HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1876-4-20, Page 2fliFiNEp„&la 11111:$;
e e- s '
A. T. SteWartli Nails fift3 9f,.$1°()
/OM 0r0 tli,stribitted mune ratiemg
fr°41 $600 to #20009 to Wes() mil)
looto lofty and faithfully servvti law in
hit business, To Sarah and 'Rebecca
Marrow, mode ot his early youtta ; ere have with eaeh /ON iteeared i
; 80140 aetomadang barganis for the:
3 tarring awl saintiler trade, and are 3
3 daily receiving aoa opening them
'3` oat, They eonsiet oaDry (iamb, 3
Groceriee Boar; itnd Shoes alets
3 and Caps, Readyanado -Clothing. 3
3 Dell laid Glassware, etc., ete,
'AN A JE -11
avieig talteu selviintag; of the
3 extreme tiglitnese of tummy
3 the tuatiofactarera and wholesale :
343,ealerti tliroogliont: tina ratineitlion,
w ose fatftet lt3u.Ne he enjoyed
the hospitititty and 1volt:elite ttiqch tte
- email not forg4t or repay, be bestows
of $12,000, to be paid quart
rly during then livee. Ile also gliVO
"-LIAM tite I1H0 for life of the bailee they
haw ftecilpy, wait the furuitere thereof.
To bio wite'a relatious---six itt littaiber
boquesthei $10 000 each. and to
ttifetd IIenry Hilton, 16,()00.
"alidge E. Hilton is directed to bring Mr.
Stewart's pitrtnership affairs, to a close,
MI aA far as possihte without loss to
those connected, with itim busItte&h
.Jadga »MI Pnkla leftnIninn
Vie bit -Wyse affairs and, estate of this
11.- T. Stewart, twit they would be car -
tied on the satne es if the iplans and
. .
„project 411 operation or tn. prositeettye
the'? tittle of his dew, h would by faith-
Jful y cantied out.
It appears that In addition to the
power,„of attorney given to outwore her
'eetate, Mrs. Stewait yeeterdaY fele(' ill
',the registrar's otlice a transfer and as-
,eigninent of all her date Inteband's
tantre of the Imeinees of A. T. Stowell
A; Co., as atoll as ;01 his praperty, real
pelsoltal except teal estate iuclud
,ed in the city of iNew Yorlt, to Juage
inilton, for the sum of $1,000,000.
-130th itistttltneuts are dated April 14t1),
'The Councillors of ,the townslii? ot
Bedford, near Karig:don, havina become
personally responsible for the Tretteur-
er are now called on to maI'e up a de-
ficit Of $300.
. A little boy, about,twe years of agtal.
son of Mr. George Y. pargon,titr'nthroy„
died6on'r Sunda„,y 6111 ittst;',11f, the'
,^1,1 I I
rtfectit'of eating filo coniposition off a
ihnneli of matches.
A. 'lodge in cOnaectten with the Cana-
dian Order of Oddlealowe, was orgen•
ised sit gault,Ste. ‘kl'ittils,'eu the 29th of
Avaterloo .4(11'0'11,1er says :--
X.Atit`V,14\y noon Charlotte. Thomson,
s. ;retie daughter of :qr. Ricliworth
i'Theinsori of Warden lama 11 years,
wetitinto a neiehborine barn with a
a a *
eonipanion to play during the interims-
: ,
.t,tof2 at sellout. The two little girls
,Playea in the hay for some time, when
"Lfr. Thorustm's vita threw hereell down
',on the haymow as her companion
thomeht in fun., Not sliowing any
11-11114 of isetting un, the other .girlt at-
tempied to arouse ber, when she found
bile WAS dead.
Loudon firm -WO have notascer-
-tained their nanic-who ofiere 1 to
start a funialry Ailsa Craig, c u con-
alition they were granted a bona -apt'
'have disappointed. The
'retaiseil to grant the sum liana
ad.' 'The Capital proposed was thought
to ho too small.
' Jaines Sawyers, of Stanhepea
Iota 0:pair of ineoSe's hotels, for which
he wits offered $20, which offer lie
ltrughed to scorn. The animal frotu
"Ithich they were taken was killed last
. ..a.11.attscetiar Lake by Mr. Benjamin
SawyeaS, of Minden, weighed abeut acnitainetl, it would not be surprising to Layou want neat bill -heads,
and that almost every public: man has If you want chipping tags.
lot ilit1":1":,..tiiiiiilep,tio,1,1iitildsomitei:,dsuwroligiot iitl'eratf-esteyteotturs". been • gutlty of some malfeasautte of If you waut any letter treacle,
frOin tip to tip, Mal Weigh sem:- -nffice. If you want nice visiting cards,
If you want the. best eef all _work,
ysetcr Chun
(attatia, gltiqteal, tes,
preselit 11 tt 'or eat riding of Wes
Middleeett in Perliament of Thiflett
catiada in 1864, bot dying 3c,)011 itfter
was succeeded in the repreeentateso
bie eel* Thanutta. IJUnit tl 0 re-divisiell
Of the ceitnty for eleetond parposee he
Was hivitea te outwit the North Ilia;
irtg, woich he aid succeesfelly in 1.86Z.
end agalit ta the iast 'general election,
1h73, Hie politieal affluiteti weree
aitit what is koown as the Rolm*
party, hot he hail the good will of men
perties, Ile was not MI extra,
neat to anything, hot bola a well bet -
mama indgment upon all abuse. Wtth,
in the walls of Petaisauetit oue has
been more respected, amt. his mane has
slam been adyaneed at that of one
whose position Red servietie entitled
him to a seat in the Government tlie
eountry, tie was always a hard worker
Ou impertent ceintoittees, and as a
chairman of the Committee of the
Whole during Hotne SOSSi0110 peat won
TEU1ISDAY, Aritlif20, 1876 general approval by las assiduity, his
faireess, thorough knowledge of
atfaire hrought under notice. Though he
F,S.TitADITION, (loop. not 1.)J tat(' ) be a leeding speak-
er an the House, yet when he dia rise
The last few woelis have given rise to his feet he had always somothiag ,to
to much comment and discussion en saY that was worth listening tn, and
his eloquence, though "onialorned,"
important subject. The extrada ems noite the less conviucing. In
Liu° of Wiusl°"v 114(1 vt1.101'S who have efforts before juries he displayed the
beeo guilty of one or othe: of the crimes faculty of keeping his language within
on the Minna caleinier have. owing to the eouala chension of those whom he
the unusual !somber of American refu- `vas called ulaml t° address, ana bY the
simplicity of his style and sincerity of
gees in Cannda aua Edglital, heed ask' purpose attained the position of
ed to be extradited, drawn the atten- a favorite i.oetiaei, nt the Lon.
tion of the pablic more forcibly to that don ham „In hie social capacity
wits very Mach esteemed. --
;natter. Taere can be no doubt trader' he
the existence of the pmeent treaty, we Everybody had a good word for Mr.
