wc'fele, we ` •
. needed the time oft:" said . Taylor -
who• also remained closed for Box-
ing Day. --
ititany other 'store. owners echoed -
her comments. saying thei• felt' the
need to rest far outweighed .the ;
need open for the extra day.
"WC chose not to open because
we telt we needed the day off after ,
the Christmas rush." said Bonnie -
Baynham from Sisters clothing,
store. She said sales were up•this
year and they could afford to re-
-amain closed on Boxing Day. '•
• Barb . Turnbull • from; -Greeting
Card World saicj her store remained • -
open for -Boxing Day.
"I wish we didn't have to but we:
have a lot' of, inventory and we •
needed to take advantage of the ex-
tra day. • she slridt "Our christmas
stock is so seasonal we' have. to
Move. weeks from now peo-
ple won't be interested in it." •
With•a 50 per cent sale on mer=
chandis . Turnbuj added-het/store'
was busy and predicts she will open
again for next year's Boxing Day.
"This was the first year it was al-
lilwecf and the extra day helped.]
was very pleased." said Turnbull. ' -
Council plans meeting
lowing a request Iron Grand Bend
I'm provincial mien ''lith in the.
South Huron/North Lampton amal-
gamatiun initiative, Stephen Coun-
cil passecl.8 motion to plan a meet-
ing with all members id Exeter and
Lisburne counciIs. to }discuss the
matter. ,
The meeting will he subject aril.
response from the Ministry of Mu-
nicipalAflarrs and Housing.
In other business. council passed
a motion through n recorded vole to
support the ,1997 Ausahle Bayfield
•Conservation -Authority levy of
535,282 ler the lownshrjy. One
'count/Ulm- was opposed to the 1110-
tion. .
A motion was also passed that
the proposed 1 y' -t? Exeter and Area
Fire Boanl' budget be.capped at.
5200,000 in operating expendi-
Thefts involve area residents
HURON COUNTY - More than
80 charges were laid against five
Huron. Perth and Lambton County
residents involved in local area
Four adults. and one young of-
fender arc facing charges including
theft over $5,000. possession of
stolen property over $5,000, and
break, enter and theft, as well as
mischief and breach of probation.
The young offender is being held
in custody until his next court ap-
pearance in Gaderich on Jan. 9:
According to OPP. one adult is
also tieing held in,custudy until his
next court appearance, also sched-
uled for Jan 't in Gudench, Arrest
warrants have' been issued fur the
other three adults. •
Officers were able.to solve these
crimes that included vehicle thefts
and vehicle damage, as well as res-
idential and business break, enter
and thefts and property damage by
obtaining a precise description of
the individuals from .witnesses.
Police also noted in all the vehi-
cle thefts. owners had left their
keys in their vehicles. either under
the seat, in the glove box, in the ig-
nition, on the console or elsewhere
readily accessed by a thief. • y
' N14kCH 6 ,
•Rant at Blue vatci. hlassi datiutge. results loll+wlir_• ;t run at' the
lilueryter. . Youth Centre. Twp' buildings -ar,c destrayeci as inmates
- vandalize their way through roc ration. Most eptphn'ces picket brit.
_side the. huilding that day. leaving 15 to 211 staff. members on duty'.
• After two and a half hours, police,' gain. antro! cit. the situal,np and -
,niost inmates are transferred ' - . • - - -
•Child abuse workshop informs. Kitt. on the .Block . puppeteers
• present- a,show ui alert ciilc}ren Arid parent, of eiloid abuse According
to.workshop representativcs_•Hurcn; (*only,. has noir, than 200 cases
• of Child .abuse each teat and it is tear:•: additiona cases go un-
reported t
• •Emergen.y crest :111:11y/C, '-'lasli Res.uc.•periorni:nnee ns d'isc.usseit'
'following a plane crasl_ Ir ( elle-all:. Stephen 1ow•inship lirafightcrs
and Hoffman anibulance perlorinc'• agree einergericy. services work
well togethcn. ..
•Ontario Pphlic'Service. Employee l'mon' members -picket. Strikers
' march outside the otficse of Hume, NIP!' Hetes Johns. The. airh u' dis-
cuss negottauons. hut. the. pro. in.ta, government -doesn't want to
'spend the amounturfinoney.OPSFI 5s•dcmanding ..
' MARCH 13 -
H -oral husincsse' suffer The Ontario 1-cderatiou of Agriculture de-,
• Maud.. meat inspector, be put hat: on-Nrc• lob Without the igspector-s. ,.
farmer/. anal businesses suflcr. The strike leaves .t negative impact ,un
IMF market: Because provutcial rueat plants can't accept meat. fanners.
• -can't sell it .' . . '
!Bay tag rates ange!Bayr residents. A tee of ST per hag tltg wasto conn'
. into of iect .on April `f: Residents sa' thy. -decision is made without '
their- knowledge and that council will Iacc pnrhlems such as illegal
dumping: -, . •
•Naticinal Farm Satiety' Week l o' the second year. National..Earth'
Salety Week focuses ext chill safety . It prcittroies` the proteetion 01'
children on the farm Mid encourages latigucd fanners to rest:- • - .
•South Huron High Scheel bans 'I -shirts Students at SHDHS, are in
MI. uproar Over the. harming o1 ( o -ed Naked- shirts - Principal Principal Bill .
(ierth believes the shins -have ealan n meanings. He alai the stalk vote
u• has what !hes consider ol''IcTis .c arinems
•• MARClf 211
•i'eopie upset about• potential, Waste transfer sue Mails concerns '
arise with the prulxrsal. to create a wastc transfer sue at 'Huron In-
dustrial Park. Residents don't want•thc facility close to -their homes. •
*Maple Syrup time. Gary and Maria hrquhart produce maple syrup
on their tam near Kirkum. In 1495 they tapped 15 gall'uns of syrup •
and last year had hoped to double that amount. • .
*Strike drags on. Public workers continue to strike after the Labour
Relation. Board rules against the pray race's request to deem meal in-
stiectoi as essential . workers. Fanners and employees of small mcllt
plants ,nc considered to be at stake -mild lie return cif ntc.it mspectirrs.
•Ztutleh skaters periornn. The annual Skating Club carnival's th(anc,
is Huhdaze. with -each skater .dressed in costumes representing van--
ous holidays
MARCH 27 f
*Argument breaks out at council meeting. A disagreement between.
the Lucan125 Cotntniucc and the Luc' an -and Arca Heritage Corn
mince erupts when the •1254group derpands the hcrit.t roup nut d' -
play historical and cultural exhibits in r the main hall uuring the
• rage's 125th birthday celebration. +
'Reeve of Lucan resigns. Reeve Tom McLaughlin announct's his
resignation. to lw effective 00 May 1. Aftcr.mure than eight years in •
office. tic insists the experience has been d positive one. and that the -
council has made some aceontplishtitents. -
. *Canadian Cancer S.ociety•s DaffedilDays. Each bunch of daffodils
purchased was to go tow and cancer research.
•Ontalie I ;otic Ser. rel Employees Union challenged. Ontario Fed -
r •1t Agriculture President Tons Morris annourni;.es he has di-
rected legal counsel to challenge OPSLU's attempt to overturn die au-
thority Ontario municipalities have to appoint laeaLmeat.inspccturs.