HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1876-4-20, Page 34 .xg foc6,,. • DOW that he has pet that transaction 4'xai,e0e` Iii O,:iltlilT1I1;% eateneelerieeee - WilAe' PAitl4tlr1l,N'i` DON l:-••,,A1IttLe-- NAc;°r.ueial;$ TI,llr?tt;rlAN(,114 VIKi1V8' -AN. DcONUll1LV4 , 1'1(r.b111113 13110w1f' AI15P,d!1011;, h'tIttor Ceeeconk lrt atliator,. Parliament has been duly prorogue e. our legislators have finished Choi annual a 1u al i hours---�tlt.e capitol is desortrr by the trttusieut oroWtl ' who Reel thitherward during the 88$4011 --gofer sues to Moore'e 1t banquet' hail desert ed'" tlppear in the .home-uranufitetured Uttawa correspoedenee of: the local Press-•-" IObabod,t' " Finis," "t A.us gespeitt,"' or any other , appropriate quotation significant of conclusion;' and desolation is iu the mind's .0yo iusu�'ib ed upon the portal. After two months' session, conspicu- ous in oar parliamentary annals for its flatnoes, our representativoe have drawn their stipends and gone home -and the Tory organs are commencing to gruaL ble because :they havapti,one so little, The objection is eminently cha'r'acter- istie send futile. If they ain't satisfied with what Parliament has accomplish- ed they ought to be truly thenkfut thae. they -didn't do any more. True they haven't fixed the tariff so as to induce Canadians to remain in the country ---but teen they ba"ve made 'arrangements for filling the places of those' who leave 'with' able-bodied enri- ' •grants. They haven't taken up Blake'a sug- gestion and enfranchised fartnere' sons who desire the sufir"igr, but they have arranged to enfranchise the Indiaus who don't want it. They haven't yet suppressed the rum fiend by a Prohibitory law, but they have taken the ,first step towards the suppression of the life insurance fiend, who is carrying misery and wretched tress into the homes of 60 many victims. `,11,,Theyhave abolished Jenkins and whitewashed Maokonzie--perpetuated the blessing of Free -Trade -and assist- ed in the glorious work of elevating the standard of political morality, upon , whose folds are emblazoned the histor- ic names of Brown, Simpson, Coon, Cameron, Maddiver, Cauohon, et hoc genus Caine. Nobly have they Clone their duty to ,the party. Pre-eminent among those who have ?earned our gratitude is NTi11s. He has a double claim to considera- tion, firstly, for refraining from putting Itis usual motion for the abolition of the Senate, and, secondly, for his exec• tions on the Depression of Trade Com- mittee. The report of that body is a master - peke. Most men with the evidence before:them.whicli he had to deal with ,would hive hesitated before giving publicity to ouch document, but he' boldly mit aside all prejudices such as :night be derived from scrutinizing the facts elicited and embodied tin leading ideas ofethe party iu his report. This shows his sound Reform prin- ciples are practical good sense. The publie will read;the report, but not one in a hundred will trouble tai wade through the evidence on which leis supposed. to. be based. Mills has intellect. Fie looks at things from a . philosophical stand point away off somewhere in spade, about where`Archimedes,wanted to rest. .his levrr to.zneve,the world. - Be seernS anything so narrow and sordidaris the notion of building up na- tiest industries and developing the :;nuntry. '' Fie and the rest of the. Free Traders a e bound that if Canada is to go to e dogs the proceedings shall be all right and proper according to the reg- ular authorities and the accepted, the- ories. Mills was educated at Ann Arbor in Michigan. I was sitting beside an in- veterate Tory ir. the House one day and happened