Seatcherd, and though in his .profes-
hi Canada will he SVhieeted to the in- sional as hie capacity he was
curilion,nf ate aiff ruff of the neighbor- obliged to come in adverse contact with
aiates. 'Why the mere fact that many interests,. he has passed away
4t here ,,existe a line over whteh those without leaving an enemy behind him.
Among the principal features in his
eammiting a mime may have the free -
character which contributed to his SRC
on they could net enjoy if on the side
cess was a, perfect trustworthiness in
u )on which the deed was committed
all his transactions, a probity and cau-
se ins most anomalous. As the tresty
dor which a -ere never found lacking. -
now statute, only some few crimes are
lecease in the fifty-third year of his
of suflioient jaiportance, tu commend
age, is deeply regretted by a very large
extiadition, thus in a measnre, making
circle of friends, and will leave a paha
-hose not mentioned, of but slight int- ful sap in that comm aaity of citizenship
oortance., which Is entirely wroug, even
which dates in London from the day of
f not in that class called ci•irainul. small things up to the present prosper -
Cho right laud of extradition is that
which will allow the free exchenee of cils eunditi°11 of affairs' The remain'
ot Mr. Seatcherd were attended to
their last resting place by a very nu-
rneroos retinueof sorrowing Metals and
Imo mai) tauces
those hadicted tor any crime, provided
hough, that in every case a sofficient
sum is deposited with the proper par•
t'e4 as ars indemity to the person ex-
tra:10a io _ease. he. or . sheemey not
iave been the -law Of - whichever
county she may heen hied ha
DURING the last few weeks quite a
lumber of officials ocatipying very'
prominent and imaortant positions tin-
ter the American Government have
come to grief under the judicial guile -
tine. Belknap, General McDonnell, and
e host of others have been found guilty
of theft from the putlic treasury. One'
uese seems to be cleared out o sly to be
tollowed by another still more corrupt.
if the present judicial investigations be
We invite who can do so, to send us Bhort
descriptions of accidents or unusual occur-
rences in any part of the County. Write on
one shle of the paper only. Mail yoUr letters
on Monday or Tuesday, to he sure of insertion
in the TIMES of the same week. One cent pays
the postage if you leave the envelope open, and
send it as " printers' copy."
If you want circulars,
If you want hand -bills,
If you want envelopes,
If you want business cards,
ovsr seveuty-tive pcintalS. Eacin Toe Tiverton .117achinan we are sor- If you want any kind of prinieg.
the widest part tif the flea and ry to sea is resorenie o tie iemehen- Leave your orders at the TIMES office
• • t-* t t • •
Lora measures thirteen inehes aeioss
. ,
°11° sible practise of diseilanning.the tamer- and you can secure them on the shortest
them, has ten prongs and the other
.atglit. The fortuattte p :est seor iutends
have a cutter sent made of them.
'line -Moose's ears meastned thirteen
A.public.meeting Was held at Warta
,petron Friday, to'• (mores; regret at the
joss the 'North-west has sm4ained in
'the death of Rev. Mr. McDougall, and
resehitioua were adopted supporting a
'movement by "the si ter Province to
perpetuate 113 memme.
eonalityal the press, and 'calls Boyd of
Lucknow Sentinel a hoot -black. We
think it most lidrrid Of the Watchman
to be robin' the young man of his fame
when he has for ao long been bitoeed
tp with a contrary idea.
A. T. Seroviate's will hits eassed pro-
bate, and amongst the many poor
folk he has remembered, he haa for-
gotton us the most deserytug of all.
We :via hay° to wait.
' e horses have beet' entered
11"tin Harm? for e'oliipetition at the.* IN a recent issue, the ayoungest edi
Oehteinfiaf ' The natuesl. ter," who "abodes" in Luclitio w, said,
enterni,,,, them iia,VO not 'yet' Id speaking of the coming of Susan:Ili
.been pablisned ;hilt will be in dee tune. Evans to that place le thought that
Faller singtilar and suinewhat un- then' ouhl be little use iu recommend
osimaseene wee Walessed in the town ing her to the people cf Lucknow.
,of Nate:ire en Stiodity last at a faneral itungli on Leclinow, Miss F,VallS or
e rolleation. It seems, that a young the "youngest editor." 'Which ?
...atom mimed Jatnes Scutt, Master of the
lOting airiton's Lodge in that place,
diet1 in the titter bort of the week, and
wise deeided to- bury him accordiug
te the Catuge Soeiety. Deceased WAS
. wealth:rads° of the United Temper-
Lo:ltte, itocf thia SeciatYdetertuili-
ed te atteoil the fanertil tn • a
' hashed the 'St. tiatiick's
tairepartaice Sooity 'to take' "pairt
the aeineilstration, and they decided
to 3 . e .
111 ini dr wa` therefore a
yery 14rge and rehaectithle-cnie. Three
unonlaire. uf the St. 'Pettielt'elatinper-
anee Snciety acted.as pall hearers and
theefeYoulig 13ritons. The 13eitous'
Baud heaued the cortege, aud the Os-
angethen .tiipettred in the usual regelia
at,tia Order. It is ploasatit though
'auusiral;',I. to sec such latrinoniuns ate
paat of sucietie,s which are
st;,. fsr dissimilar in
tbeii vietta tiai n ietig,00113 ObSellValleeS
and olil:tiine finds." It: 'Woub.1-110 well
indeed:if the 'Sante geed feeiliust would
,liecorne 'general' the woihr:OVer.
'A VETERAN Vol:era-At the efieetion ;
across. the Riaer, Mouth'ima aii
,mait parried Bora), a.g,ed 19g years,
Walked 'it1„) his ballet tie 'readi-
ly alai as cheerfully as the pima! eif',21.
--Northeau ,Lietat.
"The London Free Press says that the nem:
improach of Elvter will send eggs no. Our ex
perience of Easter has alWays biari that eggs
went down." Goderjoh Star. -
DOWN under the counter he means
ft was in a ready cash store.
