HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1996-12-23, Page 32Page 32 Times -Advocate, December 23, 1996 Recipes to relieve holiday stress Reducing stress is always a g idea but during the holiday seaso it's critical. With excited childre home from school, festive ente taining, greeting cards to be ad dressed and mailed, last-minu shopping and gift wrapping, yo holidays can easily turn into chaos Get a jump on your activities b preparing food ahead of time. S food shopping early, plan your hol day menus in advance and put gether dishes that store well in th fridge or freezer. Eggs are so versatile they are pe feet for make -ahead foods. Every day meals for your family or appe titers for your guests can quickly prepared with eggs and few other ingredients. For speedy preparation of ome lettes, mix the ingredients the nigh before and store in the refrigerato in an airtight container; just shak before cooking. Previously hard cooked eggs can be quickl chopped into salads and sandwich es. Quiches, fritatas and stratas easy to make and can all be mad ahead of time. Not only are eggs versatile an convenient, they :,re wonderfully nutritious. They are an excellen source of high quality protein and are jam packed with riboflavin, vi tamin B12, vitamin D, phosphorus pantothenic acid, folic acid and vi- tamin A. The Canadian Egg Marketing Agency has prepared some make - ahead recipes that are ideal for the holiday season. The recipes and preparation ideas are found in the ood booklet Holiday Recipes. Close to a n, million of these booklets are pres- n eptly being distributed in stores at r- their egg cases. Here are some make -ahead reci- te pes suggested by the Agency. The ur strata needs to be stored in the re- • frigerator overnight to allow the y flavors to blend and the liquid to be tart absorbed. i- • Overnight festive strata to- 1 tbsp. butter or oil e 12 slices bread 1/2 cups (250-500 mL) Canadian r- back bacon or ham, sliced thinly - 4-6 green onions, chopped 1-1/2 green or red pepper, be chopped a 2 cups (500 mL) shredded cheese (sharp cheddar) - 8 eggs t 3 cups (750 mL) milk ✓ 1 tsp. (5 mL) Worcestershire e sauce - 1/2 tsp. (2 mL) dry mustard Y salt and pepper - Greased a 9" x 13" (3.5 L) baking are dish with butter or oil. Line the dish e with half the bread slices. Top bread with half the meat, half the d green onions, half the green /red pepper and half the cheese. Top t with a second larger of bread. Add remaining meat, green onions, - green/red pepper and cheese. , Mix together eggs, milk and sea- sonings. Pour carefully over entire surface. Cover and refrigerate at least two hours to overnight. Bake at 375 degrees F. for 35-45 minutes or until crisp, puffed and golden brown. Makes 6-8 services. The Lesson of a Lifetime By Kelsi Van Krulstum, Grade 8 Zurich Public School It was December the twenty- fourth and my family and I were planning on exchanging gifts that night. It was mid-afternoon and I couldn't wait until 7:00. I was quite bored and I decided that I would call my best friends, Melvin and Maggie and ask them if they want- ed to hang out at the local pizza parlour. They both said that they had to leave in an hour and that they weren't allowed to go out to- day. I was really disappointed so I just sauntered over to the pizza .place myself, hoping to find some- one there that I knew. However, nopeOf my friends were there and all 1 could see w a lonely looking man sitting in the corner. I thought about going up to him and saying hi, but he didn't look like the type you wanted to say hi to. He was quite large and had on a leather jacket. In a way, he sort of scared me. After I had or- dered a coke, I sat down in my fa- vourite booth and started to feel sorry for myself. I couldn't believe that it was Christmas Eve and I was all by myself in some silly, old piz- za place.The manager then came over and asked me how my parents were. I said that my dad was busy and my mom really enjoyed having her sister over for the holidays. He left and I was alone again. I looked over at the man and he seemed to be crying. I got up the courage to get up and go over. I asked him why he was all alone. He told me that his sister, his only living rela- tive, had become an alcoholic and had refused to go into rehab. As a result of this, she