to mention this fact. Educated in an arbor, ' said he, °'Yell, I shouldn't have been surprised to bear that he had been taught in a hedge school." '• NA; ' "you mistake," said I, " I mean to say that he received his edu• cation •in'Ann Arbor, State of Michi- gan..'' " Oh, indeed," said he, " I under- - stand, in some sylvan and sequestered nook of the umbrageous forest -arid l the wilds of Nature's leafy solitudes, where the trees overhead shut out the busy world -and the music of the feath- ered songsters is borne upon the ze- yhyrs to the ear, and the uplifted spir- it communes with the Infinite. Ah, yes I shouldn't wonder. That's the reason why his 'speeches are so vague and dreamy like." 4' Ann Arboi,," explained I, is a uni versity-an educational institution which grants degrees and diplomas, en- grossed on parchment and emblazoned with a green seal" " Oh, "said he, lee's lubricate the machinery of existenpe." I grieve to notiee that ltfaiekenzie shows a disposition to pander to' the temperance sentiment which now per- meates our once prosperous country simultaneously with hard tunes -a co- incidence which cannot fail to have struck the attention of the most ilnob "servant. He has announced his intention to inaugurate the Intercolonif.l railway on sttistly•tolnperauce printii)les, This is quite in accordance with hie i Pacfiic railway policy. ; Mackenzie is working something like eighteen hours a day, attenililig to the affairs of his Department. This is the spherern tvhielr he shines to' ad at vn Page. He liae recently detected several y e ezal fla- grant instances of uisecononr... on the part of the clerks. y Several of them hay., been in the habit Of writing shortletters and send- ing thein awayon a whole sheet of pa- per, when they could just as easy have y saved half thesheetfor another letter. Many of thein sharpen their pencils too ofteu, which wears theta out before their. time.: Instances of using Government pe1;- knives to ant tobacco with have also been brought to light through the Pre- " enrerrs're+4t'at ch. M ackenzie's -assiduity in the details of his department is such that it is cal- ctilated that he saves the country an- nually the sala,;ry of three clerks at f¢=LO0 per Annum eeeli. I was explaining this to aTor'V who was drawing invidious cornpaa-isot be, tweon Si,. Joule and > Mackenzie the d r (1 CO:RE'laS1 )N.VI NCE, through, tic is rermaining absent too - lout;, for his reputation, , *"i'fIiilo our eoin)uils are open for dia.' There ere any number of neQple who Cuss;oil, we dOO not hold ourselves responsible have hitherto eutertaiued the idea that fol• tho opinions expressed by correspondents. TS_row'n .1'nn3 the, entire" eQttntry, and rixq lit i rXbtur of the 'i''f?nes, thet it weal(' be :impossible to dispense with Now ho has boon absent (ORO 9, Willie -daring a whole sessiolr of Parliament dud things seem to keep moving just. as usual notwithestanditfg. We will still live and borreec money and discuss polities and; inject our viet-. uals. with (Repeal thrioenoss, and the earth continuos her revolutions, and so does Dlexieo, j net as if notllirl g had happened, I verily believe that nutnerous Grits wouldn't have been much astonished had the sun stood still when G. B. left the country and only resumed progress on his return. Now some of his followers will begin to believe that °anada can get along fairly without Brown and will lose all that implicit faith and veneration in him which has hitherto formed the. leading --or rather the following-ehar- aoteristio of the Grit mind. It is a gruel trial of their faith, and if Brown desires to retain his reputation as the pivotal point upon