Tee Brussels Poet says a farmer ie
viciuity of Gederich is experiment -
Me on tlia Star Mani, an 1 supplying
him with eggs that he may ,gain
brains. The Post 'suggests fish, but
the Goderich editor has already spent
vast sums ot money in that article,
and we thiuk that in about Sixty-niue
years that farmer will ,be able to per•
oeive some retoth from all hes „tromble
tad expense.
'Pun Gooemon Star announced last
week that its editor has fallen an love
with Sustinith EV/1.1111, the 'Welsh ora -
tress. Wee° afraid that said editor
will be obliged to •make love to isome
stramger and soddenly declare it, if be
hopes to cyer join the happy benedic•
tine Lordia
LA,ra Rat. Witerz Fat,tows.--While
'as obitor tini.proceNg of Erysipelas the Hon
Dr.—celled upon me; told bitu how numb
Of the itad'as'ed, - He said " Fellows $'
'llyphosphitee is a good medicine, an e*cellent
tonic, and'ito dou'bt dream the Acidity that
444.4in inyble03'to thy eatifatto, and thus pre.
'ented it froatAtt'iloldng so 10.111011711a Organ
'of 'my system," bate 'min:versed' wall many,
'who hate Masi „it laid 'all' say thee were
bonelitted by ,it• myself, hate Much
piesotre. in saying iMpreted my 'general
health atnazingly, Ortlis elear and
110.410IY 60110t011014/9, )/it0'
teturi4t be asod, and *tattle withie readt'of all
alass'es, I'h:tliete it trouttl.be tised'uttisiersally
'yesi by tluSwellato renew tliels age, tied by,
ths siek to' Make tlietti Well, Makes An old
, portent, loalt-tatt year youlleor,
ji true." that 044re
Matto it knOwn for lid' Minty tt+li tO
sea: the haiitty frnita of his inven. joy; '
A.Litt,t,Stielt tiesatit, n,
Autherbt, N. 8.
, , , ,
Tito letater Monday vestry ineattage
of Tortitia4; paifeeil off qatetly tu ettery
Chtirch Oitieptiiiei 'Grace Churell JO
t hat the proeetitage' Were Most
'atisgatteeful, pit el laillelitftry epttliotS
:being banded aliont 'the
, reetoe, W. II, Joittie °tit '6f
'fhb 011111.1', Aild 1310agn, intrimaer
pat M. 'tile SCC1110 WfiS :1 perfect lat bet
, ,
atm,. waote time ,the ineetieg but
1!*** -4
- ,
The geaettal puhlie of Cutario, and
11101e pitettenlarlyaatat portion rosidiug
in Lotat?en :tad the' West, learned witb
meal' ,conee.ro that ltfr, 'ph eala8
Seateherd, M. P., had ledett lying seri-,
oiisly ill at Otta, a for soine amt.? ,past.
The accounts redeived from 4ay td daY,
led to an alteration between hop; and
'fear oil this account. but it at last . be.
octane evident to moist that a fatal
Weitkneas hatl set in. It is now our
painful duty to record deatla whits i
took place 'peacefully on Saturday fit 8
'o'clOttlt a. int At the time of his de-,
eease he was surrounded by Iii3 family,
and Many personal friehds, including
his partner, Meredith, Mi. Rufus
St:Their:soli and others, Everything
lied been' done for hitn which medical
akill and iliclivitittel soliditude could des
vise, but Without permanent anat. Mr.
Scutt:herd Was entineetly a lioritlon
titan, Boan itot trimly tailea diatant,
Wyttni, Noveniber, 18,23, Ite
hilted Ins editeation at the -Londifn
District Grammar' S,chool, and was tat-
ik:a. to :did Dar in 1848, State' after he
011'*174,111t,16 a Partnership in his prue
ft :Satoh With Mr, E. 4, , Parke, Which
coltititied siiccassfiilly for SOrne aim) to thiti
SabSequettitly, lie Pursued businesa cin ConrattoWs' A.'N'iltVititaaitYi--We 1101)e
hie own acoetinis alai 'for "ttorne years that the intimation made itast week of
misa easocia(loa with 'alr, Williatii the anniversary 80rVii.1dg of the ilixeter
alesedith M. P. and iieted for a Lodge 1. 0, 0. F. will not be :unheeded,
eMi,eleraiile period as City .3olicitor. bet tbat numbete will turn out to hear
NatAlb4 144. I 1,54
Vana011."3 slaloelt, Mr. Gene'e pl
the Methodist Chareli on Sunday will
4110lied by the Rev. Mr. More,
hoers at Windt Um
traine ariie and the length of time
Wili0h.thoy tvait at Olio etatiOn Warrant
the,ereetion of an eatiag house, patt of
the brieks for whieli aee now on the
llummao operatibils have alreadY
°An inninnga. ylnne diraOn new et:8110re
are wautia; hoQases, but not an etuPtY
one eau be found.
Denote-sp.-By reference another
goluniii it will be seep that
man hae removed hie office from bis
residence to the Pieltard Bleck.
Fetsra roe &tare -There will be of.
ferea for sale, at half Price/ until neltt
Saturday evening at the postoffico state,
spleinha pow rosewood flute, with
four solid silverkeys, brass lining, &e.
An instruction book will be given ta
am purchaser, bee of charge, giving
the ahst rudiments of music in such a
sunnlified form that any,one may be-
come a thorough master of it.
Onetme or Tbm.TABLE..-The Great
Western Raileay has SO changed its
tans that another Lain lots been placed
on the L., Lt. Two traios leave
Lontion daily, one mixed at 7,30 a. tn.
:braving in• Exeter at 10. 30 ; and the
Express leaving London at 5. o'clock
p. m., arriving ;n Exeter at 6.30. In
the mdrniog, the Express auei Mixed
cross at this station,
E SCULAPIUS.-Dr. Cowan, welltknown
to our readers, has a card in another
colmon which they are asked to peruse.
By it,it will be seenitlutt the Dr. has d -
°idea to retern to Exeter, and. com-
!Ileac° prectice. Ile will be found»
next door smith of Batok's Flour and
Feed Store.