had harmed his small young daughter and causing her to be injured. She was admitted into the hospital and was going to have an operation for her knee, which had been crushed.The opera- tion was going to be on Christmas Day and the man had just taken a break from sitting at the child's bedside.Right then I felt sorry for the man and my worries seemed pitiful. I offered him a coke and he thanked me for being so kind. He headed out the door and I waved goodbye. Letter to Santa By Ashley Bedard, Grade 2 St. Boniface School Dear Santa: I want a little watch and a big bike. I really want a million dollars. I want a new doll house. I want a big porcelain ballerina doll. I want a CD and computer. Love Ashley (Optional: Add leftover cooked vegetables on top of the meat layer). Five fast canapes Egg and Caviar Canapes Combine 1/4 cup (50 mL) may- onnaise with 1/4 tsp. (1 mL) papri- ka. Spread on crackers. Garnish with half a slice of hard cooked egg, red caviar and fresh oregano. Egg salsa bites Spread crackers with mayon- naise. Garnish with a thin slice of cucumber, a slice of hard cooked egg and a generous dab of salsa. Bruchetta baguette slices Toast thin slices of French ba- guette. Combine chopped hard cooked egg, chopped tomato, olive oil'atid chopped fresh basil. Spread on baguette slices. Garlic shrimp 'n egg canapes Spread crackers with herb and gar:ic cream cheese dip. Add a slice of hard cooked egg, a medium shrimp and a sprig of parsley. Dined egg and smoked salmon on rye Combine 1/4 cup (50 mL) spread- able cream cheese with 1 tsp. (5 mL) chopped fresh dill. Spread on thinly sliced rye bread or on crack- ers. Garnish with a slice of hard cooked egg, a small roll of smoked salmon and fresh drill or parsley. To receive your Holiday Recipes booklet by mail, write to: Holiday Recipes, Canadian Egg Marketing Agency, P.O. Box 69038, RPO Place de Ville, Ottawa, Ontario KIR 9Z9. As well, a vast array of egg recipes can be found on the In- ternet at www.canadaegg.ca. The Exeter Legion Ladles collected grocery tapes for dona- tion to the Huron County Christmas Bureau. Pictured, Mary Thompson, treasurer, makes the donation of proceeds from cash register tapes collected at bi-weekly bingo to Rev. Dan Roushome. A Wish By Curtis A. Pfaff, Grade 5 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel I have a wish, a wish for all hungry people so that they may have food. I'd die without food for a day. These people don't have food for years. I wish everyone had food. Christmas Wishes By Grade 1 Precious Blood School Kelsey Hern: There would be no more pollution Eric Schroeders: People wouldn't kill animals in the forest Jody Spring: The desert animals will have food Becky Meindinger: There would be no more fighting Molly Hunter: There would be no more killing people Marc Denomme: No one would die Mike Joyce: No one would get hurt Eric Schroeders: People would have enough food Kelsey Hern: We would have fresh clean water for the people and the animals 3112/1/2/ VaCki.CUCVS, CM Tikt/171A1 blab X, AD", a 2, s 41Q, Jikvix.ft'i,' evaQ,Idii# 'may, nvtt am/ ncvm.ect ,2Ccvivn. So/na. The Frog Who Stole the Christmas Spirit By Deanna Zandwyk, Grade 6/7 Zurich Public School He glared down at Jolly-ville! The frog looked in astonishment! Then he screamed( What people were doing he didn't think they meant! Every jolly down in Jolly-ville, the couples and the peoples, They were crying like all of us weeples. He had stopped all the reindeer and the presents too, It never came! Somehow or other, it didn't come at all! And the frog and his sticky tongue all so cold and hungry, Stood thinking and thinking of food all so crunchy. Then he started thinking the calen- dar wasn't changed, They weren't dated or properly numbered, It was windy and it thundered. He started thinking and thinking and then he said, "I got it! It is Christmas in three months, If it was Christmas there would be lumps and bumps, Of snow and so much more." And that night the Frog told the whole village, Well....in Jolly-ville they say, That the village and the frog Will dance happily every Christmas day! Brenna Anstett Grade 5/6, Exeter Public School There once was a shownum named frosiy Whose friends 1Mwwlh he was really bossy lie was as cold as ice SNI Na looked m nice 7hai poor cold old