whish hinges the entire Canadian world in its veried social, political,; and comneroial aspects he should return forthwith. The danger is imminent and he can- not Dome back too soon if it is to be successfully averted. JIIIUEL 'BRIGGS, D. B., Graduate of Ceboconk University. Toronto, April 14th, 1876. LONDON TOWNSHIP .SCANDAL (From the Free Press) London Township has been for som days agitated by a startling domesti scandal, resembling the Finlay traged iu every detail, saving,:that the murde was prevented, The names which ru mor is busy with, 1, e deem it l r tdeut t withhold for :the present, inasmuch a curtain action is threatened to be take in the courts, which may lead to a fel and authoritative disclosure. Th parties implicated in the scandal are farmer well known in Louden and throughout the township, his wife, and the almost proverbial " "hired man.' According to custom in general ruga society the man "help" enjoyed fami- liar 'intercourse in the household, upon even terns with the family. F-oni the occiinar'y liberties, he ,soon managed to i:igt-ittiate himself with the mistress, and being encouraged in his advance succeeded step by step in not only win- ning her affection to himself, but creat- ing in her hind an absolute repugnenoo' t s) C - toher lawful husband, the ensu 1 e t ing farmer_ One day not long ago the hired man visited the cit4',and on his return to the hoes ,: engaged in earnest conversation with'tho mistress. Their talk was ire `subdued tones, and very nyete ions. So deeply were the intent ret the subject in eland that they scarce - y notices; the presence of a little girl f five years old,' or when see glided off he lounge where she had been lying Half asleep in the pillaring gloom. 'Twas well they did not, or the story vou!d perhaps have had a different Tiding. The child made her way out lirongh the yard to the barn, where he thrifty farmer was bedding d,:iwn lis cattle, and began to tell about ser- arit men's return, and of the conver- ation between the guilty pair. The armor gathered, among other things, hat the mart had brought home "a iece of iron with holes it, and was go= ng to_ltill somebody with it; but main- oa said 11e must put it in his box and how it to no one !" The farmer pou- ered these things well, and gaining a uitable opportunity he visited ."the nan's room and unlocked or forced pen his box,when his worst suspicious ere confirthed. Ile found a new ouble-barrelled pistol, fully charged. e no longerdoubted that he was tending on dangerous ground, and 1 tth •f fh" b e c ) s n 1 e a 1 0 e t t 1 S f t p S d s 0 w d H 3 t to a wI e o ' Is osom an the man who was eating his bread were plotting his destruction. He lost no time in taking measures for his own safety, which be did by impounding the wea- pote and confronting the guilty couple with an accusation of their fool pur- poses, and turning them both from his door. Circumstances .✓Ilter Cases. The other. day, ,while a Vieksburger was riding, toward Jack in a buggy, lie saw a long-haired young man sitting on a roadside fence. There was such an air of desolation about the country- man _ that the Ticksburger._ drew rein and inquired: What ailsou.' young �, o ng man ?' y Nothing,' was the meek reply. t But is any one dead ?' Hain't heard of anybody but old Mat- thews -and he went off two months ago.' e Are you sick ?' I feel kinder bad.' Well you look bad. It: fact you're the worst looking man I've seen since the close of the war.' I was all right till a month ago,' said the young man, looking still niore solemn. What happened then ?' A woman went back on me.'