Suxoey Snooemo.--We have heard
of many perniwous and deeecratiag
acts, but none which so gratea apon
our senses more than that of Slandaye
committed by ungodly wretcbes
who were making use of that day, amu-'
sing themselves ie shooting. During
the afternoon, serail reports were hear
issuing from the woods to the rear of
the station. If the parties were known
they shoold be made to auffer for this
disregard of the laws of the laud
and ef their Ged.
late mooting of the Riverside Grange,
No. 349, the subject of etwouragiug
trade was up foe diecussidee. and
LO SIIOW -tiTrpreciaizzr.„
of local effort, the following, re-
solution was agreed to without a dis-
sentient :-Resolved, that we prefer,
dealing with local merchante and man-
inacturers whenever we can do so on
equal terms as with those at a distance.'
be plentiful, but that very fact, will be
the meal s of bringing to financial rain
some of oar young spertsMen to
the emolument of the powaer maga-
zines. Ou Ft•iday evening, no less
than seven of these individuals
were scattered along the track to
the north of ale stetaon, waitine, theis
eipportunity to have a snot at the niYa-
ouls of pigcons flying overhead. Out
of an average sae shots to eath indi-
vidaal only five or six birds were ee-
cured. No necessity of offering up
prayers on behalf of the 'poor pigeons;'
they me pe.lectly safe.
'Goer) Fenety.--This holiday came
on Friday this year, SD we were inform-
ed... ler. the. morning, 'the rain commen-
ced a, continuous pour, and kept it up
with but' slight intermi sion through-
out the greater part of the day. At an
early hour, the firetnen of companies
Nos.1 41111,2 met at the Fi emen's
with their engines, the " Rescue '' and
"Defiauce. " As soon as the rain had
slightly moderated, they formed in pro-
cession at the hall, headed bY the Cor•
feet band, all being in full costume.
That of Rescue Company was a bright
red, with 'stout firo-,cap bearing the
words "No.1" and suitable belts ;
" Defiance " company's dress consists
of a royal purple lacket, fire•cap, with
the words " No. 2"," tual suitable belts.
ram members cf each company
hold of their respective engines, and
hose carts, and, headed by their Gap --
tains, Sanders and McGloghlon march-
ed to the music of the 'band -Up and
down the principal streets.' On their
arrival at Huron-st. tank, ft competi-
tive trial was indulged ina the t.iisult of
which was that the Res tug " threw
water some twenty feet further than
the "-Defiance." The latter is a very
large en,gine, end requires double the
number ef men at the brakes that she
had on that day,' ead is new as' well,
the men having practiced bot'ence or
twice., A. sharp contest between the
two will take place on Dominion Day,
when a purse ef considerable amoutra
be placea for competition. In the
contest on Friday,the Rescue was work-
ed too. hard, ard burst one ef her coup-
lings. The Defiance in being taken
over an ',embankment, suffered slightly
in her gearing. After practice, a lunch
was provided fur the eompanies,
to which all did ample
justice, when • they returned to
their homes. In the even-
ing a soctal was held in the Methodist
church, under the auspices of the L. A.
S., which was comparatively lucrative.
THE HEROES OF 1812 -15% -We find
Fort Cose.-Attention is drawn to -
Mr. Lightbournas'advertisement in an-
other colunm, whieh is no Shain.
Assrzes.Several of the, people in
tins vicinity took ta:tie -anti. livery on
Monday morning last to attend the as-
sizos now holding at Goderich.
Seow.---We were fevered with some
More of the "beautiful" on Sunday
night. We have wip oar eyes, and
bid it 'farewell once i.nore.
PHOTOGRAPHED. -While the fi
were in order„ of proeession on Fcciday
last, Mr, C. Senior embraced are op-
portunity and secured the portraits of a
lot of men of which Exeter has a right
to feel proud.:
MOVED,--Tfie S. cf T. of this town
picked up their traps and convey,ed
them to the Kate .keepin Drete'e hell
where it is ,to be tamed they may flour-
ish as flouriShe,th the "geeen hay
tree." Of course we mean the Division.
&Jena Taaes.es-dt would not be
bad idea if those owning prnperty
front .of which corporation ehade trees
have suffered death, would replace the
same. .By doing so their propesty
would be. enhatmed and the village
look a .geetet deal the hotter for it.
Iluna.--The new porter at the
. .
"Central" who by the way is a promis-
ing sen of Hain, was a few days since
eitling one of Mr. Howard's horses,when
the .animal threw him off its back, dis-
locating till joint of his left wrist.
Meeenest.----We understand that
meethig will be held ire the Qentral
Hotel,. on Wedneadeg evenjng .df next
week, fair tlie parpose of organizing a
base ball or cricket club, whicheaer the
meeting seems dasateas of doing.'
Tatteres LICENSES.-Se7eral of the
venclOrs of " forty -rod" are, et peeseat
shaking. in their boots, • coirjectering
which, of them are selected as those who
are to ..receive no lemma .by the corn-
raissicmerse.' :In Exeter, Orobably one
Till lie struek:4of! in Stephen; 'some
)0 1N. ANA USPQANkl SP.KNO Ht.000, $ years old, 1 entry, -40,
SHOW. " Str Pouglae," W, Greenway,
AOttletnamtai. °Lass entries aalst
The annual Spring Shot& 14 connee, "Young Canada /3:tuk," ; $1,
tion with the Stephen and Ifeborne "Young Peaeoelt," Samuel Essory,
braneh Agricultural Society mute held in
thie village on Tlitirstlay last. ITlie
waatber was verY u•nPr°Piagitsa 144 OAIOAIt OPENPRI V08 BITSINRSSm-1143,,
notwithstanding this drawbaelt the 'pecielly for °imitate and wauon maker,
erowd of people was about the flame as
tittatt,ever here before aka Spring Shew„,
The total number of entries this year
was 48, against 87 last year, Attention
was first drown to the bulls, which were
the firet animal$ 0/town, We really
believe no better ,sbow was ever hold in
this village 111 this line. The high steek
beasts were really good, and were evi-
dence tlutt the farmers appreciate good
stock, ana are eviaeing a desire to cid-
tivate it. The grade stook was about
the same as that shown last year.
In horse -flesh, Huron boa ts the west ;
. .
and lt ts its pride to say so. There were
ropily some good beasts on the ground,
aud it was hard in the heavy draught
class to Ray 'which was worthy of the
red ticket. Messrs. Brooks and &Ago-
hon's " Lora Halo" ie a fine beast,
and received cousiderablo attention, as
did Messrs. Love add 13rown's Wel-
lington." . But, althotigh it only re-
ceived third prize, the two former
receiving' first and second respectively,
Ma. 3418. Hodgsonas " Crown Prince"
appeared to be the favorite amongst the
farmers present. He is.tte they put it,
" neat piece of horseflesh, and de-
serving of the support of which he is
assured." Some splendid three-year-
old draughts were shown. In agricul-
turul horses there were seven entries,
I3ean's " Champion" and Swenerton's
" telory of the Dominion" carrying off
the firet aird seoond prizes, and R. F.