snowman named holy Done by Ryan Rnee Santa's Christmas Wish By Leanne Cronyn, Grade 4 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel On Christmas Eve when Santa was getting ready for take -off, he thought to himself, I wish, I wish that all the homeless people will have food, a home, a family and love, on Christmas Eve. Water-ville By Nate Haggitt, Grade 6/7 Zurich Public School He stared down at Water -Ville The ghost popped a bubble in the water Then he sighed. What he saw was a bad surprise! Every water droplet in Water-ville, the long, the big Were taporating,. witheutranry 'Sun at all! He couldn't stop it from happen- ing! They went, somehow or other, and the Ghost with, his ghost feet cold in the water, stood wondering, and wondering how could it be so? It came without sun, it came without people, sun or light, and he won- dered four hours 'till his wonderer was sore. Then the ghost thought of something he hadn't before, maybe evaporation he thought doesn't come from the sun, maybe evapora- tion...perhaps...means a little bit more, and what happened then, well, in Water-ville they say that the ghost's heart grew three water droplets that day. 11d*'�� •,{ • . 7 Y"�.i'i.{i. •'24'V"4' 141-40:* t °ire'. •Y Letter , to Santa . By Breapne.Monique Becker, Grade 4 St. Boniface School Dear Santa: Merry Christmas! Thank you a lot for last year's presents. I really appreciated that. I especially liked that Pocohontas watch. How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? I have been trying to be good and trying to help my family out. This year I would like: food for the starving people; nice, warm clothes for the poor people; good health for my friends and family; something for the elves. I don't care what I get from you. 1 will try to be good. I am nine years old. My name is Brcanne Mo- nique Becker. Love Breanne How the Grouch Stole Christmas . By Scott Turkbeim, Grade 6r7 Zurich Public School She glowered up at Happy-ville! The Grouch covered her eyes! Then she fainted! What she spied wads an eye - spying surprise! Every Happy up in Happy-ville, the skinny and the wide, was danc- rnWI ithout any gifts at all! She hadn't stole Christmas! It appeared! Somehow or other it appeared, it appeared with a beard! A big jolly red guy, he appeared, he appeared with a beard! And the Grouch, with her Grouch -toes were all froze and so was her nose! The Grouch stood thinking and thinking: how, Hey what happened to my toe? On well. It came without ribbons! It came without flags! It came without packages, boxes or zigzags! And she thought five hours, till her thinker was sore. Then the Grouch thought of something she hadn't before! Maybe Christmas she thought doesn't come from a store! Maybe Christ- mas...perhaps...means much, much more! And what happened then...? Well...in Happy-vilte they say. That the Grouch's tiny heart grew nine sizes that day. (Adapted from how the Grinch Stole Ctlristmas) Why Christmas is Special to Me By Jessica Bickel!, Grade 3 Usborne Central One night on Christmas Eve I went upstairs into my bedroom and started to read my book "The Night Before Christmas." I got halfway through and I was too tired to read so I turned off my light and went to sleep. At night when I was sleep- ing, I had a weird dream that I saw Santa but he never saw me. After he left I played with my toys for a while and went back to bed. In the morning I had the same toys that I played with in my dream. Letter to Santa By Jeffery Timmerman Huron Centennial Dear Santa: I have been a good boy this year. Here is my little Christmas list for you! 1. Dump truck; 2. dinkey cars; 3.. tractors; 4. clothes; 5. pencilb'-a 0 erasers; 6. truck and wagon. Santa this is alt I could think of for you. I liked the presents you gave me last year. I played with them a lot. I am looking forward to you writ- ing back to me. I wish I could see you but I have to be in bed before you come. I have my Christmas tree all ready up and decorated for you. See you later Santa. Your truly, Jeffery Timmernians My Christmas Wish By Katie McKeever, Grade 4 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel My Christmas wish is that children all over the world can have clothes and parents and have a good Christ- mas and that is my Christmas wish. IVINthen mulch P * iw f tnhost