. ' Did, eh ? Were you engaged ?' I'd hung art and there a.year or so, and we hugged and loved and hooked ftugers. If that isn't being . engaged, then i don't know.' And she backed out ?' Yes,' Well,I've been through rou rll t ho ' mill myself. I had a wolnaub y , go back on me (Mallet way three months ego, and I didn't lose a bit of sleep over it.' Yeti didn't ?' NO, sir 'But then'•i r slelled the young 111911 ELS he hitched along the rail, ' the wo- tnan you loved didn't own sixteen mules. and have a clean one hendred bales of cotton to sell 1' Rev. O. G. Collamor'e, who was .injur- ed in the IComoke car disaster two years ago, is only nolo able to resuure his clerical duties. IMTTrn mom Tiny. Joni McNInt11t 1y ;acnes T Follows Esq. -hoar Sir: I have reeently derived from your Compound $ytup of Ilypo• phosphites, and having* itt marry ofber inetrwtc- es narked the' most beneficial results here its use, T cannot but regard its discovery as 0 hea- ter of devout thankfttlrress to a benign Provi- dauco. I halve ttsetl it considerably myself, and, el interim's min several years . a,t liy� g r 1)ti)er' clay, wll(ill rile- filer e:st 1 t d 1 gg ocI that a euit to some members of my family,I have still further salving Would be toengage ° „ t�,e rt15o roartnnicnded it to others, and inaatritlrly the • three f toteutindre'd.doller clerks, found it to birone of essential benefit in those oomplanits for which it is especially recom- inended. Tit bronchial and chest affections, in aa,fro.atingincipient ' cowtituption, mid itt les- soningtiro distressing tan Ito n r t s of the � des= g y ! ease its itt hopeless stagoe, as Well as in cases of nervous debility, in giving tone to the sys. alvrc� ` i tem, inhioabtedly 1 valuable remedy. 1 am, tical Air VIM'S sTiitu 1It4ufrdy. inwpcft, X: N and (llsrlliiW Mackenzie. C hadn't thought of that, 13rowi1' hasn't yi'trCtttrned Vino.- lan 1 11,he where 10 went to ttccolttttlrylt tlr0• sal of his short hurl' 1 5 and the :DOW . a -k y 1 iro>ert'. 1 11e slilruld come back )i'Jht S4a,.--.1u your publication of teat weak tip- Peals . a bungling oonglpatroretion• of iuoolreot sentences over the signature of A 1luuosn. It contains te foll insult t to Grangers.ters I xtbt 1olie conveys the idea thata(riugors nr not intelligent i secondly, he says they are possess• ed of inconsistency, unworthy motives, c4'o, widen ,aro graves offences. Tile lodge to which he belongs leas: just cause to leave, lute hauled up for using such disrespectful language, to- wards tin, members of the society, Now, if 111r D bad a littlo spattering of t1)e cultivation 11a expects Crrairgers to have at some future time, bo would never have his name appear under such ludicrous moonshine, It begins with ,,the plural pi'onoun "we,"`intimating to the public that there is more thou one person speaking; nevertheless he signs himself as the author. Does ho moisu to convey the idea that there is a plurality of persons under his vest- ment. However that pay be. I am willing to hear his own explanation. $uch a pi oduetion is more of an injtuy thauabenofitto the society of Grangers. Yours, &o, A PATRON Or HUsBANURI, Tho vestiges of the dynamite explo- sion in Bremerhaven have not yet dis- appeared. The rep. irs of thesteam- ship Mosel are still unfinished. and they have not ceased to fish up from the. waters of the harbor fragments of hu- man bodies and of tattered garments. The ruins of the house which was shattered near by have, however, been removed, and the chasm that was blown into the ground his been filled up. ND B$Ot AS C.I SAP E N R. ,, Just to a lot of New handl�' S ren g Goods, LIOTICE TO TRESPASSERS ON THA CANADA COMII'ANY'S LANDO. Exeter, April 18, 1876. I hereby caution all persons against cutting or removing timber from the lands of the Canada tlompauy, as 1 am authorized to prosecute al ,rospassers with the utmost rigor of the law, JOHN sPAOIEMAN, Timber Agent Can. Co.. E tater, 11fay 1$ 89-tf. S rocNOW FULLY ASSORTED. PH'OTOGR'P HS REDUCED. $1,50 PR DOZEN • C. SENIOR. pAINTIN G 1 PAINTI G J. ,KlTC-HING is prdpared.