Guest's " Major Lewis" the third. In
the various classes' shown the judges
seemed to have great trouble in giving
their decision, the horses in each being
,of, a high standardand equal qualities.
Theco.rriagestallion of Hotham & Hunt -
era -we 'hesitate not, in saying, cannot
be beaten., if judged fairly, in the Do-,
minion. s
' The Exeter Brasa-Band, on the ee.
easion; performed some of their sweet-
t•st masic, keeping everyone in the best
of humor. For any further particulars
we would refer those interested to the
"111:-Itcpc:co,:eillt2's*::::::;08Eilletioatrio:lialTwi..n11, :11or'fiii.
lington ;" 3rd, J. Hodgson, " Crown
Two-year-old Heavy Dt aughts.-(2 en-
tries) Alex. Dow " Yeung Defiance."
Agricultural Stallions.. --(7 entries) C.
Bean, " Champioa ;" 2nd, Jas. Swener•
ton, " Glory of the Dominion ;" 3rd, P.
F. Guest, " Major Lewis."
Three-year-old Agricultural Stallions.
(3 entrila) WM. Purdy, "‘ Young :Lord
Hadclo ;" 2tid, M. Kelland, " Young
Scotch Miracle."
1-eo-yeiii•-old Agricultural Stallions. --
(3 entries) A. Cndmore, " Scotch Mir-
acle ;" 2ud. Win. Lewis, " Canadian
General Purposo,-(3 entries) L.
Hunter, • " Youno Coachman ;" 2od.
Brooks & " Glenelg ;" 3rd,
J. Willis, "Young Netherby."
Turee•yeAr.old General Purpose. ---(1
entry) John Tritiemper," Young Roby."
Two-year-oldGeneral Parpoxe.--(7 en-
tries) J. Swenerton "Farmers' Glory -„,!'
2nd, Thos. SturgeOn, "Young Farmer."
Carriage Stallions. -(3 entries) L.
Hunter, "Pride of Huron ;" 2ud, R.
-Hothem, " Pride of England."
TAP ee-year-old Carriage Stallion. -(2
entries) A. Peters, "Young Sir John
Stephens ;" 2nti, Mr. ,Bently, " Capt.
Blood Stalltons.--(4 entries) Alex. In-
nes, " Sir Archy ;" 2nd, Geo. Sellars,
Lord Byron."
/Tench horee, Juo. Stephens,
highly recommended.
Iwo or three ; iu Lucen about the Ity refering to the list of Itlilititt rneo of
HAND ,.,SMASIIED.-pn Wedn etas y
evening of last week, as Mr, Thos.
Crocker, hvery stable keeper was as-
sisting in recopying BILIS 1tt the station
end coapliaig thens, ordee that the
ses Ight get nearer the platformihe
had his Angers crushed pretty badly and
escaped narrowly from. worse ,buising.
St DE. WALES, -The contractors fir. 0
basily engaged in performing thetr
work, the plank beilig nearly all upon
the ground. Some distance it is laid
arta graded That rottiott running to
stbe station will be completed a, few
days, the tutlance probably this week
if the grading is finished. giving an averacre of 81; congrat.
Doiqultos DAv.--Rurner is already elate these genttemen on ,ipir record,
bttsy with, accounls of what we are te, and Woald wish thetn nattily years
Int delighted with en Dominion „Drty. of r,contentment, thee foster-
The.Driving Park A.seociation intend ing (tare of a t.ioantry!eti4alt,',4es, 110t,
toliog the matter in hand, alld holding entirly forg'et those wile' Strvee'her
a couple 'of days raein.!, besides timantg tier trying tunes. ,
a grand /erste of anitteerneats, principal One of the lg,f,i;st dodge:11)y seliel)
among will be the tire,engiins is pritetieed by ,pertione
competition.' tii all probability ttr. going the ronndg hotie),koopors e,ed
rangernents will be ittede for an excur. the etinvassimi tor Inisiness
eards, which (Loy offe'r at lialf the
regular' printing Trice. They secure
the cash in exitance, and,' cif antirse,
forget to fulfil the bargain, Those
people only get their deserts
whM are swindled whilst patronizing
stwec,cded , lq.61 marrisd Miss Isabella Rev, W. Gone in the 13. 0. folks whotry to imiti lionorable and
'41,q1.1 with thh husihe8/4 of the Sprague, of Yarthootli. gis father ou Stinday evenirig liext, A. pablie ardtioue calling by` 'Outtiug doWn its
- " John' Scatclierd-' who etdigrated tc; 'meeting- bo hold on 1Vednesday prieee.
1812-15 Nvao applied for gratuity t.e.
cently voted by parliament, that Huron
County contains, the fultowing, viz.,
A. W. Bates, Bitylield, aged 82 E.
Coaneroa, Brewster, ttg,ed 76 ; ,T. Cook,
Gorrie, aged 88 G. Lacoree, Ba.yfield,
agea 79,; itickard, Egmoudville,
aged 82; and S. White, Auburn, aged
84. Mr. clameron Berm' as Sergeant
in the Gleugarry Battalion ; 'Mr. Cook
served with the eorps, commanded by
Gelonel Graham ; Mr. Latource served
with the 8rd 13attalion and Mr. Sem-
ttel White served' it'll the Imperial
corps, comnianded by Commander Yee,
The united age of these heroes is 486
Aged Bull .-(2 entries) R. Hanford,
" Loudon Duke ; .2nd, R. Huuter,
" Glasgow."
Two-year •old Bull, with Pedigree. --(4
entries) Jo°. Glen, "Duke of Usborne ;"
2nd, Jas: Sweuerton, " Royal Duke of
E 'cot cr."
One -year-old, with Pedifiree.-42 en-
tries) R. Hunter, "Prince of Usborne ;"
2nd, James Pioltard, " Ex tter .Lad."
Two-year-old Grade - -(1 entry) Rich.
One -year-old Grade. --(3 entries) Jas.
Swenerton ; 2vd, Richard Sweet.
Cahmet and Furnitore maker, liailder,
Maseir, Plasterer, Tinsmith, Tailor,&e,
'Flour and Griot Mill, Foundry and
Agrtealtural Implement menufactory.
VIi,LAGE li're ;fY0/11 45() end
upwards, according to situation. FARA
of 60 wires adjoining the RailwaY
Station for sale, with row freanii barn
and 10 acres of butili. Address,
THOMAS TRIV1TT. (26- tf)
L. 11..36B. R. R. '--:-Owing to the ad-
vance of sprin,g, and the increasing
prosperity of this noble railway ; the
Great Western Company have iw w
given such new and important facilities
to the travelliog public and shippere to
to leave nothing farther at present as
be desired. Daily trains ism stop at
Centralia its follows t -Going North,
Mixed at 9.50 a. tn. Mail at 6.20 p. m.
Going Smith, Mail at 10.20 a. m.
Mixed at 4.80 p. The Money re-
mitted to the Caeliter at Hamilton far
olio day's business alone at this station,
last week, amouuted to the liandsome
sum of oue hundred itoct twenty-five
dollars and seventy-five cents.
iftge lots were disposed of during the
past week, and quite a stir is going on
in making preparations for building and
fencitT. deins,nd for renting
houses is also far greater than the sup-
Horaa AGAIN, -Parliament having
been prorogued the member for South
Huron is again fouud his pleasant
home in Centralia. We dee' ly sym-
pathise with Mr. Greenway in his re-
peated trials. It will be remembered
'hat a year ago, on his raturn from Ot-
tawa, lie had to endure the sad af-
fliction' and irreparable loss of a beloved
wife ; and now on his tiresent return lie
Elude himself unexpectedly plunged into
the maelstom of a mercantile calamity.
If such trials have a tendency to wean
our affections frian the unsubstentials
of the world, they are not without their
use. We sincsrely trust Mr. G will
be safely brought through all his dif-
%culties, and Plicenix-like, revive again
uto isew tile and vigor.
M'''''''1!lTS.-No change except in
'asta,.$9.00 per bushel.
"e usual ves-
try meeting of Trinity Ch..,
committed tdthe'Central Prison, is re-
preeent popular clergyman, Retaho
was the unanimous choice of the par:
ishioners. The meeting passed Off with
the greatest of harmony to all present.
En the finance depea anent a small sur-
plus is ou haul The eubject was
la ought furwaril of building a parson-
age, which we trust will not be allowed
to drop, for one is much needed. Then
next in order, the .eulargement of the
church. .•
FATAL ACCIDENT, -An old resident of
these parts named 'Henry :Cunningham
whilst %tannin.; along the G. T. R. track
near Parkhill. fell into a cattle guard,
and was not found until the neat morn-
ing, having rnanagted to crawl out of the
guard tattle bank, bat from the ittjuries
received in his fala tuat exposure after-
wards: he sooa passed away. His
-was-l-a,sely utteladod
by old resideeters.
FUNERAL -Quite a number of Liman-
ites left tor raducion to atteral the funer-
al of our late member, Mr. Scatchercl,
whose loss is deeply regretted by both
shades of polities in these parts.
FOTEL CHANGE. -The late proprietor
of the Queen's Hotel having, retired
from hotel business and disposed of his
effects, &c., by auction, Mr. Robert Mc
Falls (late of Exeter) is busily engaged
refurnishing the hotel with Nvith a corn,
plete new dress. We treat ate preset- t
host will have the aline success as the
former propliotor. Judging from gooda
being daily taken in, the outfit will be
first-clas E.
Win Dounelly, of Lacer , who was
ported ill at the gaol of a low fever.
He is the same man who assaulted aud
shot the constable at Iowan.
C'BED1T0.11" SP R3.4"iti 5E10 or.
The first, Spring Show of the Credi-
ton Independent Agricnitural Society
was held in the village of Crediton, on
Wednesday, 1.2th inst. °wine to the
unpropitious state of the weather in
the morning, the number of entries
was not so large as it would have been
had the weather been more favorable.
As it was, the show was in all res-
pects much bettee that the most san-
,guine anticipation of the directors had
led them to expect. There could not
have been less than 1,000 persons ou
the ground. The show of horses wes
particularly good. Among the import-
ed draught was one from Usborne,
Crown Prince, owned by Mr. James
Hodgson. This splendid animal was
acknowledged unanimmisly to be the
best heayy horse on the ground. In
fact, all the subunit' shown were orecti-
table to the localities in which they
wore tespectively bred. Satiefaction
was general when it Wei announCed
that the prize raonev would be paid be-
fore the successful exhibitors left the
ground. The rewarde of the judges
wore very eatisfactory. 'The following
is the,prize list :
IMPORTED DRA.UGIIT, 2 eatries.-1st
“Crowti Prince," J. Hodgson ; 2d
"Tom O'Liticolti;" W. Peck.
Cittatoreel Ditettoar, 4 entries.-Ist
"Robby I3tiens " James Creighton ;
"Chatupiota" Ubatles Beau,
G 1,4NT 11,1L 131114POSPI, 3 entries.--fst
"Young Coachman," L. Hunter ; 2d,
"Flowee of the Forest "
FRENCH, :HORSESy 1 Mitt y. -19t,
"French Lyon " StePhen,
CiirratiAoe .11.01tSES0 2 entries.--ist,
"Pride ot Heron " L. Hunter ; 2d, "Sir
Arthur " Ito bort 'Fisher.,
Btoon, 2 entriee,--Iet, "Lord
Byron," Geerge Sellare; 2d, "Pretend-
er," Joao Kant.
Certerixets Diteuenr, Veat's 01(10 2
etitries,,,--181, "Young Scoich Miracle,"
Kelhaid t 2d, t'Voung Scotch Mira-
cle," Walter
General, Pearostit 8 yertra old, 2 011.
triee.-1et. "Young Rob Roy,", John
T111011'0101- "Young Sir john Steven.
seta," A. Po'rkius.
:1-4103VILPPIO AT WoornIA,m,--We are
aka to hear that ietisre,
who reeeetlY bad their atoek hartaal
the etOre \\700(tham, halm made ar-
rangemOnte with their oretOitoresand are
111)011t t9 raatune tnisiness, having pur-
chased the lot from Mr. 3, Shier en
1011011 the store etood. They intend
Winding e gotal brick store immediately,
l'AveTiNS OL9spD.--Tite ta Vern -keep.
ors of Blaitshard oan now breathe free-
ly. That is, those of them who have
reeeived licenses. trim cominissiopers
have deeidea who shall sell liquors, for
the next twelve months in 1.3larie'aerd
and who net, 1-hore have been
deprived of license Mr,. Geo, Lee,
Skinner's corners, Geo. Berry, 'Mitchell
Road, and Mr. Draper, Prospect Hill,
day last Inland Revenue collector Caw.
an assisted by Officer Detlor, made
seizure of a illicit distillery which was
in full operation in a building on St.