`te do all kinds of Ek ise Painting, Paper -hanging Whitening, &c., At reasonable prices and punctually. J KITCHING, Main -street, Exeter. Exeter, April 10, 1876. (34-inG) THOMPSON & WILLIAMS 4 GI1•ICULTURAL 1MPLEMEN Tb Boiler and Engine Works MITCHELL, ONT. Two -horse power Wood Sawing machine This machine has been thoroughly tested and given ENTIRE SATISFACTION It is supplied with a BAND WHEEL for driving a Straw Cutter, Grain Crusher. Or other machinery, without extra expense ex cept for the belt. TRIAL OFFERED. All kinds of Farmingimplenwents Rept constantly on hand. BOILER SHo'P in full operation. ENGINES of all sizes to order. FP81Rd Kept at Bissett's Tin shon Exeter. 1'i promptly attended to. Address- TTIOMPSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell.Oi:.tt. EXETEit STEAM RAKE &CRADLE FACTORY ixif L. �_ (.�UTTLE armlic.rAoxismut or 'G Tool en Ita,r"vost Tools Rakes,, i5 y' . ua1 h -s t CS 3 Fork Handier, Grain Cradles, ETC, Flo will have ready for the coining, harvest, the celebrated, Sulk - e `j Hay Rake A Novelty in urns Y seotlol. ..1.Y.LE.I:SrC.C'"IA 1 S will and it to 'heir AMlvantege to"ituy thele Stock teem. MC, a9 t am propiare!l:,to ri001 with theta itrf reasons. bly as any Ottlor establislrtnonti anctto giveproinpt o.tton tlba to 011 orders, • 1•1711,014J ALlJ c& ,IIIITA,IL �V: . B ODERICK. W 0 0 W P:1 8Y SEEDS! THE POVN11 TOR THE TOWN 0 NOW IS THE TIME TO SQW CABBAGE, CAULIFLOWERS AND TO 1r1A'1'O SEEDS in boxes for early plants, a,id GRIFFIN'S SEED STORE, Main Street, Exeter is the spot to got good reliable seeds. Garden and flower seeds sent postpaid to env address. N. B, -The highest price paid for clean clovor,timothy, ilax, Hungarian grass, Sze. Beware of cheap rends, as they are dear at any price. Exeter, April 5511, 180 (33-45) Tee MAKE, ROOM FOR SUMMER000 DS NOW EXPECTED, The subscriber offers FOR SALE UNTIL 1ST OF MAY -AT-- The AT-The English House, Exeter :•,.. AT COST PRICaES The remainder of his Winter stock of Worsted Gocds-all now -purchased last October. 0 The public aro cordially invited to call and judge of the Ba,gains to 1,0 obtained in tweeds. blank- ets, oroadclt.lhs, shawls, gloves, mitts, baiting, felt hats, skirts, wincey, plaids, and men's undervests and pants. A. H. LIGTEOURN. C. VANDU8EN and CO. IS1JEat coiiAsssorttaumtlyent onof' hand the largest and , Bos PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, DYE -STUFFS Patent Medicines ! HOItSE & CATTLE MEDICINES, r Tootle. Nail flair and Ciotti .• BRUSHES PZy'RFvertrl ~ ,TOIT.EZ;-So.1PS` c_c. STATIONERY School Books, Toy I3ooks, BiankoBoolts, Ielsgezines, A 1btdnl:Faney Goods Pencil Sla 08, teed Pen - ells, &e. OLE Agcril r ie • j',AyAfi;i"S, Af i`f ITIS, ' t Co.'s C , (.r tt ..e a.ocll tfecaed,�llectac,cs an e t 1 blye-glee (1s. urn 04G'r'1 )ti 'ti - .',) I r o s tree 7•tet,t os riielal ttic� ec t• t is t y .....: .:..., r el dispensed, ...., .:amu `, at erraorl, licutunihor the 1 fat,o l)t at ell kittcls tirade a s as titlt n t btoe y l ,. 1 a y i tea leets e, , .. Control . .. Y ,t ; v c r , rectly opposite the Ccutitai 1#otol, hfam.st., (rhOxl(E r�OL"ILL r l,xetoir C1, V,l.iV1)C5I0 Le Co, E 1 ,rotor, April 8,1187, 82.6rzt Exeter, January 7, 1874, 71 -yl. THE ONTARIO Savings • and Investment SOCIE't' Y OF:. LONi-D O J Debentures and Mortgages Purchased Pa 1t1tss rr riJi Money cern obtain ad vances promptly onapproved ('t/ or h'arf t Propene), " On application at.fhoir oflioo WILLIAM E. 13ULLEN,; Men ager, London Jan 12t1i, 1806. 