John street, owned by Mr. R. Cann',
chael, and nearly opposite the Eepositer
office. All the appliances for the dis-
tillation of the beet poteen Nvere corn-
plete, and when -the officers eisited the
place they foand the fires going, and
the vats filled with partially distilled
grain. Tne vats were at once broken
and their contents spilled over the
floor ; the farnace, which was built of
brick, was also demolished, and the
worm and other apparatus removed
and taken charge of by the officsrs.
Two men namedsLeGotne and Howard,
were feund in charge of the premises,
and had been running the establish-
ment. 'When the work of demolition
was completed, Monsieur Frank look-
ed up at officer Cavan and very coolly
remarked alai, " it was a d— shatue
to waste and destroy things in that
way, as he could have turned but with
the rigging the best and purest Scotch
whiekey that ever was made." The
esteblishment has been miming about
two weeks, and considerable liquor has,
tie doubt, loeen turned out. Although
the building is surrounded by resi-
dences and in a public place, none of
the neighbors in the vicinity had any
suspicion that such an importaut insti-
tution was so clese to them.
James Seaton was killed on Friday,
near Preieville, by a falling tree ; on
Oie same day B enry Cunningham fell
into -a eattle-guard ;an the Gr,tod Trott):
near Parkhill e.na died 80011 after being
talten out, and Alex. 111aelde was dro
iu his mill race u ear Richmond Hill;
on Saturdey Wm. Dewey, who nad
taeen run over by a trent at London,
'aea from his arjuries ; and esterday a
of Hairilfaaf London, and James Black
heart disee.d.'
BIG A.RBITRAT1ON.-Sinion Press, the
contraotor of the Drummond Sauble
Bridge, McGillivray, not being eatisfied
with Mr..Corbott's offer ($2,264), placed
Matter in arbitration. Lio. h.
Shipley, and John Levi signed the
award, but Mr. D. Shoff refused. An
appeal to law is now epolteo of Press,
but we herdly think lie Nv ill try it.
1-1ress' claim was over $3,000. The
arbitration lasted nearly five days ; had
the board eat another hour the costs
Nvould have becn exactly $100.,...-
1.01 died euddenly from
Mr. William Jeelane, •
Dorchester, county. e of North
ed iu Huntsville (Muslim. et:lesex.i.,,yrit,
March on his way to settQu.the 22nd
Perry. He drove the entire diNerth
two hundred and fifty miles, witn
yobe of four-year-old Devon oxen,
freighted with 1, 60a poen Is, in 19
days, Sundays excluded. The jDurney
was made an sleigh to Berlin ; thence
on wheels to Barrie, and the remaining
distance on sleigh.
Refering to the Sombre murder
case the Wallacebura Advocate says •
There is not a 11111.11 of any respectabili-
ty in the...1 western counties but feelgt
confident that Smith is the very man
that shot Finlay, and it is the almost
uaiversal opiniou that• he should be
The funeral of A.. T. Stewart, was
the largest that ever took place in New
York, except that of Horace Greoly.
vests one dollar in basiuess should in-
vest one dollar in advertisiug-A. T.
It is understood that the Committee
of the Presbytery appoieted to consider
1-tev. D. J.- McDonnell's case, intend
reporting against him at a meetiret of
the Committee. Oa Tuesday last Mr.
MeDounell apaeared befons them aud
underwent a course of cross-question-
ing ae to his i iterprotiztiort of the Con-
fession of Faith. Most of the ques-
tions he answered to the satisfac ion
of the• Committee, but when aeked. as
to bis belief in the meaning of the
word everlasting, as used by the
Church, he stated a limited time. This
at once decided the Committee to re-
port agaiust his sta,temeut, In view
of this step, the opinion has been ta-
ken of eminent lawyers in reference
to the new St. Andrew's Church, and
they state that if the congregation de-
cide upon supporting Mr. McDonnell
in his course he can keep the church,
and the eGeneral A.ssembly nor any
other body can remove lain. Affairs
have now taken it turn which must
lead to action, and the members of the
church are awaiting the course of
events with intense anxiety.
During the past few days, butter in
Ottawa has reached the high figtire vf
fifty cents per pcund.
The Montreal Board of Health dis-
cussed the frightful mortality existing
among the foundlings *of that city, es-
pecially those in the Grey Nuns _Hes-
pital. Out of 719 received there last
year only 88 sorvived. Ihe con-
clusions arrived at by the Board were
that the babies should be supplied with
pnres milk at stated hours, and that
theft death 'Was a great loss to the
country in population.
1.1he man 'Thompson, NylMse
breaking exploits have already been re-
corded by us, haa been acquitted of the
charge of stealine four head of cattle
from Govenlock, 7>f Shakespeare, and
also of stealing a number of pig,s from
Andrew Walker, Mernington. There
wits coosiderable doubt as t011iS ideali-
ty, and the Judge and Police ,Magis-
trate gave him the benefit.
BODY RECOVERED. -A few days since,
a lad named Davis, of Goderich while
gathering wood. near the Maitlit;niville
Bridge, noticed a dead body floating in
the water. He drew it to the shore,
and having brought his father to the
spot, the remains were recognized as
thbse of Charles Proudfoot, son of Mr
R. Prondfoot, who was drowned, as'
our readers will recollect, on the 19th
of February last. The friends were
at once notified, and the body taken to
Mr; Proudfoot's residence.
SERVED HIM RIGHT. -The scoundrel`
Win. Hunter, Who has for some time
past practiceti sharp ,dodges on farmers
ir, the neighborhood of Goderella tvaa
sentenced by Judge Toms the other
day to eighteec mouths' imprisonment
the Central.
A Goderien sportsman, shooting on
the banks of the ale:al:aid, got :No ner-
Noes when he saW a flock of pigeons
approaching, that on attempting to firs
the gtitt lie fell off, and rolled down
the bank to the river. The fell cans -
ed the gun to explode, end the pigeons
passing over at the time, Were kilted to
the humber of seventeen. TI16 8110 118
matt tray be hiet,',ary day braggIng
abotit ',the miniber of pigeons 'he killed
at lona shot. "
ST, MatitYCS.-7
liottet14:11415:4 life°eIrills\evirnogr
the eurrent year by the coMr1008i0berS;
gr. .1, Westeolt, Royal Hotel ; Dowlitig
salaam (Mail most generally knovvil by
the name Of "Bilminetta Roast," near
the Lopata] helmet] of the G. T. R., A,
great deal Of alSsSfisfuett011 shOWn
at taking off Westeett'e arid leavittg
at least tWO pootet hooses.