22Cnt HE 1 I W:ll.l\IcCYL OCIIaC,ON WATCH -T F)J . the eta bas5futhe market he sura nnrt got the W. 1) McOtoeht(ili watch before buying, You will have iso Other after See- ing them, .Alt who wear ttioni r0nmuitiotitl them,#old stet Silver tadiee and Gentleitlah's 81108, 771 unelu street, ,e0clan. See the tin; ti Mon The largest, hestaud ohoapeststook of 'fine i old JCy bli .(toa Clocks. M1vt, d Plated wars, 1tinGoods', &r,&c. in the Province, Rarsalting every descriptiotl. W, 11, Mall, Cr(;Fii,N. 770aindas5 tontioli' 1 -_\1" r��+mrwtYN+Y!wwiT �vv..-.,...wu•rvvw•✓uv,+�v,.v.w•w'Srn'wuriw•?rW` 0 171 N S , --S COWING-- LABC,E LINES N'EW S P ! N Which he is offering at Exceedingly Low Prices FOR CASH OR TRADE. EXETER, March 23, 1876; RAPITON THE L., H & B R. IS COMING And we are Stilli)Allead, and stave opened out the ? LARGEST, CHEAPEST & BEST stock of Goods over brought into Exeter. Of Everything in the Genera Line of Business. Consisting of 5ta Ie :& Fanc.y Dry -Goods, Millinery p Read . -made �Cloths�g y Gonts'Furkiisltings, Hats Si. Cape, Carpets, Hous. Furnisltings, Hardware, Crroceries, Boot and Shoos, Stationery, Wall • Papers, Jrc.clter, and tilassware, Patent Medicines, &c,, &o. I have.also seem. ed the services of . W. II. IVES ;`. .JAS. PI.CK.ARp. IV ° T' I' C E • All persons indebted to the; under- signed either b note or book account Y will save trouble and costs by calling and settling the same before the 1st day of April as all unpaid notes or ac- counts will on that date be handed in- tothe t o D. C. for collection. R. C. MOORE M. D. C: M EXETER BAKERY. 0 A. SKINNER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BAITER AND CONFECTIONER, Atakes this opportunity of thanking his friends and the inhabitants of • Exeter and vicinity for theirpast liberal patronage, hoping to merit the same by supplying his customers with everything iu his lino SUPERIOR TO ANYTHING EVER BEi'ORE'.OFFERLD IN EXETER WEDDING CARPS MADE TO ORDER. COCIALS AND PARTIES A SPICIALITY. t: FAMILIES WAITED ON DAILY, FRESH BB.ExaD Constantly On =and At the Exeter North Post-cflico, J. Short's, Crediton, and ➢Iitchell's, Centralia. Exeter, December 25th, 75. (10.Iy) RHE L1, &, & 9. A. R. 1S COEN ISAAC CABLING Begs Dave to tlraulc Itis friends in ,Exeter and surrounding country for their liberal patona in the past,aud hoped to merit a fair share of their trade in ft.() future, having ON HAND oue of the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks Usually found in a General store, CONSISTING OF Etc Dry -Goods Groceries. Read made Cothi.x�1 wines and 17 i qours Hardware, Crockery, Pow s an,d t Shoes. S es L oath r etc. I Pie n se give I. C. a ca: as lie is determined not to be tinder st i o 1 sold byanyo ab shlneizt 11Z this section of Ctrl nit,. D R EW F S DRE W, S I.IIt .' O call the a t.erztioll of the ublpc to his fit /l�p s 1 eetoclt of c'1 . - P az' � for)(�. I' VV"1 _be d tyre A large r -3 steel( st c c o4: the into c And ether v a da X'uiufttittu an htt(t<1 mid r luc,t will be Sold at ream r tit coY' v o t t pn•;oes. t greatly TTgotor Febrility , tat ]0, t0ili. 100 Cords wood. ranted 1.12 (mei ane for i drain l.e. J01,111 DREW. T.MARY, �r r� c�w•Vt • ' //y• ,i Cheap ' as Wesaie through our conneetiotr tijtli,fl 13.Sniith,. H' NDERSON ,it. WHITE, STANLEY JB EM'YN'S. BABE CH,ANCE.` for B R GA I N E. SPICER Marie just opened • out ad' NEW AND ` SPL +'ND1D ; STOCK / OF T ' > G ,OCE i • IN "e•. J. • SOUTHCOTT'S NEW STORE The stock cotnpriyos Teat, Spgars, Coffees, Syrups, Vi,iegiti•s,. .S11iees, Tobaccos, Pails, • Brooms, ms, Bl akhee, - Co.al-Oil &c, Everything in the Grocery Line. Butiel and eggs token in exchange for goods. Ware bound to sell cheap for Cash R. & E: SPICE R. Sign of the bigTa.tcl , PANSO N'S NEW ;BLOCis (In the store with -Mr Fannon), " M Main -S t., Exeter MAE attention of the people of Exeterand ,_/_ surrounding coantry is resPectfully invited to .the NEW JEWELIIY ESTA BLISHM'T Call and see the New and elegant stool;: of all kinds of Watches, Clocks, Cutley, Silver-plated. IN are, and E ':.EL.RY of all kinds, NEWEST DESIGNS, LATEST NOVELTIES EUROPEAN &.AMERICA,N x, PRODUCTS. and many other of usefullutss mud bernty ut ex- t•omoly Iow juices. Jewelry of ell kinds manufactured to crier, and Watches, Clocks, Sm., repaired at short notice., i_•�' All work warranted. - S• E.';1ONES Exeter, ApriltOth,1870. - CREDITON PLAN 1NG..,'11TLIa: J Sash, door and fanning mill fa tort -.one utile east of Crediton. A lege stock Of Fed dry seasoned Mintier on 'hand, Orders prompt- ly att'nded to. Call and see our pew fanning mill. HENRY WALL @,00., Crediton, March 10, 1876. 3041 rrO BUILDERSted • a on 1 built in 13ayflold. •Pians nncl spaottl..te titres .with full particulars iu ay ,bo'icu e*r. ,by nu/dice Hon to JOHN Dl:NISOON Esq.; a.xch0nge Tiotcl,'liay flolcl. Parties tendering will do so. e4 thuir•O1 n cost. Advertiser will mit bo bound,to aiceepttl o lowest or any tou.ier if not approved,' Tenders will be receivod up to the first of nextm0nth. 13avaclii, April 4th; 1870. 31-3t `LUMBER BLACK ASH, •RAILS, .CORDWOOD` LATH, AND CEDAR .POSTS` Cheap for ()ash AT B I S. S ET. T' aw mill, two arra a half nr.les a;e t.ofy c• ti er; `on'tito tolcu' line of Stephen and easy. 13111 stuff cut on the shortest notice le^s 111011 fifty feet, a . R. BISSETT J O L'. N(). 92-1 Night of moat inI First ])Teeny"iu ev- ery mouth,`ov.•r Stan- ley ,ri Jormyn's store, Drew's new block, Mt1iu st.Visiting 1lrothree,•• 'cordially,iuvitod to`;at .fond. OATEN WII�LIs ' lv.ar. JOHN WHTTA rt"" 74t-iy,' seotetti,. • LONDON, HURON AND BRUC1. (Trains w1111 run fitful fernier notiee,OS £allows):', GOING 1.1011'1,11. Buffalo (1 to Loop Lille) xdep 7 so A.,tK. Toronto , , .., 7 ((41 a eat elision ili'higo• 7 30 " II enilltoii,.. rr 0 a1 'r 1'tu is. 1005 Dt.trmt.. 8 40 `` ( II Li' - n rt o. ' Stieda 111±0111°t1(f)10: 10 ,0." -• t. l'ltonins .:. 1± (7 r.'r. Mo, t life t Lon Ion 5 00 f'.af, ..1c..nt. Ilderten r G>` 2e" " H 0 " 1110001 s 4ti "" E1 d5 . " Glantlabo u " 5 ;5 ". t.•• t anttiL(iity 5 2G " 0 33 "+ Protan, " (i ii 10!10 " ttensall4s ' 7 60 '+ r0 1 710 "+ 1110.;1 ClutaBala 7 2 ,t 11 3, t 7 ,3 1 45P,at, i,onrlca[sotou6h t# (i, • a ilii; Myth s.:, • 3.10 I it�igta+iui 4 2(e r1 4;, r k 100(4 11 i5 Its,, fen r ou Hohirave on now h.incarcliue Nine t rdino Lueknow , tVinghani.:. ' Clinton 13ruccilelil Nippon, Homan 1 tater (lentrtrlia5•.. London 1'noinaA Hamilton • it G01:4"0.80111111 4 20n. M. G 00' r ' 713 i3 ' IFidxeri 7,15A.tt 11 00.A: 5f 8 ie " L 00 n, • b 15'," 25 t1 !1 00 t 2 50 ,,, 9 4tl 3 05 10, 01 !' 4 05 ri „tj 10 2e "" 4 9t) " itlrll 40 " 00 it ' 3 15 sr. 5 10 Poranto"i 05 0 0031 00 (via Suspension bridge) 9 10 " '20i31'Tlatins Tutt daily (except Stiitulsys). 'fere cafes un Nortit--Beeley, 1'otlnesdav and 1`"ri h y , South- ••Tucytley, Thursday end Saturday,- (,ounce titins ltta .e at t.iinten with (r rand '1`i;unk T,ialns fo and front (10(1;31011. r;r,11141 �'rltlll 0041006 (15 11.;~(0 '81;001013 so.it , .+'r err atrae•rs. Go1Nd EAST. G 1.45i .'t ) d ot. ry A,14, ut tl ,.o Aar, 0.11, tlotN r»,. (1 i� t•'ST, i.iii .11,e �lr.r+itlt 'Lac atl,.;7ulto