1i *tail easev4
hole 010;3
fai)ltr, Jane's Part, 0
fOrat 1244(.401,AP
ptt, by the )303"
,et tne Vtioe'e
04..11, to Me1Y
$auPet cow-
Suotteoreeti,--On the 12th test, at the reel.
tleneo of his son, Toltn ,8beebOthitrilt of
the torubbil) Itlioisloird, laminas Sb
fortakIly et lioxiden, aged 7
Buffalo, April 10,-- cattle -Receipts, 918
heed, making tbe tettiliespely for the week,
9,924 head. Islo nutiltet The fresh
4trtvals were through oonsimaexte.
Sheep snot lambs --Itecemts tooley 3,203
tlead, making the total supply /or the week.
18,000 head, The market was slow. 3ales ot
1,000 at full 500 oh the opening prices of the
wele'lor. auto, 4pril 18th.-Tliere were In to -day
about 300 ltu of wheat ai 01,31 for whito wheat,
03 for aireadwelltana al to et.ta for spring;
:00 au of pees at 74e; and 1604ra eats at 37c
to 3 to. Hay eold at 017.50 ie. $21..50, and
Arm:, at 01.2.
TIMES Oflice, Exeter, A.pril 20, 1876.
White Wuea t 844 es
seriee waeata . se te 95
- Oats
Peas ...
28 to 30
24 to 30
60 tu 60
Eggs ... ' 12 to ' 1.2
13utter ,., 15 to 17
Flour per bbl.... ,. 0 GO to 14 00
Bran ,.., „, 12 to 12
Shorts ... . 3.4, to 16
Hogs 7 00 to 7 50
Beef 4 00 to. 0 I
,. .... ,.. 3 50 to 4 50
1.00 te 2 0,/)
ilea Apples 10 00 to 12 00
1 75 to 2 00
00i0719 • 75 • to 1 00
14 to 14
Turkeys.- - so te.1 oo
Geese-, ... . . ,- . ,„.„.„„....„. . ,.-.._. 30 to 00
Ducks „pr 30 to 00
(Reported regularly by A. Galbraith, Clerk)
Deihl wheat, per bushel ;... 98 ,te 1 08
Spring wheat ... .... ... 98 to 1 00
Barley , '50 to 56 ,
Peas ... ...
Sheepskins ,
.40 31
11..rielo.)tepaitlee,terE.11.b,e,r ba.g..... T.: . . . 54 :50 ., tt at! 6741
ArfourtIthorner" 0 w.,t.
Egg., per dozen ...
Bettor ... ... . 7 1000 tt 00 7 15,0
00012toto13 6102
1,1-Vlah)it.o Wheat, per contal,- 1 00 to 175
Troudwell...-....',••• 150 tol 65
Red Winter \Vhelie..."'...-...-...•-.. 1 50 to 163
Spring Whoat...•-...-..."'...""--.... 155 to 102
Fall -Wheat • ..,.."...• 06 to 96
spring wheat., - - -* 90 to 06
Oats. 0 30 to 90
Barley ili to 42
o 55 to 60 ill.,^
Butter 0 18 to 20 -
Eggs 1 13 to 14
White Wheat 05 to 1 00
Treadw ell 00 to 1 00
Spring 95 to 1 00
Oats 0 29 to 80
Peas " ,- 0 CO to 0 a5
13arley. .
Butter - 56/t 55
17 18
Eggs, per dozen 10' to 16
" Potatoes 25 to 0 2.5
Lard 12 to. 13
Tallow 6 to 7,
Hay . 8 00 te 10 00
t .
Timothy seed 9 05 to 3 50
Clover szed .. ............ . ..... 6 00 to 5 70
NVOgn 35 to 3.5
Sheepskins ...... ....... ..... ... ..........- 1 00 to 1 50
Beef 00 to 6 50
Hides 45 to 5
Pork 00 to 7 60
Deihl wheat, 1.00 Treadwell, 1.00 to 1,02; spring
So to 1.00. Earley, 45 to 50.. Peas, 60 to 65c. Oats
to:3u. eef, 4 to bc. ThItter 15 to 20c Eggs 16
'',3•11 7.. Hiles, per lb, 4icts Tallow, psr, n, Ctfi
'• "skins 80c to 1 01.
07 to 99',
1,0,1,, 7 to 8.00a nTs.-Fall V heat 96 to 98; Spring
.1,,z5to .4; l'eas 60 t:u 62:,:ats 2stio Ito
I out. Otte calSweilie_:
tg House to
nayu's store preferable. A) ,„
D, 8 t...uttliley &
In Mr. Plekard's block, Exeter.
c ‘s, AN, M. D. Physician :-
1.. • surgeon, to., Off,c'e-next dooll At
Baelt's .tore, Main-stieet, Exeter. Residence. -
Mrs. Hamlin's
L." 1,1,11 ritti,ony.
S P 1E4' rits
Mitunitacttirer el and dealer in
utiles, Slit), 4litist44 it 01,0i C4r$1
Paao18, Viahing rrat1c10 mat 'amitora" 0 1)1 1100
ttataato0kalg (20120 in iltnt-cle ,style.
(Bits altered to 02)tva
001(100 "Roy, I aroneo-8ttco t twoort
bandaa Mai Kita,ii L00(.1011)
Allan Line!
Carrying the Canadian and United States Mails.
Trouble of looking afier Bag-
gage, and purchase
and thus a:mid the trouble and confusion at
the Rota's wheie you will pay the same
Rates same as the N. Y. S. S.
One of the first-class, full -powered Olyde-built ,
steamships of the above line, constrneted espe-
cially for the navigation of the Atlantio,,ayerag-
ing irom 3,050 to 4,200 toas, willleave Quebec every
Sathialay for Liverpool and Londonderry,
Sailino.s of Mail Sbearaers.:
SABMATIAN, 22nd April.
itiORAVIAN, 29th April.
PERUVIAN, Oth May. Last from
POLYNESIAN, 18th May. First .I.014
SARDINIAN, 20th May,
PRIJSSIAN. 27th May,
CIRCASSIAN, irtth.- lune.
POLYFESIAN, 24th Itine,
Proota paaaag0 totitieatoa 180220(1 at 10*ealt
ato POVSOliff wishing to bring mit Men.33".,,
atnou;131ps of 020 eittsgptv tifte wilt 1)0
,h8pateiaal trate Quebk,
IrovricItet4(6`ai ()Very ittfornlation apply to
"Times" Office) Exoter.